Additional Scope of Work Contract Addendum Supplier Deere & Ault Consultants, Inc. Contract Number 2017-041 Date June 30, 2017 Project: Evaluation of the potential to incorporate in-situ reservoirs as a component of Aspen’s Integrated Water System Work Completed by Date: October 31, 2017 Amount: $116,000.00 The Added Scope of Work shall be appended to the original contract agreement dated March 27, 2017 and approved by City Council on March 27, 2017, Resolution #60. The amended SOW and fee will be reviewed by City Council on July 10, 2017 via Resolution #102. All terms and conditions apply. SCOPE OF WORK FOR RESERVOIR PRE-FEASIBLITY INVESTIGATIONS Based on our in-situ screening study, we have developed the following scope to perform prefeasibility investigations for storage projects. The scope will primarily consist of feasibility level site investigations, a conceptual layout and documentation in a memorandum. These investigations will provide data to better define the engineering geologic conditions at the site. We will use existing LiDAR topographic data for the conceptual layout, so no surveying is included. Full feasibility level analysis and reporting, if necessary, would be performed in a later phase. Task 1 – Project Management This task is reserved for project management tasks including meetings, correspondence and contracting. Most correspondence will be phone conversations and conference call meetings to discuss the status of the work. This task also includes two engineers to attend two meetings in Aspen, one with City Council and one to interview any gravel miners in the vicinity. Task 2 – Reconnaissance Level Engineering Geologic Mapping For this task, we will conduct reconnaissance level geologic mapping of the site and nearby vicinity. We will identify and observe any rock outcrops or soil exposures in the area. We understand some gravel deposits in the area may contain boulders, so if adequate exposures are found, we will conduct a boulder count to estimate the locations and maximum size of boulders in the deposit. We have budgeted for approximately two days of work to complete this task. Task 3 – Geotechnical Investigations We will conduct feasibility level geotechnical investigations at the site. These investigations will include drilling five to six borings, excavating five to eight test pits and performing laboratory testing on soil and rock samples. The borings will provide information on depth to bedrock, the approximate location of any boulder layers and permeability data for the bedrock. We will also install nested piezometers to investigate the hydrogeologic conditions at the site. The test pit excavations will be planned look for fine-grained soils that could be used for embankment or slope liner construction as well as the potential for supplemental fines for slurry wall construction. A qualified geologist will observe, log and sample the borings and test pits. Select samples collected from the borings and test pits will be submitted to a soils testing laboratory for index tests, including: gradation, fines-content, Atterberg limits, moisture content and density. We will subcontract a driller and an excavator operator and call the Utility Notification Center of Colorado to locate any utilities that may exist prior to digging. Task 4 – Conceptual Layout This task will involve a conceptual layout of a reservoir at the site. We will consider in-situ storage as well as open water storage. We will use an existing LiDAR topographic survey for this work, so a survey is not needed at this time. This task will include the following items: • • • Conceptual layout including an elevation-area-capacity curve and water delivery infrastructure. A geologic profile, showing existing foundation conditions. Potential volumetric calculations. We will develop a pre-feasibility level engineer’s opinion of the expected cost of construction of the conceptual reservoir, including engineering, permitting and contingency. Task 6 – Memorandum We will summarize the results of our pre-feasibility investigation in a concise memorandum. The document will include summary logs of the borings and test pits, the plan and profile of the conceptual layout and the preliminary cost estimate. Because full feasibility level analysis will not be performed, our recommendations will be limited. FEE SCHEDULE Tasks 1 2 3 4 5 Description Hours/Units Project Management & 2 Meetings in Aspen Don Deere, Principal Victor deWolfe, Project Manager Miscellaneous expenses Reconnaissance Engineering Geologic Mapping Don Deere, Principal Victor deWolfe, Project Manager Staff Geologist CAD/GIS Technician Miscellaneous expenses Geotechnical Investigations Don Deere, Principal Victor deWolfe, Project Manager Staff Engineer CAD/GIS Technician Geotechnical Drilling Subcontractor (5-6 borings) Test Pit Excavation Subcontractor (5-8 pits) Soils Testing Laboratory Miscellaneous expenses Conceptual Layout Don Deere, Principal Victor deWolfe, Project Manager Staff Engineer CAD/GIS Technician Miscellaneous expenses Memorandum Don Deere, Principal Victor deWolfe, Project Manager CAD/GIS Technician Clerical Miscellaneous expenses 32 40 4 24 24 16 40 90 110 70 1 1 1 10 40 16 24 8 24 16 4 Rate $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total 340.00 125.00 $ $ $ 10,880.00 5,000.00 900.00 Subtotal Task 1 $ 16,780.00 340.00 125.00 95.00 98.00 $ $ $ $ $ 1,360.00 3,000.00 2,280.00 1,568.00 300.00 Subtotal Task 2 $ 8,508.00 340.00 125.00 95.00 98.00 18,000.00 4,400.00 2,200.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 13,600.00 11,250.00 10,450.00 6,860.00 18,000.00 4,400.00 2,200.00 3,300.00 Subtotal Task 3 $ 70,060.00 340.00 125.00 95.00 98.00 $ $ $ $ $ 3,400.00 5,000.00 1,520.00 2,352.00 300.00 Subtotal Task 4 $ 12,572.00 340.00 125.00 98.00 90.00 $ $ $ $ $ 2,720.00 3,000.00 1,568.00 360.00 500.00 Subtotal Task 5 $ 8,148.00 Total $ 116,068.00 Total Estimated Cost (rounded to nearest $1,000) $ 116,000.00 CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO: SUPPLIER: ________________________________ _________________________________ [Signature] By: _____________________________ [Name] [Signature] By: Don W. Deere [Name] Title: ____________________________ Title: Chairman of the Board Date: ___________________ Date: June 30, 2017