l"J I't ORDINA Nil 314'. 1 mi ?ls le homelessness and people living; in whielesg. amending Heeliuns I ll.72?..l45? ?.7124?- ll TELEML ?7:11:37?, llff'fT l?il, If! i and ndding a new I in lhe Heaille Municipal (Tede; and adding a new Chapter I 1.36, emisistirig?I nl" Reeliens Ihe Seattle {Z?nde ?lmd?r WI ll?R Iii/x87 Ihe '1 ?ii'jr el? Seattle declared a eivil Stale nn Neveml?ier 30131 H. nth.- aidr'lress the I'mnielessness crisis; Wl-l I {he i ?in renmins in a State of limergeney heenuse nl? [he hemelessness erisis; and is irieluded in [he I?einl in Time (Tunin? wl'iiel'i is a ennui in sheltered and nnsheliered hemeless persons en at single nighl in Him is required by due I Iniled Hislles ilepmjlinenl and llrhani in l'ederul binds under the said 1 Wl [he 3? l?nini in lime (Tenn: deenmenls ?85? individuals esnel'ieileing homelessness wiiheut shelter in line (flit)! e'l'Sea?le; and l?uiut in Time (Jenni estimates I550 individuals ed the unshellei'ed individuals experiencing homelessness wiihnnl shelter reside inside el'a vehiele; and WI ll?lRliAH, ihe Mayerls Bridging the (flap [e Pathways llenie addresses {he in?n'nediele needs el' neeple who are living unshellei'ed in em: eemrnunity; and the {lily than a response is eritieelly ii'nl'rnriuni in rid-dressing; [he needs ul {I'll neeple esperieneing Immelessness ineJuding residing), inside .. ?Id (1 ?11. ?whe- WI-iliRliA?g I'mineillucml'ier Mike ()?Biien convened [he Vehicular Living; Workproup in 2-1.1] I 7? to establish :1 set recomnienileiions for solutions the! nice? the needs oi" vulnerable populations living in vehicles due to housii?ig nlul :ulilress ueighhorhoml impacts living?; and 1 WI Vehicular Living Workgroup reiterated that parking enforcement actions such as iinlincision-nu. unu?iohilimlion and monetary penalties {lo no]. preserve the public pence. health. solely and welJi-u?e nor reduce the issues oi" homelessness; NOW. 11 I iRlil-IHHi BIG IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY (1F SEATTLE AS FOLLOWS: Heeliini i. A new Section 1.14.713 is added to (Chapter 1 1.14 ol' the Seattle Municipal ("mic us liillows: Section I 1.14.713 Vehicular resident: A. ?Vehieulzu' residence" means a passenger cur I 1 -1 31.7113), commercial vehicle {1 1.14.1 15 J. riile- shoringI moior vehicle (I 1.14.308), privoie enrricr hus i 1. 14.355}. school bus (I 1.14.535], shutlle bus (I 1.14.567). sightseeing; or ehorier hus I i 1 14575]. motor vehicle wilh eai'nper (I 1.14.1175}, or moiorhome (1 that is dwelling pl:2u.:c. II. plucc? menus vehicle identi?ed in Heelion I LII-1.71113. Ihni person or persons uses as a shelter in lieu oi'einergency shelter, temporary housing, or peri'noneni housing. Hcciioi?i Senior] 1 1.311.114? oi?lhe Heoille Municipal (lode. lost amended 11y 12:11:39.. is :miemleil us Section 11.30.04" When it vehicle may he impounded without prior notice Ex;- . i I A. A with withIIulwhich; II and then; parking I which II appear II. hauling, IIS the date. of .5. vuhigulI-??junk vehicleI_?rgg?ml 3t; I 34? 2: II which: with an cxpircd registration II II I_Iscr VehlLUldj I I ?53.91?; IRA. LI (II-II .. I i Vtgilit? 115g i .1. I I: -I at Ii Section 3. Section I t} ofthe Seattle Muncipal tiotle, last amended hy Ordinance 17345518. is amended as Follows: I Heof?aw list at: a: H. The registered vehicle owner may request an titliriinistiative review at the Seattle Municipal t?nurt at any time that the vehicle is on the list until the vehicle has been or impounded. The review should only examine whether the V?l'liclc is properly on the seot'tlaw list and shall not review the underlying citations that. caused the vehicle to he i included on the scol?l'law list. 'l'hc vehicle shall be removed iron} the list. only upon a showing by the registered owner that either; . t'ewcr than tear ot?the citations that caused the vehicle to he incllitletl on the sco'l'llaw list were committed while the current registered owner was the legal owner ot? the vehicle: [ti-it?ll 2-3. all amounts due pertaining to the citations that met the criteria for scol?t'iaw antler Section 5 A have been satis?ed in tall (Ll) or whiclc Mailman Licnli tied ?ea vellicttlai: magmas smith-s tt?i?l?Jli' vaults an: tieadctecs I?rcaratl as decimation Suctiem A vehicle sl'iall remain on the scot?l?law list. until all outstanding parking, inli?action min-i mats (including, hut not illTIllL?Ll to collimtion i-igencv remuneration authorized I antler ilel'anlt penalties on parking traf?c in'ii?actions in'iposctl antler Section I. Iiitl, intinitialization release lees imposed under subsection 1 l.35.t)2tl.tl, costs ol? impoundtrient tinchitliag removal, towing and storage lees) imposed under Section towing; lees irnl'iosed antler Section 11.30.29? and immobilization administrative .JMics imam :inlmrirrmn and have [mun pi'uLL a Lam; payment piam has arranged with [his Sci-Ll?i: Municipai {Juurl Ihuir again iir Lil}; yulijglu in: ii ui' IJigYialuQLiJiir ?71 ab: When lime riayii'imit' film: is mauled. [ht subject VCi'IiUit.. shalt hi: [unipnrairih: [rum iiHl aml lhi: shall ht: applied nu a pm i'ala haras- Him! purii-iilinr-L, ur ruialing in all parking citatiniis arc: :sailiilimi. which: ihai Iii-1:4. ri'iriiwcil ii'iirn {.lur Hal Shall hi: in ?it. lial nwnui mi th: l'iE'Ilt? payriicinl in ainzarilaricc with guiikzliacx by [he Scalfli; is; 6?3. ?it [1.1.1 ?it? 59.1 ?1141 Iii.? art: aim-Jib?? in. i Suction A (.Jiiapri'a' Li?) is adder] [u the as 11.39 RESIDENCES mom" l?slalilishud 'I'I'iL-tri: i3 hernhy i-mialihsl'icil a V?lli?lliill' Result-liner; in ziasisl pcmuas itxl'iuriuriuirig reside winches. 'J'hi: Scuttle. and {his I lumim Staririmm Dupi?irtrj'ici? Shall have. {hit i-lull'inrity in and ildi'l'lilliHIL?J' Elli: pragrari'i. (?mural i?Iirpimi?i 'f'hc Hi Mn. Rusidurmua Program IH Hi rimwili: Far and Elli; Rilii'l?i? anif wcHiiri: iil' gum-rail plililii: diverting, [um-anus fiviim 1H. l'tihiLitillLiLZH in i-iliil [H'foilil'llji path}: In parking; A. l4 l5! It .Jll .- . . .. .. - raiser-Mg. Jr- I 1.36.03" Identification A vehiele er a vehlele type delincd in Heetten l.l4.?l3 shall he Identi?ed as a veliieular residenee hy the (lily it': A. 'l'he 'vehiete user or users ii'iilieate that the vehicle is being; used as a dwelling plaee wilh . '1 In the l?uliite l'lenartment; and It. ?the l?eliire Department i1. ennjuuet'iun with the Vel'iieular Resulenees l?reggruni reaseuahl}E iletiz-ruune that the appears to he lived-in observing erileria suelt as and nut limited it: Hit. l. 'l'lie View thriutgl'i the veliiele"s limit: in rear wiudews is hlnelied; 'l'lii- eehiele?r' side windows, rear windows, or are hluelied it}; sheeting; [Hint-l3. turtains. er an}r eumhinatien thereel?te restrict Visibility; Items :isseeiated with vehieular residency sueh as generatrn's. hieyeles. er sterage t'eutaiuers are esteruaily stiteured In the vehiele; 'I'hen: tll't' unusually large veluntes iil?pessessieus eentaiued within er near the vehicle. lJeelassiliealitnt. The Vehieular Residenees Program shall determine when a vehiele shall ldse its as a vehieuli-n' resideuee. line til the Human .?ierviees Henart'rnent. in em'isullatien with the Puliee may nrmnulgate rule additional criteria for i'let'erminiitg; whether a vehicle is i heinp. used as a dwelling nlaee. i 1.3111114? lliversiims fer parking; enfureement i i I A. V?hicllim' REHltit?thBH Pruurznn. Univ vehicular rusitlcnum will: urn-r3 wliu lliu? Program as; in Hl?izill iIH?iliI} lny an? and all l'm Eglh (Mil. Ii mum::rulmmii Ix result-time. is (?livm'lml l'rnin an impmirull?riuni I'll'rlfy' l'I?nm any 111 ll?: l'ulluwlligl, ini'ulmisli-Iiiws: When :1 Vehicle if: parked in a public I'igl'ilnnliawn}! or (NJ publicly ownul prupuriy :ind than: an: I'mlr m? mum parking, ISSIIULI zigtiimil [hi-t vuliiuli: Iii! ml which :i pun-mu hm. in inguinal, l?ilcil [in ?ll :1 imaging, l? likilul in my :1 {ll Inns! 423 days li?mn ul iil?: l'iling. nl'llan: [min-v. nl am in Whirl} a! which: is "Junk H'lUlUl' vuliiclt'.? in I Mini it? [m a an Wil)? Ulltil'l in the minim m? cm I'l'H?llUlDHi m" pnhii: an, Hamlin? nr .3. Wliuu 'v'tl?iilit'ilif will: cxpii?ed rugislralim'i ul than flirty-MW ileum r?bi im :1 puhliit all-L261. :is :Icswil'ml Hamlin? A ll]; rjn' il. Wharf.? lln: which: IH in Scutiun I?m. Niill'iing l'l'iiH Huutimi shall] hi: l-lH prwenting ill pni'lmd 'vuhittlur; [hill ililcrlitrus with llHt'iH salii'igl?ilii til?way pus-uri- :Ir] in'in'ivilinlc danger ln flu; fillhilif. {a . A vehicular shall nut hc scnl?l?law list in Ht'Hc-linn 73 A hc us a nlihcinp, nn scnl'llnw list as in Hcctinn inl?rnclinns. A rcsidcrn:c is Hum 21 nnticc til :1 parking: and any pcnaltics rcsult?ing [Ur parking l. Hcctinn and lurgc sizc vchiclcs Hectinn Hcctinn aning vchiclc In Mind limit I l.'lfl.2hlt, Hcrtin'ic 5- Scctinn (wcrtiinc n. Huctinn PIZZAS lA, parking mm: licctinn (lvcr 72 hntn's l4. Scctinn l?nrking innk vchiclc 0n f-lcc'tinn I?nrlting linn: liinil ti. in this hi: l?nlicc l'rnm tn'l'll'l?clng laws using as an cn[incurs-rut against any cr'iininnl 'l?hr. I'nlicc l"irc innl lirst shall tn situations, such us lircs, crimcsr nr medical criscs and Him? wiih uilutl ['ml'rlu- uguru'im in With upurnliw Inmuul Jlid I F. I In: Puliuc in unnjum?fnn will} ?if Hurvit;c::< Hepartn'lunl I In; making, :Idtlilim'uli Jm? in h, {:xmum'nm um:un?lsrmums: as ?my an; parking I Haven't! u??vchiculur msidenues illim?mniiun: i. MumIlzuzlurm?s [mite I Vclnulu iiunnm: and slalc (ifI'Cgih'lj'?i'inll; W. Vt?il'litli? idcnli?Gallium nlm'II'Jul'; cl. mf'wl'licla: ai 1:151 sightiim; Luxurmiinn I'm iraIJ?l'lc. exercised. :m?JudirIii r?tt'ftl?tum? En lhc: appropriate scutiun ur Haciimm (if [his subtitle; In lht?. Human Survutcs Hupurimcm ur :1 human scrwuua pi?nvitit?l? wilh which Human Hmpatrln?lcnl contracts lm? (in: Vchimilnr I?E'ngl'm?l'i: um] [July ul wtlliulilar 11.:5Hlul1uu Hlulus rcunwzil. 'Hw Pulinzr shall kucp 131w vehicles: determined In hr vchwular Ililtfifl' Ehr pruvisimm nl'lhis Uh?pl?ttl'. The rmzm?tl lht.? [Mlmwima ti ill l?l '1 .rI-n. I 1 Lynne? Amnesty Section l. The shall liy l)eecinlier Lil, declare a period (hiring, which penalties imposed under 'I'itlt: in vehicles determined to he vehicular residences shall he waived. the amnesty shall expire, unless extended hy (Iouneil, on lieccmher .l 1. 20 I ll. 'l'he llireetor ma}r promulgate rules and procedures to implement the provisions ot'this section. Hoe-tun! "this ordinance shall take effect and he in three fit] davs alter its approval liy the Mayor, hill ll not approved and retained by the Mayor within ten days al?ter presentation, it shall take ?led as provided by Seattle Municipal Code Section 1.36.070 Interpretation tsloll-iinii in this. 'haptci I. to sl-all he construed to the t.iil.v's ability to ensure the use oi pul'ilic rights of way, en'l'oree provisions against illegal or otherwise sanita-ition and puhlie health. or address puhlie sal'ety r..=oricerus_ Section the purpose ol" the Vehicular Residences Program is to provide for and promote the health, solely and i-vell?are ol' the general pulilic hy diverting persons living, in to services and providing alterinitiir'e paths to parking enliircement. 'l'lie ?veliiciili-I Residences l?roprani shall he a social service propraoi with adequate oversight. training, and clinical supervision to eonduer iiulividualised outreach and supportive sci viees to people livinp inside vehicles, and shall he directly administered or contracted For by the tfity. 'l'lie service provider or providers shall have an established record oi" administering, sustained. equitable, care, with stal'l?traiued in working with people Willi liehavioral health issues, including, suhslanec use disorder, mental disorders, or hoth; care. including, tor people who have experienced or are experiencing gender. and hascd violeru;c and violi_:ucc ls-Iseil on sexuality; outreach. assessment, and cnggagen'ieut; harm it] 1 i 4 :md gl?iuvumrc and may naus' unaul'acs adequate . . . mid nziiniuul en; in 'I?illc 231 between [he hours ul'mitlnight and six 21.11}. the vehicle is 11 truck . ll'- rank-sunk: m1: will?: Yglliwleu' aw I I 45 Expired ur imprupur plains marking, ulitm? prnpurly ?unrated by ll'liz?. (?in wlid nlnit: Hr 21:12 niinciml and displayed [hm-nun as requimtl by I .2108?. pm mltic? LIE {Tl?pler 32; [1.1.0 u-?i?r Alf Hit: w?liituljr ?aw-'3 ?we, ruhn?mn praulices. including hul not limited In sail-t neudlu use, and dinl'mHHL un?rjgillg; :nnl Llislmunsil'lp inlin?n?nng ul'rights (l inml Samaritan: Law: and ?indication :isxislmi Imm'lnmn options: such UT I'n?hminnt: l'rea-Il'n'mnis; nullurul unim'lnlunuv: 1 Hamlin? n. Suctinn n] the Sna?le Mnl'ncipai Linda, l?ciHl by Urdinnmr is amended as J'anws: [?72,070 i ?mmnurciai and large size vehicles- A. . Nun nersnn Shall! park a which on any Street {11' alley, except in an lmimumulmr innlur ur cmwayancc which 15: {war {80) nannies; WIde. H. A vghiclr ?mu-incd an 21 whjgulm' is {.Iivurqgj li'mn any 1 i {2:4 i ?i=1 Elm; if!" thu? l: 41892Hamlin? Y. Senliun 145 nf'lht: Seattle Mln'tnzinnl {Tuck-a lasl amended in,? Urdinunm: is; UH Iiilh'awx' [31313011 511311 Map, stand or park any vehiul? 011 any 511.116! nr alley, in any .I 5- rcsigl ?51399 is raun- 1? . .31 1es11lenee 1.1171: 1111111111111111111 the IVel111111l111 Res111111111esl?1115111111 11.311010. Heetinn X. Heelien 1.72.240 11l'll'1e Seattle Munieinal (T111511. hyU1'1ii1'1-1111ee is 1-11'1'111111le1l 11s ii1'1ll11w1'1: 1 11.72.24? Miwing vehirle 1.11 1wn'11i time limit AI. N11 111:1'11111'1 shall move and rep11r 1 11 vehicle 1111 either side 111' 11 sheet within H11: s11n'1e in order 111 11v11i1l 11 [1111'l1i11g1i11?1e Iimil regulation speeilied for either side 111' the street in that hl11el1. H. . . . is 1111111111111 1111111111113 [111311 11__\1111l11l11111 1111- I_111pte1' ll. 12. _l_he Lehieular Res111111111e'11?n?1gr111'111s 1lese11l1111l 1n Heeliun Il l..111.i_l_l_l_l: 141111111111 U. ml the Seattle Murnei'pal ti111?le, lust 11111en11e1l hy Ui'dinunee ?3.401131. 15 1-1111en1le1l 1.1s I [172.2110 (.3v11riim11 IN11 persnn shall 111111111. 111 1111111 11 vehiele 11 slreeL 1111' 11 longer 111:1'11111 111? 111111: than lhe li1nil 111111 is si111'11'111s1e1i exeepl 1111111131 ear sharing, vehiele H1111 e11ni'111'n'1s [:11 8131111111 1111 where 11ll?1e1'wise indiealed hy the sigrmesiing 1111 the hl11e 1 111' i111 i1'11livi1hi11l 111111111111 spnees. 11111111111 1111111 he 1111131! wilhuul 11:31:11-1151 in lime 1.111s1e1i 1111 Sundays 11111i purl-11111; holidays. exeepi where 11ll'1e1?wis1: 11.11lie111e1i by the sig1'1p11sling 1.111 the h 11el1 111 l?111' 1111 i1111l1111l parking, sp11ees. 1L. {BIIEIthele 11l1_11_i_l_le_l_ I1_1s 1_1 vel_'1ie111111' 11111111111111. isII 111111111 [1111 1111111 1111111111111 111131 sresullin}; 1'1'1111'1 11 Viol-alien .l 11111111 l} i 71' H1 8 111111.11eesrewi? of they elneular 11115111099123..19119gr?m. 1.111 Liesw?ib?d I I Heullnn Section ui'lhe Seattle Munieipul lfude, lust amended by HIRHHL is mrlended as I I .7127?neh subsequenl permd n! mine as lemme In :a nl?n n'i?nwt?'in'u?t parking elm? emmii'lure a ?rrfher Viulatinn {at Seetmn I 72.33?. 1.1- .. "1 raindr- irira?ilierl a. Weill? 1e. 1111.11.11 a1 111111111 ten ii?thc 1.11:. 1.136.131 111" the wimmlm- are particimnl? .111" R. I11: Hem?iun I Heelirm Li?l??l ul? Ihe Municipal Under Ia-ml amended Iw ??11111?. iH us I [.7135] Restricted parking mm: A. Nu person Hf'u?l step, .1:de or park a vehicle in violation n?l?rhe peeled m' Irrm'ked or when 2-1 permit ur nlher issued by the em! is required I'hr parking unle?s ihe permit or placard iH displayed: am chapter I 1 In car sharing permit. pursuant in Section I .2111. nr i) :1 disabled placard pennii. lieeruee made" or year rah in RUW 46, AHL I 1 Ivlulureyulera and summers are authurwed in park in an wilhmli an Ii permit; 11' shall he 2.1 wulnimn ?I'lhi? Heeimn il". The perm? dun: uni Irmfeh [he \v?t?ltliilt" 9. A gut-mi pernm L1: being; used impmperly; .JJ 7? i the zene permit dees net mateh the aura: where vehiele is parked. at it. the vehiele is parked within the same zone as the permit indie-ates. hat it is parked more than sis hieeks away treat the address tia' whieh the permit is issued. it, it is naiawtiil and is a parking inli'aetiea it: display an ltl?Y. permit in an impruper I imtatien rm a vehiele. 'l'he permit must he al?lised Ie the vehiele at the lewer eenter nt'the rear windew whieh it is issued unless the vehieie is a truek, a. vehicle a rear windnw. has a dark-tinted rear window er a suri'aee deli'ester, or where the Seattle Department el? 't ranspertatien has appriwed an esen'iplien, whereby the permit may, in the alternative. he placed in the lttWUl? tleli?hanil} eerrier nl'the driver's side li'ent windsl'iield. f, It is ili?ilawliil and is a parking inli'aetien to sell, transler, pureliase ur ulliert-vise lia' value a permit in deeal Issued by the (? .lti._t t: and to subsequently use er display the permit te park in an RPK. I). ft veliiele iglentrlied as a yehieular resitlene_e__is_diverted [rem incurring; any penalties litany-1 sari 72111911 ut' simplest asaeriisiaianiia? Restitsiicgsjirnseaa.is: tts?biatjn Heetien t2. Heetieri 1 [12.44? at the Seattle Manieipal (Jude, last amended by th'dirianee I22274. is amended as I.72.44t! Parking Seventy-two (72} hears. A. Ul'tieial signs, Ineludini; tenipia'ary signs. that stepping, standing, er parliinp, shall he ea'l?ereeahle [it their terms twenty?[inn hnurs alter pasting. it Nu persnn shall park a vehiele an an),i street. er ether municipal prnperty let a pigti'ied (it time lenper than seventy?Imp hears. unless an of?cial posted sign presides a shutter perimi tn' imless ntherwise presided hy law. 1 shillmrizell ?urine-less un municipal properly are excluded from {he pruvisiuns {Jl' {his us are vehicles displaying valid pruel?ul'puymenl when parked by :1 parking puyrnenl' (levies. ~l I). This see'lwu shall :u?n?y lu ?junk. lJ'IUlnl? vehieles? ur "abandonedjunk nmlur vehleles? us de?ned in this {Tllanler Ii. Vehieles in 01' this seelun'l are subject [0 innmund us pruvuled Fur (?I'nn'llel HMI in utlcliliun In :my ulher penalty provided l'ur Irv law. .3 t?czsj?sspseeis any .7. a- Dengue-s if its use!? ?v essefibsd 17.1.; Seullull..l LAO-U Heeliun H. Beeline I {)?Flhe Munieihul limit" lust amended lw {lrrlinsnee till] I {liq is .?Js lhlluws: i ?.7251"! Jun]: value-Es I4 A. Nu shull {lurk uluuk nmlur vehicle on a st?reeL alley: or way open In the puhliu ur on municipal nr nl'l'aer public property. H. Vinlnlum ul?sulnmeliun A ls (?less I elvil inl'l'selim'l as contemplated hy 3".30 [in which mm shall] he :3 ?em-Ill}; ul'lwu llumlred lull}! Dollars ($25301 which I penalty shall nu'l he suspended ur deli-:rretl. JAMIE milliliter: Chapter ?ll ll ill] .11le is lclenliljetl us reszelweund jl'suser gr users parliemunls 'uflisa 8519:9011 ?1 Heeliun Ml. .?w?eelluu gentile Municipal Mule. Inst aunemlell Unlinunev . is us :5 nun Ell} 1:3 Tun-- ll.7?.tl21l ?arliing than time limit A. It is nnlawl?nl am,r tn park a vchiclc in any parking snacc a ricrinil tiltinic lunar-r than that lilnitct?l ncrintt nt? tirnc liir which parking is lawfully in Ha: parking sliiacc as indicatcd in its: an parking. nictcr or pay slatinn. nl? I'iaitl; prnvidcrt that this in this Hcctinn shall nut I apply nn parking linlitlays ntlicrwisc indicatcd by signposting an tlic nr l'nr parking spaccs. H. 'l'lic in this Scctian l.76.t_l2tl shall applyI tn parking at ccrlilicd carpool vcl'iiclcs in with provisions nl?Scctinn 1 1.23.4 U. or In parking 01? car sharing, vcliiclcs that comply with [n?nvisinns nl? Scctinn 1.23. ?ll A whip! Li. lit-a! as. l-?iill nuns llh?ii ilsw?i hat. Impartial. [Janis may as ia?gctinn Hcctinn Scctinn i-l'l'lic Hcattlc Muncipal Lindc, last hy ()rrlinancc [223830. is as In?ows; Section ISJIZJMB Definitions Usc A. ?l Isc? n'tcans L'lninininn nr (war, {13? nccupying all m" part a public placc with or without right. tn Lin sn. lec includcs staring, placing, Lanna maintaining or ancrating; any inal'iimatc thing nr abicct', in, apart, nvcr, ur an}i pnhlii: lt inclinlcs, hat. is not lnnitctl it}, any nl tlic . ?ay arcaWay. awning, clack, newsstand, sign. hanncr, hillhni-iril, sidcwallt cicvatnr nr {.ltlill'., incl npcniny, siilcwalk calc. nr struclarc; ll} 3. alaaing? an Flt-Valli}! HI nr Innla In lw llh'tal in with mus-wanna uriittaing, l'mililinyn . . . . .5 Minangi an),I liiHl-L'lmgg? alnng in" aurnaa any piilila: I ?lming. ni' placing any material, inanimalu minimal, thin}; in i any public plum. Hal ?nan? aliall nnt. placing an inanimate ?lama Il'l a liaralinn and I'm a ilai?al'inn ul'Iimu lhaL Ila: an maannalilit nurann unalil Laniiuliaic. ll'liil . . 1hr I'alhlaz'a In nan-r. ni' many 'l'llt? public plant; in wl'ailu m" in part has lawn in I'miixnlially unnlil la: inlm?liaucl will]: 3. Ri-Iiaina any aalba, mauliirim-33.. minor line-ivy ariinlcta: Making, nl' having any lift} an an}! Dublin: pleura 7. (naming, UhllLiWillilg.? in any maanm' Llialurliingi UT lauaknaa Ila-t anrlam: lininnlnimir :rl'an}; pEiK-?ti?li?ll; a? alluring this grade :z-nl'ilir- nr {lialnrl'iing 1hr: digging up. calling, exuwaling, nr lining, in any H. {.Tnnairiiuliiag.. ruminstructing. ni' renaming any driveway, marl?, unrh setback realm-wally, urnsawallm J'iavcn'IL-a'il, Huwcra. Will?l' Ii?iaii'm Grading, airccl lighting nlililiua ni' impurlunaimun; nr lining any warl? alnng. nr away any nahlii: plan; caizunl wlazn Ii}: milinai?iuu, I Vunding nl?aliy guad? [inlet-:1, ca? aui?vici: Ill-tilt}? kimi} Than ruggalatca anal-a Tlianlia' H.141, I ll!_ Hana; ai'nnlil'ylag other ll'ian aala lni' Ha: disabled; I l. Elna-inn; nr alluring: Ila: ammaraimqt infant-mix; nuaniling l?ilnnraa I nai'lica. ni alrucl linl'h aim,? I'm unllm:.lnm will; HUilliUI'l rumuving umi iuc; swacnilm mnmving; Mums and I my gznu'gpiiunpg: wi_jL_h .36. Hucliun Hy. 'l?hie; urdinmuzc shall lulu; cl'l?cul and hi: in lht?cu 3? days; ?ller its: approval hy the lnuI il' Iml nupl?mrm uml ruinmcd by the. Mnyur wiihil'l tun (haw ul'lur pramcntutinru it shall um: Lrl'l?uu pruvidcd by Heuliun Passed by [he City (.?uunmi l'hc . day nl? .1011 and Sigma him nu: in one? in nl?ils pasmugc this tiny QUIT I?rusulcnl ui'ihv Tit}: (_Tmuuzil Impruvml Iw um; day [if . .3017. H. Murray, Mayor Filed by mm: mm . day n1". - u- - Ill gnaw-w u' . 1$r NHL Mmiiuu Marlintgy.