DEFENSE-LOGISTICS- AGENCY DIS-POSITIONSERVICES 74 AVENUE NORTH MIGHIGAN 490376092 December 5,2015; SUBJECT Confnmationof-State Cemple'iion for the FY16 Annual, lirventory Agency (DLA) Of?ce (LESQ) acknoW'leEiges?that the State erirginia has Completed the FY16'A1111ua'l' Inventory; as requi1e'd. ?pe1 the Memorandum of Agreement between the DLA and the State. The State. has' r?eceipt'e'd andIeri certi?ed fer all=1tems which faIL Within the parameters .of the FY16 Annual Inventory The State- has piovrded the required pho't0g's- deor serial numbers .101 Aircraft, Tactical Vehicles, Weapons, NightV131onI0pt1cal devibes; Weapons Suppressors and other items, (as 1de11t1?ed by the" DLA The. DLA LESO- W111 Work with 310111 State (as needed) throughout the coming months to resolve potentlal discrepanmes that have been identi?ed 'vi'a the Annual I?ventOrY' process Should 3'01; have any Carlqs Tor-res; 3412; LaWiEnforeer?rieIitiSuppert Services Mr. Tel-?resmay- be reached air-(269) 961-4285,,01- via-email at paw?wk JNA 111113111011 Director 100:" Gejrerh?cr,,State 11171111111111