D E PA RT M E N T O F D E F E N S E U N I T E D S TAT E S S O U T H E R N C O M M A N D 9301 NW 33RO STREET DORAL, PL 33172 R£«.YTO AT T E M T I O N O F November 25, 2014 Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, Ref: SC 13-063 Office of Freedom of Information Dr. Jeffrey S. Kaye 21 Acapulco Court Novato, CA 94949 Dear Dr. Kaye: This is our Agency's third partial response to your electronic Freedom of Information Act request dated December 18,2012. Your request sought a copy of the full report with any appendices of the AR 15-6 concerning to ISN 156 (Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif, aka Allal Ab Aljallil Abd al Rahman). The search for information returned several documents of which we have completed review of the enclosed 13 documents (exhibits #59, 95, 97, 99,113,117, 118,123,125,127,132, and Medical Transaction History Report) consisting of approximately 115 pages, bate numbered 000217 thru 000332. After our line-by-line review of the enclosed documents we have made the following determination regarding releasability: 1) Portions of the redacted information are currently and properly classified in accordance with Executive Order 13526, Section 1.4 (c), which pertains to intelligence activities, intelligence sources or methods. Release of such information is not permitted under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(1); 2) Potions of the redacted information are exempted from disclosure by statute, namely 10 U.S.C. § 130b, which authorizes protection of names of personnel overseas, or in senstitive or routinely deployable units. Thus, this information is not released under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(3); 3) Portions of the redacted information contain information that, if released would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of individuals under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(6); 4) Portions of the redacted information, if released, could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy of a living person, including surviving family members of an individual identified in such a record. Thus, this information is not released under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(7)(C); and 5) Portions of the redacted information, if released, would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law. Thus, this information is not released under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(7)(E). -2- Accordingly, the redacted portions of information are withheld and their release is denied under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(1), (b)(3), (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(E) by Major General Mark C. Nowland, U.S. Air Force, Chief of Staff, United States Southern Command. Please note that the enclosed responsive records are part of a litigated FOIA by another requester; therefore, your rights to appeal are mooted. We will continue to diligently process the remainder of the responsive documents to your FOIA request. There are no assessable fees associated with this response. Please address any further questions to the undersigned at (305) 437-1108. Refer to our case control number SC 13063 for any future inquiries. Sincerely, Enclosures S U B J E C T: Tr a n s l a t i o n D a t e : C l a s s i fi c a t i o n : Harmony Number: Secondary Language: ISN: Document Date: Sender/Full Name: Care Of: Addressee: Relationshi Street Address-PO Box: Aoartment Number: OUTGOING ICRC MESSAGE FROM DETAINEE US9YM-000156DP ! 20120319 II (bKi).Sec 14-COM Rtaton 14(c) Ocdasstty on fO ytsm cftor oonip;obon atdotontion oporttiono n Guonlinanio Boy. Cubo o c o n c Tw i o r o n M Ex 59. pg 4 000220 Page 2 o! 2 1.4(0) (TN: End of Translation000221 S U B J E C T: OUTGOING ICRC MESSAGE FROM DETAINEE US9YM- Tr a n s l a t i o n D a t e ; C l a s s i fi c a t i o n : 001560P 20120507 SECRCT/ZNOrORN {bM1).8«!. 1.4(c) Harmony Number: Primary Language: Arabic Secondary Language: ISN: N/A US9YM-00156DP Document Date: 20120501 Sender/Full Name: Care Of: ' A D N A N FA R H A N ' A B D - A L - L AT I F Addressee: M U H A M M A D FA R H A N RelationshI Street Address-PC Box: Brother I Apartment Number: State: N/A N/A N/A I I L 11 ^ Coun Postal Code: Phone Number 1: Phone Number 2: Email Address: Ei Seizure Date: E) Cell Location: Linguist Numbers: Analyst Comments: CIcmUM by; Commajider. JTF43TMO/USSOUThCOM ftoMQti: 14 (e) OactoMtfy on: 10 yoois oTter eempMnn of Mention operoUont it GucnUntmo Boy. Cute Ex.5e.Pg.6 000222 {b«i).(bX6).S«c 1.4(e) [TN; Red Crescent form, blank] [IN; End of Translation] Ex. 50,1^. 7 000223 Ex. 59. Pg. 3 000224 I S U B J E C T: OUTGOING ICRC MESSAGE FROM DETAINEE US9YM- Tr a n s l a t i o n D a t a : 000156DP 20120604 C l a s s i fi c a t i o n : cT^raTraTTTTrsT^ST^m Hamiony Number Primary Language: Secondary Language: ISN Document Date: Sender/Full Name: Care Of: Addressee: Relationshi Street Address-PO Box: rtment Number (bX1).See. 1.4(c) Arabic N/A US9YM>000156DP 20120425 • A D N A N FA R H A N ' A B D J V L - L AT I F N/A M U H A M M A D FA R H A N Sibli N/A N/A UBira state: Coun Postal Code: Phone Number 1: Phone Number 2: Email Address: E) Seizure Date: E) Cell Location: Linguist Numbers: Analyst Comments: CtmM by: Commsntfv. JTF4STM0nJSS0vrniCCM Rmmo- 1.4 (c) Owtonifyon: 10 yMnsRtrcompWiofl of (Mention «pifatic(italQuMtanafno Bay. Cub* 000225 14(6) Ex. 59. P9. 10 000226 22929.21: mammar? 1.4M 0 4 (bxaubxm. 1.4M 000227 1.416) Pa 5 manuals?. 110:) um I 1.4M 000228 (bKt).(bX«),8«i 1.4(0) (bMiMb)(B).Sec 1.4(c) PlUflaSofS (b)(1MbX8).Soc. 1.4(c) (TN: End of translation] c c c n c Tw t o r o n M EK.M.»»9n 000229 S U B J E C T: O U T G O I N G t C R C M E S S A G E F R O M D E TA I N E E U S 9 Y M 000156DP Tr a n s l a t i o n D a t e : 120120619 ClasgWication; ISCCRCT/NOrORN Harmony Number Primary Language: (bN1).Sec. 1>«(e> Secondary Lanfluage; N/A ISN: US9YM-000156DP N/A • A O N A N F A R H A N ' A B D ^ - L AT I F Document Date; Senderffull Name; Care Of: N/A Addressee: M U H A M M A D FA R H A N Relatlonshi N/A Street Address-PO Box: rtment Number: N/A N/A State: Coun (bXB) Postal Code: Phone Numlrer 1: N/A Phone Number 2: N/A Email Address: N/A (E) Seizure Date: (E) Cell Location: N/A Linguist Numbers: N/A Analyst Comments: N/A N/A PfBelpyg [IN: ReTigious greetit^g card] Pane 2 of2 CtnsiGetf by. Commaftdw. JTP.OTMORJSSOUTKCOM Rnsm 1.4 (c3 Otolnaa^an laytOTaiefcowipleUowofdeterticnopOTtiBontGmimwamoBay.CMlw aceRCTz/KoroRN E«.59.P9 14 000230 (immanent: we) N: End of translation] I I i i '5 OUTGOING ICRC MESSAGE FROM DETAINEE US9YM- S U B J E C T: 000156DP Tr a n s l a t i o n D a t e : C l a s s i fi c a t i o n : 20120621 Harmonv Number: Primary Language: 1 (bMlXSec. 1.4(e) Secondary Language: N/A iSN: US9YM-000156DP N/A ■A D N A N FA R H A N ' A B D - A L - L AT I F N/A M U H A M M A D FA R H A N Arabic Document Date: Sender/Full Name: Care Of. Addressee: Relationship: Street Address-PO Box: Brother Apartment Number: N/A N/A 1 (bxe) 1 State: N/A Country: Postal Phone Phone Email 1»») 1 Code: Number 1: Number 2; Address: W A N/A N/A N/A (E) Seizure Date: N/A (El Cell Location: N/A Linguist Numbers: N/A N/A Analyst Comments: ppHciofe 0>J(1WbX«XS*. 1.4(e) OtulM by: Ccmmantfef. JTF-GTMO/USSOt/THCOM Rmon: 1.4 : lOymnafitfeentsietionaftisiafitianopsntienstlGtwuarumeBty.CuM DCORCT/ZMOronM Ex. 50. Pg 18 000232 (bKlMbK«).See. 1.4(c) Paw 2 9f ft [TN: Greeting card] PaoaSofe tTN: Blank tiack of photo] Page 4 of6 [TN: Photo] Pages of 6 fTN: Blank bade of photo] P a c e g o f 6 [TN: Photo] [End of translation] Ex. 58. Pg 17 000233 S U B J E C T: O U T G O I N G I C R C M E S S A G E F R O M D E TA I N E E US0YM-OOO156DP Translation Date: 20120622 Claaslflcatlon: Harmony Number: I Ml).8ec 1 Mo) Primary Language: Arabic N/A US9YM-000158DP N/A Secondary Language: ISN: Document Data: Sender/Full Name: 'ADNAN FARHAN 'ABD^L-LATIF Care Of: Addreaaea: Relationahip: Street Addreas-PO Box: Apartment Number: N/A M U H A M M A D FA R H A N Brother N/A N/A N/A State: 1 (b)(6) 1 Country: Postal Code: Phone Number 1: N/A Phone Number 2: IN/A Email Address: N/A (E) Seizure Date: N/A N/A N/A (E) Cell Location: Linguist Numbera: Analyst Comments: N/A Pffagl9f? fTN; Greeting card] PaoaZpfg K«).Sec. 1.4(c) CiSMtflM br CcnuraitMr. JTf ^MCUSSOUTHCOM RBOWII: 1.4 (e) DMtmdy en; 10 ytm titer oompMiwi of tfatsnlion opwitvnt ct OuantttisfltQ Bay. Cute oconcrr/NoroRM Ex. 59. P8. 18 000234 (bKl).(b)(«)A* 14(e) Pan* 3 Of 6 [TN; Post Card] [TN: Blank page] [TN: Post card] [TN: Blank page] [TN: Ertd of translation] Ex.S9.Pg ie 000235 S U B J E C T; OUTGOING ICRC MESSAGE FROM DETAINEE Tr a n s l a t i o n D a t e ; US9YM-0001SSDP 20120628 Classification: (fcXUSBc. 1.4(e) Harmony Number Primary Language: Arabic Secondary Language: N/A US9YM-000156DP ISN: Document Date: Sender/Full Name: Care Of Addressee: Relationehi Street Address-PO Box: Aoartment Number: N/A • A D N A N FA R H A N A B O A L - L AT I F N/A M U H A M M A D FA R H A N Male relative N/A N/A N/A N/A State: Coun Postal Code: Phone Number 1: Phone Number 2: N/A N/A N/A Email Address N/A E) Seizure Date: E) Cell Location: Linaulst Numbers: Analyst Comments: N/A N/A I seny vn (bXt).(«»)(»).S«i. 1.4(c) CtanAad by; Commanber JTF-OTMOUSTOuneOM ItosMn. 14 (^ OedaaVyon; lOyranalteceempMioflefdaltnbenoiwiauonbttOuanttnimoBay.Cvbi oconcT/zNoronH E«.S9.P8 20 000236 1 Ate) 1.4m Ex. 59. Pa- 21 000237 .- .. 1 1.41:) ?an? 000238 S U B J E C T: Tr a n s l a t i o n D a t e : C l a s s i fi c a t i o n : O U T G O I N G I C R C M E S S A G E F R O M D E TA I N E E US9YM-000156DP 20120629 Harmony Number: Primary Language: 1 (bX1).Sec 14(c) 1 Secondary Language: iSN: Document Date: N/A US9YM-000156DP Sender/Full Name: • A D N A N FA R H A N ' A B D - A L - L AT I F WA M U H A M M A D FA R H A N Care Of: Addressee: Relationshio: Street Address-PO Box: N/A Male relative N/A Aoartment Number: N/A N/A State: Coun Postal Code: N/A N/A N/A Phone Number 1: N/A Phone Number 2: N/A Email Address: N/A E) Seizure Date: E) Cell Location: Linguist Numbers: Analyst Comments: j N/A N/A N/A Panel of2 {bK1).(bM8).8ee: 1.4(e) P « « » 2 o f 2 (l)«1MbK«).Scc. 1.4(e) Ciinrad br Conrnnder. JTF-0TM01U8S0UTHC0M Rmson: 1.4 (c) OeUnsllyon-10 yean ■tier cotnptslionoltfMwiionaptratioin at OutntsnBmo Bay. Cute SBCiilBTWMOiQBN Ex. 59. pg. 23 000239 1 Ate) End of translation] 000240 S U B J E C T: O U T G O I N G I C R C M E S S A G E F R O M D E TA I N E E U S 9 Y M 000156DP Tr a n s l a t i o n D a t a : 1 20120711 C l a s s i fi c a t i o n : Hamiony Number (b) 1 Primary Language: Secondary Language: ISN: Document Date: SenderfFull Name: Arabic iN/A USOYM-OOOISeDP N/A i ' A D N A N FA R H A N ' A B D - A L 4 AT I F IN/A Care Of: Addressee: 1 MUHAMMAD FARHAN Brother Relationship: Street Addrass-PO Box: N / A Apartment Number: City: State: Country: Postal Code: Phone Number 1: Phone Number 2: Email Address: 1] (b)(8) N/A 1 1 IN/A N/A 1 N/A (E) Seizure Date: N/A (E) Cell Location: N/A N/A Linguist Numbers: Analyst Comments: (bX8) N/A P«IBo1yf4 CtettOM by; OeonnsfMter. JTF-GTMOAJSSOUTKCOM Rmsok 14(e) DMinsay on: to ytaie star compWion of dMentten epmiienft II (StMntanamo Bey. Cuba ex.SO.P92S 000241 ! (?unmea- Eggs 3 o! 4 (bxuaxawea 1.4(c) Pang 5 of 4 hummus?. 1.4M Ex. 59. Pg. 26 000242 Ex. 59. Pg. 27 [End of the translation]. 000243 . S U B J E C T: Tr a n s l a t i o n D a t e : O U T G O I N G I C R C M E S S A G E F R O M D E TA I N E E U S 9 Y M 000156DP 20120717 C i a s s i fi c a t i o n : Harmony Number: Primary Language: Secondary Language: ISN: Document Date: Sender/Full Name: Care Of: Addressee: Relationship: Street Address-PO Box: Apartment Number: (bXIKSac. 1.4(6) 1 Arabic N/A US9YM-000156DP N/A • A D N A N FA R H A N ' A B D - A L - L AT I F N/A MUHAMMAD FARi IAN Brother N/A N/A i 1 9>m i City: State: Country: Postal Code: Phone Number 1: Phone Number 2: N/A ^ Email Address: N/A (E) Seizure Date: (E) Cell Location: N/A ! N/A j N/A N/A Linguist Numtters: I WA AnaiystCoroments: IN/A Paae1of2 •:bX1WbK8).Soe. 1.4(e) CteStd br Coimnandv. JTF-GTMOAJSSmjTHCOM Reatoti; 1.4 (c) Otdiniiyon 10 yosni after oompMionoldeteniicfioparationtiKSusnltnama Bay. CuiM SBcncTWHoronn Ex. 50. P8 28 000244 (swimmers: 1.4M [End of the translation]. 51.56. Pg. 29 000245 S U B J E C T: OUTGOING ICRC MESSAGE FROM DETAINEE US9YM- Tr a n s l a t i o n D a t e : 000156DP 20120717 C l a a s i fi c a t i o n Harmony Number: Primary Lanauage: Secondary Language: ISN: Document Date: Sender/Full Name: Care Of; Addressee: f L*j ■ Arabic N/A US9YM-0D0156DP N/A • A D N A N FA R H A N A B D - A L - L AT I F N/A M U H A M M A D FA R H A N Relationshi Brother Street Address-PO Box: Aoartment Number: N/A N/A IHB9 ik III State: Coun Postal Code: Phone Number 1: Phone Number 2: Email Address: E) Seizure Date: E) Cell Location: Linguist Numbers: Analyst Comments: Page 1 of 12 Clmmid by; Commntfer. JTF-CTMOAISSOUTHCOM Ruten: 1.4 OKtMciiy en; 10 ytais afltr ceiRpletion of dettntisn ^wnbofis «t Gua/ttinamo Bay. Cuba Ex. Pg. 30 000246 -. if i?v ?ll" 1 Air.) Pm 2 oft: ['er This page contains a scanned copy of the two pages of the post card]. ma) 3 of 1; IN: This page contains a scanmd copy of the front page of a pat catd]. 40H This page contains a scanned copy of the back page of a pod card]. M2713 This page contains a scanned copy of the front page of a post card]. (TN: This page contains a scanned copy of the back page of a post card]. Pm of 12 This page contains a scanned copy of the front page of a post card]. a 12 ['l?NzThispageoontainsascanned copyofthebackpageofapostcard]. Bosnian! (TN: This page contains a scanned copy of the front page of a postcard]. Eggs 10 of 12 This page contains a scanned copy of the back page of a post card]. ?1101?; M-PW 000247 [TN: This page contains a scanned copy of the front page of a post card). [TN: This page contains a scanned copy of the back page of a post card]. [End of the translation]. Ex.M,PB.32 000248 S U B J E C T: OUTGOING ICRC MESSAGE FROM DETAINEE US9YM^0158DP Tr a n a t a t i o n D a t e : 20120731 ClasafficaSon: Hannony NumtMr. 1 {bX<).Sac. 1.4(c) 1 Arabic Secondary Languana: N/A US9YM-0001560P NfA ISN: Document Date: Sender/Full Name: Care Of: Addressee: • A D N A N FA R H A N A B D A L - L AT I F NfA M U H A M M A D FA R H A N Relationstiip: Street Male Associate AddresaM Box: N/A Apartment Numtier: N/A City: N/A N/A State: ' Coun Postal Phone Phone Email Code: Numlrer 1: Number 2: Address: N/A N/A (E) Seizure Date: (E) Ceil tuwation: N/A N/A N/A IN/A Unguist ttaimbers: Analyst Comments: IN/A N/A PqOTlqy? [TN: Outside of ICRC Ramadan greeting card] {bX1).(b)(6).See. 1.4(e) br arttMbrow. JTri-orMmuastMirHCOB Rmon; 1.4(e) OectMsilir oa-10 yean after compliiMMoldateiitionopmUafw at OMntanimo Bay. Cuba BiCBBTWMOgORM Ex.S9,P8.33 000249 1.4M UN: End of Translation] 3? 000250 S U B J E C T: OUTGOING ICRC MESSAGE FROM DETAINEE US9KU-000156DP Translation Date: 20120803 -7^ Classlflcation: I Harmony Number: Primary Language: , M ■ (bXIXSea 1.4(c) Arabic N/A Secondary Language: ISN: US9KU-000156DP Document Date: N/A Sender/Full Name: Care Of: •ADNAN FARHAN 'ABD^L-LATIF Addressee: MUHAMMAD FARHAN Relationship: Street Address-PO Box: Mate relative N/A N/A Apartment Number: 1 (bXO) 1 tmr^ State: 1 (bXO) 1 Country: Postal Code: Phone Number 1: Phone Numlser 2: N/A N/A Email Address m Seizure Date: (E) Ceil Location: Linguist Numbers: Analyst Comments: N/A N/A N/A ITN: Postcard) Page 2 of 2 (bX1).(b)(a).3oe. 1.4(c) CSMBM by: CemmtnMr. JTF-CTMOAfSSOUTKCOM Rnfon: 1.4(e) Oietesiiy en: 10 yean after compiwiofi of eatamnn eeMdora « Guantnwfflo Bay. Cuba Ex.ag,Ps 3S •Wt. (bunxbumae. 1.4m End of translation] awn? 000252 I S U B J E C T: Tr a n s l a t i m i D a t e : C l a s s i fi c a t i o n : Harmony Number Primary Language Secondary Language: OUTGOING ICRC MESSAGE FROM DETAINEE US9YM-001560P 20120502 »J III tfi k lA^Jslk ^ mnstc. 1.4(0 N/A US9YM-00158DP Document Date: Sender/Full Name: Care Of: N/A ' A D N A N FA R H A N ' A B D ^ 4 AT I F 1.4(0 Addressee Relatlonshi Street Address-PO Box: Aoartment Number C o u ^ N/A N/A (bxe) N/A State: (bX6) Coun Postal Pbone Phone Email Code: Number 1: Number 2: Address: E) Seizure Date: Cell Location: Linguist Numbers: Analyst Comments: ClMtilM by; Commndtr. JTF4CTMQAJS80(JTK00M R n t 0 f fl . 4 ( O OMSuIfy Of): 10 y«af« Ofttt comptatioii of dolantien oparetioni «t Guantsname Say. Cuba 000253 (W?dbxm?dc. 1.40:) End of Translation] 5:30.99.? 000254 I S U B J E C T: O U T G O I N G I C R C M E S S A G E F R O M D E TA I N E E U S 9 Y M 00156DP Translation Date: 20120503 C l a a s f fi c a l i o n : Harmony Number Secondary Language: ISN: (OXD-Soe. II t ! E l : 10 I.4{c) N/A L (bX«) I.00158DP 11 ^ Document Date: Sender/Full Name: Care Of; Addressee: •ADNAN FARHAN 'ABD-AL-LATIF M U H A M M A D FA R H A N RelationshI Street Address'PO Box: aitment Number: \Ul state: Coun Postal Code: Phone Number 1: Phone Number 2: N/A Email Address: N/A E) Seizure Date: E) Cell Location: Linguist Numbers: Analyst Comments: (b)(6) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A (bW1).(b)(«).S#e. 1.4(c) Page 1 of 2: (bX1>.(bXe).Sec. 1.4(e) I (bX1).(bX6).8«t 1.4(c) I I I Rbston: ClautM by Cbcnmandtr. JTF-GTMCUUSSOUTKCOW 1.4 (c) Oetiatsryen lOyMitbRarcnnptetianofdcttntionobmbaiif I GCcncT/zMoronM E«.59.P9 39 000255 1.4(6) (TN: End of translation] mm? 000256 S U B J E C T: OUTGOING ICRC MESSAGE FROM DETAINEE US9YM-000156DP Translation Date: 20120618 C i a s s l fl c a t t o n : Harmony Number Ubi: I (bKl).S«c. 1.4(e) Primary Language: Secondary Language: ISN: Arabic N/A Document Date Sender/Full Name: Care Of: N/A Addressee: (bX«>.(bK®).Seft 1.4(0) Relationshi Grandmottwr N/A (bX6) u)001S6DP ' A O N A N FA R H A N ' A B D ^ L - L AT I F N/A Street Address*PO Box: rtment Number N/A II State: Coun Postal Code: Phone Number 1: (b)(6) N/A ! Phone Number 2; Email Address Seizure Date: Ceil Location Linguist Numbers: Analyst Comments: Page 1 of B fTN: Greeting postcard for the month of Rammlan] CtaHAtd bf. Commwieer. JTF^3!TM(yU8SO(meOM Rmoa M (e) Oniatsilyon lOywnsfltroompMionoftfiHNinonopbfttibmatGutmafiamABir.Ciibb EX.S6.PB. 41 000257 (bXi)«Kei.8M. 1.4(6) (TN: Photo postcard] [TN. Blank Page] [TN; Photo postcard] [TN: Blank Page] [TN: End of translation] Ex. so. Ps 42 000258 S U B J E C T: OUTGOING ICRC MESSAGE FROM DETAINEE US9YM-0001S6DP Tr a n s l a t i o n D a t e : C l a s s i fi c a t i o n : Hannony Number Primary Languaoe: Secondary Lanauaae: 20120619 Document Date: Sender/Full Name: 1 (bX1).8ca i.4.(bXe).9*. 1.4(e) CMulted by: Cornnantfar. JTF-GTM(VU8S0UTH(X>M Rtawn: 1.4(c) Oadustfyon: lOyeamaltofcompMionordalantionoptwXofltatOutnlanvnoBay.Cuba gBCBBTfWOPOBM &.59.PB43 000259 fl»ti).(bK6).S6t 1.4(c) [Tfi: Pictures] PagaMS [TN: Blank} [TN; End of translation] Ex.S».Pg 44 000260 S U B J E C T: OUTGOiNG ICRC MESSAGE FROM DETAINEE US9YM000156DP Tr a n s l a t i o n D a t e : C l a s s i fi c a t i o n : Harmony Number: Primary Language: Secondary Language: 1 20120716 [ tbXl).5ec, l.4.8oe. 1.4(0 Paternal N Street Address-PO Box: I N/A Apartment Number: State: Coun Pratal Code: Phone Number 1: Phone Number 2: Email Address E) Seizure Date: Linguist Numbers: Analyst Comments: [TN: Page contains a scanned image of an ICRC blank form]. [TN; Page contains a scanned Image of an ICRC blank form]. Pace 3 of4 CImBM by. Commander. JTF-GTMOAJSSOUTHSCM Rnspm 1.4 (c) OeciasaVyan 10 yaars altar comptation of datantion operations at Guantanama Bay. Coba 000263 1 Me) 4 4 M11 1110) N: End of the Translation]. El. 59. Pg 43 000264 S U B J E C T: Translation Date: Classification: Harmony Number: Primary Language: O U T G O I N G I C R C M E S S A G E F R O M D E TA I N E E U S 9 Y M 0001S6DP 20120622 E',1 , V ^ J! ,111 (bXaSM. 14(c) I Secondary Languaae; Arabic N/A ISN: US9YM^0156DP Document Date: Sender/Full Name: Care Of: Addressee: N/A Reladonshl Street Address-PO Box: Apartment Number: 'ADNAN FARHAN 'ABD-AL-LATIF N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A State: N/A Coun N/A Postal Phone Phone Email I Code: Number 1: Number 2: Address: E) Seizure Date N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Linguist Numbers: Analyst Comments: N/A N/A Pace 1 of4 fTN: Page contains ICRC blank fonn] [TN: Page contains ICRC blank form) Ontifitd by. Commwdw. JTF-OTWO/USSOUTHCOM Raarai: 1.4(c) Dtdnsayon lOy«areallBrcont i)Bttoflofd«lBnUonop«ntiant4t(^iMtKiaineBay.Cuba Ex.SS.Pg 48 000265 (Hummus-the Translation]. 000266 SUBJECT OUTGOING ICRC MESSAGE FROM DETAINEE US9YM- Tr a n s l a t i o n D a t e : 000156DP 20120629 ! C l a s s i fi c a t i o n : Harmony Number: 1 (bX1).8ee. 1.4(e) j Primary Language: Secondary Language: ISN: N/A Document Date: N/A Sender/Full Name: Care Of: Addressee: •ADNAN FARHAN 'ABD-AL-LATIF Relationahip: Street Address-PO Box: US9YM-D00156DP N/A N/A N/A N/A Apartment Number: N/A State: N/A N/A Country: Postal Code: N/A N/A Phone Numlier 1: Phone Number 2: N/A Email Address: N/A (E) Seizure Date: N/A (E) Cell Location: N/A N/A N/A Linguist Numbers: Analyst Comments: N/A (TN: there Is no address^ on the greeting card; it is addressed to A group of people] PaHe1,3apdffof6 (TN; a scanned copy of a post card; no text included) OusaM iiy. Commands. JTF-GTMOAISSOUTKCOM Reason. 14 (c) Oeetassiyon' lOyesfaaflefcompiatiottordatentiefiopenUonsatOuantaAanioBay.Cuba 000267 ( UNCLA8SIFIED//nMie- •4r4#«#wf»«w Jl^TBOUr INVOICE honaOitKesnSSOtl ^.w. aioJhyStfarteatBlui«ct(orttitli»i«lui>>a