PROTECTIVE SERVICE MAY 19471934 JUDY CPS BENCH JEFF (CHILD) UZN 4830 Dic'atlon Data Service Worker Case Name and Number INCH PARENIS: EDWARD magma non --, PROBLI M: nal 307 dated 4~l 434. Sol-Vices Hot inc rcpoztc on Wednesday, 4-11-84, Jeff Simphon had lcvcalcd Lo thaw. he had been ually abused while in fochr Cam. By '5 report, stated that she asked Jeff the .followlng question: "Have you ever hocn sexually or physically abused?" Jeff' reply was that he had been sexually abused several years ago in a [ochr home. When she ques tionml him if: there had been anything else or anything more recent Jeff asked if the infoma tlon would remain confidential. Mm>> being reassured it would, Jeff LhaL his F05Lc'r father in his most a so sexually abuse hlm. Following her intake incomcu with Jerr Sim son," consulted with her supur vi ur and they then obtained the Cuunscl or'lego a Visen was determined that till Should and could be reported and Mr. Patterson was inflamed on 443444 just shortly before 5 o'clock that Jeff Simpson had made the above allegations. Nl'l Patterson requested a scwicc assoss'man goN mm 'Ihlh rasc was to me on 4712-84. I nanleflcomact with Patterson and we agreed to mud on I asked leaL Mr. Patterson give Inc Some brief backgzuund inform ion on at that Lune and NC would proceed tn the GENA Group Home at 2808 Belmont to inrewicw Jon, Jeff ms Currently in placcnonc m; the group home while awaiting further placement in either an alcohol 'and drug treatment program or a setting which could he more long tum. 'On 11718 84, I not with Jones Patterson as planned at. approximately 8:30 mu. At this time I 'laokcd over Jeff fainmson's quite CSD record. Mr, Patterson also provided me with a recent 147 which outlined the placements which Jeff had had sincu May of 1974 when he had placcd at Edgefield. 'l'he'list of placements read as follows: EDGE-FIELD 5723-74 to 9* 18-74' ARRY CFNIER 9-18774 Lu 5-14-79; -FOSTER RUE 5-14-79 t6 3-15-80; $29.9 TER UOVD. 3-14-80 to 5-29780; GAD GROUP 5--7-EU to 4'24-32; YOUTH FOR ST [Sm--313'? Hour h~23~32 to 7721--82; and EleX'Z--t' and the WP ducment at the GENA in March of 1984. Mr. Patterson reports} tffit Slnce Sept Ember of 1.983, behavior in the Ed Murray foster home had deteriorated. He reporced that during the 82-83 school year Jeff had done fairly well at Linooln High Schou He had than had a A job and done fairly well working throughout the summer, In Octobsr of 8.5 he began Lo run, scnujug himself from Murray home overnight at various periods. Chri cams was a particularly bad time {or Jeff. Mr. Patterson attributed this in put: to the fact that during one l'hristmus scason, Jeff had set a Chrisunas tree on fire in a foster home bum ing the house. one and half months prior to Jeff'S removal from the Murray hum Mr. reports that began to stay out Fail-1y regularly all nightl His mnuds hu- cnme "vile", he scemcd to he always stoned and on two Occasions reportedly "winced Ed." Liir coln High School In fact lally withdrew him for non-attendance, In March> the deal madc- Lo MOW: Jeff. . . Pattorson states that he in fact had made this decision when . ray also advised 'm that ho was unable to cope with Jeff's behavior any longer. Jeff scour . cd to have picked up that this decision had been made and also stated he wanted to movc 81444134, JTEET RE: PRQTECTIVE SLRVICES .SSMEMT CSD: UZM 4830 29,1984 PAGE 2 1ro:n tho hom1 Toff was1movo? on a Friday to tho GEMA group homo ohdng. Patterson 11v1111 M1. Murray that ho w1shod no contact w1t],JofE untH cloorod by Mr. duo to tho on motionol1sm surrounding the move. 1 1h1s was upsett1ng to 3811 oo ho was aware that M1. Murray was loaving for a somioar that wooko?d and later for a two wooh the East Coast. On tho Sunday foiiowwo 'his placomoot, thoro NETS problems at tho grou? homo wh1oh.hocossir 11111 a StofE thoro lotor?odmittod that this was dono in a hasty_and somoWhat dogrod1ng manner. ,Joff rooctod by sloshing h15'wr1sts prodoc1ng 4 inch gash_on the loft arm. He was a?mittod to Portland Adventist Hospital. Eoriog this time period Mr. Eotterson dio okay a Visit by Mr.IMorroy-to tho hospital beforo Mr. Murray?s vocation. Jeff recovered and was 1op1ocod at tho HERA g1oop homo.. M1. Morloy left on vocation an4 was gono 111 appro- 1xmatoly -tho 1irst two wooks of Apr11.M1 okay phone conta.ct hotwoon M1 Mur- 13y and Jeff_81mpson and in foo:t ML Patterson 1011 mo ho 01111104 approximately $20 to $25 oF C8D money to provide tho ox?fostor poront for tho purpose of making long d1stanco calls. Mr. Pattorsoo states that Jeff?s emotional state was ho felt tho contact with Mr, Murray was critical to tho'child?s recovery; VHowovor, Mr. Patterson noted that.Mr. Murray mado mooy'calls probably using way over the dollar amount given him. Mr. Muttoy callod Jeff 1rom the Moncouvor Rirport sod woo reported to hovo said ?Maybe you coold coho out and moot gmo whom 1 como in at tho airport? Fho ERMA group. homo did toko Jeff to moot hh1 Murray on 4 IS 84 but Ed 114 somoono olso tholo to moot hiio and appeared surprisodf Qn 4 16 841Mr Muzzoy ottoo?od mootiog at GEMA gjoup homo for the ourposo of p1.ohn1ng 1:or 15:1;1 futoro platomont Goo possibility ho.1.og oxplorod by CED 1111 to roploco Jeff in Ed?s foster homo with Intonstvo Iom1..1y Serv1oes support ao? bosod dror orogrom Howovor, givon tho allogot1oos of soxoa.1 abuse modo by 111? to and oiso roEusol to accept-Jeff in coomun1ty bosoo drug program, as well as too Jnobility to find a Erog program in the com 4mo11y'fn1 Wr1rTu1n To. Mn11oyW homo was soon as out of the question. Monotheloss-, :tho mootjog TC1114 16 84 wont as so as not to tho information which had been lovoalcd by foEf tho prior wook Mr Murray continued to ro? onforco that he would ho a rosooroo to Jeff alter Jeff Rod completed a drug treatment program At approximately 9:30 am on 4418;84 1 orrivod with M1. Patterson at tho GEMA group homo.sod was introduced 1:0'1o11 Simpson. I told Jeff that I was going to ho very direct with him and 1111 him oxaotly why I was thoro.1 thou proceedeo to Expiain to him that there had boon a to Erotoctivo Sorvioos that ho had boon soxoally ahusod in a former placement and that '1 wished to djooussod 12115 with him. At first Jeff appeared to be both surprisod upsot that this information had como out. Ho shook his head from 5148 to 5140 many timos stating, . 11111 Roow*whoro you heard thisU. At another time he stated ?This hove only'oomo from ono po1soot, but it Was supposo to ho confidential? I told JCEE that I was unable to rovool to him tho oomo of tho roporter, but 1011 him that 1t was imporativo for us to go ovo1 tho allegations that had boonhmodo. Ho initially att.omotod to ovoid by stating: "Mo' 3 not taking oo1o of kids any moro so I don' soo what it mottoxs?. I then explained to him that it was that we document Cases of sexuo1 abuse whether tho persoh had ohil ton in ourrontly or not.; I oxploiood to h1m that whethor or not a porsoo ho? children in thoir homo, they to accoss themselvos to childron thlough volunteer work, profess1on31 work, footer care in tho fhturo, oto. I soosow 1121112- To: TROTETJ 11111 SERVIGE ass 1151111111? c313: 11211 TTso MAT 20, 1984 T116131 It was only'when I appeared to be pTopaTjng 1-0 Iosvo tnat 6 states guess it won 0 any gooa don t. toll you everyh? thing?. [Io than acknowledged that ho had also been sexually Thus-ed by?Nk Murray, his 11st foster placement stated that his relationship with_Mr. Murray began When he was in placement at Parry Center snd.Mr. Murray worked there. At that time he saw Mr. Murray as a poTsOHLWho sinceroly cared about hon. As moved into future placements, ho statos'he continued to soc or talk with.MT. MuTToy. Ho status when ho was at the Loohy Rood group home, Mr. MurToy was used as visiting resource. At this time, from 1980 to 19823 Jeff Tungo? from 13 to appro- ixmatciy J.S of 331c. he sts.tos that tho Ii1st .soxuul contact with Mr. Murray was on a weekend home visit with.Mr. Murray .On this occasion, Jeff states he was IS years old and ho and Id were planning to go to Seattle :Ior the woolond On Friday evening }owovo1, they Stave? at the Mur1sy residence and Jeff stated: ?It startcd all over, all the some things 3?h1oughont this por1od of u1scussion, Jeff st.ared at the floor and 3p? poared to he very doprossod At timos h1s voice woul? shake as ho described his dissopo-jntw moot whom lid MUszy, ho had tTustod and soon as the only cons1.stont adult I1gurc in his lifo, began a process of sexual abuse. no stats? that 1H0 lowing this initial i?CldE?t, Ed JoII_d1d go to Seattle but Jeff .ststed that tho tTIp1 was ruined He stated thsrosItoT that EJ frequently porformod soxusi acts on h1m and had Jeff porfonn soxuai acts in.retutn1 Both anal and oral contacts wore described. Joff states that at some point fairly early on, Ed began to pay h1m for the sexual interactions Later, whom Jeff began to get into drugs and Ed was opposod to the d.rug involvomsnt JTIE states he suggested to Ed: ?nook, let me have my drugs and you can have your sex?. ThoroaItor, s. barter system dovelopod Jeff Status that over the last S1x montI1s ??l?ho drugs just became too much we lost control of it? I asked ITII iI any other minors wore in?olvoo in the scxusl activity and he stated that at vs1ious Ed had 11ckod up both.kjds and adults on downtown corners in fact, statgng that whom he was on/ I1om vaTious placements, Ed Would pick hon dowotowu, take home to Ed?s apartm out they would thonsoiko dope and frequently have sex Jeff States that Ed is now involved sexually witII ?Adult male friends? Too to Ed is not current? 1y intoIvod soxuully with sny'mino1s. Initially'during this intorviow W1th Jeff Simpson were the cascwo1mko James Patterson, and GIIMA staff membe1, Galv1u. Approx1mstoly half way the 1ntorviow tho director of the GENE group home, Reno cntorc? and rsmu1nod un? til the conclus1on of the interview. JotI occsmo increasingly deyrossod sn? incroasangly concormsI W1th who had t1his and why i.t was nocossary to tTIk about it. I thorofo1c chose to Lcrm1noto tho 1ntorviow at this po1nt h.uvj.og met with Jeff for approx:i.msto1y one hour. I told.him that I would vo1y?much II.ko to have him sgrco to an Portland Police Detective Unit. Again he seemed very conco1nod wath protoct:ing MT Murray and reluc- tant, however he 31d give his consent. On 4 19- 84, I Totuxnod to tho GENA.g1oup ho_no Dove Eocsch. Gotoct1vo Ioosch mot bTiuIIy with alone 11nd than no to 10 interview Tosultisg in the crimc - smson, JEFF RE: PROTECTIVE SERVICE Ass, mam csu: UZN 4830 MAY 20, 198/1 PAGE 4 [9901' (hich 4-19-84. Please refer to Lhow mare def 115 of the sexual abuse ullcgat 01b made by Jun' regard.ing_ F/d Murray. Late on 19--84, I learned that the Jury had been so: for 4-20784i I arranged to meet with James Patterson and Dave at cum group home at approximately noon on 4'20--84. Our plan was to inform Jeff just shortly before having to go Lofhand July at 1:00 pm. This was our planned strategy as we knuw than Jeff was exceedingly anxious and did not want to increase his anxiety level any higher. On the mowing- or 440734, Jeff had a confrontatiun with a staff member at GENA and walked off property, climbing on a Tr'l Mot bus. immediately imported Jeff as a mnaway and he was up off the bus and bl'cught to 1710' tective Services at approximately 11'30 am. I talked with him at length at this time and was joined by James Patterson and Dave Foes: . We all proceeded to the Mulmamah County Courthouse where we met with the DA Mary Tomlinson shartly before 1:00. Jeff Simpson, Dave Foesch and I all were called upon to testify at Grand Jury However, we were notified by Mary Lhal. she would not be askin the Grand Jul'v to vote on an indictcment until she had further illiorm'ltlon on_lh-. Murray. Jeff was retumcd to the 613% group home following the Grand July and then spent weekend in Vernonia with a GENA staff person, Mr. Murray had been calling the group home constantly all week ing to have Contact with Jeff. Often he had threatened the group home with law suits when he was denied Contact. On 4'20--84 after such a phone call, Dave Foesch contacted Mr. Mn" ray at his place of work, MetropoliLan Public Office. Min Murra was advised cf the char es as noted in the Followup olicc rc Uri: dated 4721784. My next Contact with Jeff Smpson was on #25784 when I picked him up at the GHNA group home .1th l'nnk him down Police to meet with Dam: ocsch. 'lhis Wu: basically a social call and had been arlulged betwsun Il'uusch and Jeff appeared to be in relatively Spirits at me, however, he ram from the group home 1m 4' ~84. On 5-944, I met. with the Distr r. [\ttm'nsy Mary Tomlinson at her request. This meeting included Dave Focsch. m. that time his Tomlinson advised us that she was from the Grand Jury the cases mvolving allegations of sexual abuse of Jeff Simpson by*fidward Murray. Plbasc refer to 5 letter ddlud 5 784.13: shuuld he note that Mr. Mu - ray had changed .momeys several times before settling on a. Janet lbffinan Mr. 'Mmmy had taken a polyglaph with Stan This was an oxparty polygraph and mororore we do not know the exact hammer, the exact results were not. lclcased to the DA my assumptlon is that it was inconclusive, though Janet Hoffman described Mr Murray as out "Real good". It should also he Us: the defense had contacted numeruus people from Jeff pasL, Lois Umex, social walker from Kaiser who happened to be a next door neighbor to . Suezum Jackson, a Metro employee, a rumor Metropolitan Public Dc- fender employeu whoso al a close friend of Ed's; Jasper 011mm, a who at one time :eun Jeff; Mike Lincoln High pass program; and Brent Crook aim a fur- -nu Metropolitan Public Defender's cmploy'he. Please refer to investigation reports included 0 indicate that folluer Icsnurr "News also contacted and vary freely gave re er to Detective Huesch's of 4--24--54 wherein he describes his interview with- clenfly state that Jeff first told them of the sexual involvement )chen \c an ~ul'ray in the late purl of January or the ca' . part of February or 84. one occasion, fact, Jorr called Mr. am- my from pleadlng with him to cause the sexual holmior. This phone Conversation 1:15th "3 to a hours"-- judgement of [his uuscwm'hcr who has numurous SIMPSON, JEFF SERVICE 1 csn: uzw 4830 my 20, 1934 PAGE 5 Children of all ages and of all levels of Jim- Jeff Simnson on ,mllv bv in regard to Mr. Murray, Jeff throughout .rls istussion 0 re a rons (cafl'l niovc continued to "5th to Mr. Murray its "Hall" ale 'vhmux 111ng Ce or involvmnem and concern for Mr. Murray, disappoint- nent L'lhn ms relationship with Mr. Murray had hoconro a sexual one, and That Mr. .Vlu ay 7101. "not in tronhlc or havc his corner mined," both won: consequences which Mia Mur my had Lancinually told 11' 1 would occur were he ever to tell someone, Jeff Simpson has Dnviously hcon through multiple and has come to the end or the lino in toms . or c511 h' Lu oflor. He is the st to aolmowlodgo this. He stutml nvcl' and over his concern that bringing this up would mean that hu would novor be able to rctuni to Mr. Moi>> ruy's homo, tho one how. lhut dig work for him For at least a year and half, He had a from Mr. Murray after Completing drug and alcohol treatment In {ace of uvm'yth' lg 0159., there oortainly is no notivo for a child to make something like this up knowing Lhat they are blowing their last zlvaflablc family rcsourcel tray Who was - .unpson, srou novor agaln utilized as a certified resource {or children, It i. that the ml system chose not to act in this case simply because a convictinn awn. van-av would probably be the only way of mandating them in to treatment 101' me I sexua dcviancy- However, it is now the rospon Sibllity of the to continue to care for Jeff Simpson in the most appropriate setting available. Mr. Patterson is continuing to explore a residential alcohol and drug treatment program Jeff has now turned himself in as of 5-17784. 11 is that the pists involved with Jeff during the following weeks and months focus on not only the drug and alcohol programs which Jeff Simpson has hut a] 50 help this Lo resolve the trauma of ongomg sexual abuse. inmv human dh "due to the novi or all floors (Davis 5L. Building) zuld I'his nos not trons- scriheo' unLil lh date s--zsm-dhn