FOR OFFICIAL USE LNN ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Ease Activity ?ummary base Number: noted-sot 1 -c loose-meow El?n; Time, and Fartlelbant ?ummarttr cf ?ase Activity 201 noses an About as May- 11. inv - and se ccnducted surveillance Uh on - residence. He a?tlt?ly was observ . urveillance was {14:01] Investigative concluded 0005' 201 tf?bt?t 11 About1153.31Hav1t. NvF advised AGUIGUI of his legal rights. which hewaived and previde a statement detailing his ltnowled of Elghgative the Soltcilatien to Commit MurdEr involving himself. further edm'rlted to purchasing a shot he intended to own drug dealer in HGA. [See Waiver Certificate-"Swern Statementi 2011IDEI31 TE Review 00:3[1 Quality Control Surveillance entries need In be updated. He real has been developed from the Surveillance. We may need to adjust eur surveillance schedule or look at different wave he get information on - and hie AGUIGUI has agreed to assist In the investigation and provide information. He is currently en the out but has been regular contact with AGUIGUI will be back in today to ?nish his statement. I coordinated with the Metbourne PD and presided the information on They research and call me back- File to for review. 21111 tl??t?t 14 5A briefed the Set: on the status of the investigation. se Oi advise A to prepare a Status report adding AGUIGLII as a so lest 03:33 Investigative and listing the ense of Gonsoiracy. advtsed SA- to brlef MACE on the information provide 1; IGUI to see if they can develnp and further intelligence. EA adiziitiounalljiI advised SA to brief MAJ on the all aspects the investigation to deten?nlne If DU this of?ce sh errnloate covert efforts and go ahead and bring and - in for questioning. SA- further advised EA to FDR GFFICIAL USE ONLY LAW EMENT Page 1U {If 45 EON