INVESTIGATION REPORT INTAKE: Reporter: Required Notification I Date: 515/1 7 rog ram: RCA ens IP gram Contact; Address: I License 0937 Phone: 75 Linda? St . Danve?rs Funded: Yes El No CISI BSAS staff: Jim Hogan/Agnes Lubega iZl Complaint Required Notification Com plaintlincident: Alleged sexual SCREENING: I Valid -. NotVaiid FACT FINDING Site Visit 5/10/17 and 5111117 Upon at the pro gram CI 3 an [mm and later joined by The purpose of the Investigation was presented as ?Health Safety, Client care! Quality of Care. Documents requested Staff Roster for both programs Identifying positions Staff schedule for both programs all shifts. April and May Client Roster both programs Client. chart of the two involved Supervision notes for the staff Client handbook Any incident report for March, April, May Any Grievance for March, April, May Group schedule for both programs INVESTIGATION REPORT - Employee Handbook I . A. SUMMARY: 164.048 Staf?ng #1 During interviews and document review provided by the program it was identi?ed that the program is not staffed with appropriate number of Recovery Specialists as required in staffing-guidelines. - 164.035 Required Notification During document review of program incident reports it was identified that some incidents occurred that were not reported to the Bureau of Substance Abuse Services as required in above regulation. 164.081 Client manual During document review and interviewe. Policy and procedures in client manual do not coincide with what interviews eXplained as policy. For example: Smoking policy 164.030 Governance . - During interviews no staff person was able to identify the Program Director for the ATS orthe 088 unit. During Tour and in reviewing video footage it was observed that many clients walking? freely through the building without staff over'site. During review of video footage it was observed that Staff were not providing oversite in the dining room during lunch the day the incident occurred. It was stated during interviews that recovery Specialist are responsible for providing the oversite in the dining room and transportation of clients to and from the units. . . El Substantiated 1 Partially Subatantiated Bl Not Substantiated INVESTIGATION REPORT DEFICIENCY CORRECTION ORDER (DCO) DCO Issuedbeta of DCO: 164.048 Staffing Based on interviews and a review of the staff schedules provided by the program it was identified that the program. is not staffed appropriate number of Recovery Specialists as required by the BSAS staffing guidelines. DocumentsRequired: - Submit a'plan and timeline demonstrating how the program will meet the required staffing guidelines. Submit a revised RSS schedule for each of the programs. 164.035 Required Notification . Based'on the review of program incident reports, it was identified that some incidents occurred that should have been reported to the Bureau of Substance Abdse Services, however, no required notification were submitted as required in above regulation. Documents Required: Submit affirmation from this point forward all Required Notification will be submitted per?_ above reguiations. Submit all past Required Notification that BSAS should have been notified about. 164.031 Client manual - During decument review and interviews. Policy and procedures-in client manual do not. coincide with what interviews explained as policy. For example: Smoking policy Documents Required: . . - Review the current client manual and update all policy and procedures that are not current. Submit a time line When the updated manual will be completed. Submit an updated Client manual upon completion. 164.030 Governance During interviews with staff, no staff person was able to identify the Program Director for the'ATS or the 088 unit. Required Documents: I Submit an organizational chart that identifies the program Director for ATS and 088 unit; please include job descriptions and resumesfor identified program dire'Ctors. Submit a plan on how staff will be informed on who provides oversight to the programs. REPORT. 164.948: Staffing Pattern: - During the tour of facilities and in reviewing video footage it was observed that many clients were walking freely through the building without staff oversight. During a review of video footage it Was observed that staff were not providing oversight in the dining room during IUnch the day the incident occurred. it was stated during inteririews that recovery specialists are responsible for providing oversight in the dining room and ensuring clients get to and from their units. I Program is not providing traurna informed care. During video review it Was observed several clients touching other clients during lunch with no intervention by staff. For example: hugging and other excessive physicai contact. Documents Required: Submit a quality assurance plan to ensure the health and safety of clients and staff. The plan needs to include retraining of all staff on Trauma Informed Care. Provide the name of trainer, date, duration of training and sign?in sheetTraining needs to include . knowledge, skill and practice opportunities and how staff will be measured on the training information. - 164.040 Written policies During interviews it was stated that Recovery Specialists are responsibi'e for taking clients to the dining room during-lunch and dinner time as well as taking clients out for smoke breaks and providing oversight during lunch and other times, - A review of the video footage identified that staff are not following program policy and procedures. Documents Required: - Submit a plan to retrain recovery specialist on theirjob functions as well as retraining on all policies and procedures and protocols. Documents to be submitted: name of trainer, date, duration of training and sign~in sheet. Submit job description for Recovery Specialist. 164.017 . Please submit to Jim Hogan at the Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance correction of each violation. cited in the Deficiency Correction Order (DCO) within ?1 0 days. Your response should be received not later than June 1,2017 . Abuse Services, 250 Washington Street. 37? Floor, Boston, MA 02108, a written plan for INVESTIGATION REPORT DCO Datei El Complete. Incomplete CLOSURE: Letter Sent: 13- Yes I No Date:. - Date closed: 4120117 CIS: Jim Hogah ECO Mfume-Hon License No: 093? Program Name: New England Center for Addiction Medicine Program Address: 27'01 Renaissance 8in King of Prussia, PA 19405 DCO {sane Date: May 1?7, 201? Due Date: lune 01, 201? . BSAS 2 Regulation? Areas ?Norerm reliance . a .. .o instructions-?g? - ngrrectiVefAction Plan .f Attachmento {if . . 'appiica?le}. .3 164.043 Based on interviews and a review ofthe staff schedules provided by the programit 1. Submit'a 'plan Ia ml timeline demonstrating how the program wiil was true magi-Em [5 not staffed with the appropriate num ber of recovery specialists as rot-{Hired by the 3545.5 staf?ng guidelines During the tour of the facilitiesend in reviewing video footage it we 5 observed that many clients were walking freelyr through the building without staff oversight. During a review of the video footage it was observed that staff were not pro?ding oversight in the dining room during lunch the day the incident occurred. It was stated during interviews that recovery specialists are responsible for providing oversight in the dining room and ensuring clients gotta and from their units. Based on the information coliiected as part of the investigation, there lives no indication that {anagram is providing trauma informed care. During video review, it was observed that several clients were touching other clients during lunch with no intervention by staff. For exonmle, huggiog a no other excess-Ne contact. I. II . mm Submit a revised R35 schedule for each . of the programs Submit a quality assurance plan to ensure the and safety of clients and staff. The plan need'sto include retraining of all staff on Trailma informed Care. Provide the name of the trainer, date, duration of training and Sign in sheet. Training needs to include knowledge, skill and practice ooportunities anti how staff?s knowledge will be mea?ured on the training information. 1. R55 Staf?ng grid has been analyzed for compliance with BSAS staf?ng ratios for ATS 1th 113] staff on R55 Staf?ng Grid! R55 Staf?ng Schedule {Exhibit 11 fo atients is consistent across all shifts. BEAT exceeds BSAS staf?ng requirements by .5 staff per shift distributing 5 employees per shift across three shifts daily for 72 patients. Staff recruiting is rolling and ongoing to ensure a rich pool of both regular and per diem staff. Staff recruitment plan includes, but is not limited to,the following activities: intometjob boards, employee referral program, and job fairs' including an onsite one I A new staff 5-day Orientation is being implemented on 7/1/17 with a secondary plan to retroactiver train all employees by 7215/17. Trainingfretrainlog include, but not be limited to: Trauma informed care, clinical programing, Human Resources overview Company objectives, substance use disorders, operational issues, and o?aining on the patient handbook Post-tests will be administered to measure employee ATS id staff on (:55 for a total of 5 staff knowledge retention. - - All current RSS will he required to complete Trauma informed Care by Sal-3,117 the Relies Learning System as well and BEAT will provide evidence of such at that time. Training Curriculum 3. Orientation {Exhibit 2] l1. Retaining (Tra Lama informed Care} (Exhibit 3] 164.03 5 Based on the review of program incident reports, itwas learned that some incidents occurred that should have been reported to the Bureau of Substance Abuse Services, however, no required noti?cation were Submit animation from this point forward all Required Notifier-Joan will be submitted per the above reguiations.? 2. submit all past Reouirecl Notifioetion that ESAS should have known about. 164.035 All Required noti?cations will be made oer All past required noti?cations were . submitted on mu. 1. Af?rmatio of . submission of Required Noti?cations {Exhibit 4) Copies of pest noti?cations dated 5/1317. (Exhibit 5} 2. submitted as required in the cited . regulation. 154.031 Client Manual. The policy and procedures in the client manual do not coincide with what Interviews explained as policy. For exampleithe smoking policy Duringthe investigation, C15 reviewed the - Review the current oil out manual and Update all policy and procedures that are not current. Submit a time line when the updated manual will be completed. Submit an updated client manual upon completion The patient handbook was reviewed and revised to ensure all policy and procedures are-accurate and current. Please see attached reissued handbooks.. Revised Patient Handbooks 3. ATS 13. C55 (Exhihlt 6} 164.030 During Intennews with staff, no sta?" person was able to identify the Program Director for the ATS or CSS unit. Submit an organizational chart that . identi?es the program director for ATS and (:55 unit; please includejoh?: . Organizational charts for both and CSS units distinguish leadership and chain of command forprogram ovar?ight. descriptions a no resumes foridenti?ed program directors. Supra-lit a plan on how be informed on who provides oversight of the programs. Director of Operations will notify in writing all star: or WW 3.. Organizational Charts 3. ATS h. :55 (Exhibit 7} C95 units Framed copies of the organization charts will be located at all nursing stations in both the ATS ?and (:58 programs. .5. (Exhibit 8) Photo of framed organizational chart {Exhibit 9} 154.040 'Duringthe Interview, it was stated that Recovery Specialist are responsible for taking olientsto the dining room during lunch and dinnertlme as well as taking oversight during lunch and other tim es. A review of video footage identi?ed that staff are notfollowlng program policy and procedures. aliens out for smoke breaks and providing I 1? Submit a plan to retrain recovery specialist on theirjoh functions as well - as retraining on all policies and procedures and protocols. Documents to be submitted: name of trainer, date, duration of training and sign in sheet. Suhmitjob description for Recovery Specialists. All new hire RSI-Swill be trained according to the revised training plan often-?ve 6/1317 within three (3) days of hire. All existing 855 staff will be re?traineol accordingto the revised training planby 7.11/17. The R55 supervisor will provide 2-3 trainings weekly until all staff are ire?trained. Evidence of this training will be located in the employee personnel files. curriculum (Exhibit 10) 85510 [a Description {Exhibit 11} Nan-re of Trainer, date, duration of training and Sign in sheet will be submitted by 7110/17 Exhiw 1 Recovery Support Positions . Weekly Schedule 3-. FT}Sun?Thu ?Hue-Sat . FT)Tue-Sat Fri?Mon FUFrincSn FT) Sun-Wed (PT}Thu-Sat (FT) (ET) Sun-Thu (FT) Tue-Sat (FT) Tue-Sat I Fri-Mon (Ff) Fri-Mon (PT) Sun?Wed (PT) ThuL?Sat (FT) Sun-Thu (FT) Sun-Thu (FT) Tue?Sat . (FT) Tue~Sat (FT) Fri-Mon (FT) Fri~Mon (FT) Sun~Wed (PT) ThujSat Exhibit 3x 9:003m- 9:30am 19:3Damw 10:39am 1_0:30am~ 12:30pm 12:30pm- 1:00pm 1:00pm?1:3?pm 1:30-2:00pm - 2:00pm 5:00pm 9:00am 10am 1-2pm? 12:30pm 12:30pm~ 5:00pm 10:45?11:00am ~12130pm 12:30?1100pm 1:00pm~ 5mm 1 1 New Hire Orientation Program Dav 1 (Monday) Point registration II Presentation continued! Review Org chart- Luhch Badges introduction JillJob Shadow I Day 2 (Tuesday): Operations- ?re safetylkeysiloctted door. ??Lunch Relias Qav' 3 (Wednesday) - GtintcaICore -- I Break Patient Content Overview ~th3 Lunch Job Shadow Day; (Thursday) De?Escalatiott WEB WEB ASAM 101 12:30pm 1:06pm 1:06pm 5:00pm 8:30am 12:30pm 12:30pmw1:00pm' 1:00p?1~ 5:00pm 'Lunch' Job Shadow Dav 5. '(Frida? Relias Training Lu?ch ?cainica: training~ Boundaries, Confidentiality; Patient HB .r 513mm? - Relies - Recovery Centers oanedaa Print <5 ?3 Introduction to Trauma-Informed Care Wit 4.3 (9) Cnn?rma?nn-i?f 352270714 Content Expiration 9/30/2018 Type 503 Compliant . BrainSparks (Enabled) Description (Objective! Purpose) course} you will learn about the various types of trauma, the long-lasting consequences of trauma, and what it means to provide care through a trauma- inforrned lens. Through interactive. practice scenarios and detailed examples, you will learn the scope of your role and responsibilities When you are serving individuals with histories of trauma. You wiil eXarnine best' practices to implement, as well as how to avoid harm?ll ones that can further perpetuate the suffering and silence of trauma. As you complete this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of how your personal history can impact your work traufna survivors. Importantiy, you will learn 'what it . meal-is to'provide aaumadnfonned are, and 'why this approach is a mold-faceted cite a that you should acnsider for the individuals you serve. This training is designed for behavioral healthcare professionals who interact with individdals in a variety of I {Over 30% of people receiving behavioral healthcare have a history of trauma. In this . - - . - 1110 .- 5131472013. Relias- -Reoovery Carriers of Amenoa behavioral heaithcare sailings, including those with basic to intermediate levels of experience with trauma. and are registered tradema?G of the American Association. The American Associa?on is not af?liated with nor endorses this course. Course airtime Section Introduction '9 A Comma i a B. About This Course E. Learning Objectives Section 2: Overview of Trauma and Its Inapacl: A Meet Janine - B. More about Janine C: Janine?s Iniake D. Prevention E. Abuse in America F. ypes of Trauma . G. De?ning Trauma H. Useful Terms about Trauma 1:15 the Current System Making Progress? J. Why Does Trauma Matter in Behavioral Healthcare Settings? K. Carmella?s Daughter - a Summary Section 3: When Trauma Pervades A. Studies that Shed Light on' the Pervasiveness of Trauma B. What?s Your ACE Score? . . (2. Universal Precautions . D?Jordan?s Judgment . E. Review a Varied Trauma Reactions- . G. Central Theme of Trauma Reactions H. Meet Ronnie - I. Ronnie's Return . J. Parsing'Out . hum-?w- .. .. .. "um. i - - . . - . . Reliasa Recovery centersamnen-ca - K. Summary Section 4: Resilience and Growth . A. ResilienCe and Trauma - Posthaumatic Growth C. Ton?ier Cain: An Example of Resil? lance D. Tonier: The Change E. Meet Lila and Rose F. Their Story . . - G. Review . . H. Summary Section 5: Cultural Humility vs. Cultural Competence: SetonWor Trauma-Informed Care It A. Cultural Humilityr 8. Cultural Competence C. Fear, Shame. and Guilt - D. Trauma and Cul?oire: Meet Mr. Loo E. Mr. Loos Cultural Considerations F. Mr. Loo: What Next? G. Using the DEM-S to Incorporate Cultural Considerations - ?i H. Review I. Summary Section 6: The Trauma-Informed Care Approach A. De?ning the Framework of TraumaInformecl Care B. Distinct Characteristics of a Trauma-Ihformed Care Approach C. Why Should You Choose this Model? . . D. When Should You Choose this Model? . E. Quick Check F. The Im portence of Self-Care G. Ways to Practice Self?Care. H. Tiago?s Trauma Center I. What Should Tiago Do? - . J. sommary - I i 0 Seation 7: Tools and Techniques for Implementing Trauma-Infomed Care . A. Screening . What Should You Look For? . C. assessment 3:?10 5f3'll20?l7 D..Quicl< Check E. Implementing Chenge F. Trauma-Speci?c Interventions G. How to Promote Resilience H. Barriers to Treaopent I. Meet Jase . J. Summary Section 8: Conclusion .e A. Summary B. Congramlatlohsl Helios - Reamery Centers of America Learning Objectives De?ne at least three types of trauma and the pervasive impact that trauma has. List four essential components of traumanlnformed care. Provide at least two examples of how and when you should implement trauma-lnfomred care in your own work setting. . - . Additional Information. Instructor Cheryl Sharp, MSW, NWT, Cheryl Sharp, MSW, ALWF holds a Bachelor of Arts in and Women?s Studies from East Carolina University and a Master?s Degree in Social Work'wlth a focus on Health and Aging. She holds a unique perspective as a trauma survimr, an . ex~consumer of behavioral health sewlcee, and as a provider of these services. Her experience working with adults who have mienced trauma, grief and loss spans three decades. Cheryl ls currently the Special Adviser for Trauma-Informed Services for the National Council for Community Beheyloral Healthcare. She provides technical assistance and consulting services to National Center for Traume- informed Care ahd Promotion of Altetna?ves to SecluSion 3L Restraint through Trauma?Informed Practices. She is also the project coordinator for the . 4ND season Relias- {Recovery Centers ofAmenca ?l National Council?s Adoption of Trauma-Informed Practices Learning Communities. Disci osure: Cheryl Sharp, MSW, IMWT, has declared that no conflict of interest, Relevant Financial Relationship or Relevant Non~Financiai Relationship?e?sts. Staff Writer Naju Madra, A Naju Madra, MA. is an innarnai subject matter expert and clinical content writer at Relies Learning for the Health and Human Services library. She has her Master? 5 degree in with speci?c study in Clinical She brings with her a weatdi of experience in clinical assessment, training, curriculum development, and research project management She has over 15 years of behavioral health u?H?m omumuwh. experience, misusing scholarly I5uu1 an Will?lily mauudrs emu p1 vapor-m3 manuscript. for peer-reviewed journalsi? Disclosure: Naju Madra, MA. has declared that no con?ict of interest, Releva nt- - Financial Relationship or Relevant. Non?Financial Relationship exists. Target Radiance . The target audience for this course is: entry, and intennediate level Nurses; may and intermediate level Social Workers;en entry level Alcohol and Drug Counselors; entry level Marriage and Family Therapisis; entry level Professional Counselors; in the following . settings: Health and Human Services, and the following practice categories: Addictions, Corrections, General Nursing, Gerontology, Home Health, Mental Health, Pain. Relies Learning has a grievance policy in place to facilitate reports of dissatisfaction. Relies Learning will make every effort to resolve each grievance in a mutually satisfactory manner. In order to report a complaint or grievance please conlact Relies Learni mg at com. If you require special accommodations to complete this module, please contact Relies Lea ming Customer Support by calling {800} 38141321 or emailing support@reliasleaming. corn. All courses offered by Relies Learning, LLC are developed from a foundation of diversity, indusiveness, and a mutdcultural perspective. Knowledge, values and awareness related to cultural competency are infused throughout the course content To earn condoning education credit for this course you must achieve a passing score of 80% on the post-test and complete the course evaluation. hum?uh. a - 5MB . . "Eyhibiftf I I an 9 En?. 1 The Bogton Center for Treatment A RECOVERY CENTERS OF AHERICA 75 LINDALL STREET, DANVERS. MA01923 Affirmation Statement Af?rmation: I af?rm the: from this point forward, all required wil! be submitted per CMR 164.05 - I V'isiT .. 4.1. Af?rmation: I af? rm tha IE XBCU we cer CMR 154.935 .- E..- The Boston Center ?for Addiction Treatment A RECOVERY (ENTERS OF AMERICA COMPANY 75 LINDALL STREET, DANVEBS, MA 01923 LWW CALL DUER Affirmatiqn Statement from this point forward, all required noti?cations will be submitted per VISIT RE I ULCGMIBCAT - 2R_c_ EA The Boston Ce?ter CL A RECOVERY CENTERS 0F COMPANY PATIE hr.- AddictionTreatment ith rawal a 39 nt it? 75 Linda? Street Danvers, MA 01923 (978) 223-9300 Hello, Welcome to Recovery 1 have trusted us? with substence use disorder use disorder is a chroni yourtamiiy. We appia'u Settlers of Arnerica (RCA) in BOAT, Massachusetts we?re glad you if and co? occurring substance use and mental health issues Substance s, lifeethreatening disease that diminishes the quality of life for you and 1 your decision to enter treatment and understand it may not have been an'easy one. This hardbook is designed to familiarize you with the program, services and resources. as well as to inform you of the responsibilities and expectations of being in treatment but?: pfegrem completes ah-intedratedja??wach to Sabsta?ce'Use Disdfder treatment; With-you?ll primary. coonseior you Ni" talldfan Indrurduairzed course. of- treatment based? on your strengtii_s.l needs abilities and pre include individ rel and group counseling, medical and services, life skilE development womshop Eounseltnm The-Treatment Team Nurses, Licensed Pract Drug Counselors, an A Support Specialists. Yc amid top notch accon - mattresses and bedding We want you to feel at occur within 24 hours oi have any. questions s, assumes, relaxation technigues, arrdfamilyl 3 . consists of Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Ical Nurses, Masters Level Individual and Family Clinicians, Alcohol and an expert team will provide compassionate, evidencerbased treatment modations chef prepared farm to table food the most comfortable J, and all in the beautiful heart of New England. home and comfortable during your stay. A new patient orientation will admission but you are encouraged to approach any staff memberit you Family recovery is an ilnportant part of the recovery process. You and your family therapist will have regular phone ontact with your chosen family members and Will schedule family counseling and visits a wording to your individualized plan. At RCA-BOAT you will experience a dedicated, knowledgeable. and professional team that is here for. you and your amily to support you in developing a healthy, recovering lifestyle. We look forward to wotiking with you! our oars RCA-BOAT is a campus specializing in the treatment of t. Therapist, a Spiritual Counselor, a Massage Therapist, and ReCovery EDIT Tl . accredi ed by 'The Joint Commission and is licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Public Heaith?Bureau. of Substance Abuse Services. the Drug Enforcement Agency, and is registenad with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. wastes: ages: We believe that people suffering from the disease of addiction can recover. Our mission is to save lives by treating addiction with evidence based services and ongoing recovery support. Through our advocacy work, we will become a disruptive force for change, reversing the stigma of addiction one these who suffer from it. magma The detoxificationnvithdrawal management program is a medically monitoredinpatient program designed to resist you with the physiological and effects of acute withdrawal from alcoh I and other drugs. The program is open and admits patients 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Th program provides 24?hour nursing care, under the consultation of a medical director. Bee on current best practices in the field, the program's purpose is to . provide a medically sa professional and supportive withdrawal experience, while preparing and motivating You to ntinue treatment after discharge from the program and progress . . toward a full and comp eta recovery. The program is staffed to ensure adequate biomedical and ass sment, observation and care, and referrals to meet the individual needs ofthe persons 'rved. Additionally, the program develops and maintains .a rich network of treatment providers or referrals after completion of the program to? ensure the best possible match for the persons erved to ongoing treatment services. Wet-provide you with ?b th a weekly schedule as well see copy of your individual schedule each day. it is also posted each unit and in common spaces. if you have questions about your schedule, please ash ur primary therapist for assistance. us Drugs..alcohoi, and all pes of mind altering substances are prohibited at It is your responsibility treat other residents and staff with respect and dignity at all times. Please avoid the use profanity. Staff members are alw ys available to discuss feelings of'enger or frustration in individual sessions and during or group meetings. We have a zero?tolerance policy for any type of assaultive orthreateni behavior. . - You are responsible to attend all activities, groups; and 12~Step meetings. arrive on time and -I . remain until the end of ession unless medical or clinical staff hairs approved your absence. 3 . . nun-9.4..? participating in in recrea Gambling in or" on the pi Dress Code: Clothing worn must be No clothing with referee Exposed undergarmenti . Shoes must be Worn at Patients are to be dress at all times. Sleeveless tank tops ar Shorts rnustbe at least Shirt length must surpai Bathing suits are prohil: Sunglasses are alloweq Hats and hoods are all: Shoes must be worn in Patients are only allows patients' bedrooms. grandmaster {an Though housekeeping beds, and keep their re Televisions and radios For yourconyenience, areas at designated tin . cigarettes and lighters! . It is prohibited to bone. Sexpaltrornantic relatio he risk of such events so?saberondssimntel operty is not permitted; Ippropriate for treatment. see to alcohol drugs sex or violence are not permitted 9 and revealing clothing are not appropriate for men or women. ed' In proper athre when leaving their bedrooms pants shirts shoes a only permitted in recreational areas and when patients are tional activities. mid?thigh length 58 the Waistline of your pants ited unless at off site recreational areas. outside only - Wed outside only all publicareas to enter their assigned bedroom. Patients are not permitted in other nT?sucErt to possessions. - cruises do the heavy cleaning, patients are expected to make their oms neat and tidy with clothing put away in drawersiolosets 'nust be turned off prior to leaving the room Ne have provided designated smoking areas. Please smoke in these as only. Program staff wilt secure your tobacco productsielectronio patches and will provide them to you daring scheduled breaks. it clothes or any other possessions from other patients. nships are not permitted during your stat/H? at BOAT. order to reder?L scanning, BCAT diswurages: physiea__i_- interaction between patients that] tandshake gr like p_hy_ical gesture T. elewsron and phone ithdrawsl manageme hones will be secure fapproyaul and supervisj BOAT reserves the rig violence. Substance employees or other pa discharged may apps? administratively disch options. . so ls only alloWed during designatedrnonectiwty time. While in label unit phone use and telephone calls must be approved by staff Celli by staff_ and will he agreesst only with case management or clinical .m to administratively? discharge any patient due to physical or sexual on oampua, and/or other similar?behavior that puts them. our ients at risk Patients who wish to appeal being administratively the decision by contacting the CEO or designee; Any patient who is ged will be provided referralslinfonnation aboat other treatment MAM We recognize and appreciate the value of your loved ones being involved'in your recovery. While you arson the Withdr primary or family ther Management. Special pist. General weekend visits are not typically permitted in Withdrawal itoations maybe discussed and approved by your treatment team. :val Management Unit, you may participate in a family meeting with your All patients have, at a inimum, the following rights: . RCA-BCAT. provides a when possible, prompt freedom from pf freedom from st control over his licensee may pr access to his or ysical and abuse to searches and body cavity searches or her bodily appearance, provided. hOWever, on program premises, the bhibit attire and personal decoration which interfere with treatment her client record in the presence of the administrator or designee unless there is a determination that access to parts of the record could cause harm to the client . the right to chall clarification or lo the right to acts the right to have CMR 184.084 the rig ht to term enge information in his or her client record by inserting a statement of tier of correction signed by both the clinician and the client a copy of the client?s records as speci?ed in 105 CMR 164.083 the con?dentiality'of his or her records secured as required by 105 nate treatment at any time . freedom from or treatment witho orientation, gen treatment in a self?respect full disclosure client bonefits the rig ht to grie freedom to pra- the right to regu the client has drug screens drug screen is urine by proyldi the right to cont these rights, ruli lercion regard to race, ethnicity, creed, national origin, religion, sex, sexual or identity, abilityto speak English, age, or disability anner sensitive to individual needs and which promotes dignity and garding fee charged and, in residential rehabilitation programs, any be contributed actions or decisions of the licensee regarding the client?s treatment ice his. or her religious faith st referral to a facility which provides treatment in a manner to which religious objection . ducted in a manner which preserves the client's dignity and, when the urine sample, accommodates any medically confirmed inability to give g-for an alternate effective means of screening such as oral swab act the Department of Public Health - as and manuals will be translated for clients who do not read English. egos: con?dential, non-threatening mechanism-for initiation, reviewand, resolution of patient complaints concerning the quality ofcere or 5 . service received. an gr CEO or their designee. assign an impartiai gde evances must be submitted in writing to be reviewed by the facility?s All patients ?may voice grievances without fear of reprisal. The CEO will involved in the action grieved or the decision to commence the action. The review and investigation of a grlev ince will take place as soon as possible after noti?cation. and no. later than the end of the neat bUsiness day. A verbal response to a grievance will be made no later than the end of the he business day. after the complaint is received. A Written response will - be provided within the text two businessdays. Grievance forms are readily available on the unit cork board. sum . v1 BOAT has an unwavering commitment to our patient's health, safety, and Well?being. We believe you have the right to a safe and secure environment that is free from alcohol and other mood- altering sirbstances. Orr mission to provide the absolute best treatment, with the highest level of safety and security, begins With a drugutree campus. or the safety and security of all RCA- BCAT patients, we exp act you to respect this commitment and help keep a drug free - environment; SEARCH POLICY We are committed to providing a drug and alcbhol free safe environment for our patients, staff and all visitors. To one no this, we will: . Conduct an inventory of all belongings brought into the facility upon admission and as any additional items are brought into the facility. Any Items that are not. appropriate for a treatment facility wiil be returned home, stored, or discarded as appropriate. Conduct a cal screening of each patient. - Conduct. a physical screening, an unannounced search of patients rooms or other . possessions if reasonable suspicion exists - . Conducts urine ysis drug screen at the time of admission and any time there IS suspicion .FEE Recovery Centers of Anerica accepts most major commercial insurance plans and some Medicaid products. Th America may in certain cost per day for ATS ranges from $910?$2150 Recovery Centers of instances provide reduced fees for inpatlent and outpatient services These are determined on a case-by-case and subject to the company stiding fee scale policy. Reduced fees are calc Jlated based on a discount of the Facility Usual and Customary charges. All patients may send 2 and arrange for pick or. staff member to ensure nd receive personal' correspondence. will provide postage All incoming mailvehall be opened by the patient with an authorized it does not contain hazardous materials. if you choose not to have 6 yahoo officer who has expertise on the issues being grieved and is not unu- u. . hit?II.- your mail opened with a back to the sender at n: have left the program. For everyone?s safety a BOAT cannot be resp valuables not claimed it! El House phones are avai speci?ed free times. last a'ayraksierims phone limited . Personal cellphones of instances where you n4 staff member, RCAHBCAT will send the correspondence or package {cost to you. We Will return mail to the sender if it is received after you BLE rid comfort, valuables, money, jewelry, etc. should be sent home. RCA- posible for any articles lotion site after discharge. Clothing rithin 30 days of discharge will be donated. ELECT MIC I 8 NA PE able at designated areas on the unit and will be turned on during I htlf?l?m?o?e?mfyour Personal-l to slid-stripe laptops will'be secured until the time of-disoharge. if there are .ed access to your personal phone or laptop, this will be approved by your clinical team and accommodations will be made. E-Readers and MP3 without internet access or camera are permitted during free time. A or 'vo For safety purposes, DAT is a smoke?free building. For your convenience, there are designated smoking areas outside. Patients are allowed to smoke during designated smoke times only. Patients ms healthy environment, Patients are permitted smoke only at designated times in designated areas. To maintain a ease do not light cigarettes or smoke near the building. 0 use electronic-cigarettes, hOWever. for the safety of all patients they must bring in new, unopened and labeled electronic?cigarettes, bottles of e-?liquids and accessories. The charging devises must be assessed and approved by staff upon admission in order to ensure it me cigarettes under the 5 smoking area during 3 vapes, smokeless lob lasim?i??b I ets safety measures. Patients are permitted to utilize electronic guidelines as cigarette smoking, outside with staff in designated heduled breaks. The use of wax vapes, oil vapes, e?hookahs, herb co, dip and or cigars are strictly prohibited. .1 gge?o'oil E0 To I In order to ensure-asezure environment. video monitoring will be used at all times in common areas to ensure the safety, security and maintenance of a therapeutickenvlronment: At no time will there be video monitoring in the bathrooms, showers, or bedrooms. 7? 4-1- Your room will be serviced daily by housekeeping staff We ask that you keep yoirr room neat. Please do not tape anytihing to the walls lamps and furniture Please do net rearrange the furniture Patients are expected tr make their bedsrand keep their rooms neat and tidy With. clothing put . away in drawersiclosets. Televisions and radios must be turned off prior to leaving the room RCA-BOAT offers free laundry All patients are responsible for their personal laundry Laundry facility is located on the first ?oor near the group rooms. ASSISTED THERAPY Medication Assisted'Therapy falls into two larger categdries: medications to treat opioid use disorders and medicati ms to treat alcohol use disorders There are currently no FDA-approved medications to treat ad iction to cannabis cocaine, or methamphetamine. Medications to Treat pioid Use Disorders Three medications hay received FDA-approval for treating opioid use disorders: - Methadone prevents pioid withdrawal and reduces craving by activating opioid receptors in the brain I has along history of use in treatment of opioid dependence In adults . and is available? In spe ially licensed methadone treatment programs. - Buprenorphine redoc or eliminates opioid withdrawal including drug cravings without producing the nphoria or dangerous side effects of heroin and other opioids it does this by both activating nd blocking Opioid receptors in the brain it to available for sublingual (undenihe?tongue) ad inistration both' In a standalone formulation and In combination with another agent called loxone. The naloXorIe In the combined formuiation' Is included to deter diversion or abuse of ti medication by causing a withdrawal reaction it it Is intravenously injected by individuals hysicaily dependent on opioidsl . Naitrexone Is approy for the prevention of relapse In adult patients following complete detoxi?cation from drugs from acting on causing withdrawal if I once injection Medications to Treat Three medications has ids. it acts by blocking the brain 3 opioid receptors preventing opioid em and thus blocking the euphoria the user wouid normally feel and/or cent opioid use has occurred. It can be taken orally' In tablets or as a given in a doctors office alcohol Use Disorders: a received FDA~approval tortreating alcohol use disorders: Acamprosate reduces of protracted withdrawal insomnia, anxiety restlessnesst and dye; consumption in adults disorders horia) by normalizing brain systems disrupted by chronic alcohol it to thought to be more effective in patients with severe alcohol use Disol?ram inhibits an enzyme involved in the metabolism of alcohol, causing an unpleasant 8 . reaction flushing, nausea and heart palpitations) if alcohol is consumed attertaking the medication. Compliance can be a problem but among motivated patients this can be very effective. - Naltrexone blocks receptors involved In the rewarding etieots of drinking and In the craving for alcohol similarly to behavior and is highly due to genetic factors preparation, Vivitrol. 10W it blocks the effects of opioids. It reduces relapse of heavy drinking effective In some but not all patients where varied outcomes could be' Naltrexone Is available In both oral tablet and its longnacting injectable OPIOID I) KNOW THE SiGh 8 OF evenness. SAVE A LIFE. Signs of opioid ovesrfiose may include: Breathing that is . Very sleepy and - Blue or grayish sk . Snoring orgurgiin if there are Tap, shake, and - if there is still no; if no or little respo 2) CALL An opioid overdose naloxone (Narcan) When you call 9 1-1: . Give the address Tell them it?s an breathing.? - Stay with the pens prosecution for on While you wait for tli ow or shallow or no breathing at all ct responding to your voice or touch color, with dark lips and ?ngernails sounds 13 of an overdose: hoot at the person to get a response- >sponse rub knuckles on the breast bone call 911 IVEno?ose Is A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. can cause a some or death within minutes. A medication salted an reverse an overdose and save a life. on. The 9? 1 ?1 Good Samaritan law provides protection from arrest and 19 possession. . ambulance: . Do rescue breathi Q- Give naloxone. (N roan) if you have it. if you heirs to the person for any amount of time, place the person on their side Tell the ambulance taff anything you can about any alcohol or drugs the person has taken If you oanno stay. leave a note with the information 3} DO RESCUE BR ATHING iF BREATHING iS SLOWED OR STOPPED Do rescue breathi Tiit head back, lift . Breathe in Mouthc Q- zhin pinch nose Inoe every 5 seconds rerdose so they can bring naloxone (Noreen). Or say, "My friend is not . . mum? Massachusetts Overd se Prevention Resources . Free con?denti ltraining on preventing, and respondmg to overdose . is available. T.r ning includes rescue breathing and use of naloxone (Naroan) . Nalcxone (Nar a) 15 available at Specific locations statewide It Is also available at many pharm cies Ask your pharmacist. To find a nalox ne (Narcan) site near you call: Toll free 1 800? 32755056 Use Mass elay at 711 or 1-800n720?3480 - Help is availabl in? over 140 languages. line,com For informatio about overdose resources visit: RECOVERY RESOURCES You are not alone Th following resources can help you find. substance abuse treatment, prevention services, a information Massachusetts Subst as Abuse Information and Education Helpline Free and confid ntial lnformatlon and referrals to public and private treatment programs. Health insuran may not be required - Translation ava able in 140 languages . - Toll free 1- 800? 27? 5050 Staffed 7 days week TTY: Use Mass at?? or1 800720- 3480 htto: iihelollne- 0 line com! . Links to Rose Very Meetings: rouporgl - Recovery Apps: in the Rooms Meeting Guide Steps AWay National Spicide Prevention Lifeline? Call 1 800 273?8255 Lifeline provides 24!? res and con?dential support for people in distress prevention and crisis I resources for you or yr; or loved ones and best practices for professionals 10' Learn to Cope Learn to Cope is a nonpro?t support network that offers education, resources, peer support hope for parents family members coping with a loved one addicted to opiates or other drugs. I You tian call: (508) 738-5148 to speak to one of the staff. Monaco and Ala~teen (resonances) for meeting Information. Oniine and telephone meetings are available. QE EBLYACY This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed, and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. BOAT is required by law to maintain the privacy of your health information and to provide you with notice of its legal Jties and privacy. practices with respect to your health information, Effective Date of This Iotice: January 3, 2016- I. How BCAT ma Use or Disclose Your Health Information: BOAT collects alth information from you and stores it within BOAT as your medical record. This rne ical recordlis the property of BOAT, but the information in the medical record belongs you. BCAT protects the privacy of your health information. ?the law permits BOAT use or disclose your health information for the following purposes: 1. Treatment. i another treatment provider has previously been involved in your treatment, 0 is going to be involved in the future, we may want to discuss your case in order to ordinate care between its, however, this will only be done with written ?authorizatio consent from you, or in an emergency situation. The kinds of health care information may disclose about you in such circumstances could include your - diagnosis, ysician assessments, lab results, progress in treatment, etc. During your treatment at BOAT you will also be involved in group therapy. This technique may involve disc stone of a personal nature within a small group setting._Group therapy - is a widely a epted and often beneficial therapeutic tool. Follow?up phone calls may also be don after treatment, howeVer only with authorizationfconsent from you or in situations are we must follow?op regarding health concerns, such as test results . that came-b ok after your discharge. Payment. If ouare covered by health insurance, we may disclose diagnostic and treatment at site to your insurance provider in order to obtain payment for services rendered. we are assisting you in applying for health coverage. such as Medical Assistance, may need to disclose pertinent information, such as Work history, in order to me eligibility requirements. 3. Regular He th Care Operations. Your medical record may be randomly inspected by agencies wh conduct quality assurance reviews to ensure that high standards of care are being In intained. '11' . . Noti?cation a communication with family. Only with authorization/consent, or in an emergency, ay we disclose your health information to notify or aesist in notifying a family memb r, your personal representative or another person responsible for your care about rlocation. your general condition or in the event of your death. in an emergency si uation. including if you are transferred to another facility for medical or re sons, we will give you the opportunity to object to notification of your family or pets nal representatiye. However, if you are unavailable or unable to agree or object due 0 medical or reasons. our health professionals will use their best judgmen in communication with your family and others. .. Required w. the required bylaw, we may use and disclose your health information. . Public health. As required by law. we may disclose your health information-to public health author ties for purposes related to: preventing or controlling disease, injury or disability; reporting Child abuse or neglect; reporting domestic violence; reporting to the Food and Drug Administration problems with products and reactions to medications; and reporting disease or infection exposure such as AIDS, hepatitis, and tuberculosis. These disclosures are done in a con?dential manner with only the minimum necessary information provided to required public health authorities. . Health ove idht activities. We may disclose your-health information to health agencies dur ng the course ofaudits1 investigations, inspections, ?censure and other proceedings. . Judicial and administrative proceedings. We may disclose your health information in the course of any administrative oriudioial proceeding. - . Law enforcement. We may disclose your health information to a law enforcement official for purposes such as identifying or locating a suspect. fugitive, material witness or missing person, complying with a court order or subpoena and other law enforcement purposes. - 1U. Deceased person information. We may disclose your health information to coroners, medical examiners and funeral directors. 11.0rg'an donatgn. We may disclose your health information to organizations involved in procuring, banking or transplanting organs and tissues. 12.Public safety, We may disclose your health information to appropriate persons in . order to present or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the health or safety of a' particular pe scour the general public. 13. Worker?s corsgensation. With your authorizationiconsent we may disclose your health information a a necessary to comply with worker?s compensation laws. 14.Marketing. Wemay contaotyou to. provide appointment reminders or to give you information. bout other treatments or-health-related bene?ts and services that may be of interes to you. . - 15.Chanoe of lDWnershio?. in the event that BCAT is sold or merged with another organization your health informationirecorct will become the property of the new owner. 12 If. N. 16. Business As ociates. There are some services that we need to contract with business associates'f r, such as consultant and attorney services. When these services are contracted, may disclose your health information so that they may perform the job we?ve asked hem to do._To protect your health information, we require these business associates appropriately safeguard your information. When BCAT Not. Use. or Disclose Your Health Information Except as class bed in this Notice of Privacy Practices,'BCAT will not use or disclose your health info atton without your written authorization. if you do authorize BCAT to use er disclose your health information for another purpose, you ?may revoke your authorization in riting at any time. Your Health inf rmationRights - 6. Changes to thi You haireth right to reqUest restrictions oncertain uses and disclosures of your health inform tion. not required to agree to the restriction that you requested. You have th right to receive your health information through a reasonable alternative means or at alternative location. it is the policy of BOAT, however, that all such requests be at in writing. reasonabie fee will be charged for copying your health information. - You have th right to inspect and 'copy your health information. However, it is the policy of BC T. that each discipline sits down and reviews their notes with you. . You have a to request that BOAT amend your health information that is incorrect or incomplet . BOAT is not'required to change your health information and will provide you with info ation about denial and how you can disagree with the deniai. You may req est that we provide you with a written accounting of all disclosures made by us during the time period-for which you request (not to exceed 6 years or for any date prior to pril 2003). We ask that such requests be made in writing on storm provided by or facility. Please note that an accounting will not apply to any of the following of disclosures: disclosures made for reasons of treatment, payment or hesith car operations; disclosures made to you or your legal representative. or any other individ al invoIVed with your care; disclosures to correctional. institutions or law- enforcement of?cials; disclosures for national security purposes, and disclosures made with itten authorizationiconsent. You will not be charged for your ?rst accounting quest-in any 12~rnonth period. However, for any requests that you make thereafter, a will be charged a reasonable, cost?based fee. For more information aboutthis ri t, see 45 164.528. You have a toe paper copy of this Notice of Privacy Practices. Notice of Privacy'Practices BCAT resewes be right to amend this Notice of Privacy Practices at any time in the future, and to In its the new provisions effective for all information that it maintains, including inform tion that was created or received prior to the date of such amendment. Until such ame ment is made, BOAT is required by law to comply with this Notice. Should our cy practices change, we wiil provide all current and future patients with a'copy of the re ised Notice of Privacy Practices. - 13 Com plainte Complaints abo information Directorl Recover} 2701Rer King of If you are not ea submit a formal Departm Office of 200 lnde 'Room 50 Jt this Notice of Privacy Practices or how BOAT handles your health Id be directed to: - of Quality Control 82 Compliance reentere of Amerlea aiesance Boulevard PA 19406 tis?ed with the manner in which this office handles a complaint, you may somplainl; to:_ ant of Health and Human Services Civil Rights . sendenoe Avenue, SW 9F, Building . DC 20201 If you have any Bureau somplaints about the services you have received. - rf ?uhetanoe Abuse Services, Departm?nt of Pu blic Health 250 Was Boston, Phone:l Confider Fhone:l - Fax:317 You may also addrese these of?ces can be f0 ington Street MA 02108-4699 E17n524~5111 tial Corn plaint Linea 517-6246171 6246599 your compliant to one of the regional Of?ces for Civll Rights. .A list of 1nd online at 14 .u Mum?n. a qua-.4.? A The. Bogton Center . for Addictlon' Treatment A RECOVERY CENTERS OF AMERICA COMPANY ta i ?za? wices Clinica?- 75? Lindall Street Danvers, MA 01923 (978) 223?9300 Hello, . I Welcome to Recovery have trusted as with your care BOAT is a campus specializing in the treatment of. Beaters of America (RCA) in BCAT, Massachusetts we?re glad you substance use dieordena and (Io-occurring substance use and ?mental heal'th Issues Substance use disorder is a chron life threatening disease that diminishes the quality of tits for you and your family. We applau your decision to enter treatment and understand it may not have been an easy one. Thishandbook-is-designed to familiarize you with the program, services and resources, as well as to inform you of the responsibilities and expectations of being in treatment - 5dr program combInes an ioteg_ted_ approaoh to Substance Use Disorder treatment With ypo? Lmary counselor you grill tailor an individualized operas pf- treatment posed on your, siren wgthej heads, abilities and; pref 'erences. Together page pgill create a personalized plag__ for your reryersi that will include indlyid beveiopment worksho Jal counseling, medical and Sergioes; life as; as. leisure activities physical education. .relaxatiLn reiki serious The Treatment Team :ture and family agonseling? :ronsists of Physicians Nurse Practitioners Registered - .Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses Masters Level Individual and Family Clinicians Alcohol and Drug Counselors an Art Therapist a Spiritual Counselor a Massage Therapist a Holistic Counselor and Recove evidencehased treatm the most comfodable rr We want you to feel at occur within 24 hours 0: have any questioner Iy Support Specialists. Your expert team will provide compassionate ant amid top notch accommodations, chef prepared farm to table food attresses and bedding, and all in- the beaLItiful heart of New England. admission but you are encouraged to approach any staff member if you Famlly recovery is an Important part of the recovery process You and your famity therapist will have regular phone counseling and visitsao At RCA-BOAT you willi experience a dedicated, knowledgeable and professional team that is here foryou and yourf ontact with your chosen family members and will schedule family cording to your individualized pian. arrtily to support you in developing a healthy, recovering lifestyle. horns and comfortable during your stay. A new patient orientation will .. We look forward to worrking with you! Em A I RCA-BOAT is accredited by The Joint Commission and is licensed by the Massachuaetts Department of Public Agency. and is register We believe that people save lives by treating a Through our-advocacy stigma of addiction anc CBS offers a highly?sir substances and need i who have recently cont detoxi?cation medicatit at risk for a relapse. Tl] The program provides The typical length of at - including nursing, inten its consequences. rela] Health-Bureau of Substance Abuse Services, the Drug Enforcement ed with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. - suffering from the disease of addiction can recover. Our is to. ddiction with evidence based services and ongoing recovery support. work, we will become a disruptive force for change. reversing the .- . those who suffer from it. . . I 5' 5 rctured treatmentsetting for people who have recently stopped using iigh intensity stabilization services. It is appropriate either for individuals plated detoxi?cation or for those with SUD-who do not require ins, including Individuals who are not currently using substances but are program is open and?admits patients 24 hours a day 7 days a week. 24?hour nursing care, Under the consultation of a medloal'director.. ay is ?14 days. during which patients reneive a range of services sive education and GOUnseling regarding the nature of the addiction and has prevention and aftercare planning for individuals beginning to - engage in recovery from addiction. The program provides multidisciplinary treatment intewentions and empl prevention servlces. er and discharge planning. I We provide you with b: day. It is also?posted schedule, please ask rasize individual. group and family. Linkage to aftercare. relapse self~help groups, such as AA and NA, are integrated into treatment WE th a weekly schedule as well as a copy of your individual schedule each )n?each unit and in common Spaces. If you have ousstidns about your our primary therapist for assistance. . Drugs, alcohol and all types of mind altering substances are prohibited at It is your responsibility to treat other residents-and staff with respect and dignity at atl times. 3 - - Televisions and radios Please avoid the use Staff members are alw sessions and during assaultive or threateni You are responsible to remain untit the end of Gambling in or on the 1 Dress lCode: Clothing worn must be No clothing with refers profanity. available to discuss feelings of anger or frustration' in individual or group meetings We have a zero?tolerance policy for any type of behavior. attend ail activities grottps and 12?Step meetings; arrive on tithe and session unless medical or clinical staff have approved your absence. is not permitted for treatment was to alcohol drugs sex or violence are not permitted. Exposed undergarments and reveaiing clothing are not appropriate for men or women - Shoes must be worn a Patients are to be dres at all times. Sleeveless tank. tops a participating'in in reore Shorts must be at least Shirt length. must surpa Bathing suits are prohil Songlasses are allows Hats and hoods are all Shoes must be worn in Patients are only allow. patients. bedrooms. eases "?th - besides memories Though housekeeping beds, and keep their ro For your centre-niches areas at designated tin? away out of sight to not vaporizers, chewable til it is prohibited to borrow Sexuaiiromantic relatio risk of such events to IE8 beyond a simpletj all times. ed In pro or attire when ieavrng their bedrooms pants shirts, shoes. it only permitted in recreational areas and when patients are btlonal activities. length so the waistline of your pants Jited untess at off site recreational areas. 1 outside only Fwed outside only all. public areas ed to enter their assigned bedroom; Patients are not permitted in other out escort to meals and groups Patients may riot go ?memes meetingsi?n services do the heavy cleaning, patients are expected to make their orbs neat and tidy with clothing put away in drawers/closets. rnust be turned off prior to leaving the. room NB have provided designated smoking areas. Please smoke in these as only. Patients may hold personal cigarettes but must keep them put trigger others Staff members will secure electronic cigarettes, Ibacco and lighters ti clothes or any other possessions from other patients ships are not pennitted your stay at BOAT: order to reduce] occurring,_ BOAT discourages physics! interaction between _pa_t'_iehts that] or g?es esture ueiewsron and phone page is only allowed during time. WEiie 1n the] it unit phone use and telephone cells must be approved by staff. Ca 4. . artisans? cassette? tin?Elicio? - acme-"rdataewbi of BOAT reserves the rig tto administratively discharge any patient due to physical or sexual violence, substance 11 employees or other pa ients at risk. Patients who 'wish to appeal being administratively discharged may appe the decision by contacting the CEO or designee. Any patient who is administratively disch ged Will be provided referrals/information about other treatment options. on campus, andi?or other similar, behavior that puts them, our 315ng I 10b! We recognize and app oiate the value of your loved ones being involved in your recovery. While you are in the Clinical Stabilization Services program, you mayparticipate in a family therapy with your primary or to therapist. Additionally, there are additional visitation hours: Saturday 1~3 pm - Sunday 1-3 pm Tuesday 6-8 pm All visit request icons must be submitted to your primary therapist. - All visit requests wilt be discussed in treatment team to ensure visitors are supportive of recovery. easements All patients have, at a minimum, the following rights: . freedom from piysical and abuse freedom from st'ip searches and body cavity searches control over his licensee may ph access to his or her bodily appearance, provided, however, on program premises, the phibit attire and personal decoration which interfere with treatment her client record in the presence of the administrator or designee unless there is a determination that access to parts of the'record could cause harm to the client the right to shell ange information in his or her client record by inserting a statement of clari?cation or letter of correction signed by both the clinician and the client the right to obta?n a copy of the client's records as specified in 105 CMR 164.083 - the right to have CMR 164,084 the right to terml the con?dentiality of New her records secured as required by 105 note treatment at any, time freedom from cdercion treatment wither orientation, gent treatment in a rn self~respect fLill disclosure "re client benefits to the right to grletlI freedom to p?raci tregard to race, ethnicity, creed, national origin, religion, sex, sexual ier identity, ability to speak English, age, or disability anner sensitive to indiyidua?l needs and which promotes dignity and garding tee'charged and, in residential rehabilitation programs, any be contributed - . - . actions or decisions of the licensee regarding the client's treatment ice his or her religious faith 5 u-u the right to req st referral to a facility which provides treatment? in a manner to which the client has religious objection drug screens nducted In a manner which preserves the clients dignity and when the drug screen is urine sample accommodates any medically con?rmed inability to give urine by providi for an alternate effective means of screening such as oral swab the rIght to cont ot the Department of Public Health I- these rights rel and manuals will be translated for clients who do not read English. provides a con?dential' non~threatening mechanism for initiation, review and when possible prompt resolution of patient complaints concerning the quality of Care or service received All gr evances must be submitted In Writing to be reviewed by the facility? 3 CEO or their. designee All patients may voice grievances without fear of reprisal The CEO will assign an impartial gri vance officer who has expertise on the' Issues being grieved and Is not involved' In the action ieved or the decision to commence the action The review and - investigation of a griev one will take place as soon as possible after notIF cation and no later than the end of the no business day A verbal response to a grievance will he reads no later than the end of the he business day after the complaint' Is received A written response will - be provided within the ext two business days Grievance forms are readily available on the unit cork board. - - on 'nv BOAT has an unwavering commitment to our patients health safety, and well-being We believe you have the right to a safe and secure environment that is free from alcohol and other mood- altering substances. mission to provide the absolute best treatment with the highest level of safety and security, begins with a drug- -free campus. For the safety and security of all BCAT patients We expe ct you to respect this commitment and help keep a drug free environment. We are committed to oviding a erIg and alcohol free safe environment for our patients staff and all visitors. To one. re this we will: . - Conduct an of all belongings brought into the facility upon admission and as any additional its me are brought into the facility Any items that are not appropriate for a treatment facility will be returned home stored or discarded as appropriate. In Conduct a physical screening of each patient. Conduct a physical screening, an unannounced search of patients rooms or other - possessions if reasonable suspicion exists - Co ndoot a urinalysis drug screen at the time of admission arid any time there Is suspicion. FEE POLICY Recovery Centers of A Medicaid products. The rice accepts most major-commercial insurance plans and some st per day for CSS ranges from $600?$1100. Recovery Centers of Americamay in certain nstanoes, provide reduced fees for inpatient and outpatient services. - These are determined it a case-by-case and subject to the company's sliding fee scale policy. Reduced fees are calc charges. All patients may send a stat! based on a discount of the Facility?s Usual and Customary 1d receive personal correspondence. RCA-BOAT will provide postage and arrange for pick upi All incoming mail shall be opened by the patient with an authorized staff member to ensure it does not contain hazardous materials. If you choose not to have your mail opened with a staff member. will send the correspondence or package back to the sender at no cost'to you. We will return mail to the sender if it is received after you hate left the program. For everyone?s safety a BOAT cannot be resp valuables not claimed if Hoose phones are avai specified free times. onsible for any articles left on site after discharge. Clothing and/or rithin 30 days of dischargewill be donated. - oero' able at designated areas on the Unit and will be turned on during I "4 Eu may maltett?alm 'terelat'ed phone calls Mth'your Case Manag?i?ai'r??i?s?niifa?es?a? honegalls are limited 0 tpsmigutes anguwi?ll be mqg??orggduby Personal cellphones 3 instances where you your clinical team and . E~Readers and MP3 pl -yers without internet access or camera are permitted during free time. it"s. For safety purposes, laptops will be secured until the time of discharge. If there are -d access to your personal phone or laptop, this wiil be approved by ocomn?lodations will be made alE- i AT is a smoke?free building. For your convenience. there are designated smoking ar-as outslde. Patients are alloWed to smoke during designated smoke times only. Patients . healthy environment, .- Patients are permitted smoke onty at designated times in designated areas. To maintain a ease do not light cigarettes or smoke hearthe building. 0 use electronic-cigarettes, however, for?the safety of all patients they .- must bring in new, [the ened and labeled electroniocigarettes, bottles of e~liquids and accessories. The oha ing devices must be assessed and approved by staff upon admission 'in order to ensure it or cigarettes under the eta safety measures. Patients are permitted to utilize electronic guidelines as cigarette smoking, outside with staff in designated smokingarea during scheduied breaks. The use of wax vapes, oil vapes, e?hookahs, herb 1 yapes. smokeless tobacco, dip and or cigars are striotly prohibited. . . . 7 nd comfort, valuables, money, jewelry, etc..should be sent home. RCA- - Etaff will secIIr?e?all 19b: and used;- In order to?ensure a as areas to ensure the as will there be video mor Your room will be 5er Please do not tape at furniture Patients are clothing put away In dr the room. RCALBCAT offers freol aidini?dhats ?sheries RI cure environment video monitoring will be used at all times in common fety, security and maintenance of a therapeutic environment. At no time itoring In the bathrooms showers or bedrooms EK EP cod daily by housekeeping staff. We ask that you keep your room neat. Iything to the walls, lamps and furniture: Please do? not rearrange the expected to make their beds, and keep their rooms neat and tidy with aware/closets. Televisions and radios must be turned off prior to leaving LAQNDBI laundry All patients are responsible for their personal laundry ?La?undry facility is locatied on the near the group rooms. Medication Assisted Ti disorders and medicati medications to treat ad Medications to Treat Three medications hat.I Methadone prevents receptors in the brain. .and is available in spot Buprenorphine reduo without producing the i this by both activating I (underuthe-tongue) and another agent called or MEDICATION ASSISTED THERAPY Luau Ierapy falls into twovlarger categories: medications to treat opioid use one to treat alcohol use disorders. There are currently no FDA?approved diction to cannabis, cocaine, or methamphetamine. Opioid Use Disorders a received FDA?approval for treating opioid use disorders: opioid withdrawal and reduces crowing by activating opioid has a long history of death treatment of opioid dependence in adults, :ially licensed methadone treatment programs. ss or eliminates opioid withdrawal including drug cravings euphoria or dangerous side effects of heroin and other opioids It does Ind blocking opiold receptors in the brain. it' Is available for sublingual tinistration both In a standalone formulation and In combination with Iloxone. The haloxone in the combined formulation is included to deter diversion or abuse of the medication by causing a withdrawal reaction it it is intravenously injected by individuals i Naitrexone is approve, detoxi?cat'bn from cpid drugs from acting on th causing withdrawal If rt injection shysically dependent on opioids. I?d for the prevention of relapse In adult patients following complete Iids. It'acts by blocking the brain?s Opioid receptors. preventing opioid em and thus blocking the euphoria the user would normally feel andior icent opioid use has occurred. It can be taken orally in tablets or as a given in a doctor?s office. . 8 an - Medications to Treat Three medications hav - Acampmsate redocei restlessness, and dyer: consumption in adults. disorders. - Disui?ram inhibits at reaction (Le, flushing?, medication. Compliant: effectiVe. - Maitrexone blocks to for alcohol similarly to behavior and is highly due to genetic factors. preparation, Vivitrol. THE SIGN Signs of opioid otter - Breathing that is Very sleepy and Blue or grayish sk - Snoring or gurgling if there are Tap?, shake, and - lfthere is still no rt . if no or little respo 2) CALL An opioid overdose naloxone (Noreen) c: When you call 93l- 1 Give the address . - Tell them it?s an oi breathing." - Stay with the pars prosecution for do While you wait for ti? s. Do rescue breathir Alcohol Use Disorders: - received FDA-approval for treating alcohol use disorders: 5. of protracted withdrawal (Le. insomnia. anxiety, horia) by normalizing brain systems disrupted by chronic alcohol It is thought to be more offsetive in patients with severe alcohol use I enzyme involved in the metabolism of alcohol, Causing an unpleasant nausea. and heart palpitations) if alcohol is consumed after taking the can be a problem, but among motivated patients this can be very. captors involved in the rewarding effects of drinking and in the craving tow it biocks the effects of opioids. It redness. relapse of heavy drinking =ffectlve in some but not all patients, where varied outcomes could be Naltrexone is available in both oral tablet and its long?acting injectable omoro evenness Pnaven'non OVERDOSE. SAVE A LIFE. dose may include: ow or shallow or no breathing'at all at responding to your voice or touch color, with dark lips and ?ngernails tsounds 15 of an overdose: - tout at the person to get a response asponse, rub knuckles on the breast bone? tee: call 911 ivanoosa 18 A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. pan causes some or death within minutes. A medication called an reverse an overdose and save a life. rer?dose? so they can bring naloxone (Narcan). Or say," ?My friend is not on. The Side-11 Good Samaritan law provides protection from arrest and 19 possession. ambulance: g. - Give oaloxone' (Na It you have to lead Tell the ambulance taken If you cannot 3) DO RESCUE BRE . Do rescue breathing. - Tiit head back, lift Breathe in Mouth: resin) it you have it the person for any amount of time place the person on their side staff anything you can about any alcohol or drugs the person has stay, leave a note with the information EATHING lF BREATHING IS SLOWED OR STOPPED shin, pinch nose ince every 5 seconds - Massachusetts Overd se Prevention Resources . Free oonfldenti ltrainlng on preventing. recognizing. and reapondmg to overdose is available Tr ning includes rescue breathing and use of naloxoae (Maroon)- Naloxone (Nor n) is available at speci?c locations statewide It is also availabie at many pharm? cies Ask your pharmacist To fmd?a nslox ne (Noreen) 'siie near you call: Toll free 1600-3276050 Use Mass elay at 711 or Help is availabl in over 140 languages. wwWheINineo For informati?ol You are not alone. The prevention services, at Massachusetts Substa linecom 1 about overdose resources visit: RECOVERY . following resources can help you ?nd substance abuse treatment, id information. noe Abuse Information and Education Helpline Free and confidential information and referrals to public and private treatment programs. Health insurano Translation ava Toll free 16003 Staffed 7? days TTY: Use Mass http:/ihelplinee Links to Recovery Mes Recovery Apps: a may not be required lable in 140 languages Relay at'i?l'l ori 800-720 3480 dine com! tings: In the Rooms Meeting Guide 10 National Suicide Fret/st Lifeline provides 241?, resources for you or yc Steps Away ntr?on Lifeli?ne? Ceil 1-300 273-8255 :res and con?dential support for people in distress, preyention and crisis or loved ones. and best practices for professionals. - EALMILI geeougcae Learn to-Cope Learn to Cope is a non-profit support nebuork that offers education, resources, peer support a hope for parents titan You 14833 This notice describes l" lly members coping with a loved one addicted to opiates or other dogs. can call: (508) 738-5148 to speak to one of the staff. .4an and Aia~teen - (1?888?425-2666) for meeting information. Online and telephone meetings are available. malice 9E eaiygc eggcrices our medical information about you may be used and disclosed, and how 1. . you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. required by la with notice of its legal - Effective Date of This How BOAT may BOAT collects record. This me record belongs permits BOAT is 1. Treatment. treatment, or in order to . authorization Information i diagnosis, pt treatment at irivolve; disco is a widely at also be done at to maintain the privacy of your health information and to provide you tides and privacy practices with respect to your health information. Notice: January 3, 2016 Use or Disclose Your Health lnformatloni . ealth intentiation from you and stores it within BOAT as your medioal- dical record is the property of BOAT, but the information in the medical 0 you. BOAT protects the privacy of your health information. The law use or dlsoiose your health information for the following purposes: . another treatment provider has previously been involved in your is going to be involved in the. tutu re. wemay want to discuss your case aordinate care between us, however, this. will only be done with written Loonsent' from you, or in an emergency situation. The kinds of health care may disclose about you in such circumstances could include your ysician assessments, lab results, progress in? treatment, etc. During your BOAT you may also be involved in group therapy. This technique may esions of a personal nature within a small group setting. Group therapy :cepted and often beneficial therapeutic tool. Follow?up phone calls may after treatment, however only with authorizationfoonsent from you or in 11' situations wl . that came b: . Payment; if treatment de rendered. it Assistance, order to me: . Reoular? Hea agencies wh are being . Notification 2 emergency, family memt care about emergency 5 family or per or object due best judgme . Reg aired by . Public healtt health autho disability; re] the Food 2 medications, hepatitis, an only the mini . Health over agencies do proceedings . Judicial and the course of any administrative or judicial proceeding. tare wemust fellow-sip regarding health concerns, such as test results I ask after your discharge. you are covered by health insurance, we may disclose diagnostic and :tails to your Insurance provider in order toobtain payment for services we are assisting you in applying for health coverage, such as Medical we may. need to disclose pertinent information. such as work history, in st eligibility requirements. - Care Operations. Your medical record may be randomly inspected by conduct quality assurance reviews to ensure that high standards of care aintained. ind communication with family. Only with authorization/consent; or in an may we disclose your heatth' information to notify or assist in notifying a er, your perconal representath're or another person responsible for your our location, your general condition or In the event of your death; in an .ituation, including if you are? transferred to another facility for medical or sason?s, we willgiye you the object to neti?cation- of your sonal representative. However, if you are unavailable or ?unable to agree a to medical or reasons, our health professionals will use their st in communication with your family and others. - - Law. As required by law, we may use and disclose your health information. ti As required by law, we may disclose yoUr health information to pebllc rities for purposes related to: preventing or controlling disease, injury or )orting child abuse or neglect; reporting domestic violence; reporting to ad Drug Administration problems with products and reactions to and reporting disease or infection exposure, such as HIV, AIDS, ttuberculosis, These disclosures are done in a confidential manner with hum necessary information provided to required public health authorities- sight activities. We may disclose your health information to health ing the course of audits, investigations, inspections, licensure and other administrative proceedings. We may disclose your health information in . Law enforcement. We may disclose your health information to a law enforcement of?cial for poses such as identifying or locating a-suspect, fugitive, material witness or missing, arson, complying with a court order or subpoena and other law enforcemen purposes, . to. Deceased rson information. We may disclose-your health inform medical exa+1 '11.0rgan donat in procuring, ation to coroners, . Iners and funeral directors. - - Log. We may disclose your health information to organizations involved banking or transplanting organs and tissues. 12 ll. 12.Publio safe . order to pro particular . We may disclose your health information to appropriate persons in out or lessen a serious?andjirnminent threat to the health or safety of a son or the general public. - 13. Worker?s co causation. With your authorizationfconsent we may disclose your health information is necessary to comply with worker?s compensation iavvs. 14.Marketing. We may contact-you to provide appointment reminders or to give you information about other treatments or healtharelated benefits and services that may be of interest to you. 15.Chanqe of bwnership. 'in the event that BCAT is sold or merged with another organizationl your health informationlrecord will become the property of the new owner. 16.Business Associates. There are some services that we need to contract with business associates for, such as consultant and attorney services. When these services are contracted, who may disclose your health Information so that they may perform the job- we've asked them to do. To protect your health information, we require these business - associates to appropriately safeguard your Information. When BOAT ay Not Use or Disclose Your Except as described in this Notice of Privacy Practices, BOAT will not use or disclose your health information without your written authorization. if you do authorize BCAT to use or disclose authorEZation in Your Health your health information for another purpose, you may revoke'your writing. at any time. - Donation Rights 1. You have its right to request restrictions on certain-Uses and disclosures of your health inforn ation. not required to agree to the restriction that you requested. 2. You have the right to receive your health information through a reasonable alternative means or at an alternative location. It is the policy of BOAT, however, that all such requests be information. out in writing. A reasonable fee-will be charged for copying your health 3. You have its right to inspect and copy your health information. However, it is the policy of BC AT that each discipline sits down and reviews their notes with you. 4. You have a right to request that BOAT amend your health information that is incorrect or incomplete. BOAT is not required to change your health?information and will provide you with information about BCAT's denial and how you can disagree with the denial. 5. You may red uest that we provide you with a written accounting of ail disclosures made by us during the time period for which you request (not to exceed 6 years or for any date prior to provided by Aprii 14th, 2003). We ask that such requests be made in writing on storm our facility. Please note that an accounting will not apply to any of the following types of disclosures: disclosures made for reasons oftreatment, payment or health care operations: disclosures made to you or your legal representative, or any other ind ivid is! involved with your care; disclosures to correctional institutions or law enforcement officials; disclosures for national security purposes, and disclosures made with rvritten authorization/consent. You will not be charged for 'yourfirsl 13 .. accounting quest in any 12?month period. However, for any requests that you make thereafter, will be charged a reasonable, cost?based fee. For more Information about this ri ht, see 45 CPR: 164.528. 6. You have a ightto a paper copy of this Notice of Privacy Practices. 'lV. Changes to thi Notice of Privacy Practices . BOAT reserves he right to amend-this Notice of Privacy Practices at any time in the future, and to Re the new provisions effective for ali information that it maintains, including inform tior?r that was created or received prior to the date of such amendment. Until such area dment is made, BOAT is required by law to comply with this Notice. .Shouid our priv cy practices change, we will provide all current and future patients with a copy of the re ised Notice of Privacy Practices. - - V. Complaints Complaints ah at this Notice of Privacy Practices or how BOAT handles your health information she iid be directed to: Director Quality Control 8r Compliance Recove Centers of America - 2701 Re atesancs Bouievard King of russia, PA 19406 It you are not 8 is?ed with the manner in which this of?ce handles a complaint, you may submit a format ?omplaint to; - . . nt of Health and Human Services . Office 0 Civil Rights . - 200 independence Avenue, SW Room 5E 9F, Building Washing ton, 13029201 if you have any complaints about the services youhave received. Bureau fSubstance Abuse Services at of Public Heaith Boston, Phone: Confide tial Complaint Lines .Phone: 517~624-51 1'1 Fax: 617-824-5599 You may also address your compliant to one of the regional Offices for Civil Rights. A ?st of these of?ces can be found online at 14 miller eses org Chart Acute Inpatient Substance U51: Disorder Treatment Services short ti rm medical detoxi?cation and std?llzation treatment provided by an in]: or facility, either freestanding hospital-based, licensed as an Inpatient substance abuse [[61 treatment services by the Ma Department of Public Health I regulations at 105 CMH 164.0 Licensure of Substance Abose Programs" These services are in a three-tiered system de?n 105 CMH 154.133 (A311): Dete ofLeVel oftere and must con all applicable sections of 105 164.000.. or acute care oxl?cation eachuset?is nder it's . pro.- Treatment delivered go under rmina?on form with IMR Clinical stabilization services. hour, clinically managed post ltient unit lV/AlDb nnrdinnl?nr' Ian-2n I Case Manager; Direct Co re 24? detoxificatlon tre?atreent for adults or adolescents, as defined by til I Department of Public Health, [Isually following acute treatment so: vices for substance abuse, which may nciude intensive education and counseling regarding the nature of eddicl Jon and its consequences, relapse pre Faction, outreach to families and signi icant others! and a?emare planninl: for individuals to enga :e in recovery from addiction. We? Director of Operations llnical Director Tobacco Ed ucato Coordinator: en?s Clinician Primary .Thecapists/Counselors Case Managers RSS?s/Direct Care Staff RN's a Fromi Sent: . To: - . . Subject. BS Attachments: . 35 Hello Euei?rone I Tho Bureau of Substance Abuse Sew rolls. In an effort to ensure that all an organizational chart?for your revit regulations. Let us know ifyau have Runway Quinton? ?irkmerim hit I 973-223-9261 5&5 Staff Roles . 1: AS Org Chart For Staff 5H24-17.docx ces (BSAS), provides ail service delivery agencies with staf?ng guidelines and staff CAT staff is knonedgeable with regards to our staf?ng structure we have attached w. Piealse see the attached document and yourself with our any questions. recoverircentermfa merica?co m1 Exhibit 9 'hF?leHltort iU' BOSTON CENTER ADDICHONTREATMENT THIE RECOVEKY SUPPORT HIRE ORIENTATION ass Trainee: Work Status {Form PRN): Start Date: . 90 Day Evaluation Date: I I Requi: ed 355 Trainings WNER Name) Li? new higgape?rork complete: andretumed to Human Resources? All required forms of identificatior appropriate location? brought to HR andemaiied or faxed to the . introduction to ADP LINK: Click: Registratiogh code: Team amypublig?indexhtm Train?er demonstrated how to prol to punch in and out for your break rerly. punch in and out for your shift and how 5? Trainee conducted a practice?punt h? Introduction to Outlook Email Ad .C . USER initial lest nan John? Smith would bejsmith?lreco PASSWORD: followed [emmple John Smith would be RC rests and SharePoint (Office355) rn - . 1e foliowed by (example verycoamm) 5r initials home's} Trainer demonstrat?d how to ?oat flickingthe square icon in the 1113;: ss SharePoint directly from Outlook email by or left corner of the page? Trainer demonstrated how to nav "Avatax? sections ofSharePoint at Seminars). gate the ?Clinical Training? "Resources" and how to locate the patient grouo moduies Trainee sent a test email to RSS 5U email: dggienv?lr pervisor? ecovewcoetom Introduction to Relies Learning [Look for a prompt in your Dutioo LINK: 59g; USERNAME: First initial at last nam John Smith would be ismithg?ggreco PASSWORD: RCA123 (emaILIf not follow the link below) :?recovementersofemerica training relies learningtom/libfauthenticatee followed by @recoverycoaxom [example Uemcoaggm), - Trainee sent an Emaii to Kisha Bur Avatar login? Emaii should inciude the trainees i and position (Recovery Support 5e itbursef?recoverycoekom to request an irst/last name, location of {Beavers} ecieiist} Trainee successfuliy logged'into th Meter med record system? Completed at ieast one oompeten on Relies Learning? Introduction to Nursing Report . Trainee was showed the location 1? (Nursing report is about the Nursi shift; RSS staff should attend repo should quietly take notes and rein quest-fem. there nursing report is conducted? department passing on info from the iast ?tonne a shift, at the start of the shift and [in from being disruptive or asking to many dn?H-I . THE STON cameo roe ADDICHGN TREATMENT RECOVERY UPPORT SPECIALIST HIRE ORIENTATION PACKET Required 1 El DATE - intradoctlon to Walkle Taikies Trainer showed trainee how to use 1e communication system, what channels to be on and how to reach the supervisor? Introduction to "Codes? Trainer and trainee studied all codes listed on the hack of employee badges and tested each other? introduction to ?Patient Rounds? Trainee read the "Patient Rounds and Levels of Observation? policy and procedure and has been familiarizeu with all forms associated? introduction to "Patient Belongings?Searching and Ddcumentation? Ci- -Trainee read the "Patient Belonging :~Searching and Documentation? policy and procedure, has been familiarized wli all forms associated and has been shown the search room? - Patient Rounds and Levels of Obse cation - Trainee properly conducted and doi umented rounds at the appropriate time Cl intervals for at least-4 hours under the supervision of the assigned trainer? Trainer has explained how to: .- 1. Login to OfficeSGS using the computers in one of the Management of?ces. 2. Download all forms associal ed with patient rounds to the desktop to I home an icon foreach unit. . 3. How to use adobe to update and print the rounds sheets at the end of. each shift. I Trainer has introduced the RSS shift note form and explained the procedure and filing system? Etient and {lemmentation' Trainee properly conducted a mock hag search and documented all "Patient El Belongings? in the correct areas of i he ?Mater quck Notes? sheet? Trainee entered all items listed on the ?Avatar Quick Notes" sheet into the ?Resident Valuables Form? located Avatar? Trainee ?led the Avatar quick note 4em in the patient b?l??gines record binder in the RSS of?ce after entering ail ir formation into avatar? {lf the patient is on C1. unit 1 the sheet is stored in the unil 1 of?ce) matinee has been shown the locati of the hygiene closets on all units and is familiarized with the sign out sheet and procedure? - Cl Attendance, Punctuallty, Time Off and Call Outs Trainer has explained proper proto 'for requesting time err, call outs, Ei . returning back from breaks and punctuality? Trainee understands the start and ?nish times of each?i?: and understands the importance of starting?and finishing at the assigned times? i Evening: Somali :Bopm Night: 11pm?7?:30am Boston CENTER Foe Aooicnon TREATMENT RECOVERY SUPPORT HIRE ORIENTATION PACKET Reqq ired 355 Trainings E1 DATE TRAINER (Print name) Trainee has been 511$.? how to access the Shara RSS scheduie the outlook email account? Ail per em and part time staff should check this often and will use this to pick up aVaiia bie shifts Trainee has been showed which on and how to upload ADP to tin should use the Manage same goes for unit 1.) :omputers should be used to punch in and out 5 desktop? (if you're scheduled on unit 3 you meet offices on unit 8 to punch in and out, introduction to Group Trainer assisted in helping traine 2 choose a group from SharePoint to facilitate? Trainer assisted with preparatior (ire. SharePoint, where to locate of the group? oaperwork, supplies, handouts, setting up the . projector, setting up PowerPoints, videos and some tips on time management) Trainee was soccessfui in keep within the appropriate time ing a group from SharePoint and was able to frame? introduction to Group Notes Trainer demonstrated how to ioqete and ?ll not the "Grouo Note? form and ?individualized Note? fomn' In the Avatar system. introduction to {flutes . Trainer explained what a write a group note in DAP formal rote is (Data, Assessment, Pianiand how to in the allotted time frame? Trainee practicedwriting at: least supervision of an assigned traine 3 group notes in DAP format under the a? . . Trainee entered 3 practice group notes in DAP form at into the Avatar system? introduction to Mom?ing/Evenin Trainee observed a morning and Group Facilitation evening meeting? Trainee a morning me: :ting or an evening meeting at least once? Group Facilitation Competencies Trainee has?oompieted and: passe (This shouid be completed within all assigned Relies Learning competencies? yourfii'st 90 days Fresh Air Breaks . Trainee has?been shown the sow oved areas for patients to smoke and has been explained proper procedure. 401? .. Searching patient helor important duties of the Ru *Head the full policy and nn-ph - . A new admission i. be stored in the bin . mu. Recovery?Support Staff uide for Searching Patient Belongings gings can he a tedious and time consuming lob but is in fact one ofthe most covery Support Sta? here at BEAT. it is Important that we keep any items that are prohibited off the unit for the safety of our patients and our staff. this sheet will serve as a quick reference to guide you through the process receptionist. The I birth, and patient receptionist will ti come down and 3: search room withi search ?ght away 15 minutes. On to the items ha you will need?w: A. Locatethe ?Av last), patient it then-first oam. when searchl prooedure located in the binder labeled ?Patient Belongings Record? in each R55 of?ce" arrive in the front lobby leaving all belongings atthe-front desk width the eceptionlst will then tegl?iahel the belongings With the patients? name, date of number and pot the bags In the receptacle outside ofthe lobby- The en call the unit that the patient [5 being admitted to and request that an RSS -t the belongings. The must be picked up and brought to the 1 15 minutes of heing put?in the receptacle. lfyou are not able to get to the mu must still pick tip the items and bring them to'the search room within the re been brought to the search room and veil are readfto begin the search atar Resident Valuebles Quick She?t". thte the patient's full name (first, number and the staffmemher conducting the search should always put and last initial on the sheet as well belongings. 3. Make sure? yeti/Mays put safety ?rst and wear gloves and utilize the pen lighto provided c. Carefully tom clothing make er the bag and damp all items out on the table As you are searching the sure to sort by category Le. pants shirts, socks. This saves a lot of time when documenting co the sheet. Make sure to check EVERYTHING. Once and label it cle go back to the E. Any defile he or inapproprl and will beret F. All items If ?miscellaneou should be We belongings for patient. All lnformatlori fro? system in the ?resin patient transfers to searched and documented place all approved items in a brown paper bag ?y with the patients ?rst name and last initial. These itemsare now ready to a?ent. suitcases, perses or tote bags are not permitted Any items doomed unsafe should be stored in the dof?e orsuitcase and knapt safe in the search room med to the patient upon discharge unsafe or inappropriate should be logged on the sheet under the contraband? section This! 1W DESthe de?le or suitcase being stored and - with a brief description. This helps us when we are gathe?ng a patient's iischarge. Once this is complete you can bdn?g the seamhed items bad; to the the paper sheetwili-need to be submitted into the avatar med repaid loot valuables form". After info has been logged rote avatar the sheet she old der labeled ?patient belongings record? located in each RSS of? oe. if the another unit at any time the sheet should he transferred also. Hide Due to the seriousnature of are at risk for seizures or 0th; - urn-nu" -u we mm". puma. Recovery Support staff for Rounds and Levels of Observation nedicei cempiiw?ons that can accompany the withdrew! period, patients 2r adverse medical events during their Initial hospitaiization Anxiety, stress and emetlenai labliity are 3157 present at this time, as is expected with any patient seeking treatment for their Substance Use disord: compassienate, respectfu This sheet will Patient reunds forms with an accurate farm. 2. Dnte you have receiv count the patients an 3. It Is very Important .th The Boston Center for Addiction Treatment' Is committed to providing and high qualrty treatment while utilizingthe least restrictive means to ensure the safety of all patients and staff serve as a quick reference to guide you thre ugh the process. should be updated at the end of Each shift ensuring that each shift begins ad the rounds farm the 355 an the previous shift yau should always i cm?s?s reference with nursing staff ta ensere the count is correct. atany, more changes, new admits, discharges or transfers are immegiiateiy re?ected on the mun is form. 4. On any madicei deteleunit (ATS) rounds will be conducted every 30 minutes as standard for all detox patients? Dr: an residential unit (655) rounds will be conducted every 60 minutes as start cia rd for all reside ntial patients 5. Roands are tn be com completed team. 6. WheneVer a round is: moms should he leek: never be locked. 7. if Nursing staff Enema increased DhaerVatian in each RSS of?ce. 8' After ceimpleting the i . reference to set up a occurred during the ail the appropriate shift. i?P'lemre refei? to the plated as assigned, at time interval and nevecto be emulated all patient?s moms sheuid be checked also. Any vacant patient at times. tithe-re 15 a patient assigned to that mom the door should res the level of obsewatiun an a patient ta 15 minute rounds or 1:1 the forms can be found in the, ?patient rounds" binder.This binder is lecated round for your shift, you should uSe the current rounds sheet as a ew sheet for the oncoming shift. Make sure to update any changes that 'ri't. Fiie the cqmpieted munds sheet in the patient rounds binder under Patient Reunds and Levels of Obsemtien? policy and procedure lacated in the patient rounds binder in each 855 of?ce? Gui Due to the serious nature are at risk for seizures or: and emotional lability are their substance use dis: compassionate, respec This sheet 1. Patient rounds fan with an accurate ft 2. Once you have rec count the patients Recovery Support Staff tie for Rounds and Levels of ObservatiOn of medicaicompiications that can accompany'the withdrawal period, patients ither adverse medical events during their initial hospitalization. Anxiety, stress also present at this time, as is expected with any patient seeking treattnehc far arder. The Boston Center for Addic?on Treatment is committed topmviding tin! and high quality treatment whiie utilizing the least restrictive mEans to ensure the safety of all patients and staff. serve as a quick reference to guide you through the process. we should be updated at the end of each shift, ensuring that each shift begins rm. - awed the rounds form from the RSS on the previous shift you should always and cross reference with nursing staff to ensure the count is cortect. 3. it is Very important that any more changes, new admits, discharges or transfers are immediately reflected on the re aids form. 4. On any medical det ax unit (ATS) rounds will be conducted every 30 minutes as standard for an detox patient; On any residential unit (655] rounds will be conducted every 50 minutes as standard for all resiiential patients. 5. Rounds are to be cc mpleted as assigned, at the time interval and never to be completed early. 5. Whenever a round is completed all patient's rooms should be checked also. Any vacantpatieni; rooms shouid halo: ked at all times. if there is a patient assigned ta that room the deershouid never be locked. if Nursing staff incrs ases the level of observation on a patient to 15 minute rounds or 1:1 the increased Observatic :1 forms can be found in the ?patiem rounds? binder. This binder is located in each 355 office. 8. Aftercompieting the last round for your shift; you should use the current rounds sheetas a reference to set up a new sheet for the oncoming shift: Make sure to update any changes that occurred during the the appropriate shift :hif't'. Fiie the completed rounds sheet in the patient rounds binder under *Piease refer to the ?Patient Rounds and Levels of Observation? paiicy and procedurelocated in the patient rounds binder in each RES office? Here at BEAT we use oni and I expect that?all R55 1? 9. 10. 11. Actively moderate the day and eveoi sheet: The night shift groups are kept in op 30 minutES hef . Recovery Support Staff Guidefor Group Facilitation revidenoe basedtreatrnent fer our patients. We Work hard on our curriculum staff will stick to the schedule and to the assigned group for that timefrarne. .vill serve as a quick reference to guide you through the process. are printing and setting up the groups for the day and evening shift. The a labeled folder located in each RSS of?ce. This eliminate-5a lot of work for Ig?shifts. it is still Your responsibility to make sure that your group room is set nre'the start time Le. the roomis clean and presentable, there are enough . Feed and drink are . Welcome each oa? chairs, pens or pencils, suf?cient number of handouts, you hallo a group attendance sheet. laptop is charged Stitk to the room as Facilitator should i: no ready and the patients are rounded and reach;' for group 35 minutes before grotto begins. signed for that group. lffor any reason, you cannot use the room aesigned call your direct supervisor or talk to the Clinical Coordinator en shift. not permitted in the group rooms except for water. standing in front of the group not sitting with the patients. ant individually. Have each patient attending write their harneon the group attendance sheet. Provide a clear'explanatioo of the your) module to all patients attending. I Follow the format and?content ofthe module. Utilize discussion on. estions provided to engage all group participants. USE the group attendance sheet to write any notes orquotes you Want to remember for later.- roup discossions to ensure no one participant dominates the'discussion. 12. Keep the group solutiowfocused and strength~based. . 13. Make sure to clamor strate reflective listening skills and validate participant?s feelings. 1'4. P'rUVlde a briel?surnrlary con'clo'ding the group effectiVely. 15. Make sure to have group note 5 itients remove any cups or trash they brought in with them. wold be written on each patient who attended immediately a?erthe conclusion of the group? During the initial intake sprotests the patient should be asked to remove all items from their pockets ahd counselor Le. cell phones, wallets, Checkbooks, cash etc. Once this has been I give to the admission *Patients are never alla 1. 1'0. lite ?le cabinet shou Patient Valuables Searching and Doeumentation completed follow the steps below. ?ed to have unsupervised accets to cell phones, any electronle devices with internet 2 mess/cameras or cash, credit, debit or gift cards of Using the valuabh the wallet. Make 5 Make sureto ask phone has been til acce: numbel?s they? ll be phone when this i: We should encode envelope and the valuables face sheet provided document all items within are to thoroughly Search inside each pocket or section of the wallet. he patient if they brooght a cell phone or-any other valuables. Once the cell :comented in detail make sure to let the patient know that they will have to their cell phone so now is the time to have them write down any completed and place it inthe envelope with other Valuables. ge all patients to lock op any expensive jewelry and make. sure to let them know that if they ecline we will not be responsible if the item gets lost or stolen. name on the face 5 1 . The staff member ompleting the search must make?sure to write the pe?ent?s full ?rst and last eet. Staff who completed the search must also list their ?rst name and last. initial in the appro; n'ate space. This sea roh should?lle completed ll'l front: of the patient. Allitems should be listed on the face sheet in as much de tall as possible and checked off by the patient. All items listed on face sheet must be entered into, the va luahles/ identi? cation! redlt/ Debit sections Of the "Re dent Valuables Form? in Avatar. After this has been done, the patient have provided a sa it. I Will leave one in Upon completion of- ?le oablnetdesighatt letter of th patient?. should provide an ctronic signature before leaving admissions. pie envelope and face sheet as a quick reference forlany staff thatneeds . - . each admissions of?ce. the Valuables search all envelopes should be immediately locked into the ad for patient valuables. The envelope should be ?led according to the ?rst - last name. be locked and the door to the office should be locked. if a patient ever has more-than one envelope make sure to write ?avoid patient?s leaving iterrs behind after discharge. needing during their stay With Us. Make sore to have them tum o??the cell i?h ?u'k "rm- . Recovery centers Of America Recovery Supgort Sp: eialist Degartment: Clinical - Position Claygi?eationiNomExemgt I FREports to: Recom?upport Supervisor - - Position Overview: le?eipates in the delivery. of individual client care. i . Customer Sentient Demonstrates concern for' meeting intonanl end external onstomers? needs in a manner that provides satisfaction for the customer within the resources that can be made available . Problem Solving: Identi?es problems, involves others in Seeking solutions, conduots appropriate anally": es, searches for best solutions; responds quickly to new challenges. Communication I?ro?cieocy: Comfortableusing a broad range of communication styles, and ability to 0110 see effective ways to comunicateto different audiences in diverse situations: . - Flexibility: Is ope to change and non:r infomatiou; adapts behavior and work methods in reopense to new information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles Adjusts rapidly to new sin .ations Wanting attention and resolution. Time Managem?t: Uses bis-or her time e??eetively and e?ioien?? coneenh?ate's his or iler e'?brts on the mo important piiozities; adeptly handles several tasks at once. Soeci?g Resoorziibilitieo - Monitor patients, piovide scourity checks through shift, completes documentation to include but not lin?ted to log book, level cards, monitor patient?s activities and record patient behavior. Assist in telephone intakes 4' Participate in dime] patient care including ensuring patient safety, interacting ?ierapeuticajly. - 0 Assist In activities ofdaily living transports; assists with physical ue-esoelotion and the monitoring of patio: its. - Understand the p11 ociples of 12- -Step Programs and how they apply to the recovery process of the addicted client. I - 'Aid and instruct clients in facilitation and presentation of the iZ?Step selfuhelp memory groups Flexible to meet pen Lent and staff needs. Identify and docum: :nt adolescent client behaviors. a May be responsible or using a Company vehicle to transport patients from various . locations to get the into treatment. Minimum Quali?cations: - High school diplo services; . Excellent organized nal skills with the ability to prioritize workload and meet deadlines.- Must be able to wor in afast-paced environment - Must have eyelid driver?s lioensef Must have strong owled'ge of a Variety of eompiner software applications in word processing, spreads and presentations (MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint). a Some familiarity wi behavior modi?cation or lZ-step modality Understands need for and I Domonsoates appr or equivalent and one~year experience working with addiction priate con?dentiality at all' times when interacting with patients, residents; families, itors, referral sources and all other contacts. 1! Exhibits eXGellent nstomer relation skills as evidenced by supportive and constructive Witt all contacts including oowodrers, patients, residents, visitors, families and referral sources. I Work Environment: This iob Operates in a professional of?ce This role routinely- uses standard of?ce equipment such as computers, phones, photocopiers, and filing cabinets. The noise level in the work any] roomth is usually moderate. . Physical Demands: While performing the duties of this position, the employee is regularly reqt?red to tall: or hear. Tee employee frequently is required to use hands to ?nger, handle or feel objects, tools or The employee is occasionally required to stand; walk; sit; reach with hands and arms; climb or balance; and stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl. The employee must occasionally lift and10r move objects up to 25 pounds. Speci?c yi?ion abilities required by this position include close vision, distance vision, color vision, peripheral vision and the ability to adjust focus. - Travel: Trayel is primarily local during the business day, although some out?ofatbearea and oyernight travel may be expected. Employee Signature . I I - Date i The Bogton Cpnter v_ for Treatmant A RECOVERY (?rms or: AMERICA COMPANY 75 STREET, DANVERS. MA 61923 Affirmation Statement Af?rmation; I af?rm?tha from this point forward, an required noti?cations win he submitted p?r (2MB 154.015 I Ethb-Hr .lo The Begum Center ?227" Ad d1ct10n Treatment A RECOVERY CENTERS OF AMERICA COMPANY 75 Linda? Street Danvers, MA 01923 . (978)223?9300 Hello?, Welcome to Rescuery Centers of America (RCA) in BCAT. Massachusetts - We?re glad you have trusted us with substance use disorders our care. is a' campus specializing in the treatment of and oo~occurring substance use and mental health issues. Substance use disorder is a chronic, life~threatening disease that diminishes the quality of life for you and your family. We appiau 1 your decision to enter treatment and understand it may not have been an easy one. This hardback is designed to familiarize you with the program, services and resources, as well as to inform you of the responsibilities and expectations of being in treatment Eur combines' primary. counselor you will tailor an Indiwduaiized course of treatment based on your needs abilities and?pr ihat?vriil include individ - developmenthomshop Eounsein?] The Treatment Team Nurses, Licensed Pract Drug Counselors, an A Support Specialists. Yr amid top notch accotr agendas: Together we will seate- a personalized- plan- tumour recovery Jail and group oounseiIthmedrcai and services, l-ife sk?i its, s, leisure activities physicaieducatron relaxation techniques and famihi consists of Physicians Nurse Practitioners Registered Icai Nurses Masters Level Individual and Family Clinicians Alcohol and an expert team will provide compassionate, evidencerbaSed treatment modations chef prepared farm to table food the most comfortable mattresses and bedding, and all' In the beautiful heart of New Engiand. We want you. to feel at occur within 24 hours 0 have any questions. *admission but you are encouraged to approaCh any staff member-if you Family recovery isas iinportant part of the recovery process} You and your family-therapist will have regular phone counseling and visits a: At. RCA-BOAT you will ontaot with your chosen family members and will schedule family cording to your individualized plan. experience a dedicated knowledgeable and professional team that' re here for you and your to support you in developing a healthy, recovering lifestyle We look fontvard to working with you! Therapist, a Spiritual Counselor, a Massage Therapist, and Recovery home and comfortable during your stay. A new patient orientation will is accredi Depattment of Public Agency, and is registen We believe that people save lives by treating a Through our advocacy stigma of addiction and SMIHJ The detoxi?cation/with: program designed to a withdrawal from aloohc EDITATI 5 ed by The Joint Commission and is licensed by the Massachusetts Health Bureau of Substance Abuse Services, the Drug Enforcement ad with theSubstanoe Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. WI suffering from the'disease of addiction can recover. Our mission is to ddiction with evidence based services and ongoing recovery support. work we will become a disruptive force for change. reversing the those who suffer from it. 06 AM DESCRIPTION irawal management program is a medically monitored inpatient 1 ssist you with the physiological and effects of acute and other drugs. The program is open and admits patients 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Th 9 programprovides 2,4:hour nursing care, under the consultation of a - medical director Based on current best practices in the field, the program?s purpose is to provide a medicaiiy as and motivatlng you to ,?professional and supportive withdrawal experience, while preparing ntinue treatment after discharge from the program and progress . toward a full and comp ete recovery. The program is staffed to. ensure adequate biomedical and ass sment observation and care, and referrals to meet the individual needs of the persons ?rved Additionally. the program develops and maintains a rich network of treatment providers or referrals after compietion of the program to ensure the best possible match for the persons erved to ongoing treatment services We provide you with?b th a weekly schedule as well as a copy of your individual schedule each day. It is also posted each unit and in common spaces. I schedule, please ask Drugs, alcohol, and all It is your responsibility I Please avoid the use Staff members are'alw sessions and assaultive or threatenir You are responsible to remain until the end of If you have questions about-your or primary therapist for assistance, EKEEQIAIJQES types of mind altering substances are prohibited-at to treat other residents and staff with respect and dignity at all times. fprofanity. ays available to disease feelings of anger or frustratton In individual- ur group meetings. We have a zero?tolerance policy for any type of behavior. passion unless medical or clinical?staff have approved your absence. 3 . . attend alt activities, and 12H8tep meetings, arrive on time and . I -waw?tm- u. .- . 1.. unmv. Mu- Wr.? Gambling in or on the Dress Code: Clothing worn must be a No with refers Exposed undergarmen Shoes must be worn at Patients are to be dres at all times. - Sleeveless tank tops or ?participating' in in more Shorts must be at least Shirt length must surpa Bathing suits are prohi loperty is not pennitted. Ippropriate for treatment 5 to alcohol drugs. sex or violence are not permitted and revealing clothing are not appropriate for men or women. . ll times. din proper attire when leaving their bedrooms pants shirts shoes only permitted in recreational areas and when patients are tional activities id-thigh length 5 the waistline of your pants ited unless at off site recreational areas Sunglasses are allowec outside only Hats and hoods are alto wed Outside only Shoes must be Worn in Patients are only allows patients' bedrooms. Eti??is?eyi?lk tside or to any o?iprc Though housekeeping beds! and keep their re Televisions and radios For your convenience areas at designated tirr cigarettes and lighters/I it is prohibited to boom Sexuallromantic relatio the risk of such events sessosrond a simple 1 [relax/temp and ?phone I. thdrowal manageme bones will be secured wastelandems?lsil BCAT reserves the rigt violence, substance as employees or other pa?_ discharged may appo administratiyely disoh options. all publioareas to enter theirassigned bedroom. Patients are not permitted in other tut escort to meals and groups Patients may not go unescortedt [party meetings services do the heavy cleaning, patients are expected to make their arms neat and tidywith clothing put away in must be'tomed off prior to leaving the room He have provided designated smoking areas. Please smoke in these as only. Program staff will secure your tobacco productslelectronic notches and will provide them to you during scheduled breaks it clothes or any other possessions from other patients. lamps are not ngnnitted during you; stay_ at BOAT. Huts order to reducet occurring, BCAT discourages physio_a__l- interaction between patienn_ts__ that} too is only allowed daring time. While lit that tt unit phone use and telephone calls mIist be approved by staff. Cell! Lby staff and will be accessed only?th case management or clinical, [it It to administratively discharge any patient due to physical or sexual on campus, andl'or other similar behavior that puts them our tents at risk. Patients who wish to appeal being administratively the decision by contacting the CEO or designee: Any patient who is god will be provided referrals/intonnation about other treatment 4 We recognize and appreciate the value of your loved ones being involved?in your recovery, While . primary or family ther pist. General weekend visits are not typically permitted you are on the Withdraw] Management Unit, you may participate in a family meeting with your Management. Special ituations may be discussed and approired by your treatment team. All patients have, at a minimum, the following rights: freedom from pt ysical and freedom from at control over his to searches and body cavity searches or her bodily appearance, provided. however, on program premises, the, licensee may prohibit attire and personal decoration which interfere with treatment - access to his or 'her client record in the presence of the administrator or designee unless there is a determination that access to parts of the record could cause harm to the client . the rightto chat . clarification or I the right to Ohio the right to hay CMR 164.084 the right to term freedom from . treatment witho orientation, gen treatment in a self?respect client bene?ts the right to grie - freedom to pra the right to rage the Client has - "drug screens drug screen is urine by providi the right to cont nge information in his or her client record by inserting a statement of tier of correction signed by both the clinician and the ctient a copy of the client?s records as speci?ed in 105 164.083 the con?dentiality of his or her records secured as required by 105 note treatment at any time . ercion - regard to race,? ethnicity, creed, national origin, religion, sex, sexual or identity, ability to speak English. age. or disability anner sensitive to individual needs and which promotes dignity and garding fee charged and, in residential rehabilitation programs, any be contributed actions or decisions of the Itsensee regarding the client?s treatment ice his or her religious faith - st referral to a facility which provides treatment in a manner to which - religious objection ducted in a manner which preserves the client?s dignity and, when the urine sample, accommodates any medically confirmed inability to give 9 for an alternate effective means of screening such as oral swab act the Department of Public Health - is these rights: rules and manuals will be translatedfor clients who do not read English; A provides a swamps: egocess confidential, non~ihreatening mechanism for initiation, review and, when possible, prompt resolution of patient complaints concerning the quality of care or 5 service received. All gr CEO or their designee assign .an impartial grie involved in the action 9 investigation of a griev: evances must be submitted in writing to be reviewed by the facility?s Ali patients may voice grievances without fear of reprisal. The CEO will vance? officer who has expertise on the recites being grieved and' is not rieved or the decision to commence the action The review and ance will take place as soon as possible after noti?cation and no later than the end of the next business day. A verbal response to a grievance will be made no later than the end of the neiI be provided within the unit and: board. BCAT has an unwaveri you have the right to a altering substances. 0 of safety and security. BOAT patients, we exp environment. We are committed to and all visitors. To one I- Conduct an inve, any additional it . treatment facility Conduct a conduct a phyi possessions if 9 Conduct a urine Recovery Centers of A Medicaid products. America may in certain These are determined Reduced fees are calc charges. . All patients may send a and arrange for pick up. staff member to ensure bustness day after the complaint Is received. A written responsewill text two businessdays. Grievance forms are readily available on the safe and secure environment that is free from alcohol and other mood~ .il? mission to provide the absolute best treatment, with the highest leVel begins with a drugufree campus. For the safety and security of all set you to respect this commitment and help keep a drug free SEARCH POLICY roviding a drug and alcohol free safe environment for our patients, staff Ire-this we will: =ntory of all belongings brought into the facility upon admission and as arms are brought into the facility Any items that are not appropriate for a will be returned home, stored, or discarded as appropriate cal screening of each patient. iical screening, an unannounced search of patient's roorns or other iasonable suspicion exists ysis drug screen at the time of admission and any time there Is suspicion. merica accepts most rnajor commercial insurance plans and some cost per day for ATS ranges from $910?$2150. Recovery Centers of instances provide reduced fees for inpatient and outpatient services on a case~by~case and subject to the company siiding fee scale policy. tlated based on a discount of the Facility 9 Usual and Customary . nd receive personal correspondence. will provide postage All incomingmail shall be opened by the patient with an authorized it does not contain hazardous materials. If you choose not to have .6 ng commitment to our patients health, safety. and well-being. We believe - I wan-q saw -- your mail opened with a staff member. RCA-BOAT send the correspondence ?or package back to the sender at no cost to you. We will return mail to the sender if it is received after you haveleft the program. BLE For everyone?s safety and comfort, valuables, money, jewelry, etc. should be sent home. RCA- BCAT cannot be responsible for any articles left'on site after discharge. Clothing and/or Ivaanbies not claimed within 30 days of discharge will be donated. House phones are avai speci?ed free times. monies nun Bensonap ours ogvroes able at designated areason the unit and will loo-turned on during voti- maymnnaketreatme balessliastetimitsd Personal cellphones an instanceswhere you n+3 your clinical team and E?Readers and MP3 pl we ?For safety purposes, designated smoking an times ma healthy environment, Patients are 't must-bring in new, one accessories. The char in orderto ensure itms ntirelated phone calls wowed} Personal-l to -1U?mi_ggtes and-will?be monitored by?gcovegz Suppgr?t?pegialists laptops will be secured until the time of discharge. if there are zed access to your personal phone or laptop, this .will' be approved by iccommodations will be made. ayers without'internet access or camera are permitted during free time. one s. epecrnomg masseuse, gun VAPOBIZE SAT is a smoke~free building. For your convenience, there are Ees outside. Patients are allowed to smoke during designated smoke smoke only at designated times in designated areas. To maintain at ease do not light cigarettes or smoke near the building. 0 use electronic?cigarettes, however. for the safety. of all patients they named and labeled electtoni?~cigarettes, bottles of e~liquids and ging devices must be assessed and approved by staff upon admission ets safety measures. Patients are permitted to utilize electronic cigarettes under the same guidelines as cigarette smoking, cotSide with staff in designated - smoking area'during s: . vapes, smokeiess toba hedule'd breaks. The use of wax vapes1 oil vapes, e?hookahs, herb coo, dip and or cigars are strictly prohibited. tater will sediia??toQ istrifeLeast in order to ensure axse areas to ensure the sat . will there be video morJ immediate :as:se: I on: ?o as sure environment, video monitoring/will be used at all times in common ety,- security and maintenance of a therapeutic environment. At no time itoring in the bathrooms, showers, or bedrooms. OUS KE 7 . m. Your room will be servic Please do ?not tape any - furniture. Patients are expected tc away in drawers/closets CAT offers free i Laundry facility is locate Medication Assisted Th disorders and medicatic medications to treat ad: Medications to Treat? Three medications hey: I Methadone prevents receptors in the brain. I and is available in spec - Buprenorphine reducr without producing the a this by both activating a ;(under~the~t0ngue) adri another agent called diversion or abuse of ti injected by individuals Naifrexone is approv detoxi?cation from epic drugs from acting on it? causing withdrawal if re injection Medicatfoas to Treat Three medications hav i Acamprosato reduces restlessness. and dyer: consumption in adults. disorders. Disui?ram inhibits a: ed daily by housekeeping staff. We ask that you keep your room neat. thing to the walls, lamps and furniture. Please do not rearrange the I make their bode-and keep their rooms neat and tidy with?ciothing'putz . Televisions and radios must be turned off prior to leaving the room LAW sundry facilities; Ali patients?are responsible for their personal laundry. on the?rst ?oor, near the group rooms; MEDICATION ASSISTED THERAPY (Man srapy falls intoltwo iarger?categories: medications to treat opioid use ms to treat alcohol use disorders. There are currently no DA~approved iiction to cannabis, cocaine. or methamphetamine. opioid Use Disorders 3. received FDA?approval for treating Opioid Use disorders: opioid withdrawal and reduces craving by activating opioid l'has a long?history of use to treatment of opioid dependence in adults tally licensed methadone treatment programs. . as or eliminates opioid withdrawal including drug cravings, uphoria or dangerous side effects of heroin and other opioids. It does ind blocking opioid receptors in the brain. it is available for sublingual 1linistration both in a standalone formulation and in combination With loxone. The naloxone in the combined formulation is included to deter medication-by causing a withdrawal reaction it it is intravenously )hysically dependent on opioids. for the prevention of relapse in adult patients tollowing complete lids. it acts by blocking the brain?s opioid receptors, preventing opioid em and thus blooking the sopho'ria the user would normally feel and/or acent opioid use'has occurred. it can be taken orally in tablets or as a given in. a doctor?s office. icohol Use Disorders: received FDA?approval fortreating alcohol use disorders: - protracted-withdrawal (La, insomnia, anxiety, horia) by normalizing brain systems disrupted by chronic alcohol it is thought to be more effective in patients with severe alcohol use 1' enzyme involved in the metabolism; of alcohol, causing an unpleasant reaction (i at, ?ushing, nausea, and heart palpitations) if alcohol is consumed after taking the medication Compliance can be a problem but among motivated patients this can be very effective - Naitrexone blocks re captors involved In the rewarding effects of drinking and' In the craving - for alcohol similarly to behavior and is highly due to genetic factors. preparation, Vivitrol. 10w it blocks the effects 'of opioids it reduces relapse of heavy drinking effective in some but not all patients where varied outcomes could be Naltrexone is available in both oral table-tend its long-acting injeotable OPIOID ovenoose PREVENTION i) KNOW THE SIGNS OF OVERDOSE. SAVE A LIFE. Signs of opioid over . Breathing that is a - Very sleepy and Blue or grayish 3k 4- Snoring or gurglin if there are Tap, shake, and a - if there is still no I: . If no or little reepo 2) CALL An opioid overdose naloxone (Narcan) When you call 91- - Give the address - Tell them it's an breathing." Stay with the pars prosecution for do While you wait for it dose may include: low or shallow. or no breathing at all at responding to your voice or touch a color with dark lips and ?ngernails sounds - to of an overdose: trout at the person to get a reopense asponse rub knuckles on the breast bone nee. call 91 1 is A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. can cause a coma or death within minutes. A medication called an reverse an overdose and save a life. rerdose so they can bring naioxone (Noreen). Or say, "My friend is not on. The 9-141 Good Samaritan lav.) provides protection from arrest and IQ possession. ambulance: - Do rescue breathi Give naloxone (N Tell the ambulance taken If you canno 3) oo RESCUE an Do rescue breathi . Tilt head back, lift room) if you have it. the person for any amount of time place the person on their side taff anything you ean about any alcohol or drugs the person has stay leave a note with the ih'fonnation. ATHING IF BREATHING lS SLOWED UR STOPPED. :hin, pinch nose . Breathe in Mouth once every 5 seconds . In. Massachusetts Overd se Pretrention Resources . . Free, oontidenti Itrainingon preventing. recognizing, and responding to overdose is available. Tr ding includes rescue breathing and use of naloxone (Maroon). - Naloxone (Nar n} is available at specific; locations statewide. It is also available at manyr pharm Ask your pharmacist to To find a nalox ne (Naroan) site near you call: Toll free 1-800-327 5050 TTY: Use Mass elay at 711 7206480 - Help IS availabt in over 140 languages. whelolineo Iin? - For informatio You are not alone The prevention services at about overdose resources visit: mass govldohfoverdoee RECOVERY RESOURCES . following resources can help you find substance abuse treatment information. Massachusetts SubstanceAbuse lnformatiort and Education Helpline .1 a Free and confid antiai information and referrals to public and private treatment programs. a - Health insurance may not be required - - Translation available in 140 languages Toll free 1-8004 52755050 Staffed 7 days week . TTY: Use Mass Relay at 711 or 1? 800?720- 3480 ?oiiline. com! Links to. Race 1?ery Mes Recovery Apps:- tings: . - In the Rooms Meeting Guide Steps Away National Suicide Prevention Lifeline- Call moo moose Lifeline provides 24/7. resources for you or yc or loved ones, and best practices for professionals. . one 10.. tee and con?dential Support for people in? distress, prevention and crisis . Learn to Cope Learn to Cope is a non-pro?t support network that offers education, resources, peer sopport hope for parents tit family members coping with a loved one addicted to opiates or other drugs. You can call: (508) 738?5t48 to speak to one of the staff. ,AI-Anon andAia?teen . (1?888-4252666) for meeting information. Online and telephone meetings are available. CYP This notice describeshrw medical information about you maybe used and disclosed, and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. - BCAT is required by laiiv to maintain the privacy of your health information and to provide you with notice of its legal daties and privacy practices with respect to your health information. . Effective Date of This Notice: January 3, 2016' I. How BCAT may Use or Yoor Health information: - BOAT coliects health information from you and stores it within BOAT as your medical record. This me icel record is the property of BOAT, but the information in the medical record belongs you. protects the privacy of your health information. 'The law permits BOAT use or disclose your health information for the following purposes: another treatment provider has previousiy been involved in your treatment, 0 is going to be involved in the future, we may want to discuss your case in order to ordinate care between us, however, this will only be done with written ?authorizatio consent from you, or in an emergency situation. The kinds of health care information may disclose about you in such circumstances could include your? diagnosis, ysician'assessments, lab results, progress in treatment, etc. During your treatment at you will also be'involved in group therapy. This technique may involve disc sions of a personal nature within a small group setting. Group therapy is a widely or copied and often beneficial therapeutic tool. Follow?up phone calls may - also be don after treatment, however only with authorization/Consent from you or in situations are we must follow?up regarding health concerns, such as test results that came ck after your discharge. Payment. if on are covered by health insurance, we may disclose diagnostic and treatment aiis to your insurance proyider in order to obtain payment for services rendered. i we are assisting you in applying for health coverage, such as Medical Assistance, a may need to disclose pertinent information, such as work history, in- order to me eligibility requirements. l3. .Begular He in Care Operations. Your medical record may be randomly inspected by agencies wh pond uot quality assurance reviews to ensure that high standards of care are being In intained. '11' 4. Noti?cation a communication with family. Only with authorizationfconsent, or in an emergency, ay we disclose your health information to notify or rn a family memb r, your personal representative or. another person responsible for your . care about location. your general condition or in the event of your death. 'In an emergency Si nation, including if you aretransferred to another facility for medical or rel sonsi we will give you the opportunity to object to noti?catiOn of your family orrpers or object due best judgmen :o medibal or reasons, our health professionals will nee their in communication with your family and others. 5. Required by law. As required bylaw, we may use and disclose your health information. 6. Public health. health authon rep the Food at medications; hepatitis, and Only the minir 7. Health overs agencies dur proceedings. 8. Judicial and administrative proceedings. We may-disclose your health information in - the course of As required by law. we may disclose your health information to public ties for purposes related to: preventing or controllingdisease, injury or orting child abuse or neglect; reporting domestic violence; reporting to and reporting disease or infectioh exposure, such as AIDS, Hum necessary information provided to required public health authorities. iqht activities. We may disclose yourvhealth information to health rig the course. of audits, investigations. inspections. llcensure and other any administrative orjudicial proceeding. 9. Law enforce nent. We may disclose your health information to a law enforcement official for par uses such as identifying or locating a suspect, fugitive, material witness or missing person, complying with a court order or subpoena and other law enforcement 10.Ueceased or purposes. rson information. We may disclose your health information to coroners, medical examiners and 11.0rgan donation We maydisclose your. health information to organizations involved in procuring, banking or transplanting organs and tissues. 12.Public safety. order to prev out or tessen a serious and imminent threat to the?health or safety of a- We may disclose your health. information to appropriate persons in particular pe son or the general public. 13.Worker's compensation. With your authorizationfconsent We may disclose your health information a necessary to comply with worker's compensation 14.Marketing. We may contact you to provide appointment reminders or to give you information about other treatments or health?related bene?ts and services that may be of interest to you. 15.Chanoe oi Ownership. in the event that BOAT is sold or merged with another organizatiOn owner. 12 bnal representative. However, if you are unavailable or unable to agree rd? Drug Administration problems with products and reactions to, tuberculosis. These disclosures are done in a con?dential manner with your health informatiom?reoord will become the property of the new 16.- we?ve asked When BOAT Ma Except as descr your health inforl use or disclose out Your Health 1. You have thr. - requests be i Business As cciates. There are some services that we need to contract with business contracted, associates td horiz?ation in 1 health inform You have the means or at information. You have thi policy of You have a or incomplete you with info You may req by us during date prior to '1 provided by following associates r, such as consultant and attorney services. When these services are may disclose your health information so that they may perform the job ham to do. To protect your health information, we require these business appropriately safeguard your information. Not Use or Disclose Your Health Information - ibed in this Notice of Privacy Practices,'BOAT will not use or disclose motion without your written authorization. if you do authorize BOAT to your health information for another purpose, you ?may revoke your vriting at any time . - . - urination Rights . right to request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures of your aticn. BOAT is not required to agree to the restriction that you requested. right to receive your health information through a reasonable alternative an alternative location. it is the policy of BOAT, however, that all each cut in writing. reasonable fee will be charged for copying your health a right to inspect and copy your health information However, it is the iT that each discipline sits down and reviews their notes with you. . to request that BOAT amend your health information that is incorrect t. BOAT is not required to change your health information and will provide mation about BOAT's denial and how you can disagree with the deniai. rest that we provide you with a written accounting of all disclosures made the time period for which you request (not to exceed 6 years or for any 5?pril 14th, 2003). We ask that such requests be made in writing on a form; our facility. Please note that an accounting will not apply to any of the as of disclosures: disclosures made for reasons of treatment, payment or health cart other individ roperations; disclosures made to you or your legal representative. or any al involved with your care; disclosures to correctional institutions or law enforcement officials; disclosures for national security purposes; and disclosures made with ritten authorization/consent. You will. not be charged for your ?rst accounting quest in any 12-month period, However, for any requests that you. make thereafter, will be charged a reasonable, cost?based fee. For more information about this ri You have a t,_see 45 can; 164.528. to a paper cepy of this Notice of Privacy Practices. Changes to Notice of Privacy?Practices . BOAT reserves future, and to m. including inferm. Until such amen he right to amend this Notice of Privacy Practices starry time in the eke the new provisions effective for all information that it maintains, ition that was created or received prior to the date of such amendment. dment is made, BOAT is required by law to comply with this Notice. Should our privacy practices change, we will provide ail current and future patients with 80 opy of the rat rised Notice of Privacy Practices. . 13? Complaints Complaints abo information Director Receiver] 2701 Rat King of If you are not set submit a formal Departm Office of 200 lnde :Room 50 it this Notice of Privacy Practices or how BOAT handles your health id be directed to: at Quality Control Compliance r-Centere of America . aiesance Boulevard PA 19406 somplaint to: mt of Health and Human Services Civil Rights aendenoe Avenue, SW 9F, Building - Waehingon, DC 20201 If you have any Bureau Departm 250 Was . Boston, Phone: I Confider Phone: Fax: 617 You may also these of?ces can befo sompleinte about the services you have received. f?Su'betance Abuse Services ant of Public Health 1ington Street VIA 02108-4609 517-624?5111 itial Complaint Lines F17-624ws171 {524?5599 your compliant to one Of the regional Of?ces for Civil Rights. A list of me online at 14 iisfied with the manner in which this office hendies a complaint you may n-u man- . um A The?Boston Canter far Addiction Treatment A OF AMERICA COMPANY :4 -.-. Md" a; .a 2' i ?rfllYSLindaliSireet ?Danvers,MA01923 (978) 223-9300 - "an" . Hello, Welcome to Recovely. Beaters of America (RCA) in BOAT, Massachusetts we?re glad you have trusted us with your care RCA BOAT is a campus specializing in the treatment of substance use'discrder use disorder is a chronic tire-threatening disease that diminishes the quality of life for you and . and co occurring substance use and mental health issues. Substance your family. We applaud your decision to enter treatment and understand it may not have been an easy one. This handbook is designed to familiarize you with the program, services and resources, as well as to inform you of the responsibilities and expectations of being in treatment 5dr program computes primary counselor you heads, abilities and pre 'erenoes. Together we will create a personalized for your recovery that will include indlvid Havelopment wbrirsho sat and group counseling; medicai and seryices life ski? massage, 'reiki. acupun The Treatment Team . Nurses, Licensed Praot Drug Counselors, and as. eIsurg' agttyiti es, :phy?siggl__ edugatjon, relaxation techniquesbyogal :ture and family counselIngl . consists of Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Registered cal Nurses, Masters Level Individual and Family Clinicians; Alcohol and art Therapist a Spiritual Counselor, a Massage Therapist a Holistic Counselor and Recovery Support Specialists Your expert team will provide compassionate. 'evldencevbased trestm the most comfortable rr We want you to feel at occur within 24 hours at have any. questions.- ant amid top notch accommodations, chef prepared farm to table food, attresses and bedding and all In the beautiful heart of New England Family recovery is an tadportant part of the recovery process. You and your faintly therapist will . have regular phone 1: ontact with your chosen family members and will schedule family counseling and visits airpording to your individualized ptan: At RCA-BOAT you will experience a dedicated knowledgeabte and professional team that Is here for you and your family to support you in developing a healthy, recovering lifestyle horns and comfortable during your-stayrA new patient orientation wilt admission but you are encouraged to approach any staff member if you We look fonward to Wei is accredi Department of Public Agency, and is register We believe that people save lives by treating a Through our advocacy stigma of addiction am: 088 offers a highly?sir substances and need i who have recently com detoxi?cation medicaid at risk for a relapse. le The program provides The typical length of at including nursing. inted its consequences, relal king with youi EDI RE fed by The Llointi Commission and is licensed by the Massachusetts Health-Bureau of Substance Abuse Services, the Drug Enforcement ad with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Mission aisle meg]: suffering from the disease of addiction can recover. Our mission is to ddiction withevidence based services and ongoing recovery support. work. we wilt become a disruptive force for change, reversing the those who sufferfrom it. . _gbl r. Jctured treatment setting for people who have recently stopped using igh intensity stabilization services. it is appropriate either for individuals plated detoxi?cation or for those with SUD who do not require ins. including individuals who are not currently using substances bot are program is open and admits patients 24 hours a day 7 days a week. 24?hour nursing Care, under the consultation of a medical director. - av is 14 days, during which patients receive a range of services rse prevention and aftercare planning for individuals beginning to engage in recovery from addiction. The program provides multidisciplinary treatment interventions and empt prevention services, or and discharge planning. We provide you with b: day. it is also ?posted 4 schedule, please ask iasize individual; grdup and family. Linkage to aftercare, relapse seif~help~grougs, such as AA and NA, are integrated into treatment ith a weekly schedule as Well as a copy of your individual schedule each sn?each unit and in common spaces. It you have questions about your our primary therapist for assistance. - or Dtugs. alcohol and-all types of mind altering substances are prohibited at A it is your to treat other residents and staff With respect and dignityat'all times.? 3 sive education and counseling regarding the nature of the addiction and Please avoid the use cfprofanity. - Staff members are always available-to discuss feelings of anger ?orfrustration in individual sessions and during yo ur-group meetings. We have a zero?tolerance policy for any type of assaultive or threatening behavior. You are responsible to _.remaln until the end of attend all activities, groupsand 12wStep meetings, arrive on time and session unless medical or clinical staff have approved your absence. - Gambling in or on the property is not. permitted. Dress Code: Clothing worn must be approgriate for treatment. No clothing with refers 1068 to alcohol, drugs, sex or violence are not permitted. Exgosed undergarmeths and revealing clothing are not appropriate for men 'orwornen.- Shoes must be worn a all times. - Patients are to be'dressed in proper attire when leaving their bedrooms. pants, shirts. Shoes. at all times. Sleeveless tank tops as only permitted in recreational areas and when patients are participating in in recre ational activities. . . . Shorts must be at least Shirtlength mast surps Bathing suits are prohil Sunglasses are allows: midwthigh length. as the waistline of your pants Jited unless at off site recreational areas. 1 outside only Hats and hoods are allovlred outside only Shoes must be worn in Patients are only allow: patients? bedrooms. Eases Fi?-dais entering innovative: Though housekeeping beds, and keep their re Televisions and radios For your'oonvenienoe, areas at designated tim away out of sight to not vaporizers, chewable tc all public areas ad'to enter their assigned bedroom. Patients are not permitted in other . .- - services do the heavy cleaning, patients are expected to make their oms neat and tidy with clothing put away in drawersioiosets. must beturned off prior to leaving the room . we have provided designated smoking areas. Please smoke in these as only. Patients may hold personal cigarettes but must keep'them put trigger others. Staff members will secure electronic cigarettes, rbaoco and lighters. It is. prohibited to borrow clothes or any other possessions from other patients. is); settlements {static the risk of. sueh events are not per?nlitted?durirlg yo urustay at occurring. BCAT discouragespliysiosl interaction between patients that] during telephonepa?ls must bsapprovedsratsi?mgsm 4 4 Eff-Staffing. managemgito?rptirjig? 'l 1.0: - approval and supervisi BOAT reserves the right to administratively discharge any patient due to physical or sexual violence, substance as employees or other pat discharged may appea administratiVely discha op?ons. We recognize and appr - you are in the Clinical on campus, and/or other similarbehavior that pots them, our tents at risk. Patients who-wish to appeal being administratively the decision by contacting the CEO or designee. Any patient who is ?ged will be provided referralsfinformation about other treatment . eciate the value of your loved ones being involved in your recovery. While Stabilization Services program, you may participate in a family therapy with your primary or family therapist. Additionally, there are additional visitation hours: Saturday1-3 pm' Sunday 1-3 pm Tuesday 68 pm Al! visit request form: All visit requests will be . All patients have, at a freedom from pt freedom from at control over his licensee may pr access to his or unless there is a the ciient .- the right to shell the right to obta must be sabmr'tted to your primary therapist . discussed in treatment team to ensure visitors are supportive of recovery. sigma minimum, the following rights: lysical and abuse I to searches and body cavity searches - Jhibit attire and perScnal decoration which interfere with treatment her client record in the presence of the administrator'or designee determination that access to parts of the?record could cause harm to enge information in his or her client record by inserting a statement of a copy of the client's records as speci?ed in 105 CMR 164.083 clarification or litter of correction signed by both the clinician and the client 0 the right to hav CMR 164.084 the right to tenor freedom from or: . treatment wither orientation, gen: 0 treatment in a self~respect . full disclosure re client bene?ts to a the right to griev 0 freedom to praci the con?dentiality of his or her records secured as required by 105 note treatment at anytime . ercion - - - - it regard to race,'ethnicity, creed, national origin, religion, sex, sexual ler identity, ability to speak English, age, or disability. anner sensitive to Individual needs and which promotes dignity and garding fee? charged and, in'residential rehabilitation programs, any be contributed . . actions or decisions of the licensee regarding the client's treatment ice his or her religious faith 5 or her bodily appearance, provided, however, on program premises, the I -. 1 mun?man a the right to req st referral to a facility which provides treatment in a manner to which the client-hes religious objection - a drug screens nducted in a manner which preserves the client?s dignity and, when the drug screen is urine sample, accommodates any medically confirmed inability to give urine by providi for an alternate effective means of Screening such as orai swab a the right to contest the Department of Public Health I . a these rights, rules and manuals will be translated for clients who do not read English. P?g??s RCA-BOAT provides a con?dential, non?threatening mechanism for initiation, review and, when possible, prompt resolution of patient complaints concerning the quality of care or service received. All gr evances must be submitted in writing to be reviewed by the facility?s CEO or their designee. All patients may voice grievances without fear of reprisal. The CEO will assign an impartial grievance officer who has expertise on the issues being grieved and is not involved in the action grieved or the decision to commence the action. The review and investigation of a grievance will take place as soon as possible after noti?cation. and no later than the end of the next business day. A verbal response to a grievance will bemade no later than the end ofthe'next business day after the complaint is received. A written response will be provided within the next two'business days. Grievance forms are readily available on the unit cork board. BOAT has an unwavering commitment to our patient?s heaith, safety, and well?being. We believe you have the right to a safe and secure environment that is free from?aicchol?and other mood? altering substances. 0dr mission to provide the absolute best treatment, with the highest level of safety and security, begins with a drug-free campus. For the safety and security of all BOAT patients, we expect you to respect this commitment and help keep RCAABCAT adrug free environment. .. SEARCH POLICY We are committed to ovidihg a drug and alcohol free safe environment for our patients, staff and all visitors. To ensue this, we will: a Conduct an inventory of all belongings brought into the facility upon admission and as any additional itd ms are brought into the facility. Any items that are not appropriate for a treatment facility will be returned home, stored, or discarded as appropriate. Conduct a physical screening of each patient. Conduct a cal screening. an unannounced search of patient?s rooms or other possessions if reasonable suspicion exists.- a Conduct a drug screen at the time of admission arid any time there is Suspicion. Recovery Centers of America accepts most major on Medicaid products. The America may in certain These are determined RedUCed fees are calc charges. All patients may sends and arrange for pick op staff member to ensure your mail opened with i back to the sender at have left the program. For everyone?s safety a BOAT cannot be resp valuables not claimed mmercial insurance plans and some from Recovery Centers of cost per day for CSS ranges . . nstances, provide reduced fees for inpatient and outpatient services. . a case-by-case and'subject to the company's sliding fee scale policy. I start based on a discount of the Facility?s Usual and Customary 1d receive personal correspondence. RCA-BOAT will provide postage Allincoming mail shall be opened by the patient with an authorized it does not contain hazardous materials. If you choose not to have staff member, will send the correspondence or package a cost to you. We will return mail to the sender if it is received after you nd comfort. valuables, money, jewelry, etc.- should be sent home. - onsible for any articles left on site after discharge. Clothing and/or rithin 30 days of discharge will be donated. gouge ago Peasants House phones are available at designatedareas on the unit and will be turned on during specified free tithes. area?taste asses persisted phone calls with-your Case Manager-or'ThetapisfFEgonE? i0 phone calls are limited Personal cellphones a instances where you your clinical team and a ?E~Readers and MP3 pl mm For safety purposes, designated smoking ar times only. Patients ma healthy environment, Patients are permitted must bring in new, con accessories. The char 'in order to ensure it me cigarettes under the sa .smokihgat?ea during at vapes. smokeless toba laptops Will be secured until the time of discharge. If there are . red access to your personal phone or laptop, this will be approved by recommcdaticns will be made Byers Without internet access or camera are permitted during free time. a or: CAT is a smoke-free building. For your convenience, there are nas outside. Patients are allowed to smoke during designated smoke smoke only at designated times in designated areas. To maintain a lease do not light cigarettes or-smcke near the building. [0 use electroniocigarettes, however. for the safety of all patients they oened and labeled electronic?cigarettes, bottles of e~liquids and ging devices must be assessed and approved by staff upon admission ets safety measures. Patients are permitted to utilize electronic me guidelines as cigarette smoking, outside with staff in designated theduled breaks. The use of wax vapes, oil vapes, e-hookahs, herb cco. dip and orc'rgars a . re strictly prohibited. 7 . ?neness! In order to ensure a so areas to ensure the so will there be video mor Your room will be sen: Please do not tape at furniture. Patients are clothing put away in dr the room. offers free _Laundry facility is looat a? anagram NIT Rt [3 core environment, Video-monitoring will be used at all times in common "ety, security and maintenance of a therapeutic environment: At no time itoring 'in the bathrooms, showers, or bedrooms. Hogsaxeemng ced daily by housekeeping staff. We ask that you keep your?room neat. yth'ing to the walls, lamps and furniture: Please do not rearrange the expected to make their beds, and keep their rooms neat and .tidy with aware/closets. Televisions and radiosmust be turned off prior to leaving laundry-faciilties. All patients are responsible for their personal laundry. ed on the ?rst floor, near the grouprooms. Medication Assisted disorders and medioat medications to treat a medications to Treat Three medications ha erapy falls into two larger categories: medications to treat opioid use he to treat alcohol use disorders. There are currently no FDAepproyed? lotion to-cannabis, cocaine, or methamphetamine. pioi?d Use Disorders received FDA?approval for treating opioid use disorders: - Methadone prevent opioid Withdrawal and reduces craving by. activating opioid receptors In the brain. has along history of use in treatment of opioid dependence in adults, . and is available in spa tally licensed methadone treatment programs. - . Buprenorphine redo or eliminates opioid withdrawal Including drug cravings, . without producing the uphoria or dangerous side effects of heroin and other opioids. It does- this by both activating nd blocking opioid receptors in the brain. it is available for sublingual (under?the?tcngue) ad inistraticn both in a stand-alone formulation and in-.oomblnation with another agent called loxone. The haloxone in the combined formulation is included to deter diversion or abuse oft medication by causing a? withdrawal reaction it it is intravenously injected by individuals ohysically dependent on opioids. - - - Nattrexone is approve detoxi?cation from cpic drugs from acting on ti? causing withdrawal it re injection to for the prevention of relapse in adult patients following complete id?s. it acts by biocking'the' brain?s opioid receptors, preventing opioid em and thus blocking the euphoria-the user would normally feel andlor acent opioid use has occurred. It can be taken orally in tablets or as a given in a doctor?s office. . 8 Medications to Treat Alcohol Use Disorders: . Three medications have received FDAapproval for treating alcohol use disorders: Aoamprosate reduces of protracted withdrawal insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, and dye: horia) by normalizing brain systems disrupted by chronic alcohol consumption in adults. It is thought to be more effective in patients with severe alcohol use diSorders. - Disul?ram inhibits an enzyme batched in the metabolism of alcohol; (teasing an unpleasant- reaction flushing, naUSea, and heart palpitations) if alcohol is consumed after taking the medication. Compliance can be a problem, but among motivated patients this can be very. - effective; . Neitrexone blocks receptors involved in the rewarding effects of drinking and in the craving for alcohol similarly to behavior and is highly due to genetic factors. tow it? blocks the effects of opioids. it reduces relapse of heavy drinking effective in some but not all patients, where varied outcomes couid be preparatiOn, Vivitrol. 1) KNOW THE SIGINS OF oyERoose. SAVE A LIFE Naltrexone is available in both oral tablet and its long-acting injectable omorooveaoose Peevention Signs of opioid oVerdose may include: - . Breathing that is ow or shallow or no breathingiat all Very sleepy and not responding to your voice or touch - Blue or grayish sk colon with dark lips and. ?ngernails . Snoring or gurgling sounds if there of an overdose: Tap. shake, and snout at the person to get a response - - - If there is still no response, rub knuckles on the breast bone? - If no or little respo 158, call 911 2) CALL Caveaoose IS A EMERGENCY. An opioid overdose :an causes some or death within minutes. A medication called naloxone (Narcan) can reverse an overdose and save a life. When you call 941-1: . Give the address - Tell them it?s an overdose so they can bring naloxone (Nar'cani. Or say, ?Mytriend is not breathing.? - Stay with the person. The Bet??ii Good Samaritan law provides protection from arrest and prosecution for possession._ While you wait for tr ambulance: A Do rescue breathing. - Give naloxone (N2 . if you have to ieav Tell the ambulance taken. If you cannot roan) if you have it - a the person for any amount of time, place the person on their side. staff anything you can about any alcohol or drugs the person has stay, leave a note with the information 3) DO RESCUE BR- ,Do reche breathl Tilt head back, lift Breathe in Mouth Massachusetts Dverd a Free, oonfidehti is available, Tr at many pharm To find a nalox . W: Use Mass Help t3 availabl . EATHING IF BREATHING Is OR g. hin, pinch nose nce every 5 seconds so Prevention Resources liraining on preventing, recognizing, and responding to overdose ning includes rescue breathing and use of naloxone (Noreen). n) is available at speci?c locations statewide It [3 step available oies. Ask your pharmacist. . . ne (Narcan) site near you call: Toll free 1~800~327~5050 elay at 711 or 1806020 3480 in over 140 languages linesom For information about overdose resources visit: You are not alone. The RECOVERY RESOURCES following resources can help your ?nd substance abuse treatment prevention services, and information Massachusetts Substa at Health insuran nce Abuse information and Education Helpline may not be required a Free and confi?ntial information and referrals to public and private treatment programs a Translation ave able in 146 languages Toll free 1-800: 327?5050 Staffed 7 days a TTY: Use Mass week Relay at 711 or 1 ?800 720- 3480 httm?helplineo tline corn! Links to Recovery Moe Recovery Apps: tings: wwv?veobrietyonlinemrg In the Rooms Meeting Guide 10 Nationai'Suioide Prove Lifeline provides?24H. resources for you or yc You 1-888 This notice describes . you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. BCAT is required by to with notice of its legal Effective Date of his Steps Away nfion Lifefine- Catt woo 273?3255 :tee and ponfidential support for people in distress; preyention and orESis or loved ones, and best praetices for professionals. FAMILI Beeog aces Learn toCope hitp?wwaeemkopeorg/ Learn to Cope is a non?pro?t support network that offers education. resouroes, peer support 8; hope for parents fan lily members coping with a loved one addictedto opiates or other drugs. can call: (588) 738?5148 to speak to one of the staff. . - Af-Anon and Ala-teen (?l?8884252668) for meeting information. Online and telephone meetings are available. gorrog QE Engengaa ow medical information about you may be used and disclosed, and how to maintain the privacy of your health information and to provide you otiee and privacy practices with respect to your health information. . Notice: January 3, 2016 How BOAT may Use or Disclose Your Health Information: BOAT collects record. This me record belongs 1 . permits BOAT tc ealth information from you and stores it within as your medical . dioal record is the property of the information in the medical 0 you. BOAT protects the privaoy of your health information. The law use or isoloee your health information for the following purposes: Treatment. another treatment provider has previously been involved in your treatment, 0 is going to be invoived in thefuture. we may want to dieouse your case in order to ordinate care between us, however,?this' will only be done with written authorizetio information 1. diagnosis, pt treatment at involve dieou is a widely or also be done consent from you, or in an emergency situation. The kinds ofhealth care may disclose about you in such circumstances could include your ysioian assessments. lab results. progress in treatment, etc. During your BOAT you may also be involved in group therapy. This techniqtie may . seione of a personal nature within a small group setting. Group therapy :oepted and often beneficial therapeutic tool. Follow-up phone calls may after treatment, however only with authorizationioonsent from you or in 11 situations are we must follow?up regarding health concerns such as test results . that came ck after your discharge. - . Payment. If you are covered by health insurance, we may disclose diagnostic and treatment If tails to your insurance provider in order to obtain payment for services rendered. i we are assisting you in applying for health coverage as Medical Assistance a may need to disclose pertinent information such as Work history, in order to me requirements Regular He Care Operations. Your medical record may be randomly inspected by agencies or conduct quality assurance reviews to ensure that high standards of. care are being In intained. . . . Notification nd communication with family. Only with authorization/consent or in an emergency; ay we disclose your health information to notify or assist in notifying a family mom or your per'sonal representative or another person responsible for your care about our location your general condition or in the event of your death in an emergency ituation, including if you are transferred to another facility for medical or seasons, we will give you the opportunity to object to noti?catiOn of your family or personal representative However, if you are unavailable or unable to agree or object due to medical or reasons our health professionals will use their best judgment or communication with your family and others . . Reguired by Law. As required by law. we may rise and disclose your health information. . Public heaitt, As required by law, we may disclose your health information to public health authorities for purposes related to: preventing or controlling disease, injury or disability; re Iorting child abuse or neglect; reporting domestic violence; reporting to the Food a nd? Drug Administration problems with products and reactions to medications; and reporting disease or infection exposure, such as AIDS. hepatitis, and taberculosis. These disclosures are done in a confidential manner with only the mininum necessary information provided to required public health authorities. . Health oversight activities. We may disclose your health information to health agencies du ?ing the course of audits, investigations, inspections, licensureiand other proceedings - - - . Judicial andiadministrative proceedings. We may disclose your health information in thecourse of any administrative or judicial proceeding. . Law enforcement. We may disclose your health information to a law enforcement of?cial for poses such as identifying or locating a suspect fugitive material witness or missing erson complying with a court order or subpoena and other law enforcemen purposes. 10. Deceased :3 recs information. We may disclose your health information to Coroners, medical exahlners and funeral directors. 11.0 Organ donation. We may disclose your health inforrnation to organizations involved in procuring, banking or transplanting organs and tissues. 12 il. Ill. order to pro information . We may disclose your health information to appropriate persons in out or lessen a serious and Imminent threat to the health or safety of a ensation. With your authorizationiconsent we may disclose your health necessary to comply with worker?s compensation laws. 14. Marketing We may contact you to provide appointment reminders or to give you 15; Change of 16. Business'As When BOAT . contracted, I - associates t: information a be of interes about other treatments or health- related benefits and services that may [to you Dwnership. in the event that BCAT is sold ori?merged with anotheF organization associates we?ve asked your health informationirecord will become the property of the new? acetates. There are some services that we need to contract with business - or, such as consultant-and attorney services. When these services are - ve may dioclcse your health information so that they may perform the job them to do. To protect your health information, we require these business 3 appropriately safeguard your information. 1y Not Use or Disclose Your Health Information Except as described in this Notice of Privacy Practices BCAT will not Use or disclose - your health info use or disclose authorization In Your Health Int 1 . . means. or- at requests be information. .You have it by us during You have it health intorn You have thi policy of 80 You have a I or incomplet you with info You may rec data prior to provided by following or heaith car other individ enforcemenl made with rmation without your written authorization. If you do authorize BOAT to I your health information for another purpose you may revoke your- writing at any time. ormation Rights a right to request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures of your ration Is not required to agree to the restriction that you requested I right to receive your health information through a reasonable alternative an alternative location it Is the policy of BOAT however that all such put in writing. A reasonable fee will be charged for copying your health right to inspect and'oopy your health information. Hourever, it is the AT that each disclpiine sits down and reviews their notes with you. ight to request that BEAT amend your heatth information that is incorrect s. BCAT is not required to change your health'informa?on and will provide rmation about denial and how you can disagree with the denial. uest that we provide you with a written accounting of all disclosures made the time period for which you request (not to exceed 6 years or for any April Mih 2003). We ask that such requests be made In writing on a form our facility. Please note that an accounting wilt not apply to any of the es of disclosures: disclosures made for reasons of treatment payment a operations; disolosures made to you or your legal representative, or any .Ial involved with your care: disclosures to? correctional institutions or iaw officials; disclosures for national security purposes, and disclosures Ivritten authorizaticnloonsent. You will not be charged for?your first 13' accounting request in any ?i 2 month period However. for any requests that you make thereafter, ynu will be charged a reasonable coet~baeed fee For more information about this nc ht see 45 C. F. t64 528 You have a light to a paper copy of this Notice of Privacy Practices. . IV. Changes to thi Notice of Privacy Practices . BOAT reserves the right to amend this Notice of Privacy Practices at anytime In the future, and to make the new provisions effective for all information that it maintains including information that was created or received prior to the date of such amendment. Until such amer dment is made as required by law to comply with this Notice . Should our priv cy practices change, we will provide all current and future patiente with a copy of the re ised Notice of Privacy Practices V. - Complaints Complaints ab at this Notice of Privacy Practices or how BOAT handles your health information she id be directed to: Director Quality Control Compliance Reoove Centers of America 2701 Re Boulevard King of ruesia, PA 19406 if you are note Isf ed with the manner in which this of?ce handles a complaint you may submit a formal ompiaint to; . - Depa nt of Health and Human Services Office 0 Civil Rights 200 ind endenoe Avenue, SW Rooms 9F, Building? Washin ton; DC 2&201 - if you have arty ompiaints about the services you have received. Bureau fSubetance Abuse Services Boston, Phone: 1517n624~5111 Con?dential Complaint-Linea . Phone: 517624?5171 Fax: 611624?5599 You may also address your compliant?to one of the regional Offices for Civil Rights. A list of these of?ces can be found online at 14 )(imlr? i BSAS Org Chart . - . item-.1 11m Acute inpatient Substance Usl. Disorder I. m" Case Manager; Treatment Services - short tl rm . medical detoxi?cation and stdbilization Direct Care treatment provided by an inp tient unit StafijSS 5 or either freestanding or - hospital-based, licensed as an acute care - inpatient substance abuse deioxi?cation . treatment services by the-Ma sarihuselis- I?iregor Of Nursmg, I RNIS Department of Puhiic Heaith nder its I regulations $105 CMR memo: LPN Licensure .of Substance Abuse Treatment . Programs? TheSeseWices are delivered CNA in a thrae~tiered system de?ned under 105 CMR 164.133 Dete mination . oflLeUei of Care and mm 'con bun with all appiicabie s?ctione of105 ZMR EICCO ?ca Ur 164.000.. nn rdinet'mj Program Director, Director of Operations I Clinicai services. 24?. . . . hour, clinicaiiv managed post Clinical Director Primary detoxification treatment for uits or adolescents, as de?ned by th Department of Public Health, sually foiEowing acute treatment so ices for substance abuse, which may ciude IntensiVe education and con eiing regarding the nature of acid? ion and its consequences, relapse pr ention, outreach to families'and sign cant others, and aftercare plannin for individuais beginning to enga ,e in recovery from addiction. There pists/ Co uriselors Case Managers RSS'stirect Care Staff I LPN's it irectdr of Nursing; I abacco Educator HIV/mos - Coordinator, Cr From: - . Sent: W1,dnesday, May 24, 2017 - To: . RC A-BCATALL . Subject, BSAS Staff Roles - -.- BSAS Org Chart For, Staff 5H24v17.docx Attachments: Heilo Everyone ces (BSAS), provides ail-service delivery agencies with staffing guidelines and staff rails. In an effort to ensure that all ECAT staff is knowfedgeable with regards to our staf?ng structure we have attached an organizational chart for your review. Please seelthe attached document and yourself with our regulations. Let us knowifvou have any questions. The Bureau of Substance Abuse Sew IE3 E- D-RECOVERY 973223-9261 1-8 Reamer? Cehcum a; Ame rive hurt; Exhibit 9 . 1.:pr 1t. axe-m5 in.? pm: or ll.) THE BOSTON CENTER FOR Aooicnon TREATMENT fe?l {Nursing report is about the Nursl shift. R55 staff should attend repo should quietly take notes and refn gu?estions.) department passing on info from the last once :1 shift at the start of the shift and- un from being disreptive or asking to many RECOV SUPPORT SPECFAUSTHNEW HIRE PACKET R55 Trainee: Work Status (FF PT Start Date: 90 Day Evaluation Date: Required RSS Trainings ?m 73d! new hire paperwork comple_te' and returned to Human Resources? E1 nil required forms of identi?catior brought to HR and emailed or faxed to the appropriate location? I [3 introduction to ADP LINK: Click: Registration code: TeamRCA-lza Trainer demonstrated how to properiy .punch in and out for your shift and how to punch in andw out for your breals? _Trainee conducted a prectgipunch? [3 introduction to Outlook Email Ad dress and SharePoint (Of?cea?sl' USER NAME: First initiai last name foilowed by @recoverycoa.i:om (example Cl John Smith Would be PASSWORD: followed by initials . (example John Smith wduld be itchy-201635) Trainer demonstrated how to an 55 SharePoint directly from Outiook email by Ci clicking the square icon in the upper {oft corner of the page? Trainer demonstrated how to nav-gete?the "Clinical Training?, ?Resources? and ?Avatar? sections oiSharePolnt or how to locate the patient group modules (TRl?s TCU Seminars) Trainee sent a test email to RSS peniisor? R55 Supervisor email: dgove ny@r ecoverycoexom Introduction to-Reiias Learning (Look for a prom pt in your Outloo?: email, if not follow the link below) LINK: . . - . ir?g?recovemcerztersofamerica. E3 USERNAME: First initial at last name followed by (example John Srnith would be PASSWORD: Hanna . Trainee sent an email to Kishe Harte ltburse?? recovengcoa .6931 to requestan Avatar login? I Emaii should include the trainees 1 list/lest na me, location of facility (Bowers) and position Sapport St ecialistl. Trainee successfully logged into the Avatar med record system? El Eompleted at {east one con-(peter: on Relies Learning? CI 1? introduction to Nursing Report . . Trainee was showed the location where nursing report is conducted? I THE slosron CENTER FOR enormous: TREATMENT RECOVERY SUPPORT specmusr-NEW HIRE Primer Require RSS Trainings El Introduction to Walkie Talkies. Trainer showed trainee how to use 1: to communication system, what channels to be On and how to reach the super riser? . Introduction to ?Codes? -- Trainer and trainee studied all codes listed on the back of employee badges and CI tested each other? - Introduction to ?Patient Rounds? Trainee read the ?Patient Rounds and Levels of Observation? poiicv and procedure and has been familiarlzeo with all forms associated: . introduction to. ?Patient Belongings Searching and Documentation? Cl - Trainee read the ?Patient Belonging :?5earching and Documentation? poiicy and procedure, has been familiarized with all forms associated and has been shown the search room? Patient Rounds and Levels of Observation Trainee properly conducted and dog umented rounds at the appropriate time El intervals for at ieast 4 hours under the supervision of the assigned trainer? Trainer has explained how to: 1. Login to OfficeSES using th 3 computers in one of the Management of?ces. . - 2. Download all fonns associai ed with patient rounds to the desktop to have an icon for each unit. How to use adobe to update and printthe roUnds sheets at the end of . -. each Shift. . . - . Trainer has introduced the RSS shift note form and explained the procedure and filing system? . - Patient Belongings?Sea rching and flocumentatlon Trainee properly conducted a mock beg search and documented all ?Patient Cl Belongings? in the correct areas of 1 he ?Avatar Quick Notes? sheet? Trainee entered at! iterns listed on the ?Avatar Quick Notes? sheet into the ?Resident Valuables Form? located Auate'r? ?Cl Trainee filed the Avatar quick note l'orm in the patient'beiongings record binder in the RSS of?ce after entering ell ir formation into avatar? {tithe patient is on El unit 1 the sheet is stored in the unit 1 agree) I Trainee has been shown the location of the hygiene closets on ali units and is familiarized with the sign out sheet and procedure? Cl . Attendance, Puncttiallty, Time Off end Call Outs . Trainer has explained proper proto 'for requesting time err, cail outs, returning bank from breaks and punctuality? I memes: understands the start and ?nish times of eachshift end Understands the importance of starting and ?nishinget the assigned times. E3 Day: 7em~3:3l3pm Evening: Spin-11:30pm Night: 11pm?7SOem ms eosron CENTER FOR Mormon TREATMENT RECOVERY SUPPORT HIRE ORIENTATION PACKET DATE Trainee has'been shown the appr oved areas for patients to smoke and has Reel1 ired RSS Trainings Eli (Print Namei Trainee has been shown?how to access the shared R55 sc'heduie in the outlook emaii?a ccount? p?er id em and part time staff should check this often . El - and will use this to pick up available shifts. - Trainee has been showed which computers should he used to punch upload ADP to the desktop? (if you?re scheduled on unit 8 you should use the Manage ment offices on unit B?to punch in and out, l3 same goes for unit 1.) Introduction to. Groin: Facilita?c n-Preparation/Facilitation . Trainer assisted in helping tralne 3 choose a group. from Share-Point to i. Trainer assisted with preparatior of the group? (l.e.'Share Point, where to locate paperwom, slippiies, handouts, setting up the Cl . projector setting up PoWerPoints, videos and some tips on time management) Trainee was successful in a group from SharePoint and was ahie to keep within the appropriate time frame? Ci introduction to Group Notes Trainer demonstrated how to locate and ?ii out the ?Group Note? form and C3 ?individualized Note? form in the Avatar system. Introduction to Notes . . - Trainer eXpiained what a ote is (Data, ASSessment, Plan) and how to write a group note in SAP formed in the aiiotted time frame? Trainee practiced-writing at least 3 group notes in DfiP format under the supervision of an assigned traine Ci Trainee entered 3 practice group notes in formatinto the Avatar system? Cl introduction to Morning/Evening Group Facilitation Trainee observed a morning and evening meeting? Cl Trainee facilitated a morning meeting or an evening meeting ?at least once? 1 Group Facilitation Competencies Trainee has completed and p353e assigned Reiias Learning competencies? El . (This shouid he completed within your ?rst 90 days.) - Fresh Air Breaks . - Cl been explained proper procedure . n. own on m" .4. .. Searching patient belor important duties of the R1 Read the Full policy and A new admission 1. 2 are pro!" This sheet 1 receptionist. The birth, and patient receptionist will tl come down and gr Recovery Support Staff uide for Searching Patient Belongings gings can be a tedious and time consuming job but is in fact one of the most :covery Support Staff here at BOAT. it is important that we keep any items that ibited off the unit forthe safety of our patients and our staff. will serve as a quick reference to guide you through the process. pro?edure located in the binder labeled ?Patient Belongings Record? in each R55 of?ce? . rill arrive in the front lobby leaving all belongings at the front desk tutti) the eceptionist?willthen tag/label the belongings with the patients name, date of num her and not the bags in the receptacle Dioxide of the front lobby. The en call the unit that the patient is being admitted to and request that an RSS it the belongings. The belongings must be picked up and brought to the search more withib 15 minutes of being put in the receptacle are not able to gotta the search night away? 15 minutes. Once the items be you will needle: A. Locatethe "Au last], patient it their ?rst naml Make sure you when clothing make donumenting Once mu must still pick up the items and bring them to the search room within the re been broughtto the search room and you are ready to begin the search I enter Resident Valuables Quick Sheet?- Write the patient's full name (?rst, number and the staff member conducting the search should always put 1 and last initial on the sheet as well always out safety ?rst and wear gloves and utilize the pen lights provided I belongings Carefully turn ever the bag and dump all items out on the table As you are searching the sure to sort by category Le. pants, shirts, socks. This saves a lot of time when the sheet. Make sure to check EVERYTHING. is searched and documented place all approved {tents in a brown paper bag and iabelit clearly with the patients ?rst name and last initial. These items are now ready to go back to the Any duf?e bag" )E?ent. suitcases nurses or tote bags are not permitted. Any items deemed unsafe ?miscellaneou should be liste belongings for patient. All information her system in the "resin be stored in the bin patient transfers to shnuld be stored' Ill the du?ie or and kept safe In the search room contraband? section. the duf?e or suitcase being stored and with a brief description. This helps us when we are gathering a patients iischarge. Oncethis is complete you can bring the searched items backto the 1 the paper sheet will need to be submitted into the avatar med record ant valuables form". After info has hoen logged into avatar the sheetshould tier labeled "patient belongings record? located in each 855 of?ce. tithe another unit at any time the sheet should be transferred also. Guide Due to the serious nature of are at risk for seizures or Othl and emotional are alsa their substance uSe disord compaeslo note, respectfu This sheet will 1. Patient rounds-forms w?rth an accurate torn 2. Once you have resale count the patients an 3. it ls very Important .th re?ected on the roun 4. On a my medical detox detox patlents. On an standard for all reside 5. Rounds areto be com completed early. 6. Whenevera round is: room should he look: be locked: 7. If Moraine staff increa increased Obsenratlon in each R55 of?ce. 8. After completing the ll reference to set up a occurred during the 5% the appropriate 5th ?Please refer nun-"um" u. n? IW Recovery Support staff for Rounds and Levels of Observation medlcal complications that can accompany the withdreWal period, patients :r adverse medical events during their Initial hospitallzatlou. Anxiety, Stress present at time, as is exp?ctecl any patient seeking treatment for an. The Boston Center for Addiction Treatment is to providing and high quality treatment while utilizingthe least restrictive means to ensure the sail-{arty ofall patients and staff. serve as qt?ok reference to guide you through the process. should be updated at the end of each shift, enshring that each shift begins [4 ad the rounds form from the 853 on the previous shift you should always 1 cros's referenCe with staff to easune the count ls correct. is form. uriit rounds will he conducted every 30 minutes as standard for all ,r residential unlt (C83) rounds will he condoned every El) minutes as ntlal patients. plated as assigned, at theapproprlate time interval ancl never to be Ol?ljpleted all patient?s rooms should be checked also. Am; vacant patient :1 at all times lfthere IS a patient assigned to that room the door should ses the level of oboewatlon on a patient to 15 minute rounds or ill the forms can be found in the ?patient rounds" binder?hls binderels located 151 round for your shift, you should use the current rounds sheet as a tee: sheet for the oncomlog shift Make sore to update any changes that ift. File the completed rounds sheet In the patient rounds binder under Patient Rounds and Levels of Observation? policy and prooedure located in the pa?ent rounds binder in each R55 of?ce"- at any room strangely new admits, discharges or trensfefs are Immediately Recovery Support Staff Gui :le for Rounds and Levels of Observation - Due to the serious nature of medicai complications that can accompany'the withdraWal period, patients are at risk for seizures or +ther adverse medical events during their initiai hospitalization Anxiety, stress . and emotional la are aiso present at this time, as is expected with any patient SEeking treatment for their substance use disorder The Boston Center for Addiction Treatment is committed to providing compassionate, respectful and high quaiity treatment while utilizing the least restrictive means to - ensure the safety of all patients and staff. This sheet 'u rill serve as a quick reference to guide you through the process. Patient rounds forms should be updated at the end of each shift, ensuring that each shift begins with an accorate form. - - aived the rounds form from the 383 on the previous shift you should always and cross reference with nursing staff to ensure the count is correct. Once you have for: count the patients it is very important that any room changes, new admits, discharges or transfers are immediately reflected on the re On any medical det detox patients. On standard for ail resi Raunds are to be cc completed early. a round i rooms should he [on never be'locked. if Nursing staff [not increased observatic in each R55 of?ce. After completing the reference to set up a acourrecl during the i the appropriate shift *Piease refer to the form. ox unit (ATS) rounds Wiil be conduoted event 30 minutes as standard for all my residential unit (CBS) rounds will be conducted every 60 minutes as dential patients. mpieted as assigned, at the appropriate time intervai and never to he 5 completed ail patient? 5 rooms shouid be checker! also. Any vacantpatient iced at all times. if there is a patient assigned to that room the doorshould ases the level of observation on a patient to 15 minute rounds or 1:1 the forms can be fodnd in the "patient rounds? hinder. This binder is faceted iast round for your shift, you should use the current rounds sheets; a new sheet for the oncoming shift. Make sure to update any changes that :hift. Fiie the completed rounds sheet in the patient rounds binder under ?Patient Rounds and Levels of Observation? policy and procedurelocated in the patient'r'ounds binder in each 355 office? I Here at BCAT we use onl and I expect that all R55 1. 2. 3. litecovervgir Support Staff Guide for Group Facilitation evidence based treatment for our patient?s We work hard on our curricuium staff will stick to the schedule and to the assigned group for thattim eframe This sheet will serve as a quick reference to guide you through the process The night shi?: groups are kept in the day and eveni up 30 minute's bef chairs, pens or per laptop is charged 2 before grouo begi: Stick to the room a are printing and setting up the groups for the day and evening shift The are the start time Le. the room-is clean and presentable, there are enough cils, suf?cient number of handouts, you have a group attendance sheet,? ed ready and the patients are rounded and ready for group 15 minutes - for that group. lffor any reason, you cannot Use the room assigned (2311 your direct supervisor or taik to the Ciinicai Coordinator on shift. Food and drink are not permitted in the group rooms except for water. 4. should be standing in front of the group not sitting with the patients. 5. Welcome each patient individuailv. 6. Have ea ch patient ttending write their name on the group attendance sheet. 7.. Provide a dear explanetio'n of the group module to all patients attending. 8. Follow the format and content :3?th module. 9. Utilize diswssion qt estions provided to engage ali group participants. 10. Use the group atten dance sheet to write any notes or quotes you want to remember for later. 11. Actively moderate group discussions to ensure no one participant dominates the discussion. - 12. Keep the group discussion soiution?focused arid strength-based. . 13. Make sure to demor strate re?ective listening skiils and vaiidate participa nt?s feelings. 14. Provide a?brlefsumrTary concluding the group effectively. 15. Make sure to have itieots remove any cups or trash they brought in with them. group note 5 maid be written on each patient who attended immediately a?erthe cohclusion of the group? a labeied folder located in each RSS office. This eliminates a lot of work for . shifts. it is still your respOnsihilitv to" make sure that your group room is set During the initial intake brocess the patient should be asked to remove all items from their pockets and Patient Valuables Searching and Documentation give to the admissions counselor Le. cell phones, wallets, Checkbooks, cash etc. Once this has been completed follow the steps below. fiPatients are never allo wed to have unsupervised accets to cell phones, any electronic devices with 7? 1'0, internet mess/camera; or cash, creditr debit or gift cards of any?ldnd.* Using the valuable envelope and the valuables face sheet provided document all items within the wallet. Make are to thoroughly search inside each pocket or section of the wallet. Make sure to ask lite patient if they brought a cell phone or any other valuables. Once the cell phone has been documented in detail make sure to let the patient know that they will have VERY limited access to their cell phone so now is the time to hate them write down any numbers they? ll be needing during their stay with US. Make sure to have them turn all the cell phone when this is We should encour; know that ifthev completed and place it in the envelope with other valuables. ge all patients to lock up any expensive Jewelry and make sure to let them ecline we will not be responsible if the item gets lost or stolen. The staff member a ompieting the search must make sure to Write the patients full ?rst and last name on the face 5 meet. Staff who completed the search must also list their first name and last initial in the appro; date spacet This search should je completed in front of the patient. Allitems should be listed on the face [sheetin as much tall as possible and checked off by the patient. All items listed on ti face sheet must be entered into the sections of the "Res dent Valuables Form?, in Avatar. After this has been done, the patient should provide an ectronic signature before leaving admissions- i have provided a sa nple envelope and face sheet as a quick reference forany staff?thatneeds it. I evill leave one in each admissions of?ce. Upon completion of-the valuables Search all envelopes Ishobld be immediately locked into the ?le cabinet designated for patient vaIUables. The envelope should be filed according to the first letter of the patient; last name. The ?le cabinet shoe be locked and the door to the office should be locked. . If a patient ever has More?than one envelope make sure to Write ?avoid patient?s leaving items behind atterdischarge. Emmy: I ecove So 0118 eeialist [13655211111th Clinical Re orts totRecovegLilu Jport S_pervisor Coingetencies: Elli] 1 Recover? Centers 0fAm;:rioa Customer Serviee: Demonstrates concern for meeting iatemal and external customers? - needs in a manner that provides satisfaction for the customer within the resources that can . be made available. Problem Solvimgz Identi?es problems, involves others in Seeking solutions, Conducts appropriate analyses, searches for best solutions; responds qt?oldy to new challenges Communication and ability to oh so appaopriate effective ways to eonndunicate to wdieaces diverse situations Flexibility: Is 0p in respome to no . rapidly to new Sl Time Manageme e??orts. on the mo Sp eci?e Responsibilities: Monitor patients, include but not limited. to, IeVel cards, monitor patient?s activities and record. patient behavior. o?ciency: Comfortable using a broad range of oommim?oa styles, to change and new information; adapts hehavior and work methods . information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles Adjusts aliens wanaating attention and resolution. Uses bis-of be: time effectively and e?ciently; concentrates his or her important priorities; adep?y' handles several tasks at once; prOvide security checks through shift, completes documentation to Assist in telephone intakes. Participate in direc therapeutically. Assist in activities monitoring of patii?ts. Understand the $011133 patient care including ensuring patient safety, interaeting of daily liviag transports; assists with physical-deemala?on and the eiples of 12~Step Programs and how they apply to the recovery - process ofthe addidted client. - Aid and insanet clients in facilitatioa and presentation of the 12 Step self help recovery Flexible to meet patient and sta?' needs. Iden??i and document adolescent client behaviors. Position Classi?cation: Non-Exempt Position Overview: P: xtioipates inthe delivery of individual client care. I Minimum Quali?cations: QHOG . lJernonstraIes appr residents, families, . Exhibits excellent mar relation skills as evidenced by sopportive and constructive May be responsible for using a Compmy vehicle to transnort patients from Various locations to get them into treatment. High school diploma or equivalent and one~year eXperienee wo?cing With addiction semces; - . Excellent organiZa?irnal-skills with the ability to prioritize workload and rneet deadlines.- Must be able to worl in a fest~paced environment. Must have a valid state driver?s license. Must have strong laiowledge of a variety of compiner software applications in word processing, spreadsheets and presentations (MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint). . Some familiarity wi behavior modi?cation or l2~step modality Understands need for and ?nal-e con?dentiality at all times when interesting with patients, itors, referral sources and all other contacts. - - commtmication wi all oontaets including eoworkers, paiients, residents, visitors, families and referral sources. - . Work Environment: This ob operates in a professional o?iee environment This role raininely uses standard of?ce equip eat such as computers, phones, photonpiers, and ?ling cabinets. The noise level in the work earn ronment is usually moderate. Physical Demands: While performing the duties of this position, the employee is regularly required to talk or hear. 1e employee ?eqUently is required to use hands to ?nger, handle or feel objects, tools or contrils. The employee is occasionally required to stand; walk; sit; ranch with hands and arms; 313113th or balance; and stoop, kneel, preach or crawl. The employee must occasionally lift and/or moi/e objects up to 25 pounds. Speci?c vision abilities required by this position include close vision, distance vision, color, vision, peripheral vision and the ability to adjust focus. Travel: Travel is pn'rnariFy loeal during the business day, although some out?o?the-znea and overnight travel may be ex; meted. Employee Signature Dale