From: Subject: Date: To: Cc: Rybacki, Megan megan ryback Exped ted FOIA NPS 2017-00696 Apr 26, 2017 at 4:43 PM fo a@amer canovers Vanessa Lacayo vanessa Dear Mr. Evers: Reference: Border Wa NEPA Subject: Exped ted Freedom of Informat on Act (FOIA) Request NPS-2017-00696 We are wr t ng to respond to your request. After a thorough search of our fi es, t has been determ ned that the Nat ona Park Serv ce has no records respons ve to your request. Megan Ryback , Nat ona Park Serv ce Intermounta n Reg on, Office of Commun cat ons and Leg s at on s respons b e for th s den a . You may appeal this response to the Department’s FOIA/Privacy Act Appeals Officer. If you choose to appeal, the FOIA/Privacy Act Appeals Officer must receive your FOIA appeal as soon as possible after this letter. Appeals arriving or delivered after 5 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, will be deemed received on the next workday. Your appea must be made n wr t ng. You may submit your appeal and accompanying materials to the FOIA/Privacy Act Appeals Officer by mail, courier service, fax, or email. All communications concerning your appeal should be clearly marked with the words: "FREEDOM OF INFORMATION APPEAL." You must include an explanation of why you believe the National Park Service’s response is in error. You must also include with your appeal copies of all correspondence between you and the National Park Service concerning your FOIA request, including your original FOIA request and National Park Service's response. Failure to include with your appeal all correspondence between you and the National Park Service will result in the Department's rejection of your appeal, unless the FOIA/Privacy Act Appeals Officer determines (in the FOIA/Privacy Act Appeals Officer’s sole discretion) that good cause exists to accept the defective appeal. Please include your name and daytime telephone number (or the name and telephone number of an appropriate contact), email address and fax number (if available) in case the FOIA/Privacy Act Appeals Officer needs additional information or clarification of your appeal. DOI FOIA/Privacy Act Appeals Office Contact Information Department of the Interior Office of the Solicitor 1849 C Street, N.W. MS-6556 MIB Washington, DC 20240 Attn: FOIA/Privacy Act Appeals Office Telephone: (202) 208-5339 Fax: (202) 208-6677 Email: Because the Nat ona Park Serv ce creates and ma nta ns aw enforcement records, we are requ red by the Department of Just ce to prov de the fo ow ng nformat on, even though t may or may not app y to your spec fic request. Congress exc uded three d screte categor es of aw enforcement and nat ona secur ty records from the requ rements of the FOIA. See 5 U.S.C. 552(c) (2006 & Supp. IV 2010). Th s response s m ted to those records that are subject to the requ rements of the FOIA. Th s s a standard not ficat on that we are requ red to g ve a our requesters and shou d not be taken as an nd cat on that exc uded records do, or do not, ex st. Shou d you have any further quest ons regard ng th s request, p ease fee free to contact me. I can be reached at 12795 W. A ameda Parkway or by phone at 303-987-6611. My e-ma address s megan ryback S ncere y, Megan Ryback Megan yback -- Megan Rybacki Intranet Manager National Park Service Intermountain Regional Office Office of Communications and Legislation (303) 987-6611 Visit the IMR Intranet and bookmark it for later! Need help creating a program site? Find more information HERE.