STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT GTMO DATEP 20I2/09/2S 9. STATEMBIT (CtattWM!! was no response, no pulse, no respirations ftom the time I entered the cell with ISN156. From the time I entered the cell to ^emergency room was about 29 - 30 minutes. ™«™.wccenw A F F I Q AV I T .oETWf HAVE READ. IOR VE HAD READ TO ME THIS STST AATEMENT WWIlU cfamm^ SlHTOffW fENBnBpAOe PUUVHA UNDERST AND THE CDNTENTS OF THE ENTmS TEMENT MADE BY HE THE STATEMENT IS TRUE I HAVE INITIALEO ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INmALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAOE CONTAlNtNS THE STATBHEMr. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREB-Y WtTHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD. WITHOUT THREAT Of PianSHMBNT. AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNUWFUL INFLUEt^^H^^^^^^^^^^Hi WITNESSES: SubsertM Slid sworn to bebra me, a person anSioilaed by law to edmlnlsteroams.lMs davnt (Slsnaftno of Asnon AOMMNwba OolAJ Q R Q M i l AT R m O R INITIALS OF PERSON MAKINO STA D A P O a t 2 8 2 3 . fl O V 1 0 M (AllthOrtffTO PAOE 3 OF 3 PAGES «nP8«i.oies 1) Joint Task Cuba (JTr-GTUWC>l»A§^^i^i^R^flMQiide, 20090205 and Department of Defense (DOD) Habeas Corpus (HC) and Military Cora dfiM^gV^eclassification Guide; JDG Procedure #95. 2 0 11 0 9 1 9 UNCLASSIFIED/FeueUSE TtOSPAn IP NEEDED. IP TMSPAOEIS NOT NEEOO). PLEASE PMCffiO TO PINAL PAOB OP TNttPONtt. TAKEN AT GTMO S TAT E M E M T O F datcd 2012/09/25 9. STATEMENT IConfinmS The losltimel checked on ISNIS6 was about I24S. ISNISti was definitely still breathing at that pmnt I imntioned to the guard on line of sigid (I don't remember which one it was) that the breathing of ISN1S6 looked rapid or labored. In my experimwe. It was pretty normal that ISNIS6 was sleqiing late. « l t d M i d " w e e n ' t t d l l f 1SNIS6 f i I remendterthe noon piayo-call starting. At about 1407. a gumd came to meat Is breathing Wllllh loymor^ and we weatmJh li ^Jie watch commander was thrn talking to breathing, and called a H^^ ouldnotseelSNlSd I got my Emergen^ Response Treatment (ERT) bag and the guards were suiting up at that point The ginrds went in and restrained the patient-ISNIS6 did not answer or respond. As soon as 1 got in, 1 could see something was wrong. lSNlS6's eyes were open a slit and he was still warm-he was not cold yet He had a yellow, sweaty look. To me, it looked like he had passed out sometime between 1300-1400. He had no poise on his carotid. 1 told the watch commander that Ithou^tlSNlSd was dead and to call the nurse. 1 waved my hold over his eyes to see if there was any movement Ibentdowntoseeiflooddhearbreadiorseehisdiest move. It was then that 1 could smell something-and 1 saw vomh. It look like cereal-like mashed up cornflakes and milk. Oncel saw that I was pretty siire 1SN1S6 was dead. I told m^H o pul the detainee down to ^ve me more room to work on him. 1 roled 1SNIS6 onto his side, and about dte equivalent of half a bonleofTSOm^f blood and vomit rolled out. 1 tried to clear the airway with my hand, and I put 1SN1S6 on his back to b^C7R H H [ started chest compressions. I used a podcet mask and breathed into the notzle (onewqr valve) to start rescue breaths. l^bem doing CPRfbr about a nunntewhen^^^^^^^^prrived.A P H ^was Initated wter^HmUgot there. mUtok over rescue breaths and told me togmthec^ cart So I did and grabbed the suction untssweln had to wait until H B«t,^cre because there Is supposed to be medical earing for detainee the whole time. We started suctioning 1SN1 S6s' ^I ^n owepm^AED machine on his chest It read "shock not advisMf so we continued CPR. The ambulaneemived in about minutes. iimm! lo use s i^oh; (biisi! thurwa i [(bHS); 10 use § 130b; b)(6); (bH7)(C) ved too - she was prepare meil (fi>r the IVs, and the team was trying to get ISN1S6 on the backboard to get to the , which per SOP is whme we w ere supposed to go. i cart Wwas W i ^^^^Wtne. with Jll^mpriviiig. left the Salty Port and we were doit« CPR along locmu ISPffl l^lSthNi Detai n in weingfloR t to asD6>msu^udontofl etainee Hospltal^^^ e^^b8ckb^^ ^Hvas doWe ing cgot hesttocothe mpre 1 gHospi ot outtalwitih mwiuB ThoMMMHRUneeHo^italsaidfojustgotothemain I M ittdtheCorpsmuoomeouL r ctor present at m BHD on the weekend. gotten out at the Detainee Hosp»ymm ttA^ for ISN IS6, not realizing thalBHIimilllllimil the call to go to the main hospita^^^^^^Hand I are both certified as Emeigency Vehide Operators (EVO). bdiind tt die Detainee HospltflH^^^^ in, and 1 drove to the main NAVSTA hospital. Once we got ttdwdHd^iit, I turned on siren and lights (inside detainee areas, just lights), and we aiivcd at the NAVSTA hospital about HHIHpVhefl we pulled up, the doctor and Corpsman came cut and broii^t ISNlSd back Into the Emogeney Room of the kVSTA Hospital. There, tluy emplaced the IV. administered epinqihrine, and continued CPR, suction, onygen. They declared ath around 1447. I INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STAT PAGE Z. OF 3 PAGES An>l>Ev1.01ES MP0fmmt,(tov20M Ex. 23, Pg. 2 UNCLASSIFIED/FOWO- 000786 UNCLASSIFIED/FeUe8 W 0 R N S TAT E M E N T Foruaa«IocuinBmpalBntWoliiita*icaiifl»lnwlvtogifioUA/»miy.«iidiBtOoi»AmvomdBit liwtndordarttroughbnuOgrtmofcoinpliMiandlneideniB. ' R0U1UIBUSES: InteitMUuitiOTtoidmaybnfmthgrdiidBmdfafixiMai,oMm,far^i QirrrmmrrTttnronltatMnwit ageadM. prancuton.oo«li, cMM pstKflvaMfvicn. ikttni, «itaetns.ttM 08pailn«torviBlnmAIU>, md HwOfflMofPmaniHlMaiagafflsm. tddmiflBnpwirtftdtn»yb>iiMdfafitij«»KMi^HWfBoarfTnoh-'«!f*Tfiff ROUHNEUSES: nwHuillciil punUhmert, olher sdmJnltfraltw iSiciplinary Kaion*, lectoUy daarances, reauitment ratentton. piaoemBRt and dherpwaannel tcOoM. DISCLOSURE: O a C L C S U R E :0(K*osura O i d o s uof m your o f y gSSN u r S Sand N oSwr Informattai Is vo(urt*;y. 1. L 2. DATE (YyVYUUDD) NAVAL STATION. GUANTANAMO BAY a:di a 1:1 .T a ■ 2012/09/25 .MIOOLENAME 7. GRAreffiTATUS 1 000-00-0000 E 4 JOINT MEDICAL (BtOUP. JTF-GTMO 9. . WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWINO STATEMENT UNDER OATH: I am a MedScal Coipsnun at Camp V, GTMO. I arrived GTMO 12MAY12. IhadpreviouslydealtwithlSNiSOatCamp VI. ISN1S6 had special privik^ there and could move around Camp VI and sleep wherever he wanted. This was different from what other detainees could do. lalwivs had to know where 1SN156 was because Ilnd to give him hkmeds. 1SN156 slept a lot and was ncnnally a quiet detainee for me. 1 heard about the rode throwing hwiitent at Camp Vllnvolving ISNl 56, but 1 was not on duty that dqy. G e n e r a l l y, a t G T M O . t h o e h a v e M e d i c a l A d m i i u s t i a t i o n R e c o r d s ( M A R ) for each detainee -and tlwt MAR would also rellect wlwn a detainee refUrea meds. When i deliver wmA t« i ..ffpfHy take all meds for the detainees with me at the same time. 1 put the detainee mods in little paper cups, and I write the detainee ISN I m n i i - i f i ■j m V i i L i i Q i i T r N J n i i T r i E i T T i r teehismeda. 1 watch him taketh oacertameateiit,detainees8 in same position fbr some time. When I went to ISNl 56 for the 0800 med pass, I brm^ a suppositoiy and Colacc (a red pil) that helps with bowel movements. 1 talked to the guany^^and ISN156 was sdil sleqiing. At tl there were meds in the 1SN156 splashbox. Ptobdily, the night Corpsmai^^^^ould have left them there from the medpm.At 08(K>, I saw 2 pil c(q»-one with a cream and one with a pn^^Rn^n the splashbox. Theycouldhare Mad^twohi^(foatotalof4pilcups)bidlamiiotsure. 1 did not put the OSOOntfds for ISN1S6 into the spladibox as there werealreadypUlsthere. l,H3 ;iousc$i30)>:(bU6i;(b)i7iic I Genoaliy, the only two detainees that have ^kshboxes are 1SNI56 an would have meds 1^ for them Mce this. 1 personally do not ever leave ra P bdieve that they arc the only detainees that e qilashbox - instead, 1 would give them to the OfiSL^smen to pass on or 1 would dispose of them in the^^BH 11 . m i T I A L S PAOEIOF MOmONAL PASES MUST CONTAIN THE NEAOtWO -STATEUBYT CP . D AT E D THE SOTTOM OF EACH ADDITIONAL PASS MUST BEAN THE INmALS OF THE PEHSON MAMNO THE STATEIlKNT. AND PAOE NUtOBt NUSTBEOaiKMTBL DA FORM 2828, NOV 2006 Ex. 23, Pg. 1 PREVIOUS EOITtONS ARE OBSOLETE Aponivt.oies UNCLASSIFIED/Peue- 000785 UNCLASSIFIED/MUeS TAT E M E N T O F 9 . S TAT E M E N T ( C o a t i n u e d J s I. READ ^ OR H AV E HAD READ TO ME THIS S TAT E M E N T W H I C H B E O I H S O N PA C E 1 . A N D E N D S O N PA G E . I F U L LY U N D E R S TA N D T H E C O N T E N T S O F T H E E < T I R E S TAT E M E N T M A D E BY ME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTl OM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR «WARD, WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNtSHMBTT, AND WITHOUT COERCION. UNLAWFUL tNFLUENC^^^^^^^^U UU^ WITNESSES: SubsciilHtd and sworn to bofoia mo, a person ouihoireed by tow to Bdminbter O R G A N I Z AT I O N O R A D D R E S S oaths, this day of . tSignalum of Parson ArlntinJatoring Oath) (TypodNameofPersonAd^nnisie tn rigOah t! O R G A N I Z AT I O N O R A D D R E S S lAulhority To AtMnhler Oatftsi I N I T I A L S O F P B I S O N M A K I N G S TAT E M E N T PA G E 4 - O F t - DA FOfUt 2823. NOV 2006 Ex. 19-A, Pg. 2 UNCLASSIFIEDZ/Feue- 000780 UNCLASSIFIEDZ/FOUeSWORN STATEMENT For use of this foim, see AR 190^5; the proponent agertcy is PMQ. P R I VA C Y A C T S TAT E W E N T AUTHORITY: Title 10. USC Section 301; Title 5, USC Section 2961; E.O. 9397 Social Security Numto (SSN). PRINQPAL PURPOSE: To document potential criminal activity involving the U.S. Army, and to allow Army officials to maintain discipllno. law and order through investigation of compfairrts and incidents. ROUTINE USES: Information provided may be further disclosed to federal, state, local, and foreign government law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, courts, child protecbve services, victims, witnesses, the Oepartment of Veterans Affairs, and the Offiee of Personnel ManagemonL Information previdod may bo used for doterminatiene regarding iu^cial« nonitidlcial puniahmem, other administraiivo disciplinary actions, seciuitycleataiKes, rocruitmont, retention, placement, and otiter personnel actions. DISCIOSURE: Disclosure of your SSN and otfier infrwmation is voluntary. 1. LOCATION X Cx \ ' 2- DATE (YYY^^DDl 3. TIME _ Id. FILE NUMBER WANT TO IMAKE THE I^LLOWINQ STATEf^ENT UNDER OATH; ^ ^ d h fl ^ « S >»A. UoS , > v n < < LV ^ 2 o-vv l£>S -Vo iu. "-S" sb>i.S - V v > w > a o ■g i v - * - - ' S M ^ . to. EXHIBIT 11 IMITI W • 1 di ta d: . J¥X7TdT77rE3?i A D O m O N A L PA G E S M U S T C O N TA I N T H B H e A O I N G - S TAT S M B TEMENT D AT E D THB BOTTOM OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THEINITIAt^ OF THE PERSON MAKING THESTATEB ENT, ANO PAGENUMBER MUST BE DA FORM 2823. NOV 2006 Ex. 19-A, Pg. 1 I N D I C AT E D . ! DA FORM 2923. DEC 1999,18 OBSOLETE UNCLASSIFIED/AFOUe- 000779 A F F I O AV r r I have read or have had read to me this statbient WHICH BEQIMS ON PASE1. AND ENDS ON PA6E . IFUUY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE 8YME THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAI« INITIALEO AIL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIAIED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAOE CONTAININS THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MM)E THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD, WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT. AND WITHOUT COERCION. UNLAWFUL WITNESSES: Suluul«IIUIRIUIIUIIJUIIUll.ipnmRnHbylwlo admbitster oatha, ttili tff* ^ of S<^iOctolpiiAhflieit.oOKrMtadntotmt)M(Stcdgnrafyaettora, McwitoclnmoM.reoruiititntmiRilon ptooanwd, Old other psnoimtl acflons. OiSCUtSURE: OlwiOMre or your SSN and other Informitkin to wluttaiy. 1. LOCATION 2 . D AT E ( Y V Y Y I f U m ) NAVAL STATION. OUANTANAMD BAY ^^OTfMgn^rM^MlOOlENAME 2012/09/26 liTlME - i m 8. SSN k foenumbPT 7 . G R A O B S TAT U S 00(M>0-0000 E 6 _. WAtfl- TO MAKE THE POUOWINO STATEMENT UNDER OATH: I am cumnily assigned as a guild at Camp Edio, with the I93fd MP Company. IhavebeenatGTMOsiitcelODECll. Onthenfght of 07SBPI2,1 was assigned as the tier NCO of Alpha Block lower at Camp V. 1nate i dnyi shfti a^^^neng i htof07SEPI2.ISNIMhadfloodedhsi celbefbrernyshfti tookover,andwehep l edee l anthe mess. 1SN156 wasBBB^ and ydlhg because he wanted his beioflgings. Afto we seaicfaed his belon^ngs and removed the items that ISNI56 was not allowed to hove because he was on discipline (extra towels, T-shiiis), we gave him Ms things. Thosethin^ included a fbam piliow and linens. 1SN1S6 wu calm after that - he just wanted his pillow so v» did not end up giving him bis mattress. ISNI56 was sin^ng and dancing for about 45 minutes that fdght, and finally went to bed around 2230. r o t a t i n g l i n e o f s i g h t d u l y w e s t h e fi r s t t i r e c i h a d c v e r b e e n i n ehugeofor done fine ofaight On 07SEPI2.1 talked toEEC^^^^^^^^Kbout them lotafinjiHi Ididdut because I thot^ it would be easier on the Soldt«y ^^^^^ ^^^Tm^ait the next dey, Sundoy 09SEP12, that the SOP spys the guards are supposed to rotate evei> ^^^^ lra«nmowtiw rule exists so that the guaids do not get tired or complttcnt. S TAT E M S I T ADOmOMAL PAGES MUSTGOMTAItl THE HEADIHG 'STATEUENTOF . TA K E N AT THE BOTTOtf OP BACH ADOITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE FERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT. AND PAGE NUMBER M U S T 8 B I N O I C AT E D . DA FORM »23, NOV 2006 PREVIOUS EOmONS ARE 0E80LETE sraTCrtcies Ex. 19, pg. 1 000777 TAKEN AT CThto DATED 20i2fl)9/25 « . 8 TAT E M E N T ( O e i m M ) There I no< iho" ob the SIPR side when I looked been a lot of ehai^ to how our documents are organized oo-li ne la the last few d^. for them. There Imve Speeilically, for exai»ple,m^^^ ^ iwhere he was allowed to feed aalmab (cats, banana nts. Iguanas). Geimally, that is Botalloawd. ISNI56 was umially allowed to feed animals on doctor's orders because h helped keep hhn eelin A m o A v i r L.^ , HAVE READ tJR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEliaiT WHtCH BE0IN8 ON PAQE1, AND ENDS ON PAGE . i FUXY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMDIT MADE B Y M E . T t e S TAT B t E N T I S T I t U G . I H AV E I N I T I A L E D A a C O R R E C T I O N S A N D H AV E t N T T I A I f D T H E S O T T O M O F E A C H PA G E CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREa.Y WUKOUT HOPE OF BBtEFIT OR REWARD. WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMBilT. AND WITHOUT COERCION. UNLAWFin. INaUEM^^^^^^H^^H^^H WITNESSES: Subscribed and SMnmto betere ma.1.« pmon ttittiorlzad bjr (aw to dmtnlslefBalhsJbli i^gnB5^._32£v d M fi O R Q A N I Z AT K m m A O O R E S S Ex. 18, pg. 2 000776 SWORN STATEMENT nriMeflUttoiin,MaAft 1»MS:«»p8ponMtistttCyltnyia P f WA C YA C T S r A l E M E N T """ AUTfiCMiy: 'nits1O.llSC8Mion3O1:1We8.U8CSeGMn2S91:E^.9J97SoeWSaaii0yNuRter(8SN). PnHOmLPURIKWE: TodocanwitpctwIMcrtidMl IwwMng BwU-S. Anw. im loaB—w miwrt. f lawana oidernnn^ bnoMlBMDii Qfooiiiplalnts and kicWsnb. ROUTOBUSEB; W>>"«»»«piwhWB«yl»ftrtwil«toa«dtotWe«l.«tite.locil.«« fc^ ttwOneoafPafsomMlMnuQMiwnl (ntamifiMimvtMmaytaUMdewMafflilntflomngvifinaJuftM noa^MllGiil punistiinanL olher stfrntatstntiM dhcftflnBy aetiara, tecurfdr ctannoM. lacfiiliiMnt mtnftm. piaeenen], and oSiar panomel uilora. Dtaoosuie: D t a o o s u i e : DNttoBWCf your 8a« ana caicrlrtiwmaecn awaamnf. 2. DATE (VyYVUUOD) NAVAL STATION. GU ANTANAMO BAY Ta n n T H r n z n i r 4. fUEK 2012/09^5 t £ 8. SSN 7 . ( » M > B f l TAT U 8 OOO-OO-OOOO « . O R Q A M Z A n O N m AT O f f i f f i 3I4THMPCX>MPANY 9. .. WANT TO MAKE THE FOUOWIMG STATEMENT UNDER OATH: lamcumattjraasigpiedastbecsmpOICfortlieBcJuniiml Health Unit (BHU), the Detainee Hospital, and Camp iBuaia. laman MP wtdiihe 3iath MP Company, a reserve unit out of Southern CaUfbrnhi. My costact with the detainees is inininal. I have^^^H^^Band II iMy goardsevein clmrgaofseairi^auIaiemasniqioninsiotetotitemMfieai pmvideis. I wuawan of the ineidnts where keys weR locked oa the ti» at the BHU. There woe no spare kw there or a the IOC, end this was an issire Ihtti been concenied about before. Alter the keys were locked on the tier a socond time (the two inddents happened within 2 weeb of each otherX the issue was addressed with sp^c Soldirn and the point wBimado that dte goanta needed to jtm iiecp the kqrs on their pencils. We have bad issues in the pan ttyiog to mlbree the SOPs. When my unit tint arrived, the detainees were lewd to the BHU and Detainee HmpitdM^av«3Md«cdomdimima and none of the detainees (for example) were used to positive eontro! during movement, ia BOtair 11 . M A K I N G S TAT E M E N T PAGE10F ADOmOftAL PAGES UUST CONTAIN THE HEADING "STA 'AKENAT PA S E S D AT E D me80Tr0U0FBACHA0DirX)NALI>A0eMUSrBEARTHemTtAlS OP tHBP&iSM UAKIM THE STAreuBlT. AND PAGE MMmi E U S T B E U a X G AT E D . DAFORHa23,NOVaOOB Ex. 18, pg. 1 PNEVOUS B}mON8 ARE OBSOLETE M o r a n o i E S C O N r i D C fi m A L 000775 TAKEN AT GTMO DOTHI 2012/09/gxy e. STATEMENT (OonUnuwO If 1 ootdd maks any ncotnmendstiois, it would be to have the 8>i^ the Detainee Hosphil and Uie BHU be tabled ipedfiadly to deal with (ktainees with behavioral or healdi Issues. We mver received that ype of specific minliis. I also think it would be helpiul If the guard fone could haveTasen. Pinafiy, it would be help&l if we enfticed the rales and leguladons as th^ ate written and meant to be enforced, because ri^t now the detainees are winning inch by inch. When die 314th MP Compaiiy took over guard duty at diaBHU and Detainee Hoqiital In early 2012, we took over fion a Navy unh. When fordid the handover, they would siq^ stuf like Ihis is wtut die SOP sp^ and then would say *%ut this is bow we do It** And the detalitees, who were sometimes we'fg aqiects of die handover, would sqr things like "be sure to teii the 314th how to do it the right wsy." A F R D AV I T L H AV E READ OR H AV E HAD READ TO ME THIS S TAT E M E N T WHICH BEOms ON PAGE 1. AND ENDS ON PAQE . I FUaV UNDERSTAND THE CONTENre OF THE BCnRESTATBtENT MAIS B Y M E . T N E S TAT E H B I T I S Tr a j E . ( H AV E I N I T I A L H I A U . C O R R E C T I O N S A N D H AV E E N m A U E O T H E B O T T O M O F E A C H PA O E CONTAIMNO THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY VWTHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD. WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT. AND WITHOUT COERCION. UMAWFUL INFLUENCE. OR WITNESSES: Subseilbed and sweni to boane me, a penofl smiiQilnS liy tm to BdrnteWef oaths. a t O A N B AT I O N O R A D D R E S S TSmiWWTSm^SSR INITMLS OF PBtSON MAKIND STATEMENT A n K fl . O W S Ex. 17, pg. 3 000774 UKTHnPAOECFNaoai. tFTNmPAOEnNOTNEeoeO.PLEAffiPROCeeOTOnilM.PASflOl'THlSKHUI. STATBCENTOF dated 2012/09/y27 TAKEN AT GTMO B. STATEK^n- fOanttigMB I ^led te JOC and told them what was going on and requested QRP as the situation had the potential to get out of control. JOC fth^ewoW thqy ledanand QRP hnot id bauthori een dilpzaelGQRF hed toand die Bthat HUJOC but thawas t I wogoi uldng hato vecal tolhme aveback. a planAbout as to h4-5 owmi I inn teutes ndedlatoteru,tiU iB thcal em d thatol t Idmme ededthat to brief JOC with the plan. I waited and waited end no QRF camc. So I went to getm^Ucnd I found cut then that there was an injection they could give a uw w t o A UMxplanwasthatifISN156ieftisedlhelnJection,IwottlduMthe(^tDFCBhimandatdiatpoint M Win uvwn. mj p«J _ __ detaltteetocalrahimdown. plan to theVIdi JOC. VIdi ilesalwas l this was happeni g, the guardswm weretaltal ing to to ISNI56 hehe^ had ni st^fa ^^ral m ^issomething plan to the JOC. ilehave al l thi happeni ng,nthe guards idkng ISN156and and ed He like five (topped Hasaid saidsomething like "you "Vouhave fivemore moreminutes!" minutes!" ininbrtAen brcAenEnglish. Enaliih. kre^ 0700, the QRF stil had not shown up ^BOseofthe guards then tod l me that QRF was at the back gate. Ehadvae irdathsti I that if he tlS6could haveJu 3), 10 usc§i: lISNlStigai a UUhgoerpeaceably tlE lua^RO prelSwitfihe would lk 1 _ . . bade to his cell. When! Ltot could ISN156 Jim wanted to talk to her. She told ISN156 that she would not speak to him because the ! turned to walk awqr from him. ISNI56 eame at her and then the guards closed their shields and bloche I went to meet the QRF and told them that ISN156 was out of control. I toldthemEiji Spanish - they are from the Puerto Rico NatioialGtmrd) that it looked like ISN156 was getthig out T1ieQRFleaffl m H allowcdineandtrfedtogoinbutcoiiId not. I toMtte QRF to go through the double doors (nmnqilrance to the EHBlrod^mthTDUgh the tier. When ISNI56 saw the QRF team coining towards him, ISNIS6 had been sprayed vritfa pepper apty at that point enlSN156 QRF ottered die rec yard and restrained ISNI56 andH^^^pwm in and adminlstored tour byecdons. iSN156's eye because he had beoi sprayed by the OC sprqr. ISNI56 was eompletriy compliant at this point. 1 ISNI56 back to the AAR the next day J the cell and he slqtt 12-14 hours that d a y. - moved iail that the situatimi had gotten cut ofconari^i.fe«JtjthQiild never have gotten to diat lew ! j i • . ! j • 1 i i : i i J i K . L U ! r [ i . i T j L ' j Ti L E States. I explained though ^HHg H raM M w In prior experiences, my ffiards had always beraabletod^SlSsitlSrawito wndwiys to use the minimal ammint of force necessary. In my opinion, what really triggered ^Burning her back on him. JN T A IILSOFPERSONMAKMOST A TBUENT PAGE t OF 3 PAGES 04 Fomtmoi, novum Ex.17, pg.2 M>OPBv1J>168 OONriDENTIAL 000773 a W O R N a TAT E M E N T Foruu of IMS (orni, tea AR lS0-(9; me propemm asMcy is PMO. P W VA C V A C T S TAT B O S N T AUTHOnrc TUe 10. use SeeSenOOl; TVe S. ISC Section 2951; E.G. 9397 Sodd Seowtty Number (SSN). PNlNCiPAL PURPOSE: TodeGuniempeIentfiicrfmhdaetMtyliwaMngmtU.8.Aimy.andtoilloMrAnnyeflIdalttoinaiiilelndlttlpBne. Inr end oiUef Oifwoh bnmeoetion ef comdetntt iftO Inddedt. R O U r m s uUSES: ROUTINE sBS: Mbaration Ka«IMmaybafUifterittidoMdteMenl.dda.iocd.aRdfenlptQO«atmnentlnreiiftnimanl a9eociis. prawGutora, ooufti. cUM protecihm taivtoet, vIeOma, Mftneitet, Bw Oipartmentef VWeime ASUre. end OiaOffieeerPersannelMinmwnBnt WammienpfedtfiOitaybeiaedtefdeieiralBetkwtfegtrtlnaludlcidg nomfudchil pimishmeiit, other admMsirative liltdpftnaiy ecflo^ aecultir cteereiices, ricnilment nianeon. pteoeiimit, tftd other penomel teUons. onCLOSURS: O n C L O S U R S : IHMleKtre of your SSN ud other bttefinailsn It vetuntary. 2 . B AT E f y y m t t G J O j iriTiOTT^: 20l2/09/aS^ ■ FIRST NAME. MIDDLE NAME 6. SSN m m 7 . Q R A O E m TAT U S ooo-oo-oooo E6 8 . C R Q M t l Z AT I O N C R A D D R E S S 3 1 4 T H M P C O M PA N Y 9. . WANT TO MAKE THE F0U.0WW6 STATEMBIT UNDER OATH: I am eumntly assigned as B guard with the 3I4th MP Company, asdgited to the Detainee Hospital and the BHU. I was involved widi two specific incidents involving ISN1S6. The first incident was on 01AU012,1 started my shift arotuui^mmH BHU, ISNIS6 was already vety upset with the medical staff, and was ramplatmn^ tier.H i BMS watchingISN1S6 at ree at the time. into the fSNISd said something like "I have somethinaforyouj^and pulled out a Stjmfbam cup Oihc the oims we give rtetainen at mealsX took offthe lid, and dien threw the contents At CTMO, because of how we were trained and the policies we hove to follow, H is possible for a detainee to walk with a cup of feces from hit celt to the rec yard. It is also possible for a detainee to go to the badtroom in a cup outside at the ree yard hy wrapping himself irwide the FT mats out there and Mding himself. This is not supposed to hanren. but it does. ISNIS6 made three motions with the cup-first st^HHIthenaj^^^^land then to me. This was my first time ever getting qdashed. ISNIStistartediaimtingusaiid was aniEng and saying tamAhing in Arable. He gave me a three-page letter to ^etoCOLBogdtn. I am pielQr sure that letter was translated and turned in to the JOC 'nwsranriinddg]tw uon^Miai2 Wl»HSNI5d^^^^^^^^^^P^HHH A few days before, h^ d^PB 02AUOI2, when 1 came on sMfi At about 061S, I spoke to ISNISti aad at that time, ISNlSd osiMed on speaking to^^^WMid the OI ISNlSdsaid that he needed tone them in the next IS minutes, aad ifhedid not, there would be "big problems." I called for all extra personnel to come over fiom the Detainee Hospital, aad they were using IPC (intmpersonsl cornmrniieation) skills to try to talk him down. S TAT E M E N T ADDmONALPAOea UUSrOONTASN THE HEADING •STATSMBITOF . TA i < B / AT THE BOTTOM OP EACH ADDlTtONAL PAGE MUST BEAU THE miTMLS OP THE PEftSON UMONG THE BTATBAENT, AND PAGE NUU^ UUST BE INDICATED. DA FORM 2823, NOV 2006 PREVIOUS Eomoim are C8»)LETE M>oK«tates Ex. 17, pg. 1 000772 USE THIS PAGE IF NEEDED. IF THIS PAGE IS NOT NEEDED, PLEASE PROCEED TO FINAL PAGE OF THIS FORM. S TAT E M E N T O F TAKEN AT OTMO DATED 2012/10/11 9. STATEMENT (CanBmiod) ISNIS6, for example, would Several pri vat^jiadecompiatnts about this and put them in the complaint / suggestion box i^neo^^^^wne^misca the issue witli ^^^^^^ he told me that I needed to "understand the strategic level issues here" and that my Soldiers needed to understand that ISNtSS was a special case and my Soldiers just needed to "drive on." I am no^mre of anything ever having been done by the previous command to truly address the Soldiers' complaints about ISN156's m "Consistency" is our watchword, and yet in my opinion, there is not a consistent application of the SOPs. The SOPs were dennit^ not consistently followed with respect to ISNIS6. My frustration centered around us doing everything "right" and I$N 156 would still And ways around the protocols. 1 could not do anything to protect my Soldiers and this really frustrated me. (bK3). to USC §t30b. (b)(6). (b)(7)(C) TheeasebywhcihISN^Ijgn^nedbetweenthecampsasloconfusedme.Itcausedstressontheguardforceandasloon ISN 156. I had talked toU^^pbput this and told her that other detainees were using ISN 156 as a messenger to pass information between bloeks and between camps. It seemed that ISN 156 wanted freedom of access, but it got to be too much for him and then he ended up being used as a messenger. This fbct was briefed at the BUB sometime in the past month. He was feeling stressed at Camp V! and that's how he got back to the BHU. I never understood, frankly, why ISN156 was not a pennancni resident at the BHU. He could not control his impulsivity, which for a detainee is a really bad thing. He did better when he was on his meds. but then he would get bored and get transferred somewhere, and the problems would arise again. I did not understand why if his problems were really that serious that they were ever releasing him from the BHU. He was deflnitely my biggest challenge in the detainee population. It seems that the BHU is at least being more uAlized now than with the previous wave. Under the previous wave, the BHU was really underutiliz«l, in my opinion. With respect to general matters at the camps, detainees may come to Camp V simply because they need a break from Camp VI. Camp V in some ways offers detainees peace and quiet. They might also come over to Camp V because they feel it's easier to get medical care at Camp V or they might come over to pass messages or contraband. (bM3), 10 USC §130b. (b) No matter whaL there are^^^^^^ checks on detainees at Camp V. (6), (b)(7)(C) When we recevie adeten i ra from the BHU / Detan i ee^jqaDnaTT^babyl wlinot knowwhag jn i d of meds hes' recentyl recevied. I wil know whatHmilis thinking. say "he's up" or "he's down" but^^^Holso has things that she keeps conAdential about the detainees. I usually try to take a mental health temperature of the detainees we receive, because it prepares us to take care of them. With respect to meals, we offer breakfast fromH^m lunch from HHjjH and dinner at H Detainees can keep their meals fiom one meal to the next, and dinner is kept until midnight. This changes during Ramadan, in accordance with their cultural needs. On Fridays, the detainees get green tea as a treat, a candy bar, and 10 packs of flavored drinking powder. With respect to medical, med pass is on an as-needed basis. Corpsmen are the ones who schedule med pass. The Corpsmen walk down the tier, escorted, and give the detainee his medicine. The Corpsman must watch and see if the detainee swallowed it. I am aware that some guards have snuck in water flavoring for the detainees as we have discovered those^^y^uring cell sraroh«^ avyiondmtifi ^^^ specifically which guards are doing that. We have on occasion found^^^^^^ln a Usually, contraband is a quantity issue - like a detainee has too many books. In such a case of extra quantity, we put the extra items in a storage locker for the detainee. We have never found medication during a cell search. We do not search the Koran. If for some reason we need to. we get a linguist to handle the Koran in an appropriate manner. We also do not search legal mail. With respect to recommendations, I would ask that JAG and the WFC make us aware of legal droisions affecting detainees. Th'is would have helped us to initially understand the spiral of ISN 156 started by the Supreme Court denial of his habeas petition. We do really well on knowing what incidents on-island. may rile a detainee, but we're no^^roo^Kche^ing on the influents of the INtriALS OF PERSON MAKING STA OF 5^ PAGES APO PE v1 01ES DA FOm 2S23, NOV2006 Ex. 16, pg. 4 000770 TAKEN AT GTMO S TAT E M E N T O F dated 2012/10/11 9. STATEMENT {CmUnuwt) I would also like to talk about line of sight • it is a large amount of time that the guards arc watching the and I woul^ikc ^^neupwid^bMa^ne^o^^ocumranh^iij^hat^etainee passes on line of sight. I have not yet eyemed myHHlf This is som^hing I will be discussing with my NCOs and AOICs. as well as any other recommendations tlwqr may have. '^/UuL, %1h^'Cinsi^uJi Jxi) \ A FR D AVIT . HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT WHICH BEGINS ON PAGE 1. AND ENDS ON PAGE . I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BY ME THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALEO THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD. WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT. AND WITHOUT COERCION. UNLAWFUL INFLUE WITNESSES: Ibyiaoto admln^er oaths, mis l <«ayof .<3n\;3 O R G A N I Z AT I O N O R A D D R E S S f T W O C f r ta m o a O R t s A N I Z AT I O N O R A D D R E S S 1 / s o nAamiustomg i (Autttority To Administof Oaths) INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STA' I PAGE ^ OF 5" pages DAFOmt2823. NOV200B Ex. 16, pg. 5 APDPEvI 01ES COfjriDEfJTIAL 000771 USE THIS PAGE IF NEEDED. IF THIS PAGE IS NOT NEEDED, PLEASE PROCEED TO Fa«AL PAGE CP THIS FORHL TAKEN AT OTMO S TAT E M E N T O F 2012/10/11 l(bK3). to 1§130b. (bM6). (b)(7) 9. STATEMENT (ConinuBd) The morning of 08SEPI2. ISN156 covered hi^^^lbutA reroained on direct line of sight. Other people authorized to order line of si^m^^^^^ »nroander iised! cesn't think he's breathing." I think I responded with something like 'you're kidding, right?' simply hfrmiy i I dashed^^^^^^^^^^y:amp V just as the ambulance was leaving. This was about three minutes after the phone call. I talked tojU^^^^^H^^^^toget a suramoryofwhat had happened. They told roe that ISN1S6 had been sleeping all rooming long, was still on line of sight, and that^^^^^piad boon watching him at the time of the incident. 1 do not know what med^SNI^ had been on at the hospital, so t do not know if it was unusual that he was sleeping that much^lje^old me that while Pfl ^^^vas ekiof duty, ^tai henbecame concerned that ISand NI56'they b breat g pattand ern ^lhad blo^ ck at the on timelintal ngsi toght another ee. along wi th tbe Corpsman, wenthin ahead ed changedJjjHjH on the ^(bK3). 10 use §130b. (b)(6). (bMTKCn^^ They told me that after calling the code, they oulledlSN^S ouL ^ ^ d^ded tbat he needed bscbp and had them call over to Camp VI for morem^iea^tstanee. When^HHIarrived and respon&d that he needed more kelp, they called back to Camp VI and^^^mjcame over. It Is my understanding that they did their medital thing, felt that ISNIS6 was dead, and left in the ambulance. I actually wish I had fought harder not to take ISN156 back into Camp V on 07SEPI2. Iknowthat^^Hhas been claiming that ISN156 had been dead for thclast 14 hours. I alsouiRleistandthat ISNI56receivcda jmed pass at 0400 and that the guards had seen him thrashing around in his sleep, which Is not unusual as ISNI56 is a vety active ^Iceper. He did not respond to prayo^ calls at 0500,1200. and 1300, which is fairly unusual for him, but I understand that daring this time he was sil! moving around in his sleep. 1 had heard timt he ha^egu^^ to send letter cut -1 think he got one out from the Detainee HospiUiI, and he was trying to get some leter out abou^^^^HH ISN I really bad behavior oi OTMO. Me frequently made random complaints to the medical staff, and while he was not^H^^^^onsistently, like some of our dmainees. he would scratch himself raw on his legs. That may have had to do i [ r j Ti r i < r r i 7 ? 7 7 ' R they were giving him. issues. He did constantly write really dark poetry. I had extensive talks with about these maters, wrot^^^m turned in the poetry as contraband, and documented his actions. There are several things that bothered mc and concerned mc about ISN 156 during my time at GTMO. First, in my opinion, he was oflered more latitude than he deserved. For example, he received unlimited TV. That never made sense to me and was never explained to me^hede^ons to allow ISN 156 all thisJaritud^ann^ed at the institutional level - demsjojmhaytnd been made in the past byi^^^^^ Kprf f' > Re^ saying that j tcxti <<; mmiu kill ntmsfiUXttggSBBBwnSher he knew what method ISNIS6 I INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEM PAGE P OF 5" PAGES APOi>E«1 DIES DA FOm 2023. NOV2006 Ex. 16. pg. 2 000768 TAKEN AT CTMO S TAT B t E N T O F DATEP 2012/09/24 B. STATEMENT (Oanttnuad) iers should rotate With [SWISS in the past, we soroetimeshad Imnon evea less I makiiig nqrrounds ^^^M I opened the door to the cell myidt [Wmembenof a teaea went in. and Ifenowed them. 'so, but could not ga any evidence of Ineaihing. ^ r r. 1 i T i i . T r r r n n i i r r. a m .■ i i - t . i ten turned ISN ISfi onto bis side, and it dnt point a laige amount of Uood and vomit (a ci^ and a half; or mm) came out fidsmouth. WbenlaawthisplkttewlSNISdwasdeadbecauschewouldhayeaircadyasphyxiated. hat he start making the matrix calls to the OIC, the already el Oaita> Vat that point Isuggestedte OC. the Colonel, etc. 1(b)(6). (b)(7)(C) I ^ w r i ^ i i t t o lthe b cell, the Corpsman said to call Camp VL I called conirol m g to quietly brief I e, got to US wlthio a couple of minutes. Dtiri« this wfaoletimBjHI m on the severily of the situetion as we ran down the tier toward the eel m^dfCampVI tmrec. Iwas IdmemcallfiBranambalaiiGe. There is now an ambulance that riminfrnitofpafl^sV/VL OneoftheCorponanrun fiomCsaipVlandmBasthaL The ambulance got to Canqr Vvgn^u ddiJ ^Bbot^nie to call Camp VI and get Iher medical officer over, so I called control and they cnUed^^^^^ljEv^^^^ mmpoint. I asked Ihe Corpsman ifth^ had an AED. The Corrauyandawn to retrieve it horn the medal room (^outH wiiere«ewaeiBlSNlS6'sedl)aiiddieCoiptiBtii8iulH^^HapplledtheAEO. Themackliiesud"not deck McfadAmmmstepatiaitlsOKorJiBttoofbreone. As sooi as the machine read **i» shock advbetTih^ started CPRagilnand^^HK4fi^9) showed up. I could hev the ambulance at that pdm lacking up. Genenlly, at CTMO, Alpha I«wer Mode (wiare iSNlSd was when he died) Is I t l i l i l i i T ' I i i i i i m i a t o m e t h a t i s w h c m l S N l S d w e a . W h e n w e fi i s k a d e t a i n Ings like dve eras risk f self-harm are described. I have heard eflSNISd in the past, and I Imow he abc had wiittca love letters to 1 O'^ tkif P^C " INITMUOF A n n H m e s CMKMwazkMovaow Ex. 15, Pg. 2 UNCLASSIFIED/Feue- 000765 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUe« S W O R N S TAT E M E N T For laa of this tomi. isa AR 16(MS; ttia proponom aoenqr (s PM6. PMVACY ACT STATaiBIT AUTHOMTY: TOa 10. use Section 301; THIa S. USC Section 2991; E.0.9397 Soda) Secwtty Ntonber (S8N). PRMOPALPinvOSS: Todocuman potBii8o]GdmkulaclMirUMd«lnoeieas.Araqr.andtDdlowAmqra(RclaIt(onialnlBlndlMlpane. lew and order ttaough bnesOsrton of oompIibitB and tnddants. ROUTDISUSCS; tntBrroaBow prodded may twfdrtieraacloied to teted. date, local, and toieianwiemmenl lawentbreereanl agendaa, proaecutom. coutta, ddld pntecUaa aefdcea, dcttna. aftaaaaea. the Oepartmenl of VMeiana Alftti. and ttie once of Petaonnel Management itifaiinallonpiodded nay baiaed far deteimlnmoiia regarding ludldal or - — — ■ - J* — * —» — * ^ — - - m —* - a a a fO ■ ■ O - - a - aa^ _ notk^pMKiai punininieni. ouier aonuniairauaa otacipifiitiy acoona. aecunry cwarancea, recniHoierB. lOfarnMw. ptacament and oSmr petaomel acOoia. D t t C t O S U I ^ O t a d o a r a e o f y o u r S S N a n d o g m r l n h i n n a t i o n l a M l i i i i t a t y. 2. DATE (YYVmUDD) 1. UXA NAVAL STATIGN, QUANTANAMO BAY 2012/09/24 6. .MtOOLENAME S^ 7 . O R A O E O TAT U S 000-00-0000 B7 ». CR6ANIZAT10N OR ADDRESS I 9 3 R D M P C O M PA N Y 9. . WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: lamawatdicoflunaiulerwiththelOSrdMPCompaqyatCampVatGTMO. IhavebeenatOTMOainceOSJANIl. lamonatwo year toar here and will leave QTMO in January of 2013. My MOS is 31E, wbidi means is technically, an "Internment Rcttttlement Specialist" Essentially, I am a eorrections specialist On07SEP12,IsawISNlS6arrivearound 1730. Ihaiy«r^afeh ^ ttumUem tej]j jn ySNIS6ova'toCafflpV. Ithinkthe escort NCOIC for ISNIS6 (but it could have been fot^^^l arrived Camp V on 07SEPI2 by the time I left my shift on 07SEPI2. ISNIS6 was acting up almost immediately. ISN156 asked ri^taw^ when his ree would be, and we told him it would be at 2300. I do not think he actually went to rec tint night - usually, he would want to go to rec with someone as he did not really like to be aimie. ISNI56 seemed normal / agitated at this time (around 1730), not drowsy in any vny. 1SNI56 was banging on his cdl door with his hands and fod and wn making a total racket 1 also heard that he later flooded his ceil. As the Watch Oommandw, I would not have anything to do with dediBng whidi cell to put a detainee in - that would be a decision for the OIC and the oolcmel. On 08SEPI2,1 returned for my day shift. I foumioutthatlSNlSO was still thwe, and I was achially surprised^ thatas I thou^ for sure ISNI56 would have been sent bock to the BHU the night before because he was acting up so l»d. The last time lam certain I saw ISNI56 alive was about IIOOan08SEPI2. ISNI56 was asleep most ofthe morning, and £d not get iqi for noon prayer. 1SNI56 was supposed to have rec time from I OOfr-noon. and then is always a question of whethCT we should wake up detainees who ore missing rec time because thry are sleepily. Because ISNI56 was so unpredictable, I made the call to let him keep sleeping through his rec time, and I decided I would ^ him a later rec time. ^(b)(6);ib)(7)(C) At one point fo the^tonoon, HHi^'MmF on to tne iter romi^4Bi;J ^^H ttriaMranss the hall from ISNI56, and ceil fHlwas at ICC at thetim^was right next tojH^^^otn^l^Ria^^^l would have been able to see into the cell of ISNI56. I went to see^HHwith the {nteipictct m - at du^^^lmm^ere two or three Soldiers standing in front of ISNlS6's oell^--yiroffc^ foUoiOS. "-#1^1 "fP (b)(3), 10 USC §1300. (b)(6). (b)(7)(C) 10. EXHIBIT 11 . I N I T I A L S O F P PAGE 10F 3 PAGES ADOmONAL PAQES UU8T CONTAIN THE HEADINQ 'STATEMENT OF . THE BOTTOM OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAQE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE KRSON MMONO THE STATEMBIT. AND PABE NUMBER M U S T B E i m i C AT E D . DA FORM aft23. NOV 2006 Ex. 15, Pg. 1 PREVIOUS EOmONS ARE OBSOLETE Ani>eTi.eiEs UNCLASSIFIED/Peue- 000764 UNCLASSIFIED/ZFeUO- A F F l D AVr r HAVE READ OR HAVE HAO READ TO ME IMS STATBMENT WHICH BEGINS ON PAGE 1.AND ENDS ON PAOE 7, IFUUY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE EMnRESTATEIffiMT MADE BYHE. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. IHAVE INITIAIEO ALL CORRECTIONS AiaU ^INm l£a U gmu OF EACH PAGE CONTAININGTHESTATEMaT i.IHAVEMADETHISSTATEMENTFREaYWmK^^^^^^^^^Hm i RD.WT i HOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT. AND WITHOUT COERCION. UNLAWFUL INFUIENCE.^^^^^^^^^^1 SMnmAO WITNESSES: SttbialM and twoni to MCBm'mo. a ponon niOierizatf by Mw to adffllnliteroaflHLMa <<»«« o. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS I N I T M L S O F P E R S O N M A M N Q S TAT E M E N T ! PAGE ^ OF "2^ PAGES OMFomxnt, NW20oa Ex. 7, Pg. 2 A n K « i . o t n UNCLASSIFIED/ZFOUe- 000822 U N C L A S S I F I E D / M U O 8 W O R N S TAT E M E N T For uw of tMi term, m AR19IM5: Ite vmpetwnt agency la PMG. P R I VA C Y A C T S TA n M E N T AinKOmnr: TWe10.U8CS«;tIanS01;TUe9.USCSe«ttm2891:E.O.MgTSocWSecwnyNiiniliflr(8aN). PRMCtFALPURPOaB: TodocumontiNtonBelcrifnlMlMUvitylmdiilnBaioU.a. Aimy.ondtoallewAnnyoffiGtelitBmtfniikitfMpnne. aw ind onSat tfuotiflh Inwrtnatto" of oooipliInU and fneMgnU. R0irnN£U8E8: Mtoim«SmpmidadiMybefimtMfiteeleaadteliMleml.*lite.bal.andlbralgngoMmmantlBweftlionMmtnt igesctai. pnseculMS. mnlB. ehOd fnteoHve «vtces. viceiiii. wltwaiat. Che Dapsitimnt ol Vctsians AfMn, and 8w Office of PwiomwlMeneaeitwit iiifCnnitioapmytdedmtnrboueedfBrtfeMTitimllonanafrfiAsjiiMiler ooHudlctelpuBlchmxX. otlietadinMitrailvedlaclpllnary aeUmi, aeeutlty dearanoee. recniUmant. ittMUon. pleoetiMnt. and other fenoimalacllons. (b)(3), (b)(3), 10 10U use S §130(b) DtSCljOSURE: ( h i d Q W i o c t y e u r S S Wa m o l t e r f n f c m m t e i l e w d u n t a t y. l i l i {b)(6): H H I (b)(7)(c) Ml 1. NAVAL STATION. QUANTANAMO BAY 5. USr MAKE. FfRST NAME, MIDDLE NAME 6. 88N 7 . G R A D E m TAT U S ooo-oo-oooo E3 & ORQANiZATIOR OH ADDRESS I 9 3 R D M P C O M PA N Y 9. . WANT TO IIMKE THE FOaOWINQ STATEMENT UNDER OATH: I am the DIMS derk, with the 193rd MP Company, oss^ed to Camp V. I have been at GTMO aince 0IMAY13. and! started woddng at the eampt at the end of May 2012. IwasondiiftatGgSEPllastlteDlMScleilc. DIMS standi for Detainee lafbimattonManigBRentSyMeni. When I am on duty as the DIMS cierfc, I sit in the control room. I do not recall entries about ISN1S6 not getting up fior praym that (by. I began to input inftimation into DIMS b^inningwidtthe^^l^Band cmSng when the ambulance leftCanp V. Ftom the o^om l nn,! coud l see that tbc^^HoflSNS l ds' celiwss covered at the tm i et was workn i g 08SEPI2. ISNISdhad ioovered ihelHlHoit 07SEPI2 when he firrtam^ at Camp V. MAKINdSrAIEISNr PAtffi 1 OF ADOmONAL PAGeS UUGTOtUrAlN THEHBAOm ^rATEUBtTOP. TA K E N A r D AT E D TNESOTTOM OF EACH ADOrTKMAL PAGE MUST BEAU THE Mimta OF THE PEnBOt IMKNO THE BTArEUENT. AND PAQENUUBBi mSTBEINDXATEO. n o FORM F O R2823. M t t 9 S .2008M O V DA NOV Ex. 7f Pg. 1 2008 PFtEVIOUS E1HT10N8 ARE OBSOLETE UNCLASSIFIEDZ/POUe- 000821 *n Pein.eiEa UNCLASSIFIEDMUeSTATEMENT OF COL JOHN BOGDAN TAKENAT CTMO DATED 2012/09/27 r \ -MSbJ^ * / HAVE " r READ / OR A PHAVE fl M VHAD i r READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT I ^dPHll Y WHICHBEGINSONPAGE1,ANDENDSONPAGE^.IFULLYUNDERSTANDTHECONTENTS(7THEENTIRESTATEMENTMADE BYlffi. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. IHAVE IMTIAIB) ALL CORRECTIOI0 AND HAVE MfTIALEO THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CQNTAININS THE STATBUENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATQIENT HiEaY WITKOpXttOPf OF QIBIEFn- OR REVrAK). WITHOUT THREATOFPtMISHMENT,/WDWITHOUTCOERCION.UNLAWFULINFLUENCO!^ innatum WITMESSES: Suteotbsd anl •womio boftm ms. • penton ouiufaMd by law to admInisloreann.tM« OROANIZATtON OR ADDRESS yiUioSammt) dmnf fSgMtum ttPusaaMnimvtngO^} INlTIAtS OF PERSON MAKINO STA oAFomzm, Kovzpot Ex. 5, Pg. 2 A P D P t « i a t E « U N C L A S S I F I E D / F O U e 000805 UNCLASSIFIED/FeueS W O R N S TAT E M E N T For US0 of tMs fMin. toe AR190-45: ttw praponant asency is PM6. P R I VA C Y A C T 8 TAT E M E N T A U T H O W T Y: TiUo 10, use Sectton 30l; TlOe S. U8C SocOon 2991: E.0.9397 Social Socwlty NumlMr (SSN). n O N C I PA L P i m P O S E : TodocumnA potential otmtnal acOwny liROMns ttio U.S. Anny, and to anawAnny offldats to ffialMiln dbepnt, law and order ttifottgh ttwafOgalion of contplaims and Incidents. ROimitEUaBB: tetawiaBon prodded nay to finOwrfflsdosod to fBdaiai.atatB.tocat. and ftoBtgngoaemmant law enfbicemeflt aoandas. pnaecutora. courts. cMtd protsotlw saivlcss. vletlma. witnesses, ttw Department of VMerans Affairs, and da Office of Personnel ManagemenL Intetmattcn prodded may be used fcfdatannlnaUonsreoaWBnoJudclal or notHudlclal punWimenL ottwr adndnistrative discfpSnaty aeltons. aecwtty cleamnoes. racniameni. ratanlton. pmocPWin Alls flvwr poivOiVsOi • OfSCUOSURE: Dfsciosum of your 8SN and other Oifirmation Is votimtaiy. 1.L0(MTfdM NAVAL STATION. GUANTANAMO BAY S. LAST NAME. FtlST NAME MIOOIE NAME 2. DATE (YYYYMMDD) 3. TIME 4. FI 20\2/Q9a7 7 . O R A D E I S TAT U S 6. SSN • 000-00-0000 BOGDAN.JOHN " 06 9 . O R O A N I Z AT I O N O R A D D R ^ JOINT DETENTION GROUP. JTF-GTMO L COL JOHN BOODAN . WANT TO MAKE THE FOaOWlNQ STATEMENT UNDER OATH: I amthecommamltf, Joim Detemlon Group, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 1 have been on island since 29MAYI2, and 1 took command oftheJDG07JlIN12. We had an incident in late June 2012 involving ISNIS6, and 1 was told that ISNIS6 was a "special case" -1 dteiefbte decided to place 1SN156 In dteBHU and let him have unlimited TV time. I was told that the TV helped calm him down. Idonotiecali qtedfieally anything about ISN156 having unlimited tec tlm^ but at the same time. 1 know that I did not place any specific limits on ICC fin ISN1S6. I understand tMs only Withrespectta^^Hgeneraliy,Iamawarethat IH^H^^H HpH BHIi I understand tMs only and. myunderstandi understanding happoB fin ceimmdSut^ including ISN156. This policy was in place wel^efor^UgimedMmmand. It iItsismy ng dot ISN1S6 needed to get meds at certain times, and it usually worked outH ^^^^ I respect to detainees feeifing v^dlife, 1 know that detainees should not be feeding the wildlife. I do not know that it b an issue other than with pigeons. I am not aware of any instances of a detainee being bit by wildlifb. With respect to basic issue items for detainees, if for some reason a detainee has more items than he is authorixed. when he aims thne [tons to be washed, he might mn receive all of them bade. I am unaware of a Soldier ever having to wash detainee basic osue items, and I have never direded a Soldier to do so. The JDG is working very closely with the JMG in order to ^chronize operations. 1 am cunentiy in the process of reviewing the prohibition against searching the "holy area" of detainees. We are in the process of looking whete that directive initiated, and whether it can be reviewed. 1 have concerns about the ability of dMainMS to hidS. cantnband in thdr "holy areas." 1 am the transfer aathorily for external moves of d^ainees fiem camp to camp. Frequmtiy. 1 will receive recommendatians and input from die medical staff-1 take that infbrmatian in consideration befbre deciding where / whether to transfisr a detainee from camptocamp. The QIC ofeach camp has the authority to decide udiere to house detainees within his/her own camp. Iwiii fiep teindymakesuchdedsoiasVOCO,andh tatnib frmaoitnshoudl h tenbecapu tredni DM I S.Cn(rQ f . )nHfl do notwas believe this was reported Mghons i lamawareof^H^I^^^H^HIHHl^^^^^^^B 1 do not believe Ithis reported highewaa it was considsfw lamawareofl a standard FCE. SON MAXntO STATEMENT PAGE 1 OF ADOmONAL PAGES UUST CONTAIN THE HEADING •STATEMENT OF TA K E N AT THE BOTTOM OF EAOf ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITUU.S OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT. AND RAGE NUMBBi M U S T B E t m i C AT B i . DA Forai 2823, NOV 2006 PREVIOUS EOmONS ARE OBSOLETE APOPE*ieies Ex. 5, Pg. 1 UNCLASSIFIED/Feue- 000804 DRV FROM: (U) DH SCG, DUL 2008 DECL ON: 50X1-HUMAN Classified By: Reason: 1.4(a) Declassify On: May 29, 2037 Classified By: Reason: 1.4(a) Declassify On: May 29, 2037 (U) DTF-GTMO-HOC FORCE PROTECTION (FP) REPORT (U) THIS FP IS NOT FULLY EVALUATED INTELLIGENCE. THIS INFORMATION IS BEING PROVIDED ONLY TO ALERT COMMANDERS AND STAFF TO POTENTIAL DETAINEE FORCE PROTECTION AND CAMP DYNAMICS ISSUES. HIGH PRIORITY ♦♦♦ 1. (U//FeHe)-DATE OF INFORMATION: 07-Sep-2012 2.(U/rOUO)PRODUCERTEAM:^H 3. (C//Nr) DETAINEElUJJUJj 4. 4fr)-ISN(s) MENTIONED IN REPORT: US9YM-e00156DP 5. (UZ/'PeU©) FORCE PROTECTION CATEGORY: 5.1 (G//Nr) Detainee Self Harm 6 . T E X T: i f 6.1 (C//Mr) DETAINEE SELF HARM SUMMARY: YM156 MIGHT COMMIT SUICIDE. 6.2-(.S//NF) DETAILS: ^US l WORRE IDTHATYM-156MG I HTCOMMT I SUC ID I E.HEBELE IVESTHATYM-156S I REQUESTN IG ISOLATION IN CAMP V TO POSSIBLY HURT HIMSELF flHH^AID YM-156 HAS BAD MEMORIES BECAUSE THINGS IN THE PAST IN CAMP V AND BHU. ♦♦♦ (COLLECTORS COMMENT) YM-156 WAS TASKED TO COMMIT SUICIDE WITH ISN YM-078 IN 3UNE 2009, ISN YM-078 DID COMMIT SUICIDE. 7. (S//NF) ACTION TAKEN: I N F O R M AT I O N PA S S E D O N T O W F C A N D H O C L E A D E R S H I P. 8. (S//Nr) DETAINEE FED'DURING SESSION: No 9. (S) CELL Guantanamo Bay Camp Delta > 10. (U) SESSION DATE: O7-Sep-2012 11. (U) SESSION START: 11:40:00 SESSION END: 13:30:00 12. (S//Nr) TASKED BY: Standing FP Category This report was generated by Team 000755 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO able to regain control of ISN#QQ0156' left arm and nrnnprlv rochrain jf fn the to biteJHH (hg ^guards. H ^ ^ Guard ^H^^H applled ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H t ^ j^ ^g g ^^ e s t r a f n t o sISN#000156' p i t a t tright he rorearm to get him to comply and release his hand from the chair. ISN#000156 strongly and forcibly r^lsted all attempts by the guard force to secure him, by violently thrusting his body back and forth against the feed chair restraints. At approximatelv 0820. ISN#000156 and HHHlilliHBlB Atap^^ JJgOJnte^rpreter^^fcrrived on the tier. ISN#000156 told interpreterMlBrWtfc^ ■■■^hat the guards abused him and hurt his neck. ISN#000156 asTce^r oictur^to ^takem^neck and asked Nurse ^^B7-exarnmr!!rflb7ie ^HPm^^ ■■^■■jotrHo^rted his neck showed or Nurse scrapes^^^■antTFIurieHll^^E^^^^o^ and showed mild rerinocc ann that IS(!^000156 appj^red to no becuts fine. proceedVjU^^eedir}^s^buySN#000156 again refused. ISN#000156 stated to Interpretej^^^m^^fomn^^HHthat the guards gave him trouble, restraints were too ^^^ndHppnHjkried to choke himwould and notify his neck was hurting. BHU^^mHand HH^^PoidlSN#D00156 that they DOC of his request fo^lcture^nd MReaTThe^ul dteam compl y with the tod nur.,.-. ln«n,rMnn.. T.iMi.nnni« agreed at this time and the feed proceeded, ■■m^^^Brhecked by medical and cleared for duty. WC, QIC, ANC lock operations continued as normal. Ex. 62, Pg. 11 UNCLASSIFIEDZ/FGUO 000818 UNCLASSIFIED//FOIIO US9Y5^00156DP^ainee US9YM-000156DP was never hanging freely in the air ■■■^^mH-estrained amount Medci adetainee l evau l atedUS9YM-0001560P detan i ee US9YM-0001using 56DPthe andminimum there were n o vsi ual of DO?wV i up"dIt'ea?!d li ^^^detan i eefortransporttoCP.l NoOCspraywasdepo l yed. ENTRY_DTG: 2008-12-16 09:12:49 D E TA I N E E I S N : 0 0 0 1 5 6 ENTRY:^HFailure to Comply DESCRIPTION ISN#000156. Ceil BH-4. Level 4. On 16 Dec 08 at approximately 0815, ^he»rwo^^5Wi tnoQi56 jumpi ng back andtoforth from the topback of hisand rackforth. to theISN#000156 top of his ®sk. ^^^^^^Hinstructed ISN#000156 stop jumping ^noredllH approximately 0830, stopped jumping. BHU WC, Camp IV AWC and WC notified. BlockISN#0001S6 operations continued as normal. ENTRY_DTG: 2008-12-19 17:37:28 D E TA I N E E I S N : 0 0 0 1 5 6 ENTRY JjHMajorAssault DESCRIPTION ^^^^^^^^^^^H-4^evei 4. On 19DEC08, at approximately 0804, guards^^^^^H ■^^■■■^■Hwere having difficulty ISN#000156 to the Enteral chair. ISN#000156 forced arm throughrestraining the restraint and heldontotheendof the armFeed rest which positioned the restraint band back towards his elbow. H iH ISN#0001S6 to release his hands from the restraint chair arm in order to restrain his arm properly. ISN#000156 proceededtoleanforward not allowing the guards to secure the properiy.i^B ^^*foered ISN#000156 sit back in the chair. ISN#000156 refused to complyH^^Mprovided moderatetobackward pressure on the shoulder restramtejoMMBB^Kouidsecure them Drooeriv. ISNtfOom Rfi turned and him i n the t h ehand c hrestraints e s t . moroperiv B ^ Han^ttemote^o i n f o r m e danniv I SaNcnir # 0maeir 0 0 1to5 6 of his^intent to adjust ISN#000156. ISN#000156 attemptedtobiteUHHl^ BHUllillllBnstrurted JgN#000156to^p and instructed ■■■^■totry^ fix the arm restraints. As ^^^^^^■eached for ISN#0001S6 hands. ISN#000156 turned and spat twice on ^^^^^^■litting him in the chest. BHU ^^^^ instructed the gua and give ISN#000156 a moment to calm down. At approximately 0819, informed ISN#000156 that in order to continue the feed, he needed to be restrained Jjjefi djySjl#oaoi56 became angry and would not let go of the restraint chair arm. BHU ^HH Bjgbjucte^SN#000156 to comply with ISN#0001S6 still to rerused. BHU^HBI^^heiyiav^heordeM:© usethe theorders, proper and minimal force necessary secure ISN#000156' left arm. ISN#000156 pulled his left arnnwa^n^u^f the restraintHH^HBII^^BHiill Ex. 62, Pg. 10 UNCLASSIFIED/MUO 000817 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUG ISN#000156. Cell BH-4. Leve^^8DEC08^^Dmwjmatel^957, escort team G-9 arrived on the tier witlUSN#000156j^^^^^H HHHHHIitook positive control of ISN#000156. HH H^^^^^^H^ro^ded to escort ISN#000156 back to his cell. At approximately 0959 Arabic InterpreteiBBMarrlved 6n the tkif. At appiuxHiidlety with his backside to the cell door he stepped forward and pulled In the ^ ^^ ^^ lnto the cell. the chain around his belly and proceed a r o u n d h i s n e c k . a n n o u n c e d . A t a p p r o x i mF l S P W i W nnounced "OC OC OC, and deQ ov ^^^^^Hburse of 00. tting on^^^^Kquipment am lifted needed to use ine restroom. rne guards notifledHi^B5nW7H05P STMO and were djrecte^y him todetainee take theUS9YM-000156DP detainee US9YM-000156DP the Staff ■■■^■escorted into the StafftoHead and Head. l ^^H puTdeSine^^^ US9YM-000156DP In a stall where the detainee US9YM-000156DP was allowed to dose the door because escorts caiynaintelj^lneofs^^ US9YM-000156DP through a large gap In the door. HH HH H ^m §lirected detainee US9YM-000156DP to leave US9YM-00015^^ ^^^^^^^^^^and detainee US9YM-000156DP a water bottle without the cap. Detainee US9YM-000156DP finished using the restroom and place^jl^ateMjottl^r^h^edae, iockfifUh^talUno^ up on the toilet seat asH^^^ HiHHHKalled^^^^H H and rushed to enter the stall. In the meantime, Detainee US9YM-000156D^rabbecRh^^ cord to the vertical blinds covering the window, wrapped the cord around his neck, and stepped off the toilet seat. As Detainee US9YM-000156DP stepped off the tollet.Mli^^B jumped up over the stall, pulled the blinds from the Wall whileBHMHbaught detainee US9YM-000156DP as his feet were reaching the ground, gaining positive control of Detainee Ex. 62, Pg. 9 UNCLASSIFIED/ZPGW 000816 (bjMT 10 use §130b, (b)(6). (bM7)(C UNCLASSIFIED/ZFOUO ENTRY.DTG: 2008-11-27 22:34:00 DETAINE^SN: 000156 ENTRY:^BHarms Himself ^PP^^'lpately 2045^hil condyging normal block operations (enteral codeHi ppHBi as calISN#000156 led away forfreed ISN#000156, due to ISN#000156 attempOng to commit self harmwwhen his right hand TOm the Level 5 Restraint Chair, and attempted to shove the feeding tube further down his nfh"® hte hand. At whid^ime^i^iH ^ ^Hgrabb ISN#000156's hand to oMclJfnnm « ■■^■ftrabbed the feeding tube in attempt to keep it out ISN#000156's mouth. Using the minimum amou^f returned force necessary,^H^^^Bgrabbed hand from^Hlih-^ ^^Hand ISN#000156's right hand ISN#000156's to the restraint.^^Hil HresKed relieved by Medical^fteyh^cident occurred it was determined ■BiiililfSESJ determined to be a BNCO, ®BBiHHand AWC, WC, and AOICwas notified.instead Block operations continued as normal. ENTRY_DTG: 2008-11-30 22:54:00 D E TA I N E E I S N : 0 0 0 1 5 6 ENTRY; Unarms Himself ISN#000156. Cell 06. Level 4. On 30NOV08, at aooroximatelv 7n-^n while conductino norrn Lh g erations (line of sight watch) GuardVlHHIIIIcalled away the brevity codeHpapf br ISusing N#000156, to ISN#000156 empt ing to commi t self harm by hanging himself a towel.due At approximately 2031,attthe response team entered cell D-6 At approximately 2032, a systematic search was conducted on ISN#0001S6 with no contrabaml found. At approximately 2036, ISN#000156 was secured to the medical backboard. At approximately 2105, the response team exited cell D-6 with ISN#000156 At approximately 2106, a cell search was conducted on cell D-6 with the following contraband ^ P'®^®® ^'®^ together. At approximately 2106, ISN#0001S6 was checked and cleared by medical. At approximately 2109, the response team entered ceil D-6 with ISN#000156. At approximately 2111, ISN#000156 was removed fiom the medical backboard. At approximately 2112, the response team exited cell D-6. No OC was deployed. Block operations continued as normal. AWC, WC and AOIC notified. ENTRY_DTG: 2008-12-08 11:18:00 DETAINEyiSN: 000156 ENTRYr^lHarms Himself Ex. 62, Pg. 8 UNCLASSIFIED/ZPeUO 000815 UNCLASSIFIED/ZFOUe standing on the ledge of the door, ■^^^^■then deployed another ^^^^Ifcurst of 0^pra^iittin^SN#00015^i^h^fec^ndin^with no response. At approximately 2140, ISN#000156 up to prevent furtherinjurylH^^^^Hjthen removed the underwear from around the back portion of ISN#000156s' neck and was placed face down on the tier with he minimum amount of force necessary, at which time leg and hand restraints were placed on ISN#000156. Guards observed that ISN#000156 did not lose consciousness at any time, but closed^^^^ after he was placed on the tier and opened them periodically. Medical I B BB i liiii was on scene due to enteral feeding, determined that ISN#000156 was breacnin^ncniad a pulse. At approximately 2148, Arabic interpreter arrived on scene. At approximately 2150, medical arrived on scene and conducted a thorough medical evaluation of ISN#000156, stating that ISN#000156 had a scratch on his right elbow and a light bruise on his neck. Medical further stated that it was safe to put ISN#000156 back in his cell. At approximately 2200, a search of cell D8 was conducted ending with a set of underwear being collected as contraband. At approximately 2215, Combat camera arrived on scene and photographed the area Including; the cell conditions, and the underwear. At approximately 2216, ISN#000156 was placed back in cell. Block operations continued as normal. E N T R Y _ D T G : 2 0 0 8 - 11 - 2 2 1 4 : 0 0 : 0 0 D E TA I N E E I S N : 0 0 0 1 5 6 ENTRY:^I-Harms Himself ISN#000156. Cell 08. Level 4. On 22NOVO&^^DDro)dfflat lj/ 1245, while conductino nonn^lock operations ( walking the tier},^^^l^^^Hralled for the BNCoHHv.. come to ISN#000156 cell 08. Upon arrival ISN000156 began cutting Into a preexisting scar located on the abdomen. The scar Is approximately 5 Inches vertically beginning from the sternum to middle of abdomen. ISN#000156 was sitting In the middl^l th^^k and then start^^yj^m^n theaDr^i^urroujidlng wound with a smal l pieceguards of metal . BNCol lHp -HHHcalled the codepHm^faway available were at the scene. After assessing tne situation, BNCO ^^^^^^poke with ISN#0QQ156/;^y, what are you doing? Why are you doing this to yourself?" When BNCoHHHHIlspoke with ISN#000156, ISN#000156 stopped re-opening the wound. ISN#000156 Immediately stood up and climbed the cell to the upper left hand corner andhldtlTeoaDer used to cut open the wound. Then went to the bunk to lay down. BNCO^^ipiHKotlced the wound and the wound was not cut deeplvnus^nougl^o hav^om^mal^atches of blood come out. At approximately 1255, BNCOjB B P Hftalled Oet Hospital for a corpsman on the scene. At approximately 1300,^^^^^^^Bwere at the scene. Medical assessed that ISN#000156 was In no need of medical attention and was ok ISN#000156 was at a calm state. OOC, AOIC, WC and AWC were notified. Block operations continued as normal. Ex. 62, Pg. 7 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO 000814 UNCLASSIFIED/ZFOUO stoppers were removed from the detainee's ears by Camp VI medical staff. At approximately 1612, detainee and guards were checked and cleared by medical. At ^ conducted on H-107 no contraband found. At approximately ifam'a ^ AtAt approximately 1621, team enteredHceil ® H-107. approxi mately 1621, response team off podresponse with no further incidents. No OC was deployed. AWC, WC and AOIC notified. ENTRY_DTG: 2008-11-16 02:51:00 DETAINK ISN: 000156 ENTRY;^B-Harms Himself y Mmi 6. Cell 07. Level 4. On 15NOV08, at approximately 2353, the brevity code ■■■pi ascutti railendgaway duengtoclISN#000156 ng tothecommi t self harm^by himselffor witISN#00Q156, h a half sniper netti ip. At approximattempti ately 2355, response approximately 2357, a systematic search was conducted on ISN#000156 With the following contraband found (1) half sniper netting clip. At ISN#000156 was secured to the medical backboard. At approximately 0009, the response team exited cell 0-7 with ISN#000156. At approximately 0016, a ceil search was conducted on 0-7 with the following contraband found. (2) Staples and (2) piecra that appeared to be face mask gauze. At approximately 0058, ISN#000156 was medical. At approximately 0109, the response team entered ceil 0- 7 with ISN#000156. At approximately 0114, ISN#000156 was removed from the medical backboard. At approximately 0115, the response team exited cell 0-7. No OC was deployed Block operations continued as normal. AWC, WC and AOIC notified. ENTRY_OTG: 2008-11-17 02:36:00 O E TA I N E E I S N : 0 0 0 1 5 6 ENTRY: ^niarms Himself ISN#000156. Cell 08. Level 4. On 16NOVO^^pproxlmately 2133, while conducting line of sight watch of ISN#000156, Guard BHlHIiobserved ISN#000156 drink Ensure from his water bottle then spit It onto the Plexl-glass attached to the door.^H ^Htoid ISN#000156 to stop, at which time ISN#000156 refused and contlnueTOspitth^nsure onto the Plexl-glass. At approximately 2138, I^H^IHobserved ISN#000156 standing on his bunk and hanging undem aycQn^he cell mesh located on the top front portion of the cell door and railed away H ^^ased on his observation of ISN#000156s' behavior which was similar to several previous encounters iD tmct ^N#000156 to stop and ISN#000156 refused.IHlli^^Bhirrdepioye^ ^pHHHpurst OC spraytohithang ting ISN#000156 In the facehisendi ngdoor. HlH^Hhen with no response.told ISN#000156ofcontinued the underwear from cell ISN#000156 to get down and ISN#000156 again refused. ISN#000156 then placed the underwear around the back of his neck and held on to the sides of the underwear while Ex. 62, Pg. 6 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO 000813 UKCLASSIFIED//FOUO E N T R Y _ D T G : 2 0 0 8 - 11 - 0 5 2 3 : 3 0 : 0 0 D E TA I N E E I S N : 0 0 0 1 5 6 ENTRYr^^Harms Himself , )(3). D E ,S C 1R( bI P T I O N1 0 use i m . m §n 1m3 0 b , ( t 3 } ISN^^M^^Cell eClrajMaway OSj^-tivd 4.onOn OSNOVO^at approximately 2200, the code ISN# JS9YM-Qmi56DP rc-io:^i herangptho detainee had clinlbgdU^iairftne toilet and then tl e sink whenEBJUJUJUinstructed the ^^^ g Jp«i^down, the detalne^j^ ^mped ^^^^^^pSpened the ^^^^lole further and Hl^^ epl yed At approximately 2222, the^' a prevent selfoharm. ^^^^ ^ team entered the cell C-103. At approximately 2222, the detainee was restrained using the minimum amount of force necessary. At approximately 2222, the detainee was searched yielding negative results. At approximately 2224, the detainee was restrained to the back board. At approximately 2225, the response team exited the celi with the detainee. At approximately 2225, the response team exited the Pod with the detainee and moved to Camp 6 Medical. At approximately 2302, detainee was cleared by Camp 6 Medical. At approximately 2319, the detainee was escorted back to cell C-103. As per AOIC and BHU the detainee was found not needing a self harm smock. E N T R Y. D T G : 2 0 0 8 - 11 - 0 6 0 9 : 0 5 : 0 0 D E TA I N E E _ I S N : 0 0 0 1 5 6 ENlHY.'^BHarms Himself DESCRIF ISN#000156. Cell 6C103a. Level 4. On OENGVI^^^^um^ately 0824, while conducting normal pod operations on Charlie pod the code^^^^^^Kas called away on ISN# US^^-0001560P (€-103)to dUe detaidetaine^el^ nee hlttln^ii^the iea^gai thedid celnot l walrespon^o l. H ■■llnstructed the detainee stoptothen floornst and the guard force. At approximately 0826, theH mteam entered the cell C-103. At approximately 0826, detainee was restrained using the minimum amount of force necessary. At approximately 0826 medical arrived on scene. At approximately 0828 medical det^T^^^i^ detainee was was cleared. At approximately 0831 ^^^^^Iteam exited cellconscious C-103. Noand OCdetainee was deployed. No further Incidents occurred. BNCO, AWC, WC and DOC notified. E N T R Y _ D T G : 2 0 0 8 - 11 - 1 0 1 6 : 5 2 : 0 0 D E TA I N E E I S N ; 0 0 0 1 5 6 ENTRY: IHHarms Himself ISN#000156. Cell 6H107a. Level 2. On 10NOV08, at approximately 1550,^^^^^^ was called away for H-107, ISN#US9YM-000156, due to the detainee sticking object in ears and Striking nedt with what appeared to be a pointy object. At approximately 1553, response team on Hotel pod. At approximately 1553, response team entered cell H-107. At approximately 1600, response team exits cell H-107 with detainee. At approximately 1602, detainee search complete, contraband found: (2) rubber door stoppers from cell H-107. At approximately 1603, detainee was secured In Level V Restraint Chair and the rubber door Ex. 62, Pg. 5 UNCLASSIFIEDZ/PQUO 000812 UNCLASSIFIED/ZFOUe conducted. At 0130 medical checked, decontaminated and cleared detainee. At 0135 cell searcM^widucted and 7 stripspod of pai nt returned of variousdetainee size andto shape were obtai ned. Ar entered and cell A-104. At 0157BllilH AOIC aiSdDOC notified°^^® generated. BNCO, AWC?^? ENTRY_DTG: 2008-10-02 08:31:00 DETAINEE ISN: 000156 ENTRY.-^KHarms Himself co^ljrtini noSli H at approximately 0738, while A 1Seati 1?ngoperati ons, ^■■■Hbserved detainee ISN#US9YM000156DP,A-104 paint chi ps.Detai nee ISN#US9YM-000156DP had an unknown amoun^^yl^y^mo^th^ndjva^l^^^peri^ 0738 2j H pumE Beconds apart. At approximately 0739,^^^^^Blil°^^^ resporipTearnentered the cell and gained positive control of detainee. At approximately enS-efthi"nii'?^^^ ^"ter pod. Medical notified and entered the pod at 0741. At 0743of detaineewas cleared bywas medical. At 0743Hi i^^B SJincSJS rSnfJJJSS®"'' asked permission to relolSlilRS^ So A 10A H A? paint missing the A-104 cell wallsI? . At approxi matedamage ly 0756 DOCfrom called back and veri fied move from to tl02 was confirmed. At approximately 0758 team entered cell, A-102. with detainee Iapproxi SN#umpY My-00802, 0015team 6DP,exi At-1 02Al.pAhat apod. pproBNCO, xm i ateylAWC, 0758and , teaWC m ewere xtiTceu l -TfiSed.I.At atel ed noti ENTRY_DTG: 2008-10-03 17:02:00 D E TA I N E E I S N : 0 0 0 1 5 6 ENTRY: ^marrns Himself Srmai Port r, '.4 lifi™ approximately 1529 while conducting mhTo o ililifiHffilHSiilBPH Detainee A-102 ISN#000156 th^aint and^^H^^^^^^B^hen called the brevltv code^l^^HHjLvvavHliB l!SofTta.^^^f^^^^^^®®P°nse teaf"detai entered i and gaicelnled tivie control of detainee At approximately 1531, nee wasthSi removed from andposi placed n center of pod Medical was notlfled and entered the pod at 1532. At 1555 detainee^ Cleared by medical. At 1559 detainee was placed back in cell A-102. At 1602 Team exited rtoL^'and S rt?® ®i!bangi ! ISN#000156 then jumped up from ran to the cell door began ng on the top bean hole.BNCO, AWCthe anddeck WC and notified Ex. 62, Pg. 4 UNCLASSIFIED/yPOUO 0 0 0 8 11 UNCLASSIFIED/ZFOUe to the flloor still choking. A response force entered cell (A109) and secured detainee ISN#000156. The detainee was then moved to the Camp V Med Room and was checked by medical. The detainee was cleared by medical and moved by to his cell (A109). Camp V Leadership and DOC were notified. ENTRY_DT6: 2008-10-01 17:54:00 DETAINE^SN: 000156 ENTRY:^ Hanns Himself ISN#0001S6. Cell 6A106a. Level 4. On 1 October 2008 at aoproximatelv 1750, while conducting normal pod M^^MMrnFTrfTI II ii lllii I iriffimYn nn^igfinp covering himself with feces and urine. ^^Mnstmcted-therigtainPP tn cw^n and datainpp " refused by continuing to smear feces and urine on himself^^^^[jf^^trnhcprvorf charge headfirst Into the cell door of A-106. After detainee hit the door with his headHH the degln« a aon. Daain« and ^araed the cell door again anJggB it with his head.^^^Btedmat tnajfltajjafifiefell to the ground and remafned ~ unresponsive^t 1754 brevity code HI HH was called awayl H IH At 1756 al I^H^^^Bresponse team entere^n^elRna gained positive c^^^^^^inee. Detainee was removed from cell and placed in center of pod at 1759. Medical was notified and entered the pod at 1800. At 1801 detainee was secured to the back board. At 1821 detainee was moved off the pod and at 1828 the move was stopped in B/C recreation yard #2. Detainee decontamination started at 1830 and completed at 1845. At 1847 the flexible wrist and ankle restraints were replaced with the hard ankle and wrist shackles. At 1848 detainee was transferred from the back board to the level 5 restraint chair. At 1851 detaliiee moved from B/C recreation yard and move stopped at medical room Mill at 1852. At 1900 medical cleared detainee for return to pod. 1901 start move from Mill and stopped at 1902 back on Alpha pod. E N T R Y. D T G : 2 0 0 8 - 1 0 - 0 2 0 3 : 1 6 : 0 0 DETAINEE, ISN; 000156 ENTRY:iHHarms Himself ISN#000156. Cell 6A104. Level 4»-QD-2-QctQhfl£-2008 at aoDroxImatelv 0119, while conducting an FCE on A-110 Hlllllllfobserved A-107.^ ISN#US9YMHD00156DP^atlnasti1^^ paint and choking. At 0119 ^^Kafied away the brevity cotie^HIPHIipimiAt 0119lHIE^Toyi3irri^^B[ [buii^LfiUa order to prevent cne detainee from committing further self-harm. At 0120 a response team entered the cell and gained positive control of detainee using th^nlnimurn aniount of force necessary. At 0125 detainee was removed from cell, transported to medical and placed in room M-ll. Medical was was already on scene due to the FCE stil being Ex. 62, Pg. 3 U N C L A S S I F I E D / Z fi O U e 000810 (b«3).10 use §130b. (bK6), (b)(7) (C) UNCLASSIFIED/ZFOUe ENTRY.DTG: 2008-09-23 12:04:00 D E TA I N E E I S N : 0 0 0 1 5 6 ENTRY: ■•Harms Himself ISN#000156. Cell D2. Level 4. On 23 September 2008 at approximately 1014 hours, detainee ISN#000156 requested to speak with an Arabic Interpreter rpnarriinn issues he was having with habeas mail. The detainee stated to ^^■■■■IHUords to the effect of, "If the Arabic Interpreter Is not here In 5 mmureo'^gom^ojump off the ledge head first." At approximately 1018 hours, the detainee started to climb up the wail Inside of his cell and attempted to jump off. D2onSered the detainee to stop and the detainee refuMd. At that time, D2 deployed a^^^lburst of DC. The detainee fell off of the wall and landed on the floor. The detainee then went to decontaminate his face with water from the sink in his cell. The detainee was seen by the corosman and was told to continue to flush his face with water. Camp V leadership and DOc were notified. (b)(3). 10 use §130b. (b)(6). (b)(7)(C) ENTRY_DTG: 2008-09-27 20:19:00 D E TA I N K I S N : 0 0 0 1 5 6 ENTRY: ^BDetalnee Note ISN#000156. Cell A109. Level 4. On 27 September 2008, at approximately 1948 hrs ISN#000156 started to hit his sink and his cell door and window with the piece of plexl glass that his food was on. While he was hitting his cell window he cut his hands on the plexl glass. When asked why, he stated words to the effect of, "I want to have a real tray, I don"t want this piece of glass." Medical personnel were notified and combat camera took pictures of the cuts. Medical personnel stated that they were minor cuts that did not require Immediate medical attention. ENTRY_DTG: 2008-09-30 20:22:00 DETAINEEJSN: 000156 ENTRY:Motfier ISN#000156. Cell A109. Level 4. On 30 September 2008 at approximately 1815 hours, detainee ISN#000156 was seen eating a paper towel and choking. The detainee continued toea^jeoaoer towel and would not comply with the guardVoi^to stop. {■ ^^^ ^ (vas andchest. DCThe wasdetainee then deployed in aH^^jburst detainee's head,called neck and then stoppe^aUn^he paperstrlkm^h^^^ towel and fell Ex. 62, Pg. 2 UNCLASSIFIED/ZFOUO 000809 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO E N T R Y. D T G : 2 0 0 8 - 0 6 - 1 8 1 6 : 1 5 : 0 0 D E TA I N E E I S N ; 0 0 0 1 5 6 ENTRY: _Haniis Himself DESCRIPTION ISN#000156^ell 6H206. Level 2. At approximatel^424^hll^cting as the Hote^NCO^ H^^H m»lled away the brevity code [ [ ^HIIIH^'^BS after^HBH ^^■oteer^ ISN#US9YM-00015^ In cell H-206 rolling back In forth on the deck 'making a qurallnQ sountL-^^^^^^Wknocked on the door three times and did not get a response from ISN#US9YM-000156DP, ISN#US9YM-000156DP was lying In the comer of his cell undemeath his desk with his head undemeath the desk. ISN#US9YM-000156DP had his prayer rug draped over his desk covering the detainee from the middle of his back to his head making his head and neck un viewable. At approximately 1424 a response team entered H-POD and donned protective gear to enter the cell. The team entered the cell and realized that ISN#US9YM-000156DP was attempting self harm by laying on the ground and rolling back ancyujt ^l]j ^ make shift rope tha^aynade from his prayer cap. The Brevity code HP^^^as then called away^^^lmes. The make shift rope made from a praye^a^na^as pulled apart. ISN#US9YM-000156DP had one end of the rOpe tied around his neck and the other end was tied around the seat of his d ^1ie response team gained positive control of the detainee and the Arabic InterpreterHjm-emoved the make shift rope from the detainees neck by sliding the rope from his necl^nd over his head causing no further injury. ISN#US9YM-000156DP was then secured in his cell by the response team with the minimum amount of force necessary. Medical arrived on the pod at 1425 and checked out ISN#US9YM-000156DP, the detainee was then placed on a backboard at approximately 14:26 and escorted off of Hotel pod to Camp 6 medical, room Mill for evaluation by BHU. BHU evaluated ISN#US9YM-000156DP and the detainee stated that If he was put back in his cell he would attempt self harm again. As per Commander JDG ISN#US9YM-000156DP is only authorized his koran and self harm smock Inside his cell. BNCO, SOG ,PL notified E N T R Y. D T G : 2 0 0 8 - 0 9 - 2 2 1 6 : 1 9 : 0 0 D E TA I N E E ISN: 000156 ENTRY: ■Harms Himself ISN#000156. Holding 1. Level 4. On 22 SEP 2008 at approximately 1340 hours, H ^m H was observing detainee ISN#000156 at recreation. The detainee 1^ llne of sight to a blin er of one of the showers for to get a line sighton on tr the approximately iy five fiveto to tenten seconds. seconds, ■■■^^■^■■novedInoved to get a line of ofsight detainee and saw the detainee hanging from the top ofthyje^er^gn^e sniper screen that had been pulled through the top of the rec pen. ■■■ Peppej^orayand verball^yyde^h^t^m Both^^^^^^^^^Hand Hi^^^^^^^^Rsp^ed to the H H kntered the Jetalnee using the minimum amount jrce necessary. All guards were wearing the proper PPE. Camp V Leadership and DOC notified. s e c u r e r Ex. 62, Pg. 1 UNCLASSIFIEDZ/FOUe 000808