COPS Mandate and Potential COP7 Risks COPG Mandate Risk of Potential EN DS NTPs Expert Report (by a group of independent scientists and regulators} on: update of health impact; role of ENDSKENNDS in quitting; impact on tobacco control efforts Ban or extreme regulations on ENDS and Novel Tobacco Products Outcome Declaration or Ad Hoc Decision Articles 9 8t 10 (Product Content Design} Working Group to develop Guidelines or Progress Reports; WHO Tobacco Control Department Report on toxic content and emissions of smokeless and water pipe tobacco i. Adoption of guidelines recommending nicotine prohibition, resulting in a defocto ban of conventional cigarettes ii. Ban on cigarette design features such as slims, capsules, filter ventilation Excessive reporting requirements for cigarette contents and emissions iv. Toxicity reduction (unreasonable ceilings for smoke constituents} for COPS Article 5.3 Report by FCTC Secretariat on Industry engagement with international organizations i. Re-opening the Art. 5.3. Guidelines seeking to expand the scope to IGOs and harden the language ii. Proposals to force delegations to disclose links to the tobacco industry Partial Guidelines {even beyond mandate i.e. addictiveness] - Declaration or Ad Hoc Decision Pie-opening of Guidelines Article 19 [Liability] International Trade, Dispute Settlement and Plain Packaging Expert Group Report {on how to strengthen civil liability mechanisms) to be provided before i. Health-cost recovery funds ii. Class actions lawsuits Procedural rules that penalize industry defendants iv. Model lawls for criminal andi?or civil liability - Declaration or Ad Hoc Decision - Establishment of Working Group "2_Rei;3rts by FCTC Secretariat on how to operationalize Dispute Settlement provision and 2? on potential impact of new trade 81 investment provisions} i. Exclusion oftobacco from international trade and investment agreements ii. FCTC-over-trade decision Ad hoc decisions related to PP {linked with outcome ofthe WTO PP caseF expected for (132016} iv. FCTC D5 mechanism Declaration or Ad Hoc Decision Illicit Trade Protocol Article 6 Report by FCTC Secretariat 8t Panel of Experts i. Use ofthe Protocol to eliminate the legitimate tobacco industry: a. Full proprietary technologies to tackle illicit trade in tobacco products b. Punitive licensing schemes c. Ban sales in Duty Free and Internet d. Industry exclusion ii. Guidelines on implementation of and Free Trade Zones release of the guidelines} Kick?off Working Group developing studies on Key Inputs and Duty Free Ad Hoc Decisions Establishment of Working Groups i. Implementation of FCTC guidelines at domestic level based on a - Ad Hoc Decision - Link tobacco [Tobacco Taxation} None misleading interpretation of its content leg. work at World Bank) taxation with ii. Push for 75% tax on RSP ?nancing for development Consolidation of emerging threats leg. profit taxes, smoker licensing. Year Emerging Threats None 2000 smoke?free generation, sinking lid, etc.) FCTC and ATOs linking tobacco control with economic development issues Arguments to and engaging with a broad range of international organizations with a view push for more Develo ment - 5065 None . . to further de?normalize the industry and push for extreme measures and extreme expansion of Article 5.3 regulation Articles 17 8t 18 [Agriculture Environmentl Report by FCTC Secretariat on pilot projects Unreasonable recommendations on preventing occupational risks in tobacco farming Ad Hoc Decision Sustainable Implementation of the FCTC Working Group Recommendations i. Establishment of additional funding mechanisms for FCTC and tobacco control ii. Model for inter-ministerial coordination on tobacco control that prevents industry engagement Decision or Recommendations FCTC Impact Assessment Expert Group Assessment in 12 countries FOR USE ONLY