Page 2 of3 almost every respect than Senator naeohler 'e a bill panned by the $enate last year. Unlike that.mieguide? legislation. your committee: '1 a draft contains provision: to allow greater accede to domestic energy reaourcee and to create the conditione for private anterprice to rebuild and enlarge America: 'o a inadequate energy intreetructure. Nearly ae importantly. the draft doee not contain the chief provi?ion? in the Daochle bill that would limit energy euppliee and raiae pricea: moat especially. it does not contain a Renewable Portfolio Standard for electricity production. 1- Because we share your commitment to policies that will promote continuing abundant auppliee of affordable energy to American coneunere and orcduccre. we were ouroriaad to find that your committal: ., a draft containe a climate change title. we believe that this title 1! ill conoidared and. it enacted in anything like it: form. its effect- will in tha long run overwhelm the many politiye elementa in the bill. It would in our create the institutional and legal tramawork and the political incentivee nee-leery eventually to force Kyoto-style enercy rationinc on the American people. :9 Even more disturbingly to He. it would eat no on thin path without en?e?inu in a full national debate over it. enormous coneeguencee. Inetead. including thie climate title in comprehenliue eneroy lecillation alone to aalume that the debate in ever. even though that debate has never occurred. It enema to on that before we nettle on the main of thin climate title. we would iirat have to agree that global warming alarniam 1a warranted. that there are benefit: al uella to coat. to thele policiee. and that it in inevitable we are econ going to be living in carbon-oonetrained world. He quelticn each of there aeeumotiona. :r i he apacirically call your attention to three main in the climate title-l} requiring a national atratagy to I: atabilite and over time reduce net u. E. emileionl o! oreenhcuee caeel: -, plue ennual reportl: reviving the Clintonwaore hdminietratione ?a a white Houle climate ore: and bureaucracy: and 3} letting up a program to awurd credit: for early actiona to reduce l! Directing the executive to produce a national etrategy concedee the global warming debate and pute the u. s. on a dead-end path to future energy rationing. he the diacradited National demon-trataa. annual reportl will be need to promote alarniem and attack government tor not doing enough. And it the atrategy: ?1 a objective- were actually implemented. the coetl would be coloelel and the benefit! oil. a 3: Ledielatinu Hhite Houee climate czar and office will inatitutionnlire global warming ae a problem. which it meane that it will never go away. even after global worming alarmiem hen been diecredited. Single million agenciel ueually are captured by their cliente. become lobbyiata tor their and cannot objectively evaluate the coat: or their policies. I 3i awarding creditl for early ectione to reduce greenhouee gee emileione will create a pouerlul big cartel to lobby tor mandatory caps on Thia ia becauae early action credit: will not have value until an cap Eorcee energy near: to buy credita. we would like to be able to tell you that we are doing to be devotion our time and resource: in the montha ahead to educating the public on the many punitive elements in your compreheneive energy legislation. Unfortunately. however. it the bill containe a climate title with there 1_l15_oeq_1 WEWZDUS