em REPORT Date: 5/3/84 Time: 6:30 to 8:45 pm Re: Witness: Investigator: Myrna unit The followina is a report outlining my canversation with about their knowledge of Jeff Simpeon and the client Ed Murray. Both individuals were present during this interview, and I will attempt to isolate segments, so I did it by individual wherever that seems necessary. The information that I basically got from the Stockwells was the following: Jeff is noted for telling partial truths. He has a. tendency to expand the truth, and I was given a number of Comparison stories throughout their parenting experiences with Jeff. specifically stated that Jeff had a great deal 0. ty ccifering truth from reality. She stated,' that this pattern proved to be true over the years with Jeff. she stated that she believes that Jeff's life has been a series of downhill problems. in'general stated that they'oame in qcontact wit Jerr' an he was approximately 12 years old.>> He' apparently was staying at a group home nearby their house." she stated that it became apparent to her after a few conversations and visits with Jeff that he did not have a family. or any particular group of penple that he belonged ta aside from those in the residential care home he was living at the time. She stated that it seemed that there was an interesting phenomena af thought among his own peer group at how he interacted with them as well as others. - specifically stated that they began taking Jer ne wee end a month, particularly around the holidays. She stated that Jeff was always filled with a lot of, stories that really did not come together and make any sense. stated that Jeff's background and history was at believes his mother, natural birth mother, 1 - INVESTIGATION REPORT wee in Hillcreet, that his father was unknown} and that Jeff was adapted at lB?monthe.* i? Stated that; it it her Jeff was given beat to the s'st?m at about age feur. VShe stated that ?he was With the ?family ,at the time. that he was? returned. Shemtated. that she understand meg-family was suffering Erom a number of marital problems, u? aer'troubles. She Stated that she has Some knewledge abdut there being a tire Set.' she not elaborate.on that point. - stated.that could no i longer.handle Jeff, 30 he was'returue- he the State., She state?ue Jeff wa5"then plated in Perry Center for five years.? Shq?gtated~i that he went from the Perry Center to the Wavefly 533.1 for two that during Jeff?s stay?at"theg9etg hf?? Center was the time that he came in contact with would have been acting in a counselling stated that this was a tveital ?atterpk Jeff's to run away and the that he felt very strongly that most 0f Jeff?e gain attention. ac Lug opt r? ?fig'Vl?i 3 etetea that Jeff seemed to?really beg?gt" reeietant.to rules ane tollewing structure and order.. she stated that he seemed to intetnhlize evetything and v't everything was Fagainet him.? She stated that harticularlyxifi? he was reprimanded or eemeene in his peer group was regrimanded, . . - .5 etete? that Jeff seemed t0 finc'fi the discipline of others disturbing to him. She stated th?t Jeff was very capable of building 3 wall, and that this-was a partieularf part of his behavieur partieularly_if.he was not happy about something.? I agree?-thet Jeff teem net handle his life very we w_en things are going emcethly?fot him,f because this is net something he is used to. cited an example of times in the past ever the yeare wnen Je?f wasgetill at the group home and his privilege t0 visit theh ht the weekend would be taken away. She etated that he wouad often later admit he had acted out at the group home for some reason or another so that he would not have to come. She stated that Jeff was.very geod also at telling a hereon what he felt they would whnt_to hear. She stated that Jeff had very little consistency in his life. -An example being very clear by the number of C5D workers who have been involved? with his case over the yeata. 2 REPORT mm in?. i, :rw' labia-' WW 0 stated that Jeff had rUn away a'number of times frem the grOUp home. She eteted that on one occasion it. was her underStaneing that he had taken 05f and gone to California with someone else.3 She stated, however, that he always seems te ceme?back.; stated ?that at: one point "the State had aeked whether or not she and her husband would take Jeff;- She. stated that she made the decision independent of her family thet it would be extemeiy difficult fer Jeff to come?to their heme on a fullwtime basis because they had several other biolegical children, and felt that Jeff weuld require at'leastk75% of their pereenal time; . . ?-etated *that it is yeti!" typical for? Jeff} to want to end reletionshipe with people he has been in contact with first. She stated that he never seems to want to give. people the opportunity to abendom him 0: reject him. In' referencete Ed Hurley, ?etated that he had the Greateet respect and admi?ation fax Ed. Both'the ?agreed that Jeff seemed more stable during his time iiVing we 1 Ed than any other time in his life that thethad been acqpainted with him.' She stated that?even before Jeff wee living with ea he alwaye referred'te Ed as his dad. Both the agreed"that the helidey season seemed to be a particularly difficult time for Jeff. Both the? seemed he agree thee this probably had te do with his earlier hietery?with the Simpson family. Anothe-r?thihg that?mentioned was that Jeff in his early teens seemed to be Very obsessed with-the ?ea: ef being a homesexuei. He eyparently baa expressed'on Several occasions to people at the group heme, end apparently as well to their family, abeut hew much this had??isturbed him; ?She eteted that at ene_peint this had been~?feremost in his mind."' Both the felt very firmly that.this allegation censerning Ea Mergey was nething more that Jeff acting up again and stpikinglbeek'at Edeor causing him hurt and some form of rejection'as seen by Jeff. They felt vezy strongly that Ed has done a goo? job with Jeff and has made e'number of "eaerifices in Greer to-provide a decent heme, and care for Jeff. 3 - .IWHSTIGATION emcee . Ween}? Eff-hf - 159313.52??- ~3in