ii Reformulation and Drop Size of Apraclonidine Hydrochloride Mark I. Vocci, M.D., Alan L. Robin, John C. Wahl, Phil Mayer, Adrienne Graves, Billie York, Cheryl Enger, M.S., and James Sutton, C.O.T. We performed a prospective, dOuble- masked, placebo?controlled, six-period, cross- over study in which normal subjects were randomly assigned to treatment and compared three different formulations of apraclonidine hydrochloride (the present commercially available formulation, and formulations with 'or lysole?ci- thin)..We also evaluated the ef?cacy of a 1611.1 and 30-511 drop size. The magnitude and dura- tion of'decrease in intraocular pressure was comparable for all formulations. Most sub- jects tolerated all formulations well with only a few reporting any side effects. The best-tol- erated formulation was 0.5% apraclonidine hydrochloride delivered with a 16-ul dr0p size. Dry mouth developed frequently with the commercially available 1% apraclonidine solution. Blurred vision complicated the use of the formulation containing hydroxypro- Both dry mouth (P .05) and blurred vision (P .004) were statistically signi?cant side effects. APRACLONIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE is a relatively selective alphaz?adrenergic agonist and a cloni- dine derivative. Topical 1.0% apraclonidine is the only medication that consistently reduces intraocular pressure increases accompanying argon'laser trabeculoplasty and iridotomy?4 Various concentrations of apraclonidine have reduced intraocular pressure in normal and glaucomatous eyes.5'8 Dose-related7side effects, Accepted for publication Oct. 25, 1991. From the Sinai H05pital (Drs. Vocci, Robin, and Wahl and Mr. Sutton) and Wilmer Institute of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland (Dr. Robin and Ms. Enger); and Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, Texas (Drs. Mayer, Graves, and York). Reprint requests to Alan L. Robin, M.D., 6115 Falls Rd? 3rd Floor, Baltimore, MD 21209-2226. suth as dry mouth, might limit its long-term usefulness. It would be ideal to minimize such while not altering apraclonidine's ability to reduce intraocular pressure. These could possibly be reduced by reformulation. and reduction in drop size. Reformulation may allow greater adherence of the medication to the cornea, better corneal penetration, and IeSs systemic absorption. This may allow for a comparable magnitude and duration of intraocular pressure reduction seen with the 1% solution, but with fewer side ef- fects. A similar effect (a reduction in concentra- tion from 0.5% to 0.25% with a comparable intraocular pressure reduction) has been seen with the reformulation of betaxolol hydrochlor- ide.9 Previous studies with topical alpha-agonists10 and beta-blockers11 suggest that reducing the drop size affects intraocular pressure reduction minimally. The eyelid fornix normally holds less than 20 pl of solution.12 A smaller eyedrop decreases the amount of medication reaching .the and may allow for decreased eyelid pumping of the eyedrop and decreased system? ic absorption. A smaller eyedrop may deliver a bigger effective dose because washout'of medi? cation through tearing would be minimal. We evaluated the intraocular pressure reduc? tion activity and systemic side effects of various eyedrop sizes, concentrations, and formula? tions of apraclonidine. Subiects and Methods We recruited 29 healthy volunteers who were ?21 years of age or older. Subject mean age was 33 i 10.1 years (range, 21 to 55 years). Five were men, 24 were women, 15 were black, and 14 were white. Subjects were excluded if they had any of the following: recent history of ocular trauma, infection, or inflammatory dis? 154 JOURNAL OF 113:154?160, FEBRUARY, 1992 VOL 113, N0. 2 Reformulation and Drop Size of Apraclonidine 155 ease; any abnormality preventing reliable to- nometry; previous intraocular or laser Opera- tions; contact?lens wear during the study; monocular vision; unstable cardiopulmonary disease; chronic renal failure; received systemic alpha-agonists within 30 days before the study; or had a history of hypersensitivity to apraclo? nidine or clonidine. We also excluded women who were pregnant, nursing, or of childbearing potential. The hospital's investigational review board approved the study, and written in- formed consent was obtained from each sub? ject. We performed a double-masked, six-period crossover study in which subjects were ran- domly assigned to treatment using three con- trols, each with a 30-ul drop size (Table 1). The ?rst was the vehicle of the commercially avail- able 1% solution (placebo). The second was 1% apraclonidine solution. The third was a 30?p.1 solution Of 0.5% apraclonidine with conven- tional formulation. We compared these to the three following different formulations of apra- clonidine using a 16-p.l drop size: a 0.5% solu- tion of apraclonidine with hydroxypro? added; a 0.5% solution of apraclonidine with both hydroxypropylmethyl- cellulose and the corneal penetration enhancer, lysolecithin, added; and a 1611.1 0.5% Ophthal? mic solution formulated identically to the com- mercially available 1% solution. Each subject randomly received all six medications with a one-week washout between periods. On the ?rst day of each crossover period we measured visual acuity, resting blood pressure, and heart rate, and performed slit?lamp biomi- croscopy. We carefully placed only a single drop of study medication in both eyes of each subject. We examined the subjects one, three, eight, and 12 hours later. No topical anesthetic was given or intraocular pressure was mea? sured before instillation Of the study medica- tion. This allowed us to evaluate better the efficacy of the corneal penetration enhancer, lysolecithin. Applanation tonometry can abrade the cornea, enhancing the penetration of a t0pical medication. Applanation tonometry before the administration of a glaucoma medi- cation also does not mimic its use in a clinical situation. By instilling medication in subjects before applanation tonometry, there was no confusion between the effects of the penetra- tion enhancer that we evaluated and the effects of topical anesthetic (proparacaine or its preservative (benzalkonium chloride) on the cornea.13 TABLE 1 DIFFERENCES IN FORMULATION AND DROP SIZE OF APRACLONIDINE MEDICATIONS FOR THE SIX STUDY ARMS CONCENTRATION DROP SIZE OF APRACLONIOINE on.) FORMULATION None 30 Conventional 0.5% 30 Conventional 1% 30 Conventional 0.5% 16 Conventional 0.5% 16 0.5% 16 with lysolecithin At each subsequent interval, intraocular pressure was measured with Goldmann appla? nation tonometry. We also measured resting blood pressure and heart rate. Subjects estimat? ed side effects and on an arbitrary scale from 0 to 9. Mild side effects were rated 1 to 3, moderate side effects were rated 4 tO 6, and severe side effects were rated 7 to 9. These were subjective and we did not at- tempt to measure their severity objectively. The following were actively elicited: ocu- lar burning, ocular stinging, ocular itching, ocular dryness, excessive tearing, blurred vi- sion, dry mouth, bad taste in mouth, unusually dry nose, systemic tiredness, and systemic drowsiness. After the 12-hour examination, we instilled a second drop of study medication in both eyes. Each subject was then given the bottles of study medication and asked to instill one drop in each twice daily over the next six days. Each subject was seen again one week later, 12 hours after the last eyedrop instillation. We again carefully instilled only one drop of the same study medication into both eyes Of each indi- vidual. Subjects were examined at one, three, eight, and 12 hours later as on the ?rst day. The . identical sequence of examinations was repeat- ed for the next study phase, after the washout. We averaged the intraocular pressure read- ings from both eyes of each volunteer, treating each subject as a unit. Results were reported as mean i 1 standard deviation. The Bonferroni paired t-test was used to evaluate data. Results Only one subject did not complete all study visits. This subject completed ?ve of the six 11151111711131". tam 156 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY February, 1992 study phases and was eliminated during the ?nal day of the last study phase because of an adverse reaction. No change in the visual acuity of any subject was found at any time during the study. Baseline intraocular pressure was not mea- sured on any study date. We used the placebo- treatment phase as a baseline value. This repre? sented a normal diurnal curve for each subject. At each interval, we compared the results ob- tained for each study medication with those obtained during placebo treatment at the same interval (Table 2, Figure). All formulations of apraclonidine signi?cantly reduced intraocular pressure, compared to placebo (P .05). The maximal intraocular pressure reduction effect from placebo for all agents was observed at three hours (21.9% i? 16.6% to 26.0% 1' 15.6%) and decreased to the range of 10% i 19.6% to 16% 18-2% by 12 hours. Statistical analysis comparing each formulation to all other formu- lations showed no signi?cant differences for any formulation. A similar intraocular pressure reduction was seen on Day 7 for all formula- tions. Comparison of intraocular pressure re- duction ef?cacy of all formulations on Day 1 compared with Day 7 yielded no signi?cant differences at all intervals. The number of subjects whose intraocular pressure was reduced 20% by the placebo for all formulations was determined (Table 3). The 3011.1 drOp 0.5% apraclonidine solution with conventional formulation reduced intraocular pressure signi?cantly more than the formula- tion containing both lulose and lysolecithin on Day 7 at three hours. Although no other signi?cant difference was observed, the 30-p.l drop 0.5% apraclonidine with conventional formulation appeared to re- duce intraocular pressure better than all other medications at this interval. No difference was found for any other formulations at any time point. The percent change of mean systolic blood pressure ranged from i 10.4% to +50% 1' 15.0% and the percent change of mean diastolic blood pressure ranged from i 12.3% to +58% i 18.1%. No statisti- cally signi?cant differences (P .05) were ob- served in the percent change from baseline value for systolic and diastolic blood pressure for any agent. Data for the following side effects were not statistically different (nor did they approach signi?cance) from placebo: burning, stinging, itching, tearing, dry nose, and bad taste. Data for side effects that were signi?cantly different than those of the placebo were also determined (Tables 4Ithrough 7). The formulation contain- ing induced sig- ni?cantly more blurred vision than all other formulations (P .004). The placebo induced signi?cantly less (P .05) dry mouth than apraclonidine 1% (P .002), 1641.1 0.5% apra- clonidine with conventional formulation (P .032), and 30?111 0.5% apraclonidine with con- ventional formulation (P .032) but neither formulation with lose. Apraclonidine 1% induced signi?cantly (P .022) more dry mouth than both formula- tions with Fa- tigue and drowsiness were more signi?cant (P .016) with apraclonidine 1% than with placebo. Tiredness was also less frequent (P .04) with placebo when compared with the solution containing TABLE 2 MEAN INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE VALUES (1 ONE STANDARD DEVIATION) APRACLONIDINE WITH CONVENTIONAL FORMULATION WITH TIME 30.? 1 .094. 164.1. 0.5% 30-1.; 0.5% LYSOLECITHIN PLACEBO Day 1 Hour 1 11.6 i- 2.6 12.4 i 2.2 12.5 i 2.8 12.9 i 3.1 12.4 i 2.7 14.7 i 2.5 Hour 3 10.5 i 2.5 10.9 2.0 10.9 i 2.4 10.9 1* 2.0 10.5 i 2.1 14.3 i 2.3 Hour 8 10.6 i 2.8 11.7 2.1 11.0 i 1.9 11.2 i 2.3 10.8 i 2.1 13.3 i 2.2 Hour 12 11.1 2.2 11.7 I 2.5- 11-3 2.6 11.9 i 2.2 11.4 i 2.4 13.5 i 2.6 Day 7 Hour 1 11.2 2.4 12.5 3.1 11.4 I 2.8 11.6 i 2.3 11.9 1 2.9 14.4 i 2.3 Hour 3 9.9 2.1 11.1 2.7 10.2 1- 2.5 10-7 1- 1.8 10.9 i 2.5 13.7 3.0 Hour 8 10.7 i 2.7 11.8 2.1 11.5 2.2 11.7 2.2 11.4 I 2.8 13.3 a: 2.8 Hour 12 11.3 i 2.5 12.0 :t 1.9 12.2 I 2.3 11.8 I 2.0 11.9 2.3 13.7 2.3 Vol. 113, No. 2 Reformulation and Drop Size of Apraclonidine 157 Figure (Vocci and associates). Line graph comparing the percent change in mean intraocular pressure from the placebo?treatment phase for all for- mulations and drop sizes. The open triangles represent the 30-p.l eyedrop 0 of the standard formulation of 1% '2 apraclonidine. The solid squares rep- '4 resent 3011.1 eyedrops of 0.5% apra? ?5 clonidine with the standard formula? '8 tion. The open squares represent ?10 standard formulation of 0.5% apraclo- 42 nidine with a smaller 16-9.] eyedrop 2 .14 size. Both the solid and open circles .16 represent formulations of 0.5% apra- 0 48 clonidine using the smaller 16-ul eye- 39 20 drop size. The solid circles represent .22 formulations to which hydroxypro- - was added. The '24 open circles represent the formulation ?26 to which lysolecithin was also added. '33 No signi?cant difference at any inter? mealtime 1itr 12;? a? 3% egg 12 L?s val was observed between groups. No signi?cant difference was observed in De)? TIME 950'" any group between mean percent in- lulose and lysolecithin. Although the differenc- es in drowsiness and tiredness between the 16-p.l 0.5% apraclonidine with conventional formulation and apraclonidine 1% were not statistically signi?cant at the -05 level, eight of the 29 subjects reported moder- ate to severe reactions with 1% apraclonidine compared to three of the subjects re- porting the same level with the 1611.1 0.5% apraclonidine with conventional formulation. This trend might be signi?cant if a larger sam- ple size is used. The one subject who was discontinued from the study reported the most severe side effect at Day 7 of her ?nal study visit while receiving apraclonidine Before instillation of the medication on the last day of the study, this subject reported mildly blurred vision, burn? ing, and photophobia. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy disclosed bilateral mild corneal punctate stain- ing, mild conjunctival injection, and trace cell and ?are in the anterior chamber. Two addition- al subjects receiving apraclonidine 1% had sparse corneal punctate staining but were A mild headache was reported by two subjects receiving the 30?51.} 0.5% apra- traocular pressure change from place- bo at comparable times on Days 1 and 7. indicates hydroxypro- and lysolecithin. HPMC indicates hydroxypropylmeth- ylcellulose. clonidine with conventional formulation on Day 1. Nine subjects-reported subjective mild blurring of vision after the instillation of both solutions containing lulose. Five of these nine subjects reported that the blurring was transient, lasting less than one minute. Headache was reported by two subjects while using the formulation containing hy- with lysolecithin. Discussion This study used a potentially commercially available eyedrop bottle that delivers a 16-p.l drop size. Previous studies of other medica- tions that used minidrops used either pipettes10 or a prototype drop bottle.? We also evaluated multiple formulations and concentrations. Baseline intraocular pressure was not measured and the intraocular pressure data were ana- lyzed as percent change from placebo. The data obtained from the placebo-treated group sepa- rated the pharmacologic effects of apracloni? dine from diurnal variation and placebo effects. 158 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY February, 1992 1 TABLE 3 I NUMBER OF SUBJECTS WITH A 20% REDUCTION 1N INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE APRACLONIDINE WITH FORMULATION TIME 301.1. 1.0% 15% 0.5% 30-11:. 0.5% WITH LYSOLECITHIN Day 1 Hour 1 16 11 12 13 12 Hour 3 20 19 19 21 19 Hour 8 16 11 14 12 13 Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour 12 13 7 10 10 11 *SO-pl 0.5% apraclonidine with conventional formulation signi?cantly reduced intraocular pressure in more volunteers by 20% ga-emM-TI? ?ux 'l i compared to with lysolecithin. In . nit." I This method was important because statistical- ly signi?cant decreases in intraocular pressure have been observed in eyes in which placebo drops have been instilled??16 The data regarding the effect of the corneal penetration enhancer, lysolecithin, would have been confounded by the previous applanation of an anesthetized cornea had a baseline intra- ocular pressure been obtained. However, the main disadvantage of this study was that the data were calculated as a percent change from placebo rather than from baseline value. This may under- or overestimate the intraocular pressure-reducing ability of various formula- tions. This study was conducted to determine whether reformulation or reduction in drop size, or both, of topically administered apraclo- TABLE 4 NUMBER OF SUBJECTS BLURRED VISION AS A SIDE EFFECT (N 29) nidine would affect its ocular hypotensive ef- fects and its side effect pro?le. All formulations signi?cantly reduced intraocular pressure com- pared to placebo. No signi?cant differences in the average maximal intraocular pressure re- duction were found for any formulation at any time point in the study compared to any other formulation. The maximal intraocular pres- sure?reducing effect was observed at three hours for all formulations. This was consistent with ?ndings of previous studies.5'7'l7 The range of maximal response in this study varied from 21.9% i 16.6% to 26.1% 15.6%. This range of maximal response was similar to previous apraclonidine studies}17 which reported a 22.4% and 28.6% maximal response with 1% and 0.5% apraclonidine, respectively. Al? though our study used healthy adult volun- TABLE 5 NUMBER OF SUBJECTS EXPERIENCING DRY MOUTH AS A EFFECT (N 29) OF SIDE EFFECT NONE OR MILD MODERATE SEVERE Placebo 29 0 Apraclonidine 1% 29 0 0 161d 0.5% apraclonidine with conventional formulation 29 30-,ul 0.5% apraclonidine with conventional formulation 29 0 0 Hydroxypropylmethyloeliulose with lysolecithin 24 5 20 6 3 RATING OF SIDE EFFECT NONE on MILD MODERATE SEVERE Placebo 29 0 0 Apraclonidine 1% 16 9 4 16?p.l 0.5% apraclonidine with conventional formulation 23 4 2 3041.1 0.5% apraclonidine with conventional formulation 23 6 - 0 Hydroxypropylmemylcellulose with lysolecithin 25 2 2 Hydroxypropylmethyloellulose 25 3 1 Vol. 113, No.2 Reformulation and Drop Size Of Apraclonidine 159 TABLE 6 NUMBER OF SUBJECTS EXPERIENCING DROWSINESS AS A SIDE EFFECT (N 29) RATING 0F SIDE EFFECT NONE 0R MILD MODERATE SEVERE Placebo 29 0 0 Apraclonidine 1% 23 2 4 161d 0.5% apraclonidine with conventional formulation 28 1 0 30m 0.5% apraclonidine with conventional formulation 27 1 1 with Iysolecithin 26 3 27 1 1 teers, these results probably corresponded to potential short-term results seen in glaucoma- tous eyes as the results of our study were similar to those seen when t0pical apracloni? dine was instilled in both healthy and glauco- matous eyes.?5 The effective dose of all formulations of 0.5% apraclonidine with a reduced (16?p.l) drop size is approximately one drop of a 0.25% solution. A previous dose-response study7 that used con- centrations of 0.125%, 0.25%, and 0.5% apra- clonidine in subjects with ocular hypertension and glaucoma found no statistically signi?cant differences between 0.25% and 0.5% solutions. The previous dose?response study"1 did ?nd a difference in the percentage of patients with a greater than 20% reduction in intraocular pres- sure at eight hours for the 0.25% and 0.50% solutions. However, as in our present study, this difference did not attain signi?cance with the exception of the formulation with hydroxy? and the conventional 30?31.] 0.5% apraclonidine solution. Hydroxy? might lessen the effec? tive concentration of apraclonidine. The magnitude and duration of responses was similar for Day 1 and Day 7. The range of magnitude and duration of response was simi? lar to that in previous studies using. similar concentrations of apraclonidine?l7 This may indicate that short-term studies of apracloni? dine could be as brief as 24 hours. We detected no clinically or statistically sig? nificant differences in resting systolic or diastol- ic blood pressure or pulse rate in this study. Similar ?ndings have been reported in several studiesd?ds TABLE 7 NUMBER OF SUBJECTS EXPERIENCING TIREDNESS AS A SIDE EFFECT (N 29) RATING 0F SIDE EFFECT NONE 0R MILD MODERATE SEVERE Placebo 28 1 0 Apraclonidine 1% 21 2 6 16-pl 0.5% apraclonidine with conventional formulation 26 2 1 3010 0.5% apraclonidine with conventional formulation 26 2 1 Hydroxypropylmethyloellulose with Iysolecithin 21 7 1 25 3 1 The most commonly elicited side effects in our study were dry mouth, dry nose, fatigue, drowsiness, and burning on instillation. Fewer subjects reported side effects while taking 16? [3.1 0.5% apraclonidine with conventional for- mulation, the 30?p.l 0.5% apraclonidine with conventional formulation, and both formula- tions containing lose when compared to apraclonidine 1% for fatigue, dry mouth, and bad taste. However, the decrease in side effects was not entirely dose? dependent. The trend was as might be expect? ed; lower doses of apraclonidine were associat- ed with a decrease in the number of subjects reporting complications, and the complications that were reported were milder. The only ex- ception was transient blurring of vision in- duced by the formulations containing hydroxy? This was subjective and visual acuity was not measured after the instil? lation of apraclonidine. This was most likely caused by the increased viscosity of hydroxy? The addition of hy- offered no appar? ent advantages, but had the disadvantage of blurred vision. All subjects spontaneously volunteered in? formation about the new (16?ul) eyedrop bot- tle. They agreed it was easier to squeeze and deliver one drop with this bottle and therefore preferred the new eyedrop bottle to the conven- tional eyedr0p bottle. Although the side effects were tolerable for the subject group as a whole, some of these side effects may limit the future applications of the drug in susceptible individuals. One subject developed mild ocular irritation and anterior Wr'tf?i?i ?1 160 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY February, 199 2 chamber inflammation representative of an al? lergic reaction during the one?week instillation period with the apraclonidine 1% formulation. This reaction developed during the subject?s sixth study phase and did not develop with any other formulation or drop size. This unusual reaction has been previously reported with 1% apraclonidine17 and may represent a problem when used for long-term treatment of glauco- ma. It is noteworthy that this reaction devel- oped during the ?nal phase (Week 6) of the study and may be related to the total duration of apraclonidine exposure. This study demonstrated that reformulation or reduction in drop size, or both, is associated with a similar duration and magnitude of intra- ocular pressure reduction but can also be asso? ciated with a decrease in local and systemic side effects. Decreased eyelid pumping of a smaller drop volume contributed to the effects found in this study. These short-term results augur well for the future long-term instillation of apraclo- nidine hydrochloride as an ocular hypotensive agent in the management of glaucoma. Apra? clonidine, when used in long-term treatment, may be most effective in a smaller drop size. A new long?term agent for the treatment of glau- coma must not only be safe and effective, but also have tolerable side effects. Apraclonidine in the form of the 0.5% solution with a 1611.1 drop size was both effective and well-tolerated. References 1. Robin, A. L., Pollack, l. 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