Brett ,9 . We?, humanity, we had a good run. comfwamh?w0?Q?JH - 2&5 {?45 Petitioner Exh A Brett Haddock Yay! i?m one of the coo! kidsi ?ass; 3:23;: :wwg 5m: y?aw??g ?mm ~22 mg 2mg "m -W3 Petitioner Exh A amt-am We to the point of frustration with bullshit bureaucracies that the only plausible option to get something clone seems to be self lmmolatlon 43:83 .. ?38: Rug 2015f} Petitioner Exh A 3 Brett Haddock @ofo?n a?dooi: isoiiow 3 The time has come for me to stop being nice, and to become an asshole. A ioud, obnoxious, asshoie. Thankfully, I?m quite good at it. M38 no? Ann $13353 . :w Warn 3% Petitioner Exh A EM Brett Haddock g? meme rm thoroughly convinced that i'm looked into a system designed to make me go on a murderous rampage eer re egg 23% Petitioner Exh A Bret? Haddock My therapist tells me I?m ?ne, but she?s also imaginary. $2533 $333 - ?i Saga 5 Petitioner Exh A Brett Haddock ?e ee?ew Been a while since someone has threatened to sue me. Must be doing something wrong. Maybe i shouid ieave the house more? we eep EGES We BaveCA @Eeve?e - See 291% ?eg?yieg ?e it?s turn, but he doesn't have any better idea how to get seed. 3" Petitioner Exh A Brett Haddock Ghm?ha??mk . 38g} 28?? Petitioner Exh A 8 Brett Haddock @bz?g?ha??mk - $e?3 Why do charia?zans always register so many damn damain?? ?w ?g Petitioner Exh A mat? ?3 n.2- m: . a; it amazes me, without Tait, every ccnmanitzhariatanjunethicai person i encmunter has the same response when confranted: attack yen like they were a rabid animai caught in a corner, in other words, it?s time for me to expose another me. Get the popcorn ready, it?s gamma be fun. Stay tuned. Lii?e Camment S?am Petitioner Exh A 10 Brett Haddock Mm 225% ?epig?ag a} @im?iiha?gimk When you start digging up a charia?ians dozens 0f registered domains Petitioner Exh A 11 Brett Haddock Mia? :25 Rw?yimg @bm??i?m?mk When yam ?nd a chariatans various LLC Petitioner Exh A 12 Bratt Haddeck Ma? ?agiy?mg 2a @metihm?agk When you discever your target b?2ocked you on a sociat media pia?orm you?ve awe! interacied on - Petitioner Exh A Key 13 Brett Haddock ?ags}? 2 Rw?y??g is; @Ezsm?e??saai?mx Target made the?r pro?le private? Geod ihing aiready grabbed a capy of everything Petitioner Exh A 14 Brett Haddock {@bw??m?mk ??g?y?mg ?33:3 @?mi?zm?mck Sitting down :0 Star? wr??ng snmething up, and realized have a? screenshois; i0 sort, crganize, and ?ring tegether Brett Hadduck @hm?m??mk ., ?gs? Rap?y?wg Anyway, shauid he a fun week. Bre? Haddock @bw??a?i?amk . Am Reg?ying ?Se ?gme?i?za??mg Getting info on a chariaians iaiest shenanigans Petitioner Exh A 15 DavaCA @Qaw?? 33$? 23% Reg?y??g ?232% i wcuid aiso iike peapia to uniaam that Negfigent or Intentional in?iction 0f Emotion? Disiress was a thing. ?(vi Brett Haddack @me?m??m?i Ag?? 38 Stop barking my feeiingsi ?zi Petitioner Exh A 16 I 13 payment a? restituiion, ?1 enro?ment in, if] comptetimn cf {mfg by-Wm-L . .--..-.. . . (ML. . . .. {Date} dogma Cam. Wis: LLFUL FASLURE TO APPEAR if: CHARGED WTH AN OR A MZSDEMEANGR as A EWLE WA ENE 0R 5 WW iN THE COUNTY JAIL, OR W131. FNLURE .. 7 COUNTY 31. FOR NOT MGRE THAN ONE YEA I. - $13 FENE AND an A i m! I: 2.. ?@091 hi)? Cf? FELONY 13A FELOW AND UPON i3 PU ESHABLE HNE GREY EN 11+ r55; 11 m. am; a s. safaris?- aw w. _30f\z NW Bye Due a ?ue Due Brae 8372.3 <7 '3 Stark: 593? MB ?41" - Case Number: 0% 3 7? 5% . Pmsemiton . Attamey: Repeater: intemreierianguage: KW ?57 3&2; 9" A mg: g1: mag/{047} H: .- . CREDIT FOR ENTERGE karma. 311138 is ma (Pen. So?e, 1283.4, $83.43} WWMW .465 Wimw 192m Wham Laga??l? is ii - . 3 ?it. PEGPLE OF THE 3mm v. (swam: DESENDW: SEAN RECHARD WEBER ?643934 Petitioner mqaests ma: defendan: be marinated to withdraw the $3333 a? 93%. or that ihe verdict or finding of gum be 5m aside anti a visa 0% not Q?i?y be gamma and the court d$sm?ss this aciien ?nder section 1203.4 or 3:2] 12533.43 03? he Pena: Sade. Pm?tioaer mum that me fawn? chaxge be rammed to a madameamr under Pena! We section mama under 96mm; 0? under the iaws 9f the State of Saiifomia ?533! ?218 ?erago?ng $5 true and correct. Executed an: June 13, .3996: at Les Angeles 2934 LILLY (KEN BRWE CANYON GALIFQRNIA 9138? {ma {mama} 42:1? 052353 Wk sienias the We petition. 9 must 9mm me abeve peti?an. The mm {31165 from the maids on ?fe in 3213 case, and f?mm the {wagging petitian? that the defersdaat is for the re?ef requestad, f; 5:63.221 mamas m6 feiarzy c?anm a mis?emgam. 3% is ordered that the pies. verdia, c: ?nd?ng a? guiit in 819 above enti?ed ac?an be asida and vacated and a $3533 of ma: gum}: be entered; and that aha compiainz be, and is; hereby, dismed. if this crazier is granted under the provisims of Penai Gage ssct?ion 1263.4, the defendani is required to disciese the above cmvic?on in respunse to any (?res: ques?cn? - matainec? in any qses?wnaire or appiimtimn for pub?c mg or far ?censare by any state cr 390a; agency: or for miraatiag me ?aiifcmia State {:ng Omar is ga?antad under the provisians uf aims; Pena: Code sewer: 326333 or 1.293%, the defen?am 33 memes from 33% penalties m3 ??samiit?es making frazm ma o?enae exam): as pmv?dec Em Pena} Cane section's 12021 and 12521.1 and Veh?cs?e Coda semen 13555. Time dismissai dim mt perm: a new in own, mass. :31? have in his or he? unmask a firearm if prevem??w by Fem? ?068 swims 1202? at 129213. 7* 7 2% mm Wm #:57me Mi) 0mm ma menswear MW (Pen. (So?e, 17, 1293.4, 1293.43} ifyou have any quesi?i?ns, please call me at 661~259~2267 {31' my eel! phone is 0361?9934879, 1 will be {3111: 01? tha (wintry September Zl?h thraugh Sepiambm? 281% I Saincereiy, '92::me mama CowDiracmr Winter Shaker Treaszsrer Petitioner Exh A 19 Petitioner Exh A 20 ?ank/(M by City State: mm @669! 45/ KWZ "Mwhom Mambo?? 0&8 ?77 Petitioner Exh A 21 mm unuzn munch ANY i COURT QRDER P512303 TO BE name}: 3% 5 Mg '?eeg?g - SEX: RM Hif??} if W1: is 2?5 Hair @215me CeiorWace; Age??am? BMW ?g 3 122, The defendant is a peace officer with DepartmentPetitioner Exh A 22 .H, ?am mu u: uamumld mat me rwegamg is me am: correct. Executed on: June 12, 2606 at Les Anaeies Caiifor m?m mm} SEAN RICHARD WEBER 2984 LILLY GLEN DRIVE CANYON CALIFORNIA 9138? (ADDRESS. QEFEWANT) (CITY) 926-235} O?h?h Petitioner Exh A 23 @ggw 0:2: char?a?tan C?a?ms Knack Cow Knack Cagyxm?k Crimina? -Sebt ?ebthak Hart Q?gt?c?: ?at Knack 38%: Knack Venturea je??im? iai??mck?kfe?tuges Ekmsk Eega? Legai Knack iegai mm: 1&3?me Ner? mack Ner?chk Meek Of?mxaock Safety X??ik Santa C?ar?ta 33mg {Harm ?:6de 5mm 3w ?sii?m SC??nwa H333 Saar: Richm? Weber Sean Wager seam Swag; ?a bre??shac?docii {3 May 2, 2% Chariaians, scams, Seas} Webe r, Sar?ou?iy? 4% 2 Commemm Petitioner Exh A Sedanarmm ?ade?mmk ?frade?imcic 24 Brett Haddack @bm?has?dmk May 2 9? Sean Weber: Chariaian, Buiiy, and Criminal: Sean Weber: Chariata?, Bully, and C?minai - Brett Haddock Preface As my friends and family can attest, i?ve made something of a second sareer helping to expose frauds and bul?es. Quite often, these ?ya?z?i??m?m?mm? Petitioner Exh A 25 Brett Haddock "E?aies ?am a gragrammer, geek ami exymamn. Sean Weber: Chariatan, Bu?y, and Criminai Petitioner Exh A 26 arm Ha?dmk was a? ?g 8931:?: Weber: Chariatan, Batty, and Cr?m?nai Sean Weber: Charlatan, Bully, am} Criminal - Brett Haddock Preface As my frieads and famiiy can 311831;, We made something at a second Gamer heaping to expese fraads and buliies. Quite man, these penpie have a wwm?m s? Lik?? Share Petitioner Exh A 27 mm ??Ead?mk g?hgm? a 2m Ea} ?w gmw: 33mg C?arim {smm? Easting? Watch ma?a ya? ?35; a: ?Ei??i??am Sean Weber: Charia?tan, Buiiy, and Criminai Sean Weber: Charlatan, Baily, and Criminal - Brett Haddock Freface As my mews am famiiy can a?es?tg We made sameihing of a secon? came? helping to expsse frauds and buliies. Quite often, these {Jeanie have a 2m: ix?mg??m?a} ma?ai?, ?afmm? anti {xii/gem L?kg cammem 3mm Petitioner Exh A 28 LIL. ?p i facebook.ccm 4% Mari ??kmmw gmmi?g a??m Photas Egg mm 3mm 29 0 3 Brett Had?cck 2 May 898?} Webear: Chariatam, B-ul?y, and Cyiminai: W??i?zg?gmx . . Brett Hadciock @?ami?imwmk 5: :98 2 May my Emit ?a??mk @bw?ima??ack may 2 Regaiy??g 13:5: ?isr?zimd??mk Petitioner Exh A 31 Bfettlla??mlz. What a weird attainment. Anyway; maybe i should leak into the 4 admins of the Facebcak group ?ch ?fawn Hall? We Ram! 3 3 Elm? 3 a: mgma SO, yau wm?t answer my ques?un but make a veiled threat to lock into my admin involvement and by extension, my pez'sanal affairs? like 9 Ra?? 8* Mag 3 a: Petitioner Exh A 32 33 5:353:23 $333333 fig: 3:23: 3? 532% 22:23- 3 $333333?33?4 Warm: was 331.1%: him an b13512. wank: be a?aEr? ma?a 335%? came after me 3339:? put?ng a?i th?s miina $3.3 Q3333 Petitioner Exh A 33 ?9222? What?sthis in regards m? I mama t0 spaak a: the 34 80 he ham previde? any services paid at etherwim beym the wupie 9f Facebcak we amen?ed the past t9 remeve yam" company Thank 310qu: machmg Gut Na Emblem, may Catch yam: up has this i?d te- keep yam distance dude $3 extremaly mm etitioner Exh A gear: Sean Weber saunds like a iovely making barf. mm 6 *9 g? g? :fszg?g?gg? 3am Kamhaw compietely angry on behah? of "z?easanabie" Sean?s. We?re m? an comm-ate deuchebags. it pains me that this too? and I share a name. aka Rem; a g? g??g?gm Ha??mk That?s where the evarlap ends mm *5 ig?ig??m? Bre?? magma You kmw, cuz you?re a decay}? human being Egg-e Reply ?g g? Ma?ae? ?addmk HE VGTE THE Like Rem; a? {?i??fgg?m amt? Had?m?z i recaii, the evidence suggested that he did net Liege Rapiy 2 a may a? mam: Petitioner Exh A 36 ?ay Brett. Can a fefon vote. QEQQ *5 QQ if; reca? correc?y, mt wh?e in prism, an meIQ, at" on Same gates they lose the right ya; can get it back after a 01? years LQQ Voters ?ghts are; going to: be Qe'penciant an 19% meters, "such as if the case was dispaQed of in a manner that created a final carwiction. 0f marge Califamia is deQrent from Texas 501?th may be Qi?efences. .. Q2: Actual Same! LEEQQ a ?2 Q: this could explain his huge gaps in Qatar 5? indeed it weuld. 6* That?s exactiy what was thinking about ea?ier when We was The mating recerds. Q: Petitioner Exh A 37