STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE 8 ?f SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COWTY OF FILE NO. are 19 2012 IN RE THE MATTER 1 {@5543 KELLY ANN GR a ORDER aprnovmu deceased! THIS CAUSE, coming on to be heard and being heard before the undersigned Superior Court Judge presiding in Stanly Cnunty, North Caralina, upon Petition by Plyna Huneyeutt, Administrator of the Estate {if Kelly Ann Green, for Ceun Approval ut?the seitlernent of all claiinm including an alleged wrongful death claim againsl Stanly uunty, North Carolina: Stanly County I.)etentiea Center; Riel; Burris, in his of?cial capacity as Sheril?l?uf Stanly County; Lane Burris. in his 'uuiiviclual and official capacity: IJeketad Lilly, in her individual and of?cial capacity; Denna Weatherheli. in her individual and official capacity: Southern Health Partneru. Inez; Alan Yates Ramsey. RN, and others, and as hereina?'er {legirrilitad~ and appearing to the. Ceurt and the Cuurt ?nding as feels: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED AS FOLLOWS: l. The above described settlement of all claims by Plyna Honeycutt, Administrator of the Estate of Kelly Ann Green, for the alleged wrongful death of Kelly Ann Green against the-partiesreleased, is fair, ?rtl, equitable, and reasonable and is 'in'thebost interests of the Estate of Kelly Ann Green, including all bene?ciaries of said Estate, and this Court does herebyr in all respects, ratify, af?rin, and approve such settlement. 2. The Court approves and orders that the released parties or their insurers pay the sums described in the Settlement Schedule into the trust account of The McIntosh Law Firm P.C., to disburse in accordance with the Settlement Schedule. 3. IT IS ORDERED THAT THE SETTLMENT seasons To 'rais ORDER APPROVING SETTLEMENT SHALL BE FILED UNDER SEAL. Any request to open, publish. or inspect this document should be addressed to the undersigned or if heishe is not available, to a Resident Superior Court Judge of Starin County, North Carolina, and said request shall not be considered unless and until notice and an opportunity to respond is given to the parties herein. 'I'histheml?m 2012. day of 7 ?seller . efflt'ldgt Presiding. - On Thu Feb 16 2th? at 12:11 FEM. Kane. Dan Cc: George Burris Jeff Brafford Dear Mr. Kane. This request also seems to be for information rather than records. a local government has no obligation to create records. compile information. or search for unidenti?ed records in response to an informationfrecords request Sincerely. Jennifer R. Furr Stanly County Attorney