J'm True From: Jason Brothers Sent: Yuesday Jab/1212017149 PM To: 59m Turner Ce: Margaret Medelhn, George camek Subject: RE Shanng otAsoen's data Seth, Thank you (or pumng this mgether on short ordev, Jet you know iil have any quesuons. Jason Jason Brothers, Assocrate, Prmect Manager Deere 8. Ault Consultants, Inc. 500 5. Airport Rd., name A, Suite 205 Longmonl, ca 80503 Phone. 30375511453 Fax. 30365171469 From: Seth Turner Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 1017 1:37 PM To: Jason Brothers" Cc: Margaret MedeHin m, George 0amek-- Subject: Sharmg ofAspen's data Hr Jason, The demand and soopty data you requested rs rn the attached spreadsheet A tew notes on the demands 41) OurmodeJ rs set up for wateryears, from Octaber 1, 1994 12) the weekly modeJ, Week 1 heems Octoher 1. (3) Because otthe odd numbe( of days he, 52x7=364), the last week of December (Week 13) has 8 days (4h The demand time serres are for 52 weeks and repeat for all years the wv 197071994 study period. (5) The demands are constant for aH three seenarros [Runs teat, except ortch, 1'Runs 2-3 to) Thomas Reservmr and castJe Creek bypass demands were derwed (ram tahles in the WHson Water report, as noted in the new comments (7) The erson demands were mommy, and we to weekw when a week straddtes the end uf one month and the beginnmg of the next, we the demand for the month more days that week For ekamote, Week 5 (October zeeNovemher 4} was to November. 13) Castte Creek and Maroon Creek demands are constant yearsround Maroon Creek rs 14 based on the decree CastJe Creek rs 13.3 cts, rncJudrng the 12 decree plusanother 1 2 from the Crty of Aspen We assumed that the orty wen augmentation demand would be met entrrety trom Cashe Creek For each oi the 3 model run scenarros, rncJudeo 3 suppw trrne senes: 1 (1) Esnmated flow at Came Creek make, after hydrograph adrustment, out oetore sublracmg (tty weH augmentatron and ditch bypass demands. (2) Estvmated flow at Maroon Creek intake, adrustment, out before subtractingthe Hernck demand (3) Total combmed flow at the Castle creek and Maroon Creek rntakes AFTER subtraetrng tne my weH aug, rrngatron ditch, and Hemck demands, but BEFORE any further subtractions to meet Thomas Reservoir or demands In the Thomas Reservow demands to See \f there ts any Mm Shortage (generaHy not, except fav a few weeks 1977), then take whatever flow is left and See haw much of the combmed Z7 3 cis ISF demand can be met. Prease don't nesnate to call or eman any ouesnons. rnanks, Sem Turner, E. Senior water Resources Engmeer Headwaters Corporatron 405 Urban Street, Smte 401 Lakewood, co 80228 Phone' 7205246115 From: George earnek Sent: Tuesday, Jury 18, 2017 11.13 AM To: tason Brothers Cc: Margaret Medeurn ;Seth Turne-- Subject: RE snanng Let's talk at 11 30 and use our mnference Me 877 820 7831 4516837" Margaret, teel tree to Jam us van are already overshooked, I'll try to steer us to our Baselme, Chmate cnange, and men to me Worst Case. From: Jason mothers-- Sen uesday, July . eorge Oamek Cc: Margaret Medellin Sem rumer -- Subject: RE snarmg ot Aspen ana ata George, Thanks forbemg so accommodating lam ms office and avaitaote at the number betow riyou would hkew can Thanks, Jason Jason BrolhEVS, E. Assocrate, Prerect Manager Deere AuIt Consultants, Inc. 600 Arrpon no A, Suite 205 Longrnont, co 80503 Phone 303-6511463 Fax 303-651-1469 From: George ome-- Sent: Tuesday, my 18, 2017 11 03 AM To: Jason Brothers-- Cc: Margaret Medeuin_ Seth Turner Subiect: E.Sharmg Jason, we'd Irke to touen base you regardmg wnetner would be easxer to gr'ye you the mode' we're working or to snnory extratl what you need We have a company conrerenee caH nne and nyou naye a rmnute onwo, we'H he you and ger you wnat you need Best, George From: Margaret Medenrn Sem: Tuesday, July 13 1017 11 55 AM To: George earnek-- Seth Turner_ Jason Brothers Subjec George, Seth and Jason, tins eman, J'd Irke to rntroduee you and open lmes o! commumcatlon As you are all aware, we are yrgorousJy pursumg (00's to evaluate and deve'op Aspen's water systern. George and sun, Headwater's Carp are a ana'ySIs or Aspen's abihw to meet mstream and muntopar flows Jason, Deere and Ault, rs inyesugatrng tools for Enhantmg Aspen's system Both projects are running run speed week In anlmpatmn ufmscussmg resuns at next Monday's work sessron, wease each other to snare re'evant data pamm'ar, Jason will need me week'y demand and suppry data to perform reservmr Thank you aH for your herm'ean efforts Margaret Margaret Medellin, PE utmtres PorrfoJ Manager cm, ru Asuen pnone ea enron Mu no ow Nut'rr rrtv' Jim True From: Seth Turner-- Sen Tuesday, July 15, 2017 1'37 PM 1' Jason Brothers Cc: Margaret Medellin; George camek Subject; RE Sharing olAspen-s risk analysis data Attachments: 7 hi Jason, The demand and supply data you requested is in the attached spreadsheet. A few notes on the demands: (ll Our model is set up tor water years, October 1,1969759ptember 30,1994. (2) in the weekly model, Week 1 begins October 1. (3) Because otthe odd number oidays (i 52x7:364), the last week of December iWeek 13! has a days (4) The demand time series are tor 52 weeks and repeat lor all years in the wv 197071994 study period. is) The demands are constant tor all three scenarioisuns 173), except Herrick Ditch, which Runs 23. is) Thomas Reservoir and Castle Creek bypass demands were derived from tables in the Wilson Water report, as noted in the cell comments in The Wilson demands were and we distributed to weekly when a week straddles the end or one month and the beginning of the next, we assigned the demand for the month With more days in that week. For example, Week 5 (October ZQVNovember 4) was assigned to November. (at Castle Creek and Maroon Creek ISF demands are constant yeareround. Maroon Creek is 14.0 based on the decree. Castle Creek is 13.3 cts, including the 12.0 cis decree plus another 1 3 commitment frum the city of Aspen. (S) We assumed that the city well augmentation demand would be met entirely trom Castle Creek. For each of the 3 model run scenarios, included 3 supply time series: (1) Estimated flow at Castle creek intake, after hydrograoh adjustment, but heiore subtracting city well augmentation and irrigation ditch bypass demands, in Estimated now at Maroon Creek intake, alter hydrograph adjustment, but before subtracting the Herrick Ditch demand lat Total combined ilow at the Castle Creek and Maroon Creek intakes AFTER subtracting the city well aug, irrigation ditch, and Herrick Ditch demands, but BEFORE any further subtractions to meetThomas Reservoir or ISF demands. in the model, we take that combined llow (at, subtract the Thomas Reservoirdemands to see ilthere is any shortage (generally not, except for a tew weeks in mm, then take whateyertlow is lett and see how much olthe combined 27.3 cis ISF demand can be met. Please don't hesitate to call or email with any questions Thanks, Seth M. Turner, PL Semor Warer Resources Engmeer Headwarers Corporaoon 405 Urban Streex, Sune 401 Lakewood, co 80228 Phone' 72052476115 Fraszeorge Oamek Sam; Tuesday, My 18 2017 11.13 AM Toziason Brolhevs-- Subject: Shanng or Aspen's n'sk ana> Margaret, fee' free to yorn us you are a'ready avernhuoked, 111 try to steer us our Basehne, Chmate Change, and than (D the Worst Case Fvom: Jason Bromer Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2017 12 07 PM To: George Oamek Cc: Margaret Meoeur-- Seth Turner Subject: RE snanng ofAspen'snskana'ygsdata George, bemg so rarn 1n the omce and avaflab'e at the number be'ow 11 you woum We to can Tnank; Jason Jasan Brmhers, Associate, Proyect Manager Deere 8. Auk consonants, Inc. 600 5. Airport Rd, swag A, Suire 205 Longmont, to 80503 Phone' 303-651-1458 Fax1303765171459 From George 0am Sent: Tuesday, July 113, 2017 11 03 AM 1 - Brothers -- argarerMeuo Subject: RE snarrng of Aspen ana'ysls daka Hi Jason, we'd hke much base you regarding wnemer wuuld be easler to grye you me made' we're workmg or ro srmpiy exrract what you noeo We naye a company conference taH irne and ifvou have a minute or two, we'H tie you in and get you wnat you need Best, George Margaretyedeum Sent: Tuesday, Juiy 18, 2017 11 56 AM To: George Oamek ,Seih Tumer Jason Brother; Subject: Sharing ofAspen's risk anoiysrs oata George, Setn and Jason, via tnis emari, I'd like to Introduce you and open iines ofcammumcation. As you are all aware, we are yrgorousiy pursuing ioois to and develop Aspen's waier system George and Seth, with Headwater's Corp are finahzmg a risk analvsisofAspen's mm to meet instream and nows Jason, Deere and Auit, is investigating toois ior ennancing Aspen's system. aotn proiects are running speed week in of discussing resuits at next Monday's work session. piease toordirme with eaen orner in share reieyant data partrcuiar, Jason wiH need tne weekly demand and suooiy data to perform reservoir sizing Thank you 3H for your hercuiean eifons. Margaret Margaret Medellin, PE umities Portmho Manager CIN t-i nsnon Phone L170 429 1992 weimte pittintunt Vt in Nr'i'rur'i'y' J'm True From: Margaret Sent: Tuesda July la 2017 was AM To: -- Seth Turner, Jason Brothers Subject: snanng oi Aspen data George, Seth and lason, Vla this ernall, l'd llke to .htroouce you and open llnes ofcommunlcation As you are all aware, we are yrgorously pursuing tools to evaluate and develop Aspen's water system. George and Seth, Headwater's Corp are flnallzing a olAspen's to meet and munrcipal flaws, Jason, Deere and Ault, Is .nyestigating tools for enhanerng Aspen's system. Both projects are full speed week ln oi results at next Monday's work sesslorl. Please coordinate each other to snare relevant data. partlcular, Jason need the weekly demand and supply data to perlorm veservcir Thank you all for your herculean eflorts Margaret Margaret Medellin, PE portfolro Manager Clly ol Aspen Phone 9704291992 website ya aspnun untnm "vol to be Olit'r'K'rl'd Jim True From: Victor DeWolle -- 5e Fllday, July 7, 20w 2 4i PM 1' Margaret Medellin, Dori Deere Subject: RE Proposal Margaret, We recently did a study for a 200>>fool high dam in Larimer county where we were able to use and data (three 150' boringsi. We dug test pits, mapped, did a conceptual layout and a report it cost about $42k. This is probably the best comparison to your projett without drilling your cost would be more like 356%. Without the task 1 meetings/travel it would be $40745k Our gravel pit reservoir feasibility studies typically include drilling, and topographic surveying arid, depending on drilling conditions at pit SIZE, typically run between $50 and sum. These proiects are generally along the Front Range and usually the borings depths to bedrock are only 3040' deep. A small darn enlargement leasibility proiect we did in Montrose County last year eost about $40k it had similar drilling 13 core boring; at 10 auger boringsi, mapping, test pits and a topo survey, Apart from the darn, bedrock was only about 5710 ieet deep Two other 200' high dam feasibility Studies we did In Mantras? County with 250' boring: Cost roughly $250k each. The drilling conditions and distance to site tend dictate costs So for this proieet with unknown boring depths and the presence olcoobles/bouiders, i think I am pretty close Since the estimate is based on a daily drilling rate, it the bedrock depths are relatively shallow (say we could get done taster ll bedrock is deeper (say 100'), we'll probably have to eliminate a boring ortwo. Let me know ityou need anything else Thanks, Victor Original Message" nom- Margaret Medellin -- Seszridav,Ju|y07, 0171 1AM To. DeWolfem, odn oeere Subiecl. Proposal One at our ciuneilmernpers is questioning the cost proposal for the contract amendment. Can you share tests pl other similar ellorts you've done? Sent from my iPhone Jim True Fromz Vitmi Damm-- Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2w i2 40 PM To: David Hornbacher, Don Deere Ce: Margaret Medellin Subject: RE into needed on Wed lor the site tnvestigation at the property Attachments: Fig 3 Woody Creek site lny Map Dave. Please rind a dran map tor the site investigations. there are borings and 8 test pits Borings Will be drilled with a track mounted (ME 350 it comes on a loweboy There will also be a support truck with a supply traller and up to 2 engtneer's vehicles stands ror Odex, which is a down hole pneumatic hammer operated by a compressor. For bonngs coded with a we will core 20' olbedroclt and perrorm Packer permeability tests. coded with a will be titted with nested piezometers to measuregroundwater pressures Athree-root well box will be set in a 2' 2' concrete pad Alternatively, a (lush mounted well box could be installed in the concrete pad. access requlres a roughly 20' path Each drill pad would measure about 50' by 70' Test pits will be excavated a large traclt hoe as deep as possible, typically less than 13' deep. The materials be piled near the pit lor observation and then each pit Will be Agaln, off~road access requires a roughly 20' path Each test pit pad would measure about 40' by 40' For the mapping, we will use primarily road cuts, and we will observe the surticial matenals on site near each boring or test pit location, or we may walk some transects across the site. Otherwise we will stay on any existing twortracx roads. Please let me know ityou need anything else Regards, victor me: Dayld sent: Monday, July 03 2017 3 53 PM To: on oeere oewoire (mart u: Margaret Medel Subject: needed on Wed tor the site investigation at the property Don/Victor-- the Clly is now under contract for the property. Buckeye LLC is the agent working on behalrorthe City The contract for extension or services with Deere/Ault is on the July 10'" council Agenda We are planning on the investtgatiye work to begin on July In order to secure permission harm the current landowners for the work, need a more delall Can you the following: - Map with approximate location and annotation or work to be perform such as test bore hole, or test pit Very brlef descriptlon or the work to be performed for each of the 2 types ot Site lnclude generalization ordisturbance, equipment and recovery plan. - lf there l5 additional work or on the site, descriptton of that actiVity too Informanon on Wed would be greatly appreclaled to the time of discusslon the property owners, address their concerns, and secure sufficiently advance to keep the July 17m date intact. Question --just call (Cell is-- Thanks. have a happy celebration. David Hornbacher Durector of Utllities and Envlronmentzl Cny oiAspen Phone 970-41971983 Fax 970-920-5117 Emall' Davld web Slle' mkmxom 100% Energy MunlCIpal Elecmt mimmt y? 7' I. a, - Jim True From: oewaire W) Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 12:40 PM To: David Hornoather, Dori Deere Margaret Medellin Subject: RE lnlo needed on Wed tor the site lnuestlgalion at the property Attachments: Fig 3 Woody Creek site Map Dave, please find a draft map for the site investigations. There are borings and a test pits aorings Will be drilled with a track mounted CME 550, lt comes on a loweboy There Will also be a support truck With a supply trailerand up to 2 engineer's vehicles stands for Ddex, which is a down hole pneurnatic hammeroperated try a compressor For oorings coded with a we will core 20' of bedrock and perform Packer permeability tests Borings coded with a Will be fitted with nested piezometers to measure groundwater pressures. A threefoot stickup well box Will be set in a z' 2' concrete pad Alternatruely, a flush mounted well box could be installed in the concrete pad. rypical offeroad access requires a roughly 20' path. Each drill pad would measure about 50' by 70' rest pits Will he excavated With a large track hoe as deep as possiole, typically less than 13' deep. The materials will be piled near the pit for observatlon and then each pit will be backfilled Again, offeroad access requires a roughly 20' path. Each test pit pad would measure about 40' by 40' For the mapping, We will use primarllv road (MS, and we will observe the materials on site near each boring or test p'lt locatlon, or we may walk some transects across the site Otherwtse we Will stay on any existing twoetrack roads. Please let rne know it you need anything else Regards, victor rrom: David Hemmer-- 5ent: Monday,Julv 03 2017 3.53 PM To Don Deerem Victor DeWoIie w> Margaret Subiect: Info needed on Wed for the site investigation at the property Don/Victor -- the City is now under contract for the property Buckeye LLC is the agent working on behalf ol the City The contract for extension at serylces with Deere/Ault is on the July 1t)m Council Agenda. We are planning on the investigative work to begin on July 17'" in order to secure permission from ihe current landowners for the work, need a bit more detail Can you provide the following: - Map with approximate location and annotation at work to be perform such as test bore hole, or test pit - Very briet description of the work to be performed for each oi the 2 types of site activities lnclude generalization oi disturbance, equipment and recovery plan, - if there is additlonal work or mapping on the site, description of that activity too Informanon on Wed wadtd be greatlv appreciated to the time of drscussuon the property owners, address melr concerns, and secure suificientty in advance to keep the July 17'" date Intact, Quesnon Thanks have a happy celebranun David Hornbacher nrrermrot Utmues and [nwrorvmenld' \nmanves Crty ut Awe" Phone 97042971983 Fax 9707920 5117 web we wn HILL Jim True From: David Hornoacner Sent: Monday, iuly 3, 2017 3 53 PM 70: Don Deere: Victor DeWolie Cc: Margaret Medellin Subject: into needed on Wed tor the site lnvesligatiun at the property Don/Victor --the City is now under contract for the property. Buckeye LLC is the agent working on behalf oltiie city. The contract ior extension of services With Deere/Ault is on the July 10m Council Agenda. We are planning on the investigative work to begin on July in order to secure permission train the current landowners tor the work, need a bit more detail Can you the rollowmg; - Map wrtii approximate location and annotation of work to be perform such as test bore hole, or test pit - very brief description of the work to be performed for each ofthe 2 types of site activities include generalization of disturbance, equipment and recovery plan - iithere is additional work or mapping on the site, description oithat activrty too information on Wed would be greatly appreciated to maximize the time of discussion with the property owners, address their concerns, and secure permission sufficiently in advance to keep the 17'" date intact Question --lust call (Cell is-- tnanks, .have a happy celebration David Hornbacher Director oi Utilities and initiatives ciiyol/isrinii Phanp 970 4291983 Fax 970 920 5117 email -- web Slle i mm ,i 'i in, inure Uri TABLE 1 COST ESTIMATE Woody Creek Parcel Pre-Feasibility Investigation June 2, 2017 Tasks Description HourslUnits Rate Total 1 Project Management 8 2 Meetings in Aspen Don Deere, Principal 32 5 340.00 10,880.00 Victor deWolfe, Project Manager 40 125.00 5,000.00 Miscellaneous expenses 3 900.00 Subtotal Task 1 5 16780.00 2 Reconnaissance Engineering Geologic Mapping Don Deere. Principal 4 340.00 1,360.00 Victor deWolfe, Project Manager 24 3 125.00 3 3,000.00 Staff Geologist 24 8 95.00 2,280.00 Technician 16 98.00 1,568.00 Miscellaneous expenses 3 300.00 Subtotal Task2 8,508.00 3 Geotechnical Investigations Don Deere, Principal 40 340.00 13,600.00 Victor deWolfe, Project Manager 90 3 125.00 3 11,250.00 Staff Engineer 110 95.00 5 10450.00 Technician 70 98.00 6,860.00 Geotechnical Drilling Subcontractor (5-6 borings) 1 18,000.00 18,000.00 Test Pit Excavation Subcontractor (5-8 pits) 1 4,400.00 4,400.00 Soils Testing Laboratory 1 3 2,200.00 3 2,200.00 Miscellaneous expenses 8 3,300.00 Subtotal Task 3 70,060.00 4 Conceptual Reservoir Layout Don Deere, Principal 10 3 340.00 3 3,400.00 Victor deWolfe, Project Manager 40 8 125.00 5 5,000.00 Staff Engineer 16 95.00 1,520.00 Technician 24 98.00 2,352.00 Miscellaneous expenses 300.00 Subtotal Task4 12,572.00 5 Memorandum Don Deere, Principal 8 3 340.00 3 2,720.00 Victor deWolfe, Project Manager 24 5 125.00 3,000.00 Technician 16 98.00 1,568.00 Clerical 4 3 90.00 360.00 Miscellaneous expenses 8; 500.00 Subtotal Task5 8,148.00 Total 3 116,068.00 Total Estimated Cost (rounded to nearest $1,000) 116,000.00 J'm True From: victor DeWolle Sent: Triday, June 2, 2017 540 PM To: Margaret Medellin Cc: Jim True, David Hombachel, Steve Barwick, Scott Miller; Don Deere Subject: Deere Ault Opinion about the Woody Creek Storage site Attachments: Woody Creek tai pdi Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag status: Flagged Margaret, This letter is in response to your request for our professional opinion regarding the approximate probability of success for an ln-sltu storage praiect or a gravel pit reservoir project at the Woody Creek Site ln Pitkin County Based on our limited geological analysis performed to date, we feel that the site likely has a probability ofsuccess greaterthan 75%. Feasibility level field investigations represent immediate actions that can confirm an 8580* probability of success and can be performed within 90 days for $115,000 as outlined in the attached Table 1 These investigations will provide data to better define the engineering geologic conditions at the site. Unknowns regarding these conditions include the 1) Foundat Con ons. These conditions primarily include depth to bedrock, bedrock excavatability, bedrock permeability and upward groundwater gradients. Knowing the range of depths ofgravel deposits will control soil~benlonite slurry wall construction costs. based on our field observation, the near surface bedrock is the Mancos shale. This rock represents the most likely formation to allow a cutoff key to be excavated and to provide a bottom. lf hydraulic heads in the bedrock are larger than those in the alluvial aquifer, such an upward gradient could adversely affect a leak test. A drilling program can begin to define the elevation ofthe bedrock surface as well as its excavatability and its permeability range Installation of nested monitoring wells in the bedrock and in the outwash gravel will give an indication as to whether there is an upward gradient at the site. zl borrow Materials. The presence of onsite material that is suitable to be used for embankment construction is unknown at this time, Geologic mapping, drilling and test pit excavation will allow an analysis ofthe onsite materials and their construction suitability. 3) Outwash oradation. The amount offiner silt and clay sediment in the outwash deposits can control the degree to which the deposits can drain ifthe site is used as in-situ storage. Gradation tests performed on samples of the glacial outwash will help narrow this understanding and improve storage volume estimates, 4) Frequency and size of cobbles boulders. We observed some large cobbles and boulders in the outwash terrace near the site These represent obstacles to conventional slurry wall construction Walls have been built where boulders are present. Possible ways to mitigate them during construction include wider trenches and the ability to move the trench laterally to avoid large ones. Conversely, ifthe site can be mined, and a slope liner can be installed ratherthan a slurry wall, these large rocks would be less ofa problem Ageologic mapping and drilling program can provide information as to the maximum boulder size and the extent ofany particular boulder layers in the outwash deposits. The unknown conditions outlined above are unlikely to reveal "fatal flaws". They may reouire engineering mitigation, however, which will increase construction costs Our very preliminary estimates for inrsitu water storage at the Woody Creek site range from roughly 3007900 acre feet, This range could increase potentially up to acre feet ifthe site could be mined and reclaimed as open water storage The ultimate storage volume is highly dependent on the I depth to bedrock at the srte The he'd wurk wru therefore hero (unstram mese vomme and provide a basisfor mmal construction cask The seope the attached tabte mdudes two meetings In Aspen, one cny Councrr and one to .nterwew the current grave' mrhers at mam also mdudes preparatron ota ore-teasmruty memorandum documentmg the resuhsoflhe he'd mvestigauons \eve\ anatysis and repomng womd be performed a mar phase Please \et rne know Ifyou have any questions. Best Regards, Vtctor Vrcm. G. deWoH'c PF. PG cemogieat Engineev I: All" mm>> 1s, INC. 500 South Awport Road, Smle A7205 Longmont, co 80503 Offize:303s651>>1468 . .. .. - xv. 035: a: . .hM? Jim True Frrday, June 2' 2017 4 05 PM Margaret Medellm er Tme' Davru Hombacher, Steve Barwmk, Scan MrHer, Dun Deere Subject: Woody Creek Map Anachments: Woody Creek Map pd! Follow Up Flag: FoHow up Flag sums: flagged Margavet, Auached ws me map showmg me parce's of IntereSK on McLain Flaks. These daxa wele acquired from [he Pnkin Caumv server The Elam parcel 15 a COHUHUOUS parce' and (he Woody Creek parcel mdudes Me road mat bvfurmtes the yarn parce' vesulting the small Wang's shape. Best Regards, Vrctor VicmrL'v rIeWoII'c In Assocrate Geoiogrcal Engmeer 0111111sz AU cox um'l's, ml). 600 South Arrpon Road, Sune A-205 Longmom, co 30503 omce. 303755171455 Cell_ . .. r. an. r23 03