0 24469 (.60 mg amll? THE STATE OF TEXAS 02654660 A LOG NUMBER.2177135 vs C115 TRACKING N0 LARRY MOORE SPN BY JSW DA No 0025648l6 DOB BM 08/16/83 AGENCY HPD 5 DATE PREPARED 7/8/2015 NO 087934615 ARREST DATE 0 BE 0 NCIC CODE 3562 18 RELATED CASES BROOKS: Dc . 3% a PELONY CHARGE POSSESSION OF MARIHUANA a if; CAUSE NO 8 c: 3 433 HARRIS COUNTY DISTRICT COURT No 1474445 . 3?1! ?14 9?5 No 3- 15; FIRST SETTING DATE 4 13?8 IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: i/ 49'6? I Before me the undeTSIgned Anomey of Harns County. Texas th .t?d - 4 the af?ant, who under oath says that he has good reason to belreve and does belreve that In Hams County, Texas?; 3 CORE herea?er styled the Defendant. heretofore on or about JULY 7, 20l5 then and there unlawfully Intenttonally and kn rr? 5:43. ?ess marthuana a useable of more than four ounces and less than ?ve pounds Pg Af?ant. Of?cer Hubenak IS a certI?ed peace of?cer empl4 43): 4 ouston Poltce Department Af?ant has reason to belreve and does belteve that on or about July 7, 2015 at approxmtately I954 ho 4:94:911?00re. hereafter the defendant, commuted the felony offense of PosseSSIOn of Manjuana at 5600 Mykawa, Houston, Hams - Af?ant' beltef 15 based upon the followtng 145? ,1 On July 7. 20l5. Af?ant was to a proaetrve un 4 er on patrol and In a marked pohce vehrcle Af?ant observed a whtte 200] PontIac Aztec beanng TX LP DW3K908 run the red! 4404 5- 1,4 eastbound south loop feeder to northbound Mykawa Af?ant and partner turned around and found the whole also had a def e, {rake The defendant tumed westbound Into the lot of the Ftesta grocery store In the 5600 block of Mykawa, 1 14? ty, Texas Af?ant a traf?c stop usmg overhead ?ghts on the clearly marked Houston Poltce Department patrol ve V?s? :54 efendant and his passenger ImmedIately turned and began looktng at of?cers through the back wrndow whrle repeatedly shIftIng 4 4 ?1 und The defendant eventually stopped vehtcle near the front doors of the store PROBABLE CAUSE As af?ant and partner approached the veht 91am} '4 4 4181er Observed the dIstInct odor of fresh martjuana emanatrng from the vehtcle Dunng the approach the passenger mo 113% Qbag contatmng two clear plastrc bags wIth manjuana from between the defendant's seat and seat. The ongtnal locatIon 4 - 3,4. ver and passenger seat was In both clear new and reach of the defendant. The defendant and passenger were removed from 43"3/ After the defendant was handcuffed the passenger fought of?cers and fled on foot but was apprehended after a foot pursun of?cers recovered approxrmately 915 9 grams (approxrmately 2 019 pounds) manJuana from the black trash bag. The -5 ed to of?cers the defendant had knowledge of the manjuana When asked about the magma the vehtcle the defendant nodded and down he tn fact know about the manjuana Defendant was Identl?ed as Larry Earl Moore from 4? AGAINST THE PEACE AND DIGNITY OF THE STATE. Sworn to and before me on July 8, 20l5 lL" {77/6664 ASS DISTRICT ATTORNEY BAR NO OF ARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS COMPLAINT