I: L. (.0 ?ber 1 Tu ?0/563 . . 19' 5. '0 .1593LIL -Researcn Deyelopment center. INTR UCT ON We have cOmpleted a reuiem and inuentory oF the Files which are present in the Industrial Hygiene Department at the The document collection dates back to the early 1936;. in that the beginning of the 0 Department. nlmost all of the pro?1984 document collection is contained on microfiche cards. The microFicho collection consists of approximately 4 feet of cards, and each card contains anywhere FrOm one to Forty document:. In addition to the Files maintained on Hicrofiche,-Industrial Hygiene also currently maintains approximately 14 File cabinets of records in hard copy. Micro no Record; ?Tho microfiche recorde are maintained by the Department in 'cetegories identified ee Followe: I (3) Plant correspondence files dated prior to January 1. 1970. These Files are categorized by Hectinqhooce ?4eazu11 905470 - BB 0000001 54.0 1% M1103- Nowemlbe 3131:; 1:393 .U location There are ?85 microfiche cards in th1s category or .documents. A representatiue sample of the types oF documents which are contained in these files can be_ Found at Tab 1. These Files contain a wide uariety of documents includ1nq correspondence to and from Barnes. Speiche! and other I Industrial Hygiene Department personnel. employe exposure records (bio?assay. radiation, etc air sampling date, industrial hygiene audit and trip reports, hygiene procedures, material safety data sheets, product and chemical informationp lists.oF chemicals used at various Westinghouse sites, plant cleehwup Files. etc. Plant correspondence files dated subsequent to January 1. 1978 through 1985. There are 34? microfiche cards in this category of documents. The types of documented contained in these Files are the same as those mentioned in paragraph above, with the exception of employee-specific exposure test records such as bio?assay and radiation.' nir sampling date is contained in these Files. (C) Test records dated prior to January 1. 1978. There are approximately 222 microfiche cards in this category _of documents. These Files include air se mpling data dating back to the 19309. employe and site specific radiation exposure records. and employ. and site specific_bio-assay records. A 48320/2 905471 BB 0000002 ?1 1ED EDE- .1 5) 11 r- .. Novomb 13Va? IE3 Lil?s it?) I 1\ Use. ?Il'?representatiue sample of the types of documents which are 'cnntained in these Files can be Found at Tab 2. As stated aboue, test records dated prior to i975 (air sampling, bio-assay and radiation) are also.contained in the plant corresponence files dated prior to January, 1973. Test records dated subsequent to January 1, 1978 through 1930. There are 210 microfiche cards in this category of documents. This category includes air sampling data. employe and site Specific D10~assay records, and employe and site speciFic radioactiue smear results. A representatiue sample of the types of documents which are contained in these Files can be Found at Tab 3. as stated above, air sampling- data dated subsequent to January 1. 1970 is also contained in the plant correspondence files dated subsequent to i973. Records identified as ?Historical Files or Industrial Hygiene Department? which date from 1930. There are 112 microfiche cards in this category of documents. These 'Files are categorized by chemical substance. and represent essentially the Industrial Hygiene Department' 5 investigation into various chemical substances. and contain recommendations in regard to safe use and handling of the various substances. These files also contain. inter alia. information concerning previous Hectinghouso Atomic Energy Commission and state 48320/3 905472 BB 0000003 6 igloo?231.3/03 1'13 1? 1.3) a: . license: For radioactiue materia1s, a CorporaLe noise surue, 'conducted in 1974. and some_employea and site-opaciFic toot data. A representative sample of tho types of documents which are contained in these Files can be Found at Tab 4, Each of the above document categories, as described above, is maintainod separately within the card catalog. Records Maintaingg in Hard Copy In addition to the files maintained on microFicho. as k'x stated before. Industrial Hygiene also currently maintains approximately 14 File cabinets of records in hard copy. The hard copy recOrda are maintainad or can be broken down into the following categories: Plant corraspondenca files dated subsequent to 1985. These documents total approximately one File drawer. and contain essentially the aama typos of documents as earlier plant correspondence Filoa. 905473 BB 0000004 65? (2 covet-131? ?o @11 11. 111mg 4? $911151; 2.1.. 2 1:19. .UN (0) \eSt records dated subsequent to 1994 These documents total approximately two File drawers. and contain essentially the same types oF document: as earlier test record Files Material cards. material safety data cheets, purchasing department spec cards. saFe practice data sheets and saFe practice data sheet historical Files. These documents Fill approximately Fiue File cabinets. a representatiue sample of an MmCard. M308, 905 card and a 5903 can be Found at Tab 5. In addition. a representative sample oF the types or documents which are contained in an SPDS historical File can be found at Tab 6. These historical Files contain. at least in part. the history oF the development of the safe handling, warning and caution paragraphs which appear on cards, PDS cards and safe practice data sheets. The "history" is primarily in the Form oF correspondence to and From Industrial Hygiene. information supplied by manufactures. brochures and technical in?ormation. The correspondence Frequently details the dangers oF various chemicals. products and processes. Procedure or guideline documents. Examples oF procedure or guideline documents which are maintained in Industrial Hygiene Files include ?dioxin-Furan health hazard training." radiation protection programs. radiation guidelines. 905474 .- BB 0000005 T)ch> a) 3 1 N?vc2mb?3c noise reduCtion procedures, heat control procedures, remoual, shipment oF hazardous wasce.proceoures and ventilafwon procedureS, to name a Few. WQStingnouse? and Industr1al Hygiene in particular, played an active role in the deuelopme?h 0F many 0F these procedures and guidelines. An example of a procedure or gu1dei1ne document can be Found at Tab 7 Technical literature and reports. Industrja] Hyglone?s Flles contain a substantial amount 0F westinqhouce generated and nonuwestinghouse generated (for example, NIOSH) technical literature. Most of the literature is oF recent uintage. Federal. state and local laws and reguli?ionc (OSHA, EPA, NIOSH, etc.) which impact on industrial hygienet (9) Miscellaneous. 1. workmen?s compensation files (1961?prosent). which includo pleadings. medical records, correspondence, .results of product and chemical investigations, procedures and technical literature. I 2. Seminar and educational materials. 905475 BB 0000006 I .3 Q. a N030 emb e30 1L I) ,n H52 ?193:: .v 1.05 1 I 3. Audit report and work Papers, Records Maintained At The Records Egg?ntion Center, Boyers, There are currently no hard copy Industrial Hygiene Files at the Document Retention Center at Sayers, However, the ?Mines? does maintain 26 rolls 0F microFilm records for Industrial Hygiene which are copies or the microfiche records mointained at Industrial Hygiene. b5 DISCUSSION The majority of the documents in Industrial Hygieno's Files are gotentigl ?smoking gun" documents. This is so because of the nature. duties, obligations and responsibiliti oF the Industrial Hygiene Department. -The approximately S7~yoars of Industrial Hygiene Files which are in existence today are fillgg_with technical information. procedural inFormotionu saFe?handlinq information, hdzard intormation. recommendations and test results. The files are filled with documentation which critiques and criticizes. from an industrial hygiene 905476 BB 0000007 633? 3159 L..I '2 perspective, Westinghouse manufacturing and non?manuFaoturlng operations. This documentdtion often times points Out ggFigienclgi in WestingnOuse operations and suggests recommendations to correct these deficiencies. Industrial Hygiene?s Files contain information which details Lhe various chemical substances used at wastinghouse sites over the yoarc_ use and handling 0F the substanceo. The Files contain many years oF If employee test results, some of them unfavorable. Industrial Hygiene, by performing its job. creates, daily. potenfial smoking gun documents. Plant Correggondongg Files Please see, For example. lottor dated November 7. 1960 which can be Found in Tab 1. Correspondence oF this type was, and continues to be, Frequently generated by Industrial Hygiene. Dr. Spoichor99 correspondence might show early knowledge of tho Corporation to certain heath hazards associated with epoxy resin dissolving agents. What use did the Corporation moko of this knowledgo to protect employs: and tho pdblic? If none or very little. than this documont might become a ?smoking gun". 905477 . BB 0000008 6? 75?) .13 d. UV 6 a, Lumen 310 L93 9:,"11.124: .W Industrial Hygiene audit and trip reports certainly quallgg? as potential smoking guns. lndustridl Hygiene, in each plant .audit,?crit1ques and criticizee the Fecility From an induscrzal nygzene perspective. Industrial Hyglene also makes recdmmendations to improve the nygxene oF the plantt The smoking gun of such documentation are readily apparent. The plant corresondence Files do. thoogh. ind1catc that For decades Westinghouse nae had a very posit1ue and 335313 industrial hygiene department. But at least For-the peiod 'subsequent to the mid-19703, it is usually impossible to 'determine Qhat industrial Hygiene recommendations were implemented.' The Follow?up, if any} was jus: not documented. In addition, InduStrial Hygiene's authority regarding Vimplementation was very limited.7 as a result. the "smoking gun? possibilities of the-older plant correspondenee Files are great. Site and Emelgyo ?2393f?g-Tost Rgoordg . again, it is readily apparent why some oF this documentation might present problems. IF air sampling results, 905478? 1 y- BB 0000009 I l) (Q) (I J, 1:11:1th L) NEW 11113 1 0 li Lilian!) 1 .JL0.- .il bio?assay te5t results and/or radiation LetL results exceed allowable 11MIts, the possible consequences as Far as litigation lS concerned are apparent In addition, the fact Lrat the Corporation perFormed_ For example, air sampling For certain substances as early as l940 (which lt in Fact did) might be used Lo proue early knowledge on Lhe part of Lhe Corporation of hazards associated with Such substances Material Cards, Material Safety Data Sheets, Purchasing ?Department Specification Cards, Safe Practice Data Sheets and .6 Historical Safe Practice Data Sheet Files ngain, the smoking gun possibilities of these documents are clear. IF, FOA example. the safe practices detailed in safe practice data sheets are not made a part of a site's induntrial hygiene program and communicated to employes. Lhe potanial future problems are readily apparent. In addition. if the information is not or was not conveyed Lo customers. the public, Etc.. again the potential Future problems are readily apparent. 905479 0 BB 0000010 N?ve=rm a gut?: I 3.1. . lbw? . ll if I grocedure and Guideline Documents The discussion in the preceding paragraph applies with equal Force here Technical Literature As stated before, the amount of technical literature in the Files oF Industrial Hygiene is quite substantial, Again. this documentation might be used to prove knowledge on the part of the Corporation. In order to determine whether or not to discard any oF the records currently maintained by Industrial Hygiene. the risks of keeping the Files must be balanced against the aduantages oF maintaining the records} Similarly. the disadvantages of not having records needed by the Corporation in litigation must also be balanced against the cost and inecficiancies associated with maintaining ualualass records. Some questions related to these determinations include: 905480 . BB 000001 1 6:1 . if) 1 re UllkaEjaJ[hum cg?o '1 HhaL are the chances of litigation?- Is it pending or imminent? In ceSe of litigation. whicn party would have the burden of proof? when does the statute oF limitations run7v what records are necessary.For Lhe conLinued opernyion. of the Dcpartment? whet records is the Corporation required to maintain vpursuant to 1am? Do the Hestinghouse records retention guidelines cover any or all of the records? Taking into consideration the above questions, and after conducting legal research and a review of the Westinghouse records retention guidelines, we recommend the following action be taken in reference to Industrial Hygiene's Files. 905481 . BB 0000012- Ntowomi r? .3 A /n i3) 519 [Lil Ail do .?lbi. . ??uff Plant Correspondence Liles (excluding air sampling data and emplOye Lest results such as bio- -assay, radiation eLc These records are not reqUired pur?uant =U-any Federal. state or local laws and/or regulations. The Westinghouse domestic records retention guidelines do not specifically address these records. We recommend that all Such Files generated prior to 1974 Should be discarded. as stated before, these recordt arc Filled with documentation dating back Lo.thei V19305 whicn critiques and criticizes Nestinghouse operations, and points out deficiencies in such operations.' The Files are Filled with technical product and chemical information. hazard inFormation and safe- handling information. of it generatgg by the Industrial Hygiene Deg_rtment in an ?editorializinq? and opinionated manner. The Files are not used in the daily operation of the Department. In our opinion, the risks of keeping these Files on the whole substantially exceed the advantages of maintaining the records For the Following reasons: 1. The substantial bulk of the was written _by the Department in an oditorializinq. opinionated and verbose I manner, instead of strictly Factual. ln addition. the Industrial Hygiene Dapartmant. prior to 1374, was involved in testing and evaluating the safety of everything from water coolers to gloves. From a rauiow of the Files. it appears that 4832U/l3 905482 Il'luu Lu}: will? l' FLN the Department commented and editorialized on just about everything which might have been Found in the workplace. This ?self-analysis? and "editorializing? type of information can be dangerous. This is jusL the type of documentation which should be discarded From the Files. Correspondence generated Subsequent to 1974, generally speaking, does not suFFer From these drawbacks. 2. Industrial Hygiene's knowledge and know-how improued substantially during the early 1970:. Even testing and sampling techniques improved. Consequently, the conclusions, guidelines and recommendatiOns as contained in the plant correspondence Files generated prior to approximately 1974 are not as valid and reliable as those contained in rocordf generated subsequent to this time. 3. Industrial Hygiene Followup improved during the 19705. A major problem in dealing with the plant correspondence Files concerns the question of what us. did the Corporation make of the information contained in these Files. For example. were Industrial Hygiene's recommendations implemented at the plant level? was the body of information generated by the Department communicated to the corporation?s hourly employee? The publit? were Industrial hygiene?s recommendations Followed up by the Department? There is very 905483 -- BB 0000014 U) t?It)? f1} . s! Iq?? 3.ny ll _little documentary information in the ore?19705 plant correspondence Files which helps to answer these questions. without this inrormation, these Files Show corporate knowledge oF hazards but no actual implementation or corrective measures. Consequently. the documentation is potentially harmful. The plant correspondence Files generated subsequent to the mid 1970s contain more inFormation concerning Follow-up and, consequently. actual implementation of Industrial Hygiene programs. As a result. these Files might be oF ualuc to the Corporation. The recent request For information From the IUE regarding PCB use at Sharon is an example of how these newer plant correspondence Files might be oF value to the Corporation. It might be possible to use these files. as well as test record-Files. to establisn that industrial hygiene and employo safety more and are promoted by Westinghouse as routine and indispensable requirements of daily operations; to show that health and caFoty word, and are, an integrated effort that inuoluas management and hourly employee. Of course. documentary auidonco of Follow-up and implementation is at times missing From the post-19705 Industrial Hygiene Files. Documentary auidonco oF implamantation, though, might be Found in local plant Files. 905484 BB 0000015 ea Ii El 5 i ?1 1:00 119.3 TD I 102,1: A "lun- lull: i ?-st I?lregt gecords (air sampling data. bio-assay and radiation exposuro records, includng radiation smear results) The Wostinghouse Domestic Records Retention Guadelines specifically address these records as Follows: 4.07 industrial Exposure Records - Permanent ret?ntion in employe's medical record Folio maintained in the Human Resources/Medical Departmentc 5.05 Toxic Substances adverse Reaction Records - permanent retention in tho Human Resources/Medical Departments. I -a 5.06 - Occupational radiation exposure records permanent retention in the Human Resources/Medical Departments; .As can be seen From_thasa guidelines. each plant must ?maintain a copy of each industrial exposure record permanently. This is similar to sbu?ral OSHR health standards, load; arsenic. hearing conservation and benZene. whiCh requiro poroonnol_akposuro records be maintained for various periods, some in excess of 40 years. 905485 I I I BB 0000016 - .b 1 $9 {Novels} be? Ji-le. ?1 19.; 3'19 .455; Jan in 11 ?l I The bio-assay and radiation exposure records are employee and site specific. The air sampling data 15 site speciFi: but data generated prior to the early l9705 is not employe speciFiC.I>Prior to the early 19705; locations within plants were tested. we recommend that Industrial Hygiene continue to ?maintain Lnis test and exposure'information permanently. The records retention guidelines assign the responsibility of permanently retaining this.lnformatlon to local human- resources/medical departments. But until the early ?9705, Industrial Hygiene was the department responsible for maintaining much of this testing data. In addition, experience has shown that often times the information cannot be 10cated at the plant site human resources/medical departments. The closing oF plants has historically presented problems in this regard. Conse quently, we recommend that Industrial Hygiene. continue to maintain the information. Based on our review of some of this_data, it appears that at least a sobstantial portion of it is Favorable. This information has in the past been used to respond to Union requests for information (Sharon is an In" Fact, it may become even more valuable in this regard the doFensc of claims) if tho risk notification legislation becomes law. . 905486 BB 0000017 3) November 8 I) 13% u? 1. ii'l' - no 07(23 dL "Historical Files oF Industrial hygiene Department" These records are not required pursuant to any Federal. state or local laws and/or regulations. The Westinghouse Domestic Records Retention Guidelines do not speciFically address these records. We recommend_that, with the exception 0? the 1974 noise survey and the testing date whiCh is contained_in these Files, these files be discarded. Except for the noise survey and testing data, the other information contained in these Files is either outdated or available from other sources. Material Cards, Material safety Data Sheets. Purchasina Degartment seecification Cards; Safe Practice Data Sheets and 1 Safe Practice Data Sheet Files we recommend that except For outdated and unused cards and sheets; as well as Industrial Hygiene ?editorializing? which-is contained in the historical SPDS Files. that this information continue to be maintained in Industrial hygiene. 'Hard copy cards and sheets. including outdated ones, can be Found in multiple copies at probably every Westinghouse location. Industrial Hygiene historically has written the safe practice data sheets and has had. and continues to heuo. input in the 48320/18 905487 . - BB 0000018 (- at or 1999 1 h? 1 9199.9; J. drafting oF the sate handling, warning and caution paragraphs which have appeared. and continue to appear. on the material cards; material safety data sheets and the Purchasing Department's spec cards. The material safety data sheets are distributed to customers pursuant to the cusp hazard communication standard and, as such, must be maintained. The historical information, with the exception of "editorializing-type" documents. an example of which can be Found at Tab 6. contained in the historical safe practice data sheet Files. provides the basis For input to the Westinghouse materials system concerning caution clauses} SPDS references, wastinghouse label assignments and D.O.T. classifications. It is normally the only source of detailed cohpositional inFormation on a chemical product being used in the Corporation. The data has been used for spill response, toxicity evaluation and in defense of workmen's compensation cases. It should be pointed out that the complete corporate history of the development of the cards and sheets is contained on hundreds oF rolls of microfilm at Corporate Standards: It should be noted that documents containing Industrial hygiene "editorializing? might also appear in the files maintained at Corporate Standards. 48320/19 905488 0 BB 0000019 I . I A ll?? ?1 I . Ct? I It'll? 4'0 I . cL [my 'uflgx?xl prdcedur?_9nd Guideline DocumentsI Tecnnicel titereture and . Reports. Federal, State and Local guidelines, Standardsv Procedures and guidelines are prepared by Industrial Hygiene to assist wastinghouso plants develop appropriate occupationel health programs to minimize employe exposure and corporate liability. Technical literature and reports are used' to support Industrial Hygiene's corporate Functions. These records are not required pursuant to any Federal, state or local laws and/or regulations. The Westinghouse rec0rds retention guidelines do not specifically address these records. we recommend that those Files which are necessary for the continued operation of the Department be maintain?d. Those ?mhich are no longer used and/or are outdated should be discarded. Mimllums 1. ggmgensasign glgim Files. Gates, MacDonald Company has been instructed to send a copy of all claims involving occupational health to Industrial Hygiene For review and defense assistance. As a result. Industrial Hygiene maintains one file cabinet of case-specific workmen's 905489 BB 0000020 i C29 3 (U ?3 I LIES 5' [5.455. In] I 112' 3 J3 NI 5? compensation claim Files we recommend that all settled and/or closed Files be discardadf Ire.lluxafgtiill?JIManager, workmen's Compensation. will be contacted to identity the closed and settled Files. 2. ?gminar and Education Materials. This information, along with the research and development technical library. is used to produce the training workshops and training courses which are presented regularly For the Facility industrial hygiene representativest we recommend that those materials which are necessary For the continued operation of the Department be maintained. Those which are no longer used and/or are outdated should be discarded. 3. Audit Report Drafts and work Papers. These documents are generated as a result of Industrial hygiene plant audits. Traditionally. these have been maintained by individuals without any maintenance guidelines. We recommend that each author discard all drafts and work paper: used to prepare the audit report: immediately after an adequate audit response is received from the Hestinghouse plant. 4. roF rd in he-H no . We recommend that the microfilm records maintained at the Mines be r-vm destro d. These records are merely duplicates of the records currently maintained-at Industrial Hygiene. 905490 . - I - BB 0000021 \gr\mtE?g? 1'Lilla I. ?llp L- "nth NI I. CONCLUSION Toxic tort litigation, including toxic tort-related unrkmen's compensation litigation. shew no signs oF abating 1n the near Future. In Factl legislation such a5_the risk . notiFication legislation currently being considered by Congress._will, according to many ?experts?, result in an 7 9 increase in such litigation. .Consequently, well reasoned and I conceived document uetention and destruction programs for departments such as Industrial Hygiene and in fact the entire- .. . . Corporation. are imperatiua. We are apailable to discuss these recommendations with you at your convenience. Joffr?IQ whim Attorneya?g: ii; In?! Manager Corporate Indus?gial Hygiene Enuironmental Affairs 905491 - BB 0000022