UNITED STATES DEPARTMENTOF EDUCATION OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS 400 MARYLAND AVF.NUE,SW WASHIN<.,i"ON,DC 20202-1475 KEGJONXI NORTii CAROLINA SOUTII CAROLINA VIRGINIA WASHINGTON. DC August 11, 2016 Dr. Richard H. Brodhead President Duke University 207 Allen Building, Box 90001 Durham. North Carolina 27708 Re: OCR Complaint No. 11-16-2026 Notification/Data Request Letter Dear Dr. Brodhead: The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education (the Department) received a complaint on October 27, 2015 against Duke University (the University). The Complainant alleges that the University discriminated against her on the basis of sex, race, and national origin, and subjected her to retaliation. Specifically, the complaint alleges that: 1. The University failed to promptly and equitably respond to the Complainant's complaint of sexual assault and, as a result, the Complainant was subjected to a hostile environment. 2. The University failed to respond to the complaints of sex discrimination, national origin discrimination race discrimination · t the (b)(6); (b)(7(C) beginning on or about (b)(6); (b)(7(C) OCR will contact the University to provide the name of the Complainant. OCR enforces Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department. OCR also enforces Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 100, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department. The laws enforced by OCR prohibit retaliation against any individual who asserts rights or privileges under these laws or who files a complaint, testifies, or participates in an OCR proceeding. Because the University receives Federal financial assistance from the Department, OCR has jurisdiction over it pursuant to Title IX and Title VI. Because OCR determined that it has jurisdiction and that the complaint was timely filed, OCR is opening the complaint for investigation. Please note that opening the complaint for investigation in no way implies that OCR has made a determination on the merits of the complaint. During The Departmentof f.ducntio11's missio11 is to promotestude11t nd1ieveme11t rmdprepamtioJ! for globalcompetitiveness byJosterillged11mtio11al excellencen11de11s1Lring eqt1alaccess. www.ed.gov Page 2- OCR Complaint No. 11-16-2026 the investigation, OCR is a neutral fact-finder, collecting and analY7.ingrelevant evidence from the Compl ainant, the University, and other sources, as appropriate. OCR will ensure that its investigation is legally sufficient and fully responds to the a1legation in accordanc e with the pro visi ons of the Case Processing Manual, available at http: //www.ed.gov /ocr/docs/ocrcpm.pdf. Our goal is the prompt, appropriate resolu tion of the complaint. Infonnation on OCR's complaint processin g procedur es is available at http://www.ed .gov/ocr/complaints-how.html. Attac hed is a requ est for data necessary to investiga te this compl ain t. OCR requests that the Un iversity submit this information within 30 calendar days of the date of this letter (i.e., by September l 0, 2016) . We prefer that you submit infonnation electronic ally, if feasible. If any item in our request is unclear , or if you experi enc e any difficulty complying with th1s request , please contact us as provided below prior to the expiration of the 30-day period. Pleas e be aware that OCR anticipates conducting an on -site investig ation of the complaint. We will notify you in advance of our propo sed plan s to visit the University. Plea~e be advised that the University iµu st not har ass, coerce , intimidate, discriminate, or otherwise retaliate against an individual because that individu al asserts a right or privilege under a law enforced by OCR or files a com plaint, .testifi es, or parti cipat es in an OCR proceeding. If this happ ens, the indi vidual may file a retaliation comp laint with OCR. Under the Freedom of Informa tion Act, it may be necessary to release this docum ent and related corres pond ence and records upon request. If OCR receive s such a requ est, we will seek to protect per sonally identifiable information that could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy if released , to the extent provided by law . We look forward to your coope ration during the resolunon of this complaint. lf you have any questions, please contact Jean ette Tejad a Bustos, an OCR attorney assigned to thi s case, at (202) 4 53-6907 or jeanette .tejadabustos@ed.g ov ; or Letis ha Mor gan, Supervisory Team Leade r, at (202) 453_-7 132 or lctisha.morgan(@ed.gov. ensel Supervisory Attorney District of Colwnbia Office Office for Civil Righ ts Page 03 of 12 Withhel d pursuant to exemption (b)(7)(A) of the Freedom of Inf ormation and Privacy Act Page 04 of 12 Withhel d pursuant to exemption (b)(7)(A) of the Freedo m of Inf ormation and Privacy Act Page 05 of 12 Withhel d pursuant to exemption (b)(7)(A) of the Freedom of Inf ormation and Privacy Act Page 06 of 12 Withhel d pursuant to exemption (b)(7)(A) of the Freedom of Inf ormation and Privacy Act Page 07 of 12 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(7)(A) of the Freedom of Inf ormation and Privacy Act Page 08 of 12 Withhel d pursuant to exemption (b)(7)(A) of the Freedom of Inf ormation and Privacy Act Page 09 of 12 Withhel d pursuant to exemption (b)(7)(A) of the Freedom of Inf ormation and Privacy Act UNITED STATESDEPARTMENTOF EDUCATION OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHfS REGIONXI NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA 400 MARYLAND AVENUF.,SW WASHINGTON, DC 20202-1475 VIRGINIA WASHINGTON,DC August 1 l, 2016 (b)(6); (b)(7(C) RE: DeaJ OCR Complaint No. 11-16-2026 Notification Letter/Partial Dismissal