inn? n~ ?pnglul Nv-? a pawn arm at]. ?w hunt-runny!" Ania-t ll. 11?! - mum Ix. Trundvoll 0. Phillips. Hints-r Civil light. Ditslion orna- m' nwnuo muting Jill I strict. H.I. Eula-hi: Flu-l HithIiI_ D. r. 1031? Hr. an haunt: in vaur lottn: dated 15. with 70y: finding: [run your 1nVrs- and unmpliahte uf t?c If tr?; April 3 r. tl. For your requnstirl qu ruipennr within )5 layu. rho follnulnq internatinn gvr*alni In ?hwit sectionl pf tho ailrgatznni in wivlutlunl. auqqolt trundle: and chulrc Du: run that therg wan nu rvurdy erUIrtd a: it Pi'illnl- tn tho pr?vl?it? of warn: aprvira. ItrtatI. n'rrtr Izrc and u? 9111 hm an Itnma 1 an: I, thus. belnq and practices. Platinum II Itatrd in_your r1ndinq ia;t. 'kzvruatinnal 1n minarlty llrli nf Iro rqual in quality to thuil In?ated 1n the Itrun.? 1 ?-ll?vo tharw ii I luv: u! 0: Hum: part nu It port: [u thu tit} pixkl. Thu t?ty-Hida plrt: ant IUtd?fd 1n _s le u: Lina! art:- a- thug Hart :0 Irrvn. and do norvv. all rf the rt City a! Iapltu. and tang Tram rr- Ira-n. Th?y ho'w lac111t1?n at the ?L'Iirth part: Thu llfqut tingln 1n the City Ulth Inlt la?111tton and activav tit: in Fork. tmtteru U.l. 41 :nd handluttn laid. Th1: purl 1- ultd antenIIVIIy r, all r-Ildrutl DI City Ind 13 to: night una. usn of pill in and. Hr. Traa?uall a. Anguat ll. raga 2 by lumbara n! tha black community an it purtsina tr Pop loath-ll fiald. Little League baseball tlold, lab: 32th iluld. haukattull court_and racquetball courts. It la tn any that thin majnr la ulnarr (apt~-n1nataly una milr} to aru- b-ara u! thu black ?ns-nun?? than ta ta lat ul' tha r-taldrm a of tha City. You atatad that Anthuny Park. lnratea in tho bla*k area. lacks rrlto taunt. and Hair: fountains and ha nut barn like athrz parka 1n tho Hhitn artJa. Park a a wlda park aa the othrra lib, ?vrlu?lni Ilvnr rark reuraatlun trnfir, but was and built av a n: :hburhnad park used exulU5ivol: by tho black ccmnunity immediatrly adjarrnt. Irat- roam atu not av a t1-a 1n Cityn?lh? parka pitta tha park may bi taro to In): a frat? than: hung. I am certain ynu unuld rcczinlru that ?Ihuod parka ara nut built or laLiarapn? un aamu hall. aa tlty-wldc parka. Hath: tountalna H?ra inntallnd in Anthuny Park, nna In April and l?uthdr in Junk of gran. Mad ll a nt??rlpar rm tariff thza. Alan. . rtratpt of you: lettat an huguat 15. the f.ty had already fur an additional racq.atball court. with rafaroncr ta alr?o that: la npan apart adga?snt to Anthony Park. lncludtnq the hunk-n an it an Ian mu dallrabla to tho apart primarily {at rottaatlrual fartl * tlEI. At tho tum? Anthuny Park 1n ?Witt": o! 1?7 . two laxga flcua trees Horn pll?ttd in tho 'rt aria and aluht bottlr brush urn.- alnu Narnia-d. hm (1th [min haalthy. but tho alqht butt}. brunh treaa havn tern dratroltd. In addition, as night b0 othar patha arm ova: a parlad of time and all landlraplnq is not lnxtallrd at tha till tha park is originally ru =tucir? ltnca tha park Han congletad only aavtn month! bcturv x. aa-w y'a tnupv?tlun. neither of total nw: naturit? u: {ha canld bu expect-d tn camparr to that of parka that hava btan hat. fut many yrara. 1n the River Park recrvatlun arra. HUJ w+ztrd llrl?ltlunll lucatrd at (Blur: iiztl ?rrxentatn rants: 1a not at substantially nqaal Quality t~ Phat lucattl In cantata 1n 'Ir ate-1. and that Hz:- i? {-quti'rn-xnt hailed to Um [Elliot iark?: F'mrl to ?w may nm 1n (?If not tangad. Ulthnut aura apvrtite ln' ;nat1:n rrlatan to the lack a! nub-tantlally aqua: Quallt} pt In Path lacruatian rentax. 1t la invoaaiklv r. tragwnd to run: lln?l?q 0! rant ?t Inn-?y. Thtt? la only an: [that rantlt in tha Hr. Trun?wall 0. Phillip: Auqult 1. I 1?7. Paar I City and the quality a! oqulpm?nt 1n Ihn riunr Park ll Lqual. Fitch. tha Hivrr Park Cnnlur in tullf n1: rundlti and drinkinq fountainu. It 1: fully rqulppud wlih 'nhilntoly rr~ furbilhod poul tahlnu, hiu an? tgt'*n, wulqht ll?t1n1 uqulpti?t and now ping pong IL in th? only r?vr?lfln? urru in he City with bath talavillun an? rah}. tolvviliun Irrvitn. tut lot, prian tn rnculph at ynur lrtt&t of August 15, u: hid already bu?l??I? for fund: to the lot and. Id a txur? or information. this rot Jut was J.t.?l?J ,nly a in: nun. Yaur Finding of Part as it pxrtaini tu provlrinn or facilitinl fut rcmr.n1ty Jppintrd to b0 was; ntaativg in or past and coon! Iffurta b} city. Ha uwwt mi v3. nadv of the fact that Anbhauy rack 18 in: L1 Park In entirv city. no was nwdu of the fact that ?svur Path chr?atlcn Crner 1 1hr only nuiqhbinhuud P?ltll 1n tau Intqu Pity, and nu mnnti ~15 madv or thu fl?t that ?ivrr Pool. #11qu tn: 1d}; (rm, 1. tin: nnly ?Mir: nil-um; pool in the City. In uddltinn. black cuanuntt in Vulcan: to. and in tact dual. the IfCIEItiu?ll tarilit in ?11 u! tho thrca Cityswidc parks. gg?gpxs Anthony Park Thu City tn plant covcn mt' In Iilk Thult plantlnuu will bf th? rk Intranro and 1n the sroa near balnhall hie-churn and ?111 cuaplntod by Octobvr 1. By approximatoly eruh 11. it will pllu to th? additional Jacquntball a?urt II pxtil?tlr budqutud. ?g?gpxa Riva: Park Recraath 51.3 tut lot will b. far uafcty L, Hovvmrot 1, of this yulr. If in run he apiriltd bf In of Fact rtqardinq qualmtv n2 qutlTh at nauwr Park we will h? hippy ta runnidn: than. f1nd;nla and to tuntinn. DP I?F?l??rlN 5 That: It. lulu findings at kart 1n ynu: lrtcor which are In curt-ct. In noun levc1d1 uf *3 tiun?n you hi1! thanqid in: to tha Inc: that annual salary hqvu nada. laur* ovvr, Intro Hero tau state-mutt that urn at at till Hr. Phillipa August IHIE Paul 5 WMun-ity. Eun'tuct with the. cantlnucd mm: I at but thu affott did not prov. Iucceuaful. -At tho ttmr, a ndditinn tn distributlnh bf hullntinu llr?ndy mentioned. bull?tlh: lib luxuzrard tn thu HhAtr, tho chairman uf tha llawh vn-mittuu I10 [r9u* at Park Hoiqhhauhund ?uctuatinn frntor. BEEP [13?s the r1ty w111 an pltn. lnrlu?lnw u~ntn. for of and uamrn by D?terhrr I, 191#. we ?rvl. hnwevur. that this she la b. bunt! nn put: nt wt Hark (arc. in tho E.E.K.F. a *t.ortra 44: in the fact that meeting flat Involn 1: and to; and Human. :nnporttvuly. would hr 1mponnib1? Ln Mast instancrs thu or ava Juhlu work [area falln wall law fh? Inquitlnq rohlrdinq lPPlirlnt'? rrd1cal an? r10 ntrlil1ty l? ta onnuxr that ap 111.nt 1b L&yubiv 0!,porfurnln; 1n lmumm- 'Hhirh 1a boinn agyliod to: and. strundly, i 1 rl;ulgt1rft pf a! FIOSIJJ Law. at It ua4uirxd th knew at any 4 patentIJI hnu ytl-r In 1n ordrr to rDrt1?t financial assistancr on Huxrten?l claims. In sticrt. this in a runny which the *tlti run If? ciuraqa the hltinq nf Ln?lfidualt wit certain-ataahzlittn- b? participatinq 1n the Fiat vf'any timing cnuuinq utter rm- Hm ran, to limit ti? inquirtna as to uh1rh Hluld up In: a partltular jab. ?u havn already tho Inquiry on and forum an that tho qutltith tuft;a tn Eho applicant's arousr rathnr than with. I. ?001 In?odlrl pllp?ifd 1n arr: for nuritlpr and tho nmpluvant practices rrxtatninq th the hirin; and r?vt a! yuur Hi propel. to inplr-nnt thes. change: per tr- timetable: noted. Hr. Txradwull 0. Phillip! 23. lita ano 4 tho fity. Thu firnt at thvs' in en 2 In whit? yau that U6 dotinr out lubnr murkrt an Irv nn? Countirh. 1hll ll ant to. Ho bu: llh;r In rullibi Cbuntf an 92-91?: of nut rmplayoos arv (0111:: tn 1r, On Fag. I you Itatd that an whit? rmpluynrn at th Public Drpartr at turn 611,000 per ylnr. Thu nunbvr, an at tint of yuur nuIVvyalnn cunfuninq to u: to tn uni tutu?! why you kw 3d suqqnut it you: that u: affirmatlvn a tlun plan annuld tontain meal. and tor the n! minoritLNI ?nd Hum?n which will Inltlu thu arr of thy Flty Lt Hapirq is all dvpurtnuntl and at all lvt-ln to l-hur Maxkrt En which 1. 16' utnnrity d?1 Hum~:. Thin down nit agira: P4~Iib1v since o: auaal?t?r vino lttnu ard apnea for tho funrtlun. Hr 1L r:t tt '1qh 1n th? F?Jnly- Ru Ittd?hl?q tar yuu internatten i tutu! Lqujl trying: nt fwmmituiun usrupatirnnl cattaniru 3rd ?lth of Clty a: Hapjra by tar nd at: an romgarad tn ttu availablv LAtnat of ft111rr CI :3 tlru and ark, as by flatnda or fnwau,thia II it ta minoritxcl. at tha E.I.D.F cantanrlra listed, in parted przront nvallahlu in all but onn uni. in that instancr. arc cnly nnu-httf or 1 bohln . 1L tha yawn of the rzpluynont a! H. Ito ahead in four or the nine rava- qurlvl of th. p?rrvut nf tho llbur hAtk?t availablr Ind in an}! on. instant. (all hulnu 1; lat. thun It at martin; the avuilntlo work forca. A: it pertains to tho rucrutr=nnt of handtvar,vt, had already berm takrn pziur to a? of your ?n Autu?t 14. our Police hot with Hz. ?ich Habitat. Stat. nf.Pla:1in Vocational ?ohahtlitatiuc ?ct- tn led diarunncd the hiring n! handicapped in?avidualn 1n uu: ?lirt Dt,lrtr?nt- nvunp4prr t0 that Qtf'lpt 1. Ill In?: A: the present time, in tu ?r?ull; rurtuitinq, diltribltb . ta thu Stat! Lervicc ntfivtl. th" $011101 (0- t} erntivnal ani Lchuol. Ldlaun rumnunlty z~J tut nuttca uvvt th- 11: via '1d1u. thrca years ago. In an lifurt to rucxutt.h1nct police affiretn. a uniting was hula with lradutl ut thu bitch Hr. Tr: 311111111 0. bully! HI, 0 5h?;ld *hrru Lv a utth an. of ch. pxui ii kibld yuur [Jcly 1y, if: 3 ?7 91?? errq Fltt?l?'h fity Hanlurr till