?eas}: a; Reply All ?Fcuna-ard CLEIM Fri 12:"1 9.52514 ?:31 Al's-1 Ollie. Stacey RE: Chapter-4 Exec Surat?nan,r Tc: McCa??ertnr. Randall Cc 'u'v'ade. Pamela; Madden. Jonathan P. These are pretty substantive changes tc: the ether 'urersibn in the future, we? ll need ta receive these much earlier because we already sent the rather uersicn far FDEF apprc'ural seue ral weeks age- and new this causes cbnfusian. me: McCaFfertg, Randall Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2314 3:41] PM To: Stacey,r Cc: 1u'u'ade, Pamela; Madden, Jenathan Subject: Chapter 4 Exec Summaryr Stacey, The. attached ?le includes but revisicrns tn the Executive Summaqr far Chapter 4- Thanks! Filaad},r