‘ LS. I)FPRTMEN[ OF HOUSING ANI) LRRA\ DFVF LOPNIIN[ Fort \\oith Raona1 O1h Rgion Vi 01u. ol C mniunit P1 n in and ik\ o SOl Chrrrv Stret. tnit #45510. 25(10 For’. \Vorth. II’ w whud.gov — - T,C. Broadnax, Cit Manager City of Dallas Dallas City Hall. 4EN 1500 ManIla Dallas. Texas 752(1 Dear Mr. Broadnax: ST:BJECT: Monitoring Report HOME Investment Partner’ hips Program The purpose of this letter is to transmit the results of the monitoring review of the City of Dallas’ HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HO MEr The review was conducted on-site during the period of February 27 thru March 3,2017. A summary exit conference was held with city staff on March 3. 2017 and a final exit conferen ce was held via teleconference on March 30, 2017. Our review of the city’s HOME acti\ ides focused on the cdv’s management and oversight of its HOME-assisted activities along with its on—g oing monitoring of previously funded HOME activities. While the city’s HOME Program has been very productive in recent years with respect to the number of units produced and low —income househol ds assisted, our review identified significant dehciencics in oeraI1 program management and over sight. Enclosed von will find the summar monitoring repo rt which identifies 12 compliance findings. Each of the findings identifies the required corrective action that the city must take to clear the finding. Two of the findings will require city staff to research the activities reviewed and provide additional supporting documentation befo re a final corrective action can be identified. Please note that several of the corrective actions advi se the city not to move forward with an new HOME activities until the finding is cleared. Please review the enclosed report and provide a writt en response within 45 days of the date of this letter, Should von ha e any questions please have your staff contact Ellen Melcndez, Senior Community Planning and Development Representativ e at Xl 7Q7S.5958 or via email at Sincerely., — Shi1v J 1{enl Directof EncloNure; LL, T) I flU 11du tO. - ( fltf ir T 1 i Ri-l 111Lk5 0 / ON.SITE MONITORING REPORT HOME Investment Partnerships Program Dallas. Texas MXXMC38O2O3 FebruarY 27 March 3, 2017 — OVERVIEW Monitoring is the principal means by which RED ensures that programs and technical areas are carried out efficiently. effectively, and that the programs comply with applicable laws and regulations. It assists grantees in improvin g their performance, developing or increasing capacity and enhancing their management and technical skills. [n determining which grantees will he monitored, the Department uses a riskbased approach to rate grantees. programs and functions. including assessing the Department’s exposure to fraud. waste and mismanagemen t. SUMMARY OF’ RESULTS AND CONCLUSION S This report details the results of the monitori ng review and identified 12 compliance Endings \ Ending is i detwienc in progi im pertormanLe based on a statutorx rgul nor or program requirement for which sanctions or othe r corrective actions are authorized. Required corrective actions are identified for all findings, and findings require a written response within 45 days of the date of this report. Please note that in several findings the city is advised not to mov e forward with any new HOME activities cove red by that requirement until the finding is cleared by this office. Exhibits from the Coin nzunitv Planning and i)eve lopment Monitoring Handbook 6509.2 were used to guide the review: they are available at: a r r d I’ /handboksicnd/65b9.2 a Nb D Cs dr ‘ SCOPE OF REVIEW The monitoring review examined activities unde rtaken through the cit ‘s Mortgaee Assistance Program MAP Housing Developm ent, and Tenant-Based Rental Assistance TBRA Pronrams along nith the process used to certi fy Community Housing Development Organizations CHDO). It also included an exam ination of the steps: being taken by the city to cnstmre ongoing compliance in the city’s HOM E-funded rental housing portfolio. This was undertaken through the review of city policies/p rocedures. fundn agreements. file documcnt:nion and program reporting. Areas Reviewed and Results Program Reporting: In preparing for the monitoring review project set-up and completion information entered by city staff in the lnte2rated Disbursement Informati on Center JDIS) was examined along with information reported by the city in its Consolid ated Annual Perforniance and Evaluation Report CAPER). During the on-site component of the revie w this information was compared with the city’s funding agreements, project files, and parti cipant records. These reviews identified several deficiencies which led to the issuance of this findi ng. Findin2 #1 — Program Reporting Condition: Information contained in IDIS for num erous projects does not match what is contained in the citys files. City staff were creat ing duplicate activities when a household was assisted under multiple program components and new activities were being created when project budgets were revised. Where a household parti cipates in the Mortgage Assistance Program (MAP) and the purchase involves a unit develope d under the Housing Development Program two activities are being created in IDIS. Househo lds that were assisted under the Tenant-Based Rental Assistance TBRA) Program were set-u p under multiple activity numbers as opposed to being funded by a single activity. Project set-ups are not being revised when funding agreements are amended. Criteria: 24 CFR 92.502: 24 CFR 92.509 Cause: City staff are not familiar with the reporting and data entry requirements for HOME and lDIS and it does not appear there is sufficient superviso ry oversight of data entry to ensure quality and accuracy. Effect: Project information at the activity level in IDIS does not reflect the actual tasks completed. Household information is being dupl icated and the number of households assisted is being overstated, information in the CAPER is inacc urate and citizens are not being made aware of actual production. The city must immediately undertake a review of the data in IDIS for all HOME projects funded or completed over the past five years and make revisions as needed, The revisions must include consolidating duplicate acti\ ities. revising setups to accurately reflect the information contained in the HOME agreement and eancellinc duplicate activities, It is recommended that the city put forth sufficient local resources to have an independent third party undertake the revien, outli ne the corrections needed, and provide training to city staff. Within 45 das of this letter the cit\ must provide a plan for compieting the re isions and a timetable, not to exceed six months. to accmplish all tasks. Written Agreements: Prior to undertaking activities utilizing HOME fund s the city is required to execute vety specific agreements with the entity to which it provides the HOME assistance. The HOME regulations at 24 CFR 92.504(c) detail the content requirements base d upon the entity receiving the fUnds. The city’s written agreements with its CHDOs and nonprofit developers in many cases did not contain sufficient detail regarding the activities to be undertaken, costs to be incurred. HOME affordability requirements, and in some cases the ultim ate end use of the units. Without this level of detail. the city cannot properly manage the day-to-day operation of its HOME Program and ensure compliance with the HOME requirements. Examples include: • The agreement for Activity 12304, EDCO, called for the construction of 7 rental units. The set-up in IDES is for two units. The agreemen t does not require that at least 20% of the units be occupied by households at or below 50% of median income per 92.252(b). The agreement does not indicate who will be responsib le for utilities. The agreement did not identify the specific rents to be charged based upon the citys underwriting of the project and only references that rents shall not exce ed the High HOME rents. The HOME affordability provision that the project is subj ect to is incorrectly cited as 92.254 which is for homeownership and not rental housing. • The agreement for Activity 12203, Neighborhood Buil ders CDC, allows for the construction of either HOME-assisted rental units and/ or units for homeownership. The agreement does not identify the number of units for each activity nor a budget for each activity. The agreement does not specifically iden tify how the affordability requirements of 92.252 and 92.254 respectfully will be enforced. The agreement does not spell out the specific requirements for converting rental units to hom eownership through their sale to existing in-place tenants. • The agreements for Activities 11793 and 11687 were amended to allow for the units to be used as rental housing. The amended agreements lacke d detail with respect to ongoing rents, project cash flow, affordability and the sale of the units to in-place tenants for homeownership. FindIng #2- Written Agreements with Developers Condition: The agreements executed by the city with its non-profit housing development organizations and with the owners of HOME-assiste proje d cts do not contain sufficient detail to manage the day to day activities and ensure long term compliance. Criteria: 24 CFR 92.504(c)(3) Cause: HOME funding agreements ate not being revie wed against the applicable requirements of 92.504(c) to ensure the required content is contained in the agreement. Effect: Agreements are being executed that lack the specificity for city staff to manage the day to day requirements of the program and ensure com pliance with the HOME regulations. The 3 current agreements may prevent the city from enfo rcing the HOME requirements and could leave the city subject to repayment of the HOM E investment from local funds. Required Corrective Action: The city must unde rtake a review of the written agreements it has executed over the most recent 5 program years and amend those agreements so that they accurately reflect the HOME requirements that are applicable to the type of activity funded. The city must revise its funding agreements to ensure that they meet the HOME requirements prior to any additional projects moving forward. Within 45 days of this letter the city must provide a plan for completing the revisions and a timetable not to exceed six months to accomplish all tasks. The city should refrain from committing additiona l HOME funds until such time as the agreements have been revised and approved by this otTice. Finding #3 — Written Agreements with Homebuyers Condition: The city is not currently executing HOM Especific funding agreements \vith the households being assisted under its homeownershi p component. Criteria: 23 CFR 92.504ck5 Cause: The current program design is reliant on the private sector lenders to compile documentation and determine the qualifications of the homehuyer. City staff are not executing an agreement with the homebuyer outlining the appl icable HOME requirements that the assistance is subject to. Effect: The city does not have a method to enfo rce the HOME requirements and cannot show that the homebuyer has been advised of their respo nsibilities under the program. Reflcrrective.\ctipns: Within 45 days of the date of this letter the city must complete the following corrective actions: • Prior to assisting any additional households under its honiehuver program the city must develop a written homebuyer agreement meeting the requirements of 92.5O4(c%5. • Implement policies to ensure that the agreemen t is executed between the city and the hoinebuycr prior to the commitment f HOvlE fund s. • The re ised policies and agreement must he subm itted to this office for review and approval, Underwriting & Subsidy Layering: The HOME reculat ions at 2$ CFR 92.250 h) requ ire that prior tt committing HOME funds to a pioj tie cit n ict due ie a lOLt tO ‘ I C i Jo Dt io 1 dctern1ininL a IcaNonable le\ el of profit or return on an ox ner or JeveloperN investment in a r p ‘ui ii in ‘t ox m i HO\1E it a Is alone n comnineoun x idi uthu governmental assistance, than is necessary to prov ide quality affordable housing that is financially viable for a reasonable period. Our review of the underwriting policies and proc edures adopted by the city for its HOME-funded housing development program found that they do not contain sufficient detail to ensure that excessive subsidies are not provided and that retur n on investment to developers is reasonable. The underwriting for Activity 12304 indicates gross operating income of S3f.$20 per year and net operating income of $26,470. This would put average rents at $469 per month. The written agreement allows the developer to charge the High HOME rents which at the time of underwriting were $921 per month. Using the assumptions in the city s underwriting this would put gross operating income at $77,364 per year with a net operating income of $64, 414. The city’s underwriting states that net operating inco me will he used to capitalize replacement reserves hut there arc no provisions on the use of the reserves. In either scenario there is an excessive return on the HOilE investment. The file for Activity 12290, Builders of Hope. did not contain the required assessment of curre nt market demand. Where market studies were prov ided by the developer there was no evidence that staff verified that thc information was valid . Activity 12303 ICDC This activity was fund ed for the construction of single family homes for homeownership. In the case of one unit it appeared that homebuyer could only document $375 per month in income and ownership to the unit was transferred to the household despite a lack of resources to own. maintain, and insure the property. An inquiry was made of city staff and the monitors were advised that the property was ‘gifted’ to the household due to their special situation. Information in the file indicated that the buyer could have been a victim of domestic violence so the property address is not shown in the report. It has been communicated to the city’s housing director. — — Under the city’s Mortgage Assistance Program. city staff are relying on the subsidy amount requested by the lender as opposed to applying its written underwritina guidelines and determining the amount of assistance provided on a case by case basis. Finding #4 — Underwriting & Subsidy Layering Cdtion: The unclerwritine policies and subs idy layering guidelines currently utilized by the city for its HOME—assisted activities are not bein g applied in a manner that imits the HOME subs idv to the minimum amount required and they are not being applied in a consistent manner. There does not appear to be sufficient oversirht of the underwriting process nor is there adequate analysis of market demand. The city could not pros id ustification for the house that ‘s as gifte d under Activity 12303 or for the subsidy provided for Activity 12304. Criteria: 24 CFR 92250W Cause: The city’s current underwriting and subs idy layering guidelines are not being properly applied to projects. The city cannot justify the reaso nableness of costs and staff are not reviewing the market studies submitted to ensu re the validity of the data submitted. Effect: Developers of HOME-assisted housing may receive excessive returns on investment. HOME subsidies may be provided that exceed what is required for the project thus limiting the resources that are available for other activities. HOME projects could be undertaken where market demand does not support the need for the type of housing funded. Required Corrective Action: Within 45 days of the date of this letter the city must complete the following actions: • Prior to committing HOME funds to any projects the city must revise its underwriting and subsidy layering guidelines for each compone nt of its HOME Program along with the procedures for conducting the analysis and supe rvisory review of the final determinations. The city must also formalize proc edures for the analysis of market studies submitted by developers that includes man agement review. These guidelines and procedures must be submitted to this office for revie w. • For the property identified under Activity 12303 as having been gifted to the household the city must provide documentation as to how the transaction was allowable under its program design and contained in the approved fund ing agreement with the de\ eloper. Should the city determine that the activity is allow able, documentation of the city’s cost reasonableness determination conducted prior to the transfer must he provided. • The city must submit justification for the subsidy prov ided under Activity 1 2304 along with an updated cashflow analysis. Housing Inspections: The property condition standards for different type s of HOME-assisted projects are contained at 24 CER 92.251. Under 24 CFR 92.505(a)3) the city is required to maintain records supporting all required inspections and that the property in ques tion meets the applicable condition standard. Our review of the city’s housing development activ ities found that the city lacked detailed inspection reports to document construction prog ress and to support that individual units were constructed in accordance with the plans and spec ifications appro\ ed by the city. Whi le the city presented approved draw requests. inspection 1 ogs, pictules and various permit Inspection ta there were no detailed inspections supporting cons truction progress and final completion in accordance with the construction specifications. For the citvs HOME-funded MAP proaram the mini mum property standards worksheet currcntl\ in use by city staff does not contain suffi cient detail to support that all areas and rooms in the unit were inspected and found to meet the prarr am requirements. Finding #5 — Housing Inspections Condition: Detailed inspection reports are not bein g maintained to support that units constructed under the housing development program are bein g completed in accordance with the plans and specifications. Inspection reports for the MAP prog ram do not contain sufficient detail to confirm that all areas of the unit were inspected and met program requirements. Criteria: 24 CFR 92.251; 24 CFR 92.508m(3) Cause: Lack of detailed inspection reports. Effect: The city cannot confirm that units construct ed under its program were built in accordance with the plans and specifications appr oved for the project. Contractor and developers could use lower quality materials and building compone nts to increase their profit margins. The city cannot document the actual use of funds with out supporting inspections. The city cannot confirm that hornebuyers of existing units are purc hasing an eligible property. Without such documentation, the city could be placed in the posi tion of repaying the HOME funds invested in the units. Required Corrective Action: Prior to moving forw ard with any additional HOME-funded activities the city must develop construction insp ection protocols to document that its new construction and rehabilitation projects are bein g constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. These protocols must inclu de detailed inspection reports for both the housing development program and MAP. This corre ctive action must be completed and submitted to this office for review and approval with in 35 days of the date of this letter. Ongoing Compliance Monitoring: During the period of affordability, the city must perfo rm on-site inspections of HOME-assisted rental housing to determine compliance with the prop erty standards of 24 CFR 92.25 1 and to verify the information submitted annually h the own ers in accordance with the requirements of 24 CFR 92.252. The city must establish written procedures for conducting the inspections. resolving deficiencies, and the frequency of inspectio ns .At minimum, an inspection must be performed within 1 2 months of project completi on and every 3 years thereafter. \Vhen deficiencies are identified during an inspection a follo w-up inspection is required within 1 2 months to confirm that corrective actions have been completed. Finding #6 — Ongoing Compliance Monitoring dition: Fjnding 6 The city s current proc edures fr the ongoing monitoring of HO MEassisted rental housing do not contain sufficient detai l to document comp1ince with the I-TOME property condition standards and affordability requ irements. The city has also not developed risk-hosed monitorlne procedrires in accordance with 92.5O$(a) — The on-site monitoring reporr do not reflect that a revies is home conducted of tenant files to confirn compliance with HOME rent end utility ched ulcs. that unit nie is being maintdined. iicl ii ‘a di1L1nLIe a’ o . The monitoring procedures do not require an initia l on-site inspection of HOME-assisted rental housing within the first 12 months of project com pletion. The monitoring procedures do not require follow —up onsite inspections to ensure that deficiencies have been corrected. The cdv has not established procedures for asses sing the financial condition of HOME-assisted rental properties having 10 or more units at least annu ally. The project files reviewed did not contain required annual reports from property owners on rents and occupancy alone with an owner’s certificat ion of compliance with property condition standards. Criteria: 24 (‘FR 92.25ltft; 24 CFR 92.504td1 Cause: The current monitoring procedures do not meet the regulatory requirements and proper oversight is not being maintained on HOME-as sisted rental housing. Effect: Rental properties could deteriorate and units could he rented to ineligible households or at rents that exceed the program requirements. Affo rdable housing could be lost and the city could be placed in the position of having to repa y the HOME investment. Required Corrective Action: Within 45 days of the date of this letter the cdv must develop and implement procedures maintaining proper over sight of its HOME-assisted rental properties. Upon completion of the procedures they must be subm itted to this office for review. Within 60 days of the (late of this letter the city must obtain reports from the owners of each HOME-assisted rental property on the rents and occupancy of the HOME-assisted units. City staff must complete a review of each report to iden tify whether the property owner is in compliance with the HOME regulations. In consultation with this office the city must deve lop a schedule for the monitoring of each HOME-assisted rental unit based upon the completi on date in IDIS. Converting Rental Units to Horneownership: The HOME regulations at 23 CFR 92.255 allow for the conversion of HOME-assisted rental units to homeownership if they al-c sold to an exist ine in-place tenant that qualifies as lowincome. A tenant that elects not to purchase or cannot qualify to purchase their rental unit cannot he evicted or refused lease renewal based upon that decision. Finding #7 — Conversion of Rental I nits cdP!ho1L Itt revien in2 the cdt s fles for Activity 11793, NBCDC. 3 of the files reviewed indicated that the sincle-faniilv rental uniN had been sold to households that rscre not in-place tenants in accordance n ltd 24 CFR 02.255. Acti\ dv 1 1 735. South fair CDC, hod uni t that a etc occupied by tenant households at completi on of construction which were later converted to homeoxvnership. There was no evidence in the file to support that these units were sold to eligible in-place tenants. Criteria: 24 CFR 92.255(a) Cause: The city’s HOME funding agreemen ts for these activities did not contain a provision that limited any homeownership conversion to in-place tenants. City staff did not ensure that the eligibility of each conversion was documented prior to the sale. Effect: HOME-assisted rental units may have been sold to ineligible households resulting in costs being disallowed. Existing tenants may have been denied lease renewal when they decid ed not to purchase the units resulting in the tenan ts being displaced by the property owner. Required Corrective Action: Within 45 days of the date of this letter the city must identify all HOME-assisted rental housing activities wher e units have been converted to homeownership. For each of the units that were sold the city must provide evidence of the purchaser’s address at the time of sale. If the purchasers residence is identified as the unit being converted a copy of the lease that was in place at that time mus t also be provided. Within 60 days of the date of this letter the city must amend all HOME funding agreements for its rental activities where homeownership conv ersion is anticipated so that requirements of 24 CFR 92.255(a) are clearly stated. Once the above steps have been taken a decis ion will be made as to whether further corrective actions are required. Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA): Finding #8 TBRA Project Delivery Costs - Condition: The city set-up individual TBRA activities for the costs associated with the caseworker and housing inspectors administ ering the TBRA program. Costs other than thos e for conducting unit inspections and determining parti cipant e1igihilit appear to hate been charged as activity delivery costs instead of program adm inistration and general oversight. It also appears that ineligible costs not related to prog ram administration, such as case management, ma have been charged to the TBRA proeram. It should be noted that the city is no knfer funding this program. Criteria: 24 CFR 92.209(a Cause: At the time these aetj\ iues ‘a crc land ed, the city’s TBRA policies end procedures did not identify dnv iimitation on TBRA project delivery costs, and the time distribution records for staff costs ehareed to ID IS activities. 122 St and I 22S2 do not pw ide enougn OctaIl to determine which Functions were charged to theN e activities . p Effect: Ii is likely that ineligible FIOvlE costs and costs eligible only as program administ ration and general oversight were charged as TBR A project costs. Required Corrective Action: The city mus t determine how much of the HOME fund ing drawn for activities 12230 and 12232 were for prop erty inspection and determining income eligi bility of HOME TBRA clients. Within 45 days of the date of this letter. the city must submit its determination, along with the methodol ogy used. After review this office will determine the amount of eligible TBRA costs to be moved to TBRA activities, and the amount of ineligible TBRA costs to be moved to HOME administ ration activities or repaid with non-federal fund s. Finding #9 — TBRA Operations Condition: Our review of the cdv’s TBR A program determined that most aspects of the program were compliant with the HOME regulatio ns. However, the city’s income eligibility determinations and the tenants’ leases in the sample of files reviewed were not in com pliance with the HOME regulations. Income calculations in three of the four tenan t files reviewed were not supported b the sour ce documentation in the file. It appears that there may have been an error in the spreadshe et used by the city to calculate annual income, and that the error was not detected. Leases in all four of the tenant files reviewed contained a prohibited lease term. and although the rental assistance payment agreement iden tified prohibited lease terms. none of the lease s reviewed included an addendum voiding those terms, The city’ s policies and procedures f’or HOME TBRA identified the requirement that the city review leases; howe\ er, the timing of that review was unclear and there was no evidence in the sample of files reviewed that the city had completed a review of the lease. Criteria: 24 CER 92.203a>(2) and 92.253th i Cause: The city’s HOME TBRA program was designed to provide transitional housinu for homeless individuals and families and the program was administered as part of the city’ s Continuum of Care-funded homeless assis tance programs. The city did not adequately identify or enforce the HOME program requirements in its policies and procedureN or in the implementation of its HOME TBRA prourani. Effect: When income was re-calculated as part of the muflitorine review for three tenants, it was delLi mH ed ih it tne ch ange in innu al i n on Ju 1 not itleL t J c at eli hlllt\ dl Wi households n crc under 60 percent of the area median income at entry However. failure to ensure income i calculated correctly coul have d resulted in HOME funds heinc used for clients that are not eligible for assistance. Failure to re iew the lcaNe between the tenant and land lord can result in taking pmhihited action again st tenans recci inc HOME THRA. Rerinired Correcli\ e Action: The cdv last fund ed I tOME TBRA in its 20l 5 Action Plan. Sinc e n n”n iOta o c t 0 i ai i ui fttl\ tkN tCqU itd and tnL finding i closed. However, if the city budn ets funds far HOME TBRA in a fu;nrc Actiun Plan. the u tO it should ensure that its TBRA policies and procedures comply with the HOME regu lations and that staff are trained on those requirements. Technical assistance on THRA was provided during the review, and this office will be available for additional technical assistance if the city decides to re-start this program. Homeownership Affordability: HOME Participating Jurisdictions that unde rtake homeownership activities are required by 24 CFR 92.254(a)5 to identify the method that will he used to enforce affordability for the required term. The City of Dallas has selec ted the resale requirement for units assisted under its Housing Development Program while hous eholds participating under MAP are subject to recapture. Our review identified several issues with the city’s implementation of its affordability restrictions: • The resale provisions as implemented do not provide for the homeo\\ ncr to receive a fair return on investment as required by 24 CFR 92.254(a)5)W. • The recapture provisions as implemen ted do not correctly state the approach used for shared net proceeds. • When a household purchases a unit constructed under the Housing Development Program and is assisted under MAP the project files reflected that the project was subject to both resale and recapture. Finding #10 — Homeownership Affordability Condition: The affordability provisions currently in place for the city’s Housing Deve lopment Program and MAP do not fully comply with the HOME requirements. Criteria: 24 CFR 92.254ta)(5) Cause: The deed restrictions used for resal e do not provide for a fair return on investme nt to the homehuyer. For households participating under MAP the method for determining share d net proceeds is not defined, Where a househol d participates under both program compone nts both standards are applied. Fffect’ Assisted households may not recei ve the correct amount of proceeds when a unit is sold during the affordability period. Househo lds seeking to purcha.e units from the Hou sing Development Program ma he discourag ed from participatine a it appears from the current wording or the resale restriction that they cannot receive equity from the property. Reuuirei Correcti\ e Action: Within —15 days of this letter the city must revise both its resal e and recapture provisions so that the are cons istent with the proeram requirements, Prinr to implementation the city must submit both for approval. In cldition. the city must take steps to oid the lmp1t1un nt duphati ieqtum r hen o dc 0 b Lead-Based Paint: Activities assisted under the HOME Program that involv e pre-1978 housing are subject to the lead-based paint requirements at 24 CFR Part 35. Acquis ition activities such as direct homeownership are subject to 24 CFR 35 Subpart K. Activities that involve rehabilitation are subject to 24 (TR Subpart i. Finding #11 — Lead-Based Paint Condition: While the citys program guidelines identif y the need to conduct visual assessments of painted surfaces in pre-1978 housing assisted under MAP. there was no documentation of one being conducted in the files for the three pre-1978 units that were included in the file sample. Similarly, when minor rehabilitation was undertaken using Community Development Block Grant ICDBG. funds there was no documentation in the file to support that an evaluation was conducted. Criteria: 24 CFR 35.1015: 24 CFR 35.930 Cause: The inspection forms currently used by the city lack a section for the inspection of painted surfaces, The minor rehabilitation program lacks a similar level of review. Effect: Pre-1978 units could he assisted under the progra m where defective paint is present. Rehabilitation work could be undertaken in such units in a manner that is not consistent with the requirements creating the potential for lead contamination . Required Corrective Action: Within 45 days of the date ot this letter the city must re\ise its inspection checklists so that a visual assessment is conduc ted and documented for any pre-1978 units assisted under MAP. For any rehabilitation project s involving pre-1978 units the city must establish a procedure to document that it has properly evalua ted the work under the Rule. The citY was provided a sample Lead Requirements Works heet to assist it in this task. Income Certifications: The city is currently usina the adjusted gross income definit ion for IRS Form 1040 to determine participant eligibility. For the city’s MAP applicants, it requires the submission of their most recent tax return along with a verification of employment VOE form completed by the lender. The city is not requiring applicants to submit two months of source documentation for income in accordance with 92.203(a) 2). Finding #12 — Income Certifications Cit t ti ilL nL 1 ui end ie’ ira p i tip i t 1J1 l i o month c sOUl CC dtcriment mon T i ieiurns md GE toims ne hL og nm’ ied h th lender arid it does not appear that c it\ ate verifying their formation pro vided, Fax returns arid VOF forms are not source documentntion. Cund t1in Based upon the in formation in the files no insInnee of inelini hie e 5 ho hoi t: J v, ic dean :‘iei. Criteria: 24 CFR 92.203(at(2l Cause: The city is reling on the lenders to perform key administrative tasks. Source documentation of income is not being reviewed by city staff. Effect: Ineligible households could he assisted, costs could he disallowed and repayment of funds could be required from the city. Required Corrective Action: Prior to committing or disbursing HOME funds for any additional homeownership projects the City must adopt formal procedures for the review of a household’s income through an examination of appropriate source documentation. Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs): The city requires nonprofit organizations seeking CHDO funding to submit qualification documentation annually or when funds are applied for. While cdv staff perform a fairly comprehensive review of each organization’s qualifications, the city’s checklist needs to be strengthened in the evaluation of whether the organization is under the influence or control of entities seeking profit or gain. The criteria are: • • • • • Is neither controfled by, nor under the direction of. individuals or entities seeking to derive profit or gain from the organization. A community housing development organization may be sponsored or created by a for-profit entity. but: The for-profit entity may not be an entity whose primary purpose is the development or management of housing. such as a builder, developer, or real estate management firm. The for-profit entity may not have the right to appoint more than one-third of the membership of the organizations governing body. Board members appointed by the for-profit entity may not appoint the remaining two-thirds of the board members: The community housing development organization must be free to contract for goods and services from vendors of its own choosing: and The officers and employees of the for-profit entity may not be officers or employees of the community housing development organization.