I 1735 New York Avcmn: N.W. GATES ELLIS Wulungkm. DC. 20006-4739 8: ROUVELAS MEEDS Telephony: (202) 628-1 700 . . (202) 331.1024 Commonwealth of the Northern Marian: Inland 9, 1996 Attn: Brenda Tenorio Invoice No.:392728 Page 23 P. O. Box 85 Capittl Hill. SAIPAN MD 96950 Jack Abramofi 0?/30/96 26H 2.00 Daily cnline monitoring 0! Congraau for logislntion concerning the Northern Marianas ?ng Rprii 1?56 for J. Abramnff. 1" D. Total Peon; 106,467.00 Name Hour: A Kalicki 8.20 BJ Heiman 2.60 O'Mallcy 23.60 DH Bafavian 21.90 DL Conner 33.50 Abrumoff 89.60 Maeda 27.70 LR 6.40 MK Rug. 2.50 Dizzella 104.30 Barn-s 4.90 am Knowlcan .80 TL Peckinpaugh 3.60 WD Staphene 46.90 53.90 Brandt 2.50 26 Aamuth 5.40 Tottl: 512.60 mom: rc?ucu and cost: not ynvioudy tallied. Put do: balances, If my. will be shown on a scpuau: autumn! of recount mall? at m: of math. Addmondly, this invoice my inciudc amp-mac luau such as moms, ?ling fem, ate. for which we )me not ya: been hiked The mice Ohmim not Ruth above may Nude 5mm: by It"! ram-nu. 1n Iddidon lo mien by morons. hymn: do: In S. damn receipt. A In: chum cram pawn: pet month will acme an unpaid mom me: 30 daya. I ww0 YkA'wi?f I: DC. 20006?4259. MEEDS Telephone: (2027) 628-1700 ATTORNEYSATLAW . Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island July 18, 1996 Attn: Brenda Tenorio .. Invoice No.:396716 Page 43 P. O. BOX 85 Capital Hill, SAIPAN MP 96950 Jack Abramoff Name Hours A Kalicki 23.10 AL Carlson 5.10 AV Smith .20 O?Malley 50.80 DH Safavian 50.30 DL Conner 72.90 EB Hollingsworth 3.50 Abramoff 179.10 Meeds 61.00 LP Bellocchi 16.50 LR Latourette 18.90 . MH Ruge 2.20 DeGiusti 67.20 Pizzella 121.00 Barnes 2.10 SE Geiger 2.30 SN Knowlton 2.90 TL Peckinpaugh 7.20 WD Stephens 64.90 WN Myhre 145.90 ZG Asmuth . 15.40 Total: 912.50 lis invozcc tc?ccts only fees and costs not previously billed Pas! duc balanccs, ifany, will be shown on a separate of acwunl'mallcd at m: beginning 01? ch month. Additionally, this mvoicc may no: include Such as ?ling fees. etc. for which w: have not yet been billed, The ol?scrviCcs sct'fonh abovc may lncludc sen-ices by legal assistants. in addition [0 services by anomcys, due: U.S dollam on A lat: charge ofonc percent per month will accruc on unpald amouns a?cr 30 days. Stulc 500 PRESTON i 1735 New York Avenue 5 Washington. D.C. 200064.759 MEE D5 1 Telephone: (202) 628-1700 A Facsimile: (202) 331-1024 ATTORNEYSATLAW Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island August 6, 1996 Invoice No.:398725 Herman T. Guerrero CNMI Department of Labor Immigration 18 Page 38 Caller Box 10007 Saipan, MP 96950 Jack Abramoff Name Hours A Kalicki 9.70 AL Carlson 2.00 AV Smith 3,30 O?Malley? 19.10 DH Safavian 35.40 DL Conner . 54.10 BB Hollingsworth .80 Abramoff 116.40 Blank 4.00 Meeds 29.40 LR Latourette 78.40 . DeGiusti 19.60 Pizzella 100.80 SM Vasell 2.60 SN Knowlton .70 TL Peckinpaugh 2.10 WD Stephens 68.50 WN Myhre 99.50 ZG Asmuth - 4.60 Total: 651.00 This invoncc reflects only fees and costs not prtviously billed. Past duc balances, ifany. will be shown on a separate ofaccount mailed 31 lb: bcginning of zach month. Additionally, this invoice may not include expense items such :5 telephonc, telegrams, ?ling fees. etc. for which we have not yet been billed. The ofserviccs set forth above may include services rendered by legal assistants, in addition to services by anomcys Payment due in US. dollars 1900 receipt. A late chargc ofonc percent per month will accrue on unpaid amounts a?zr 30 days. Suite 500 PRESTON 1 W35 N=w ?v 55532455 MEEDS Telephone: (202) 628-1700 Facsimile: (202) 331-1024 ATTORNEYSATLAW September 9, 1996 Invoice No.:400753 Page 23 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island Herman T. Guerrero CNMI Department of Labor Immigration IS Caller Box 10007 Saipan, MP 96950 Jack Abramoff 08/30/96 ZGM 2.50 Daily on-line monitoring of press and legislative activity for issues of interest to client during August 1996 for J. Abramoff. 08/30/96 ZSMV 3.00 Research LDA information for W. Myhre at Legislative Resource Center. Total Fees: i. 142,810.00 Name ?Hours O'Malley 11.10 DH Safavian 9.90 DL Conner 28.30 Abramoff 100.70? Blank 53.50 Meeds 15.00 LR Latourette 93.00 MB Ruge .30 DeGiUsti 11.20 Pizzella 128.80 PE Connell 2.50 Phillips 1.50 SE Geiger 1.70 SM Vasell 13.70 TL Peckinpaugh 3.40 WD Stephens 38.20 WN Myhre 44.90 28 Asmuth 4.70 Total: 562.40 This invoice rc?cczs only fees and cosls not prevmusly billed. Past duc balances. ifany, Will be shown on a scparalc statement of account mailed at the beginning of each month. Addiuonaily..mis invoice may not include items such as telephone. ?ling fees, etc. for which wc have not yet been billed. The description of services set forth abovc may include services by legal 2155501115. in addition to services rendered by attorneys duc in US. dollars upon receipt. A lat: charge ofouc per month will accrue on unpaid amounu a?cr 30 days. l?Khb rum GATES ELLIS ROUVELAS MEEDS . ATTORNEYS ATLAW Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island Herman T. Guerrero CNHI Department or Labor Immigration 13 Caller Box 10007 Saipan. MP 96950 v.1 l?uiNang?AMxmanv ?NudunmnmIJC.zmn64n? Telaphonc: (202) 523.170: Facsimile: (292; 331-1024 October 7! 1996 Invoice No.:403056 Page 35 J. Abramoft Rama AL Carlson O?Mnlley DH Safavian DL Gonna: Abramoff ?0 Blank Hand: UK Kelpert LR Latourette MR Rugs DcGiuati vizzulla PB Connell SD Agranov Vasell Peckinpaugh Stephen- Myhxe Brandt Asmuth Total: m: invoice n?ccn only few and com Mi pxcviozury billed. I?m dun banana, ?arm will b: shown on mamlpc Ala: Hours 1.50 32.10 23.90 41.70 ?103.00 5.40 15.30 3.30 58.70 5.30 18.80 108.50 $.40 5.70 6.40 4-10 67.20 42.80 5.30 6.90 558.30 pm or mama: nw'icd at the beginning of end] numb Manic-any, um invoice may not include 1% sum as Mcpm, lclognma? rating fats, etc. far which we have not yet been biilud. Tb: dumptlon ofsan'ux: indudc mica: mm by Icy! assistants, in addition an madcmd by mum?. PM duo in US. Anus: . 4 11/19/96 18:86 wow muss . No 835 1735 PRESTON 5mm, GATES ELLIS amntog?vm NW. ROWELAS . a? 55 MEEDS . . (202) 623.1700 mm (202) 331-102; Navember 12, 1996 Comm?nwenlth of the Northern Mariana Island Invoice Herman I. Guerrero CNMI Department of Labor Immigrttiun 15 Page 33 Ctller Box 10007 . J. Abramtt Saipan, MP 96950 2.00 Daily on?line monitoring at Congrennianal Record and leginlation for daVelcpmant? of interest to cliunt during October 1996 tor 10/31/95 20M J. Ahrnmoit. Total ?033: 138,724.50 Name Hours AF Berger 23.60 AV Smith .50 BJ Haiman 1.00 O'Mallcy 6.60 CH soussm 61.30 DH Safavian 9.10 DL Conner 35.20 Abramotr 121.80 Blank .50 Heads 20.30 . LR Latourette 29.00 NH Rugs 1.10 DaGiusti 3.00 Pizzella 93.70 PE Council 3.20 Mather .50 SK 3.80 TL Packinpaugb .00 ND 103.10 HR Myhxe 44.80 NW Brandt ?.30 26 Asmuth 4.?0 Totai: 575.20 Thhimviurc?ccu warm. Mmuwuhmumvou bill-mamas?: 1111:20?971111211104 111:1" 11100123011310. 181:." 3311024 1 mm PRESTON GATES ELLIS a; ROUVBLAS LLP ATTOIN3YG ?fax Mammalian No. 91-05340? 1735 AVENUE NW SUITE 500 WASHINGTON. DC 20006? 4759 202? 62$ 1700 Fat: 202- 331- 1024 Commonwoalth of the Northern Mariana Island April 8, 1997 Herman T. Guerrero. Invoice No.:415005 CNMI Department of Labor 0 Immigration IS Page ?30 Caller Box 10007 Saipan. MP 96950 Jack Marmot! Name Hours Mildor .50 O'Malley 2.20 CM Souasan 31.50 0L Conner 17.40 David Funderburk 25.90 EL Rouvelaa .50 Abramoff 111.70 Mead: 46.70 Pizzella 128.90 ?98 Connell 1.00 Marshall 1.00 Moshe: .50. SM Vasell 25.20 TL Peckinpaugh .60 WD 55.00 RN Myhre 80.10 WP Jarrell 6.50 1 WW Brandt - 3.50 ZG Asmuth 3.30- Total: 542.00 T1112 111mm rc?oan 1m :94 can: not pmviomy bilicd P35: 1113511de 11': 5c. I . . ny.wll1hc shown an a In mm ml: 1 month. Paymcm 1: due US. dollm 0 mal ?rrad mo man a 91ml :1 (he ofme nu: muting PL U043 my 0: 10 our um number 67191403 I: Sunni ?ank Mun 001m. Seems, ABA her 125000024. VISA and Human: also Accepted. A 1.1: chug: 010m pcmant per mm 1.411 accrue on ?up? amount: :10 ?lm. ?20' 10:51 PRESTON GATES ELLIS LLP. TELIZOZ 331 1024 P. 063 PRESTON GATES ROUVELAS MEEDS ATTOINIYB Tu Nomination Ru. 9! 4534004 1735 You Am NW Sum! 500 Wasxmamx, DC 20006- 4759 202- 628? 1700 Fx: 202- 33! 1024 prcalongnm com/dc Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island May 12, 1997 Herman Guerrero Invoica No.:4l7863 CNMI Department of Labor Immigration IS Page 32 Caller Box 10007 Jack Abramoff Saipan. 95950 Discussed CNMI trip and briefing book with P. Pizzollo to: mail to and from J. Abramoff, voice message from David Garland; conversation with Debbie Owens Ra; her trip cancellation and our request for a lotto: to Governor Tenorio on school choice importAnce began preparation of CNMI schQOl choice trip briefing book 04/30/97 3.60 I 04?30/97 ZDLC 1.20 Sent out Hay Group report to Congressional ,staff and members 04/30/97 ZGM 2.5a pa;1y online monitoring of legislaci?e developments on matters pertaining to client during April 1997 for J. Abramoff. Total Fees: 146,256.50 Name Hour: 8 Milder .40 CH Souasan 75.00 0L Conner 33.40 ,David Funderburk 74.90 Abramoft 52.60 Mead: 25.60 LR Latourette 2.00 Pizzella 65.10 PE Connell .80 SM Vasell I 24.00 TL Peckinpaugh 1.60 WD Stephena 74.70 WN Myhre 73.20 Jarrell 41.30 WW Brandt 3.30 2G Asmuth 2.50 Total: 550.90 This Maia: billed Pu: due bad mom}; anmduciuus dolMupmmipL mm. PRESTON GATES ELLIS a ROUVELAS Magus Tn. Idcnzi?cuicu No. 91-953l0n I735 You: AVENUE NW Sumz $00 WAssz. DC 20006- 4759 202. 62% I700 P1: 202. 331- 1024 m.prcuongamt.ocm/dc a: the Earthern Mariana Inland Octobur 21, 1997 Hanan W0 Invuice KO. :428169 CNHI Department of Labor 5 Immigration I8 Page 56 Calls: 30x 10007 sum, MP 96950 Jack 3 09/30/97 ZBMV 5.50 Attend uchocl chain. hearing {qr D. ?eeting to discuss Wann- farm. Governor's DC and Choctaw Visits; call Linn M(nnhrabachar) mamumsm Total has: 182,046.50 ?an Emu mlda: .40 DL Comm:- 75.40 Davi? 53.40 Ct? Valiant 32.70 3 Watt 109,70 JR I'll-hm 111.90 51.410 KI O'Nail 35.00 Pizzalla 93.00 Pl: Cmnall ,ao -H mum yuan. .- 86.10 Stuplma 54.50 ?13 Mature 65.20 if? Jamil 61.50 Stand: 7.30 :6 Mind: Total: 903.30 rlH?n mm mu ma 69 Obi/9336 18/30101 [6?15 01-13(11) IEE ZOZ am 81173 KOHJ 0 (3 A A: 8 ATTOIN3YI Tu lind?utlu No. ?4514064 .3 Ca-uouu?nlth of tho Mari-n: Itland Herman I Gunrraro can: Depart-ant o1 Labor Illigrntion Is Calla: Box 10007 Snipan, HP 96950 I735NEWYORKAVENUENW msoo wmm, DC 20006 202-623-1700 Hem-3314024 Nova-her 24, 1997 Invoien ?0.:i30127 Pug: . 5? l5! O'?hdl Pins-11: 93 thvi. I uhrahnll IK?Vaa-ll ID QtIph-nn . Il?lendt 71.1 ?Nth re?ll: 'Hauxl .30 18.30 ?0.80 117.20 27.20 .50 109.80 3.00 83.40 49.50 51.00 173.10 .30 .30 77.20 63.50 3?.00 118.80 3?30 $91.80 .1. immu- mul?'m?nm Ln 1 'ro/bbra b7?? ICC 707 JWW Q1771 gulvn MDIRWWJ HOHJ