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The Center for 8111111111 [31111111111111.111111111111 1111111111, 111; 111" appeal 1111111111111 111 131111 1:11 its continuing 111111131 111 review and revise 1111 C1111g1?1 111111111 111111111 1111311111. and 1311111111111. T1111 appeal inveatigatian 11211 1111111 detailed 111111 a typical appeal 111111111 11 was 12111111111 111111111111 11 1111111111 11113 1x11111111 111311111111 initial inves?ga?zm 1111111111111 by 1111 hearing 1111111. The 11111111311011 111111111111 :1 111.11 and 11111111111111 111115113111111 1111111 1:111 gui?elines 111111111 1232. 1311111. investigators have 11111111111111 in ?11111 IX investigatinn. 31111 the 11111111111111 111111111 111111111 were interviewed 1:111 11111111111 .23 and February 3 1111111111 11111111 111111111 representatives present at their interviews. The investigators interviewed eight witnesses for the complainant and six witnesses for the accused. Both the complainant and the accused were requested to provide any additional documentation they deemed helpful to their case Both investigators reviewed all documentation. In addition to the testimony of the complainant. accused, and the l4 people interviewed, the following documents were reviewed: Gordon College's Sexual Assault Policy Police Reports from Officers Andrew Gicbel and Glenn Beckett (May 2014) Report from the Hearing Panel Documents provided by Marianthy: Journal Entries Emails between her and Teny Charek and Medical Documentation from October 22. 2014 Transcript of Court Hearing of Abuse Prevention Order Documents provided by -: Text Messages from November 2013 -- April 2014 Conclusion: After a thomu$ investigation completed in accordance with Title IX requirements, the investigators find that intercourse took place on November 26. 2013 between the complaith and the accused Because the accounts of the incident offered by the complaith and the accused could not be reconciled on the issue of consent, the investigators relied on other evidence submitted. including the testimony of the witnesses who were in the room at the time ot'the intercourse, as well as the friendly nature of the text exchanges between the complainant and the accused in the days immediately following the incident. In light of the evidence. the investigators conclude that the sexual encounter between the complainant and the accused on November 26, 2014 did not constitute 3 sexual assault. Although the accused is no longer a student at Gordon College. he does have a restraining order against him and will be reminded that he may not violate that restraining order, We encourage Marianthy to process this decision with a counsdor and her support group of friends. In addition, she has the right to file a criminal complaint with the local police department at any time. This decision is final and there are no further appeals available to either party. The parties are reminded that retaliation is strictly prohibited.