Boy, 5, Killed By Auto in Neighbor's Car Knocks Down Son of Socialite Riding a scooter onto the high- way. a ?re-3'ear-old boy. only child or the socially-prominent 3.11. and Mrs. Mark Edwin Balis. was killed by an automobile in front of his home at 519 More- land are. after 3 P. M.. yesterday. The child. Marl-z Edwin Balls. was apparently killed instantly as the front right wheel of the car. operated by: Mrs. fiei?trude Sullivan Mitchell. 53. of Artimorr- are- near Moreland. ran over his body: after he had been knocked to the ground. ?nal-4TH STREET He had been playing around the heme and suddenly.- turned the scoot- er into a. sloping drireway, coasting down to the street. Mrs. Mitchell. who had just start~ ed out for a drive and was moving slowly. rounded a corner near the Balis house and applied the brakes when she saw the child dart in front. of the machine. But her attempt to aroid hitting him was futile. She halted her ear before the rear wheel had touched the child, and then tool-r him to Chestnut Hospital. where he was pronounoed dead. Later. at a hearing before Justice [if the Pence Charles S. Idell. Mrs. Mitchell was held in bail on a charge of by automo- lbile, [wnding action hr Uoroner W. S. Jim-shone. of Montgomery county. TESTIFIES AT HEARING Testifying at the hearing. William Engler. chieir of Spring?eld township police. related Mrs. Mitchell's story that the child had darted out of the driveway.' too suddenlyr Ior her to avoid striking him- The child was a ?rst grade pupil at the Germantown Friends School. Balis. a graduate of Yale Univer- sity, class of 192?. is a partner in the insurance brokerage ?rm of Lukens. Savage, ??ashburn a; Balis. with of+ flees at 132 S. 4th at. A member of the Gemantown lEI'it'l-Itet Club, he Is a. ?rst cousin of the late Amelia Ear- hart Putrnan. world-tamous ariatriit. Mrs. Balis is the former Rose .1. Townsend.