Te eyeryc-ne, in order tc- he tetally transparent, lam releasing the entire email chain c-f my emails with Final: Eeidstene abeut the meeting an June 21315. The first email an June 3, 21315 was frem Finis, whe was relating a request Emin, a persen I knew frc-m the 21313 Ms. Uniyerse Pageant near Emin and his father haye a yery highly respected company in Mascc-w. The infermaticln they suggested they had ahc-ut Hillary Clint-an I thought was Felitical Research. Ifirst wanted tc- just have a phene call but when that didn?t werk put, they said the wernan weulcl he in New Yerk and asked if I weuld meet. I decided te take the meeting. The woman, as she has said publicly, was net a geyernment ef?cial. And, as we have said, she had ma infermatieri tn preyide and wanted talk aheut adeptien pelicy and the Magnitsky Act. Tc: put this in context, this eccurred hefere the current Flussian fever was in vogue. As Heb Geldstene said just teday in the press, the entire meeting was "the must inane nensense eyer heard. And I was actually agitated by it.? Frem: Denald Trump .Ir. Sent: Wednesday,1une DE, E?l? 12:03 PM Tue Jared hushner; Paul Manafert Subject: FW: Russia Ciinten - private and cenfidential Meeting get maved ta 4 tc merrcw at mv suffices. Best, Den Dcnald J. Trump Jr. Executive Vice President ef Develuprne ht and Acquisiticins The Trump Drga nisaticn 1'25 Fifth Avenue New ?fart. arr 10022 -- .. - - i I turn p.cem --??rigina? Message-m- Frcm: Hui: Geldstene Sent: Wednesday, June DE. 21315 11:13 AM Tc: Dnnald Trump .Ir. a Subject: Re: Russia - Clinten - private and cen?dential Thev ea ri't de ted av as she hasn?t landed vet frern Muses-w 4pm is great temarrew. Best Heb This iphcne speaks ma nv languages {In Jun 3, sass, at 11:15. Be nald Trump Jr. rwrete: ?i'es Heb leauld sin that unless thev wanted-ta de 3 tedav just let me knew and ill less it in either wav. Denaid J. Trump Jr. Executive 'v'Ice President cif Develcpment and Acquisiticns The Trump ?rganitatien 3?15 Fifth Avenue New Terk, mess I uh-?riginai Message-m- Frern: Heb Geidstene ?Why?? Eent: Wednesday, June (13, l?l? l??d AM To: Donald Trump Jr. Subject: Re: Russia - Clinton - private and confidential Good morning Would it be possible to move tomorrow meeting to 4pm as the Russian attorney is in court until 3 i was just informed. Best Hob This iphone speaks many languages Jun 2015, at 13:14, Donald Trump .ir. -wrote: Great. It will likely be Paul Manafort [campaign boss} my brother in law and me. T25 Fifth 25th floor. Sent from my iPhone [in Jun 1 l?l?y at 5:19 PM, Bob Goldstone - - wrote: :r won't sit in on the meeting, but will bring them at 3pm and introduce you etc. I will send the names of the two people meeting with you for security when I haye them later today. :a best 2: Rob so Uh Jun. at 5:16 PM, Donald Trump Jr. . wrote: so are How about 3 at our of?ces? Thanks rob appreciate you helping set it up. so so no so Sent from my iPhone so hoe {in Jun 1015, at 4:3} PM, Rob Goldstone - wrote: soo soo Dun sso Hope all is well be:- En'Iln asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian goyernrnent attorney who is flying oyer from Moscow for this Thursday. so} I belie-ye you are aware of the meeting - and so wondered if 3pm or later on Thursday works for you? ooh I assume it would be at your office. it}? Best so: {lob Gold sto he :aoo This iphone spealrs many languages :oza bra-:1- Dn Jun Er, EDIE, at 16:33, ?onald Trump .lr. -wrote: soo- ner: Hob thanks for the help. oso poo 33>} I W??uwu?mm .. . .- ass-:- 5th frem mv iPhpne see were lEinJun E, at 3:115!- PM, Heb sees see: ea he?s en stage in Mescew but should be eff within 20 Minutes so I here am sure can call Heb ere} This iphene speaks ma nv languages sees {in Jun 5, aims, at 15:33, Dena c Trumer. rwrete: he}: he}: iviv cell thanks Pb}? 3-bit} Denald J. Trump Jr. sees Executive vice President ef Develepment and Acquisitions The Trump sees Drganiaatiun Pee} 1?25 Fifth Avenue I New "Eerie N?s? we: trump.cern es}: es}: be}: see-:- ?riginal Message-~? Frcirn: Pic-h Geldstene we: Sent: Mendav?. June Div, .cul? 3:3? PM he}: Te: Donald Trump Jr. be}: Subject: Re: Russia - Elinten - private and cenficlential bi}? ere:- Let me track him dawn in iviescew are}: What number he cpuld pail? bib} sea: This lphene speaks manv la nguages 3333 see:- DH Jun E, at 15:L'i3, Denaid Trump Jr. . - wrete: hh?h see} Refs cpuld we speak. new? be}: seer: Denald J. Trump Jr. see} Executive 1vice President ef Deveiepment and Acquisitions The Trump sess- Grganicatien bin-3:3! T25 Fifth Avenue New ?Eerie N?i" 10022 trump-sum see: see: see} see:- ?riginal Message eves-2:- Frern: Heb Eeldstene I Sent: Menday,.lune DE, 2615 F'i'yl Te: Denald Trump Jr. Sublect: He: Russia Clinten priyate and cenfidential Hi Den Let me knew when yeu are free te tall: with Emin by phene a bent this Hillary lnfe - yeu had mentiened weelt se wanted te try te schedule a time and day Best te yen and family Heb Geldstene This iphene speaits many languages {in Jun 3, 2015, at Denald Trump Jr. 1 wrete: Thanks Heb I appreciate that. i am en the read at the mement but perhaps ljust speak te Emin first. Seems we have seme time and if it's what yeu say I less it especially later in the summer. Ceuld we de a call first thing nest wees whEn I am baclt? airs-a Best, Den Sent frem my lPhene sass-s- Un Jun 3, 2:315, at was AM, Feb ?eldstene wrete: Geed merning ass-as Emin just called and aslted me te centact yeu with semething yery interesting. The Crewn presecuter ef Russia met with his father eras this merning and in their meeting effered te preyide the Trump campaign with seme efficial decuments and infermatlen that weuld incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Ftussia and weuld be yery useful te yetlr father. This is ebyieusly very high leyel and sensitiye Infermatlen but is part ef Russia and its geyernment's suppert fer l'ylr. Trump - helped aleng by Area and Emin. What de yeu think is the best way te handle this infermatien and weuld yeu be able te spealt te Emin abeut it directly? sass:- i can alse send this infe te yeur father yla ithena, but It is ultra sensitiye se wanted te send te yeu first. Best Heb Eeldstene sash} This iphene spealts many languages This e-mail message, and any attachments te it, are fer the sele use ef the intended recipients, and may centain cen?dential and priyileged infermatien. Any unautherised reyiew, use, disclesure er distributien ef this email message er its attachments is prehihited. If yeu are net the intended recipient, please tentact the sender by reply email and destrey all cepies ef the eriginal message. Please state that any 1trie'llys er epiniens presented in this email are selely these hi the auther and de net necessarily represent these ef the cempany. Finally, while the cempany uses yirus pretectien, the recipient sheuld check this email and any attachments fer the presence ef ylruses. The cempany accepts ne liability fer any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.