IN was; 1'13?er L's 0151x161 mum? View: 01v ?7 I FATRICIA an}: ws Aduunistratz?in -. - at? the 33:me a: H4. . WISE, VS a} O. D. DECKER $036AIR The Plaintiff claim! of the defienzian?a 113mg Lam oi i?inet?3'?vg ?6 {5 thousand nine hundred dollars 900. 00), upon the ioiimwing 1?3? LL action: 1. Plaintiff is a. resident and citizen of the State 03? New Jersey, residing therein at 16 Madison Avenue, Laurel Springa. .4 . A 2. Defendant Dickersnn is a remden: and altinan mi the Commonwealth of residing therein 31%: 12.6 We at Any Avenue, in the City of PhiladelphiaDefendant William Kershaw?ie?. a; resident, and citizen L322 Lumdth of residing therein at 259 Elam: Evergreenf in the City of Philadelphia,? 1 Me {gamma hymn. ?i?vu?ax?ixy at? mm, i thaw a?rhaum: sin in axgmma mi 5. Mien-dangm avg: e?gaget? an amvpartmm?r? 511161 Qr??ami?mi?g? m'm?t?i?ing, amndm?ng and: aapaarviging gaming tourr? for hay?? Whi?h buEinca? i? ?anducnu! ?92? 233.?. 6.. an: .xlmm: 31:13:? 11, 1?53. {221% pim?ti??s d?ma??nt 33* at? a canwing gas-my. urganizv?i by the and, under mm (1.113001 aw?r??i?n of this: duh-?darn (J, D. will: 4.11% than 313:1 th?x? acti?g as eithar ?lm partner mf the dc fr; a} ndam William Kcruh-Lw 0r 3% Ma agrirant, 38611:: {31" 3mployc 1 actng in tha- Scope and courage 0f 113:3 empla?rm?n?bu 7. On the said date, at or near Ban?, Proving-p Qf Alb?lrta: Dominion 9f Canada, the said defendant 0. D. Dickerson ?m-gliguntlv and without proper precaution permitted the plaintiff?s deer dent, andgt'hcr bays to attempt to climb Mt. Temple without proper-or adequate supuxvision, 8. During the progress of the attempt to aacend the said Mt. Temple and because of conditions of which the. dcf?ndants knew {321* Should have known there occurred an avalanche as a result of which the plainu??s beedent was injured and subsequently died. 9. The death of the plaintiff's decedent?waa nausea by him, 4 HgO?ge of the defendants or their servants, agents or employeesresult?of the negligence {3f the the dent underwent great conscious gain and suifaring mam the until the time of his death. 13?, Watrux?a ?Eur?a, wee agapaimtmi magmas? 1262::sz 13? 9-1116 ?air-rem ef H, Wine, 2; Meyer, by {My Regime-r, Wine Muutgemery County, Wmey?ie?ania, cm September 12. lyinusti??e left earri?ng 1mm hi3 him?! ?rtfzur J. Wiee, and his member, Kleenex Wine. 133. All Hm {ems alleged in the {Uregming paragrayh? are" alleged mder and ?rt! h: hurh Juaes ?31; Lian. FIRST CAUSE OF ACT 10": I4. Plaintiff, Patricia Burns, as arimimxtrutrix of th? lest-31" Of William H. Wise. 1.1, deceased, brings this anion in behalf nf EM of the decedent under the. Act of the Province of knuw?n 3,8 ,the ?Fatal Accidents Act? R.S.A. 1922, (3.196. 157. Plaintiif's decedent did next bring any action during his lifetime, nor bans any other Action fer the death of plaintiff?s decedent been conzmenced against the defendants herein. 16. Plaintiff, Patricia Burns, as admini?tratrix of the kt. "tats of William H. Wise, II, a minor, deceased, claims? damages in the turn of Forty-three thousand five hundred dollars 500. 00) {or the has: suffered by the survivors ef the'decedent by reasnn and the ?the said William H. Wise, II, a minor, as. well as reimbursement bills, funeral expenses and other expenses incurred in congealed) 33 4- <33 33:3sz 3333333333, 33.333333 31.33333. 33 33.3 3332333313 <33" Wiiliam .8. Wise. II. a, (3323333312331. 53130 332133333? $113? 33:31:33,333 in 3333133131? of the 333333.33 at? 'Wzi?iatn H. Wiae. If, decaa??d. 313313!? 3:33:23. whim: of the statutes 9f the ilrovinceEf Alhert3, 191.3. A3 932.2,, it, 2233 3-: 38? 18. 33.3 a regew 1:31? the death ef the 33.51.11 Withaz?n H3 W'i??s 13;: .3. Wear 211$ eetata hag been deg: rived of the ecmnetnie value 03? the life: during the peried 01? his in and 1 plaintiif, Patricia 'Buxn?, as admnietretrix m: the ear we H. Wise, 3331, a miner, Chums damages in sum mt" l?ltTk whva?amiraf?. 433113.333 409. 99) ?91? 1.1m pnruiuarv lures sustainr by Hu- L'thl" a, result 03: 11:19, death 318 Well as, n-inubursonu-nt {or Invdicnl bills funurnl (?gums-3 and expenses i?ncurrcdi? connection therewith. I9. Iv?laintiff, Pat lit: 1:1 Burma, nH? HM are 01" Willi.~1m Ht. Wisw, 1.1. .1 minor, dun-:lsv-ci, chums. in behalf 0f; estate of the plaintiff-?5' decedent, damugue f0}: 1:15:33 conscious pain and :ring undergone by plaintiff's decedent. 20. As a. result of the untimely death of the decede?t,? the Eff, Patricia Burns, as administratrix of the estate of William 13.333.33? Lnor, deceased, claims of the defendants herein the additienal sum ?ve thousand dollars ($25,000. ooyfor the value .3. the, and enjoyment of the life ofmthe decedent whit}; was cut Sheri by RICI-LE 3 EAR3GE 3.3 ?er NHHUV L, b? 0 .. ?a I'@Qf: MM at?? 3.95; ,5 {imm? 2 4.32:: wag, 35* $5 a rift; RBC ?33 a; I a; 1., $152973; 3,31%: ?margin a as? {1?3112?16 1'3. ZDSOE?za-rSha-l?na? 9f Pa. ?:19 t; 2. @331" 2.4 . h- ,2 at" rut} 8.3. garshal . $354 . . a 2? hut 9i ACTION sf? ?nitm?: ?tuiru {linlrirt stunt252%}? 2% A. {32:42-22 5924222222222 ?12512 $3212- 1 $222! ?Si, Intro'vi? 1?3 . Mm paint2222222. U. Luv: 222%g22d i3 2222 gs; 22,2 5 .2 I??wwe {ihg? a >41 yum-:and humus manna. If a" ?I?fc? Defendant I To the-above named Defendants You hereby summonml and required to serve upon: Richter, Lord 6-: Faragg, 28233., plain attorney . whose address in 121 South Broad Street 315802 Phila., 7, Pa. In upon you, within 20 'mm . . ., Mmududmofthedayotservioe. Hdays aftmgawice If you fail to do no, judgment by ?e?mlt 22m ?4.25:2, . a, f; {Eivii fiatigm it?ky} .4 323. Ef?g?w?w? and Fa: waep??: 3. ?ami? :11, Egg, ?23m} ?ew 12.2 ?03m} 5traat Eiaig a. a? ii a; Phil?id??i?hia Ema; a? 545?; my": 1" f?eage tak? aatiaa that tag 03%} af Er. bar J. @136 ghall ha at tnu affiaa Qf Eaamg, ?arwg? .161? Land Title Building, and ?tiraw?im, :delnhia, on Friday; Qct?her 19$ at Bt?? before Gear H. Lennox, Jr., Notary Public, gr ?m?h ath?? as is entitled to administ?r oaths, and shall continm? Ly to day thereaft?r until completed. Ybu are invited t5 attend an? examine the 9 desire. DUANE, MOREIS ?Sc ?Attorneys for defendants By: K) M. 1617 Land/Title Bldg. Philadelphia 10 9a.. 11?: r1 FQH THE EA WTERN EISTRICT FA $933 {315. 333 Adm inigt m; :er of ?lm Katat? 9f IL ?3 mm mum Na). 19am 0? CKERSON . ?Find WILLIAM Duana, Marrxs was 1617 Jami ?guiding, f; Phiiad&lphu 10 Penn . plaintiff US of: action, far above named the deposition 1: as authorized by the Federal on the zl?tdawa hereafter 2(er day at. Suite 510, 7' . 5, 1956 RICHTER, LORD a; PARAGE ?1 ?w ?9 m, . Cbunsel for Plaintiff fr; {qt ??223 ,21:33.11? {0.33? 333:3 6.2.3 3? 1?3: ?33.3333?a3 .3. 333 13 :3 ?1 1332.3 c333. 3133? 3.33133 (2323.333 311:3 :23 333313 33:33 53:31.injuries 33, 333 333tm 3? 3313333 3. 3333, Ii ,3u '3 in 33013 03 in part, 93 33r3 contribgt3? 39 33 333 333 3332133303. M. 3335wa 1 4. Sixth Qefense ?Ctr-3. The decedent and 313 parents v313333311~ f; 3.7} 33 I hazar33 af?the situation and 3ol3ntarily 3333 '3i 3 risk 3f harm. udAr?E EAURHIE 8; 3137'? 3C3 {:33 Att torneys far def"3333 ?blaintirf ed action, for above name use as autharized the deposition of: the Feder; in in; lunoriv Luau-u unnu- Hir lazuli-n ici'vliio- 1 mt o-gnraul lti?i" 1.1 "Inner.- H'i?si- .4 .ln. i [All if .. . livil Nu 1" l' U. I?ivhhitmom and iAki fin?i?gg if; 'i ?A?Kliiti ?0-000, iroi/ Laud 'l?liia ?lithium. i?hlia-iniphia it). Patina. ,2 ilk. native that pluiuil? uhnvv. mornnd will take in tho entitled action. for i Hula! of Civil an In autiaorizml Prov-dare. the domaltion of: Hm min ta! Frosting-before a notat- ., Fcbruary i9 57 at 3:00 o'clock. to day It the kid ".ch hi. 7 nod. at Suite 510. 121 . . . nt which time and - value you no hereby mulled to appear and uh. l'tICh put In said 2? "839'! you may b. adviud and as shall be (it and proper robruary 5. i957. . RICHTER, LORD in 23313! LEVY m? D. DICKERSON . and 4 KERSHAW AND now. 4?20 1957; new ?W??lde'mtiw the: within?motion, it Is hereby ORDERED: . The: the nettle-meat in the arnount of 000. {Bi} 1% approved, and the 1f authorised to?execute the 31% lenses to effect said settlement: That the sum of $471. 53 be paid to RIChter. mea?a: 577a Enquire-s, as reimbursement for costs tdvunced; m: the sum of 176. 16 be paid to Richter. yard E?QUirel. Ila counsel fee; The. the balance of the proceeds of the settlement be Eta Arthur J. Wise and Eleanor L. Wise, surviving parents of decedent,? lnce of Alberta, Canada, knewn as the MFatal {a 19?, mg no puf?ng: thereof is allocated uncle 4 . 211%.. ?6 @355 3:33 of the Prov - ..A My . .I .- - 3514? 1376?! IA IHIHQQ, {A??-St??jit II. .0 I MIMI MI I NM ?43 .H IUqu?u-?d . 2L 33 A Low? 3 In?! NIH MI ?but?i - .. AND 91!! nmutnm ~01 Th. at mum? huI Ha I3 . "0'9.qu. ms. ?0 n. of ?w mutate: :E'uu?m ?y Hunt-MI? of 0?an Pamnylunu. luhuqmnm than?. mnug3 m3 3333333mu~u I3 ?#13 Mm MI ?than Arthur Ln vmmul Mn 36?? ?a ?g 11 hunt A Law." mam has?: eaq?aawmazmi aw In 0w inwucmulm. ?51? magi {gas}, ?Nous that] cu ?Hanu- U. I. (Town ?t ?Urlh? gm mm 7 Easy ?1 . anqlum an and 00 ,7 may?? ML 13;} a} In a! 21m 3? Gibby-o L. 70 1a hunch. I. j! Roy? Canadian Noun at? Polio. up." ?33 00 Tuneup! at awn? 18!. oo Tun: a um. Cu.? 310.00 I 6. mam. Lord thaw. lo?uluo. toquau the, cum 0! 16 ?an! Th. ?Lulu nu docodont'u death happouwi climb 0! Mt. Temp". or nur Bantf. Provinm mi? mom: my. you Rum-gm. Court ?out. the accuury "lean? to Lord Lew? Esquixaami F: 333 for ndvamf In tho urn-mm as! ?61: #333?! (ms in :33Allocutlng tho balance. of 3:3 132%:23333 3? 3m maximv A A a? maxi? {grief}; Wit, .352. 31 and-r 1h. 01th Proving?! ?315 Ag-?i?ft? pl it "Hi? ?Fatal Act" I. 8. A. 1922. c. @196. and no porti?m 3333333 33 be allocated undu- tho ?Imu- o! the Provinco of Alb-rug 3- 55" A ?322? c. 220. I. 28. max-Irma. LORD LEVY BY :1 01 for Plum?.ff mmvumi mu m: 3.3.9923? . 1 t! OM Vi!? 1M n?'sgic. @5555 ?i?hmx- a $0 t?t?um *1 Album aunt saw ?z?i??ww NH. my 5! (t ?Th ?vcidoms AN: man-r; grain!- ohp?th and at. 4. Evtry INCH action be (or tho born?! the axis. hu'b'fld- rhald. broth-r or sister at the pcrl?n who-r d-Hh been so caused and shall b. brought by In the name of [he exocutor or of th. porn-n dacossod and in I ?Ch Action the Court may give such damagss us it thinks propel-hon"! to tho ?uniting from such dumb to the plrtI-I for whom and for Who-s benefit such action has boon brought. o. 1898. C. 4a. .n 3s] 5. Not more than one sction shall lie for sad in respect Of the same '?hloct nutter of compllint sud every such scuon be ??mm??cod within twelve months after th- of the deco-mod person. 1898. c.48. Chapter 220 AN ACT RESPECTING TRUSTEES AND EXECUTORS AND THE ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES It t? Rights and Liabilities of Executor-s and Adminxst?rators. 28. The executors or of any decessed person msy mainuiu sn sction for s11 torts or injurhs to person or to the roll or persons! oststa of in cans of libs]. sud slander in the suns with an suns rights and remedies s- the dussud would it away; have been entitlsd to do; sud the damsges that} recanted shall form part of the personal of the dacessed; mt such action be Ina-Ought within one year sitar his decease. [1903 (2). c.11. ms'rmc-r COURT 3 org! mam. UNITED STATES ?01 THE EASTERN DISTRI 3 af the Estate {33? WILLIAM H. WISE, daaease? 3 Civil?Acztion mm ?239 STIPULATION OF 5 AND NOW, to wit. this 10th day of hereby. stipulatedfand "agreed by and between. RICHTEIR, 1.02m 29; mvyi 28.3, attorneys for plaintiff; an? NE, MORRIS a: 13:33:23,:1, may 3 for defendants . thatthe ?bmre matter be dismissed with prgjudice at cost: to ?ither party. RICHTER, LORD a: 57m 100m ya ?03: Plaintif?i Atmz?ney fer