Forwarded message Frbm: Tara Date: Fri: Aug 25, 201? at 3:23 PM Subject: Re: Can call me again? Td: C?l??lil?iED?fUhCU?t?CbCL? Statement prbvided tb other outlets: The RCMP are near of their investigatibns intc: the Winnipeg Police Headquarters and the Canada Pest Mail Prdcessing Plant. These investigatidns are verv in nature and have required interviews with ever 13d witnesses- In additibn the RCMP have executed at least 15 search warrants and prbductibn drders under the Criminal Cdde. The vblume bf evidence that has been cbllected in these investigatibns has impacted the time required tb investigaticins and the evidence tb the Public Prdsecutibn Service.