Recei'Ved by Registration Unit 08/ 17/2017 1:39:30 PM RealClear World Ukraine's Elections Will Be Free and Fair By. Mikhail October 24, 2012 Select Language With Ukraine '5 Oct. 28 pardiamentary elections just a few days away the country is makj_ngI ?nal preparations to ensure that. they are credible and transparent. The etakes are high. Ukrainian authorities have made it Clear that European int'eg'ration' Is a top priority and therefore the international oo?mmujnity will be watching cleely. We. welcome the scrutiny; As a member of the independent Central Election. Commission (CEC), it is my Job to ensure that the elections are deemed free and fair. My prediction, as I told U. 8. government representatives and non-govemmental organizations during a recent trip to the American capital is that notwithstanding sotne reservations concerning a few technical details this fall's elections will not just meet but exceed international electoral standards for fairness and transparency, This isrin large part duoto new legislation that was designed With assistance from the Venice Commission-and the Organization for Security and cooperation in Europe (080E). The new law was supported by international and domestic experts, and the people of Ukraine. It was adepted by more than 80 percent of Ukraine' 3 parliament mantra-rm inoluding representatives from every f?aCtion- both the ruling coalition and the opposition. The new election law a mixed electoral system under which half the country' 450 representatiyes are elected' In single-member districts and half through proportional representation in a single nationwide cdn?stituency The law lifts the election threshold from three to five percent, prdhibits parties from running tage'ther in electoral coalitions, and removes the option of "vote against all" as a choice on the ballot. While the law includes important refonns several thereof were ruled. unconstitutional by the Constitutional Conrt of Ukraine In April 2012 Those rulings created two. serious legal gaps. in the law. Received by Registration Unit 08/17/2017 1:39:30 PM - Received by ARA Registration Unit 08/ 17/201 7 1:39:30 PM First, there Is. no procedural. basis to incorporate tallies from 115 out-of-country polling stations, representing some 439-, 000 voters living abroad in the final results of elections, which is to be prepared by the CEO by Nov 12, 2012. Secondly, invalidation of the rules allowing. one individual candidate to run simultaneously on a party list and In a single mandate district opened way for a oandidate to run in two or more districts. While the CEC rs trying to resolve the ?rst problem through a resolution the second problem ivill _obviouSIy remain a challenge in May 2012 the CEC unanImously supported a number of important technical amendments necessary to ?ll' In the gaps created by the Coh'stitutio?al Court?s rulings and submitted them to parliament To our disappointment the parliament. failed to pay adequate attention to that initiative. Regardless of such uncertainty, the CEC has prepared and passed moreithan50 resolutions needed to clarify the law and ensure the uniform. application thereof by all stakeholders. Rough Iy 99 percent of these 'resolutionswere passed with a unanimous vote. of- all 15 commission members; And on April28, the redistricting process was ?nished --deemed to be one of the most sensitive issues, much like it is in the Furthermore Ukraine has spent considerable time and resources developing a database of registered voters that is automatically updated on a regular basis. As a result we can be 99 .9 percent con?dent that every eligible voter registration system is one of. the best and mostef?cie?r'it in theworld. With the CEC'still has-a lotdf work to do. For?one, we aim to have webcams at-all 32.1.33 regular polling Stations so that anyone. in the world with Internet access can watch the. elections in real time.? -an unprecedented level of transparency. What Is even more important- -the webcams will record the entire counting process at each regular poil?mg station thus enabling. the CEO to use the respective data for consideration of possible complaints. QSCE and, of course, Fri-fiedom?l-?jpuse, the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic institute and the international Fo_u ndation fer 'E_lectpra_l Systems. We welcome and encourage the participation ef'as many observers as possible to help ensure that Ukraine's electoral process is honest and citedible. We really want new pairti'san, unbiased Observers en the ground ?ivho ca'h accurately tell thestory of this election to the world. We?re con?dent it will be a dead one. The road to a strong democracy is not-always straight and although our joumey has been imperfect, we have come a long way. In 2010. the presidential sleetieh. was pio'notmced clean and transparent a major acoomplishmentas this. was only Ukraine's ?fth predidential eleCtion since declaring independence from theSoviet Unibn in 1991LTh-e CEC will do its best to do even better for the upcoming parliamentary elections. in this regard we continue to rely on the support and the constructive Criticism of all American and European institutions during both the pre- and post-election period This is a pivotal moment for Ukraine. We plan on seizing it. Mikhail is a member of the Ukrainian Central Election Commission an independent body comprised of 15 members, who are each appointed to a 7-year term oy_ Ukraine 5 partiament to supervise and conduct presidential, parliamentary and local elections as well as national and local referends Received by Registration Un'it 08/17/2017 1:39:30 PM - . Reccivdo NSD/FWWistioit - I on Sunday 25 October. the I of Ukraine Will go to the polls to vote in parliamentary elections. These elections come at on hnportant timIeI for the country. which is Iunde logs series of political. Iegaland economic reforms intended make Ukraine more modern. democratic-and prosperous. Electoral rplomn Sundays election takes place under a new electoral lczc- The new law. outlined oolcwIcndI right. helps Ukraine make .. recs towards genuine, democratic electoral processes in line with European standards. it helps Ukraine to deliver free. for and transparent elections. . The new electoral law Irnors than four out eleven ?ye do utics. from both and? I ovemmont. ITho reforms comply . standards put forward by international organisations. They were drafted with the help of the Venice Qommission of the Council of the Organisation lor Security and Cooperation in Europe KYFACTS ABOUTTHENEWELECTORALEYSTEM i Adopladoy meIVerlIcl-Iovn?a Roda on 1-7 November-2911 Supported by deputles. frcm?all political groups I it includes Il