IWed 131432015 9: 34 .l?tr's'll - McCatferty. sandall Review of Chapter 4 appendices Te Wade, Pamela I reviewed the chapter 4 appendices fer the fullcwing terms [and same cambinaticns}: Prerpc-sed Rule Chapter 4?E??l Amendment Under review Discharge Liinitaticn app 4?1: includes many references tn ?discharge limitaticns? I changed ?discharge" 1:0 ?cancentraticrn, hcweyer I?m nut sure about the use pf ?limitaticrns" sc I suggested maybe ?gents"- Your call- All preppsed revisipns er pctential revisicrns are en pages 4?1?1 tn 4?1?3- app 4?2: includes cne reference ?prapcsed? en page 4?2? 12 that yen may want te- change and c-ne grammar mistake en page 4?2?23 that isn:t changing unless yc-u make the ?rst change- M: I didn?t see anything werth abcu?c= I prcvided the linlr in case yen want tn deuble?checlc. I will begin reyiewing appendices far chapters 3 and 10' next-