. .. UNITED STATES DISTRICT.COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF IOWA P.O. BOX 188 CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA 52401 CHAMBERS OF LINDA R. READE DISTRICT COURT JUDGE UNITED STATES COURTHOUSE 101 FIRST STREET SE CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA 524111 (319)288-2330 FAX(319)2BB-2331 E-mail: llnda_reade@land.usc:ourts.gov . . . .. •'r .. . - CJ) 0 r--n Judicial Conference of the United States ;:; One Columbus Circle, N.E. '-- - -::a ·-."\ Washington, D.C. 20544 o"'P"° -nr-., Financial Disclosure for Hon. Linda R. Reade - 0 fli Dear Judge Lisi: Here is the additional information for my 2003 reprirt: Part ID, B line2, "Farm Income" should be omitted. Parts IV and V, the "NONE" box should be checked for both parts. Part VII, pagel, Line 6, Column D (3) should be "J". Part VII, page 1, Line 7, Column D (3) should be "J". ':D rn C'.7 0 o::;; Committee on Financial Disclosure Re: go 0 Mary M. Lisi, Chair - Part VII, page 6, line 100, Column C (1) should be "J"; C (2) should be "T". Part VII, page 6, line 101, Colunin C (1) should be "J", C (2) should be "T". Part VII, page 6, line 102, Column A the date of the appraisal is 12/31/03. rn rs - · -0 :::::: - rn 0 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT August 18, 2004 Page2 I am enclosing three copies as requested. Sincerely, LRR/dll Enclosures · ·�� rb ,,..0--10___ __, . Rev.,1120 ... . - t+ l. Person Reporting (Last name, First name, Middle initial) (5 U.S.C. app. §§ 101-111) 3. Date of Report 2. Court or Organization Reade, Linda R 611012004 District Court ND Iowa Title (Article ID Judges indicate active or senior status; magistrate judges indicate full- or part-time) 4. U.S. District Judge - Active ReportType (check appropriate type) 0 Nomination, 0 Initial 6. Reporting Period 1/112003 Date @Annual Q 1st St. SE 12131/2003 of the information contained in.this Report and any Reviewing Officer. ___________ Cedar Rapids, IA 5240 I IMPORTANT NOTES: to Flnal modifications pertaining thereto, it is, in my opinion, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. U.S. Courthouse L POSITIONS. S. 8. On the basis 7. Chambers or Office Address NONE In Government Act of 1978 Calendar Year 2003 __ 101 Report Required by the Ethics, FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Date.__ _ __ The mstructions accompanying this form must be followed. Complete all parts, checking the NONE box for each part (Reporting individual only; see pp. 9-13 oftiling instructions) - (No reporlable positions.) NAME OF ORGANIZATION/ENTITY POSrIJON 1. 0 (/) IL AGREEMENTS. 0 NONE (Reporting individual only; see pp. 14-16 offiling instructions) C') . ,, O::;: U>'"'c::x> :::uz rrin o::x> ..,, , _,., C> Pl - (No reportable agreem ents.) .... ' = <-..., t-.. c:= z 0- 1J -.. · :::0 rn (') rn < ril 0 .r- PARTIES AND IERMS l. 08/01/93 State of Iowa and me-Iowa Judicial Retirement Plan. .lbc state will pay me retim:nent income when I am eligible to retire . FfN CIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Name of Person Reporting l>dtc of Report Reade. Linda R ' III. NON-INVESTMENT :INCOME. 611012004 (Reporting individ.ual and spouse; see pp. 17-24 of filing instructions) A. FUer's Non-Investment Incom NONE · (No reportable non-investment income.) SOURCE AND mE GROSS INCOME (yours, not spouse's) 1. B. Spouse's Non-Investment Incom -(lfyou were married during any portion of the reporting year, please complete this section. (dollar amount not required except for honoraria) 0 NONE - (No reportable non-investment income.) SOURCE AND TYPE 1. 2003 Bradshaw Fowler Proctor & Fairgrave, PC wages 2. 2003 Fann income - IV. REIMBURSEMENTS - transportation. lodging, food, entertainment. (Includes those to spouse and dependent children. See pp. 25-27 of instructions.) D NONE - (No such reportable mmburscments.) SOURCE 1. exempt DESCRIPTION FINi\NCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT ' Name of Person Reporting Date of Report Reade, Linda R V, GIFTS. D NONE (Includes those to spouse and dependent children. See pp. 28-31 of instructions.) · (No such reportable gifts.) DESCRIPIION SQURCE l. exempt VI. LIABILITIES. D NONE " (Includes those of spouse and dependent children.. See pp. 32-34 of instructions.) (No reportable liabilities.) CREDITOR 1. 6/10/2004 Farm Credit (X) DESCRJPTION Secured by assets 80 through 97. YALUE CQDE N , FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Reade, Linda R VIL INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS - 6/1012004 income. va1ue, traoscations (inc1u11cs t11osc or the spouse anc1 depc:nde.nt cbildren. Sec pp. 34-s1 or filing instructions.> B. Income during A. Desaiption ofAssets (inclwting tnlst usels) c. Gross YBlue at end of RpOl'ling period (l) Place "QC)" after each uset exempt fi"om prior disclosure DNONE Date of Report Name of Person Reporting \.Page 1 of6 D. Transactions during reporting period reporting period (2) (e.g. AmolDll Type Code 1 (A-H) div. mll. or int.) Value Valur: Code2 Method (J-P) CodcJ (Q-W) Ifnot (1) (2) (1) (2) Type (e.g. Date: merger, Day buy, sen, Molllh- tedaqltion) t ftom disclosure (3) Value Codc2 (J-P) (4) Gain Code 1 (A- (S) Identity of buyeifscllcr (Jfprivalc transai:tion) (No rcpor1able iD:omc, assets, or transactioDs) 1. West Bank Accounts 2. US 3. CSCOStock 4. Medtronic Inc. Stock 5. Closed Bank Accowts (formerly Firstar Banlc Accowts) Interest K T None J T A Dividend J T Morgan Stanley Uguid Asset Fund A Interest J T 6. VanKampen Ins. MIDli Inc Trust 14 A Interest J T 7. -Van Kampen Ins. Muni Inc TYUSt 14 8. COM Mutual Fund 9. B Dividend 0 T US Savings Bonds None J T 10. Morgan Stanley American Opp. Fund B None J T 11. VanKampen Select Growth Fund None J T 12. Stock Index Fund-Valic None J T 13. Science&: Technology Fund-Valic None J T 14. Putnam New Opportunity Fund None J T 15. Putnam Global Gr Fund None J T 16. American Cent Ultra Fund None J T 17. IRA Accowt (X) None J T 18. -Fidelity Adv A (See Columns Bl andD4) 2. Value Codes: (SeeCohmms Cl mid.DJ) ,11, • S 1,000 or less A partial Sale 12125 A B $1,001-S2,.SOO c -w01-ss,ooo D "'SS.001-$15,000 More than SS,000,000 G -s100.001.s1.ooo. ooo Ht - SJ..00,0 001-SS,ooO,OOO H2 - sis,ooo or less K - L M. c$to0,001-$250.000 N =S2S0.000-S500,000 0 -.ssoo.001-s1.ooo.ooo F •i50,00l..$ l00,000 .J P3 (See Colunm C2) 05125 Serv VD Technology Fd Cl T 1• .IncomeKlain Codes! 3. Value Method Codes Partial Sale - Sts .00 1 sso oro , . -$50,001.$100,000 Pl -$1,000,001-SS,000,000 • P2 = SS,000,001-$25,000.000 P4 = $More than $50;000.000 szs.000.001-sso.ooo.ooo Assessment Q ; Appraisal R =Cost (Real Estate Only) s u =Book Value v =Other w =Estimated = T = Cash/Market E -s1s,001-sso.ooo .FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Date of Report Name of Person Reporting :.Page 2 of6 Reade, Linda R VIL INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS 6/1012004 - income, value, transcations (includes those oflbe spouse and dependent eluldren. See pp. 34-S7 of filing instructions.) B. A. c. Gross value at end or n:porting period Jncom: during ieporling period Description ofAssets (including tnist assets) (I) (1) (2) D. Transactions during reporting period If not exetq>l from disclosure (1) (2) (3) (2) Place "(X.)" after each asset exempt from prior disclosure Amount Code 1 (A-H) Type (e.g. div. ml. or int.) Value Pl Codc2 (J-P) Value Method Code3 (Q-W) Type (e.g. buy, sell, merger, redeq>tion) Dam: Month- Day (4) (S) Value Gain Identity of Codc2 Code bu:yerlseller R\ tnnsaction} (J-P) l (A- (ifprivate Piper Jaffray Prime Obligs 19. - 20. Retirement Account (X) A Dividend 21. - A Interest 22. -Schwab Money Market Fund 23. -Consumer Port 24. -Adrian Resources LTD 25. -Agere Systems Inc 26. -American Intl Group Inc 27. -American Tech Grp Inc 28. -Associated Banc Corp Wis 29. -Authentidate IDdg Corp 30. -Avaya Inc 31. -Bay View Cap I 32. -Biomira Inc 33. -Biosys Inc New 34. -Blue Chip Value Fd Inc 35. -Breed Technologies 36. -Corrections Cp Amer New I. Incomc!Gain Codes: {SceColmmsBl andD4) 2. Value Codes: (See Columns C'l and 03) 3. Value Method Codes (Sec Column C2) A • T $1 ,000 or less .B •Sl,001-$2,500 C -'$2.501-$5,000 D •$.5,001-$1S,OOO • $100,001-Sl,00,0 000 Ht -Sl,000,001-$$,000,000 .H2 •Mon:·tban SS.000;000 F -sso.om-s100.ooo ·G J •$15,000 or less K - N - $250.000-$500,000 0 • $500,00 l ..S l,000.000 P3 = $25,000;001-$50,000.000 Q s Appr1isal R = U =Book Value $15,001-$50,000 Cost (Real Estill: Only) v =_Oth_er_ __ ___ _ _____ L -·ss0.001-SIOO,OOO Pl • P4 •$More than $50,000,000 S - S 1,000,001..$5,000,000 Asses.o;menr v._r _=_Estima 1ed _ M - Sl!Xl,001-$250,000 P2 • SS,000,001-$25,000.000 T = Cash/Market E -s1s,001-sso,ooo ..o _ __ _ ____ ________________ ,FINMCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Date of Report Name of Person Reporting :Page3 of6 Reade, Linda R vn. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS - 6/10/2004 income, value, transcations (includes those of the spouse and dependent cluldrcn. See pp. 34-57 of filing instructions.) B. 1nc:orre during Jq)Ol'ting period A. Description of Assets (including ttust assets) (1) Place "(X)" after each asset exempt from prior disclosure 37. -Cray Computer Corp 38. -General Electric Company 39. -Grupo Inds Maseca B 40. -Hcalthrac Inc 41. -Intl Business Machines 42. - 43. -Lascrscope 44. -Level 3 Communications 4 . -Lucent Technologies Inc 46. -Maytag Corp 47. -Mclcodusa Inc New 48. -Nstor Technologies Inc 49. -Southmark Corp New so. -Southmar:k Pfd Ser A Conv SI. -Telecom Argentina Ord F Class B 52. -Templeton Global lncm Fd 53. -Time Warner lnc 54. -Tyco Intl Ltd New F Amount Code l (A·H) c. Gross value at end of rqiorting period (1) (2) Value Code2 (J.P) Type (e.g. div. mit. or int) D. Transactions during rq>ortiog period (2) Value Method Code3 (Q-W) lf not exempt from disclosW"e (1) Type (e.g. buy, sel merger, redemption) (2) Date: MonlhDay (3) (4) Value Code2 (J·P) Gain Code I (AJ.l'\ (S) Identity of buyer/seller (if private tnmsacmn) L T V Corporation New I. lncomcfGain Codes: (See Colmms Bl andD4) 2. V11lueCodes: (See Colunm Cl and 03) 3. Value MelllOd Codes (See Columi C2) A F - $1,000 or less B - Sl,001-$2,SOO • SS0.001-$100,000 G - s100,001-s1,ooo. ooo D Hl -Sl,000;001-$5,000,000 J • $15,000orless K -s1s.001-sso,ooo L -sso.001,s100.ooo N c $250,0Q0..$500,000 0 Pl - P3 - $25,000,00J -$50,000.000 Q = Appraisal U =Book Value • $500.001-$1,000.000 $1,000,001-SS,000,000 - SS.OOl·SIS,000 H2 •More than $5,000,000 M •Sl00,001-$250.000 $5,000,00l-S25.000,000 P2 • T =Cash/Market P4 =$More than SS0.000.000 R =Cost (Real ES1llle Only) S =Assessment V =Other w c Esti11111ed E -SIS;OO!·S50,000 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Date of Report Name of Person Reporting :Page 4 of6 Reade, Linda R VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS - 6/10/2004 income, nlue, tnmscanons (includes those of the spouse and dependent cluldren. See pp. 34-57 of tiling instructioiJs.) B. during reporting period A. Description ofAssets (including trust uscts} Amount Cocle 1 (A-H) D. Tnnsactions dming reporting period reporting period (2) (I) Place ·oo· after each asset exempt from prior disclosme c. Gross value at end of Value Code2 (J-P) Type (e.g. div. mil. or int} If not exerqit from disclosme (2) (1) Value Method Coclc3 Type (e.g. buy, sen, merger, ) (I) . ( W) (2) Date: Month· Day (3) (4) Value Codc2 (J-P) Gain Code 1 (AR'I 55. -Wackenhut Corrections Cp Partial Sale 09/19 K 56. -Wackenhut Corrections Cp Partial Sale 10/08 J 57. -Wal-Mart DE Cv Spn Adr F 58. -Wells Fargo & Co New 59. -Worldcom Inc. 60. -Worldcom Inc- MCI Group 61. -X C LI..tdNcw 62. -Capital World Growth & Income Fd CL A (S) Identity of buyer/seller (ifprinte transaction) ...... American Funds 63. -Fidelity Mv Eqty Growth Fund 64. -Fidelity Adv Overseas Class T 65. -Franklin Biotechnology Discovery Fund 66. -Kopp Emerging Growth Fund Cl A 67. -MFS Emerging Growth Fund 68. -MFS Global Fund CL A 69. ..()ppcnhcimcr Global Fund 70. -Putnam New Opportunties 71. -General Growth PP'IYS 72. -Aero Systems Inc I. lncome/Gai11 Codes: A • B =SUlOJ-$2,500 {See Columns Bl arul'D4) F -sso.001.,s100,ooo G - .K - $15,00J-$50,000 0 P4 = S = 2. Value Codes: (See Colunm Cl and 03) 3. Value Method Codes (See Colunm CZ) SI ;000 or Jess J -$15,000.tJr less N - P3 = $25,000,00l•SS0,000.000 Q = Appraisal U = $250.000-$500,000 Book Vslue • s1 00 001..s1 ooo ooo , . , $500,00l ·Sl,OOO,OOO R =Cost (Real EslDll: V ;Qlher Only) c = S2.SO l•SS,000 HI "' Sl,000,001-SS,000,000 L • SSO.OOhSI00,000 Pl - Sl,000,001-$5,000, 000 W D = SS.OOl·SIS,000 H2 = More than SS,000,000 M • S100 ,00 l-S2SO,OOO P2 - $5,000,001..$25,000, 000 T = Cash/Market SMon: than sso,000.000 Asses!ltllCnt Estimated E .: S 1 S,00I"$50,000 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Reade, Linda R VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS 6/1012004 -income, wlue, traoscations (includes those of the spouse and dependent cluldn:n. B. Income during 1qlOl'ting period A. Description ofAsse1s (iocludiog trust 8SSCIS) (1) 73. -Commerce Bancshares IA 74. -Enen:on Data Corp 75. -McLeod USA Inc Cl AXXX 76. -Simetco Inc 77. -Encana Corporatio n c. Gross value at end of reporting period (I) (2) D. Trallsactions during reporting period (2) Atmunt Codcl (A·H) Value Code2 (1-P) Type (e.g. div. rent or int.) Type (e.g. buy,aell, merger, Value Method Codc3 redezqiticm) (Q-W) 79. -Bay View Cap I 80. Fann 1 Dallas Co, IA (X) M w 81. Farm 2 Dallas Co, IA (X) M w 82. Farm 3 Dallas Co, IA (X) L w 83. Fann 4 Dallas Co, IA (X) K w 84. Fann S Adair Co, IA (X) M w 85. Fann 6 Adair Co, IA (X) M w 86. Farm 7 Adair Co, IA (X) L w 87. Fann 8 Adair Co, IA (X) L w 88. Fann 9 Adair Co, IA (X) L w 89. Fann l 0 Adair Co, IA (X) M w 90. Farm 11 Adair Co, IA (X) K w (See Columns BI and 04) 2. Value Codes: (See Columns Cl and 03) 3. Value Method Codes (Sec Column C!) If not exempt from disclosure (I) Da : MonthDay (3) Value Codc2 (J-P) 10131 K sold 12/05 K rmemption 12131 J A •SI ,000 or less ;B -s1.001-sz,soo c - s:?,501"$5;000 D F G • SIOO,Oot-Sl,000,000 Ht • $1,000,00J..$5,000,000 H2 • More than $5,000,000 • SS0,001-SHXl,OOO • SS.llOt-SIS,000 J • $15,000 or less K -:ns.001-tso,ooo L • SS0,001"$ I 00,000 M • N • $250.000-SSOO,OOO 0 • Pl • Sl,OOO,OOl.$5,000,000 P2 • SS,000,00I -$25,000.000 P3 = $25,000,001-$50,000. 000 P4 c SMorc lhan $50.000.000 Appraisal R =Cost (Real Es1atc Only) S E Assessment T - Cash/Marlcet =Book Value v w = Estimated Q U s SS00,001..$1.000.000 Other (4) (S) Gain Identity of Code 1 (A· buyer/seller fJfpriw transaction) buy - L Income/Gain Codes: See pp. 34-57 offiliog instructions.) (2) Place "(X)" after each asset exempt from prior disclosure 78. Date of Report Name ofPerson Reporting ".Pages of6 SI00,001..$250.000 B E ='$15,001-SSO,OOO FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Date of Report Name of Person Reporting ·Page6 of6 Reade, Linda R VIL INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS 6/10/2004 - income, value, transc:alions (mcludes those of the spouse and dcpcndcnt cluldn:n. See pp. 34-57 of filing instructions.) B. lncom! during ieporting period A. Description ofAssets (including trust assets) (2) (I) Place "(X)" after each asset exempt flOm prior disclosUR Amount Codel (A-H) c. Gross value at end of reportin g period (1) Value Codc2 (J-P) Type (e.g. div. ient. or int) (1) Value Method Cocle3 (Q-W) Type (e.g. buy, sell, merger, redeqltion) Farm 12 Cass Co, IA (X) M w 92. Farm 13 Adams Co, IA (X) M w 93. Fann 14 Adams Co, IA (X) M w 94. Fann 1 S Adams Co, IA (X) L w 95. Fann 16 Union Co, IA (X) L w 96. Farm 17 Taylor Co, IA (X) L w 97. Fann 18 Adams Co, IA (X) K w 98. Cincinnati Ufe Insurance Whole Llfe Policy (X) M T 99. Real Estate in Country of Latvia (X) K w 100. Mineral lntercst,Dallas County, IA (X) D Royalty 101. Royalty Interest, Bowman County, North Dakota (X) A Royalty 102 .. Liberty Bansharcs Inc (X) E S-corp inc 0 Q 103. Ben Con Properties U.C (X) c Rent K u 104. Towne View Apartments, L1D(X) A Rent J u 105. Jam Leasing (X) None J u 106. Carefree Group u.c (X) None K u (See Cohnms Bl and 04) 2. Vatue Codes: (See Columns CJ and 03) 3. Value Method Codes (See Colunm C2) A = SI ,000 or less B F • $50.001-SI 00,000 G J = $ I5,000 or less K N - $250.000-$500,000 P3 = 0 ··Sl,001-$2,500 -s100,001-s1.ooo,ooo ·- $15.001-$50,000 -$500,001-$1,000,000 c • If 1iot ex (2) 91. I Income/Gain Codes; D. Transactions during reporting period $2.501-SS,OOO D = (2) Date: MonthDay Cost (Real Esllltc Only) Q =Appraisal R u =Book Value v -other = Value Code2 (J-P) $5,001-SIS,OOO H2 =More than SS,000,000 HI _, SI,OOO,OOJ.$5,000,000 L • $50,00J SIOO,OOO M Pl = $1,000,001..SS, OOO,OOO P2 - $5,000,001-$25,000,000 - SI 00,0(}1.$250.000 P4 - SMore tharr sso.000.000 $25,000,001-$50,000.000 (3) s s Assessment w =Estimated T = Cash/Market t from disclosure (4) Gain Code 1 (AJ.I\ E (S) Identity of buyedseiter (Jfprivalle transaction) s$J5,00J-$50,000 ·. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Name or Person Reporting Date of Report Reade, Unda R VIII. ADDmONAL INFORMATION OR EXPLANATIONS Part VII AU items marked with an (X) wen: acquired through maniage. 611012004 (JndicatepartorRcport.> ... " FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Name ofPcsson Reporting Reade, linda R Date of Report 611012004 IX. CERTIFICATION. I certify that all information given above (including information pertaining to my spouse and minor or dependent childten, if any) is accurate, true, and complete to the best ofmy knowlCdge and belief: and that any information not reported was withheld because it met applicable statutory provisions permitting non-disclosure. I further certify that earned income from outside employment and honoraria and the acceptance of gifts which have been reported are in compliance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. § 501 et. seq., 5 U.S.C. § 7353, and Judicial Conference regulations. Signa: ./ NOTE: ANY INDIVIDUAL WHO KNOWINGLY AND WILFULLY FALSIFIES OR FAII.S TO FILE nns REPORT MAY BE SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL SANCTIONS (5 U.S.C. app. § 104) FllJNG INSTRUCTIONS Mail signed orig:iDa1 and 3 additional Copies to: Committee on Financial Disclosure Administrative Office of the United States Courts Suite2-301 One Columbus Circle, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20544