Barnstable Police Department .I Page;_1 Protective Custody Report . 5 03/22/2017 Arrest Call #?17?44600 Date/Time Reported: 08/20/2017 0056. - ArreSt Date/Timeg?08/20/2017 0145 Booking Date/Time7308720/2017 0152 7-l Arrest Type:' I I SEYA AGE Ham I - 3 RAHSS VICTORIA -BY: JASON R-- LABER . FINGERPRINTED SUICIDE CHECK: Performed -. PERSONS State&Federal NCIC VEHICLE CHECK: PerfOrmed INJURY OR ILLNESS: Barnstable Police Department Page: 2 Protective Cus tody Report . 98/22/2017 Arxest5#;gl752058fART I T.. . .T .MT RACE .AGE.. BOOKING RIGHTS ADVISED-BY asGT" JASON - PHONE PHONED 08/20/2017 0209 - gstate&Feder?i NotVPerformed_ 03/20/2017 200 09 Misdemeanor '272 08/20/2017 . 08/20/201? PERSON TYPE Batnstable Police Department Page: '3 Protective. CuStody. Repoz;__t_. . . - 08/22/2017 ca11;#; 17e44600_g' I I I psom TYEP BarnstabIle Police Department Page; . HNARRATIVE FOR PTL. ARMANDO - -. ReIf: . .Ente'r'ed: 02/20/2017 '2 0742 Entry ID: 247' . Modified: 08/22/2017 2 1141 Modified ID: 779 '.Approved 08/21/2017 0603 Approval ID: 242 011 August 20, 2012 1.011122 A11112r1d0 Fellcrano W23 011 umformed patrol in Hyanms :11 marked crurser E222 approxnnately 1:17 2 111;. Of?cer 2525: and 1 were dlspatched to the. 2122 of Irvmg Ave and Iyanough Ave for Ii i I - a load party 2112 ?reworks Dlspatch 1122 recelved 2 C211 ?om 2 concerned nelghbor 2t approxrmately 12:55 2.111 . Clmakmg this complamt The same; concerned nerghbor called back agarn 2t apprommately I122 12 ause th' '.'Idlstarbance was still ongomg and pohce had arnved yet (heavy call volume at bar closmg tune caiised delayed . . . . . . . .. . .. . . HUpon my amval on Irvmg Ave I shut down my cruiser apprommately 200 300 feet before _IyanoughAve . Kennedy then pushed way through the group of people that were hstenmg I Imale pullmg th back mto the house 111 an aggressrve manner now asked Kennedy to provide 293-31,. identi?catron He became even more Jrate With me. Iobserved Kennedy to have not1ceab1y 11 0d shot and glassy eye's and. he Was sweatmg pr0?13ely dunng Ion: Conversanon Kennedy was yelhng 21 me Inpt Ito enter the I I. I h'ous'Ie as I. moved closer to the] 2021. Kennedy contrnued to yell, and scream at me and refused any cooperatlon whatsoever He told ImIe to leave He app2ared to be very unsteady On his fe'et and movements were erratrc I advised that II was respondmg to a noise complamt and I needed to 1dent1fy the person in charge of the home Kennedy only pomted his ?nger at my chest and refused any 5211 of civil ccmmumcatlons Ne1ther Kennedy, nor the Other party guests, made any effort WhatSOever to stop the (only turmng the music back up during our conversation). The disturbance only grew worse. I considerad the siItuIaItIionI to create a Barnstable Police Department - Page: 2 NARRATIVE FOR PTLI. ARMANDO FELICIANOI - - . - I Entered: 08/20/2017 0742 satay ID: 2'47 Modified: 08/22/2017 1141 Ma'ciifiea 113:. 779 Approved: 08/21/2017 0608 .I Approval ID: 24_2 . offenswe Condition, causing Inconvenlence to nelghbors who repeatedly called pohce and Hyanmsport Securlty throughoutthe evenrng forrehef - - - - - - -- 1A1 tune I had made several efforts wi1h several dlfferent guests to end the muse dlsturbance to no "avarl I I. j. attempted to enter the front doo1:to end the noise dlsturbance Kennedy responded by new screamm . 1: . - _i?IIvaluables) and threw it smashmg 1hIe contents I attempted Kennedy why he was hke Nelthe ?myself nor Of? rgEstey, ever came 1nto contact with edy when he threw 'lfat th'? he there and that he had adv1s I 2 . 9-5 excess1ve norse DeGrace stated that Kennedy would temporanly lower the musrc unt? heleft the area only to .- 3 . turnrtu agam . . .. . - -- The concerned nelghbor that reported the party is entered in this report therr address Impounded The two 11'- calls into d1spatch were both saved and added to this report . . . 'I'Ilncoherently and throwmg hlmself at the wall When he the wall he grabbed a wall cabmet (?lled 11711711 glass-riff;ff. ennedy that several nelghhors had complamed Iaboutthe Barnstable Police Department . Page: SUPPLEMENTAL NARRATIVE FOR SGT. JASON LABER- - - - Ref: 17- Entered: 03/20/2017 0 0730 223 Modified: 08/20/2017 0300 . Modified 10: 223 _Approxred: 08/21/2017 0608 . Approval; ID: 242 1 Narrative Sergeant Jason Laher iarrests ?om I72 Irving Avenue Hyanmsport 1300de and processed ail" ff was under aireSt for norse ordmance Vlolatlons dlsorderly conduct and proteetwe cuStOd (dth of knees and feet) During the process. _1f she would hke to have a breathalyzer Sheirefused :and?sald ?No I 'I'C'Iarolme' RoSe Kennedy" She 001112111116 She stuck her tongue out and repeatedly told me his charges - that rmtla?y meluded Protectlve Olstody "if 011 August 20 2017 I Was assugned aS the Watch Commander for the 12 8 I was'made aware?Of two hear old female who usually .- _refused to give her name and cooperate the bookmg process Present 11:1 booking Was Ofc Stephen .- - (transportmg of?cer) and the Matron Qea? I read he: the thranda Wammgs and mforrnad her that Kennedy to have glassy bloodshot eyes and was sweatmg profusely I read Shun MJIahda and??-