CITY USE ONLY Clty Of Seattle CLAIM NUMBER Note: Type or Print Legibly. CLAIM FOR DAMAGES DATE FILED See instructions on back. NAME (FIRST MIDDLE LAST, OR BUSINESS DATE OF BIRTH HOME PHONE CLAIMANT Delvonn Ray Heckard (253) 593?5100 CURRENT HOME ADDRESS (NUMBER STREET CITY STATE ZIP) BUS. PHONE c/o Connelly Law Offices, 2301 North 30th St, Tacoma, WA 98403 (253) 593-5100 HOME ADDRESS AT THE TIME THE CLAIM AROSE CELL PHONE (NUMBER STREET - CITY STATE ZIP) (253) 593-5100 See above, do Connel ly Law Offices ,Egl?fe??gc??n??gam DATE TIME DIAGRAM April-July of 2017 ?r LO 0 ITE BE VERY SPECIFIC: STREETS, ADDRESSES, etc. Various throughout Seattle DESCRIBE IN YOUR OWN WORDS HOW THIS LOSS OCCURRED AND WHY WHAT YOU BELIEVE THE CITY IS RESPONSIBLE. (additional Space on reverse side or attach additional pages and supportive documents as needed) See attached. NAMES, ADDRESSES, AND PHONE NUMBERS OF ALL PERSONS INVOLVED IN OR WITNESS TO THIS INCIDENT CITY 1) Delvonn Heckard 2] Ed Murray 3] Robert Sulkm CITY EMPLOYEE See Above Defendant Malaika Eaton McNaul Abel CITY VEHICLE NUMBER, LICENSE, etc. Ph: Ph: Ph: WAS YOUR PROPERTY (Le. Home, Auto, Personal Property) El YES IF SO, THEN FULLY DESCRIBE SUCH AS AGE, MAKE, MODEL, CONDITION, VALUE, 0R EXTENT OF DAMAGE NO (additional Space on reverse Side or attach additional pages and supportive documenm as needed] WERE YOU YES IF YES, THEN COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: 0 (additional space on reverse side or attach additional pages and supportive documents as needed) DESCRIBE YOUR INJURY (IDENTIFYYOUR Mr. Heckard was publicly defamed by Mr. Murray, and his private legal counsel, to include the false denials, and false. allegations of participation in an anti?gay conspiracy. WAGE LOSS YES 8 NO IF YES, THEN RATE OF PAY: KIND OF WORK EMPLOYER AMOUNT CLAIMED (If known, .000. 005 3 COO 000 SIGNATURE LAI MANT I decIare under penalty of p/erjury nude? the laws of the State of Washington (AND TITLE, IFA BUSINESS) that the foregoing is true and correct the Claim; or pursuant to a written power Of attorney, by the attorney in fact for the claimant; or by an attorney admitted to practice in Washington State on the claimant?s At County, behalf; or by a court-approved guardian or guardian ad litem on behalf of the claimant .1 314? M. 3:98 78 I - . This claim form must be signed by the CIaimant, verifying EXECUTED this 5! !day of L) I 2 1 I CITY OF SEATTLE CLAIM FOR DAMAGES • What Happened? Acting within the scope of employment for the City of Seattle, and utilizing and abusing his position of power, Mayor Ed Murray falsely and defamatorily accused Mr. Heckard, a gay man, of participating in an anti-gay right wing conspiracy along with other victims including Jeff Simpson and Lloyd Anderson. It was recently confirmed that there was no conspiracy and Mayor Murray fabricated these allegations for political gain and in order to silence Mr. Heckard, and other victims. Mayor Murray’s lawyers and Spokesman, Jeff Reading, participated in making the defamatory allegations and accusations during various press conferences over a period of months.