March 30.. 203.7? SUMMARY OF FINDINGS- Reparts 01" Sexual Harassment and Assault Executive Summary: This irwestigetien leeks inte a series of incidents involving_, a current Garden. Cellege student. After receiving three different complaints in February related to the canduct 0f -. the Garden College Title IX foiee initiated err ilwestigetieh to determine whether the accused. constituted-e threet its other Garden students. The. initial ellegetitms included sexual essauit, sexual harassment, and physical assaultireielietien which had prim" te -estpeeted greduatieii in May 2016.. These reptiles came as a response it: return to campus in January 281.7. - After receiving the first three reparts through the Title Dfiiee, investigaters Mike .13th end. - Hannah. Selim-?ler were assigned tn the case by "Nancy Andersen. After meeting with the. three the .iiwestigeters were given (idler names (if students wire had experienced similar issues [if with- In tetal, 7 students made Specific reperts.t Outside ef these seven. individuals. the investigaters spake with 2 .edditienel students whe served as witnesses. itclditieriellyF the investigaters spoke with Si. current staff member what had been involved with -in the pest and uiEe-red informeden. After speaking with cmiipleinants and. witnesses, the ihvestigemrs intewiewed -, wire was else trifered the appertunity tn tiring witnesses or evidence. - did net bring er effer witness-es er evidence it] the hivestigetiee. Scrape 0f the .Itwes-tigatien: The information previded by the complements: constitutes ce'mpleints under the Garden. Celiege Sexual Miscenduet Policy and Title in this case, tie-e te multiple reperts, the Cellege initiated as. investigatiee to assess whether there was an. mighilig threat at Gordon College. At the direction of Title IX Cem?dinetor Nancy Andersen, Mike Jacobs end. Hamish Schumdler (Title IX Investigaters) conducted the investigetiee, as required by university policy and federal law; The findings 0f the investigation are below. The complainants provided the 0f additienal and witnesses. The investigators that With all wire were willing to cemply with the investigation, as well es their witnesses. Finally, the investigetm?s met with -t0 hear his testimony and ask fer further in?ammation, witnesses, or evidence item. him. Findings: 1 It slmuid he noted that while seven students made reports, rarity six gave [remission for the Title EX team to use their name and testizrm-ny during the intewiew witit- The findings eel}! incl-ride the six mmpleinenis who were formally part of the investigation. The six templainatits in this. 'inv-eatigatien described similar patterns df behavior from the respondent. This. pattern includes persistent, unwanted advances, constituting Sexual harassment, sexual assault, and physical and verbal retaliatiuu in. to complainants declining advances. These incidents occurred spanning a "peried [if time between Fall semestEr mid and. December 20.15. Three complainants described incidents of Sexual assault, in which the accused bunched the breasts or thighe of the complainants. One complainant described physical assaultfretaiiatieai in to declining the advances of the accused. Other described specific instances 0f sexual harassment, in. which they received unwanted advances er text describing sexual acts. Atheme througheut the testimonies was that despite communicating their wishes or lack ef interest, the accused persisted in verbal or physical. advances,putti11gthe complainants in situatieus in. which they felt physically or e-motienaliy The accused willineg participated in the investigation and reapended t0- the first five cumplaintsd 'i?ie denied the allegatione of sexual aasault, harassment, and. retaliation, nffering different versionaef events and a-utcemea with the five mmplaiuants. When asked to provide. witnesses {at evidence, the accused did not want to effer names; he aim did net have text messages 0i? other evidence in stipend his Iciaims. Tea-it messages, a phdte, and witnesses c-nrtuherate seine. allegatiem, though other allegatidds iaek firm evidence. The number ef allegatinna, and the evidence that dues. wtmherate seine claims, constitutes a preponderance Df evidence in fever of the complainants? uveiali claim, which is that -h'a5: Vielated Garden?s Sexual Miscoddect pelicy the past and parses a threat be women an Garden?s campus in the future. 2 A sixth cemplaint came in t0 the office after the initial interview. The investigators reached out it) the accused fur questions- regarding this aiiegetien but did. net receive a respense.