COMMITTEE Ch.ail"man: Robert Vice Chairmen: AGAINST SUMMIT E NTANGLEMENTS Belmont 78, :Mass a ch use tts Welch Charles Edison, Alfred Kohlbe,..g , Clarence Manion Executive Committee: Thomas J. Ande r son, Sp r uille Br aden , Owen Brewcter , Robert Bo Dressei• 0 E . Po. Hamilton, A . G. Hein sohn , Jro , Samuel B. Petten .gill, Al"chibald Roosevelt 0 Robe1·t W. Stoddard , A . C. Wedemeye:s.· National Board: T. Coleman Andrews Geo r ge W. Armstrong , Jr. John U. Ba rr K. G. Bentson Elizabeth Chu!:chill Brown How a :rd Bu ffett Laurence E . Bunker H. G. Carpente,: Taylor Caldwell Fo Ga no Chance w. B. Coberly, Jr9 Ja:m .es L. Coker Kenneth W~ Cole grove Mar t in J . Condon , III P., A. Del Valle Pierre . S. du Pont , 3rd Fx anklin Farrel , Jr. Doroth y B. Fl"ankston J . H. Gipson , Sr. Barr y Goldw a ter Wm. J . Grede Le sli e R. GTov e s A. B?o o ks Harl ow F r an k E o Holman B. E. Hu tc hinson Hus b and E . Kimmel Mrs . Wm. F . Kno wland F r ed C. Ko ch Rose Wilder Lane J . Bracken Lee F. F o Loock Ross Martin Frank E o Masl and~ Jr. N., Floyd McGowin Wo L. McGr a th W. B. McMillan Adolphe Menjou Mrs. Seth ?vlilliken L u dwig von Mises Robert Morrie R ev ilo P . Oliver Cola G. Parker J . Howard Pew Henr y Pope , Jr . Louie Ruthenburg GordonH . Scherer Alfred J. Schweppe T. Gu W. Settle J. Nelson Sh epherd Wint Smith Robert B. Snowden Suzanne Silvercru y s S'i:evenson Erneet GG Swigert W. H. Wilbur George H 4 Willi a mson \....UMMlTT.EE AGAINST 38 5 ~UMMIT .bNTANGLEMENTS CONCORD BELMONT 78, AVENUE MASSACHUSETTS Chairman Robert Welch Vke Chair111e11 Spruille Braden Alfred Kohlberg Clarence Manion Extculivt Co111111iltcc Thomas J. Anderson . Robert B. Dresser Barry Goldwater E. P. Hamilto n A. G. Hei nsohn, Jr. Cola G. Parker Samuel B. Pettengill J . Nelson Shepherd Robert W. Stoddard Elizabeth W. Wilson N 111io11al Board T . Coleman Andrews George W. Armstrong, Jr . John U. Barr Laurence E. Bunker H . G. Carpenter F. Gano Chance Kenneth W. Colegrove Martin J. Condon , III W. J. Bryan Dorn Pierre S. du Pont, 3rd Fra nklin Farrel, Jr. Dorothy B. Frankston J. H . Gipson, Sr. Wm . J . G rede A. Brooks Harlow B. E. Hutchinson Husband E. Kimmel Fred C. Koch Rose Wilder Lane J . Bracken Lee F. F. Loock Ross Martin Frank E. Masland, Jr. N . Floyd McGowin W. L. McGrath Ludwig von Mises Rcvilo P. Oliver J . Howard Pew Henry Pope, Jr. Paulus P. Powell Louis Ruthenburg Gordon H . Scherer T. G . W. Setcle Wint Smith Robert B. Snowden Suzanne Silvercruys Stevenson George H. Williamson June To An Editor, Or Other We have forwarded to the White House, ing schedule: Patriotic 29, 1959 Leader: the enclosed petitions, with signatures, in one mailing per ·week, on the followNumber Of Signed Petitions Week Beginning 1 2 May 11 May 18 May 25 June 1 June 8 June 15 June 22 June 29 4 8 16 32 64 128 While not all of these petitions have been with the twenty signatures, most of them have averaged at least fifteen signatures count and the actual mailing in each case by three witnesses. This procedure will completely filled have been, and they per petition. The have been certified be continued. We already have enough signed petitions to take care of the 256 we shall need next week and the 512 we shall need during the week beginning July 13. But the stream of petitions now pouring in on us must increase to a veritable flood, to keep up for long with a need expanding at such a rate. Assuring you, therefore, of our appreciation for any help you .have already given us, with publicity or otherwise, and of continued appreciation for further support, we are hopefully calling the obvious truth to your attention: How long we can maintain this mailing schedule and its dramatic impact depends primarily on people like yourself. Sincerely, P. S. Of course we shall be glad to send blank petitions promptly to anvbodv who reauests them . RW