1/10/2017 POFD Form POFD FORM COMPLETED Submission Date: 03/08/2016 FILER INFORMATION First Name: CLARK Last Name: BISHOP Address: 3365 Sandvik City, State Zip: Fairbanks, Alaska 99709 Contact Phone: 907­479­3969 Alternate Phone: Nothing to Report Fax (Optional): Nothing to Report Email: bish@alaska.net Partner Type: Spouse Spouse/Domestic Partner Name: Darlene Bishop Dependent Children: 0 Non­Dependent Children: 0 Names of Non­Dependent Children living with filer: PURPOSE OF FILING Report Year: 2016 Report Dates: From 01/01/2015 Through 12/31/2015 Filing As: Office Holder Branch: Legislative Position: Senator Report Type: Annual INCOME Owner Filer Type Salaried Detail State of Alaska Description Legislature Amount $50,000 ­ $100,000 State Capitol Building  Juneau, Alaska 99801 Filer Dividend or Interest Full­time From: 01/15/2015 Through 01/15/2016 Time Worked: Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend https://aws.state.ak.us/ApocReports/POFD/View.aspx?ID=11756 $2,000 ­ $5,000 1/3 1/10/2017 POFD Form Owner Type Detail Description Amount Spouse Dividend or Alaska Permanent Fund $2,000 ­ $5,000 Interest Dividend Filer Self General Refining Corporation Sold Gold to General $20,000 ­ Employment Refining Corporation $50,000 Seasonal From: 05/01/2015 Through 09/01/2015 Time Worked: 5 months Client Names Client Addresses Client Amount No Clients Reported INTERESTS Owner Filer Type Business Filer, Real Spouse Property Filer Beneficial Filer Beneficial Filer Beneficial Spouse Beneficial Spouse Beneficial Detail Description Business Name: Rampart Exploration LLC Placer Mining 3365 Sandvik Fairbanks, Alaska 99709 3365 Sandvik  Fairbanks, Alaska 99709 Managed By: Local 302&612 Operating Engineers Managed By: International Union Of Operating Engineers Managed By: State of Alaska Managed By: State of Alaska Managed By: Horace Mann Interest Position / Type: Solo Properietorship Ownership Interes t: Home owner Retirement Define d Benefits General Pension Ownership: 100% Alaska PERS Alaska TERS Mutual Fund Ownership: 100% Ownership: 100% Ownership: 100% Ownership: 100% LOANS AND DEBTS Owner Type Name Filer, Spouse Creditor Address: 1292 Sadler Way, first floor Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 Filer Original Loan Amount: $20,137.00 Balance Amount: $19,500.00 Interest Rate: 2.75% Creditor Specialized Loan Servicing Address: 8742 Lucent Blvd Ste 300 Highland Drive, Colorado 80129 Filer Original Loan Amount: $25,000.00 Balance Amount: $6,913.00 Interest Rate: 3.5% Creditor Alaska USA Credit Union Address: 1292 Sadler Way, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 Original Loan Amount: $12,053.00 Balance Amount: $11,340.00 Interest Rate: 13.5% https://aws.state.ak.us/ApocReports/POFD/View.aspx?ID=11756 Alaska USA Credit Union 2/3 1/10/2017 POFD Form LEASES Owner Filer Type of Lease Lease/Contract ID Natural Resource 000021239 Interest Status Natural Resources Held Description Mining claim lease CLOSE ECONOMIC ASSOCIATIONS Person Disclosing Association Associated Person Description No Associations / Nothing to Report LOBBYIST PARTNER EMPLOYERS Name Address Compensation No Lobbyist Partner Employers / Nothing to Report https://aws.state.ak.us/ApocReports/POFD/View.aspx?ID=11756 3/3