\ D E PA RT M E N T O F D E F E N S E UNITED STATES SOUTHERN COMMAND 9301 NW 33RD STREET DORAL, FL 33172 R£«.YTO AT T E N T I O N O F December 1,2014 Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, Ref: SC 13-063 Office of Freedom of Information Dr. Jeffrey S. Kaye 21 Acapulco Court Novato, CA 94949 Dear Dr. Kaye: This is our Agency's fourth partial response to your electronic Freedom of Information Act request dated December 18, 2012. Your request sought a copy of the full report with any appendices of the AR 15-6 concerning to ISN 156 (Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif, aka Allal Ah Aljallil Abd al Rahman). The search for information returned several documents of which we have completed review of the enclosed 28 documents (exhibits #20-22, 27-28, 30-38, 51-58,63, 82-83, 85,98, and the Proposed Public Affairs Guidance for Detainee Protests) consisting of approximately 120 pages, bate numbered 000512 thru 000631. After our line-by-line review of the enclosed documents we have made the following determination regarding releasability: 1) Portions of the redacted information are currently and properly classified in accordance with Executive Order 13526, Section 1.4 (c), which pertains to intelligence activities, intelligence sources or methods. Release of such information is not permitted under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(1); 2) Potions of the redacted information are exempted from disclosure by statute, namely 10 U.S.C. § 130b, which authorizes protection of names of personnel overseas, or in senstitive or routinely deployable units. Thus, this information is not released under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(3); 3) Portions of the redacted information contain information that, if released would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of individuals under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(6); 4) Portions of the redacted information, if released, could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy of a living person, including surviving family members of an individual identified in such a record. Thus, this information is not released under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(7)(C); and 5) Portions of the redacted information, if released, would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law. Thus, this information is not released under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(7)(E). \ -2- Accordingly, the redacted portions of information are withheld and their release is denied under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(1), (b)(3), (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(E) by Major General Mark C. Nowland, U.S. Air Force, Chief of Staff, United States Southem Command. Please note that the enclosed responsive records are part of a litigated FOIA by another requester; therefore, your rights to appeal are mooted. We will continue to diligently process the remainder of the responsive documents to your FOIA request. There are no assessable fees associated with this response. Please address any further questions to the undersigned at (305) 437-1108. Refer to our case control number SC 13063 for any future inquiries. Sincerely, Cjjfnmand FOIA Manager Enclosures UNCLASSIFIED/Z^eUO S W O R N S TAT E M E N T For tna of this tann. see AR180-45: tta propcmnt agancy i« PMO. P R I VA C Y A C T S TAT E M E N T AUIKOrarr: TBtelO.USC8eclton301:Tno5.U8C8ec8m29S1;E.O.n978ocWSecurflyNutnlm(88N). PKNCIMLPUilPOSe: To document potsnlialcrtininiladfvHybivcMng the U^.Aimy.nd to aOowAnnyeRldals to mabiWniSsdplne, tow and oitfer through tnvesttgation of oonqMnls and Incidettis. ROUTWewSES: tofBtinaaonpR»Madinaybelto«ierietGlosedtoliBdeffll,ttoto.toeal,aiid«BreigngowefnmaRttoweidbnemam agenctos. prasaouton. ooofto, cMM protedhm smfeea, vfettms, wftnaases, the Oepamnenl of VManns AlWra, and theOfflceofPefaowielMaoageroeitt. tniBmialhinpfe¥ldedtnayt)eusedfbfdeaiinlfialluiistagannna]uiflchlor non^udlctol pantohmem. other adminbtiSva Osctoflnary acSons, seeuitly ctoaranees. recranmern. ntonlton, ptaoament and other penmael adhms. DgClOSURE: tatoetoeure of your 88W and other Intonnatlon Is uduntory. irtocsftes 47mE NUMBER O U A N TA N A M O B AY N AVA L S TAT I O N S. LAST NAME. FIRST NAME. MIDDLE NAI^ I93RO MP COMPANY. GTMO . WANT TO MAKE THE FOUOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: lam the AGIO fbr Camp V. 1 am assigned to the 193nl MP Ccmitony and have been at GTMO since 01MAY12. Onthenigiitof07SEPI2,anMmd 1800.1 came on shift and learned that ISNIS6 was back at Camp V. He had already flooded his cdifaetoelM there. He wis doing a lot ofbanging on his cell and was generally causinga racket on Alpha Stock lower. Around 1800 HHUsom^phaBl d(leotw«)askedtoqi hewasanni went towkte l^^Hwho askedom o try to appeaseeaktome-hesai 1SNIS6 so ISNdIS 6 woud l sette lyedwi downthal . lthebaiving. Anund I820.I ISNISO'scdlhadnsplashbox on at that pmnt, based on hb behavior at die BHU. When! wort to talk to ISNI56,1 opened the splashbox (dme were no meds in h at the time) and 1SN1S6 told me that it would be a sign of reqiect If! would talk to him adthout the splaNiim. I agreed, and posted a guard near the door who could lower the door if it looked like iSNISE would try to splash me. ISNIS6 gave me a speech about respect, and said that he did iwt like being pressured. He said that if we pushed him. he would push badchaider. He also said something like "lam a sick man and because ofthat, lam net afinid to die." I told ISN1S6 that respect was a two*way street and that 1 needed him to not cause eny problems for at least 24 hours - respecting guards, no splashing, no banging, no flooding ceil, and if ISN i S6 did that, 1 would work out a timelim to remove the spbshbmt^N 156 wu very reqiectfiil tomeonceliistaiedtohiffl. ISNi56 was also very Insistent thm he gMs his pmonaibcIonginga-^^Bicdafaeady arrived and had ail his herns and on ^nhbox. 1 told 1SN156 that his meal was coming (they had delivered h to the Dettinee Hospital by mistake) and that I thirir^^Bwas the Intera for this conyersatlon. 1 usually rotate every Tbaewoeguaids posted on line tfsi^ for lSNiS6. Guaidsi not think the SOP spys anything spedflc about rotation times. puiUng line of sbfR duly. I do When ISNi56 got to Camp V. he would have only gatteo 2 hours/day ofrecbeenise he was on discipiiiie. wanted 1SN1S6 with them fbr 22 hours/d^. Otherdetainees were worried about ISNI56 end told me he was detainees that discipline detainees were not alowed to rec with compliant detainees but that I vrouid talk tojl dry to see ifwe could work ia EXHtBIT ADOmONAL PASES MUST CONTAIN THE HEADING •STATEUENT OF , something I out R i SIffine H S TAT E M E N T PAGE 1 OF TA K E N AT THE BOTTOM OP EACH ADDITIOHAL PAGE UUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT. AND PAGE NUMBER UimrBEOaHCATED. DA FORM i9t9i NOV 200S PREVIOUS EOmONS ARE OBSOLETE apd pe vr oiES Ex. 20, pg. 1 000512 UNCLASSIFIED//f©UO at GTMO STATEMENT 0 DATED 2012/09/2 B. STATEMENT (OanSnuad) I was aware of ISNI56 receiving imlimited TV time-1 knew it was important for him. A F H D AVr r *•1^ have read or have had read to me this statement WHICH BEGINS ON PAQE1. AND ENDS ON PAGE 2 ■ I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OP THE ENTIRE STATHIIENT MADE BYME THESTATERffiNTISTRUE IHAVE INITIALBTAa CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREaV WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD. VWTHOUT THREAT OF Ptmi»1MafT. AND WITHOUT COERCION. UNLAWFUL SutaciQndand sworn tob^im, apeiaonauSnrindby Inrto WITNESSES: Bdffllnl«eroaaia.Siia StMBtjaa O R G A N I Z AT I O N O R ATO R E S S '^■7r-7.r-iTir, ON OR ADDRESS INITIAtS FAT E M E N T PAGE I OF ^ PAGES Mfomiuu, Hovaeot 1) Ex. joint. Ta n k APOPE *1.0168 20, For« pg. Ciflntonamo 2 B o y, Mat 000*51'^ oroSatlna CoKBiiaftlona (HC) Loqal PccCdodioq:i security CldAGlficaticii/DGCloaoificotion GonJv} JCG Ptoc«fmtntfoitaiagtitfi«juaclaIor noHudcial punWunem, othar adfflbiMralhn dUdplbwy ocilent. McuAy ctaaimoas, recnittnant. ratanson. plaoaaiafit, and other pafiannaf acttom. n s C I A S U R B : O l a c t o t i m o r y o u r S a i a n d o t h e r I n f M i n a t i o n I t v o t u n t u y. 2. DATE (YYYYMUDD) 1. LOCATION NAVAL STATICm. GUANTANAMO BAY 3. TIME 77^ 2012/09/26 DLENAME e. ssN w i rGrTTTnB7iTnrTTTT3^ 7 . G R A O a S TAT U S 000-00-0000 E4 a. OftGANIZATtON OR ADDRESS JOINT MEDICAL GROUP, JTF-GTMO , WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: I am cunently assigned as cotpsnuD at Camp V. Ocnerallv. tirften 1 take ntcds to a dttainee- if he s^s yes he'll take it, then I watch him take it rthe detainee tefiises to take it you're suppo: does ha little bhdifihicntly. If one of my detainees won't take his metfa. arrived at GTMO about S months ago, th^ told me that detainees could hoard^lls and SO I don't ever leave them in the sptashbox. 10. EXHIBIT N G S TAT E M B f T 11 N AT MJOnmNALPAOeSUUSrCONTAIN TMeH£ADmO STA PAGE 10F ^ PAGES D AT E D THE BOTTOm OF BACH ADDITIONAL PAQE MUST BEAR THE INITIALa OF THE PERSON NMONQ THE STATEMENT. AND PAGE mUBBI UUSTBEINDKATED. n A BFORM A B u e 2823, nea DA ovsnoe NOVM2008 Ex. 21, Pg. 1 PREVIOUS EDiTtONS ARE OBSOLETE 000514 M>0Pe«i.eiE8 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO TAKEN AT GTMO S TAT B S N r O F dated 2012/09/26 B. STATEMENT (Oo/Oauedt Some GOtpsmen fiom^lmmveleft for the detainees to take tater. Idomtknowwlilchcofpsmea spedflGtlly did PAGE 2. OF ^ PAGES Aropevi.oie8 1) Joint Ta s k S'* Department of Defense (DOD) Habeas Corpus (HC) and Military Commissions (MC) Legal Proceedings Security Classification/Declassification Guide; JDG Procedure #95. 2 0 11 0 9 1 9 UNCLASSIFIED/ZfOUO SWORN STATEMENT FOr UM orviit fonii. s*a Aft IMMS; Ito ptopofNMtgsfley it PM8. n W A C Y A C T S TAT E M E N T AUTKOmTY: TSlo 10, USC Sectten301:Tmt6, USCStcBmaui; E.0.93S7 SocWSeourflyNiiinMr (SOI). nimeiPALPURPOSE: To0oeun«itpatnillalcrfmlnilteiMtyln««MnattnU.8.Ann]rianSloaflswAmiyofflctBlttomibiWntflidpnns. Itw and OBler Onough InvaHigitlon of compitlim tnd incidtnlt. ROUnNEUSeS: lii«BmiaonpwtWadin«yteftm»iefa«»itdto«MBi»litg«.lDctf.tndfcwignBOwnimenltii»entBroBwm aoMtefet. pratecuton, OMiiti. cldM pntBCftn aentcM, vtoOmt. wttnattoa. Ow OtpoitRKmof VMtnnt AfMm. ami {heOffieeafPenafiiwIMaiiassnwM. MbmiationpreyWednayboiiMdterdelmttRatlonresaramiitfietalor noiHutfclai punWtmem. oUiaradiiitnltltitiva dtedpflnary acem. atcuitlirdaamnoat. laenMmam. ratenBon. piaoatii0il^ flfui otftar panuiuial KdoAs, nsctOSURE: Dlacioaum of your S8N and ether Mbffliaoon it vetuntary. 1. LOCAtim i NAVAL STATION, GUANTANAMO BAY 1 LENAME e. SSN s 7 . Q R A D B S TAT U S 000.00-0000 JOINT MEDICAL GROUP, JTF-OTMO I. ^ . WANT TO MAKE THE FOaCWINO STATEMENT UNDER OATH: lam a CoT aasnaaigi»d to the Detainee Hoqiital. IhavebeenatGTMOslnce25JUNI2. At 1420 on 08SEP12,1 was onMiifttntheDetainee Hospital mHH iistnicted me to ride aai« with resuscitative care measures. I swapped on and off with chest compressions / respirations. We also performed suction via batteiy-powercd suction to remove vomh and secretiona from ISNI S6*s month. West^tpedCPRtore«p»riany Most recrotly ISNI56 was seat routineer by die 01 specialist for routine foilow-up of Hepatitb B. He had no nignHirait,# complaints. The 01 speeialiri (TAD fiom Portsmouth once per quarter to see detainees for three to four days) saw ISNl 56 ri the Detainee Hospital. 1SN156 was abo semi by Optomriiy during hb stay as he claimed to have gottot something in his eye fiom an egg that had been miciowaved. I do not recall which meds ISNI56 was on. With med pass generally, the Corpsman is supposed to come and bring the med and watch the detainee take the med. ISNI56 was fiequendydlf!iailt with meds and sometimes would not take his meds when the Cetpsman came with them, so there had been times tiiat tiie Corpsman would bring the medication at the assigned time and if the detainee refioed to take it at that time, he would keep it secured in the locked splashbox so tlm detainee would know it was there, rinoe tire dmalime would sometimes be upset his medication was not available to him upon awakening. Tim guard would then noti^ the Corpsman who would return to the cell and provide the meds and witness the med pass. ia EXKBIT II 8 TAT E M E N T 1 ADOmONAL PAOSS MUST CONTAIN THE HEADINC STA THE BOTTOM OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAQE MUST BEAN THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON MAIONG THE STATEMENT. AND PAGE NUMBER m m T B E n a i C AT B D . DA FORM 2823, NOV 2006 Ex. 27, Pg. 1 PREVIOUS EDITiONS ARE 08SOLETE M>OPET1.01ES 000519 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT GTMO OATH) 2012/09/27 9. STATEMENT fOanffntfae? The puient's resusdtation Involved Basic Life Support (BLS) consisting inbnarily of CPR and odmbiisterad hy an RN and Qnpsnan. BLS is upgtaded to Advanc«iCaidiac Life Support (ACLS)wiiai a Hovider or ACLS form, to* AR 19(MS: tbe preponeit astney l« FMQ. P R I VA C Y A C T 8 TAT B M B I T AUTHORnY: TItIa ia USC Ssetten 301; TStft S, USC SetUon 2S51; E.G. S397 Sotial Sttcntty Numbtr (SSN). PRWORALPURPOae: ToOociRi«apatBi«alerlniriflMiMiylmaMnoitaU.8.Affliy.andtoaliewAnnyafRclaktBnalBMn«sd^». t«i I - - *— *«.• - *■ — at ■■ a# ■ ■ - - ■* t- -■. a — »■ WwgnB OfWf stnwgn WwlfCglOSn m COHipBUm (MW IPClBtfllB. MUTINeuaeA: lntanMtafiprmModinqrtofafttMr«atGicw«dtafMBml.atBtB.local.aiMllMel8iigovaninnmi«f8ntofQeiinfit ■gflndn.p8saeuem.eauilAelWpfolMllvtHnrfess,vMlini,««R«w«i.1iMO«HtmMlerVatenMAfhba.»i4 IhaOfflBatfPiBffianiMlMinBgefnHit lnfanns]fani»DvWediiuybeugedtvdetninin(tionnaaife« uilhWor nowjaJcHI pumstonem, other aOliiliiiartlw adlona. wcuftyclMTanoea, mnittwta. mwBon. ptacemeiR. and silier pMiomel aottons. mSClOSWg: Di8cli»iiaaf>ayrSSNaadolhetintaiiiatlflnlavB(an1aiY. 1. LOCA 2. DATE rmy«UCDO; NAVAL SrAT10W.OUAWrANAMO BAY ■ r 2012/09/25 MIDDLE HAliE 7. GRADE/STATUS 0 4 RESS JOINT MEDICAL OROU?. JIF-GIMO . WANT TO MAIC THE FOIUOWIKQ STATEMEmr UNDER OATH: I as the Pagrcliiatiic Mental Health Nunc here ax GTMO. lhavcbecn atOTMOsince28APIU2. lairived lavalHosidtal, where I am stationed active duty. lam OBI Boui the Ifiist met ISN1S6 after he was admitted to the BHU in mid-June 2012 for increased mood labiality and concern fer self-haan behavior. HacIahiMdlobeahunsiVStrikcrutlietime. lSNIS6w8SMrtofin*as-needed"htiiigerstiiker.asitseaii5tiialheweiit on hiutgtf strike when it was conveiieit lor hiiL Aftn tiansfbr (o the Detainee Hospital in August 2012. ISNl J6 had posted ltds of beantilul ibotos in Ms cell at tte Dctalncyim^, and wfaeo he seemed down, I tried to remind hhn of the beautilil hnages he had in his odi. I lecali Dmt when his bnuha-^^^Hanie over to the Detainee Hospital at the end of Ramadan fbr the Eid holh^, ISN150 was extraordinarily happy. Iwasnotanduqr attheBHU what 1SN1S6 wasiplBiiingaiid Aiigint 2012. although 1 beard ofthcm. Sometime around OdAUOlZ, on thenidn shift, ISNISd had a pre-meditated splsshing incident, when he was urinating in liottles and deliberately splashing the tier. Earlier onihe AM shift, I remnthat ha also got agitated iboat something, took his urinal and swung h, and hit die guard (acddentdly, I thlnlO on the bootHUfvas trying to help him and tel blm that he abovld not do that 1 remember that a decision was nude that this was a discipliBe issue and he needed to be held aeeountdile. OnThursday,06SEPI2,ISNlS6tookhisRemerendoie8tnight. Retseronis fbrtreainientofdqifesslon. On Ftidqr, 07SEPI2, ISNI36 leftucd Ms moming lovc^ doM (whteb was two lableis - one 6 mg and one 3 mg) In the moinfng. Qenerally, when a detainee icfbaes a medicatian, if the medication Is unopened and still ia the pill D^^twilltetmiiin^to^ detainee's meds box. Iftlw medleatirm is already out of dm piU pad:. AmitwouldbetlimraaraJH H HH HH When ihsA container Is flill, it la secured ia seeoniaaee the Sometiine snaind 1 too or 1130. before the noon prsycr. 1 went to meet with ISN i56 to oonfinn thst he bad not taken his ffloniiig doseoflnv^ At foot pdnt, I offered him the hv^ tablets again, and be eec^ted them. I watched him the tablets, put the tablets in his mooth, drink water, and swallow them. The old SOP AmmONAL PAOES UUST CONTAIN THEHEAOINa •STATeMSNT OF me bottom OP BACH AOOmONAL PAGE MUST BEAN THEMnViLSOP THEPEKSOM MAMNB TNE STATBIENT. AND PAOENUUBSi UUSTBEINDICAJEa DA FORM 2823, NOV 2006 Ex. 28, pg. 1 pisvnils EDmow are obsolete M«PE«1.eiBS 000521 UNCLASSIFI ED//F©«©IP Has PAGE n NOT NEEDED, PLBA8B PROCEED TO niML PMB OP-ma FORM. U 8 E T H I 8 PA 0 E I F TAKEN AT OTMO S TATa E N T O P DATED 2012/09/25 9 . E TAT E M B i T Arom i d 1200 or 1230^m toM no that tht COLBogdan had nude the decsio i n to move ISN136 back to f-»»nri V.We planned to tnnsfer himununnSOO. We had eoneenu, however, abeat telieg bin too oariy that we were phuuing to tnuu&r him in the event he would beoome agitated and / or idan to do additional splashing inddems, so the decidoB w» made by leedosMp end the medical providerto wait ontil right before 1500 to tell him we were tramfoiriiE Mm. Around 134S-1430 or so^^imoked to talk to me with en inlerpteter ot injection of Invega. ft of deliyed the ahiliw cf the inuafis^ team to move the detainc have been die toeaeli deftlnee a reeent andhewasBoinaalonathetleratthb point, withan BythetimeHl^l i Hiiinii-'i' i wiii-a('inn4i!^.(-,Miir-:-eia'.7-Lt At abeat 1605 or SO, would be lnnsfeiTing.^^ have a transpon teamlmem detainees to the movcraeat. Efcel bo l ck I wati to tdl ISNIS6 n i Us cdl that he lira that to an order, and said something like lansftryoa" We had kept the transfer team offthetia up until then so as not to tip off the t first, lSNiS6 wan cimm, *o'd tSNI 54 ore agiuied. as w« were getttns dose to prsyer time. hsd agreed to go widilSN154. That's when ISN 156 beenme said something like M'D go afterprayer.^ After payer call that dv at 1623,^^^^Hand the inteipieler went on to the ti« to talk to ISN 136 mbg^leh^becn on Idty^ line of s^ for several d^^ranTn decision made by COL Bogihn and medical. 1 ihlnk^H^^Bwis with them as irenKmbertiatlSNISSwBsveiyagitiMdandkeptasldngfpaOinoremimifestopadthisthi^^^^^ddhimno. ISN19< stoited ncmiBUDDhotos ftom hit walls, he threw sshoe and remote control out oflbe ban irolHPHIjjPie limeipreta, Bi»i H HiU came The guwds gave him aboullO minutes or so to gather his things, and gave him a bagfbrhlsbd^9^^(^wvghthb H wastiyiogtocalmISNiS6down. Ourgoal.ofcottise.wasfiirlSNISdtogD ^Ui^. bil the guards at that poist w«^i% up just in case. Iai about 1630.1 ofRsed to go on the te i r to yil to takl to ISNI56 wtih the Interpreter. I hademergen^ mods wtih me u j st n i case. ■■■■ §)adasli!dd,and IhadasidahinadcjiBtincase. We teldISNI56 that the transport team was dtow, and ISNl 56 was Suwynad-he sadd it was vciydlsfe^pectfoloftift to only give him five mimna to pack up Mfthb^s and all doting prayer. 1 apoloi^ied for having come tjtffingpnvmfo try tonovv him and just asked him atthatpoirt howl could help him move. Icflcred him Atsvan (an atutiolytic med) at that point, but he refused. ISNlSdand^^Hwinicd toknow vdayjiyMcificBlly they were going toatCemnVMoidlM not hnvedrntinlb (because I did not) but that I knew that ISNI56 ond^^Hweuld be tog^cr. They were teiltn^HHHHaiul tne that they wanted to go mdMttraerder,asitwasealinerthem TtraHSid called Camp V control to tiy tocl^aTunw th^toU me was that ISN 156 and taH i Muld te kept together. At about dds tm i e, the Camp OIcfl^^HKame over to de i Ddnn i a Hoqnd l - probaUy to see what WM gon i g otia the tranowft teem bad been wdd^ywMiemmDerlSWlSfi looked at me and he said something along the lilelof'^whal Ide, it wil be active ihicais of aelf^haim) and dun pdnt intervened end said somtthbigliidlcatitig to meihathelHIlHmtildltt^e mmALS OF PERSON IMKINO STA h. . ,a— PAQE ^ OF ^ PA0E8 Amri DAFomtunkov II i)<3);10USdS13Qb;(bH6). m o ) Ex. 28, P&: I 000522 vfMm UNCLASSIFI ED//rOUO twcnat gtmo S TAT B K E N r O F dated 2012/09/25 9. STATEMENT (Centimd} ISNIM SfMSt a few moie minutes gathomg his things and s^i minutes Islet in a different itanspoit van. At ois point, 1 went l oofieems o^arfngmoviitg iSNISd back to Camp V. oodbye, and the transpoit team took himj^Beftai .I eft about five ■t i i l h a d ^Hoheip with ISNIS6, and atthatpoinl H^^andmethatISNISdwasben i gtatoitothehospHaLIn ia til Dythoughtheu j st OnOSSEPl ■me over and told meant the I ital. but then reaiiiatedmey meant the base hoqiital. One of nty conceras at the BHU / Detainee Hospital is that dicre U no real dieck and balance system on the phnmuty at die Detainee Hospital. Q Wave has been raising those concerns for some time. I feel that we need a way to scan meds lite regular phamiades do - something like a Pysds (self-contained, seotre) qfstem that would allow us to move away iom havuig meds out in the open at the nune's station, as maiiy people other than noises have access to that Other Hun die nareoties, that is no teal hiventoiy of what neds we have at the nurse's station. A P R O AV I T ^ HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TOME THI8 8TATEHENT WHIOtaEOINS ON PAGE 1.AND ENDS ON PAGE 3 . IPUU-Y UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MWJE BYME. THE STATEMBtTIS TRUE. IHAVE INITIALEO ALL CORRECTIOf^ AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAIS CONTAINING THE STATBHENT. 1 HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREaV WITHOirrilO £D£SENEyy&S^AB yM]l^^ lY WITHOUTNOE Dy N En ^N^AB^miQ lT THREAT OF PUNISHMBfT. AND WITKOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFLUENT. U I E N « . OR OR WITNESSES: SubsoOed and sworn Eo befm me. a pemon auSiHtaed iiy tawto BdmiitMeroeihs.ihis tS"* d»nf S4PB5fll . i^li. INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATBdENT PAGE ^ OF 3 PAGES OAfOMHaaZLNOPSOM Ex. 28, pg. 3 APOPCvl.OieB 000523 UNCLASSIFIED//^OUe $ S W O R N S TAT E M E N T For UM of ttili form, tm AR1MMS: fho preponent agen^ Is PMO. P W VA C Y A C T S TAT H S I B I T AinHOfOTY: TRI010. USC Sodion 301; IWe 8. USC SetiBon 2091; EO. 0307 Sodsl Socurtiy NunOm (S8N). PRiNCiPAl. PURP08S: To tfoeument polantlal afmlral adMty involving ttw U.S. Army, and to oOow Army officials to roaMdn dltdpllfw. lovrandortfai IfiiougfilnvoiagsUonofooHiplBlnlsaiidlncidsnts. ROUHNEUSeS: NbimationpravldBd may be toOKr disclosed to fadenLstdo.loca>. and ftamgngovoininentlnrmttoioemant agsndas, pinssculofs, eouits. ctiOd pialeclive seivlces. vtcttns. wfbnases. On Depaitment of Veterans AlAlis. sad Dm Offlee of Personnel MBRsgsmettt tntDrmadonpiovldednKvbeusddferdettrmtnallonsregardtngluaeialor noHiuSeW puniiinnaiit oOier admbdstratlve dsdplnary aeSens, secorlly etearsnoas. recmttmsnt. retarMon. placamenl. and olttsr personnel acBons. OfSOASUIie OtsdMuis of your 8SN and Other tnioimatlon Is vohmtaty. Z DATE (YrYYUMOD) 1 7 C 0 C AT B N 2012/09/2? U NAVAL STATION. GUANTANAMO BAY 9. lAST 6. S8N 000^)0.0000 ORAODRESS JOINT MEDICAL GROUP. JTF-GIMO . WANT TO MAKE THE FGU.OWINO STATEMENT UNDER OATH: I em a roistered nurse, assigned as a stafTnuise to the Camp V/VI MedicaL I have been at GTMO since 1IMAYI2. Around 1412 on 08SEP12,1 was on shift Camp VL We took a call requestinaannmedicalpmonnel and an ambulance to Camp V Al diaBlock. I west nnmediate to Camp Vend arrived tlwre about 1414.H^^^^HNeiitdiai^ to the ambulaaoefiir Camp V. Whcnlarrived at Alpha Block (1414), BuicLiftSupport (BLS) was in pragmss. The detainee was on the floor on his back, (tolivering rescue laeaths.m mBvas doing chest compressions. About I4IS, the AED machine analyzed the patient rhyflun. and Indicated shock advised." I continued died conqnesri the detainee's mouth. Annuid this time, the Army guards went to get the backboard. Around 1417, the guards placed the detainee on the backboard. During this whole time, BLS was still in piogiess. nyua guards At 1420, the detainee was placed iyhymfailam at Camp V.wit^ H ^Briving. There were Hknqy g rds prpresent esent II wasdoing was t'wfagchest chestcompressions enmptemriM and M afld^^^^^^Bwas doing rescue breaths and was maintaining an airvRyuidsuctioning. suctioning. About 142S, we arrived at the Detainee HospitalB ^^^HMas Mas there and said there was no providmpiesmits. We continued ras to inifarm the Naval Hospital that we wmemrmde^tom the BLS ftom the Detainee Hospital totheNavaUlo^^^^lBvasto Detainee Hospital to the Naval Hospital HKtodriving. iving. I was doing chest compressions, wilt UP ^m[who had b'she head, maintaining his aitwny, giving lesmuawTaM hopped in with us at the Detainee Ho^tal) holding weilelainee's p)n6US65 ' .3,».(W). 10. EXKIBfT 11 . I T T 0 S TAT E M E N T ftAOOmOMAL PA8ES UUSTCONTAIN THEHEADINO rSTATBNEWTOF. PAGE 10F 9^ PAGES TA K E N AT THE BOTTOM OF EACH ADDtTlONAL PAOE MUST BEAN THE INITIALS OF THE PBISON MAKINO THE STATEMENT. AND PAQE NUIOEN MUST BE INDICATED. DA FORM 2823, NOV 2008 PREVIOUS EDtTtONS ARE OBSOI^TE APOPe«iAfES Ex. 30. pg. 1 000524 UNCLASSIFIED/Zf^OWO TAKEN AT OTMO S TAT E M B U T dated 2012/09«y IJi 9. STATatENT fOsntlSwMg AnnmdHwevaireidathteNavalHosp at.ilIcon m iteiddd gti chestcompe rssoinsun lh iteNavalHosp atilsatT fotokova.- A F n O AV I T ^ HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT WHICH BEGINS ON PAGE 1, AND ENDS ON PAQE T. . I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BY ME. THE STATBIENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INnriALEO AU. CORRECTIONS AND HAVE MtTIALQ) THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE COMTAINWO THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREaY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENTOT OR REWARD. WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNIgtMENT.AND WITHOUT COERCION. UNLAWFULINFLUENCE. OR tN lA l WFULM i PUftPUCMT WITNESSES: Subtctlbed and swam to befom iTM. a peison auttnrteed liy Mw to «mnte!«tefoama.ai« . &OT2- ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS ORQANIzATtdN OR ADDRESS INirtALSOF FERStm MAMNO ST PA G E S Ex. 30, pg. 2 000525 UNCLASSIFIED/Z^OUO NSN134MM3MI7C A...iin«iMi»roR XK:ALM«BlODUCTKMII MEDICAL RECORD CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OT MgpiCAL CAUV^ D AT E D E TA I N E E ' S I D E N T I F I C AT I O N N U M B E R : CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF MEDICAL CARE MEDICAL RECORD STANDARD FORM 600 (rev. MS) Ex. I) Joint TA 3 k 30. Forco Cuantancmo pg. B a y, oant 3 ol D o f fi o s o 000526 tDOO) Habeas C o a c n i u a l o d s ( M C ) L u g a l P r o c o e a t r i g s S e c u r i t y C l u a a i f i C A t i c t t / D e c l a a a i f i c a t i c n r - j i d e i J C G P r o w t f u r o « $ 5 , 2 0 11 0 9 1 9 Corpua IHC) and Military UNCLASSIFIED/FeueS W O R N S TAT E M E N T For un of tMofoim. tee AR 1S(M5; Uib praponsn't ooency is PMO. P f O VA C Y A C T S TAT E M E N T AUTHOraiY: TW010. use Sodlsn 301; Tito 5. use 8«Gtien28S1;E.O.B397SecUSBatrt^ Number (SSN). mtieimLFUfVOSS: TotocuiiianlpotentoIcrtmInalaclM ylnveMnofhoU.S.Aimy,indtoaBowAnnyoffioliI(tPfflitnt8kiOlie(pGno. tmrantfoRtarOirougtilavottiattonofoanpltlnii Midlncitonla. ROUIWEUSES: ROUTINE USES: lnfBiratfonprai«edmayte(uiei8rdlideaedtotatoni.Mta.leeal.iiid«(nlsnoowitnnwnttiwatoneinem toendes. preteewora. oouto. cMU prateeihio sentoes. vleUme,«itMsne. ttw Oipatimmef Votonra Atolm. end OieOtRooofPenormelMniagemenL Infofmaflon arovlded may ba ug«i for datarmiimHon* mgancng jirfWrl w non-JiKBdat puntohment, other admtnlstitow (DadpOfluy scdons. Mcurlty deannoes, reeniltiiient retention, plaoemani end ottier penonnet ecdons. DtSClOStflg; O tSCLOSUIS: Ofadnure of your SSN and other bifDRnatienlsvoluntny. i r. - ' p i T T T r r Z D AT E f m V M i f O fl ! ; NAVAL STATION. OUANTANAMO BAY CUBA 2012/09/27 B. LAST 8. SSN 7 . 0 R A D 8 S TAT U S 000^0-0000 8. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS JOINT MEDICAL GROUP. GTMO 1 . WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: 1 am cuireatly the Commander of the Joint Medical Gronp and the ContinandiiigOflRca'of the NtnrelHoasitaL Ihavebeenat GTM0sinGe21MAYII. I took command 27MAYIX learn constantly oomnandcn quite frequmUy. I attend the BUB a few times week. Most often, the JDG commander and I tajk when our staffs which ftaiddy has happened less feequently under COL Be^gdan (arrived June 2012) than itdidmtder With respect to certification records for the Corpsman, the person that should have those records is the Senior Nurse Executive (SNE) and Training OfiBcer. With respect to basic issue items, I am not aware of any decisions made 1^ the medicai sUff that has nesatively affected «p«T'1inni of the guards or has been contnuy to the soft that the guards follow. Owarally.with tomed iilE] is a significant change since I took over. At the time I took over 27MAYI I. a detainee hadjust died by hanging 18MAY12. It wu immediately clear to me that the risk of suicide was a veiy serious issue here. 1 leaned diat no detainee had actiialiy killed himself by an overdose, but I leanied that certain had attempted to do so by hoarding and overdosing. In the end, however, they were not successftil in their attempts at self-harm. Shmtiy after I took over, therefore^ we changed the Med Pass SOP speoifieal iy to also revised the Med Pass SC^ around March 2012. We are also in the 'ifTT and more able to be absorbed by a Corpsman. We train our Corpsman on actually do toloflay ttajniMwjthwstoffn^djmtobead^jnwmfflpulathi^^ 11 rqr; I .IJ I T T c re they ever SM a detainee - we m to obtain unauthoriied mods. With certain The provider is the final authority fbr approving the order of medications for a detainee. There are no cost restrictions or ntnirj to obtaining »escripdoas fbr detmnees. N M A i a m S TAT E M E N T A D o m o M L PA o e s m i s r g o n t a j i n t h e n e w / n g " s t a t e m , TA K E N AT THEBOTTOU OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INiriALS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMBIT AND PAGE NUMBER M U S T B E U f D I C AT E D . DA FORM 2823, NOV 2006 PREVIOUS EOmONS ARE OBSOLETE 000527 UNCLASSIFIED/Peue STIKT&eHTOF TAKENAT OTMO dated 2012A>9/27 «. STATEMENT (CsnfinuwO I am not twve thai detainees are feofing the wildlife la 119 opinion, no dtalnee ihould be ftedtng wildlife. Wchaveapieveative nuificine group that anempts to tiap the honwiess cms and prevent them from coming into comaet with dettfnees. Shortiy after ISNIS6 arrived at the emergency room of the Navai Station Hospital, I was there. One of the recommendatioas that las been discussed and which I stron^y endorse is to tfansfCT opeittional control of the Joint 'Hooper ainic and JSMART fiom the JMG to the Naval Hospital This would allow the iodenhip of the JMG ((gtedfically, the JMG Dqniny Onmnander, the Senior Medkal Oflicer (SMC), the Senior Nurse Executive (SNE) and the Senior Leader) to focus solely on detainee health issues. I . . H AV E R E A D O R H AV E H A D R E A l i T O M E T H I S S TAT E M E N T WHICH t n g t E R S TA N D THE CONTENTS OF THE EHTIHH S TAT E M E N T MADE BYME. THESTATBItENTISTRUE. IHAVE MmALEDAaCtSIRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALB) THE BCTTQU OF EACH PAGE CONIMNINGTHESTATEMBIT. IHAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FRSLYWrTHOimQ^^^ g^^mU^m Q^ THREAT OF PUNISHMENT. AND WITHOUT COERCION. UNLAWFUL INFLUENCE. WITNESSES: Sutactibsd and iMom to iwtm nw. a pmm suSwfbed Iv law to /VOPEvlOIES oARiRifsaa^ NOV sees Ex. 31, Pg. 2 000528 %■ UNCLASSIFIED/ZFOUO * S W O R N S TAT E M E N T For use tftMsfbroi. lee ARIMM* #» proponatil agency Is PBto. P r n VA C r A C T S n r AT E M E N T AUmOMTY: TRte 10, USC Section 301:THIo 5. U8C SocOon 2951; E.0.0387 Social Secwtty Number (SSN). naNOPAl.PURPOSE: To«ocinMntpaIttitWaImlnalacB«nyhneMn0nwU,S.Aimy,8ndtoaltai«Aimya«BciabtomaIntikidtadpBiw. ■ • s.^ — s W W a o o o r o t r p i r o u B fi a w w a g w o n o r o w n p g n i w e i w t i w w o fl i B i ROUTWEIMES: tnibinmiwipiosMed may be ftiittiefdisdnced tofedeml. state, local. anOtewlflngowmnieiHlawenHamement aoondet, proaMulen, oouts, chM praiocOve aetvioM, vteDms. witnaaaes. the Dapaitmaittof Velema ARaba. and IheOfReeefPefionnelManaoenMnt mfbimallon provided may be wed for dataimlnallonsiagaidlaoJudldal or norsjodklai pimiatnnent. oOMradminlalFBOvedlseipSnaiy Bcdora, aecurnycicataiioes, fecraamenL latanOon, ptooemenl, and oOw peiaentte) acOona. O t S C L O S U R E : O l a c l o a u r e o f y o u r S S N a n d o O w r l n t a m a t i o n l a v o t i m t B r y. Ewnv-vrrrT 4 . FIL E N U MBER NAVAL STATION. OUANTANAMO BAY l - M r . i J . T . V ' i d l a i STNAME. lOOOLE NAME 7 . 0 R A 0 B S TA 7 U S ooo-oo-oooo 0 2 OTORQANiZAnONOR AOORESS JOINT MQJICAL GROUP, JTF-GTMO 9. . WANT TO MAKE THE FtHJLOWING STATEIffiNT UNDER OATH; I am currently aMigned as a r^steied nurse to the BHU / Detainee Hospital. I am Advanced Cardiac Ufe Support (ACLS) certified. I lave beat at GTMO since May 2012. \ On 08SEP12, around 1420, the ambulance arrived at the back entrance to the Detainee Hwpitai. Thb was the first I knew that a patieittwasarrivir^ Normally, di^ would call us fiom the Sally Port but I think because this was an emergoi^.th^ Just droveright in. Detainee Hoeaital and told the musing Mation iPiwiliiiauL done Detainee l l p r i i ; n i : T i . T r T T 3 J : ! ; T . - - s r r ; a k i T I156 Jgl.kiUKiiTT;riH3 After I assessed ISN1S6 in the directly to the Nnval wu to get to the Naval Hospital where thm was a medical offieer and nurse on stafT. I would have done things differently if it had not been a wedccnd. as we would have had more stafiT present at the Detainee Hospital on a weekday. When! saw the rtetainee, he was secured on a spine bwdwjl y«y«pirations, zero pulse, and no shockable rhythm. 1 Instructed proceed with chest compressions with^^^^^Wperfbimirtg rescue breaths. Because 1 could notjust leave the neeHospftsI. 1 stayed there while the ambuianceVRfflnnuied ahead to the Emergency Room of the Naval Hospital to alert them of the status of tSNlSfi and that the ambutance would be arriving. ia EXHIBIT M A K I N G S TAT E M E N T ADDITIONAL PAGES UU8T aJNTAOl THE HEADING STATEUBirSF TA K E N AT THE BOTTOU OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITUU.S OF THE PERSON SCArOMS THE STATEUBtT. AND PAM NUMBS? M U S T B E I M D / C AT E D . DA FORM 2823, NOV 2008 Ex.32, Pg. 1 PREVIOUS EDirtONS ARE OBSOLETE APO re *1.0168 000529 U N C L A S S I F I E D / Z fi O U O APraAvrr 1^ .HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD REM) TO UK THIS STATaSNT WH10I^SSoWwBS!aiBb!toW^6^^ . IFULLYUNDERSTAWD the CONTENrS OF THE BtTIRE STATBMBIT MADE BTME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. IHAVE INmALEOMJ. CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE SOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAMINO THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THS STATEMENT FREaYWTTHOUT HOPE OF BENOT OR REWARD. WtTKOUT TMIEAT OF PUNtSHMEKT. MtD WITHOUT COERCION. UNUWFUL ,NFLUEt« Mi« MMaMa M (SlgnMbm of Penon MaUng Stttsmeni} SutacfMd md morn to DMbraim. • iMnen ai^MMtoiS by Mw to WITNESSES: adjidniiteroo»s.lMs myol . "gPrZ. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS (Authorityfo/M^mri MITIALS S TAT E M E N T PAGE ^ OF ^ PAGES AKiKiriJnet M f w m m x H w a o M Ex. 32,Pg. 2 000530 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO MEDICAL RECORD O B K R VAT I O N S AJUL I PJHL Jndudywdlggggendtn^^ >l Q£" I I I'll 11 •X .'.AgTttoCXg/ r s fl t o iO tmrf/ uSTTtitCrfiJ To crf%i tos eF S f r t f f f T Tc (Cmliroie on ravene aide) a>ONSORSHMIS HOSPirM.ORMaMCM.nACUtY BPONftORSONUM^ TJS ^ 8SN• . H AV E READ OR H AV E HAD READ TO ME THIS S TAT E M E N T WHICH BEGINS ON PAGE 1.AND ENDS ON PAOE Z . IFUUY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATSMENT MADE BYME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. IHAVE INITIALEOAaCORRKrnONS AND HAVE INITIALEO THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAMim THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF 8ENOT OR REWARD. WITHOUT T W E AT O F P U N I S H M E N T. A N D W n H Q U r C Q E R C I O M U M L AW P U L I N P L U E W C C Q P U M I AW K I M i M n i l f t P U W i i r WITNESSES: Subscribed and nram (0 before nw, a penon autfiofbed by law 10 administerosUu.llti> 21** davef MfttMAm 2 ORGANIZATION OR AOtNtESS INITIALS (V PEIOON MAKING STA PAGE ^ OF PAGES MfOmil$HKOV2e09 «popevi.oiea 1) Jornt Task wfftd^SrffiSan# 000S33^cl Department of Defense (DOD) Habeas Corpus (HC) and Military Commissions t.lWi dwaf .StFtS^SOL. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS NfTIALS OF PERSON MAM 1) Joint Task Exip 34y>'Pgv«2> Habeas Corpus (HO and Military ( P r o c e d u r e S 9 5 , 2 0 11 0 9 1 9 /raOI^DQffld Department of Defense (DOD) nx^Vo^beMassification Guide; JDG UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO S W O R N S TAT E M E N T F o r i i M o f t h i i f e n n , M o A R I W M S i t t w p r o p e n e n t i s t fi c y l s P M O . P W VA C V A C T 8 TAT E M E N T AUTKOMTY: Tills 10. SseOon 301: Tills 5. USC Secton asi; E.0.0397 Sodsl Sseuilly Numter (8SN). PnNCIPALPimPMe: TaOoiunBntpotaaaNGriinliialsGBii«yin«BMn8liMU.8.Aimy,KidtotlawAniiyollidtfttsinalnttlndlidplns. iMtwi ortsrOmwoti bne^gaBonolcofflplsints snO tncUsnts. ROimiffiVKB: liitoniaIiafl ifnMBdinaybslMMrdsdoiedtoMsral.it8lB,loGsl.andfDniBneBnfTunnitliwanfaffiainenl S8sneist. iio(seuton.ooiiiti,eMMpratMtlM Hrvtoes, vlclimi,«titns«MS.IhsOepaitmantorVistefMsAIWn,iitd UisOfllosofPBnoitnsiMBnsoeRienL InfonnalionpRivdMmaybsuKdforOalBnnlnaliorangaidliioJiMlldalw non-Judldtf punlshmeflt, oilier ■dmlniitrstiva tdpfinuy tcHons, seoirlly dsamnoes, recruitment, istsnUon, ptocMMflt uiO oOwr psnonnel Klisns. nOCLOSURE: Dbdosura of your SSNsnd other Infoiroalien Is wluntsiy. 1. LOCATION NAVAL STATION, GUANTANAMO BAY 4. FOE NUMBER H ill Biiiiii 1'Bill ^ 1ST NAME. MIDDLE NAME 6. SSN 7 . O R A D B S TAT U S 000-00-0000 0 2 TTJraWBTOITORADOREM — JOINT MEDICAL ORGUP, JTF-GTMO . WAHT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWINO STATEMENT UNDER OATH: la]naRQiMeicdNuneasdgnedtotheBHUandDetaine«Ho8 iiUi.JMO,QTMO. I airived GTMO I2MAYI2. As aniine,Ih8dmuchintaactionwithISNI56. One incident that I particularly recall involved a ninths was jumping around unsafely in his cell. The night of 3IJULI2, ISNIS6 was particularly agitated about events that had taken place the previous two days - he was upset that his meals were not arriving on time and that he felt that medical was not paying attention to him. That night, of 3IJULI2, ISNIS6 was in his cell and started jumping Som the bed to the sink to the table to the toilet. I aun pret^ certain that ISNIM had not taken his meds (which would have been Zyprexa two times per day - iSN156 was not on the Invegayet). ISNIS6 was n^ng me very nervous that he would fidl. He squally did 611 at one point but not seriously, t went out on the tier repeatedly to talk to ISNIS6 and each time I did, he would respond and promise not to do it again. As soon as I Idl the tier, ISNIS6 would start the jumping again. I eventuayl Gae l dHm^^^Bod i meto^ woud l comen i . ISNI56 tod l me at that ptdnt that hsi tu l oat hurt amithat is why he did not want to swallow the meds, so^^^Hsid us we could give him the Zvnrexa as an injection. 10 use §l30b. (b)(6). (b)(^(C) 1 ISNIS6 aareed to be calm and said that he just wanted to go to the AV roomJ ISN1S6wm allowed unlimited time in theAV room, The guards moved ISNISbptheAV room and he agreed to take the injection of Zyproxa, and he said he did not want to sit in the restraim chair as was recofnmended ibr safety. He relbsed the iqjection unless he could giveitlohimself. ISNI56 seemed to be doing OK but then hwII^B and got veiy angry with me for "waking up the doctor." ^■pisot fhistrated with him about the jumping behavior and told him that h was very unsafe and feat he did not luive a choice renaidiifc taklnn his meds and that he would takethemd^er bv injection or or«l VjHej fiiMJ Imih. ttif r ghf would leave aifdeal with it m^^ning. As soon 8s HH Hefl.lSN15660wgJ^^^H^attdMSedj^^ng around unsafely asH I had tocalt^HBat least fburmore tinted^ night, 8nd [H 5in!?t^ontimie ISNlfl on line of sight and to monitoa ISNIS6 closely. In the middle of the 1(b)(3); 10 USC §130b, (b)(6). (b)(7)(Q ISNI56 went imo the rec yard the QIC, is aware of this. So that night, ISN156 nevo- went to bed and instead went to rec. 10. EXHIBIT 11. INITIALS OF M O m O N A L PA O B S K U S T C O t l TA I N T H E H E A D t N O ' S TAT B I t E N TO P THE BOTTOM OF BACH ADDITIONAL PAOE MUST BEA/t THE INITtALS OF THE PERSON MAMNO THE STATEMENT, AND PAQE NUMBER MUST BE nwiCATEO. DA FORM 2823, NOV ZOOS Ex. 35, Pg. 1 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE ATO re *1.0168 000537 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO IttBTHnMOeiPNEaB). tPTHttPASEmilOrNBeOEO.PI.EASei>ROCeSOTOniULPAQ80FTH»FOiai. STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT GTMO 9. STATEMBiT fConfinmO next nHsniiDg, OIAUGlZOwmlnhem^ shift), ISN156iegi^^in& he leftised tosee theCbipsman, end I went over to the BHU. 1SNIS6 was at recaiul HHw» witching hiin.^M l Khe escort) and I walked down the tier. IaskedISNI56 what 1 could do for him. ISN1S6 was sfa^g really loudly at theanwandhe grdibed a large cup ( its coiiteids at me - it had feces and possibly urine in it It got ail over me and it also splashed i J i i w L ' i j ! ! Ti T ^ T T • r i .(b)t3):io _ There is a list of things that detainees are not allowed to take to the rec yard. Despite being pndiibitedojHte list, ISNIS6 took a sheet out to rec wtih Urn every day. I was ahvqrs concerned that he coud l make a noose wtih ft bnfl^ H sad i that evoi fi 1SN1S6 was going to make a noose, the guards would see him and step ft. I did not egtee with thisledSmto allow ISNI56 to take a sheet out to the rec area. ISNIS6 would wrap the sheet over his back and would pr^ and kneel, shielding hinnelfwith the sheet 1 would sometimes see him rocking under the sheet, looking like he was meditadng. I saw him doing this the morning I was splashed. In retrospect, I believe he was going to the hathroom in the cup (that he lattfthrwatmem^fecaandlmnriwhaHjewa^oc j^ under the sheet Because ofthis splashing incident, I believe th^ehsnged H [ HH^ ^HH ^H^Hm Around 16AU012, when ISNl S6 was again at unlimited rec in the Dcfeinee Ifoqiital, it was very late and he accused a gitard of arockathim. A few di^ys after that ISN1S6 got very upset because he fbit that the JTF investigators should have come to k to him, and they had not yet interviewed him. He was very angry and around 0600, threatened to splash again. He had a cup of feces and urine in his hand at the time and threatened the Corpsman, guard, and interpreter if he did not get to see an investigator thatmoming. 1 am pretty sure that he did not end up splashing that day. n htg itbsah crJactso tniam ylym itoa olucN leS w laolnesdthoate lrevgeulo uto u isaitnoansha m rucldeya r, nta atns ad cu an ctua fitn ind thb eS l)l.O Onew da es taih nta et eh ^^e ^^ a sa ps igo ew ta afo rlyd coo m efrh ate ndg istlt shoe r.d hncs, stray cats and iguanas come inside the rec yardoe ls ^ the banatta rats line up outside of the odl (I don't think die jOther strange things that ISN156 would do would be t vhile on line of sight and vny diflicalt fer the guards to watch. Inv^ is an anti-psydtotic drug that usually nudus patients lethargic. InthecaseofISNlS6,ftdidttotseeratoafIecthimatall. Typically, an anti«Mc mM*sdrug would be paired wHh an anii-ptydiatie drug if ft was goingmtetH^ over the Iong4erm. 1 raised this issue toHHHstout ISN1S6 and the Invega, and she agreed with the ides.HHBIN'" agreed. As ftr as 1 know, dtis idea did not gp aitywhafr*s., ('b)(3); to USC §i30b, (b)(6). (b)(7)(C) Some things that I would suggest to improve our medical operadons would be, fsr example, to use a "med watch" program. In the states, when a patient is on a psydt ward and Is on CDurt-crdered meds, that patient is on "med watch" which means that a muse watches the p^ent swallow the med. and then the nurse wafts and watches the patient fer 30 mlruites wfthorit ghdng the patieit atiy icMsstoasitdc. Thttw^,evenifthepafienthas"diedred"themedJtmjlhwedissolvedterten^Mtdcthjsr^^ fm example, that a detainee had taken a medication - like Invega. H ^^^H^^^^^^^^H^^^^H 1 also think that at a rmnmuim^^HHjjHHHH^H-in rttyopinimi. its' all about how you do ft and the rapport you have with a detafeec. BV°raSmpl?liSnopoDlaiiw&« I ehed(hbfflout ^ftvdvmshin^medMw«toldt^^ last wave thty tried to do mouth diecks but that the detainees hated it m i T M L S O F P S a O N M A K i r » S TAT E I f f i N T AraPEvieies IMFOmf28»,NOVMM Ex. 35, Pg. 2 000538 UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO S TAT E M E M T O F TAKEN AT GTMO dated 20l2A>9g6a9 a. STATBMENT (OeaOam^ A major challenge we have is effective doctor / nurse communicatioa. A R T O AV I T have read or have had read to me this statement WHICH ENDS ON PAGE 3 . I FUaV UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BYME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. IHAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAOUNO THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FfEELYWITHt yUjQPEaF8 NEFI^RRCWARD, WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMOIT. AND WITHOUT COGRCK)N. UNLAWFUL INFLUENCE. wmSSSES: ImmmMmffleTpwian niOierfnd by iawts . tOfZ. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS INITIALS OF PBtStM MAKING STA r ? Ti OARORMZISft/irOVaMS 1 ) J o i n t Ta s J ^ ' o r q e ^ U o ^ n a n i f t " Habeas Corpus "357 P r o c e d u r e # 9 5 , 2 0 11 0 9 1 9 {Authority TeAOmtmsitfOam 5 OF 3 PA G E S APOPE ¥1.0168 iP^^^^nd Department of Defense (DOD) Lon Guide; JDG SWORN STATEMENT Fv lOA of IMa foim. wa AR ie(M5; ttw pnpeaenl aganey It PttS. P R I VA C Y A C T S TAT E N S N T AUTHOWTY: TUe 10, U8C Section 301 :Ttlle 5. USC8eelfon2tt1;£.0.9397 Social SeearilyNuniber(SSN). PMNetMLPURPOSe: To document oetantlal crtmlnal aclhtty Inwlvlnfl Hie U.S. Afmy. ami in anin Aimy i» bw and ortfer thm^ hweaOsaOon of oomptaiata and tncMeota. ROiniNEUSES: InfaimaiionpiawMed may In ftiiOwrdlsciosed to fetfanl. state, local, and hMOtsngovanunent taw ontbreonwnt aoandes. preaeeolofB. oouila. cMId pralBcthra aanieea, tdettma. witnaaaaa. the OopaftRoatof VUatana Alh&a. and ttMOIBeaofPBfaoraielllaiusenniL aiHawuMun piaiteii may m«h mrtiiiif«» norHodlciBi ponialumnt ottar adminWntlve dlae^ry aetaa. soculty ctaafanoea. racn^menL retenSon. ptacemant and oOiof ponofutti actkma. nSCLOSURB OtactoaoreofyoiirSSNandotliarlnfonnationftvoluntaiy. 1. I^TKM Z DATE (YYYYUUfOO) 4. FILE 2012/09/20 Bidg.i4si.nF20t2: One hour VPC completed 9 Mar2012: One houriegularcall com^^^ 21 Mqr 2012: One hour call ccnpleted:BB l1JuIy20lZ' One hour VPC completed .NAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME IKS STATEMENT WMCH BBGtlffiON PAGE 1. AND ENDS ON PAGE 2 . FUU.Y UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMBITUADE SriS. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. IHAVE INiTIALEDAaOORRECTtONS AND HAVE INmALEO THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE COn-AMttlG THE STATEMENT. IHAVEMADETHISSTATEMBfrPREELY VWTHOUT HOPE OP BENEFIT OR REWARD. VOTTHOtn" THREAT OF PUNISHMENT. AND WTTKOUT COERCION, WITNESSES: SobscHOcd and Mmm to ba^ me. a pea i on auSo i tiad by a l wto adiTilnlltgf Mttii. OiH darg. . ^12. ORGANIZATION OR AOmESS 9rqaNiMtionoraoof BHTIALS OF PERSOI MAKING STATEMENT page OA ponr 2S2A HOiraoos Ex. 36, pg. 2 of AR>ra*i.oies 000541