DELAWARE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE PO aexus Jay' Oklzroma 14345 [915125374531 INCIDENT REPORT PROPERTY luromnloh MIA Names Sllzed lnecovered uesenprton Code Loss Cuds None a Brand Total Value so on Entered NO NCIC Number INFORMATION - narrahve to 7 MD on 034762013 at 15.13 Halterwas Dlsoatehed to 1 Mlle North o1 Hwy 20 oh 700 Road to the house reterenoe lntoxroated Resldent at the home Upon arnval lwas met by George Naller who stated that Durham DOB _a reslctents at he Facillfy had gotten Drunk and that he had oeoorne Carnoahve and to the other resroents at he home He also sald that there was no Alcohol allowed at the Home He stated that Durham was Causlng a lot ofproblems and that he had leh the properly and was oelreveo to be North on 700 road other res-dents sald that they had seen a Whlle 4 Door Plchaup slowly north on 700 road and then West on 400 road and rt at the slow speed lwent to Trarls End Cunventence Store to see rt Durham had gone thal orreetron tit/rule was at the store on DOE _appruaohed and stated that her DaughterJennrlerAshley wrlkersoh DOB had been and was unusual she was last seen at approxrrnately 15 00 on 3-05-2013 The Wlkerson"s are the owner at the House Janet sad that she knew that there had been a roolern al the Home one at the Resrdents being Drunk anetand Donald erhersorr DOE cameto the shentrs olfioe on 0341772013 at apuruxrmately 11 00 and stated that therr hter had not returneo to her resroenoe and that .lennrler was a Maroon Colored honoa Clvic #Vln rt-- Janethlted out a Voluntary statement nd at 15 on ma can Janet and met her and Donald at the CAAIR House at 1530 asked llthere was a chance that Jennllevwas and they sald that had been Jennrler's house dolhg work 1or Jennlfer tn the Chucken Houses that she has There were 2 of the Resldehts lrom the house to work and that Jenhilet had returned them to the house shortly before began violent I asked Janet and Donald llJenhtler could have glven the Alcohol and they were unsure rt she would have done There was a text message received at 15 on 0343772013 statrng as tollows "So sorry yesterday he hreatened to me my lf dldn't help hll'nrfis long as don't leave nuw he won't til tell he wtlI He's helng nlce today'll be OK swear l'rn not maktng up l'Il be home such don't worry to bad As long as he don't he's normal" ls the last Text recall/ed horn Page 5 of