BIRECT FILE ISSUE CAPIAS FOR COUNT COUNT VI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, FOR INDIAN RIVER COUNTY STATE OF FLORIDA vs. ANDREW JEFF COFFEE, IV - 02/06/1994 - INDICTMENT FOR: Ct. I: Shooting Or Throwing A Deadly Missile Ct. Ii: Possession Firearm or Ammunition, By A Convicted Felon Ct. Attempted First Degree Murder Of A Law Enforcement Of?cer By Discharging A Firearm Ct. IV: Attempted First Degree Murder Of A Law Enforcement Of?cer By Discharging A Firearm Ct. V: Attempted First Degree Murder Law Enforcement Of?cer By Discharging A Firearm Ct. VI: Second Degree Felony Murder With a Firearm TRUE BILL Forepe'ison of the Grand ury Presented in Open Court and Filed on this 8 day of July, 2017 :3 9S, 3 :0 Hon. Jeffrey R. Smith. Clerk )z?xtg r- 1 C) C3 i 5:53 By Deputy Clerk BRUCE H. COLTON ,3 {5 State Attorney, Nineteenth Judicial Circuit '3 State of Florida 080338 80:! BETH IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida for Indian River County, to-wit: The Grand Jury of the State of Florida inquiring in and for the body of the County of Indian River upon their oaths do present that in Indian River County: COUNT I: On or about March 19, 2017 Andrew Jeff Coffee IV did wantonly or maliciously shoot at, within, or into, or did throw a missile or hurl or project a stone or other hard substance which would produce death or great bodily harm at, within, or in a public or private building, which is being used or occupied by any person, in violation of Florida Statute 790.19; COUNT it: On or about March 19, 2017 Andrew Jeff Coffee IV did own or have in his care, custody, possession, or control any ?rearm or ammunition, after that person had been a convicted felon in violation of Florida Statute 790.23; COUNT I II: On or about March 19, 2017 Andrew Jeff Coffee IV did unlawfully, with a premeditated design to effect the death of any human being, attempt to kill and murder Rick Sarcinello, knowing Rick Sarcinello was a law enforcement of?cer, while Rick Sarcinello was engaged in the lawful performance of his legal duties as a law enforcement officer, and during the commission of the attempted murder, the defendant did carry, diSplay, use, threaten to use or attempt to use a ?rearm, actually possessed a ?rearm and did discharge the ?rearm in violation of Florida Statutes 777.04; 782.065 and 775.0870) COUNT IV: On or about March 19, 2017 Andrew Jeff Coffee IV did unlawfully, with a premeditated design to effect the death of any human being, attempt to kill and murder Chris Reeve, knowing Chris Reeve was a law enforcement of?cer, while Chris Reeve was engaged in the lawful performance of his legal duties as a law enforcement of?cer, and during the commission of the attempted murder, the defendant did carry, diSplay, use, threaten to use or attempt to use a ?rearm, actually possessed a ?rearm and did discharge the ?rearm in violation of Florida Statutes 777.04; 782.040 782.065 and 775.0870) 8.: COUNT V: On or about March 19, 2017 Andrew Jeff Coffee IV did unlaw?illy, with a premeditated design to effect the death of any human being, attempt to kill and murder Pat White, knowing Pat White was a law enforcement of?cer, while Pat White was engaged in the lawful performance of his legal duties as a law enforcement officer, and during the commission of the attempted murder, the defendant did carry, display, use, threaten to use or attempt to use a ?rearm, actually possessed a ?rearm and did discharge the ?rearm in violation of Florida Statutes 777.04; 782.065 and 775.0870) COUNT Vi: On or about March 19, 2017 Andrew Jeff Coffee IV did unlawfully engage in the perpetration of or in the attempt to perpetrate an Attempted Murder, during which Alteria Woods, a human being, was killed by a person other than the person engaged in the perpetration of or in the attempt to perpetrate said Attempted Murder, and during the commission of the attempted murder or murder, the defendant did carry, diSplay, use, threaten to use or attempt to use a ?rearm, actually possessed a ?rearm and did discharge the ?rearm in Violation of Florida Statutes 777.04; 782.046); and 775.087(l) 8: 1, Jeffrey ndriks, Assistant State Attorney for the Nineteenth udicia] Circuit hereby certify that I have a ed the Grand ury in the above referenced case. J??ey Hendri A sistant State ttorney for the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida, prosecuting for said State Fla. Bar No. 472328 Designated eService address: