OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY OFFICE OF REVENUE SHARING 2401 E STREET. N.W. COLUMBIA PLAZA HIGHRISE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20226 CERTIFIED - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED AUG '1 5 .1978 Dear Mr. Patterson: By letter dated March 9, 1978, the Office of Revenu Sharing notified you that a complaint had been received against y9ur government alleging a violation of Section 122(a) of the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, as amended. On April 3 - 6, 1978, this Office conducted an investigation and compliance review of the City of Naples. Based on the investigation, and documents obtained during the investigation, I have reason to believe that the City of Naples is in violation of Section 122(a) of the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, as amended, and the pertinent sections of the rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto. Section 207(a) of the Public Works Employment Act of 1976, as amended, imposes the same nondiscrimination requirements as Section 122(a) of the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act. The evidence thus warrants a finding pursuant to Section 20/(b) of the Act and Section 52.61 of the pertinent regulation that there is reason to believe that the City of Naples also violated Section 207(a) of the Public Works Employment Act, as amended. I am sending this letter to inform you of this circumstance and to request,that you correct any possible violations of the Revenue Sharing Act or regulations before we are required to take further action. The specific allegations were as follows: 1) The City of Naples discriminates against black and Spanish surnamed residents in the provision of street paving and maintenance, Sewer service, water service, park and recreational facilities, fire protection and street lighting. 2) The City of Naples discriminates against minorities in its employment policies and practices. On the basis of our investigation and compliance review have reason tb believe that the City of Naples: 1) has not discriminated against minorities in the provision of tgater service, street paving and . maintenance, sewer service, street lighting And fire protection; 2) has discriminated against minorities in the provision Of recreational facilities; . . 3) has discriminated against minorities arid women in 'it's,,. employment 'Practices. The specific findings' of fact on each 'of these. matters, as well as the remedieS required to come into compliance with . Section 122(a) and Sectioni 207 of Title 31 are detailed in the attachment, to this letter:r . This is to request that you respond wi'thin firteen (15) days% of your receipt Of this 'letter. Please indicate your intentions' .and efforts to correct the violations cited, and to implement; the actions enumerated in the attachment to this letter. .Should you fail to respond satisfactorily, the Director of the Office of . Revenue Sharing will be required under Sectidn 122(c)(4).of the Revenue Sharing Act, and Section 51:62 of the Regulationa, to find you in noncompliance with Section 122(a) of the Revenue Sharing Act and regulations thereunder. Your continued failure to take corrective action:within thirty (30), daya from receipt of the notification of finding will result in , a determination of noncompliance. •Revenue sharing:funds will be suspended within the ten (10) day.pexioefollowing.,receipt offthe—determtnatiOn,* unless you enter into a satisfactory compliance agreement with the Office of Revenue Sharing, or submit .in writing a, request for an administrative hearing. -3- In all cases, however, our goal is voluntary compliance and we are available to provide assistance to you as needed. If you have any questions regarding this matter, ,please contact Ms. Elizabeth M. Thornton, Southeastern Branch Chief at (202) 634-5240. She will be.pleased,to furnish you or your staff with any assistance or additional information. Sincerely, 0, % Treadwell 0. Phillips Manager Civil Rights Division Office of Revenue Sharing Mr. George Patterson City Manager City Hall 735 Eighth Street, South Naples, Florida 33940 Attachment Attachment Findings of Fact and Remedies " 1) Ts City of Naples Municipal Services, Except Recreation a) Finding of Fact Documentary evidence is adequate to establish that minority and white re'sidents of the City are provided water service through water mains of subAantially equal size and that there is no significant difference in water pressure between the white and minority areas. Documentary evidence and an on-site review are adequate to establish that minority and white residents are provided streets which are substantially equal in width, and quality of surface and that there is no significant difference in the manner in which the streets are maintained. Documentary evidence is adequate to establish that minority and,white residents are provided sewer service on a substantially equal basis. Documentary evidence is adequate to establish that minority and white residents are provided street • lighting which is substantially equal in the quality of • the equipment providing the illumination and the quality of the illumination. . Documentary evidence is adequate to establish that fire protection is prOvided minority and white residents on a substantiallequal basis. All residents are within a 600 foot radius . of,a fire hydrant, there is no disparity in the size of water mains serving fire hydrants in the minority areas, and there is no significant difference in the response time to fires in the minority areas. b) Remedy No remedy is required. 2) Finding of Fact • Recreational facilities located in the minority area of Naples are not equal in quality to those located in the white areas. Specifically, Anthony Park, located in the black area, lacks restrooms, lighting for night time use, and water fountains which are provided in parks -2in white areas'. It was' also noted that Anthony Park has not. been landscaped as have other . parks in white areas. Recreation equipment located at Riverside Recreation Center, in a minority area, is not .of a subStantial,ly equal quality to that located in centers in the white areas. The tot lot located next to the Riverside Pool in a minority area is the only one in the City pot fenced in, creating - an apparent safety. hazard since, the tot lot is located next to .a public street. ID) 'Remedy • •Subtit a detailed plan to the Office of Revenue Sharing • for approval which will ensure the equalization of recreational facilities and services in the City and.. cbrrect the deficiencies cited above. The plan should provide specific dates for the beginning and completion Of improvements and'the purahase.and placement of equipment:* .. 3) City of Naples Etployment . Practices a) Finding of Fact The City employs a total of 358 employees, of which 125 '(34.9%) are minorities and only. '56 (15.6%) are women. City officials define their labor market as Lee.and Collier County which is 16.% 'minority and 38% women. Of the 32 City employees earning $15,000, per year or more, only one' (3.7%) is• a woman.. However, of the 196 City employees ,who earn less than '$10,000 iper. year, 87. „,(44.3%) re °1,tinorities and 45 (2249%) are women. Of the 56 female employees 34 (60.7%) are in clerical . positions: The Naples Police Department ,employs a total.of 63 employees, of which only 5 (7.9%) -are minorities and only 14 (22.2%). women., The Poliee:Department has 40 'sworn officer positions;,of which Only one (2.5%) is a . ,minority and none 'is female; The Naples. ,Fire Department employs a total. of 31 employees, of. whi611 bnly one :(3.2%) is a minority and only one.(3.2%) is:a woman. the female employee Is in a . c1erica1'pOsition. There are no female firefighters. -3The Naples.Public.yorks Department employs a total of 187 employees:„ of which 105 (56.1%) are minorities and seven (3.7%) are wOmen.Of the City's total of 1 .25 minority employees, 84% work in the Public Works Department. Severity-three (69.5%) of the minorities and all of the women' in the Public Works Department earn.. less than '$10,00.0 per Yor., While 29 (35.4%) of the employees of the Public Works Department earn over $15,000 per year, the Only minority (1%) earning that amount is the Superintendent of,the•Sanitation Department.' , ; • The gmployment'application form-for the City of Naples contains extensive pre-eMployment inquiries regarding an applicant's medical 'and psychological history. Because these inquiries are not limited to disabilities! which arg jbb-related, they could be discriminatory 'against, handicapped persons. The oral appraisal interview for entry-level police. -officers asks the applicant to state,"If married, have you the full support of your wife...". 'This question presupposes that applicants will be males.. ID). Remedy Submit an affirmative action plan to the Office of Revenue Sharing for approval. 'The plan should describe' in detail actions to be taken to recruit, place and provide upward 'mobility for minorities and women to correct the deficiencies cited .aboVe. The plan should also contajnojoals and timetables ,for the .employment of Minorities and women which will' enable the workforce of the City of Naples in all departments and at all levels to reflect the labor market for Naples which is 16% minority and Eliminate the pre-employment inquiries regarding the applicant's medical and .psychological history, or limit the inquiries to those disabilities which would prohibit satisfactory performance ,of the particular job for which application - is Made. Where.retained, provide this • Office with evidence that the particular disability would prohibit satisfactory perfor'mance . and that no reasonableaccommodation Of the handicap can be made. Revise the inquiry cm the oral interview form so that :the question refers to the applicant's spouse rather than wife. -4- Submit annual reports - to,the.Office of Revenue Sharing describing in detail the actions .taken during the previous year to recruit and place minorities and women in the City's workforce and attain.the,goals contained in the City's affirmative action plan. The report should contain 'a list of the City's employees by department, indicating for each name, race, sex, date hired; starting salary, present salary, starting position and present position. the report should also contain sufficient analysis Of. the City's,present. workforce as well as "new hires" to enable this Office to evaluate the extent to which progress has been made. The first repcirt shall be due one (1) year from the date of your receipt of this - letter and on that date every year thereafter.