. \erf of t^e e3nitset0itp of iSonfi Carolina Collection of Bott^ Carolimana W^i0 booh tDa0 pte0enteti UNIVERSITY OF N,C AT CHAPEL HILL 00032769567 must not he taken from the Library building. T/i7s fooofc M.J ADDRESS ^ -AT THE- UNVKILINO OK THK Confederate Monument ^T RALEIOH, NIAY By Col. 20rt-L, Alfred C, 18©S. Moore Waddell. WILMINGTON, LkGwin ISr. Bros., Printers iSg?. N. C: ami Binukks, Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 with funding from University of Nortii Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/addressatunveiliOOwadd Xx.' ADDRKSS. I salute you wifli uiit'eiiiiied emotion, luj^ counti'ymeii and countrywomen, upon tlie return of tliis liistoric day whi(di you liave assembled here to leeonseerate liy a new act of piety and patriotism. Tt niaiks an epoch in our annals. It is indeed a monumental day, and one upon whi(di the women of Xorth Carolina, who havp wi'ouii'ht lonii' and unceasingly, and have waited for its dawnina,-, may reverently repeat the words of the Psalmist and say, ''This is the day whi(di the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." A year ago, in the pi'esence of thronging thousands, and witli imposing ceremonies whi(di were crowned by yon laid the corner-stone of this which now, in finished beauty, stands sentinel in the western gateway (d'your C'apitol. The work of the artist and the artisan is done. Beneath their transfoi'uiing ton(di this column, rough hewn from tlie ribs of the everlasting hills, with base tirm-set and summit lifted high, now towers before you in majestic and graceful proportions. So the genius of Christian civilization shajjes the homely virtues of a brave and splendid oratory, structure, true people into the nol)le edifice of free government. It is dumb granite, but it is not voiceless to us and will not be to our children, for it will be appeal to their pride and patriotism. It stone, but instinct with glorious memories. a perpetual is inanimate It is a silent fi't^iiiofial. fuit jHtPiii. 'ri<-f (Mir iinlitl't'i (Mil ho has ipcpiitly inadf iiical t<'ii([t'r will tiaiislate (lf>ly ymi r(»(lay in ti-acp in no wliidi n\' soldier cmh liistoiy. a]ing-. Ilistury, as written, if .'icepted in futdie \'ears will cunsit;!! the South to infainv. If she were ..uiltv of i"el)^'llion or treason, il she adopted ami elung' to l)arl:)arisms, 'eiiti.i' -ii:^, :iiid uiiiiioi-ali'LU's. llieH Iili [iL'oi-ii- \\ i.i '-e ^IolIil-^, as it \>.-'^ tl estal>lisltnH'Tit truth <>( , vvitli tile tallied shirt of Xessus, fatal to honor, to ener^-\'. to nol)le develop- .Meiit, to ti'ue lite." And ' ';e Now. a\ I'itej- hisioi'y tin' accp])t('d jiivvions histoiy says : help I'ecallino nann-Iy. that We liot If we like, war. I lati' Sontheinei'. readinu a seemed okhai lie is like rlie if. eanmit him 'like a ehild's liox(d' s}>e l any word \\>' ]»least'. sy kimlness and (diarity, but with camhtr ami — the nnvarnislit'd plaifi trntli concei'iiinu- he canses of and the it-spon ability for the war in wliicdi ; r he iiKMi to sacrificed, I'ittei' w hose if levilinu- memory this is land this monument is erected, were not an occasion for vain reu'rcts or it is noti. neither is it a time foi or a 'false spTiriiiiPiiT bt'cause truth tlif many iiidilference to duty i)e a to fJtein man say Let no diu'ginii' 1o 11}) intention, and ! now is buried, upt that f(*r tliat \V(»rld it f to and n(»t if fntd ] it to shall. duty in dist'hargina]'bai ous, rrriel traitors l)efore and the relx'ls, without the slightest justilication or excuse, souulit to destroy the best ,f as si'r><(ti)ii whi(di otlu'i' in Statn i\'icli rli<' final ackiiowlrd^rd and iianind tliein sovprt'iuii in I'riraiii, and infi) a (<"ni])acr (»f tht'V of wliicli t'licli (JrHar it. 178;!. ill fi't't\ Tlipy Hiitcrrd to Staffs. indcjipiidi'iit ii«i\('innit^nr i-iMimI .\rti(dHS()f ( with t';i(di 'niif*' it :i from A\hi(di. w Ikmi fonin^d. was (hdi licra t>dy i'()rni that :i was n tlie very wliicli framed the Constitiif ii^n.'' t'a<'p of stands out erei fying the Constitution, And announeed, \'iruiiiia in rati tlie tliat y,ranted therein miuht We lesnnied wliene^vejsliould he iH-iverted people. New to- Yoi-lv.. in tlie- ywfipfr-^ the Convention itruceedino-s of tlie ]io\vers. tlie same injury or oijpre.ssion of the I'atifyina'. made the same decln and e;ie i deidared that every ]»ower not u'ranteMl remained to tlie States. North Carolina, for several reasons, <)]ie of wiiieh u;is tlie selfish and sectional j'ation. Massadmsetts and other New Kni;' land States^ i-efused to a<'cede to the new u-oveinnienr, ami remained, as she had always heeii. a separate, sovereign and independent State, for nearly two years, until Noveml^er 21st, J 780, Avhen. I)eing ])ersuaded that her donbts and fears were not well founded, she joined tlie> eleven ratifying States, Kliode Island held hack until May 20th, 1700, and then expressly reserved the right to withdraw whenever, in her opinion, her interests spii-it manifested requij-ed l>y it. The idea that the l^)nstitution wlnde i)eople (d' all was (rdaim'd by the the States acting as (»ne aggregate nation was never suggested until nearly fifty years after its adoption, and the pretence that theie was any to interfei-e with the separate sovereignty to coerce, a State in i:ny wa}', if it liad have been instantly repndiated, and. W(uild have dissolved of. riglif much less been mad<^ would if insisted upon. the Convention then and tliej-e. The Constitntion id' the I'nited States was to be the supreme law of the land, by mutual agreement of the States, l)nt no sn(di grant of power as that (d' <'(.ercing a State was contained in the (Constitution, and all powers not gi-anted were I'eserved to the States, or to the pe(»ple. The States created a ii'overiiment of limited powiTs and the limits vvere detiiied in the instrument and creatin.ii' it. yet, notwithstandinii' this un([uestional)le tint h. tiieif has been from the violent l)ei;innini;- and successful and a persistent, effort to transform it linally a into a con- solidated nation. between theXoitli and the South, which had existed from the beu-innina'. and whicli was the great source of anxiety to patriots of thar day, increased with the ever-increasing wealth and power of the North, and with this ever increasing power ami wealth came (naturally, if you choose, a growing im})atience of any restraint u}»on their action, and a stronger The antaii'onism of interests ) temptation to disregard those provisions of the Consti tution which had been put into ii for the protection of the minoriry and the ])i'eservation of the equality of the This tendency was increased by tlie fact tliat. by the acquisition of territory the Federal (iovernmenr had l)ecome the creator of States, instead of being, as at the beginning, their creature a fact which explaiiied. States. — l)ut did not justify, the claim of the right of coerciou over the original parties to the coin])act. to he remembered that given by the South ehts from it l)ur it is a large [)art of this teri'itory — that the North reaped — that every concession (d" all ever was the l)en- any kind which — w^as made, was made by the South that in every war. the Revolution, the war of 1812, the Florida and Indian wars, and the war wdth Mexico, she furnished largely more than her proportion of soldiers and claimed far than her proportion of pensions— and that in all the legislation of Congress conferring trade bounties, or less commercial or financial benefits, the North was alwavs I 10 r lie Ix-iH'ticinrY. nidt'iilly iii:iiliiMl uivr tlie'sp lit'iHTal 1(1 ( ( S( ) cinciilN st:i and say that to it iiored.or siipcrfd at. passed t h»^ and t Eiiiiland of the uTeat ]>ro!i-i-e'ss not attfm]>f and wai ( and the (d' ion. iit execution })ul>lic intluence of this hostile tion to the its leader (d' the law in New acted. si)irit. b^inally. a Ixxly of stu'zed aiseiial. Har- and inaipuuratinii' a accom})animents of r.apine of the first tion of the country time that insurrecti(Ui was in his the history \' void."" resisted, w niiiiis law as an act of ail»itiary Court sustained the tlie and the was openly whi(di wliicli was openly and insolently a Staff whose olHeers ha:t' iijioii ln-refoi'H. ('oiiu'te'ss nisi;anct' nient of l)een nil oil of ;is I Stales niilliru'd acts delied. i-h >. SiiHicc f-ni Sdutli rlin llie rilioli. liistoiy l»asc(l. stni,ii;u'le ai-n Still iit'vtT. ('(Mii^e*, (if dt^.'iilcd ;i h) l(»y;il is iiii])(»ssilil<'. It lo Soiitii tlit^ of the Constitution 11 }ir»'vi(us i<']iiil)lics III] '(l at which rlie Tiieaii )>y ISl."). : infraL'tions nf the ar.il lih'Tty <>i nut nnly the n.^ht Imi tlic (hity mI' such State t<« intcrpi sttheir in>t(.'cti<>n in the manner best ealeiihited to seenre of (Ic'libL-ratf, daiv^xTnus ii-iTiNi: I iiK that When :-.( ivi I: I i(;\i and \ pal]iat>!L- SiAir Ml} 111 : eir.i.'i\!.4\-neies oeenr common which have no '\\n decisions." J(»lii] wliieli adnnt .riliunals, or too prL'ssin^- to ' \vii. Is the liaitf^ud Coin cut (lid \\li;i( tile reaeli i>t judiieal to tlieir foi'ins. States are either lie\-ond dehi\- ol ineHknt umjiire, nuist he tlieir own nidj^'csand execute their ? (^iiijicv A(hniis. that iS-JS, ill I'ciiai'd to in a IctiPi- iiiovi'iiKi'iir. OHcciiiliei' :)(»th. (d' said : That their oliject was, and had been lor severad vears, a dissolution of -lie Union and the estahlishmLiit ol a separate Cont'edeTation he knew trom une((uivocal evitleuce, althou,i;h not ))roval)le in a court ot law and ; that in ease of a civil war, the aidof (ireat I'.ritain. to effect that puri)ose. would be assuredly resorted to, as it would be iiidis])ensablv necessary to "lieir desii;-ns." Was jde, i ()]• Joliii (^)iiiii('y A(hmis a Mn^y uuilty. as w.vre own slaii(hM'<'i' id' liis lie })hiiiily allt'ut'il. ieas()ual)]e dt'siiiu to subvert tlu^ ui >vei]iinHnt in a il.ii'e and ask distress, tlie lebels id' and M ho liave and nui'sed I N(^w Kniilainl. in 1780. Fi'oni Avitli l»eated in bSlf), tliese it foi' there was ]71)4. a Yet tliese aie aliout Sontheiii ( and secession were 1 a]ii)eal to will 170(5 concerted api)eaj' that, tfiis beoinninu' in 180(). })lan and from •'Was so far matured, that the proposal to }.ermit himsell, at the proper time, to be re- ISO.") and of secession said had been made to an it and state- over .lay's treaty, and to union—a plan which John Qnincy Adams tary movement, which, execution." l>oiai writei-s the vei'ilication of the excitement 17U2, time of plain and undeniable trutii hat nullification records of that section ment. the lond(-st ci'ied traitoi's, wlieii tlie liistoi'y is, a assistance of (ireat I'ritain in The accomjilishnieiit of their imijiose rh(^ )eoj)le ])(^o^ of to dis- : individual placed at the head of the miliwas foreseen, would be necessary to carry it into 13 Daniel WebsteT. wjio l»i()ui';i}ilH'i' ol' 'IMit' T Senafois from Massnchusetts, after lie " nnfortunately tlie facts were against now one is ailniirrinu' '" Mi'. argument that the ('onstitntion was not a tween the States, goes on to say of that \\V])ster's eom}ta('t be- : When ih'j Cuiislitutiun was adopted bv the votes of States at Philadelaud accepted by the votes of States in popular conventions, it is safe to say that there was not a man in the country from Washington and Hamilton, on the one side, to George Clinton and George ^Mason on the other, who regarded the new system as anything but an experiment entered into bv 'he States, and from which each and every State had the riglit to peaceably withdraw, a right which was verv likely to be exercised." •• phia, And this yet, same compelled liistorij. is biogi-apher, pen to this who, u-Jieii irr/fiiKj candid paragraph, is the author of a Force Bill against the Southern people, and a representative of the extremest views of Massa- chusetts. There are arrest at least three extraordinary facts which will attention of the future student of American tlie history in connection with secession. One is that, not- withstanding the right of a State to secede was disputed, and, after acrimonious discussion, was finally fought over for although four years, when the struggle ended, amendments w^ere added to the still, tliree different Constitution of the United States to secure the freedom, and the civil and political rights of the negro race, there was no amendment adopted, or offered, denying the right of secession and that, therefore, so far as any : declaration in the Constitution just as it is concerned, it remains was before the war. Another — and it borders on the absurd — is that out of the forty-four States of the Union, there are just nine two border States, (West Virginia and Maryland) and one of the Western States (Nevada, of the seceding States, h 14 was Aliicli how deny riolis Nortlieru uiiaiM ieo (h' iionnced secession as who was 'aiif fact iiioiisl chai'actei'i/ed as ihe arch tlie abandoned ,ud\erninent 'oiislit ii- relieliion. )'ef was auainst lieeii l»eLinn for de- wiien he iiailor ;ind rebel iheni rhe alMioiiLih vehenienrJy and y and tn'a^i'ii that. is nred. and after procecdiims hail him. ( of secession. tlir liullt third extra(»rdinaiy 'I'lie wliose the wai) diiiiim' adiiiittt'd some other reason than c'emency to him. conrse these )f ( way \ always or another. Imt there has will be iie hinu- ha e Ixmmi aeconnted for in one t a 1»(di(d' fonnd Now. ;i in lie. mi ami always explanation of them will that the trne the fntnre history of the (•(.nntry. the oilier Liieat ' crime \\'« n'ds a b< III few d' t ( jieojile, which shocked the moral sense of Xorthern brethren and caused them to visit them with iii-e and sw(n(l. and lay waste theii' honies. the Southern Hieir Slavery existed and the sla\e trade in its most ciaud form, was condncted by hor jieople for a hundred years Itefoi-e 'Soith Caiolina bc^'anie a State. Som(^oflli(^ laru'est w(M'e bast'd n ion and in it. ex}iorte(l tliem and. Worse still, Massacdinset fortunes in Is. ]Nfn\ Tlu'y not only aiiaiii. but white slaves. Kniilaml im]iorfed t(»-day neui-oes. they sold Indians als(). Mis. Karle. a New En,u- who wrote a book entitled ••('nstonis ami Fashions in ()ld New I^iiizlaml."' says amoni^- other lande]-, thinus of the same kind; Soiithei'ii m'wspa]»e]s ••! have ne\ au- seen ad \ei-tistMiients iti any m'uro sales (»f that surpass in lieartlessness and viciousiu'ss the adver- tisements of our ('eldlll'y. ofhrr Ne,<4ro New England ii/rrcJi// tlic jionnd, Kdwards [>ro it-rty. a (IS owned iieuro boy."" 15 Wlieii Tlioiims au'aiiist ( Jroru'c peiidence. ]u^ ( ,lriV(M'S(»ii lie put 'Tliiid. in as of the slave ti'ade nu <)nt. was in ixMiiiiiiu' tlic 1 one of the )('claiati<)ii outi'aut'.-; but tlie ('olonies, iiKlicriiiHiiT liis it IikIh <>f I'oi'ciim tlif was stricken not only for the sup})osed benefit of the Sonthei'ii ^^tates. bnt becanse i-etiected it on the slave tradei's of Massachnsetts and Rhode Island, whose slave shi])s infested tlie seas in the ti'afhc. Maiyhind, \'iiiiinia, North Carolina, Sontli Carolina and (leoi'i^ia had all passed laws either piohibitin^' the importation of slaves, or iniposinu' a very heavy tax per head on them. In the 178(t dnty of North Carolina law was passed, ini])osinu' a five })ounds pei- head, which was very nearly thr' valne of a slave at that time, l)nt the next y^-ai' the New P^n^land ami extreme Sonthern States cond)ineMl. and a compromise was inserted in the Constitntioii l)y which rhe slave trade was })rolon_ii-ed until 1808. As a domestic institution, slavery existed in every when the Coirstitution ])i'ovided for in was adopted, and instrur:ient. tjiat of the I'nited States, in that tile "was State except many protection of the was expressly The Su}>reme cases, ri'ssi(iiis had l)een formed. Tlie his History tl .' ;iil' >ii y t syiii]i;ir]iy tlin was feeliiiLi- the tin,' ;is to foi'eiiiii to the the South was William u(>\"ei-in)ieiir exjii'essed l)y contained in pnolisiied State's, I'lnteil (if altliouuh e^-ei- sijiee the followiiiu- seiite]ic<\ ill while Sfart's. with false dies slave powtM'." till,' ti'iu' (d' f\cirH ;nistur tlie would nwiKTslii]) nr lint, hUiL-k (it' ciiulil Tidt, niL-n. 1 de,i;'ree of moral and And when the such fi-lockadi'd ;) ui'adnally stri])i)ed of jioit. forces, litdiiiiiiLi' tin' at jueans coniiMoiH'st pay him for his services, ami and staivation. Still, thi'oniih of snUsislenci". njiable to iinallv ifdnci'd ra,us alh cvrii to the last nionifni. hf stood it (,iit to ]iatiHnl, (dict'rl'nU self-saiTilicini:.. l>ra\ • (•;iii withhold .'iiid honor, dam I and .Inst as at of '-- nM't. man da r<' fa lifhl lia(d< tioii from iidlt'xil>h'. ^ ("ai'idinai the foinia ;it with characteristic conserva- nssent, in the lio])e id' an annca adjnstment. nntil the jwocla mat ion (d* tlie newly deeded sectional {'resident, calliimon hei' for troops to war oil her Southern sisiej-s, fell uiioii hei' ears, and l)le sonl. lii'ed jna' ( )n this sh(^ auain ileclared fo]- battle. selves \\drihy 1 Fidi themse \fs (d* hi^^toric l)itrst. '. oi' dead, :!4 years a.u'o, four years for Il(t\v Did they their l\e\tion last at I foe. I point on that stone, "First at 3^-^ Bethel, ikTHAiiNdl^." CO(^U'^t^<^^ky^^i^^ appeal T and the to the recoms. written alike tender her poll-list of voters of total of her by friend and 1861— 118, (»()<). Confederate rank and tile — 125, Odo. 19 I point to of the tlie fact tliat sli^^ tsoldiei.s dt' contributed nearly one-tifth (-onfederate tlie one-fourtli of those killed in ])attle army — — fliat sin- lost than one-fourth of those who died of wounds she lost one-third of those who died of disease. I the appalling and unprecedented fact cite Uettysburii', her lost tliat slie UKtrn — tliai that at ever-memorable Twenty-Sixth Regiment lost 90 per cent, of the mt-n carried into action. I put in evidence the of Virginia, she left fa<'t more on several l)attle fields and wounded than all that, leeding feet tlie rough line of march, or to labor in the trenches, or Carolina makes to those to lead the way cover a retreat Shall deeds? I into the flaming hell Ask me a or to — her steady answer always was "Adsum." recite the times, volume into of battle, to and the [)laces, condtJise j^ears into^^an word, a prolonged and thi'illing and hour, the a tragedy into a brief sigh. Go, listen to the Atlantic breeze that sings in the pint . •JO fidiii f(>it'j>rs l''l(iri(l;i un. : rivfts of i t liioiiuli lowland hpsidr sit lie 'I or I hi lie I rocky ]>as>>i's, U llicll o\ e - ool< steeji asc'eiiT eafs to hear, from \ eiy ro(d<.- will lirt^e'ze conie and — aiid r(i)diiL:li U}»i rlie »ii MitUlltaill. ol t ll to e Shelia lid liiiii stieani. aye. and Old North Stale. She boasts iiol she never did of any file o;i liarh tliar fioni tie prai-e and id' ui't-nf nisliiim as. stand ,u». ; nf tlif uramlly valley of tril'iite a any ui(N'> ofSollMl lie r sea tlic Lookout (d' \ ulidiuii- Ikid^'e, _\ llifii oi- seek rliey St ificlit's. Is In'ar li. cf ca}»fs tlin t<> of untrr.v rlir ;iml lif S(.iit heiiillfs of Cellietel t }i<'iiiiisi(];i \'ir,iiini;i tli«' liouoi- to riie : liiellts. So far Irniii niolials of tliein, of llieir ow a n. hut has sneer. (»r her of lievel l>eo]tle f o\\ n hetirt. to preserved the turns with uiafitmh" and honest lier ?iie- t<» keep fo] then! ate careful w hich. w heii unkind, degenerate sous disliotior ever bless and ]U('ser\"e a(diieve- h^!' content to snlwritute l>e(ui sacred shrine in her ]ieii;hl)or'< she has it. which < ]iride. May hei'. (lod she for ! His choicest lilessiiu^s upon you. ()li. wiunen of North Carcdina win* lia\e jnti'sued with unI invoke, too. I nau\i;inu- zeal day and dtnotion the nolde dcsiu-n \vhi( h i> tlii-and upo]] whiidi you may n'ow look nccoiiiplished, witli su]ireinest satisfa<'ti(ni. lljonuniellt own exclusively to the State. iKU' do \\<' Vou ( ^ ill havi- not erected this fi^deia te confine our lo\ iu,u l>i.'ad of our frihutes to them alone. W'e eiiduace inendu'aiK'e all in the w i(h' wlio laid sweep down le. From upon the Canadian border to where the warm waves lap softly upon the yellow sand;:? the cold blue lakes 21 of the (riilf. on some and in a thousand inonuments like tliis. a rli(»usaii(l hill-sides vallnys they sleep — some l)eneath innnknown memory of all alike. Tliey deserve sindi tribnte if mortal men ever did. and never was it paid more sincerely than now and here. Stand then, bronze image of liini who wore the gray in i)rivate cemeteries, thonsaiids. alas graves. We I love and honor the ! Tlion canst not meet with calmer mien than did he tlie sunshine and the storm. Xot more enduring is thy granite base than the love on which he rests. Thou art a tri- umph he was God's gift to his country. Thou shalt perish, but he shall live forever in the hearts of of Ai't ; his people. ..,^^^3®S^^^£ .- gr