Order) (denying plaintiff?s motion to quash two subpoenas 016 issued to a bank because the. threshold showing of relevance necessary to justify enforcement of the subpoenas? ?satis?ed and the subpoenas were ?otherwise de?nite in their description of the documents sough and ?not overbroad?). 016 is to keep all its investigatory files and reports con?dential and not divulge them to any person or agency outside the City of Chicago, with limited exceptions for prosecuting agencies. 2-56-110. Due to this statutOry duty of con?dentiality and the adverse consequences attending to public disclosure of an ongoing investigation, details of the instant investigation are signi?cantly limited in this Response. However, 010 is prepared to outline in further detail the signi?cant role that Wojcik played in response to the McDonald shooting through an In camera submission if so directed by the Court. 10 of 14 5 Under the Municipal Code, Scanned by CamScanner