UNCLASSIFIED I ACRONYM Senior Medical OfiBcer SOP Standard ODcratinR Procedure TA C O N VPC Tactical Conttol Traumatic Brain Imury United States Soutbon Conmumd Video Phone CaU W C Wa t c h C o m m a n d e r TBI USSOUTHCOM WFC 2 Ex. 118, Pg. 2 UNCLASSIFIED 000306 lMlASBHHy/fa9y» Who: 1. (bw detainee who isa reported fritotd of deceased • 13^156 (Anand- 2- fl>xe) l-^lntwviewer 3. »m I-asnior Medical 0fficef(3VIQ) 4. I }-Afabictraaidator assigned to Detainee Hcapital What: lntef\^with wts) Wh««: Physical Bon R)om at the Oria'nee Hospital at Gamp Delta, USM 3atkm - 61M0, Qiiia When: 230ct12; 0940-104SIV8 Why: Datermine if 9m can provide iraiGht or evidence of what haf^wned to I9M156 Appearanoe:! oxe) [his vdoe isdear and he appears alot and cooperative, (he is in wrist ahacMee and Hsleft leg is secured to a padded cuff that ischained to a t»it in the floor. Ha is sitting crossleggad on the sole ho^td lied in the room. I am fadng him seated to hisfrom sitting on a ctair. to my left is the SMO (seated in achair); to my right ist he translator (also sitting in achair). The entire interview is conducted through the trandator with me speaking Biglish and (bxs) apeaklngAral3ic QneeUngandbitraluctionBarBeMElBnged- Itell him, I represent theHaadquarters{heaslcsif I am from the JTFor outside-1 tell him I am from the United Sate) but we all care about the detainees; and the HeactejuartereOammander wantsto know what happened to ISNIse. Befbrel can tell him who the SUfO is- (ws) lindicateshekncwsofthe 9/1Q he states^ they s^ he isa good man with the nwdicine. whiiel ftxs) jdoesnot know him persmally • no one talks bad of him - they say he isgood and he cares He saysthe one they call }e{ (JIFcultural advisor) is not so good, he Isold and sat in hiswtys-he says he teilsthem things must be a certain way- but this isnot true- the other Brothers sayJOiKS) [does things the old way not thair way {I comment many of our youth say the same thing about our "elders") he replies, "thowloBimnlearmtochangoandhBmustchanae-hBCBnnotslaylnthealdway^'' He also highlights hisdissatisfaction with the process of being a detainee - notlngthat a terrorist who kills lotsof people - iscaptured and put on trial - so he knowshisfate. Whereasin hiscase and that of I9>i156 they never killed anyone, yet they are denied a trial and are put in prison and will never leewe, and where they er^oy few comforts- he adcs, "what Undofhumansmdwhat kind of eountiy does diatootherhunmaff" {I ffik whatTSTIcan tel ma about 156] - to which he readies Toknowthaataiy, onemustatarthan thabBf^na-tvOlnattalklong, but I cannot t^kthott-AnandVSNlSB) wasmore thana brother" UNOASaHEV/^^gU^ Ex 123, pg. 1 000307 UNaASaHE>A(a9y9 HeteJteof howthetwowereinj jW) [ much of which [ reoognia from reviewing nursing notes and statementsfrom U.8 personnel. Hehicfilightaanearlier event where the woman doctor] (turned her beckon 19^1156 whojust wantedtotanctoher but she would not taikto him-ar^Wwikad away; thislnfuriated l9^S6and led to him lashing out - which then led to hisdiacipiine and hiaretum to GSmp V. He states, "she t8aaoctarancistnu}dlatowlS4ia6wasnot well-tut she OdtHatoshawhar strength The guantewUI dhow Sttmgth butnmScet^/KM h^ pei^ stnngth-whotohelfilngtheBntthetdF'Ytehmm^^^^^kBato 194156 about taking an (Ospo invega) irijection - "the thought the(a0p^^chatkf metMtB(^wibgmontttlylh^etlaii^ yeauld hetpNsangerandtlukthoug^- IStlseddnotUkethetdBa-butshehEptpusNngh.' {After a time, he begins talking about 194156 andthe eventsof07-08Sap1Z} 'yVhentheytoklme1S6wouUgotoCknpV-lwasv»yworrieti iSt1S6 asked them not to send Hmthen-itlaaderkplaoBforNm,e^f3edaUyAlMcwherBhehast)adnKnKrteihx3mthBtattM^' 'lstsltedto^poekwlthgmnunewhoishenwlththomk(^^^l0theDErHosik).ltoUhernat toaenltimOSfig^toOampV.butlfheaustgO'-donotsBncf&toaatBkKk HestataAhi^tid nothing-Viay want to show their strength wtthoskkmen, ttwytto not care-txit they are aippoaed totwa-theyanmatllcalbutgiByaantloshawthBysmatrong (heiihim-thenuraacareaalhad read a tKite in I941S6 chart, she had written to expres her ooncarrtf he became very agitated at this point - ami started gesturing emphaticaiiy, ss^'ng - 'whet dUthe do? She wrote in her report and my Bvthertsdaad. ArBportcBnnotsBvehlm-humens(people)aBnsavehlm. 3tedkt nothing and he Is gone.' {At this point -1 remained silent - after appnudmateiy 90 seconds he came back to his story...4 'lhay aent Anand(l9i1S6) to the A block and put Nm in the room wtiere he hasbad memories-iDcm 105 (lower tier)." "/ complain to theAOtCfrom Qnp Vwtxn we gel there (ITOO-ISOOlw^ and I told tim not put Anand (15S) btthatmom-hetidilme, Itotto wonywecan handle If Ite says this to make Mnse^lotABke ab^man-hBl8guaidnotmetioel-whataanhodotohelpAnand(l9nS6)wtthmEdkediMotikmr 'Anand should never go to Camp V- the doctor ladj^ who wastaldng care dtbn-tSd tNatotim, to draw her power. butshebedottor-ahBShouldbetrylngtotakecuoafhbn notstnw herpowef. 'I toHittiem to put me drectly acroaBftcmAnandpStlSe) eol couldwatchNmtxrt theytddme they could nat-aothey put meinaoeUontheoth^dda where! coddnat see ttimleyingdowTf{oei,\w2e at the 10:00 position acroaafrom 156 - where detalneeacan only aaeone another if both are standing at their respective ceil doors- i believe the cell cfiractiy across from 194156wasoooupied another detanee). uNGLAsaRH:^/rebe Ex 123. Pg. 2 000308 uNa>\ssFiEy/«Bye ff>K8) [then stated he went to lecturing the evening after arriving at Camp Vwhen became becfc in at 240Qhrs 194156 was sleeping. {I comment people do not just cBe in their sleep -1 ask If he knowswl^ could have happened to 1941567} \id^9S.lfthehimanbelngtiB(id»iodoaamBthtig,hewittdoK-hewill1Mawav. If a humantrieatodohBnntoaBlf.HlseKlerthmsta^ngtufa.' At morning prayer (OSOOhrs-onOSSepia) 194156 did not wake 14) for prayer. told guard to wake up ISN1S6). but after knocking on the door, the guard said he is sleeping- "ao/tfnugWfiefnifst be vaiyttv/tadhanootkxialeepr. M noori prayer when Anand did not wake up,'f was very wonfetfancf oaitecrMe guoftfantflie takf me hewaatnatNngandmuniiOngtohimaBiraoldklnotmakehlmwakBNmup.'' "AbmtharfanathardatalnaBfMaaBn^ wfl/lakacaieofa/hraltarMiertfMnanaMBr'XI askedwhat he meant by another} he replies-tike someoie else not in here, {I ad( - like whoT} he tfatesk wtth a tfirugof hisshoulder^ 'A guutL" 'An/thatlalt, ha wngane^ireferringto the death of 194155}. "VmhoutAnsrnd-lhavenohope-lhavoaMofanger.ancllputitlntomyhimgerstrike. fftha iMon'wonts to stop my hunger str/te-/wflf db aomeCMhg woraSL* ''SomeofthebmthefSthlnklhaveapactwithAnandOSN166)-lwiaaoonfollowhlTn,butldonot S3fmoftheotherEMhersthlnkltidnotdoenou^tohelpNm(ISMS6)-thByblameme. I would flkBtoknawwhBthaf3penedtohbn,tHswouldbegoodltwouldbegoodaotheothei3kn(Jw;l carwnthelphlni- Ifhedowhathewanttodoi TheNffKri^pt^youtodothethhigsyoudoL' 'Do/oukwwwhifthavadla^i^r'iltea him I do not} JhaguatdsaaaithciargenltalmamdtNa efvtauatha right tohaounalaas. I hit a guard-1 taiaw I In trouble for this-but I know-they mattellthaOalonelwhenwedotheaBthingB-aolfruehNm-not hard, but enouf^fbrdhapUna.' If ether peofrie knew diey are searehbtg our "arte down there' this gives a leather the right to Ull NrrraBtfandttiswecando, and must do. 'ln2008enotherBntherdledJustl!kBAnand, the guardswhen watching him In front ofNsoell, and heOedthesamewayasAnand. They wen watching him and he waadeepirgpeaoBfunyandthen he waagona. IheniarMNnghteyando. AndthatlaaU.' That ismystory. Ihavetaldsdl^Kutmybmther.' He goes on to say - he would liketo talk with the Qdonel in charge, the 9/10. the intrepto- (and one ot l»r, who I failed to capture) he states^ "if die brt>c/ier8arefotetfKfsftr8/iarvtfnie-/(legoaBrto talkabout how tatreat them aotheyanbeheardandaotheycan live InpeacBwfththomwhomuSt watch themfusf.' UNCU\SaRH>/f«U9 Ex 123. Pg. 3 000309 uNOASSRoy/fet!^ He aiso Indcatesl c>xg) - (who 1 assume isa patient at the Daalnee Hospital aswdl) wantsto talk to mestoout ISN156 tell him ~ I would like to talk to (faHfl) \- but I only hawo perrr^on to talkto hinnj cm) -because he wasa very good friend and brotho- to Anand (I9«11560} {I say thank you - and tell him I am sorry about the loss of his brother -1 tell him we care very much about what happened to Arand (19^56} and! tell him we care about all of the brothersthat are in the campa The JVI&9/IOalso tells dxe) [he caresabout their health and wantshim to know - he Isthere for them if they ever want to talk.} 1he interview end& %port pr^Mred by: I (ttXg) I Office or Obnarand as USaOUTHOGM 240ct12 Nothing Follows UNCLASaRHyy439UQ Ex. 123, Pg. 4 000310 D E PA R T M B i T O F D E F E N S E U N I I H } S TAT E S S O U T H E R N C O M M A N D QQ01NW33RD STREET MIAMI.FLORIDA 33172-1217 sccc OCT 2 8 2 0 11 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: (U//rOUO) Action Memorandum for Amy Regulation (AR) 15-6 Investigation into tiw Facts and Circumstances Surrounding the Death of Detainee ISN-10028on 18 MAY 2 0 11 1.(U/ff9yQ) 1 have reviewed the R^rt of Proceedings by tiie Investigating Officer, iiw).nxn(ci I mmm Enquiring into the &cts and circinnstances surrounding the death of Detainee ISN1 0 0 2 8 o n 1 8 M AY 2 0 11 . 2. The Findings of the lO are qiproved. 3. (U//POU^ ThelOmakes a soies of 13 leconunendations. Action on these leconunendations is as follows: a. (UJffOm&f The following lecoinmendations are approved: (1) (U//F0U6^ RECOMMENDATION 1: Due to tiie niKure of Camp Echo, the 10 recommends thai no dendnee whh my i»ychoiogical problem or sdfhum history be esaigRed to this camp. The number of incentive items allowed in die detainees'cells may enhance a detainee's opportunity and ability to commh suicide in the ceil before the guard force could respond. <2) (^RECOMMENDATiON 2:r (bKD.Sec. 1.4(c) "H (b)(1).Sec. 1.4(c) rWTTBI