DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE UNITED STATES SOUTHERN COMMAND 9301 NW 33RD STREET OORAL.FL 33172 R E F » LY T O AT T E N T I O N O F Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, July 24, 2014 Ref: SC 13-063 Office of Freedom of Information Dr. Jeffrey S. Kaye 21 Acapuico Court Novato, CA 94949 Dear Dr. Kaye: This is our Agency's second partial response to your electronic Freedom of Information Act request dated December 18,2012. Your request sought a copy of the full report with any appendices of the AR 15-6 concerning to ISN 156 (Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif, aka Allal Ab /djallil Abd al Rahman). The search for information returned several documents of which we have completed review of the enclosed 37 documents (exhibits #61,64 - 81,86,96, 100 - 107,114- 116,120 - 122, 128, and 131) consisting of approximately 216 pages, bates numbered 000001 thru 000216. After our line-by-line review of the enclosed documents we have made the following determination regarding releasability: 1) Portions of the redacted information are currently and properly classified in accordance with Executive Order 13526, Section 1.4 (c), which pertains to intelligence activities, intelligence sources or methods. Release of such information is not permitted under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(1); 2) Portions of the redacted information are exempted from disclosure by statute, namely 10 U.S.C. § 130b, which authorizes protection of names of personnel overseas, or in sensitive or routinely deployable units. Thus, this information is not released under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(3); 3) Portions of the redacted information contain information that, if released would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of individuals under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(6); 4) Portions of the redacted information, if released, would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law. Thus, this information is not released under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(7)(E); and 5) Portions of the redacted information, if released, could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of any individual, as such this information in not released under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(7)(F). -2- Accordingly, the redacted portions of information are withheld and their release is denied under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(1), (b)(3), (b)(6), (b)(7)(E), and (b)(7)(F) by Major General Mark C. Nowland, U.S. Air Force, Chief of Staff, United States Southern Command. Should you deem Major General Nowland's decision to withhold this information to be an adverse action, you may submit an administrative appeal to the Director of Administration and Management through the Defense Policy Office. Ajiy such appeal should be postmarked within 60 calendar days of the date above to: Defense Freedom of Information Policy Office, Attn: Mr. James Hogan, 1155 Defense-Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301-1155. Both your letter and envelope should be clearly marked "Freedom of Information Act Appeal." Include a copy of this letter with your appeal. Please refer to our case control number SC 13-063. We will continue to diligently process the remainder of the responsive documents to your FOIA request There are no assessable fees associated with this response. Please address any further questions to the undersigned at (305) 437-1108. Refer to our case control number SC 13063 for any future inquiries. Sincerely, Enclosures (bK3):io use §i30b.ib)(a) luSSOUTHCOM JTFGTMO From: (b)t3):10USC5l306.(bX6) j I [bKe) IUSS0UTHC0M/SCJ4 (L); 1 (»»K3):io use §i30b.(bK6) DSSnUTHCQM JTFGTMp [ 0>X3):iOliSC§130b.(b)(6) ]USS0UTHC0M JTFGTMO;\ (bM3):iO USC §130b.{bX6) USSOUTHCOM JTFGTWIO RE: Attorney Visits & Phone Calls - Detainee 156 (UNCLASSIFiED) Subject: Sir/Ma'am, 1 looked into this and it appears that he had two scheduled and two successful phone calls since September 2011. They are listed below. 2 ttecember 2011 (not sure with who I do not have the paper request) 14 lune 2012 (with Brian Foster and David Remes) Below are the scheduled visits. According to the records we have it does not appear that all of his scheduled visits actually took place. The details we have are also below. 25 October 2011 (met with David Remes) 21 March 2012 (Scheduled to meet with David Retnes and David Kudzin, visit cancelled by attorney) 9 May 2012 (Scheduled to meet with David Rentes and David Kudzin, visit cancelled by attorney) 21 May 2012 (met with David Remes and David Kudzin) 24 August 2012 (net with David Remes) 28 August 2012 (Scheduled to meet with David Remes, visit cancelled due to hurricane) 18 September 2012 (Scheduled to meet with David Remes, Detainee no longer available) I (b)(3):10USCS130b.(e) I O f fi c e o f t h e S t a ff l u d g c A d v o c a t e ITF-CTMO Guantanawo Bay. Cuba DSN: I ibJii) 1 (bM3):10USC§130b.(b)(6) Original Message From: please gather the stats on how many attorney visits and phone calls aetainee 3b6 had in the past year, How far can you go back with this information? If you can also provide the names of the attorneys that the phone calls and the visits were with that will be helpful too. Thank you. (bX3):10USCS13l)b. (bX6) C l a s s i fi c a t i o n : U N C L A S S I F I E D Caveats; 7 E)(.61,f>a.2 SOUTHCOM/000002 D E PA RT M E N T O F D E F E N S E UNITED STATES SOUTHERN COMMAND 9301 NW33RD STREET DORAL, FL 33172 R E P LY T O AT T E N T I O N O F December 5,2014 Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, Ref: SC 13-063 Office of Freedom of Information Dr. Jeffrey S. Kaye 21 Acapulco Court Novato, CA 94949 Dear Dr. Kaye: This is our Agency's fifth partial response to your electronic Freedom of Information Act request dated December 18,2012. Your request sought a copy of the full report vwth any appendices of the AR 15-6 concerning to ISN 156 (Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif, aka Allal Ab Aljallil Abd al Rahman). The search for information returned several documents of which we have completed review of the enclosed 32 dociunents (exhibits #1-9,10-12-A, 13-19-A, 23-23-A, 25-26,29, and 62, consisting of approximately 85 pages, bate numbered 00741 thru 000818. After our line-by-line review of the enclosed documents we have made the following determination regarding releasability: 1) Portions of the redacted information are currently and properly classified in accordance with Executive Order 13526, Section 1.4 (c), which pertains to intelligence activities, intelligence sources or methods. Release of such information is not permitted under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(1); 2) Potions of the redacted information are exempted from disclosure by statute, namely 10 U.S.C. § 130b, which authorizes protection of names of personnel overseas, or in senstitive or routinely deployable units. Thus, this information is not released under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(3); 3) Portions of the redacted information contain information that, if released would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of individuals under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(6); 4) Portions of the redacted information, if released, could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy of a living person, including surviving family members of an individual identified in such a record. Thus, this information is not released under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(7)(C); and 5) Portions of the redacted information, if released, would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law. Thus, this information is not released under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(7)(E). -2- Accordingly, the redacted portions of information are withheld and their release is denied under 5 U.S.C. 552 § (b)(1), (b)(3), (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(E) by Major General Mark C. Nowland, U.S. Air Force, Chief of Staff, Unit^ States SouAem Command. Please note that the enclosed responsive records are part of a litigated FOIA by another requester; therefore, your rights to appeal are mooted. We will continue to diligently process the remainder of the responsive documents to your FOIA request. There are no assessable fees associated with this response. Please address any further questions to the undersigned at (305) 437-1108. Refer to our case control number SC 13063 for any future inquiries. Sincerely, Enclosures I « J . I .J I • 1. S W O R N S TAT E M E N T Far usa of this fOnn, ses AR190-45; the proponem agency Is PMO. P R I V A C Y A C T S T A Ta i E K T AUIHOiaTY: Title 10, U8C Section 301; TKte 5, USC SMiion 29S1; E.G. 9387 Social Securtty Number (SSN). PRINOPAL PURPOSE: To document potential cdmlnal acUwity fnvoMng the U,S. Army, and to allow Army offleials to maintain dbdpllne. law and order through bnestlgathtn of oomptatnls and incidaits. ROtniNEUS^ InfbtmaSon provided may be further tfsdosed to fedmal, state, local, and fotelgngovarmnmtlawonfbreeniant agendas, prosecutors, courts, child protective servloee, victims, witnasaes, the Department of Vatnsns Aftalrs. attd the Offtoa of Persmnel Management IntOrmahon provided may be used for detamilnalions regarding judldal or non-judlciel putddtnient otaer adnftdstrative dtedpQnaiy actions, securtta dearanoes. recruitment retndon. placemenL and other p«sonnel sdlons. BBCtXlSURE: Otsdosura of your SSN end other Information Is votuntvy. 1 . L O C AT I O N 2 . D AT E r y m M A r o o ; 4. FILE NUMBER 20I2/09/2S NAVAL STATION, GUANTANAMO BAY 6. SSN 9 . l A 8 T N A I I f fi . R R S T N A I ^ M I D D L E N A M E 7 . G R A D E f S TAT U S 000-00-0000 E4 8 . O R G A N I Z AT I O N O R A D D R E S S 1 9 3 R D M P C O M PA N Y 9. , WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: lamcumntlyassignedasaguaid with the 193rd MP Company at Camp V. I arrived GTMO on 30MAR12. L^ anlimflyi M dutyfeipilSO on 07SEPI2, as I woriced the night shift. The other Soldier on line of si^t duty with me ^ ^BUyho is now at Camp Echo) was the block NCO that night (I "-^(01(3). 10 use §1300, (bX6). (bimtC) I (i I knew 1SN1S6 - he was always a bh hyper. The night of 07SEPI2, he was very hapnr - jumping up and down on bed, singing and yelling. I had heard that he had flooded his cell (AlOS) the ni^t before. ISNIS6 was knodcing around and banging on his cell at bit diat night, but there was nothing violent to it. Around 1830/ 184S,1SN1S6 asked for cereal, apple juice, and milk, so 1 gave him that. ISN1S6 poured the milk into the cerea^^ ondjhen used the apple juice container to mash up the ceriml.Around 1920ish, 1SN1S6 jumped from his sink and smeared hisjH food - the mashed up cereal. ISN1S6 did not go to rec that night. Aside from some unusual sleqi habits that night, 1 did not notice anything unusual about his behavior flut night ISNI56 normally sti^upftirall hours on end, and instead, that night 1SNIS6 passed out asleep around 2230. I had nevo'seen him slec ^^^^^^^ usually, he only sleeps for a few hours at a time, and even dien, he is moving all over his cell. Prayer call was at 04S5 had line of si^ at that time. I remember a Corpsman saying he would leave meds, but 1 do not remember seeing anything in dm splashbox diat night in 08SEPI2, ISNISd was still asleep, vigorously snoring. I could seethe rise and &il When our shift changed over aroun of ISNISd's chest i Line of si^t to me means "stay vigilant"-andifyou s SOP says vthjnRirregular you are supposed to tell the hiMkNC^jhhe ■we decided jHHand I deddedd^w would rotate out that we are supposed to rotate out evciy the beginning of our shift, IJNd'talked to^^^^^^to let him know, that if one of us got sleqty, w fl n e w i t h t h a t tStell someone. prapononl agsnqr is PMS. r a i VA C Y ACT S TAT E M O I T I AUTHORITY: TUte 10. USC Section 301: Titb B. USC Seeticn 39S1: E.O. 9397 Sadat Security Nwiilwr tSSNI. nSNCIPAL PUDPC^: To document potoiiialcitniinalMtltfTtyinvaivtnglTie U.S. Anny. amlio allow Army of Odab to maimain iStaptra. tew end erdet through invest^tien of complmnts and trddenta. ROUTINE USES: Inlomiotion provided may be further dnciesod to fedorel, otate, loooi, and (oeeign govoiment law onfoicemertt osondes. prasecutera. courts, etiild protective aetvicos, victinra, witneasoa. the Oeitttti^m of Veterene AlCdrt. and the Offiea of Peisoimet Manageiitent. tnlermation providad may be used for determlna^iona regardtng judicial er non-judtOal puniihment. ottier admmittiativs disciplinaty scOont, cocurrty doantneee, tociuitinent, retention, plscment, ond other personnel oetiona. j Diacloauro of vour SSN and odwr information is volunta DISaOSURE: 4. PILE NUMBER 2 . D AT E IP (X 102,0. B. S3N a Q R O A N I Z AT t O N O R A D D R E S S „ . WANT TO MAKE THE FOUOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH. a- c\en,MV\M \Sy sWA^ ftr^rw4^ ~\Wk caHW -vW W -W C«.«^ - X . ^uV-a.3 11. INITIALS OF PERSON MAKINO STATEMENT ho. EXHIBIT ADOnONAL PAOES MUST CONTAIN THE HEADINO 'STATEMENT 0£ TA K E N AT DATED THE BOTTOM OP EACH ADOfTIONAl PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS Of THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT. AND PAGE NUMBER MUST DA FORM BE NOV 2006 m t C AT E O DA FORM 2823. DEC I 1998. IS OBSOLETE akd vi AFFIDAVIT '^'AO OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT VncCH eeaiNS dm FAtffil. AWO ends OnSoE^^ I Tui i V mMnPRST atin the contents of lirE entire statement made BV ME the statement IS TRUE. I HAVE (NITiAUO ALL COBBECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALEO THE BorTOM OF EACH PAGE C O N TA I N I N G T H E S TAT E M E N T. I H AV E M A D E T H I S S TAT E M E N T W I T K O U T THREAT OF PUNISHMBTT. AND WITHOUr COERCION. UNUWFUL WITHESSES: Subseb i ed and »wo»n (o boe l ro me. q person autharued bya l w to □dmlnlstBr oaths. Ihia ____ day ol ! ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS ISignanr* ct Penen AdaHnlturing Osthf rTyfimlNama at Ptnaa AOmlttistatav Oath! ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS lAuthoiHr To Atbr^nistBr Oathaf IINITIAIS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PA G E OA Foaa 2az9. imvaaoe E x . 1 A P fl . 2 000782 -J, OF PA G E S UNCLASSIFIED/ZFeue8 W 0 R N 8 TAT E M E N T For uae of Ods fom. sm ARIWMS: mo pmpcnent is PMG. P f W A O f A C T S TATa i B I I T AimtOMTYt 'rao1O.USCStcmm3Ot:TiSo5.l»CSicean2991;E.O.93S78ocWSi0iiqyNifflibw(8W}. PraNOML PUIVOffi: To oooumam patsMM crfmhal octtvUy bwoMng Oto U.8. Anny, im] to aUoir Anny ofRdata to mitntoln taw and ofilgr mtough bivoitimAon of oomplsItTts end Incktents. ROUIUCinCS: InfBwnaflonpwaldBd way be fUidw disclosed to fadaTal.siatn. local, and fbwIgnBowniBOBt taw enhroonwm agencias. praiaaitois. couits. cMId pfMacmn saivloaa, vietiins. wftnastos. ttn OopattmentofVatanna Aflabs. and BnOllicBOfPefaonnalMansgeinont tnfOrnittlonpravidadmaybeusadftardelBnntrialiensrBoaimngJudldaler non^ldal punlaluneid. omeradfflMsirBtlra dlselpnnaiy aedcna, seouftty deefanoes. lecndtmant telanSon. ptooamant and omer panoraiei acHona. D I S C L O S U R E : O i a c f o s B w o f y o t t r S S M a n d o m e fl i i f c H n a l l o n t a v c l u n t a i y. 1. LOCATION 2. DATE (YYYYUimO) NAVAL STAHON. GUANTANAMO BAY 4 . FIL E N U MBER 20I2/09/2S S. LAST NAME. FIRST HAME. MIDDLE NAME 7 . G R A O E f fi TAT U S E6 1 9 3 R D M P C O M PA N Y 1^ . WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWINO BTATEMENT UNDER OATH: I am cunontly assigned as a guard with the 193rd MP Company at Camp V. I arrived GTMO on 07APRI2. On 08SEPI2,1 was astigned to Delta Block, Camp V. 1 was off duty 07SBP12. About 1400 on08SEPI2,1 was onJ^^lBm Myg y i^^^^Hym Pdedided amand grabbed my &ee shield, throat stacked on the door. They called for the door to protector, and gloves. AsateBm-^^^^^^^ BI^^^^^H ^^^ stacked openandwenshedinonlSNlSE. Wecouldmngetaie^nttfiromhim. We pabbed the blanket he was lying and slid it out with him on h. Whenthey turned his head, liquid was runidng out of handcufflt on him but when we tcalixed he was unresponsive, we took the cuffb off to do thed^ramprossions. the ehest compiessiona - she and 1 alternated about every 4 minutes, until the medio ^H^HuTived. s pulse, and said there was no pulse. n^ing,! Iliesumedthe (b)(3), 10 use 513Cb, (b)(6). (b)(7HC) 1^ up-it did not look to me like he was in a huge hurry. When he realised that it was sotous, he jumped down on started ^rfping Thevngtonjad lSN156's mouth, did brcatlui^ and we continued with compressions. At one poini, we lied ISNlSE's shirt up andHHlHttd I attached the AED pads. The madime saidshock needed." HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT »m«.n DBWINO UN rauis 1. AND ENDS ON PM3E . I FUaV UWDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BYME. THE STATatENT 18 TRUE. I HAVE tNITIALEOALLCORRECTIONSAND HAVE INITtALB) THE BOTTOM OF EACH PA8E CONTAINMO THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREE ^umn U A B ttaAuoit n^ «^ THREAT OF PUNIttMENT. AND WITHOUT COERQON. UNLAWFUL Subsated and OMini toMm iM. ■ pmon auOiertnd Iqr m to WITNESSES: ■i t i i i f a l f f M t i M tt.1. asH' 'mjt,. ORQANBATION ORAOOISSS DflTIALS OF PERSON MAKNO STATEMENT PAGE OF 2^ PAGES O A R M W S m N O Va O O S 1, corp.. Procedure APOre*1,01E8 j T, IHCI T9S, cMNGlASSU: COU»«klOl„ ..a 2 0 11 0 9 1 9 Miur.,, QQQ^Qg Co. ^ SWORN STATEMENT For USB of ttiit (bffli. iM AR 1t(MS: tho pfopomnt agency l« PMO. PRIVACY ACT STATBIENT AUTNOWrr: TW010. use Section 301: THta S. U8C Sedlen 2SS1: E.O. sa? Soda) Saeuittr Number (8SN). PRmaFALPUiVOK: TodocuiraiitpottntMa1iiilnalaca»iarlW(oWnntheU.S.Ami».andtoaihiMtAiiiyimM«ht5ni«itHft»rft«ld me to get ready to go on escort I got a Soldier to relieve me on Delta block and got my head geer. By that tinse,th^ woe bringing ISNI56 cut on backboard. I got in the back ofthe ambulance at diat time. Hmutd I were the guardsn i the back ofthe ambua l nce to accompany 1SNIS6. We first wm to the Detan i ee Hmptialwhen we got there, th^ opened the door and said to take ISNI Sd to the NAVSTAHoRpHal. SowerodeovertotheNAVSTA HosphaL When we got there, I helped carry ISNI56 inside. (L At abmit 1443 hniirs.thevoronDUitcedlSN156 dead. Around 1543, NCIS, FBI and Combat Camera arrived. They took a lot of photos oflSNI56 at that dme. Atl7l9,theystattedmovmglSN156totheXRayrDom,wiiereheaiTivedaboutl725ho«rs. Our orders were fhim COL Bogdan to stay with the body Sie whole time. Our relief showed up a fiew minutes befme dmy were going to move the dmainee to the put the body of 1SN156 back (U i'nto the back of the ambulance and took it to the morgue.ACorpsman was driving, and^^^^^nd 1 stayed wfdi the boify in the bade ofthe ambuiancc. Our relief, a SPC and PFC ftom the 755tfa, followed us in an external seeuriQr truck. ta EXHisn- TAT E M E N T PAGE 1 OF AOOmONAL PAGES MUST CONTAIN THE HEADING VrATEM THE BOrrOU OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OP THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT, AND PAGE NUMB&I I M U S T B E O m i O AT E D . DA FORM 2823, NOV 2006 PREVIOUS EOrrtONS ARE OBSOLETE MVPEot oisa Ex. 29. pg. 1 000796 otatementof TAKEN AT OTMO dated 2012/09/28 e . S TAT E M E N T Once we got to the maigiie, there were a lot of medical peisonnel and moigne and dosed the door. At that point, we conducted relief with i who was allowed in or out of the moigue. km. Th^ took the body into die gnaids had an access roster of A F F t D AV r r MH^ HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ the TO ME THIS STATEMENT WHICmRBIWWW8CTfWWIBH»NPA6E . iFuav understand contents of the entirestatement made BTIffi. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. IHAVE INITIALEDAa CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PASS CONTAmiNOTHESIATaiaiT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY VRTHOUT HOPE OF KNEFIT OR REWARD. WITHOUT TKtEAT OF PUfflSHMENT. AND WITHOUT COERCION. UNLAWFUL INaUENCE^^^^^BHHI^^^HII^^^B WITNESSES; SubtcifM and twoni to bMra me. 8 paiBen aiBnrftad by law to «Imlnl«teroMha.lhla davef sePTtfAfflW . ZOiZ ORGANtZATRIN OR AOOfffiSS PAGE 3l OF d PAGES APO P8 VI.01EB Ex. 29, pg. 2 1) Joint Task Coccft GusntAiiasto Bsy. cuf SECRET Of Dofoiiao (DOD) KolMoa coipuo (HC) anil Military C O M U S fl L o n s ( H i : ) L o g a i P r o c o o d l c i ^ a s a c u 000797 LINCLASSIF>ED//feue CERTIFICATE OF DEATH (OVEMEAS) AetaA«it SEPARATBS VMOOWED VnSANTCOM3niOMS Acuta pneumQnia Aumeon9Mifi^eaB«M ^ KO NOT I CSATH DU£ TQ WtBMl. CAUSES OuoOTKMBBi OT !• nOT OMrtlM Atr act o o w t i M M u r a t C AT S D l l t 9 September 2012 Guantanamo Bay Cuba \ N^VCVeV^aTHERfiy^SOPTlCCiCMBCPJWCGATHOOCVRfSO THETlVISirtSCArSD AND PMVTKSCALS59 AS STATfiDAG / a i < a r t t 4 l « ' e N O Ti t t O T t f » t f J O T » ^ i i ! » C O Te 6 a » i » i a O TO Ti < t l » r « f . r f A f W f t H > d » 4 t m * i a m > i > l O T > i m i i W c 4 0 t c K w m ■. T T T j ? r 5 r x ' ' r j . r r ; 7 T i r . ^ : Chfef Deputy Medical Examiner F O R M R E P W e e s i t A F O R M a M a . l J A M T t A M O I I A F O W I I U M ' f M PA I Va a E P T i . l V H G H A I U a S S O U T S . DUIAPRTT 2uo4 EX 131. pg 1 UNCLASSIFIED//WUO SOUTHCOM/000215 UNCLASSIFIEDIIFOUO- (RENE RSVERSEAND RE-WSERT CAMONS ME meme DISPOSITION OF REMAINS m' or mien" cm .3: ma mo cm: cameos one SIGNATURE inn?nan. mus wee-mam menswear momma! case-cm on cwsufw RPS DFW MEG WIN OF VITAL STATISTICS germmum omen manage. OFAUWOREED DD FORM 2084, APR 1977 (BACK) usam vuo Ex. I3I. P9 2 SOUTHCOM1000216 Ex. 69. Pl]. 2 3 Key Points to Remember - Challenging environment Detainees still in the ?ght Media and NGO scrutiny, misrepresentation - Three clear missions: - Safe, humane, legal, transparent care and custody of detainees Intelligence collectidn Support for Military Commissions - JTF Troopers doing a tough job right US Naval Base GTMO us. Naval Base . - Est. in 1903 Guantanamo Bay mug 15Treaty CUba '.--.. Stu' 00.232 . . . 30:0)- 7- I. - 45 sq miles, 17 miles . - a . i of fence line 1? all J5 fry El. 69.Po.3 (?La in?: "tigda - 7 conditions. big 5: Maintain fence line Shipping channel Refueling capability $4000/year . Both countries must agree to abandon JTF tenant command inward Poss: . .n UNCLASSIFIEDIIFOBG Mm? Camp X-Ray Today mews/\o senmoed 51.89. P95 UNCLASSIFIEDIIFGHG Main Facilities UNCLASSIFIEDIIFGUO Detainees at JTF-GTMO Ex. 69. Pg. 7 - Terrorist trainers - Terrorist ?nanciers . Bomb makers - Bin Laden bodyguards - Recruiters and facilitators UNCLASSIFIEDIIFOUG o > c • C W CM Q . © o © I 8 s OT I« s.s s § 1" SCO 0 ^ © i © < Ex 69.Pg.8 . f fi s -s % « =5 s S =3 © © ©^ ® ?F iP ;g Q- < X _ c Q. © ^ 5iE=6 TO S 5 .2 € ;? o 0 . H i I® TOI (gI W CO g (0 I l f © LJJ (Q CO E O ro ^ h I To © ® 5 CO S © 2 1© o CO 2 8 c 0 ) © _ 1 CD ^O T 5< rs, Adversary Within the camps Tactics used by detainees to discredit the U.S. Government Information 0 erations: Use of media, lawyers and int?l organizations to spread a false message of: - - Mental anguish - lnhumane detention conditions . Medical mistreatment - Abuse CO 8 0 o $ : ) (> CO o 1 . o UJ & 2 s «> Q &1 I o ® a « ^ & ( 0 0 o o z £ i ^ :g£ i 1i .9 CO c 0 0 Q E 5 1 Qc 0 II c " c ^ o o C » "tt m C £Q 1 j i 111 E ^ « ■8 I I ■s S •= 0) ^ I f to £ o ■ O c 1^ i i i S 0 £ K § '8 1 8 P .£ « c H 0 c o :S I Q_ OT ■S O "O c Q. i s I ■gS m '-p .§ §■ I o l H S 1 ® -S Q- ^o So^ o > t Ex.69, Pg. 10 .a - g> (0 Q ( 0 c (0 (/> 0 0 ^ ro • c o o> ^ -2-g' L L T3 0 0 ic .9 o 0 -o CD ^ i ■ a c O I- E w •2 8 o o W *•« C CO S):i' « 0) (/} m ^) 0) O Io "Sf 3 u. S C .E o 0) CO ^ & 5 .-s « I = 1 ELM. Pg. 15 DV visits (weekly) . International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) visits (multiple visits/annually) UNCLASSIFIEDIIFOHG SOUTHCO o O CD S O o>g c 5 0 *g- 0 D ) % Jffi ' lU tf O o a. Q-=S 3 ^ « § i i I"S Ic Q LU Ex. 69. Pg. 16 0 E < = tf 0 O O) 2 I 0) > 0 S'< •tf a: « :i 3 o I 8 C o CO 0 o E 'o> g •2 § CO c CO LU CO o "co ^ O) 0 -J -O c 0 S n o Q . 13 CO -nU.' lll-i [ St. • r -. CO E E o O © w t ■g =6 o ® l■Eg l—sa>s(Umig-BCl -Bflj 0) g O) ^ O > 2 ■9 P Q. g © P a: Q. Ex. a. Pg. 17 li! tn o? S 52 J 9 I I I I I •£ E t § s© oi CO O i f CO .9- o ) E ^ o ^ C O 13 2 C o O S =5 CL J "O ® . c h- ® « o « w ® £ c CO O I O) ■D O Ex. 89. Pg. 19 ^ (D Q. ^ I I ES. O > » ■O 0 3 O 0 i n o o o o o E s 0 0 0 c g) 0 E g) £ 0 0 0 0 £ «= C 0 2 £ Q. 0 c = 0 .;s ^ 0 .£ 0 o> g 0 0 o Ex.69. Pg.20 S Q I c CO 0 E CO 3 O "m ® 0) 0 I I I o 2 "5 0 0 8 .o o 0) "C O) o ^ 0 - T i0^ Q - 0 0 CO -O I 0 81^ c ^ .59 ® 0 0 1 E O) C .2 ^o O) 0 o > 0 > .E 0 o ^ 0 O r n 0 0 Q . E O 0 C 0 X I - 3 •£ Q . tr: O 0 o 0 0 O O ) =3 O Q h- .E CO LL 1 I t a m m <0 o z D lZ'ud '89 1?3 Our most important asset UNCLASSIFIEDIIFOUO 5x69.Pg.22 Questions? UNCLASSIFIEDHFOUO- SOUTHCOM1000057 minoanvz? 3N0 nun animus: nun ?5'3 man 1 nous-s ?stuns Mann-?Inna: mic b-ml I I I Manamauogezguemo use; OWlO?le mam- sacrum mm Ex. I. Pa. 23 U NCLASSi Fl ED/Feye- TMMNGSCKaxaE Ex. 70. Pa. 1 an»ps1>WM«IMC 2>1 UNCLASSIFIEDffOtfO SOUTHCOM/000059 NCLASSIFIEDIFOHO mausm~m 3-1? Ex. 70. Pa. 2 UNCLASSIFIEDIFOUO JDG POD/BLOCK ctiiRD^Job^lSS'l^^ation Reouirement E n d : Ex. 71. Pfl. 1 UNCLASSIFIED/ZFeue SOUTHCOM/000061 UMCLASSIFlED/ffeW^ JDO POD/BLOCK GUARD Job Qualification Reqwirenent IKTROPnCTIOM; This Job Qualification Requirement (JQR) begins with a Fundamentals section covering the basic knowledge and principles needed to understand the equipment or duties to be studied. The Basic Knowledge section covers Information needed to perform daily tasks. The daily tasks section puts Fundamentals and Basic Knowledge together and you must demonstrate effectively the proper performance of each task. QOALIFIBR! Q u a l i fi e r s w i l l n o r m a l l y b e E - 4 o r a b o v e a n d . a s a m i n i m u m , must have completed the JQR to be authorized to sign off. C Q M T g W T fl i This JQR is divided into three sections. The 10Q Section (Fundamentals) contains the fundamental knowledge from SOP, Guard Mount messages. Might Orders, and other texts necessary to satisfactorily understand the Guard Post/workstation duties. The 200 Section (Basic Knowledge) is designed to acquaint you with the systems you will be required to operate at your Guard Post/workstation. The 300 Section (Guard Posts) lists the tasks you will be required to satisfactorily perform in order to a c h i e v e fi n a l J Q R q u a l i fi c a t i o n f o r a p a r t i c u l a r G u a r d Post/workstation. KOTf TO COMPLBTBi The tasks you have to complete are listed in the Introducti t o D u t y P o s i t i o n ( 3 0 0 s e c t i o n ) f o r e a c h G t i a r d P o s t . Yo u s h o u l d complete all required fundamentals before starting the basic knowledge and Guard Post portions of this JQR, since knowledge gained from fundamentals will aid you in tmderstanding the systems and your Guard Post tasks. If you are attenqiting i n i t i a l q u a l i fi c a t i o n , y o u r Q u a l i fi e r w i l l e x p e c t y o u t o satisfactorily answer all line items in the fundan^ntals before s i g n i n g o ff c o m p l e t i o n o f t h a t f u n d a m e n t a l . I f y o u n r n s t r e - qualify, your Qualifier may require you to answer representative line items to determine if you have retained the necessary knowledge for your Guard Post, where multiple signatures are required for one line item, the tasks must be satisfactorily accomplished on separate days. This is the minimum training requirement for the JDG. Additional training may be required f o r c a m p s p e c i fi c p r o c e d u r e s . E n d : Ex. T1. Pa. 2 UNCLASSIFIED/MilOSOUTHCOM/000062 JJNCLASSIFIED/^fiOl^ J P G P O D / B L O C K G u & R P \ J o b Q u a l i fi c a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t ReaponBlbilitiea t The Pod/BlocK Guard is responsible for maintaining good order a n d d i s c i p l i n e , s e c u r i t y, s a n i t a t i o n a n d c o n t r o l a n d i i r e l f a r e o f detainees housed within their assigned camp. xature/Date Preraoviisltes s 1 Completion of Detention Operations Training 2 OC c e r t i fi c a t i o n 3 Pre-service training 4 Required Reading: Manchester Document 1 0 1 F O N D A M B H TA L S 1 Cleanliness of a Pod/Block 2 Rules for Use of Force 3 Communication systems 4 First aid kit location 5 Power outage procedures 6 Detainee discipline levels 201 BASIC KMOWLBDOS 1 Proper restraint policy/procedures 2 Detainee feeding policy/procedures a. 3 4 5 6 Different meal choices Koran handling policy Detainee search policy White noise policy Medical emergency a. b. Code c. Code d. e. Code Code Code Red Green (b)C3);icuscii3Qb.(bxe) Ye l l o w Blue Black 7 All Emergency Action Plans 8 Knowledge of Bl/CI list 9 Understanding of Black Box system 10 Understanding of Ball Card 11 I n t e r n a l / v i s i t o r e s c o r t p r o c e d u r e s 12 Loss of electrical power procedures 1 3 D e t a i n e e r e q u e s t s ( w a t e r, e t c ] 14 Key control policy 15 16 ICBC Med visits Pass 17 Clipper issue & accountability 18 Sally port operations 1 9 To w e r / C o n t r o l b o o t h p r o c e d u r e s E n d : E x 71, Ex. 7 1Pg.P3g 3 UNCLASSIFIEDZ/Peee SOUTHCOM/000063 JDG POO/BLOCK (H/ARD^Job^'i^li^^ation Requirement 20 Habeas mail search procedure 301 mTRODOCTION TO DUTY POSZTZOR 1 Demonstrate shackling techniques a. Compliant b. Discipline c. Padded leg restraints 2 Demonstrate meal issue 3 Demonstrate meal pickup and accoxmtability 4 Demonstrate movements to recreation yard 5 Stand Rec Ysord Observer S Demonstrate proper rec yard paperwork completion 7 Demonstrate movements to shower 6 Demonstrate proper cell search 9 Demonstrate proper technique for opening feed tray (bX3}:10USC§130b.(bX6) slots Ex.T1.Pg. 4 UNCLASSIFIED/fpetfO SOUTHCOM/000064 JDG POP/BLOCK W16i^§81f'6ua$?i^ation Reouirement (bX3) 10 use 4130b,(bKS) Qualifier Name/Rank: (b)(3):io use §i30b,{bX6) (b}(3):lCUSC§130b.(bX6) (b)(3):10USC §130b.{bXe) CAMP S I G N AT O R E / D AT E S I G N AT U R E / D AT E QIC S I G N AT U R E / D AT E S I G N AT U R E / D AT E E n d : P, 71 ®Pa 5 UMCLASSIFtED//fOWSOUTHCOM/000065 UNCLASSIFIED//Fe»e JPG POD/BLOCK GPARP Job QxiaXiglcatioa Requiroaent NAMBt (bM3i;lOU8CS130b.(bX0) S T A R T: FZNISBi E n d : UNCLA8SIFIE0//Fet»e SOUTHCOM/000066 UNCLASSIFi ED//Fe«^ J P G P O D / B L O C K O D B k l Q ) J o b ( M a l i fi c a t i o n K e g u i r e m e n t IMTRODUCTION: T h i s J o b Q u a l i fi c a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t ( J Q R ) b e g i n s w i t h a Fundamentals section covering the basic knowledge and principles needed to imderstand the equipment or duties to be studied. The Basic Knowledge section covers information needed to perform dally tasks. The daily tasks section puts Fundamentals and Basic Knowledge together and you must demonstrate effectively the proper performance of each task. QUALIFIBRi Q u a l i fi e r s w i l l n o r. i t a l l y b e E - 4 o r a b o v e a n d , a s a m i n i m u m , m u s t h a v e c o m p l e t e d t h e J Q R t o b e a u t h o r i z e d t o s i g n o ff . COMTgirst This JQR is divided into three sections. The 100 Section ( F u n d a m e n t a l s ) c o n t a i n s t h e f u n d a m e n t a l k n o w l e d g e f r o m S O P, Guard Mount messages. Night Orders, and other texts necessary to satisfactorily uiKlerstand the Guard Post/workstation duties. The 200 Section (Basic Knowledge) is designed to acquaint you with the systems you will be required to operate at your Guard Post/workstation. The 300 Section (Guard Posts) lists the tasks you will be required to satisfactorily perform in order to a c h i e v e fi n a l J Q R q u a l i fi c a t i o n f o r a p a r t i c u l a r G u a r d Pos t/workstat ion. BOW TO COMPbgTBt The tasks you have to coaq>Iete are listed in the Introduction t o D u t y P o s i t i o n ( 3 0 0 s e c t i o n ) f o r e a c h G t i a r d P o s t . To u s h o u l d cooqplete all required fundamentals before staurting the basic knowledge and Guard Post portions of this JQR, since knowledge gained from fundamentals will aid you in understanding the systems and your Guard Post tasks. Xf you are attempting initial q u a l i fi c a t i o n , your Q u a l i fi e r will expect you to satisfactorily answer all line items in the fundamentals before signing off completion of that fundamental. If you must req u a l i f y, y o u r Q u a l i fi e r m a y r e q u i r e y o u t o a n s w e r r e p r e s e n t a t i v e line items to determine if you have retained the necessary knowledge for your Guard Post. Where multiple signatures are recjuired for one line item, the tasks must be satisfactorily accomplished on separate days. This is the minimum training requirement for the JDG. Additional training may be required f o r c a m p s p e c i fi c p r o c e d u r e s . E n d : E*72.pg2 UNCLASSIFIED/tfWW SOUTHCOM/000067 I UNCLASSIFIED/mUO JDS POD/BLOCK GHaRP Job Qualifleation Requirement RttBPOn»lbllitie« t The Pod/Block Guard is responaible for maintaining good order and discipline, security, sanitation and control and welfare of detainees housed within their assigned camp. P r e r i iture/Pate L s i t e s : 1 Conqpletion of Detention O p e r a t i o n s Tr a i n i n g 2 3 OC c e r t i fi c a t i o n Pre-service training 4 Required Reading: ffanchester Document 1 0 1 P O H D M a B TA L S X Cleanliness of a Pod/Block 2 Rules for Dse of Force 3 Communication systems 4 First aid kit location 5 Power outage procedures 6 Detainee discipline levels 201 BA81C KMOWLBDGB 1 Proper restraint policy/procedures 2 Detainee feeding policy/procedures a. Different meal choices 3 Koran handling policy 4 Detainee search policy 5 White noise policy 6 Medical emergency a. Code Green b. Code Red c. Code d. e. Code Code Ye l l o w Blue Black 7 All Emergency Action Plans B Knowledge of BI/Cl list 9 understanding of Black Box system 10 Understanding of Ball Card 11 I n t e r n a l / v i s i t o r e s c o r t p r o c e d u r e s 12 Loss of electrical power procedures 1 3 D e t a i n e e r e q u e s t s ( w a t e r, e t c ) 14 Key control policy 15 ICRC 16 Med visits Pass 17 Clipper issue & accountability 18 Sally port operations 1 9 To w e r / C o n t r o l b o o t h p r o c e d u r e s E n d : Ex.72.Ptt.3 UNCLASSIFIED//Fe4^ SOUTHCOM/000068 UNCLASSIFIED/MM- J P G P O D / g L O C K G U A R D J o b Q u a l i fi c a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t 20 Habeas mail search procedure 301 HaTBOOTCTiaH TO PDTY POSITION 1 Demonstrate shackling techniques a. Compliant b. Discipline c. Padded leg restraints 2 Demonstrate meal issue 3 Demonstrate meal pickup and accoxmtability 4 Demonstrate movements to recreation yard 5 Stand Rec Ya r d Observer 6 Demonstrate proper rec yard paperwork conqpletlon 7 Demonstrate movements to shower 8 Demonstrate proper cell search (bX3):10 use S130b.(bXS) UNCLASSIFIED/ff^OtfO J D G P O D / B L O C K G U A R D J o b Q u a l i fi c a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t 10 Demonstrate proper Med Pass procedures (b}(3):1OUSCS130b.(bXa) 11 C l i p p e r A c c o u n t a b i l i t y Pod/Block Duty Posltion/Oate lieft Seat Right seat .(6X6) T R A I N I N G O F F I C E R S I G N AT U R E S I G N AT U R E / D AT E S I G N AT U R E / D AT E E n d : EX.72.PB.5 UNCLASSIFIEO//Feve SOUTHCOM/000070 UNCLASSIFiED//Fe(M J P G P O D / B L O C K q O A R D J o b Q u a l i fi c a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t V- \ -:s.- («>X3):10 use 5130b,(bX6) S T A R T I cm iMiji 7o(^ PINISBt HQ, m'^ 7.q\IEnd: Ex. 73, Pg. 1 UNCLASSIFIED/m«^ SOUTHCOM/000071 UHClMS]F\EDtfW^ J P G P O P / B X i O C K q O A R D J o b Q u a l i fi c a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t IKTRmwICTIOMi ■n i l s J o b Q u a l i f i c a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t ( J Q R ) b e g i n s w i t h a Pimdamentals section covering the basic )cnowledge and principles needed to understand the equipment or duties to be studied. The Basic Knowledge section covers information needed to perform dally tasks. The daily tasks section puts Fundamentals and Basic Knowledge together and you must demonstrate effectively the proper performance of each task. Q u a l i fi e r s w i l l n o r m a l l y b e B - 4 o r a b o v e a u i d , a s a m i n i m u m , m u s t h a v e c o m p l e t e d t h e J Q R t o b e a u t h o r i z e d t o s i g n o ff . cowrawTSt This JQR is divided into three sections. The 100 Section ( F u n d a m e n t a l s ) c o n t a i n s t h e f u n d a m e n t a l J m o w l e d g e f r o m S O P, Guard Kount messages. Night Orders, and other texts necessary to satisfactorily understand the Guard Post/workstation duties. The 200 Section (Basic Knowledge) is designed to acquaint you with the systems you will be required to operate at your Guard post/workstation. The 300 Section (Guard Posts) lists the tasks you will be required to satisfactorily perform in order to a c h i e v e fi n a l J Q R q u a l i fi c a t i o n f o r a p a r t i c u l a r G u a r d Pos t/works tation. HOW TO COMPItBTBt The tasks you have to ccxnplete are listed in the Introduction t o D u t y P o s i t i o n ( 3 0 0 s e c t i o n ) f o r e a c h G u a r d P o s t . Yo u s h o u l d complete all required fundamentals before starting the basic knowledge and Guard Post portions of this JQR, since knowledge gained from fundamentals will aid you in understanding the systems and your Guard Post tasks. If you are attempting i n i t i a l q u a l i fi c a t i o n , y o u r Q u a l i fi e r w i l l e x p e c t y o u t o satisfactorily answer all line items in the fundamentals before signing off completion of that fundamental. If you must re- qualify, your Qualifier may require you to answer representative line items to determine if you have retained the necessary knowledge for your Guard Poet. Where multiple signatures are required for one line item, the tasks must be satisfactorily accomplished on separate days. This is the minimum training requirement for the JDG. Additional training may be required f o r c a m p s p e c i fi c p r o c e d u r e s . Bncl: Ex. 73. Pg. 2 UNCLASSIFIEDZ/POtt^ SOUTHCOM/000072 UNCLASSIFIED/ff^OM JD6 POD/BLOCK qHBRP Job RarooMlbllitie* ili£ication Reoulrement > The Pod/Block Guard Is responsible £or maintaining good order a n d d i s c i p l i n e , s e c u r i t y, s a n i t a t i o n a n d c o n t r o l a n d w e l f a r e o f detainees housed within their assigned camp. iture/Pate Prereguisites: 1 Completion of Detention o p e r a t i o n s Tr a i n i n g 2 3 DC c e r t i fi c a t i o n Pre-service training 4 Required Reading: Manchester Document 101 P C M D M g M TA I i S 1 Cleanliness of a Pod/Block 2 Rules for Use of Force 3 communication systems 4 First aid kit location 5 Power outage procedures € Detainee discipline levels 201 BASIC KMOWLgPOB 1 Proper restraint policy/procedures 2 Detainee feeding policy/procedures a. Different meal choices 3 Koran handling policy 4 Detainee search policy 5 White noise policy 6 Medical emergency a. b. Code Code c. Code d. e. Code Code Green Red Ye l l o w Blue Black 7 All Emergency Action Plans 8 Knowledge of BI/CI list 9 Understanding of Black Box system 10 understanding of Ball Card 11 I n t e r n a l / v i s i t o r e s c o r t p r o c e d u r e s 12 Loss of electrical power procedures 13 Detainee requests (water, etc) 14 Key control policy 15 ICRC visits 16 Med Pass 17 Clipper issue & accountability 16 Sally port operations 1 9 To w e r / C o n t r o l b o o t h p r o c e d u r e s E n d : Ex. 73, Pg. 3 UNCLASSIF)ED//Fe«ie SOUTHCOM/000073 1 DemQnstrate shackling techniques a. Conqpliant h. Discipline c. Padded leg restraints 2 Demonstrate meal issue 3 Demonstrate meal pickup and accountability (bX3):10U8C«130b.(bX6) 4 Demonstrate movements to recreation yard 5 Stand Rec Ya r d Observer 6 Demonstrate proper rec yard paperwork completion 7 Demonstrate movements to shower 8 Demonstrate proper cell search 9 Demonstrate proper technique for opening feed tray slots £ n c l : Ex. 73, Pg. 4 UNCLASSIFIED/ff=eM SOUTHCOM/000074 10 Demonstrate proper Med Pass procedures a>N3}:10USCS13ab^l>)(e) 11 C l i p p e r A c c o u n t a b i l i t y Pod/Bloek Duty Position/Date Left Seat Riffht Seat CAMP WC T R A I N I N G O F F I C E R S I O J AT O R E SX Qualification Requiranent (JQR) begins with a Fundamentals section covering the basic knowledge and principles needed to understand the equipment or duties to be studied. The Basic Knowledge section cavers information needed to perform dally tasks. The daily tasks section puts Fundamentals and Basic Knowledge together and you tniat demonstrate effectively the proper perfoxmance of each task. QqALIFIBRt Qualifiers will normally be B-4 or above and, as a minimum, must have conq>leted the JQR to be authorized to sign off. OOHrilffBl This JQR is divided into three sections. The lOO Section (Pundamentala) contains the fundamental knowledge from Guard Hount messages. Night orders, and other texts necessary to satisfactorily understand the Guard Post/workstation duties. The 200 Section (Beaic Knowledge) is designed to acquaint you with the systems you will be required to operate at your Guard Post/vorkstatlon. The 300 Section (Guard Posts) lists the tasks you will be required to satisfactorily perform in order to a c h i e v e fi n a l J Q R q u a l i fi c a t i o n f o r a p a r t i c u l a r G u a r d Post/workstation. ROW TO COIiH«CTi The tasks you have to cc»q>lete are listed in the Xntroductlon t o D u t y P o s i t i o n ( 3 0 0 s e c t i o n ) f o r e a c h G u a r d P o s t . Yo u s h o u l d GcnB)leta all required fundamentals before starting the basic knowledge and Guard Post portions of this JQR, since knowledge gained from tundamentale will aid you in understanding the eyetems and your Guard Post tasKs. zf you are attempting i n i t i a l q u a l i fi c a t i o n , y o u r Q u a l i fi e r w i l l e i q p e c t y o u t o aatisfactorily answer all line items in the fundamentals before s i g n i n g o ff c o a p l e t l o n o f t h a t f u n d a m e n t a l , i f y o u m u s t r e - qualify, your Qualifier may require you to answer representative line items to determine if you have retained the necessary knowledge for your Guard Poet. Where multiple signatures are required for one line item, the tasks must be satisfactorily accooplished on separate days. This is the mlninum training requirement for the JBO. Additional training nay be required f o r c a i q p s p e c i fi c p r o c e d u r e s . E n d : Ex. 75, Pg. 2 U NCLASSIFI SOUTHCOM/000082 UNCLAS8IFIED//FOxe) 11 C l i p p e r A c c o u n t a b i l i t y ?od/Block Duty Position/Date Lett Seat Q u a l i fi i a r i s a m e / R a x U c : (bM3>:10USC5130b.(bX8) Sight Seat (bX3):10USCJi3«i.(i»x«> (bX3J:IOUSC§130b.(bXe) SZGMATDRB/DATE T R A Z N I R S O F F I C E R S I O H AT U R B S I O N AT U R E / D AT E E n d : Ex.75. Pp. 5 UNCLASSIFIED//FeM SOUTHCOM/000085 UNCLASSIFIED^Petfe J D O P O D / B L O C K N C O J o b Q u a l i fi c a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t Ex. 78. Pg. 1 UNCLASSIFIED/POt#« SOUTHCOM/000086 UNCLASSIFIED/feee J P G P O D / B L O C K N C O J o b Q u a l i fi c a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t INTRODOCTIOKs T h i s J o b Q u a l i fi c a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t ( J Q R ) b e g i n s w i t h a Fundamentals section covering the basic knowledge and principles needed to understand the equipment or duties to be studied. The Basic Knowledge section covers information needed to perform daily tasks. The dally tasks section puts Fundamentals and Basic Knowledge together and you must demonstrate effectively the proper performance of each task. QqAblPIBR; Q u a l i fi e r s w i l l n o r m a l l y b e E - 5 o r a b o v e a n d , a s a m i n i m u m , must have completed the JQR to be authorized to sign off. COOTEMTS; This JQR is divided into three sections. The 100 section ( F u n d a m e n t a l s ) c o n t a i n s t h e f u n d a m e n t a l k n o w l e d g e f r o m . S D P, Guard Mount messages. Night Orders, and other texts necessary to satisfactorily understand the Guard Post/workstation duties. The 200 Section (Basic Knowledge) is designed to acquaint you with the systems you will be required to operate at your Guard Post/workstation. The 300 Section (Guard Posts) lists the tasks you will be required to satisfactorily perform in order to a c h i e v e fi n a l J Q R q u a l i fi c a t i o n f o r a p a r t i c u l a r G u a r d Post/workstation. HOW TO C0MPL8TB; The tasks you have to complete are listed in the Introduction t o D u t y P o s i t i o n ( 3 0 0 s e c t i o n ) f o r e a c h G u a r d P o s t . Yo u s h o u l d complete all required fundamentals before starting the basic knowledge and Guard Post portions of this JQR, since knowledge gained from fundamentals will aid you in understanding the systems and your Guard Post tasks. If you are attempting i n i t i a l q u a l i fi c a t i o n , y o u r Q u a l i fi e r w i l l e x p e c t y o u t o satisfactorily answer all line items in the fundamentals before s i g n i n g o ff c o m p l e t i o n o f t h a t f u n d a m e n t a l . Z f y n u m u s t r e q u a l i f y, y o u r Q u a l i fi e r m a y r e q u i r e y o u t o a n s w e r r e p r e s e n t a t i v e line items to determine if you have retained the necessary knowledge for your Guard Post. Where multiple signatures are required for one line item, the tasks must be satisfactorily accomplished on separate days. This is the minimum training requirement for the JDG. Additional training may be required f o r c a m p s p e c i fi c p r o c e d u r e s . E n d ; Ex. 76, Pg. 2 UNCLASSIFIEDAPOUO> SOUTHCOM/000087 UNCLASSlFIED/f6W JDO POD/BLOCK NCO Job Qualification Recrulrement RaBPonBlbilitieB; The Pod/Block NCO is responsible Cor ensuring that the Block/POD guards are maintaining good order and discipline, security, sanitation and control and welfare of detainees housed within their assigned Block/POD. Signature/Date Prerequisites: Completion Detention O p e r a t i o n s Tr a i n i n g OC c e r t i fi c a t i o n Pre-service training Required Reading: Manchester Document Must be E-S or above. E-4 and below approved by the CJDG. L P O H D A M B N TA L a Cleanliness of a Pod/Block Weapons policy Communication systems First aid kit location Power outage procedures Detainee discipline levels L BASIC XWOWLSPQB 1 Procedures for linen exchange (b)(3) 10USC§<30b.(b;;6) 2 Explain policy for PCE as BNCO 3 Procedures for door control 4 Procedures for detainee requests 5 Explain procedures for all EAPs £ Shift change procedures 7 Proper decon procedures 8 Proper discipline level status change 9 Knowledge of rec procedures 10 clippers and razor policy 11 p o l i c y f o r h a n d w a n d u s e 12 Habeas and ICRC visits for discipline level detainees 13 Special requests by detainee procedures 14 Proper use of interpreters 15 Procedures for enteral feedings 16 Proper restraint policy/procedures 17 Decainaa feeding policy/procedures a. 18 Different Koran meal handling choices policy E n d : Ex. 76, Pfl. 3 UNCLASSIFIED/Fewe SOUTHCOM/000088 UNCLASSIFIEDWee 19 Detainee search policy 20 White noise policy 21 Medical emergency a. Code b- Code c. Code Green Red Ye l l o w d. Code Blue G. Code Black 22 All Emergency Action Plans 23 24 25 26 27 Knowledge o£ Bi/Ci list Understanding of Black Box system Understanding of Ball Card Internal/visitor escort procedures Loss of electrical power procedures 2 3 D e t a i n e e r e q u e s t s ( w a t e r, e t c ) 29 Key control policy 30 31 ICRC Med visits Pass 32 Clipper issue & accountability 33 Sally port operations 34 To w e r / C o n t r o l booth procedures (b)t3):iousc§i33b.(bKB) 301 IMTROPnCTlOM TO DOTy POBITIOK TSAIKIMG 1 G i v e b l o c k r e p o r t t o W C / fl W C 2 coordinate discipline level change 3 Conduct block equipment inventory 4 Conduct key inventory 5 Demonstrate proper cell search 6 Demonstrate proper clipper issue / turn-in / accountability 7 Demonstrate DIMS blotter entry E n d ; Ex. 76. Pg. 4 UNCLASSIFlED/fWeSOUTHCOM/000089 UNCLASS!FIED/POU« JPG POD/BLOCK HCO Job Qualification Requirement B Demonstrate head count entry 9 Demonstrate SIGACT entry 10 Review DA Form 2823 11 C o o r d i n a t e l i n e n e x c h a n g e 12 complete meal cracker 13 Complete Shower/Rec tracker I {bj;3);10USCSl30b.(bKe) 14 Update Block NCO boards 15 Demonstrate proper cum over 16 coordinate and enforce shackling techniqui a. Compliant b. Discipline c. Padded leg restraints E n d ! Ex, 76, Pg. 5 UNCLASSIFIEOMU^ SOUTHCOM/000090 UNCLASSIFIED^eee JDG POD/BLOCK NCO Job Qualification Requirement 17 Coordinate meal issue 18 Coordinate meal pick-up and accountability 19 Coordinate movemento to recreation yard 22 Coordinate movements to shower (bK3j: 13 use SI 30b,(b)(6) 23 Coordinate proper cell search 24 Enforce proper technique for opening bean holes 25 Coordinate proper Med Pase procedures E n d : Ex. 76, Pg. 6 UNCLASSlFIEDfPett©SOUTHCOM/000091 UNCLASSIFIEDMUO JPG POD/BIiOCK NCO Job Qualification Recmlrement I BKCO Watches/Date Left Seat Right Seat ^-C^CrU Q u a l i fi e r N a m e / R a n k ; (bK3):10 use S130b.(bX6) (bH3):10 use §130D.(b)(6) f'AMU) Awr signature/date signature/date E n d Ex. 76, Pg. 7 UNCLASSIFIED/fe«^ SOUTHCOM/000092