RPS-10.- Gang-Emu; Claim?qu?moatg .er-n- .4.- "Emu-"V ?hi- vu: wr-r -1 . 000270 Clogagnmug 9.3.3? czogugm??gg 066571? A E3330 czaggamuuxt?. . .1 =2 Oran?35!; 000272 9.3.3.. Clogae?muiu?s czogmma?gg 000273 nabs-3.. czogog?nm?iu?s czogwwzu-MDE ?my? a ?mum-5mm - ur- 000274 ?115.; 9.8.3.. CIOSmE?u-muiuogu czognm?nmuing 1? xr-r 1:07 -- '7 000275 was. 99% cram?2mg? . I, hail-t ?ux?1 - 2453?733"? '000276 p.330 CInEai??iu?u?s - muw I 605397 H?s-a. 62050?15933 ..- 000278 93.330 tango?ENE; clogugz m0~? 1; w? - in pm: 000279 ?$1813 mustangswoun ii?. jlcimmi?? . mummonn 93.3.3 CZOEQBMEE zogwui?u?s 000281 UNCLASSIFIEDW Saw?y. m: . 1 W: 8.97.7943 nun-1a rurkrr . birth.? I . . ., ?traal .L, :lhuumw??i. . . . 9.3.3. 3 czagmg?u?ou?Om?O. czaguma-m-Eg 7353284 w. ?m (gs-(HM, ?rs 9.8.33 can?Lag?mu?uocp - '000285 ^ SOB legi Ki I ^ K 9 i @ 3 B D ^ S I zpssa,j 2i4i£2Uv:S^r<.:?^M,^::]^5:::::^>;x^ 000286 -c—iI ?mun WIOEHISSWONH 7-21 - 7.3mm.- ?Mr. fr 000287 MOS mun?u . - .L 000288 Hvumm MOSH IBMONII 62050.33? .2 '000289 - . 1 .we ?v nah?.93.?. 62050?150; 000290 a '7 nAn?? can-w w- arr?r ham?Mr?- 6205938; CZOEm?am?g of 2? .Ju- .- e' ?amw_.x_um a. Huh-i, 000291 I. Ethan?3MB;- can?.3325; w- 33:23.. .JI.) run .. .- 000292 CZOEQmu?mnzg 9. 20:0?. 1 3.: Warn?. ?No-c.4- 000293 ?fauna ?an- .-. .. - -A. >Jalvw'va- . . "We . . 000294 moamsmoun ■ z a K7SI jsza mm Hi lira II Kza iiii III— a ^ B s i v [^ sza IISBI s^".-""°nf ) n/M/ttuoino DET HOSP WARD 2 BED4 ISN 156 UNCLASSIFIBD/ZFewe000302 UNCLASSIFtED//Fe»» ALUftSnS JHG-OTMO 2oia moicAnoN ADmmsnwTioN rbcord N K O A •NU m M oamm uM oi N MH im w ni oi ••-ooneM.Ko •nmiiKtfMihwiq * "■« > I t m ^ n mtmmmmmtmMltwm. mrrr-m nvj:-n M«iatlibM4»k)r m ) 1 1 1 aiX3):10USCS«3ai.P»(B) t tt ISN 156 (b)(6> 0«}):I0 use 9130b. (b»S) ■■ 1 m m \ H i tbKS} t I I I B B B (bX3):iousc9i3a«)(S) DETriOSP wARD2BED4 UWCLASSIFIEP/ffqilO 000301 UNCLASSIFIEOZ/Feue AHPRCTW JHG-GTHO 2012 MEDXCATZON ACM2NI5TRATZON RECORD m G C ^ o f J t a r a i r i a n H « i -I** I saieMdHHOtm niriv arjtia b.:cb tori's mutts ainwm •/»/2Qll«UM ISN 156 Misna Mtiral IEE3E!3i5!lESlCaiCaOi^Eai3E3ISlEglEZg I DETHOSP wARD2BH>4 I tmCU^SIFIE^ _ __ '000300 ___ UNCLASSIFIED//Petf6 V / Z f ^ D E TA I N E E I S N » 1 S 6 EXTERNAL - MOVEMENTS D AT E EXTERNAL CAMP MOVES TOTAL MOVEMENTS 4 Jan 2012 Camp VI-6CI 10a 24 Feb 2012 Camp VI to Camp V - SCI07 14 Jun 2012 Camp V to BH-4 25Jun20I2 BH-l2toSC107 S Jul 2012 Camp V-SC106 to Camp VI-6110a 1 8 J u l 2 0 1 2 C a m p V I - 6 M I 0 l t o C a m p V- 5 C I I 0 18 JUI20I2 Camp V to Camp 6CI lOa 2S Jul 2012 Camp VI to 6CI lOa to BH-6 9 Aug 2012 BH<6tDUH-4 2 3 A u g 2 0 1 2 D e d 4 t o C a m p V- S A 1 0 1 2 6 A u g 2 0 1 2 C a r a p V- S A I 0 S t o B H - B e d 4 7 Sep 2012 OHIO Camp V-SAIOS IS Jan 2011 CampV-SCIOS 18 Jun 2011 Camp V to Camp VI - 6C11 Oa lSep20II Camp Vlto Camp V5A103 21Sep20Il Camp V to Camp VI - 6CI1 Oa 30 Dec 2011 Camp VI to BH-3 2 Jan 2010 BH-3 26 Jan 2010 BH-lSO-2 toCanqi VI-6H10I 17 Mar 2010 Camp VI to Camp V-SClOO 3 Jun 2010 Holding 2 to Cell 6HI08 28 Sep 2010 6CIIOatoCeIIB2IO 3 0 S e p 2 O I 0 B 2 1 0 t o C a m p V- 3 C I 0 2 13 Oct 2010 Cell2toCampV ^101a I I N o v 2 0 1 0 6 C l l 0 a t o C a m p V- S C I 0 2 M Behavioral Hoqtital Detainee Hoqrital CampVI-6H101a Ex. 113, Pg. 1 Camp VI, Hotel block. Cell 101, alpha U NCLASSIFI ED//i=eD0 000303 Abbreviation Latin Tr a n s l a t i o n ante cihum bis in die bis in nocius 0.6. b.i.d. bJ.n. Wbat It Means before incuts twice a day twice a night c u m with c a p copsula d dies capsule day c dispense as written (no substitutins gcncrk or brand name drues) daw ull uutta h.9. horasumni drop bedtime into the muscle into the vein milllltier 3houre every momin Jeily lour limes a da withaul under the taasBC taUct txd. 1 t e r l n i fi e 1 three times a day 1 ISO tablespoon thm as direvted by doctor Bx. 117, P9.1 uNCLASsimeo 000304 1 UNCLASSIFIED ACRONYM AAR DEFlNmON ACLS After Action Rei»rt Advanced Cardi«: Life Support ADCON Administrative Control ARSOUTH A V Audio Visual A W C Assistam Watch Commander BHU BI Basic Issue Behavioral Health Unit CI Block Non-Commissioned Officer Comfort Items DEA DH Drug Enforcemem Administration Detainee Hospital DIMS Detainee Inftmnation Manasement Syston DOMEX EVO FCE OTMO Document and Metfia Exploitation BNCO For»d Cell Extracton Ouantanamo Bay, Cuba uaiteis ICRC IPC JDO Intemalional Committee of dtt Red Cross Communication IE Joint Deteotioii [ C u t j i i . l JMO JOG Joint Medical Gro Joint Oooatimi Center Jobl*22iijEni53u£5I!n^HIEIj JTC Joint Tcood Clinic Joint Task Force Medication Administration Record JTF MAR Med Pass Medication Admimsnation/ Pass Procedure r Police N AV S TA Naval Station Non-Conunisslooed OlGBcer NCO NCOIC OC QIC PNCO PRN NonK6) Idetainea who isa reported friend of cteoBased -ISN156(Anand- 1. 2. »V») l-SCaGintenflawcf 3. (bK6) 1- a&nior Medical Offioef(3Viq I -Ai^ictranaiatorasagried to Drtainee Hospital What: IntafviewwithI »He) ~ Where: Physicai Bern Rxm at tte O^ainee HDapital at Gbmp Delta, USN aation - 61M0. Qit» When: 230ct12; 0940-1045hrs W>V' Determine if I 9m lean provide inatfrt orevidertoeof what haf^Mnedto iSN156 Api»aranoe;r oxg) [his voice isdear and he appears al^ and oooperativa. (he isin wrist shacUea^ and hisieft leg Is secured to a padded cuff that ischalned to a bolt in the floor. Ha is sttting cross^eggad on the sole hoapitd bed in the room. I am fadr^ him seated to hisfrom sitting on a darir. to my left is the 910 (seated in a dtair); to my right isthe translator (also sitting in achair). Ihe entire interview Is conducted through the trandator with me speaking Biglish and jw^speakingArabic OeetlngandlntroductlonBareenhanged- ltellhim,lrepre9enttheHaadquarters{heasksiflan from the JIFor outside -1 tell Hm i am from the United aate) but we all care about the detaineeSk and the Heay^ianereObmmander wants to Know what happened to ISNIse. Before I can tel him who the 3V!0is- (We) lndicatesheknpwsofthe91Q he states^ they say Iw isa good man with themedidna, whilel (bxe) Idoesnot knowhimpersonally-noonetdksbadofhim-theysavheisooodandhecarea He saysthe one they call {e} (JTFcuitural advteor) is not so good, he isold and set m hiswsys-he says heteilsthem things must be a certain way-but this Is not true-the other Brothers sayjwffltdoes thingsthe M way not their w^ {I comment many of our yojth say the same thing about our "elders") he replies, "OtowisBmBnleBmstochBngeandhB must change-hecBnnot stay fniheald ways' He also highlights hisdisaalisfactlon vrith the process of beir^ a detainee - notir^ that a terrorist who kills lotsof people - iscaptured and put on trial - so he knows histate. Whereas in hiscase and that of 191156 they newer killed anyone, yet th^are denied a trial and are put in prison and will never leave. and where they erqoy few comforts - he ad(s^ 'Mat Mrxfof Aumsnsand what MMofoounCtydbes this to other humanH?" {Iaskwhat[^[]cantelmeatxxit 156]-to which herepTieSk T ' oknowtmstory.onemustsUirtiPom thetesfnnlng-l¥ainottalklong, but leeawOt talk than-Anond(imi5S) wasmorethanabmther uNaAS9REy/4«yeEx 123. Pg. 1 000307 uNaAsaRB>/«9ye Heteil8ofh(»vthetwowerejn of which I reoognizB from reviewing nursing notesotd stafementsfrom U.8 personnd. Imuch He hlGhliQhtean earfier event wlwe the woman doctorj jtumed her beckon ISN1S6 who just wanted to talk to her but she would not talk to him - andWwikid away; thielnfurieted ISNIse and led to him lashing out - which thai led to hisdscipline and hisretum to Gamp V. He stales^ 'theiaa doetarancltltouUlinowl9tl86 waanotvntl-butthetUtNstoshawtmr smngtfi IhBguBnbwiHOKWsbvngttk Mmarfoa/stocirfhfltDp*^ flbengfh-wf»«B/M4Diir«ptfieBotfMra?'Hehishlights(^^^kedto IS4156 about taking an (Depo Invaga) ir^ection - 'sha thous^the(antfps^Mk) mBckim((^yenbynmUiybTieiik»i^ would he^hisangeranddsrkthoughts- IsmseddnotBkeOmtdBa-tutshakBpipuslinglt' {After atlme, he bednetaildng about 194156 andthe eventsof07-08Sap1Z} IfWwf>ttn^taUim 1S6wouUgQtoOurpV-1wrssverywBOfrfect I3H1 56askedttiemnat tosand Nmdten-ataa datkpbtcBfortim. GspedaOyA block where ha haabadnwnmiBafnnt thu UmIutb.' 'laskedtoqpeekwlththenunBwhoisherBwfththerankfi ^thaDETHiHix), IMdhernat toaBndhlmOSi16e)toOBfnpV,tJutlfhemuatgo-donataBnih^tothatBkxk Haatatrntheydd natNng-thaywanltoahowthdrstrangthvdthaakknmn, thsydonataara-tutdMyanaipfxmd tocan-dieyemmodtealbidthBywanttodmfdm/mainng. (iftellhlm-thenureecareeaBlhad read a note In 194156 chart, she had written to sxpress her oonoarn; he became very aeftated at this pdnt - and started gesturing emphatically, saying - 'Mat dcfaftedb? She wrotabtharnpart andn^ EMksriadaad Araport cannot mve him-tUMmna(peaplsi an aava hint 9todkl nothing and ha Is gone." {At thispoint -1 remained silent -after approximateiy 90 seoondshecanie t»dcto his story,_„} "They sent ;toJid(iSN156) to the Abtockand put him In the room wtWTB he hasbad memories-room 105 (lower tfer)." 'laompialntotheAOtCfromCanpVwhenwegetthen(1wa-18IX»s^andltoldhlmnoifxMAnand PS5) /hfftafroom-he toftfme, Itottowonywean handle ttfhetaifs thb to make Mmse^look ttke a tig man- heisguardnot medal-whatcanhBdo tohe^Atand09nsS) wfl/imetta/prattamT' 'Anandshould nevetgo to QmpV-the doctor latfy\ whowastek&jg iwaafNm-tSd t»8tohin% losltawherpoeKr, buttlmlaadoBlor^dnsliouldbetrylngtotakeoBnafhbn not show herpow&r. 'I told them to put mo directfy across from Anand(lStl56) aol aould watch him but they told ma they could not-aothey put meinacBOontheothersldB¥dKnlcouldnotaeehlmlayingdomr(cdl\vfes at the 10:00 position across from 156 - where detainees can only see one another if both are standing at their respective cell doors-1 believe the cell directly acrossfrom 194156 wasoccufned by anotha ddatnee). UNCLASaRH>/f«be Ex. 123. Pg. 2 000308 lMIAS9REy/«9yd hen slated ha went to Rac during the eveni ng after amving at Canv V when he came back in at 240()hrs 13^56 wasdeeping. {I oomment paofto do not Just cGe in their sle^ -1 ask if he knowswittt oould have happened to 1941567} Hestatest'ytiuehumanbelngdeddaatodoaaneiUimhevi^doU-heviritllMawsv. tf ahummtriestodoimmlosBlf, it iaeasfer than staying safe." Mmomln9prayer(pS0Qhrs-on(nSBp12)ISN1S6 did not wake up for pr^er. [toid guard to wake up ISM156),l3ut after knoddngonthedoor, th8gLiardsaldheis&leeping-''so/(lioijgWfiemurf be verytireclanBihe needBdsleepr. At no«i prayerwhen An«)d did raA wake up,'f was very wanfBcrantfcattatflfteouanorantffiefoltf ma hewaabnatNnganlnnMrbllngtohinaBffsoldkinotmakehlmwakehtmup.' 'AtKVther (another detaingB^Uuiffn^ vflOtakBcaTeafa brnthBrbettm thanenuttiu "{I adwdwhat he meant try another} he replies-like someone else not in here, daSk-liiewhoT} he stateskvetha shrugof hteshoulden^'A 9Mral* 'AndVmtielt, he iimsflfane*{rererringto the death of 194156}. "WHhoutAnmd-lhavenohope-lhavealotofangBr.micllputltlntomyhaigersttfke. Ifthe 'Man'wants to stop my hunger strike-1 e^<^owmeUAtuwoleB^'' "SfrmafthebralhersthbikthaveapectwIthAnBndOSNIBI^-lwaaoonfollowNn^butldonot. Someoftheionei in charge, the SMO, the intrepter (and one other, who i failed to capture) he states^ 'hthebnthenare to be then Kara longtime-It lagood to talk about how to treat them ao they can tie heard and ao they can live inpBBOBwhhthomwhomuat watchthem(u4.' UNOAsaRHv/febe En 123, Pg.3 000309 UNaAS9RE>/4^9U& He also indicates cxs) - (who I assume isapatlent at the Detainee Hospitai aswell) wantsto talk to me d»utlSN156 tell him -1 would like to talk to ^Hfl) - but 1 only have permiSBon to talk to hinnj o>)(6> [-becau9Bhewasaverygoodfriendandbroth«-toAnand(l9^560} {I say thank you - and tell him i am sorry about the loss of his brother -1 tell him we care very much about what happened to Artand (ISNISfl) and I telt him we care about all of the brothersthat are in the campe 1he ^&a/IOalso tellsl (t>X8) [hecaresabout their hedth and wants him to know - he isthere for them if they ever want to tdk.} Ihelntervietvends. Rsport prepared by: I vow 1 OfRoo of Cbnvnand 93 USBOUIHOM atOdtU -Nothing Riit UNCLAS9REyAP9yO Ex. 123, Pg. 4 000310 D E PA R n W B J T O F D E F E N S E U N I 1 E 0 S TAT E S « 3 m > £ R N C O M M A N D SQ01NW33RD STKtfel MIAMI.FLORnJA 33172-1217 S^Sme sccc OCT 2 8 2 0 11 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: (U//rOUO^ Action MemoTandum for Anoy Regulation (AR) 15-6 Investigation into tin Facts and Circumstances Surrounding the Death of Detainee ISN-t0028on 18 MAY 2 0 11 1.(U/>FQUO) I have reviewed the Report of Proceedings by tiie Investigatii^ Officer, jwcMmncQl I mmm bmuiririg into the &cts and circumstances sunounding the death of Detainee ISN10»28on 1 8 M AY 2 0 1 I . 2. (U//PdU^ The Findings of the 10 are approved. 3. The lOmdces a aeries of 13 reeommendationa. Action on tiiese reeommendetions is as follows: a. The following recommendations are i^roved: (1) (U/WUO) RECOMMENDATION 1: Due totiie nature of Camp Echo, the 10 recommends tiBtno detainee witi any psychological problem or sel^hann bkmy beasd^ned to this canop. The number of incentive Hons allowed in tiie detainees'cells may enhance a detainee'soppottunity and ability to commit suicide in tiie cell before the guard force could respond. (2) (6) RECOMMENDATION 2; (bKI).Sec. 1.4(c) (b)(1),Sec, 1.4(c) rJlW7?31 SUBJECT: (U/^=6U6) Action Memoranduni for Army Regulation (AR) 15-6 Investigation Into the Facts and Ciicumstances Surrounding the Death of Detainee ISN-i0028 on IS MAY 2011 (5) (UZ/PQUO) RECOMMENDATION 6: JDQ leadership must ensure that the personnei re^onslble for Camp Echo oversight, including the Field Grade in die Wire, axe inspecting ooeratitMS at night for compliance vnth the] (bK7KE) jdetaiiMe lock down guidance andj 0)K7KE) checks as applicable. (6) (U//FOUO) RECOMMENDATION 7: The JTF-OTMO Commander should provide guidance thM will infbim and guide the JDQ SOP. Camp opoadons at JTP-GTMO ate quite diffeent fiom coniinement operations in the U.S. HiIs guidance will help guide die JDO as they Bccmnplish the nussum in the unique and c^mamic environment of JTFGTMO detainee cqmatlons. (7) (U/ZFeye> recommendation S: Update aU SOPs, to include the draft Camp Echo SOP, wtdi die most recent guidance to ensure JTF-GTMO personnel are properly trained during proeervice, oihthe-job,and ongoing training evente, (S) (U//Feue7 RECOMMENDATION 9: Update the on-the-job training for Camp Echo personnel to anphasize die correct handoff pfowduras betweoi the Monitor Operator and guards to ensure ail persmmel are aware thatl (w^ "lehecks are required on detainees at all times and prcqier procedures are in place to accomplish these tasks. (U/ypey^ recommendation ll: Ihe JTF J3 should produce laminated "spot check" checklists to be kept at each camp's control booth. These checklists would allow offiMrs and soiiorNCOs visiting the camps to haive an eaqr way and accurate lefnence for how camp operatkms should be run actmrding to the SOP. Tbsse cards would also jnovide die camp gu^ force a docummt to quiz their peers on SOP during their normal duty days. (10) (U//Fey^ RECOMMENDATION 13: The 10 recommends that JTP-GTMO leaderdiip and personnel coitiDue to iqidate and inqirove JTF-OTMO's SOPs* orders and training with the latest guidance and procedines to ensure d»t camp peisormel thoroughly understand dieir dudes and execute them correctly. b. Recommendadon 3 is ajqiroved byexcepdmi and sub^tutkm as follows: (1) (U//P6ye) Except RECOMMENDATION 3 in its entirety: "When administrative tasks negatively impact tire operations tempo of the 525 MP BN guard force, tire JTF-GTMO Commando- should have the authority to set the woifc schedule for mission accomplishment. The JTF staff should examine which JTF staff and External Security Force peisoimel couid temporarily fill JDG guard force positions during periods of low manning and/or additional mission requirements, such as conmissions. If required, this includes minimizing the administrative duties that directly impact operations tempo. Also, the JDO Commander should monitor tireopoaticns tempo (work schedules) for die 525 MP BN and NEGB." (2) (U/i4'9y6) Sub^tute Recommendation 3 in its entirety: "The JTF-OTMO Commander should provide guidance on the JDG giard force OPTEMO and monitor for compliance." EllKM12l.n2 000312 SUBJECT: (U//Fe«e) Action Memoraodum for Array Regulation (AR) 15-6 Investigation into the Facts and Circumstances Surrounding the Death of Detainee ISN-10028 on 18 MAY 2011 c. The ibliowing recommendation is deferred: (1) (U/WOUO) RECOMMENDATION 1 (h Investigate the possibility of nMlgning one or more government service civilian(s) to a position or positions on JTF and JDG stai% to provide continuity of knowledge for the rotational leadership at these staf&. The historical knowledge and advice th^ would be able to provide the leaders could jmvmt decisions that may result in second and third order efiects not obvious to die rotational staff. C2) (U//roUO) Reccxomendadon 10 is defbned fbr re-evaluadon one year after changes in SOP compUance and JTF-GTMO oversi^t have been implemented. d. (UA¥eU^ Hie following r«mramendation is disapproved. Dou^ M. Fraser Qenetal. U.S. Air Force Conunander 3 CONFIDENTIAL Eilitit12S.pa3 000313 a m o M n f a a m n M m a t f H i n i k tf rwn t g t m j u t m p m m . wUtrTOMmTwrauMMamBBiT inooi oiciM; l c b a fl a z n r- n-nift iMainiimr- iTmiimfti-nihtM Ti i i l i i H i i i i l T T f i f i t i i i r m n i ™ * 6 e e - e d l f c * 0 M h i a e p t o O l i * i e * « e f a * a 6 * A « » e d » m u m i a i t e h O B O M b g r igi w >u M wN i mr a4»i M i mwi 4cI i < M Mit>t r ff«* Mnwi^CUta. nbwMtelfcitiiBitttf lff(anB«BiH(il«fttteMhart4ialMiL IttweMtv Bv M lMrf« a« Ml of ftvkntw ttf 3 it ■nMoi omo i pm*Miy 14M toiL Priwte»4Mn'«BarMta(Bl,n.alt2WlailBM»iiillift*ritt«fa«ltML Ibmi w OemftrtemrfatMpnimiin ta«anlmiifdi Mttde UttBMMM. i a n a O y. C k a l t e i t o M t i nqgknaiiMl.Ktaa* (U/W«©) PV' ^ U ito*»bo4riiiinr<>H«a*>Hi—*CMJMwof i H D m i . v n n M e s t B M O Ti i a B ^ n j t t M m e H O T D n N M . P M n w i M B t a M i .msa^KT ampaouncm a . t i ATs m r < c m i h m « r«aR>k«tonr44x(t«telMM«tinACnC8.1hbiitBDrfintit4tgmt IMITMUOPPBI&aMI P M f fi a OF 3 PA 0 8 * M o r a t u m EX127,pg2 sconcT 000315 IsTKrOBCTOF OMUSSS .-namut FThttagB.8C nwa, wanaoa l.«nnB89n- LCaABlAlW J KAVB READ OK MMfi HAD irao TO MB IHn STKinBir WKICNSBBa«8anPA0E1.A(a)Ba»0NPME_i_. IROiyUHXianNDIMECOnBITBOFIMEBinnBrAIBMENriMae Birie. THBSTXTBieirmiiajE. ihame MnMUDAU.oaffiisBT(owANONA»eaiiTiAieDiH6BOTTaua'BAeHi>MaE CONMNMOTHBCIXnHBfr. IMWeMAPSTOBStKIBBBirFR^YVWIMOj TwwoppuiMiBiwr.AM)iAinHOurcoB«ioRinBAWBti.iiaiuppM«aB«U>«ltoWlt >lA»lB wmnasss! •tti(BWwaMlH,lhlt Avar' ' M l O R M B M S n ■O T M L B f l r i M M A m a PA n o i AMMMV M s TA m c w r (bxe) I E«IIM»7,pb3 oconcT 000316 0«w MCMR-Mm FDCAL AUTOPSY EXAMINATION BEPOBT IilBn:Ail-KabaHa»AllalAfanralUl AntapgyNd.: Im) I P t t l P : P S m M O O I 5 6 D P R o i B C I V. E t B M D U B o ff B h t e T R a c e o f D o r i c G o n i m i i a o B i v N m l B a t e 13MeorDeittiB08SBP20i2 (GSNB) Ott»tad1iD6«rABtomp:Q9SBP2012«1700 nMeofAmop^QMaimmoBmNM ' DiteorRepottOZ NOV 2012 H04itd.aeNB.G1te CbrcBMtem of OHlfet Aocooteg to npoiti, dn decedeBt WIS tend unvoodve In Ui hoUte I ithiii liilliii far ArtBp4» OfBee of te Aimed Bnwet Medkad BamrfjMr. lAW 10 U8C1471 —*«^*M^MwiiiiiiniMMHiy pujmMmiwDpifttOtt CAUSE (V DBAIH1 Pllipcridoae toaiieity MANNER OF DEATHj Saidde PMdngrbtoHVitaRi E».132.Pa.1 OiaODineii««S23a9.*Ck ary iSwIniiw iiwta WHA. PDPS<«li71.T>flP c f P a D h f t i i l l i w f c r n t f c W i l — r. M j p B i ■i d M e y l l M i M r o r D a O ■ t e t e M W e R r f M ^ W V. 000317 UNCLASSIRE»/ :eUO iUraOiSYBBrOBT AMABMAHAMi iisqfVMJinai'MnPi«pwftwiiiiiiM*iiw«iri fmww ckAm^ imn Mat l&ftidBattfiaaiaftpnans iliBftaiMag anim m ffaond to be mocbiod whhttiiciie: Abd A1 Rdmn Abd, AUd Ab-A^^dm CUmfflMta bmdX Ad-Sihowi, AIU AbcwilUl (ite fiacB^pdtt oonpidMiO Md Abd A1 Utft Adau Mm (nniB ii Detidnee MDe). taon in tflndaiDB « Itftod bdow (Seo "AdAiiooal Plooetenn* nwfwMlji lilliil uf ■ will ibimliiiiMl will iMwiilififfl imlriltK Kwilglii ihwiiIiihiIi 17n iiwiiiTi_ li dS foGfaei Id leaglb aid wn te npoited ifB of 31 jms. Tte b^ it eaU dfesr ifflitnmiiMiiiUtorittwnupMqqBddBgwBtaanigmnWw LW^itpwiBBfdftwdOQlbe o f r t M t t w l t j I t i fl f w g i n i i i t I K a I m m m I I m i n m i i i M M w I fl l w a w i l i I m i aolpliikli UadL IWil hiir coMlfli Of aUMk BDMittfaB nd bc«& Tin bidM a«idi*.Tbt conBtewclair.'IbBcon uaaiwBiieuium«ilaMBL'll»icfcmB«ttddtB.'niBgttMBilwfjI.tfi4iMitaftai^ itiMirithRaiag*—JIMadagBPiy. Itas iiaienudta Be iatact The body ta modvBd ftr flBUBlBilim wnpped in two (2) eMia TB01OIIDWBg Wm Of i'MIIIIH • Two^painofyaBti,tBi(IXdbtaB(I) • ApotaofeddlBiociEa • AIoarotae¥edlbannlttv.pBvioaitycat • AwiitaBT-dilrt.pwvioiniycot • AaiatievaioatarcidMaeritpnsealiallierigbtbiad. Ex. 132. Pg. 2 000318 UNCLASSfFIEtV^reue- AUTOPSY RKPORTI CW) AD>RAHM[AN, ABbI AbawaBfl A Qanpteie nt pottmntcm odio^aphB is dNaiiMd. GoadstBai with poeainoida am poseat in faOaianaiy. No evideaoB of ikd^ iqjiay w mstillic fiMtisB natedri is ideollfied. teeoMlnxmtifUitinn shows fiactnre of the «neriof aspect of Ihe left 2°^ lib. There ioiniiiinal hematdugn fncneiit in tho nd^Meat hA tlsme. Tbebotlb^ la opened by the usunlfliomoo-ahdnmhwlin^taa and the chest pUte is reuKwed The stoonun md oatdxal bodes am vi^y and pa^aUy intao. No steiais or abnoniil caOedloBi of floM are pBueat in ai^dtfaB body cavities. All body ocgaas ire present in nonnaiandnnadposltkn. The szAcntBeoBBfittljver of the abdondnai wall is Viiacfa thick. Theses^ is reflected. The galeal and Bubgaleal soft tisaoea of fl» scalp are ftee of injary.Tbge go no stodl&actares. The caivariom of the aknU is removed. The dura and fidxoerebii are inbKL There isnoqddnialorinbdaalltcmnTTftagepreaaa.'nieiqttonwningesarethinaBddeliatte.Tbeoegrtcil l8eiifls'»W8»iyinB«6*iL lire stnxcbnes at debase of die bndn, including cnmlalnereBs and tdood vessels ue intact Clear cerebroqrinal fluid nnoonds the bndn, whicfa h» tUBcmaiicaUe gyn and sold. The fanin is (daoed in fixative and retained fmNeoropatholt^calexaminalHBi. The boda we^ ISlS^tdkerfixaticaL'IliBatlaBio-occ^piialjoitttiastBUB.Tbeiqqper^indenrdis nnntiwinHrahl* TbeuiSBiiof sttapmosdes of the neck are bomogeixotB and red-brawn, without beaxmfaage by layerwise disaectioo. The thyroid cartUaee and hyoid bone are intact The larynx is lined by intact white mucosa. The tongue is free of bite ma{ks,heoaonbage, or other iiyuries. »;'vr The 280gram heart is conlainedia an intact pericardial sac. The epkardiai surface is iaaoofli.wiai minfaaal fetinveatmeitt. The coronaiy arteries are present in a oonntddistribotioo. with a ri^dominant pattem. Cross sectionsrfdte vessels show widely patent inmina. The n^yocairfnim is Itomogeaiina,wd4»own, and Ann. The vaive leaflets aw tbin and nwWicL The widocaaamniaanioofli and ^staoing^ The anctn ^ves tiae to dme intact and psBait areh vessels. The nned Bid SKsanmiB vessds are imremsikabie. The venae cavae and its ms^tribotsiiesnctnni to die besot in die iKoal FO»iWFK3AI/«SSOrabY Ex.133, Pb.3 000319 UNCLASSIREIVmue- AV T O F S Y R E F O m AMABMAM,Allal dlddbutiaa ud an ftCB of tbiinobL The upper tiney is dear of (toris amlfciBigB mitedal; the mucoaal smftces amsnaootii, idloe^M aad mranatabte. The pkunl soafiees a» aniDodi, glteealng todumeoiaitaiMe MhteBBlIy. Tbe pdmanaiy paRBdiyDaa is dififos^ aatgeMed, exn^ inodndB annaiitB of blood nd 6^ no ideal teaoas am Doted. 11)0 pahnoDay sitBdes are BoanaUy devei«qi6d» pateitt sad wiAoa^ tbrombtBOTembolas. The right lung wei^ 720 gnuns, the left 400 grains. 11 . ' • ' UNCtASSIFlEiy/FOUO^ MpahnafiiiaMttetafliiBiiiniilgflrliBiiaMBiifaililiaiLBBilMriiirtiieiilwiMoftlMiiiitMiMiiliBWiIri— diownDg»idBaceof>ulicuiiiieciiuariaBMBnwilttheiBnnti< fc 1. IWniwiiiitifviiliflliMiMilM^lafcMiliyMr^WnlMy. ABMI«fli«togi« iliiiii (bK6).(»>KTMC) iKOS. 2. Vmoati'iSSkumnkMatiViib^tsfnsdi^mattmyvfMeonnfama^ 3. SpeofanoosiMriiMd far txndcology Ming udteDNAidoMlficitfaaivRvtoDoasihifalp Mood (oflaMd^lpei^iieed). uinB. ophoB. Iiii«. kidi^r. Uvo; llq!DOBdilla^ Ule; gMite ooMBBli; ■ffipon 4. Ttebnta to noted for NeurapttliidogleileuniiBttion.lliemn^ttngAsMeiwlcqutne ftmnkdii^dieb^. 5. Ibe nmiil raeovcied finom the gwtric oattBtfi to ideMad to 19>mmTKC) [, Necroptlfaologic DU poti»: Adalt bciin wilfa no «ign}fic»itt hhtop«hoteg c aboomallty ■ II.*! I iC'\»C'l 1. H«Bt(iUdel);NoriyiHirwwiiilcrMcopic^o—ttly 2. Luag,lBft(tl^2^MinoiMBy>lioohrconiatioo;pq iBOoaiyedon«;iconwdbaclBriai iw foci ^ 3. Long, rii^ (ilidai 3,7,8): ConflaMt mcm of inttwhfcotor otalrophilic infiHwltoo. patooMiy i^ iiwiy M^nwhI ^iiii—iri wwlnwLi^ 4. Lh«r(ilte4):itoditifie«ttmien*co dc*ODnMll y 5. StteD(rite3):Notigrifirtn!infaiwcopicri>oonMdity 6. KidDqf*tolte4):AinatyBii.odienwiMiiodgnificaoladGn)napicabiiomMlIty ^ o a o p w a A L i i a o w LY Ex 132, Pg. 5 000321 UNCLASWREOWFOy©- APTOPSYKEPOHTI two ~ 6 AMAHMAN, AIU Alnnraim L Prifii«fidm>ftCfawgg*)toKicay A. Elevated pilipendcwe leveJ in the Mood B. Reoovay of mnldple (24) pol^nridoiiDaiwiiesfirttn diegmric contents n. AAiitinnfll finHingft A. Acute. bilaiBral pneomoma B. Ftactiiierie iBanfuVn, arffti prawinme IiilaqtiwiMl K»™ ami nponed tzaumatic brain injury. Autopsy examinatkn showed afiraotnn of the left 2^lib^ccunisatfldB wWi medtoJ tfterapy. No other evidMice 20agtoLraitge.^ ilimillwntBy,thft1«'^^rdf1tf^'^"fpMp««^Mto«ldtyieBiMiigfimMamedle«thMinvmtotiB. it faimflwrhiiH tnedirt MtteattfaeaeiiiapiMMHMinbieonlrihntadtaifaBdaeBdent'a demise. Based on the above findings and the available lnve8dgitiveinfonnitkn.no evidence WIS bfwitlftMltiiiwiflgiigftluittliedaeederfBaidoMweMinfaerthanpMpiMdiilandgdfriiifBetwI. Thermae die noanner of death g best claasified as snfdde ' Bnein RC. Qmey. RK. DlipodilM tf TbsieOnp aod Cheadcdi b Un. Chnnky Toahalagy kntan. Fonv CUgr. CA 9^ BAlV 1271-73. roK«»{GlAlz«8B(9a.Y Ex. 132, Pg. 6 000322 UNCLASSIREC^/FOUO^ AUroVSYKBPQBT AD«ABMAN»Allal. Thii CMC hM been reviewed in conwilition with the Deputmeut of NeiiropalfaoloiyM the Joint PathuiogjfCiemef.'nidiffindime have been incorpcnated into the above mpoitTlieflill text report ii oofiOe. T i n fi T f f t i t iWftMiif V l # K ^ T v R 3 n t # « J S 9 v n S l T Ex, 132. PB- r 000323 cusoiMtitv rciMti CDC CotKmodArClMA llCftiOnaiiaon FNSIJRr VAN I LA Tim* oecuiani lacMoiiOU Beiore Oir Atm FOH Tn» NuRMr s u ) > r LV 4 ^ m r a > A > < i i N C O C A L OmS Cd Rel Cd UrJ SOS Coraatt FxMndPaca N u n t a r E a fi v n w C a n n f fi e m t o Mv t u o o rcoMi3ii2ioa3a sieococ FSD l-CU*0«1284»> tJ2 0C t l U O W s u o e iiGoooe noc 6 t S 6 4 1 7 D VA t CS 01 May 2013 IS 09 2) MAI 61W4)20M' 06 May 2013 100629 CS MM $ I S 6 4 3 AVA ' 06 May 3013 100639 V U M 13 MAI fr.rjMiiiwMs S I A I WA A A I S M V O VA ^ OOMsyWIJ M2I34 $32 00 C S M A I IOC IC0M»1I2IM>JI> S l fi O O O O G1S64320VA- 09 May 2013 <131 34 U7 NS1SS4M7gmni 06 May 3013 <4 13.32 $32 « MRP FCOAiniizaaow H4000C ISO N&ISWIIZMIM $33 or $6/10000 16.40000 $4410 00 $M IS KMJ WIM4JI294ZS0 StOOWOI rciw«ui2too«> isi icnAouusoota 61S64)Gt>A1l O l S e r S TO TA I 209 :oo P R $ I S 6 4 3 G PA n 00 May 2013 •$4S » S - S 6 4 J G PA I 1 20 Moy 2013 09 30 35 $54 IE 20 May 3013 09 20 26 $»4 IS $10630 00 20 May 2013 09 30 26 $54 IS 3D May 3013 10 06S2 $S.4IS00 p ' - R e v e i ^ fl O OSMay20niS30l1 c;s NG7 $108)000 M m > I C O A O U M O fl O l t 09 May 3013 IS 10-11 $22 IS C S N G i M«S«4)ti942S0 0!« 06 May 3013 <4 163$ $ 3 2 0 0 CS NQZ lOU fCOAOUIJtOWS pa 4 ^ S 6 4 3 2 0 VA I CS NOZ 000324 Cia(0)r«>U: rowoi torn Oncnpvan an: I N S U K C VA t r n t A T n fl i O o c u n M n 'MW Nunow .ocansnlOM Balsto Oy Alw Omd fcOH rnmrnMyCMs SUPH Y IXPtNCASLl M.{>CA1 ca Kel ca Pncef Una SOf. CoMtaet (laandPrita I iperiM CentavAttm ID - HM roMoyjmMt tM IS CS tlORIOOO ISU I COAa33l2eOt4B 203 200 H S 6 I S M 3 / 0 VA 1 S 1 0 S 3 0 0 0 6 I S 6 4 3 7 0 YA I ■ HHD M1SS<312MJS£ Nciseot»4»c M«iaab O l S M K V PA M louo cs 203 203 A M 4 - 5 « j G PA i i i»2oo tuoc N6tSMM4Mil6 l<.l.Mlin4UU0l» 00 6tSM3;oyA^ 00 a-soaxji'Aii 11 2 0 0 20May2013 lOlOX 8 ' S 6 4 1 2 0 VA - lUK 11 2 X X 20 May 2013 lOSO W CS 11 2 X 0 0 FSI> N(1K«:it4M777 20 May 3013000102 112 00 CS NOZ llZOOOt Ma^ ICCAOIIMMIOCI 20May2DUaa0l(B NO/ S12D0 cs NU2 11 2 0 0 ICX. CIM4]Qr>AII tuoc trxn DOC tltlJM1IW47r6 24 May 201310 10 71 11 2 0 0 C S N C 7 U.2000C lOU IUiA01)t43llOI9 24 May 3013 10 1821 }'22IS CS » - 4 4 1 3 0 0 f i l S 6 4 1 7 0 VA I CS3 24M«y20l9«OIS2l cs i e . 4 3 0 O C 6 i S O t 3 2 0 YA I MX) FCtMIOltigOOW 24May»l3 ^010:20 cs 1 4 ) 4 3 0 0 0 b ' S M S / O YA I tSII rCDMmiZSOtMR 24 May 201310 laZO no; teawop FCOMUiMOMi 24 May 3013 fO 17-42 122 IS CS MV Rnn <«iw«3i7AII po 24MaT20UlOI742 %y IS cs S - » 4 3 2 0 TA CS yOMoyZomOMIS NS2 6 I S 5 4 3 C PA I I r - H e r m m l 20 May 3313 '10142 P»»>t03 000325 CMlonrlO: rCOMD CDC ConmoatyClm* Kanoaawiaa SUPPIV FXPFNOABIF MRXCM. I N S u n F V M m i A Irani DaeuMx Twi MoMr IMMK/OU Bttere Or tomn EOH FOH MrarOBd C4 W Cd PM UM SOS EMndPnet Ountnel NwMr ExprnMCwwAMiO) KU rctMO»i4a0061 PCA MtSeUIJSOiO tP«m R R H WOO N CS NGZ unooo B i s fi u n i r A i nssooo NQZ UJaaoo eimazovAi 2SMv30llM0t<«2 iiNhrzoiioi.uoo Transaction History 12JIA20:1 ujKterav icu^Ui nmmta HoiitSMcriKian J.72J4 t NlilSII L'H CoiwrailKy tliM SlIH-l » I *11 NUAIIll. N0" 4W.0lCAl. KIIV Inns Uocuaws Im>* NjmSm fOH ca Cd fi u i u r n S O S C g n l M t . 1 Cstendlfcs Easonaa CuMwdism ID MM> rcDA0)JI2IUG» t)2 00 CS 5 1 , 6 0 0 0 0 « " S 6 * W 0 y AT LSU ICUMIiJIAtWi 11 . 6 0 0 0 0 e i 6 6 4 U 0 YA lOtI ICO«0])13IOO» ICUAOMI2trf2M 00 ICUWUHtOml $]2« $4W C S O I C O « 0 3 11 4 N ? M FCOMUMimi sac rcoAoni4242}a loc KCAonuicoti b t S M l Z O VA l OP 6-$6ai70yAi $ror s-564jrayAi r.s 21 May 2013-4 $81$ 22 May 2013 08 29 41 mai «-56ai70yA< 22 May 20130* 2941 $32 00 CS MAI $ 4 * 0 0 0 « > $ A 4 1 2 a TA l aMayni3 10 9648 1I20C CS MAI $410)00 «ISM370yAI 21 May 2013 10*6 48 $ 1 2 0 0 r. s VMIOU M 08 Mn 2013-.1 2008 $32 OC CS MAI $4»ooc MW lC0A0JJi4«Kftn 0 S M a y 2 D t 3 11 2 O W CS uwoc lOII 6'SMirarAI $3200 CS MAI $100000 MH> a6M»y»U 100629 11 2 0 0 C S M A I $1.600 mc ICQAOUtZIOOM M May 2013 10.0629 $ 3 2 0 0 C S M AT S I . C O O O O 6 ' S 6 4 1 2 0 VA I UUC 01 Msy20l3 110914 SWOO CS MAI •il'jMVUrAI 28 Mar 2013 10*204 N6tSS4)Mg000l 28 May 2013 10*228 tSU IW1iM]l48422it $12 00 CS $ 4 11 0 0 0 S 1 $ 6 4 : U i l ' A I 1 lou fcoAoiaHssosa $ 4 * 0 0 0 6 I i A 4 1 2 0 VA 1 r' 28 May 2013 110142 $32 00 CS NC7 komtw) 28Mav2D13110142 PaoDlntI 000327 Transaction History TMsPxpored 12 Am 201] Cut-antVlO rrOAM CIIC ConooOIlyaas nemCeiuonan SUmYWCNOAWL entMICOICAl EWvH' C»o*;0lAli-H«)2 HUlUt T s c m * k > r«iono«rica FiORRie ConmAeri «> Wf ICUMmi21001l tSOO C3 SI.SOCOO 6IS64iavAI bSO rCO«OUt26420] t l S O O O O 6 1 S 6 4 3 2 0 VA 1 tINI (CUA(n317iaCICll U3M CS iciiMi]i?iO(nt 6-SM1A)va- SWX CS SUK A I M t l O I VA l CS s«snoe uu 31 MaylOIlM 68AS MAI S41I0X KM ICOM>])14100SS OSMwiaOH 19 32 S COC CS S4«nK ESO rcnM)]]147427S 08 May 201311'19 S7 SU OO CS MM SI MX) 00 6:SI>4:i/UrA- MTU* rcoMuiM loose 06 May 2013 1006 39 MAI S I 6 0 0 0 0 O I & M U O VA I mr 06 May 2013 100629 SUOO CS MAt S l b o n o o O - . S M J Z O VA - OOC rC0M)llt76l2a) OlMayMl] IS0332 11 3 0 0 C S M M 122 May2013 08J9 AO M AT s t S 6 4 U O YA i ?2May2OI308 29A1 NsisMSiooaoi 28Moy20l] 10 61 18 O O C I C O A < M 11 4 2 4 2 » S12W CS MAI SAW KK raiMniuiooM 00 sum SASom MHi> luiAUjjMeoaer sum CS SAenm K J t l r r. l J A O ] 3 ; 4 M f t 5 7 3SMayZOIllOS612 M AT fi i s s A v r o v A i 28 May 2013 10 66 12 SJino CS lAUOO fSO NblSS4)l4S42i! aiS64]20rAi rs 6 I S 6 1 U 0 VA I 28 May 2013 in 66 39 NG2 kihaigiiaii Miy3anll0142 SUOO CS NC2 SASOno aii(M32l»'AI 000328 l28May20l3li0IA2 C U M O fl m K ) F C I 1 M I 3 CiiC CenMotUfCaa RamOncKfOop I XPtMJAlH t MLUtCAl ruiMocAf*!. vAviiA a(v CAN itars Deomni Ti p r t A fl n t w teenon'OK lUm 1> Uaiora F fi H I3l» A»ft F fi H DBW fd rr. "•< f n e t l LMt SOS Comraa FPandPile* N u a W f CiV«iM CwwAMm 10 11 Mw 2013 081651 WW 3cuwiiMrioa» M0 3« I7.S9I Ot ISO N6tS6410?34J0) 160 74 13 MH 201308 5710 CS NQZ I2.5S10S tou »co«oiio72om 660 74 S t S 6 4 3 a PA n U iSi 06 PCI NS1S64a03»203 6t56«V0»Al 19 Ma-2013 10 0016 170 10 $Z.944 X, two N61SMMW4i03 19 Mw 2013 1O0O1C 170 IP P944 Z0 V»»P fCC«>3M910024 6'SS4.«,PAIt 19 Mm 7013'00016 170 10 17 010 OP IW 11 Mar 2013 09 38 IS j/u to S? 944 Tf. ISO I CI>Aai3C72(KX» 13 Mar 2013 0904 34 CS NQZ 6 ' « 6 4 3 C I > A 11 UMI l-CLMOJWrAai!! 13102013 0904 34 CS NQZ 01 Apr 20:30946 22 NCAMlMXnoi 02 Apt 3013 110053 fSO FCCM31C9»l2ai 117 73 C S M A I SS77JOO lou FCOAOjmtoozA 117 73 11 773 00 UN: FCOAOimiOIBI 6 I W 4 Va YA CS 6 11 6 4 3 / O r A l 29A >r2013 101IJO 117 71 15 77100 C OSApt 3013 14 04 21 117 73 Si //.toil MHS FC0A01}C«84»I a6Api2013l4O4 21 MAI S A p r l O l l 1 0 111 0 Kmnd) Pttgin 1 <4 7 000329 Transection History (MaMWMft iZJinaOtl D o t e m fl O ' F C O M Q cue CemnedHrCMA MMiOMenpOan PU MOCARC VANILLA to; CAN Tianf OKunM Typ* Nimbtr laenanioa 0^ MmlO AWOM EOM W CU s u m V- E K P C N D A a E M E O C A L PKBW Cd UM SOS EiMndPilOT ConkKI Nuntar EmnatCAMwaomlO isu Fcowuingooin umm 100 too U7 71 OS S I K L I E O VA I 29 Apt 201} 10:11 II S 4 J U 0 0 6 1 ! S 4 3 i n VA I IWMw2ail00:102l SS.T73.W mtp FcoMuii»oao9 unkn tU.M 03 t S T. 7 1 C S U AT ESQ FCCA0U12W200 t$.77X00 100 FCOMn3l2(OOM UNKN fi l S S L U O T A I K.n]oo aisHvovAt tS.771.00 SISSASZOyAI FciMi3t2«oaw OOMiyaOlllOKIftlO U T. 7 1 C 3 M A T HNO FCOMUIZBtiOO am 06 May 2013100020 U7.T3 CS MAI unkn aSMtyaOllOOMSS «7 73 CS $ 5 , 7 7 7 0 0 S I S 6 4 U 0 VA I ISU FCOM>UI4tOaM UMM $57.7] CS $ 5 . 7 7 1 0 0 O l i O A l Z O VA l f - R t M i l N l Pi^lalS 000330 Tronaaction History Qannttwod 12Jiin»13 CtamwID FCDAOl CItC ComniedRyaMi WmOncnpiMn CM4 IVfO CM. HNV4in«.iA S OUNCES Ttm ODCunttnt Ty p . N u n t e r SUPMV CXPtROMlE MCIHCM looMon/OW aeioR CRy A«w Oim ft«t Pimm im SOS Comraei EOH Cd Cd EjSMdPrie* Ei«me C«Mr/B«ffl ID uiz NGtseraoaaowi 02 A«r 3013101600 MRP FCOMtUOWODS »«C.a8 OS $20040 ESO FCOMU30n<2DS 1 2 0 11 0 KMI FCDMnMUOiaS S I S M a Z O VA l S 1 S U 3 2 0 VA I fccMonossaos RRD FCWOH092<20S OlSMiavAl tOApiiOll MOBOO $ 7 6 5 1 0 e i S « 4 3 2 0 VA 1 16 Apt 201114 0900 $5307 CS $53 07 CS MAT $20510 •MP FCOMaiUMBOIB 6 t S M 3 Z 0 VA 1 61564320yAt FiaMimiimoiB 00 kliylOll 13'4617 $ 5 3 0 7 C S M AT $ 1 . 0 0 0 4 0 6 I 9 M 1 7 0 VA 1 MRP FCOM)S3t30M07 00 MAP 2013 114617 $5307 CS $ 1 . 0 6 0 4 0 6 1 5 6 4 1 2 0 VA 1 RRD FCDM>U1I343I9 23Api2ai3 11.3017 $5107 CS $ 1 0 0 0 4 0 6 1 5 6 4 3 2 0 VA 1 ISU FCOM)33l2SOOe9 23 Apt 2013 1126:17 $ 5 1 0 7 C S M AT $ 1 . 0 6 0 4 0 6 I 9 M 1 2 0 VA 1 ■M l 19 Apt 2013 I247J2 $ 5 1 0 7 C S M AT $IO6a40 lOU FCOMn3f09M19 16 Apt 20111406.00 $4000 CS $ a O I . O O O I S M S Z O TA I kSO FCOMtBI 134219 OZAiirTOIl iftlOa $SJ02 CS $20510 ISU FCOAOniOSOaBB iaA«r2013 10.3025 $ 11 0 ? C S W AT S 2 e s 1 0 6 I S B 4 3 2 0 VA 1 BR 02001201310:1634 $ 9 1 0 } C S M AT 06 Map 201313:4617 $4000 CS $4,000.00 eiS64izDirAt r BtNAtsM) 000331 to IMp201109.1631 Trensaolion History cue liwnOncf«ton C A N T V t O C M H N VA M L I A a O U N C E S Tnra OaamM lacMon'OH T»p» Ninlar BMa* Oqr Mw 0ms CammaAran SUPTWEXPCNtMBlE KCOCM. Ml Pf r c d u n a S O S O o n r M EON CS CS EiStnSPrtes Eisms OMWIMm ID ESO FCCM)S31U<2S0 SS1.02 CS MAT ts.303.00 nu FCDMi3iiaaaa7 umkn BRi FOMouiaaoaar UNKN isu fciMin3t4siaas um(n ISin sissrizovAi CS t s O O 6 1 i 6 4 3 2 g VA t tstn niM r2013 t049J$ CS S 3 J » S . 1 6 0 I S M 1 2 0 TA I aMiyzoiaofriiu tUOZ CS U.on RKO FCOAOUtJMZW ISUiyZaiS lOASU M AT <6 S I M A I I D TA I zsMmzoisesiisz t s a . u C S M AT 1U7SI6 aissisztrrAi 28M>r30l}08;IM3 PMIsEalZ f - K M O H ) 000332