Page 1 of 1 Mark Norcross From: Jan Rogers Fmay, May 01' 2015 8 39 AM Yo: Police Swom Subject: BIKER MEETING lam getting inlormalion more men one source regarding a large meeting. The meefing is a Canlederauan of Clubs (:00 meeling and will be held atTwin Peaks on Sunday May 17'h at 1300. All me big shots are expected in be preseni along with all read and gold suppon clubs from down south, Approximately 300 bikers expected in allend ihis event Keep in mind pan oi me tension helween me Bandidns and me Cossacks is the fan that the Cossacks ieluse panicipaie in me coc and pay dues like all me other hiker gangs (clubs). If me Cossacks anemm Io anend uiis meetlng or show up at this locaiion, me polenlial Ior violence is very high. I'll keep everyone posted as inlunnanon is obtained. Detective Jeff Rogers Assault, Financlal Crimes and Gang Waco Police Department 3115 Pine Ave, Waco, 1X. 76708