DOMMONWEALTH or CRIMINAL COUNTY OF BUCKS fl oomlnauwunm 11:, Mam" DEFENDANT: (NAME and 40011555).- Mm; Hm 1237 "mm "m cumswpusn HULMES mun mum: meme '23! Nam 3211341214.>> man Telephnne: 1215) 104501 PA 19114 Wink" MOW Full 5Falnny Pm. Wad-mun" Sunnummq sum Diana: :1 Manny m, s-Fehwy Pom. summon Dawn n--Mbaerneano: No summon Sumnduln Sula: fl A-MMEM no! Full Mill [3 l--Fahny Nu mint-m no! mom FMmme-nm Pinning imam Datum DEFENDANT IDENIIFICATWN MI "mum mum. mum Gun. :1 Mammalian Umwn mull": Unhmn "All COLOR ERV (Guy) EI RED (REGIME) SUV (Slum BLU Blue) PLE (Pumh) BRO (Emu) ELK (Glad!) momma.) :1 12mm) swarm-151mm EVE COLOR ELK (Blfil BLU (film) ENG (BM GRN (Green) GRV (Gr-y) Hum-zen mmamn) (Pink) MUL(Mummh1Iay :1 mm) Dom-Hum an. new-11mm mssus sown: mention; IINA EYES .NO nun-anon 220 mm. mum." n. mum-1mm: END 5 2 Wucuumuflm: INFORMATION on sub man-m cumin! v-n. ".1475?" 11.. mum-um In v.1. "new. w. mm an no.1 l-l - I a 01012 onne anomeytonne Commonweann Approvea msaowved Because. :1 L-- 1.. V-- I, MICHAEL SCHUM 35951 {--1259'9--'Msgg--m'n1 "Wm "WI-um 1m- o1 nnu UI Email-m Yawnlhi Poul). mun" Tau-15c noun-mauve, n--'umun--Iea lam--mun) do nanny state: (chuck appropriate box) 1. I accuse the above named delendanl who lives at [headdress sellonh above a I accuse me defendant whose name Is unknown to me but who is described as I Imus! me whose name and wpulav amymuon a1 nIckname are unknown 10 mo whom I have merelove deslgnaxed as John Doe or Jane Doe Vlalallng the penal laws of me commonwealm of PennsyIvania at STREET ROAD AT OLD SYREET ROAD BUCKS Counlyl 09__1 on or about an: HR: 1mm: mo.) DENIALEM MP in Ion-nu om Pagi_af_ ADPC 411A HIV. POLICE CRIMINAL compumr \n gear/A 2%02 ,0 2:3?me t: as CHRISTOPHER HULMEs 2. I ask that a warrant of arrest or a summons be issued and that the defendant be required to answer the charges I have made. 3. I verify that the facts set forth in this complaint are true and correct to the best of my knowledge or information and belief. This veri?cation is made subject to the penalties of Section 4904 of the Crimes Code (18 4904) relating to unswom falsi?cation to authorities. 4. This complaint consists of the preceding page(s) numbered through . The acts committed by the accused, as listed and hereafter, were against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealthof and were contrary to the Act(s) of the Assembly, or in violation of the statutes cited. (Before a warrant of arrest can be issued. an af?davit of probable cause must be completed, sworn to before the issuing authority, and attached.) Jar #1 it,? (09300 (Date), (Signature of A?iant) AND NOW. on this date I certify that the complaint has been property completed and veri?ed. An af?davit of probable cause must be completed before a warrant can be issued. . 074.402/ (Magisterial District Court Number) (Issuing thority) if 11? - (-431 AOPC 412A - Rev. 12114 Page of? POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT 154M119 CHRISTOPHER I HIJLMES The an: by the accused ale described below wilh each Act 0! Assembly or smule allegedly vinlaled, il When there [5 male Ihan one onense' each ulleme should be numbemd chronologleally. Immun- more, a All .mI-In. [In mm you muddle In: men: mu.) Mum alum-Io: Walnut-l nun-naming. am .un Im mull-e umuzm an," my :1 mm cor-mm, mum um: vluzA um El 3802 (I) (1) PA Vehlcle code mamm- mm Wu sum: (Include me name of lhe sIanne or ordinance): AFTER Manama ALconouDRuGs Am ol the accused associated with Ihis Oflense: mu.) (1) Driving Ann! Iqu mg Alcohol 0' uung mugs IN THAT. on or about Bald am. the DEFENDANT unIaquIIy lime, op-m 0! was In actual comm: our-a movemenl o! a vehicle a dark colored --. In me are: sum Road um um Old sue-I Raul. in Bunch", Bucks euunty, an" a suffieiconl amount at .IcoImI such nu: um mm was rendered luau-bl. o1 nmy. did not mull In an scold-n: mu us In damage or bodlly Injury mum to the :onulned In 75 Pa. c.s. numb). This vlnlalion did Maul! In (M actors nluul lo Iuhmll lo chemlcal lacuna la Ihe cont-Incl! In 75 AOFC Ala-Rev, 12m Plan--M-- Ponce COMPLAINT . - 0 a . ., minimum-murmur 7- u-Mns CHRISTOPHER I NULMES I AFFIDAVIT 0F PROBABLE cause Def-mun rum- Your Honor, Your affiant is Corporal Michael Schurn #22199 of the Bensalem Township Unitormed K-B Patrol Division. On Saturday morning 2/6/2016. at 0242 hours. Iwas in uniform and operating marked patrol unit #22-56 in the area of Street Road and Old Street Road. While traveling on Street Road east. I observed a dark colored -- stopped partially In the right lane of travel on Street Road east, Upon making contact with the veil is. I observed a white male who was unconscious in the driver's seat. The vehicle's engine was still running and the vehicle was in the parked position, I first attempted to knock on the drivers window. The operator, later Identified as Christopher Hulmes (DOB 519/72). did not wake. I checked all the doors on the vehicle All were locked. After knocking on the windows of the vehicle multiple times. Hulmes liked his head and opened his eyes. Hulmes looked at me and waved and went back to sleep. This pattern of behavior continued tor approximately four minutes. Hulmes' body language were extremely lethargic and he had difficuny maintaining consciousness As I spoke with Holmes he would periodically smirk at me and dismiss me. At 0246 hours. Hulmes lowered the driver's door window. As he lowered the window. I immediately smelled an overwhelming odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from person. Hulrnes' eyes were extremely hioodshot. watery. and glassy. Hulmes then attempted to put the window up. Eventually I was able to get Hulmes to exit the vehicle. He was unstable and wobbled as he exited. I needed to assist Hulmes to the rear of the vehicle. Holmes behavior became erratic and would drastically change moment to moment. He would go from cooperative to aggressive. Field Testing could not be administered. Hulmes was taken into custody for suspicion of DUI and transported back to police headquarters. At headquarters he still was too uncooperative to be fingerprinted. Officer Bielecki requested that Hulmes verbally consent to a blood draw for the DUI investigation. Hulmes refused. Otficer Blelecki the" verbally read the DL-ZG Chemlcal Testing Warnings to Hulmes verbatim. He still refused to consent to a blood draw. The DL-26 torm was then completed Indicating that Hulmas was a refusal. The form was later submitted into evidence under CH1. Based on the above facts. your alfianl requests that the attached Criminal Complaint and Affidavit be filed charging the defendant. Christopher Hulmes. with the listed offenses. AOPC 411C REM D7I10 POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT AFFIDAVIT oomuumou PAGE Nu r: Dam Filed: OTNILM umber Complaint?ncldent Numbet 4/ I 7&54?0 1mm F/itst Middb: Last ?mm" CHRISTOPHER HUI-MES AFFIDAVIT OF PROBABLE CAUSE CONTINUATION I, MICHAEL SCHUM 35951 AND SAY THAT THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE FOREGOING AFFIDAVIT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF. .I L'Q?izp 4? ?rr Sworn to me and subscribed before me this iday of $.41 Date . BEING DULY SWORN ACCORDING TO THE LAW. DEPOSE ?Fr $2,345 9 leg? . v.1 I My commission expires ?rst Monday of January. AOPC 411C - Rev. Page of IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF BUCKS COUNTY CRIMINAL DIVISION COMONWEALTH OF CRIMINAL DOCKET NUMBER: VS Cm {$339192 333mg; 09?09.- CK-oae?rm ~a7o)b was You are present before this Court because you have indicated your desire to enter a plea of guilty to some or all of the criminal offenses with which you have been charged. Please fully answer all of the questions on these papers. If you do not understand a question, indicate that you do not understand by putting a question mark in front of the number of the question you do not understand. The question will be explained to you. Most of the questions are planned to be answered either or Where facts are requested, please ?ll in those facts in the blank spaces provided. When you have completed the questions, be sure to ask your attorney, the attorney for the Commonwealth (Assistant District Attorney), or the Judge to explain any questions you did not fully understand. The question will be explained and you must fully understand it. Answer all of the questions before you sign at the bottom of the last page. Page 1 of 9 INITIAL I. Can you read, write and understand the English language? 9/ YES N0 2. What is your full name? 01hr meel 3. Are you known by any other name or alias? YES 4. If the answer to Question #3 is YES, by what other name(s) are you known? 5. How old are you todayschool? (Highest grade completed) Col UN. 7. Have you ever been a patient in a mental institution or have you bee? treated for mental illness? YES NO 8. If the answer to Question #7 is YES, please explain the details: 9. Are you now being treated for mental illness? YES 8/140 10. 1f the answer to Question #9 is YES, please explain the details: I I. the answer to Question #9 is YES, do you still feel you can understand what you are doing today? YES N0 12. If the answer to Question #9 is YES, are you under the in?uence of any medications or drugs which would affect your ability to understand these proceedings? El YES CI NO I Page 2 of 9 INITIAL l3. Do you know what you are here today to plead guilty to some or all of the criminal charges against you? El N0 14. Has your attorney explained to you all the things that a person must have done to be guilty of the crime or crimes to which you are pleading guilty? YES NO 15. Do you admit that you did all the things a person must have done to be guilty of the crime or crimes to which you are pleading guilty? . YES N0 16. Do you now that you have a right to a trial by jury? (Excepyin crimes) YES NO 17. Do you understand that the right to a trial by Jury means that you can take part in selection of thejury with your attorney; that thejury is chosen from the residents of Bucks County, and that all l2 people on your jury must agree-on your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, before you can be convicted of the crime with which you are charged? YES NO 18. Do you know you are presumed innocent until found guilty? [24s N0 19. Do you understand that the Commonwealth must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt before you can be convicted of the crime(s) charged? N0 20. Do you understand that it is the Commonwealth that has the burden of proving your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt; that you do not have to prove YES N0 Page 3 of 9 INITIAL Do you know you have the absolute right to remain silent and neit er the Judge nor the jury can hold it against you, if you refuse to testify? [2&3 El NO 22. Do you understand the maximum sentence and ?ne that you could receive for the crime or crimes to which your pleading guilty, and that the sentences for each crime to which you are pleading guilty could be made to run consecutively at?? another)? YES N0 23. Do you understand that the Sentencing Code provides that for sentences involving incarceration (whether a State or County sentence); a minimum and maximum sentence must be ordered; there is no requirement that you are to be paroled after the passage of the minimum sentence; in fact, you have no right to be paroled at all? YES N0 24. Are you aware that the Judge does not have to sentence you to the term of probation or jail sentence upon which your attorney and Assistant District Att mey have agreed? 2/:53 NO 25. Do you understand that if the Judge does not accept the plea rm, you may withdraw your guilty plea? YES N0 After you enter your guilty plea and it is accepted by the Judge, you still have a right to appeal your conviction. Your appeal from a guilty plea is limited to any or all of the following four (4) reasons, that: 1. your guilty plea was not voluntary, or knowing, or intelligent: 2. the Court did not have jurisdiction (authority) to accept your plea because the crime(s) to which you are pleading guilty did not occur in Bucks County 3. the Judge's sentence is illegal because it is beyond the maximum penalties authorized by law: 4. your attorney was not effective in representing you. 26. Do you understand the four reasons for appeal? YES N0 0 Page 4 of 9 INITIAL You have the right to ?le a post-sentence motion within ten (10) days from today. Your post- sentence motion may include: a motion to challenge the validity of the plea of guilty or nolo contendere, or the denial of a motion to withdraw a plea of guilty or nolo contendere: (ii) a motion for judgment of acquittal; a motion in arrest of judgment; (iv) a motion for a new trial; and/or a motion to modify sentence. If you challenge the validity of your plea, you must state one Or more of the above four reasons. If the Court rules against you, you have thirty (30) days from the date of the order denying your motion in which to ?le an appeal to the Superior Court. If the Court should fail to rule on your motion at all, then one hundred twenty (120) days a?er you ?led it, it is considered to be denied by Operation of law. You have thirty (30) days from the denial of your motion by operation of law to ?le an appeal to the Superior Courtpost-sentence motion, you must ?le your notice of appeal within thirty (30) days of today. You have the right to assistance of counsel in preparing and ?ling your post- sentence motions. You also have the right to have counsel argue these motions and write any necessary briefs or memoranda. You also have the right to assistance of counsel in ?ling, preparing and arguing an appeal to the Superior Court, if the Court should deny post-sentence motions. If you cannot afford to hire counsel, one will be provided free of charge. You do not have to ?le post-sentence motions in order to preserve the appeal issues raised during your guilty plea or sentencing, but may appeal directly to the Superior Court and sentence and within thirty (30) days. 7 Page 5 of 9 NI AL 27. Do you understand the meaning of the various rights that havejust been explained to you? 9/ YES NO 28. Has anyone forced you to enter this plea of guilty? YES N0 29. Are you doing this of your own free will? YES N0 30. Have any threats been made to you to enter a plea of guilty? YES 31. Have any promises been made to you to enter a plea of guilty, other than any plea agreement that has been negotiated for you by yourself or your attorney? YES 32. Are you satis?ed with your attorney's representation? YES 33. have you had suf?cient time to talk to your attorney before readin this paper and deciding to plead guilty? IZYES 34. has your attorney told you what the words on this paper mean? YES 35. Your guilty plea is based on factual accusations placed in writing by the police and sworn to before a District Justice who issued an arrest warrant for these charges. Are you willing to allow the Assistant District Attorney to summarize the facts on which you plead? lg YES 36. Are you presently on probation or paroleprobation or parole, do you realize that your guilty plea may mean the plea is a violation of your probation or parole and tha you can be sentenced to prison as a result of that violation? YES Page Al. 38you understand that the decision to enter a guilty plea is yours and yours alone? N0 Do you know that you do not have to enter a plea of guilty and give up all rights as previously explained to you, and that no one can forcy?o enter aguilty plea? YES NO Do you understand you have a right to a pro-sentence investigation (PSI) which will give the Court a statement of your past performance in the areas of: education; criminal history; family situation; disabilities; and gynfomation regarding your plea to assist the Judge in sentencing? YES N0 Do you understand that a is usually waived if your plea agreement is accepted because the information is not needed for sentencing by the Judge? YES NO Do you waive the in this case? . m/ves El N0 Do you understand you have a right to be sentenced within run? YES [3 days of today? No Do you waive your right to be sentenced within ninety (90) days 0 oday? NO If your guilty plea proceeding is being conducted using the Court's video conferencing equipment. do you agree to the use of this equipment for the purpose of entering your plea? YES lj NO Page 7 of 9 Q??fo 46. Do you understand that if you are not a United States citizen a guilty plea may result in action by the federal immigration enforcement agencies up to and including deportation? El N0 47. If you are pleading guilty to the charge of Driving Under the In?uence, do you understand that the mandatory minimum sentence increases with each subsequent conviction of Driving Under the In?uence within ten (10) years of today's date? YES NO 48. If your driving privilege is being suspended as a result of pleading guilty to Driving Under the In?uence, do you understand that if you are convicted of driving a vehicle while your driving privilege is suspended you will be sentenced to a mandatory minimum of sixty (60) days in prison if you have no alcohol or controlled substance in your system or ninety (90) days in prison if you have any (you need not be intoxicated) alcohol or controlled substance in your system? IF YOUR LICENSE IS SUSPENDED, YOU MAY NOT DRIVE UNTIL YOUR LICENSE IS RETURNED TO YOU. YES NO 9% Page 8 of 9 INITIAL I swear/affirm that I have completely read the above document. I understand it. I want to enter a plea of guilty to some or all of the crimes with which I am charged. I further swear/af?rm that the signature and initials on this document are mine. Furthermore, my attorney has thoroughly reviewed with me all offers that have been made resolve this 3- Na 27 SIGNATURE OF NDANT BATE . a l, la [k A) Esquire, state that have advised my client of the meaning of this document; that it is my belief that the defendant understands what is set forth above; that I am prepared to try this case; and that the defendant understands what he/she is doing by entering a plea of guilty. Furthermore, I have discussed with my client any and all guilty plea offers and the consequences of accepting or rejecting the final offer in this case. WM. 3449-47 EIGNATURB or XTIORNEY DATE gate Page 9 of 9 INITIAL We, Bucks County DUI Court Sheet Commonwealth of Date: 5? 52 lnforma on 775 7v/C OTN: Jury Trial Time:__ Voir Dire Time: Arraignment?74C all of List Guilty Plea __Colloquy Nol Pros -Counts B.W. Ordered Rescind B. W. Hearing Type: Code: Disposition: Code: ARD- 0n the above-captioned Information Number, defendant having waived his/her right to a speedy trial, is released on unsupervised probation for a period of the number months indicated on the attached ARD Agreement. Defendant' Is directed to pay court costs and abide by all conditions listed on the ARD Agreement. DUI COUNT Sentence to Begin: FLAT SENTENCE: AND NOW, this day, as listed above, Defendant is hereby sentenced to pay costs of ?prosecuti0n, a ?ne of and to serve not less than nor more than in the Bucks County Correctional Facility. The sentence is SUSPENDED and defendant Is sentenced to a FLAT HOURS in the Bucks County Correctional Facility. If defendant does not serve in good behavior, the defendant shall then serve the suspended sentence. During the ?at sentence, defendant shall participate in and successfully complete the . .- Alcohol Highway Safety Classes as recommended by the CRN evaluation. '3 r. No Further Penalty as to the other counts on this information. NON-FLAT SENTENCE: AND NOW, this day, as listed above, Defendant Is to undergo imprisonment in BCCF I SCI for not less than nor more than pay the costs of prosecution and . - -. pay a ?ne of . Defendant is to be presumptively paroled after success lly Is sentence unless otherwise noted. Conditions of parole: complete DAlcohol Highway Safety School; Treatment Program with The Council of Southeastern PA or Livengrin, cost of which is to be paid by Defendant. If at any time during the treatment program, it is deemed by the facility that additional alcohol treatment is necessary, a further condition of parole is to comply with the recommendation. El Ignition Interlock TREATMENT: No Treatment Required by Treatment Ordered as Per [3 Treatment Required as per the Court; C1 Complete the ASI (Alcohol Severity Index) Evaluation and abide by recommendations. L'l Work Release: Screen for Granted Cl House Anest: Screen for/Granted El Sentence to be served: Concurrent/ Consecutive to Count ;Cn'minal Information?? Ul 2 Defendant Is to be placed on COUNTY PROBATION for?L #dears. Defendant Is to undergo imprisonment in BCCF I SCI for not less than nor more than and pay costs of prosecution; Work Release: Screen Granted Eli-louse Arrest: Screen I Granted. El Sentence to be served: Concurrent Consecutive to Count Defendant pleads Guilty to Summaries El Def. to pay costs plus statutory lines. Defendant pleads Guilty to related 05433): Concurrent Consecutive to DUI sentence El l? offense: Mandatory 60 90 days in BCCF and $l000 Fine Elanoffense: Mandatory 6 months In BCCF and $2500 Fine (M3) El 3rd offense: Mandatory 2 years in BCCFISCI and $5000 Fine (M l) Pay Restitution in the amount of to El Credit for Time Served. From 0 Driver?s License surrendered Post Sentence Righm 532 has Comm. rm. use 20? By the Court: >112)? Ora/?