Issue 1: Charity’s Assets Financial records were removed from the charity’s premises Recommendation 1 We highlighted that the charity trustees are collectively responsible for all the activities of the charity and as such they have a collective general duty of care for the charity, and they must all observe the requirements of the act. We recommended that the charity trustees look at attending training courses related to data protection. We highlighted that Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) provides a number of data protection courses that would be of benefit to the charity. Issue 2: Financial Controls From reviewing the information available it is apparent that there have been some concern over the financial controls of the charity and how awarded grant funding has been utilised by the charity. Recommendation 2 The charity trustees confirm the reporting requirements in relation to grant funding the charity was awarded. We made recommendations to the charity to create and implement formal financial controls and procedures. We highlighted to the charity that in doing so would show greater transparency and promote a greater deal of trust in the charity from the public. We informed the charity that they can obtain further guidance and training by contacting Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire (VASLan) or by contacting SCVO. We also recommended that the charity continue to recruit additional trustees and volunteers to add to the charity’s current skill set. Issue 3: Conflict of Interests The charity does not have a conflict of interest policy in place Recommendation We made further recommendation that the charity look to add additional trustees and suggested that the trustees look for assistance in recruitment through VASLan. It was highlighted to the trustees that they were perhaps being too restrictive in the type of individual that they were looking to recruit as trustees. It was highlighted that new trustees could receive additional training to provide the charity with greater depth of knowledge and skills. We also recommended that the charity seek guidance from VASLan on creating and implementing a conflict of interest policy and register of interest.