Repor·t Required by the Ethics in Government Acr of 1978 (5 U.S.C. upp. §§ JO/.J JI) FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009 AOJO Rev. 112010 e 3. Date of Report 2. Court or Organization 1. Person R portin g (last name, first. middle initial) 05/1112010 District Court ND Iowa Reade, Linda R. c 4. Title (Anicle 111 judges indicate a tive or senior status; magistrate judges indicate full- or part-time) Sa. Report Type (check appropriate D D U.S. District Judge· Active Sb. 0 6. Reporting Pc..-iod 01/01/2009 Date Nof:lination, Initial type) [l] 0 Annual to Final 12/31/2009 Amended Report 8. On the buis of the information contained In this Rtport and any 7. Chambcn or Office Address modifications pertaining thef"eto, Ith, in m)" opinion, in compliance with •pplicab1e laws and regulations. U.S. Courthouse 4200 C. Stre t SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Date Rrviewing Officer_ IMPORTANT NOTES: The instructitms accompanying thisfurm must beful/1.nwrd. Cumplete ull purls, checking the NONE boxfor each part where you ha•'e no reportable information. Sigr1 on last page. l. POSl Tl 0 NS. D (Reporting individuul only; see pp. 9-13 offiling imtrucnuns.) NONE (No reportable positions.) NAME OF ORGANlZATION/ENTITY POSITION I. Director Historical Society of the US 2. Director Northern District of Iowa Branch of Eighth Circuit Historical Society 3. Power of Attorney for 4. Representative Payee for Social Security Benefits for --, Courts in the 8th Circuit until his death on May 12, 2009 c 5. r.. JI. D AGREEMENTS. NONE (Reporting individ11u/ only; .\ee pp. 14-16 offiling inmuc1icms.) (Nu reportable agreements.) PARTIES AND TERMS I. 08/01/93 State of Iowa and me-Iowa Judicial Retirement Plan. TI1e stale will pay me retirement income when I am eligible to retire 2. 3. COPY Reade, Linda R. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Page 2of13 Date or Report Name of Person Reporting 05111/2010 Reade, Linda R. Ill. NON-INVESTMENT JNCOME. (Reporting in di•idu ul and •po•><; m pp. 17-U offiling in>lructiun>.) A. Filer's Non-Investment Income [{] NONE (No reportable non-investment income.) INCOME SOURCE AND TYPE (yours, not spouse's) I. 2. 3. 4. B. Spouse's Non-lnyestment Income - Ifyu• were married auringuny portion ufthuepurting-''"'· cump1eu rlii,.,.ecrion. (Dollur umount not required except for lwnora,.iu.) D NONE (No reportable non-investment income.) SOURCE AND TYPE Bradshaw Fowler Proctor & Fairgrave, PC I. 2009 - wages and employee benefits 2. 3. 4. IV. REJ1\1BU RSEMENTS (includes those fo [{] 2. 3. 4 5. trumpurturion,, < und dependent children; ue pp. 32-33 uffiling in'1r11ctiun>.) NONE (No reportable liabilities.) CREDITOR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DESCRIPTION VALUE CODE Dale of Report Name of Person Reporting FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT 0511112010 Reade, Linda R. Page 4of13 VII. INVESTMENTS and TR u STS - income, value, trunsactivn,. (Include,- rhv>e vfspvu•·· und dependent children:,... pp. U-60 offiling in>1T11ctivns.) D NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.) A. B. c. D. Description of Assets Income during Gross ,·aluc at end Transactions during reporting period (including trust HSSets) reponing period of reporting period I / Place "(X)" after ea:h assot exempt from pri1Jr disdosu1e L. . 'l (A·H) (I) (2) (I) (2) (J) (4) (5) Type (e.g., Value Value Type (e.g., Date: Value Gain ldeatity of div., rent, Code 2 Method buy, •ell. Code J redcmpti on) (J.P) or int.) US Bank Accounts A Interest L T 2. Liberty Dank Account·I A Interest J T None J T A Dividend J T A Interest c lnt.!Div. CSCO Stock I mm/ddiyy , Code 2 I. (J.P) I (Q·W) I. . Code 1 i (A·H) buyer/seller (if pri.ate transaction) I I I I ! 4. Medtronic Inc. Stock 5. VanKampen Ins. Muni Inc Trust 14 Deferred Comp Plan : 6. 7. -Stock Index Fund-Valic 8. -Science I 9. I I -·-· -····- I 3. 1 (I) (2) & Technology Fund-Valic 05/01/09 I J A T J I None None IO. -Putnam Global Gr Fund-Valic None II. ·American Cem Ultra Fund-Valic None 12. Retirement Account 13. -Schwab Money Market Fund 15 Redeemed None -Putnam New Opportunity Fund· Valic 114. I I E i I I i I T Pl lnt./Div. -Allstate Corp -Altria Group, Inc" Buy 1/29/09 K Buy 8/20/09 K 10/12/09 J 12/22/09 K (add'!) 16 Buy (add'I) 17. -Amed1sys Inc. I. lm:umc G.11.:n Cud . (See Culurr.m BI 1md 04) 2. Vil.luc Cod (See l...'ofumm Ci 1.nd DJ) Buy (Ste Cuiumn C2) ... .... --------� -· A • S l ,UOV or lc$:i. B•ll,001 ·$2,500 C ·S2501 f =llU.001 -1!00.UUO G =I !00.00 I ·I I ,U00 .000 Ill 011.0UO,UOl -15,UOO.OoU J a.-SIS,UUUur lea:i. K •115,l'OI N•l2l0.0UI 0 •1500,UOI - llOU,000 Pl •!25,UOO.OOI 3. Value Method Ctide> -·-- .. • l\0,000,0UO • .. ll0.000 · 11.000,UUO • ll.UOU D •S5,00I · 515.0otl L =150.001 -1100.000 Pl • 11 0U0 00 1 15 000 000 . , · , , P4 •Mure th.i.n $50,000,0UO Q Appr.t! ;i) R •Cu t (Rc 1 fat.tic Only} S "'"A:i..-.c)sment U .o::Auu!.: \'•lue v--Othcr w .. EJ.1imated H2 .._More than s.ouu.oon .. M 5100.001. nso,ooo Pl =Sl,00\J.OOI - lll.000,000 .. T ca)h MarCt E •lll.001 -150,0110 Page 5of13 -in cum•. value, tr•n•••tion> r1nc1ade> 1hu•·• •f•ptJ•>< and dependent children: ,.e PP· u-1io vffiling instrucriun>.J NONE (No reportable income, assets. or transactions.) B. c 0. Income during Gross value at end Transactions during rcponing period reporting period of reporting period A. I Description of Assets (including trust assets) I Place "(X)" after each .ssel e:\cmpt from prior disclosure ! 05/1112010 Reade, Linda R. VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS D Dile or Report Name of Person Reporting FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT 18. -Am Tech Grour Inc 19. -Amgen 20. -Annaly Capilal Mgmt Amount Code (1) I , '(A-H) ' (2) (I) (2) (I) (2) (3) (4) Type (e.g.• Value Value Type (e.g.• Date Value: Gain Code2 Method buy. sell, mmfddlyy Code 2 (J-P) Code 3 redemption) div., nt, ori:it.) I _J (Q-WJ Reil (J-P) _ _ Code I ! _J_ Bu y l0/22/U9 K Buy 1/23/09 J 5nt09 J 5/8109 .I IO/l 6i09 K (A-H) l ! _j (5) Identity of buyer/seller (if private transaction) _ (add'!) i 21. Buy (add'l) 22. Buy (add'l) ! 23. Buy ! (add'l) 24. -Apple 25. ·Authentidate Hldg Corp 26. -Bank of Am Corp Buy 11125109 K 27. -Berkshire Hathaway Buy 9/23/09 M 28. ·Birchcliff Energy Buy 9118109 J 29. Blackrock Health Sciences Fund 30. -Blue Chip Value Fd -Rreed Technologies Buy 9i9/09 K 32. -CVS Caremark Corp Buy 09i09/09 K 33. -Capmark Matured 4/!5109 M I 31. ! : : Bank NA : )34 -Cleanpath Resources l. Income G111n Cude · (See Cl,)lurnru Bl an 04) l. VH-lutCod1:1 (Sec C\1l1.1mn1 Cl isnd 03) D-Sl,001-S2,5UO c -s2.so1 •SlO,OOt - SIOO,OUU G HI •ll,UUU,001 - !5,UUU,000 H2 -More than J •St,,000 K •U5,00I L •!50.UUI M =Sl�.JU.O:JI (SecCtllUmnC2) or lrss N "'S250,0UI - S500,000 Pl 3. Viilut Method Co - ss.uou A •$1,0UO or le:;:. f •l:l.000,0Ut • SI OU,UU I • ! I ,UOU,OUU - S5o,ooo 0 =S500,IXJI ·SI ,OUU,UUO Pl • !IUU, 000 =Sl, - S5,00U,OOU D=S .llOl -Sl .uuu P2 -S2Slt,OOU =S5,llD0,UOI - $25,000,000 P4 •More than SSO,L'OU,000 SlU.0:10.UUU Q.,Appn1.inl R •Cost (Re1>I Estar.z: Oniy) S "'-As.1.e:.smcnr lJ •Book V11lue V :Qtber W &-Es1im111r:d .uou.uuu T -Cci:.h M E "'"SI S.tlOl - $50.UOU N1me of Prrson Reporting FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Reade, Linda R. Page 6 ofl3 v JJ. JNV ESTMEN TS and TR u STS D Date of Report - in cum•, 05/1112010 •• •• 1 , transoction• (Includes rhu•• of•po.•>< and dUpp. 34-60 offiling in•1T•clions.) NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.) D. B. A. ---, Transactions during reporting period --------···-----------:----,-at end Gross value Income during ------------------.--------.---Description of Assets (including trust assets) Place "'(X)"' after cat.:.h asset ex.empt from prior disclosure . 35. of reporting reporting period �--- ·_____J period Cl) (2) (I) (2) Amount Type (e.g., Value Value Code I div., rent, (A-H) or iat.) Code 2 (J-P) Typ 1:.: --T : - Method b Cl und 03) A .. s, 1.000 F •150,UO I J -SI 5,01.Xl or le i. - $ IU0,000 ur l s I< •SZlO,OUI • SlOU ,0 00 B •SI ,00) . $2.SOO C=l2.5Ul. S5,00 J G HI •SI00,001 -Sl.000,000 K •Sll.001- llO.OUO 0 •SlOU,UU I • SI ,OUU.UUU (See fol umn C2) Q • Appr-.i al U c.Bouk VdlLJe S l .IJOU .llOI • Sl.000,000 L =Sso.001 - m>o.uuo PI •11.00U.OUt • Sl,000.0UO D -=JS.DOI • H2 =Mo th11.11 $5,0UU,OUU 115,0UO M •SI00,001 P2 . £250,0UO •Sl,OUU,UOI - 125,000,0UU P4 cMurc than t.5U,OUU,OOU P3 •IZl.OOU,OUI -150,000,000 3. Villue Methud Code • R •Co"St (Real Csliite Only) S a.Ass \'•Other W --Estimated smenl Tc-Cash M.wrh: E l •S 5,00 I - SSU,00\.1 Date or Report Namr of Penon Rrporting FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Reade, Linda R. Page 7 of13 05/1112010 VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS - income, value, transactions (lnclulle> tho>< of•P""" and dependent children; ... PP· 31-60 offiling instrU{"tions.) D NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.) A. B. c. D Description of Assels Income during Gross value at end Transactions during reporting period reporting period of reporting period (including trusr assets) Place ''(X)" after each asset exempt from prior disclosure (I) Amounr (2) (I) (2) (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) Type {e.g., Value Value Typ< (e.g., Date Ve.lue Gain Identity of Code I div, rent, Code2 Method buy, sell, mm!ddlyy Code2 Code I buyer/seller (A-H) or int.) (J P) Code 3 redemption) (J-P) (A-H) (if private transaction) (Q-W) L ___ : 52. 1 -GEO Group 53. -General Electric Co 54. -General Growth 55. -HCP Inc Reil 56. -Iowa Telecom Buy 3!27109 J Buy 12/15/09 K Buy 5126109 K Buy 215109 J Sold 11125/09 K Buy I 1/11/09 K (add'l) ' ' I (add'!) 57. SA 58. -ltau Unibanco Holding 59. -JP Morgan Chase Buy 615109 K 60. -Jolmson & Johnson Buy 4123109 L 61. -LTC Properties Jnc Buy 5126109 K 62. -Laudus Int'! Equity Buy 815109 K Buy (add'!) 1211109 J t 63. 1 3 64. -Level 65. -Magellan Midstream Ptnrs Buy 11/23/09 K 66 -Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund Buy 7/30/09 K Buy 1219109 J Communications ' 67. (add'l) 68. l. -Market Vectors Gold Miners lnt."t)mi G1tin Cudes. A =SI ,DOU ur \es B •lt,001 -12,lOU C •S2,SOI - $5,UUO D •15,001 -115.000 (See Culumns BI 11.nd 04) ... =s - SIOO,UVO G • Ht •Sl.OU0,001- S5,UOU.OUU H2 ""More than S5,00U,OUO J K •Ill.OU!· UU.llUU L •l5U,ll0l M ""SIU0,001 2. Valuie Cl•de (See Cu!umru. CJ •nd DJ) •SIS,UOO urltlos N •1250,001 rJ 3. Vitlue Metlll1d Cudes (Ser C1Jlumn C2) • · r5lJ(J.llOtJ 125 ,00U. UU! • StU0,001 O•l5UU,UIJI · - 11 ,0UO,UUO 1 1 ,llllll ,OUU - llUll,UUO Pl "'11,llUO,OOl · SS,000,000 P2 E •115,ll(Jl - !5ll.ll:JU - S15U,000 - S2S.OUO,OOO -ss.000.001 P4 =Mure tlian SSO.UUO,r>OO ISO,UOU.1100 Q-.Appn11u.I R •Cu U "'Bouk V1.lue V=Othcr t (Re I far-.i Only} S •Assessment w T :s.Cllsh M 11.rket Estimated --------··--· · ------ Page 8of13 of reporting period reporting period I Amount Code () I (A-H) Place "(X)" after each asset exempt from prior disclosure 1.I (2) Type int.) ���� (2) () Method Code2 buy, sell, (Q-W) i ·· n:demption) -'- \ mm/ddlyy L..... :. e V e Typ 1 eg, Code 3 (J.P) ______J - 1· Value I Value (c.g, div., rent, or D. r ransactions during reporting period C. Gross value at end B. l nco me during A. 70. -incum<, vulu<, rrumuctiam· (lndud<> thu>e uf>p•u>< und dcpcndi (Sec: Column) DI 11nd 2. I v lui: 04) Cudei; (See Culumru Cl 1tnd 03) f •!lU.OUI J •Sl (Sec Column C2) B orles\, - !lOO,UOO SI U0,000 N-1210,0IJI PJ l. Vd!uc: Method Codes .uuo • •!25,000,UO I • •Sl,001 · 52 00 G •!I 00,UO I K. .. Sl 0 • C•S2.5Ul S 1,000,0IJO .OUI -S5U,UUU "SlOIJ,001 ·SI ,UU0,000 ll0.000,000 Q =Appr.1.iul R ..:..(:o!-1 (Rr1I fatll U "'Book V1luc V Other Only) Ill -U.OOU •!J.000,001 L ..S5U,OOI Pl • · Sl,000,UUO SIOO,OOU =Sl,UU0,001 -S5,00U,OUJ P4 -Mort lh.;i.n S50.UOO,UUtJ S cAS$C$sment W-Estimilted. D •!l,001 · !ll,000 H2 ""Morr than S5.0U0,UOU M •!IOU)JOI · !250,000 P2 --S5,000.0UI T =Cn!ih Marker - S2S,UOU.OUO E =$15,0UI · S.50,0U:J Page 9of13 Reade, Linda R. vII. INVESTMENTS D Date of Report Name of Person Reporting FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT and TRusTS - in<"ume, •• 05/l lnOto ,,,.. lrumactions (lnclud<> those uf•po••• and dependent children; SU PP· 34-60 •fftJing instru< iun•.) NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.) A B. c. D. Description of Assets Income during Gross value at end Transactions dt1ring reporting period rcponing period of rcponing period (including trust assets) I Place "(X)" af1cr each asset Amount Code I exempt from prior disclosun: 86. -Sun Health Care 87. -Telecom Argentina SA 88. -Tesoro ( ) (A·H) I (2) Type (e.g., div .• rent, or int.) I I (I) (2) (I) Value Value Type (e.g., Code2 Method buy, sell, (J.P) Code 3 redemption) i 1 (Q-W) (3) I (2) Date Value mm!dd/yy Code 2 I (J.P) I l (4) I I ($) Gai n Identity of Code 1 buyer/seller (A·H) I transaction) (if private ! Corp 89. Buy 9115/09 K Buy 12/16/09 J Buy 8/13/09 L Spino ff 3/30/09 J Buy 11/11/09 K (add'I) 1 1 90. -Teva Phann Inds. LTd 91. -Time Warner 92. -Time 93. -Ultrapar Particpacoes SA 94. -US Natural Gas Buy 6//4/09 K 95. -Vanguard Total World Stock Buy 8/17/09 K 96. -Verizon Duy !Jn3/09 K 97. -Vornado Realty Trust Buy 12123/09 K Buy l0/13/09 K Buy 11/13/09 K i j 98. Warner Cable (from line 91) Communications -Wal-Mart DE CVSPN Adr F I 99. -XTO Enorgy 100. -Yamana Gold IOI. McVean 102. Farming Operation Crops Inc Trading and Investment I. Income G1un COO : (See Culumm; Bl »nd 04) 2 V11lue Code!i (See Column Cl utd DJ) lnl./Div. A K E -------· {Sec: Column C:Z) -----C •12,501 • Sl,OUU D •ll,UUI • lll,UOU E •Sll.UOI · llU.UUO A .,SI ,UUU ur lcs B•Sl.OUl-Sl,lOO F •llU.UUI G 2SIUO,UUI -Sl,UU0,000 HI J "'-SlS,UUU K•lll,otll-150.UOO l - I IUU,000 orh:s N •i250.0IJ 1 • SSOU,UOU o --ssou.001. s1, •11,UOD,UOI - ll,000,UUO •llU,UOI • ll00,000 Pl •51,0UO,UOI -S5.0ll0,00U P4 =Mure lb:.&n £50,llDO,UOO PJ ... s25,oou,001 - sso.r.:oo.ouu 3. Vitluc Mc:lh1.1d CL'des T Q •AppniM1I l'. •Cost ( E..stt U "'8ouk V11lue V=Othet Only) S •Asse:ssmenl W-=-farim11ted H2 ""M" lhln SS,UOU,UUO M •1100,()()J Pl • 1250,000 •U,ll00,001 -12.S.OUC,OOO I Name of Person Reporting FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Page 10of13 - incum•, vulu•, trunsuctiun> (Includes thon ufspousr and d•p•n'drnt children;,., PP· 344>0 vffl/ing im1ruction>.) NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.) I A. Description of Assets Place "(X)" af M •ll00,001·1250,000 Pl "'-Sl.OOU,OOl. 15.000,000 P1 S ·A ei mcnt T•CuhM11rki::1 P4 Mort" SSU,OO:J,000 W-fat1m;i.ted &$5,000,001 - :sl!i,000,000 E •!11.0UI • SI0,000 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Page 12of13 Name of Penon Rrportin& Date of R