Austin Robert, Jungian Hixnagec June 19:: Catiflcablon/Epeu 11cm (hunky sn mos 'uparviuaz mxinda Lao, fatter "me Farcifia'r tins Protrram Hultznomah county mu POSTER "mgr 12mm Edward 3, n- Pasha): Pave-at rue. when GBP7092 on Inn 13, 19m, A 51-59:: my. w" a anmnuu rhculve'l Ly mu awn: Jay't Simnon, A In yum-Ry r'osmr Irma, had war . baa); "mum hy w-vH-l F'nr"? to ~t 0mm. ma aha Sntezv'm m, "fin/h aw time, we scum that <> when vturny's hemp w: war! v7- w'v-n in a "Plum horn: HY L'Vfifl. The "rum "Putinwtc' *v-au 195m mu. I~c war- planted in Mum lh'v Unr'vw, .Tn'f 16" me home. rv Fr'rrhel Art ion As Mr. Murray's ham was speck-.113, certified m- .vere only, ther was no naed to tah him off referral. 1n fact, his em. 1 :'sed in Arum. a (hero are: no other children in the 1mm. 'l'hn <> the lanqest that he had been am; to W-int'nir in many years. It is obviouu that Mr. Murray is a adult figure in Jeff's life and that centinuud sexual ahuan extremely Austin when June 21, 1934 page two and depressing to Jeff and that he had a great deal of conflict in repurc-- ing this abuse, both bocaun it would end this relationship and of thzelu by Mr. Hurt-y that it would both :uin Mr. Murray'! career and mean that set: would he plsoed in sn institution. while Ms. Murray apparently met some of Jeff": and needs, he alsn was paying Jeff for sexual acts and, evidently. tradinq dzuqs to: sex. MK. hunay is 29-year-nla single man who currently is unplaysd in the public detendex's office and may he quinq to law school in the eveninqsl He worked with and been involved with children since his graduation from high school. 1-1. we a very Insertlve foster parent in his dealings with the agency, tree quently thrust-suing court nation when sewicee were not provided to his satisfaction. Jeff is a very disturbed teen-age boy. This Spring, his drug usaqu finally became coupletely out as control and it was to move him to cam: qroup home, when plans were made fax Alcohol/drug treatuunt fur him. Evaluation and Recommendation Protective Services fuund this abuse complaint to be valid for oral and anal sadamy. Sexual harassment and intimidatian and exploit:-- tion. Unfortunately, the district attorney's office decided to withdraw the case from the Grand duty and not seek indictment for sexual abuse, basins; of Jeff's mtloml instability. The attorney's office felt that they could nut be sure of mating the hiqh burden of proof in a criminal case. However, the m's office did state that the decision to not proceed with this case in no means meant that they had decided that Jeff's slleqatiunn were not true. According (an Oregon Administrative Rules, chaptcz 412, Division 22-020, (3) crimes which could affect the applicant's ability to pxdvide good care tar children include, but are not limited to, offense; against children (child abuse, child neglace) offenses against persons (homicide, Aslault, kidnapping), sexual offenses (rape, scdamy, semi abuse). and nezensen against public health and (prostitution and effensas involvinq narcotics and dhnqexoux drugs) . 'rhe-e crimes are consid'ted substantially relateu' to qualifications, functions, and dating at a foster parent. (5) Penanai Requirements: Poster parents shall be responsibla, mature individuals or quad moral character, who demonstrate sound judgment and the capacity to meat the mental, physical, and emotianal needs of children. Foster gaunt: shall be pardons who can provide a stable living situtinn, wholemme models, and a healthy environ- nan: conducivo to tuning Dhildran. Austtn Rabat: June 2x, 1954 pug. thraa Poster parents shall have understanding of children's behaviors, along with knwledge of elf-chive child-- rearlnq practiccl which will enAblo children ED grow and develop. "In Hurray 311- Idly sexually abused the (ester child in his home a long period of time. Although ha was "fit indicted, the Protective Servicns inpattmant (all: that: the allaqatbuns axe txufly as :1an the dilflict Atmrney'a alflca. If this home were apun, I would rewmnd u- mauon of flu "gunman. Since the a. tiflcute has lapsad, it is not: necaasazy a: this him. Under nn circumtmcas should Mr. Murray be "mums in the future. :5 ha dons for certification, his should be on basis a! the Administratlvs Rule: which I have quoted. Duf-